PAGE SIX FOR SPORT WEAR Heavy Silk Broadcloth Colored border on while ground, 5l inches wide. One and thrco quarter yard dress length for $7.95 WEST of ENGfAND STORE Third 'Avenue Phone 753 FOR THAT SLEEPY SPRING. FEELINQ Take a bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Sarsaparilla Compound Enriches and vitalises the blood S1.00 a Bottle Rupert Pharmacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Wash Day Specials 95c Specials 3 bars Castile Soap . . 95c 12 bars P.O. Soap . . .. 95c 1C bars Sunlight Soap 95c 12 bars White Wonder Soap 95c (lkgs. H.C. Wlashing Powder ... . 95c 8 pkigs. Laundry Starch 95o 4 pkgs. Princess Soap Flakijs ... 95c I pkgs. Thrift Soap . . 95c 7 tins Oiimij Lye 95c C tins Oillett's Lye 95c 8 tins Solvent', i' .... 95c 12 bars Wool Soap ... 95c All oilier Soaps and Washing Powders al reduced prices. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575 Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard 25c Mrs. W.T Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Hox - - 989 Phono Orcen 389 Donegal : Tweed Coats $20.00 "Deraers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 fa BOYS IS STILL HOLDING LEAD Five blocks of 025 each out of the total of 5,000. points jiav-i been played, Sid Hoys was lead-J ing Jack, McMHIn.n by 3125 Joj .'jjiu last in mo in Mian; tournament for the champion-fliip of British Columbia. Yeslerday afternoon Hoys scored 025 poilns while McMillan made 103 and last night McMillan won. his first block in defeating Hoys by G09 to 025. McMillan got on" to a great starl last night and had run up 475 to Hoys' It5 but he then ran inl3 a bad break and his opponent almost caught up. Hoys' high iireak of the day 179, and McMillan 101, both in the afler-noon session. TRAP SHOOTING Prize to be Presented to First Member of Gun Club Mak-Ina Perfect 25. Scores were made as follows by members of the Prince Hu-pert tilin Club at the Park Ave. range last night: Joe Scott -.. 19 lr. E. S. h'ait 18 Joe (ireer 17 O. A. Hryant ':. Itf 11. K. McLeod. ....... 15 (icorge Lackey 15 Hour Scott 13 The trans are now in good shape for the season. . The club is' making arrangements to present a trophy to I he first marksman making the perfect 25. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notlc of Application for Bear Llccnea. MUliK is IIKIIUIV (UVI.. thai ihi Hie fill day if June nnt tlx- utiilrrftiaiM"1 lntiiil t" apply In the Liquor Cnnlrul Board for a lirrnre In roperl of prp nili-e rlluale nil Main Stri-et. Maelt. ltaiea at mure unpen, u.i ini sin '!sy of May. tso. C. 11. DAVIES (MIMCiflC J TO EUKOPE I MAKB RFSERVATtOXS NOW i . FROM MONTREAL To Lltarpool May ll. June II Monti-lare May Srt. iune v.'. Miniiiw Julie I. Jlllv j Miintrallll To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwerp May u. June t Melita Juui- i, iune :f) Mllineiloa To Belfnt-Olaigow May SO. June 17 .: Metaxania FROM GUEBSC To Llftrpool May 11 June In M-mircyal To Charbourg-Southairpton-Hamburg May '.. June 3 . tinprr or Si'niland June v. Jul 1 .. Kiiipro of Frame To Balfatt-Glaagow June 3. July I Mnnlnulrn MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE July 3 (Krum .Mi rnreal- .. Marlmb Apply t Arert rerjrbere or . I. tusaibK, ucn. A(V CP.K. Station. Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2630, lan. fac tjr.. Tti2ic Ajtau. Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Tickeis on sale Dally from May 22nd also to Same route bolh ilirec-tious or one way via Vancouver. Tickets on sale May 15th. Return limit October 31, 1926 I nil Information- -City Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. Fur Goats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock or Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave Prince llupert llaseball Associa- entries were received from two teams for the forthcoming league competition. Thee two Applicant, teams are the Sons ot Canada and Cyro Club. It it hoped that a third may yet cuter the Held. The season will be opened about May 17 and, in the meant line, the baseball association will as-isl willi the preparation oT the grounds for the year's play. DollarWeek '5 lb, Sugar and 1 lb, Tudor Tea .. $1.00 3 dor. Fresh Pullet Kgs .. $1.00 2 lb. best Hulk Uuller .... $1.00 1 05c bottle Arggood Sweet I'ick- lcs, and 1 15c bottle 1,000 Island Dressing $1.00 3 lb. McCormick's Sweet Hiscuits $1.00 3 tins Schillings linking I'ow- der $1.00 2 lb. Fresh Ground Corfeo $1.00 (Ask for sample) 6 lb. Cal. Table Fis .... $1.00 1 3 bottles Heinz Catsup ... $1.00 6 tim Peas, Corn or Tomato .... $1.00 13 lb. (iranulaled Sugar .. $1.00 10 lb. Jap Ilice, best .... $1.00 10 lb. !).(!. Peas und 5 lb. Deans A. .. $1.00 4 large tins I.ibby"s Spiiiacu $1.00 2 35c Corn on Cob and 2 -oc J'.N. Hulter $1.00 6 lb. Sugar and 1. tin pure Mum Jam $1.00 1 Hit l'ork and Means with 1 tin Strawberry Jam $1.00 5 lb. Sugar and 1 tin Marmalade $1.00 3 large tins Sliced Peaches $1.00 3 rombs Pure Honey ,. .. $1.C0 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. $1.00 20 rolls Toilet Paper .... $1.00 20 bars While Hwan Soap. . $1.00 13 liars Palmolive Soap .. $1.00 1 Hroorn and 2 cartons Sunlight Soap $1.00 7 lb. Seedless HAiiliftfr .. $1.00 7 lb. Seeded oc-PuTfud Ilaisins U $1.00 3 lb. Ontario CheeV $1.00 3 large tins Libby'g Asparagus Tips ... .. ... ... $1.00 3 doz. Sunkisl Oranges or Lemons $1.00 7 lb. extra Fancy Dry Prunes . . .t. , .... $1.00 'Huy prunes nowliSr 3 MiiK I.ilihv'a TlelrriOnte OP Mai kin's Best Sliced? lUneapplc,& $1.00 7 tins Heinz Pork k Beans $1.00 7 tins Campbell's Tomato Soup $1.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Whipping Cream Dally B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS My Vanity Case is, after all, the HEALTH foundation of beauty and attractiveness. The sparkling eye, the healthful glow and color of the skin, the elasticity of movement these are the essentials of beauty. For this reason many women recognize in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the greatest of beautifiers. You must feel well to look well. You cannot possibly look "your best when you are tired, nervous and irritable. THREE ENTRIES IN i ENJOYABLE CONCERT I INTERMEDIATE SOCCER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There was a meeting of tlm Mrs. William Millar Had Charge B.C.. and iin the land dwrltM-d at I."' j(ln iai ni,.t K I' Itiimiii, '- iMun n,h"l r- nouutfOii, . Murk u. May A. I'rlnw Unpen l.aiKi ueitisiraiKHi nixiru i m me, in tile Cliair, al Wllieii i'iiiimi uujtniMa, nir iw h dw r u w pias or u jite iieu doiiip for mjiMintiim on th pmnles. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food beautifies by forming new, rich blood, by restoring color to the faded checks and by building up the vitality which makes one cheerful and vivacious. The beneficial results of using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food are lasting because by its use you build up energy and vigor in the human system. You feel better and look better, you rest and sleep well, enjoy your meals and know the joys of healthful living. , of Event Last Night Which Was Well Attended Under the auspices of tUe Ladies' Aid of the Presbyleriai. Church with MrV. William Millm in change of arrangements, i successful and well nlU'iided concert Was,- held in the churcii lasr evening. D. C. Mcllae acted as chairman and the program. every item on winch was en cored, was as follows: Select iou Orchestra. Song "I hear a Thrush at Kve." Miss C. Jones. Pianoforte solo Miss May Clarke. Song.- Mrs. W illiam Millar. Heading. Miss Adelia Thut- ber. Song. "Marii." J. II. Davev Violin Sido. (lames McKay. Sonw -' "Carita." Miss C. Jones. Pianoforte Duet Miss Jean irieve and Mis Mary Walter-. Heading Miss Adelia Thurber Selection Orchestra. Song Mr-. William Millar. Song -J. L Davey. Vocal duel A. Clapperlon and K. Davey. TWO TEAMS ENTERED IN BASEBALL LEAGUE At a meeting nf the exeeuliva or the Prince Hupcii Footlntll Asportation lal night entries were received rrom three teams lor the Intermediate League YMacs 'I'niteit Church), Senior High Siliool and Hoyal Caua- lian Naval Volunteer deserve.' The league fixtures will he set Inter and the Intention is ti have the league in operation about May -1. WAR VETERANS UNITE FORMALLY WITH LEGION ffVANT.Ol Villi. t May provincial command 8. The of J he (I.W.V.A. in convention lrcro yesterday reioved. Itself into the final meet (nig and adopted a resolution to enter the tianadiaii Legion or the HrilUh lmpire Service Leugue as n body. In the regular Senior High School baseball game yesterday 'afternoon, the. learn captained by .AIe . Mitchell defeated hat led by Ted TUe by a fcoru of IV to 10. There was a good deal or heavy hitting wjth Ka Kat-suyama,, Alex Mitchell, I'ert'Y Halsler ami Ted Tile making home runs. The game went seven innings, tho Tile aggregation leading until the third. 11. (. Hell refrrerd. Subscribe lo; lt)o Dally News. IsiICCESSFUL DANCE HELDBY REGIMENT Twentv-flve Couples Attended Enjoyablo Affair In Armory Last Evening The First North H.C. JlcRimun' hrld iU. most successful daico ... . l .i... t - .... or 1I(C seaSOJI 111 Wl .vrmuiy night. The drill hall was prettily decorated for the affair which was in progress from nine to two 'ri'elock. Twenty-five couples n- ' Joyed dancing to the tuneful 1 I 1.. . ..r ... !!..!. f llfllillMll 111 Strains ui iiiuan; iu i Arthur's Orchestra. Herresh- incuts were provided by u com-, niitlee horn the ladies' Auxiliary; of the n?imeut convened by Mrs. J AV. Nicholls, wire of the offi-j cer coiiiinaiiding. Serjeant II. A. . Ponder was master of ceremonies and the committee in charge consisted or Cnpl. U. V. llvilt, Ooni-I Miny Sergeant -Major Wright' lavies, Sergeant K. Unwin und Scngcant 1'. I.avrry. INDOOR PICNIC F0R CHILDREN OF UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Tile annual indoor picnic for the children nf the United Church Sunday School took place last night. There was a program of t snugs, recitation, instrumental number ami sketch in the au-Iditorium after 'which the gath-erin adjourned to the social hull ' fa fill JIVflinfltfllllll tft.-aa1kaTM laffA 4rSt'llll k;illiiuriuiii niiuai uaa. IiaiiVI and Oiike were served. There' vvasi la large attemlaiH-e und everyone I had a very enjoyable time. Karlj I flame presiileil and the event t I was .umv ii-il by the leaclien! I atul frrii-.T nf tin- Sunday ScIkmiI. Cunard Line Anchor Donaldson Line Canadian Service MONTREAL To Liverpool Aiirama Junr I. July t. .in To London allhHi al l"H iif ii li im iH-rUMiry M-auu .. May ft. at.tac- Jim m MiMKita . . Junr j. J il :t. Am. ' Alatmia J It. Jul) Hi. n. U Viil-uua J iiiw Id. July t3. nr f" To Bolfast and Glasgow I riin. . . May 1. itnw il. Jul) .i Athrnia .. June II, July . Ann. Ark tnr 1..urtl ant lit l.n.ratvrr auil llt l Sirlal,T'iir. V IB-) iTrtrw, ilr.fl n l lr i lli r.' i h'iip. ii ,.ur.i rati-, lull liirixtiiatioli frarfli Anii. 'iiipaiiy-. offirrii f it llaniiiiy St. W.. Vnti' imvi r. M.i . Special Tours A "tmu ol England" trip to Great Britain fotlowcd by tilht day i in France nd Delgium. The Tour atarta at I Montrtal on the Cunardcr "Aacania" I wlJch leavca May 2 2 for London, under i the auanicc of Meaari. CalUdir and I Baldry Ltmitrd. England'i daughttrt axe not exempt. Other Tourtjrom Montrtal CALEDONIAN SOCIETY TOUU June 11 Allimla fur Glasgow VETF.IIANS TOL'H Juno 19 - Aiilonla - for Chrrlorg LDLCmONALTOLH June 26 AranU fir Plymouth, Clirrbourg. Iaindon STL'DKVIS TOUK July 2 Atiranla fur IJrrsol DALCIITKIIS A MAIDS OF Hr.lvNDTOUIt July 3 AuMtiiia for Iindon JIASOMCTOUK July 9 -r Allieuia for Ctaagow The Cunard Steamship Company, Limited, 622 Hastings Street, West, Vancouver. CUNAfcD ANCHOR-DONALDSON Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 639, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phones G87,. 639, Qreen 238, Black 736.. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. O. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. China Saturday, May 8 )flofi China An extra .special Cup and Saucer Sale of a wonderf rango of new designs at prlcog you will rind It hard to b anywhere In Canada. 1 Visit our Basement Store for Glassware, Braj and Novelties. It will pay you. Optical Department Eyes examined, Vision tested, Glasses fitted by registered optomotrlst. All lenses are ground by an ei porlcnc6d operator, exactly to proscription and carefully in spectcd. This expert optical service may be had at e,! rcasonhblo prices. ' Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Lon Chaney "THE In UNHOLY THREE" An .ilisorlnug lur ! the iiimIcimui id itle-slitivv iim i iip their iiiirauuy iMivver- r (nil Us I ii- rniiH. A tub- m wlinii i rufril"'i-mail and ..i ( unite hi erpeln .' ug a srri- - -i.ene- with the ailaiti- ! .i gn', ol tin eventually Iningn mImmiI their downfall. A v.i nig rrook draiiiH packed thniughoiit with m prises, (hrilN mxl nimance, novel in ;ni. i pl in exeriiliou. I.mi llhmiey, the rrrt' man, fMHHMix fur liiMr( rt .al nf "I he lluii hi' Inline." tliphiy ln nuiipic talent tit even g I tuge in lino atiiitziiiK pholii .. I'lirivulleil j Lon Chaney, Victor McLaglen, Harry Earlei, H& Moore, Mae Butch, Mirjorle Morton ami tun COMCDY CLYDE COOK IN 'SHOULD SAILORS MAnnY?" Xylophone Sole by W. F. Browne. PATHE HEVIEW &0cand Everything for the Builder LUWDErt We h;ie (he uni rntiiplele lurk iIiiiiciiiiiii-, .hiplaji, fir finish, fliiiiii'g veneers, etc.. in Norlherii H.U. We can supply everything in a building from the foundation to tho last piece of finish. Ilefore huving itispecl our slock. II will p; ,J prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 SANDALS These nre inuloiihleilly Hie best .Sandals n ' the lowest pu-.silile price ever landed in llupert. , A specinl ptirchdsc nf ti large iiiuiilily m offer possible. Chllds llniwti Haiidaly, solid leather soles vvi!i heels, sies from ft to 7 Mi, priced nl Youths' Hrnwii Hattdnls, solid leallier soles, wifh heels,' sizes' fniih 8 In lt)H, priced ut Misses' Hruwit Kamlals, solid leather soles, with heels, sizes rrom 1 1 Ui 2, priced al I'7j Ladles' Hamlals in Hriivvn, Patent ami Klk ' Jabour Bros., Ltd. VISIT OUR 10o and 15c DEPARTMENT Phone 645. Corner 3rd a 7