r,1ay. May fi. 1020. PAOb PIVK ''y raterfront Whiffs nllnucd from pago two) ,. I Ml 1(1 llUtl.Mil fishim, ill later Ktari salmon p.ick- The Automobile Industry (dhury v if still have it itmlv nf livp Iwriinu ul hioutxl at Huller "Cove. fuiglpy. who rpepmiy n n thr city (tout tint iia itjiiirit'ivil I h iow-'i' r ivm -ml from 11. S. John- it Inv.Tiir.iit ami i ul inn- it hc dry dock uutrilllin. ; p preparatory In leavini, (list of Hip xoik fu'en- E J 1 1 halibut fUhiritt r.;,d Ig I.IIUT II PXpt).Pll III .tart salmon seining with ruvmrml for Inverness. sytV house lender Nnw-H nfii Hat i v Oimisliiii. Wednesilay pvening In l)u eutiir r miiuI tf ln )tie. buoys mill deacon OuPPIl l liarlnllo l-l:illll. !-(': win ne iiway iiiki'ii i'k if I will ihi I ti Pn- )u v tenia i'.av l. Jain - iimi ( l.angara on Hi Ul. fioanl -lie hail 10') i,v ariiine inr nt'iiai'uiu Tin- 'i i r t -r ( 1 1 make il a: ' it every llir"' In lino, which beam ll tlr ' liaviiw cninc ' fi i ii w Ii line Cla.ir- ii - i! i- if lh i-.m- I' r nil) v.niairr, K ii' Mi.. u-iivpi tuiien' I V, i- lI.HIilll IIMT re- liy up Vt iiikIoii front ii". wiii'i'c m Hi a. I r ii(ii in iiuiliny a a I.- limn i rack Ulr i r. ... I hp rMKv fr : iica' h i Hip ll. . i i rpppiviv h II) 'p- ainvP riielll "p w-Miiii run bnl ill'.1 monr:ii -'vpniiiipti '.'4 li'liMl! itlHP, i i i f.. have liMj eh ii nil Hill pn njr i roak it (;I-rIHll in in'l ii;:jii( in ili-il . iliteii a r spori and tIix'i i.- animal to ilillllB I'rmi'P IIuimt Out Attain ln Again rathe iH' ipiii of thnsp who tha w wli r.'il wliy Harry liic popular custodian? llrrtv inn riii wharf, ha Iipw iv. hi words lhep r day n ui has Imu'H 1- rP-.Hi:ii 'o call that in maili on In nrntorlPrtl l may hp cxplaitipd that is lppii kppi'iiiK regular ipiiIk wn (Iip ilonlisl f.Vlt'W joinin? in lh ut vouiip of artificial On Tin'oilay Iip hail !i iffpniling fpi ili ri'innvpil ItYnio'!iiay nnoilipr piprh' lit Harry i Iwarinff ui ipr Mip ontpal nml i Mnrwiin) to Uip day whpn l)iv nhlo to rpHiiine n foli.l Iii n I' ik t-PiiortPil IIihI mivmik foinp lioli'i ilrillcil Mmili.l.ni' mi I Hat Iip Sit mm' lo wii'hl a wlckc'l In ion OH Ho.' nower bliiulo madp lipr firM visit fiort on pilnpilay nftpr vhort rhn allpil for an the firpan ilork on Iip In Hi from Alaska lo Vnn- Tho Olimlo. which lal chanKod from Atni'ii- Canadian rpifimtry. i iep ullslilly larger than Illinsham wliirh is well tlipfo. She i pqu,lprpd Irolpds nml. now thai lOil Co. in oiiPilintf up in till a illxlrict, Klin will ipiiicnl visitor lo locaf tu i Own he vo unip. on rlnnilinun iliirlnir tlip nfl .t lie arrivals for the week 011.000 pounds, U 1.500 from American vessels nnd tt0.r00 pound from Canadian.' l'ripp havp hpn favor-nhlp nvpriicinff wpII - over l&o .....1 ?,. rnr Amoroiin iisn uim r'mpr Ip anil tc for Canadian. fi.r lliiv spason I iip 101m " - : to dalp arc 7.051,100 pounds ol which 5.813,100 pounds has hocu from American hoi loins ami i,-uti inn rr.,m Haiiadian. U IS ...i.loxpr'rlPil Hial arrivals will bu lorahlo .wpalhor oulsidol . ,lonvilip i ilft coursp of Dip cominpc wppk or so. 'ri.n fnllnwinir vcspIs market ed ralrhPS durinB the prtst wvek fSaliirdav lo Friday ineiusivp.. Amnrh'fth Arrow, 27,000; YilTtou, 5,onl; VirKinian, 21. nnn- iimm .n : i'a uaiiia, iooo; Mildred "., 28.000; hale. ir. mm. V,.r.llP. 10.000: TyPO, ll!nnn:' Forward, i 0,000 J lladio, ! in nnn. rntumlila. 19.000; Hp. irnnrn'l.. 1 1.000: YpIIoWhIOIIP, V. b. whlih m.kt ithrmhulj A I bclr kctn cuttinK Jt un ,4H . r every uugi. i Hmond. eNAD (W CO. LTU. I 1OHONI0 J 12,000; Allen, nz.otm; onau. 4,000; Alaska, 30.000; Sl.prman. ir. nml. Pni'iilpn. .HUH. 'Canadian Livingstone, J5,- 000 (100 GOO i.-ninn 12.000: AlKen, 10,- Scrub, 7.000; Caygpon, 5,- im. Sn t. la.uim AMI, .10,600; Marguerlto, 3,000; May- 'if- flower, O.'iOil; Insred 11., filOrt: Imppiipusp. t.Ooft; n.W., 15,000; Urnnl, 1,000; MuiriiiNig, 8,000; Verna, 5.500; F.ric, rt.oflO; Ntih.i, 500; l isher. 8,000; Iramp, 0.-000; Toodle, 5,500; I'. Dnreen, 5,500; Helen, 5.500; F.L l.lpselt. 0,00(1; U. A, II., 3.000; X. A S., 2,800; .Mali, 1!,200, ! Azurlte Damaged The firanliy's Go.'s well known hl power lug Aztirilr developed a loose liearinpr holt on April 28, while in Ohervalory Inlet near Anyox and considerable damapo was done lo the engine, of lit vessel includinsr a badly bent crank shaft and broken piston, connecting rod and crank case. The vessel wa lowed inln Anyo.t by a private, power boat, Sheila, and was lurned over lo Ihe. uiv derwr.ilers, llulierl Ward, tfitf local insurriiice reprpsenlivjive inade a trip lo Anyox earjy Jn Ide week in connwtion with. Hit mailer' aVd then "called for len ders fiir llip rppairs. F.npii? machine shops were Jnviled tn bid, but Ihe lowest lender was submitted by tho Uranby Co., it never nao od protection - - - only 1 41z The duty on the finished motor car has significance only wlieri considered in relation o the duties applicable upon 3 the parts and materials whit h it is necessary for Canadian manufacturers to-iiriport. j Certain parts are themselves dutiable at 35 per rent. A great many narfi? and materials are dutiable at rates in excess of 20 per cent. These figures reveal the facts: Canad'on mnnufnefurers mVdp find sold in Cannda. during 1925, 84,000 motorcars whose wholesale value was If these 84.000 cars had not been made n Canada, but had been Imported from the United States at prices 'vh?rh, after payment of 35 per cent duty, would have represented a wholesale value in Canada of $67,500,000 the duty collected would hav been - After deductini! all drawbacks. Canadian Manufacturers in 1925 actually paid In customs duties on parts' arid materials used in the cars made and sold in Canada Their actual protection therefore was only of Canada ' I ! Representing self so Ihe work will be done at Anyox. MOTOR VESSEL LEFT ON SPECIAL TRAIN Men Leaving Here to Re-assemble Boat on Its Arrival at Kelowna The motor vessel, built at the local dry dock for passemer service on Okniragau hake, was shipped lo Kelowna by a special fraiii which left here List even-liiig. Some thirty workmen from the local dry doVk, will o to Kelowna Id assist in Ihe assembling of the vessel. The vanguard of . this parly consisting.. ctf. llobert Jones, .lames Simpson, James Andrews, Alex, llblniberg, Fred Houlter. Tommy MoCann, Hobert Cameron and t'ved Ilaiuliridjre sailed for the soulh on Ihe Prince. Oeorge yesterday afle.rnoon. . Another group of some fifteen or sixteen .men will leave on Ihe Princo Charles on Monday and ten or a dozen more will leave next Thursday night. THE RETORT GALLANT Lady lo you keep dales? Clerk I'd never keep you waiting a minute. Madge Jack's proposal was so sudden il made me jump. Marie At il, of course. 1 1 LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to LM Land hi Prince Imparl Umf .nrCiirdlnir' P'iY inct nl C.rn . (Uhtrr J, mil tltuat i Son Id Itarhiirl IIihI. TAKE .MlTICK Ihiit Airrnl Swanwir, of PMncf Iltile.rl, vrriialKii Mariner. Intend tit -apply for of the follow-Inr rteiM'nlie.1 lni.: Ciimmeiiclnir m pm. filnrtieil at tlw n.irih ..ml i if Smith llarliael l.lind: Ihenrn irnuikl tlw Llna at high water, ni. and COIIiaillllla ll rrri. iin.rf r Au rtF.ri swa?ison, , An.llcant niiteil April T, U. IN PROBATE. In th Suproma Court of Brltlan Columbia. In tlw Mailer of Ihe AdtnlnlMratloi) ,Vft: " and 1 . in the Mailer of the rotate of Albert Hi.4, Oei-eaiHl. Inletaie, v TAKE IVOTICE that by order or; Ills Ikmnr. F. Mm. Yoiiii. inei Ivlh any nf April. A.D. t.. I apinlnleit.Almln. llfKir of the eatat of Albert Bowie. dereaed. and all partien liarlnn rlalm. tmnM ihe ald estate are hereby renulr-ti to furnish tame, properly verified, to $67,500,000 S17,000,OCO 510,000,000 S 7,000,000 Thus a protection of 35 per cent is actually a protection of only $7,000,000 against S17.0()l,000, leai'ng a NHT protection of 7-17 of 35 per cent, or less than - - 14v2 per Cent Under the proposed Customs tariff, the majority of Canadian-made cars will have no protection whatsoever! 1 I .1 . Automotive Industries 25,000 worker---, arf atinual production of $107,000,000 100,000 dependents me on iir before the dih day or May. A.lt. and all parlies indebted to the eelale are requiri-d to pay the anmiint of llielr ln.lebielne. to me forthwith. .MOHMAN A, WATT. Otflrtal Administrator, Prtiire Ruperl, B.C. Dated the tOUi day of April. A.D. ma. FORM F. Notlca of Application for Certificate of 1 lmproemnta a "Slghf Mineral Claim 'Situate lit the I'rlnre Huert Mlnlnt Dlvlalon of the Skeena Dutrli't. Where located: -ear the head of Klfumkaluni Lake, l.awrul holder: Swan Dalln. Number of holder's Free Miner' Certificate, 88S07C TAKE NOTICE that f. Swan Dalln. Free Miner' Certificate No. 88907C, intend at the end of ality day from the data hereof, t apply to the Minlne Recorder for a Certlflraie or liiiprovrinenl for the purpose of obtalnlnir a Crown Orant of tho abore claim. Aud further take noilre, thai action, under nrrllon 81 of the "Mineral Art," must be commenced be. rore thkluiice. of such . Certificate of IniproveBiMii.vj ' bated this llrd day of February, t6. SWAN DAl.l.t. Owner. He K. T Kunnv. atent LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaa Land lit Land vRecordlr District or Prlncw iuirt. and situaio. un Moresby liani. Oueen Charlotte (imiip. im unnamed In-"e. three miles south of He. La Bertie ln let. . TAKE XOTIC.E thai' The Canadian Flh Init .Coiinnny.. Lln.lleil. of Vanc.Miyrr,oc emiation Salnum Caoiiprs. InteDds tn atnlv for a lease of the rollowlnir desrrllml aml!--. CMninenclnr at a post planted at bead of Inlet alHHit H mile north of unnamed creek: thence west (0 chalnt thence toutb. ,J0 chain J; tbenca (ail JO cbalas. i". ' 1 more or less, to shore line; thence northerly following: shore line to I'.O.C, ant rtialaininir 4i acres, inure of less. THE CANADIAN FISHING COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant. Per William Alfred Bower. Haled th April. Is. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prince Rupert Electoral DletrlcL. Mackentie Electoral District. NOTICE is hereby riven that 1 thatl, on Monday, the l?th day or May. me, at ihe Imur of tu o'clock tn Ihe forenoon, at the Court House, Prince Itupert, hold a slttlnK of the Court of llevlsion for the purpose of revising the list of voter for the said electoral district, and of hearing: and deiermlnlna; any and all objection lt the reieDilun of any name on the said list, or In the registration a a voter or any applicant for registration; and for tlw other purpose el forth. In the "Provincial Elections Act." Dated; at Prince Knperl, B.C.. this th day of April. !. NORMAN A. WATT, Registrar of Voter for tlw - Prince Rupert ' and Marki'Mtn Electoral Districts. ' ' 1 11 ' 1 ,' Ii r ' Land act. , Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land lleeurttltig ixstctrt or Prince Ruperl. and situate at hca.l of Skaal Inlet. Moresby Island, L'oeeu Charlotte C.rniip. TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Fish-Inr Company, LlmlleiL of Vanroiivrr. oc-i H..ln.ii Salmmi Canner. Intend tn apply for a lease of the following described lands: , commencing at a post planted al head ol Ska.it Inlet, IS chains north of unnamed Creek; thence west tn chain) tht-ure south t drains; theiic east tu rhaiais, uituv or less, to shore line; thence, northerly following shitre line to P.o.C, and containing 4' acres, more or less. . i THE CANArUANHSIl.a:COMI'ANy LIMITED, Applicant. Per William. Alrred Bower, Dated tttn April, im.