1 !5l 11 II l1 TAGE TWO VflB VAL NKW8 The Daily News Progress Has Been Made This PItlNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Year in All Mining Branches Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . District Engineer Declares II. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor. nut MM SUBSCinPTIONhRATESzj- City DelivcrjV by mail dr.;carnrpvrj By mail tp all parti of the British! lshrfcrnpir andlthe United 1 , To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch?.;..'. Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .... Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - 60TTLIP t CUSRANJflD. 98 - 86 MOOgCf or SC0TUNO W tiht(M0 alvaf-lfuvtr Du"0- mti $ $1.00 Tha Original Lbl-look for it at the Vendor's and intiat on GRANT'S "1JEST PROCURABLE" Till? advertisement is not published or disjiluvcrt by Ui Liquor Control Hoard or by the Qovernment of Uritish Columbia, $3.00 $1.40 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office before. 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Friday, Dec. 3, 192G THE ELECTION IN ONTARIO. . That good old Ontario, presumbaly teetotal dnd pure, particularly the rural districts, should have gone wet so decisively may seem strange to 6ome but to others the reason is more apparent. We do not know whether Ontario had the same experience with prohibition as British Columbia had, whether her dry laws were so badly abused that the people felt they might as well make liquor selling legal as the way it was before. However, one thing we do know pretty well is that the people of Ontario had been laboring under a burden of taxation and perhaps, hearing the stories of millions that ' had been made by the government of Quebec and British Columbia from the sale of liquor,' the people of staid old Ontario also saw through this means a way to relieving taxation. Anyway, Ontario voted decisively wet and it is to be expected there will be no loss of time in putting the so-expressed wishes of the people into operation. Even with government control, Ontario, like British Columbia, may never be able toget rid pf bootleggers and bad whiskey but it is to be hoped that from the .outset the government takes a firm hand and does not permit itself or its members to become involved with the "liquor ring." As for the political result of the election, the most obvious feature to be noticed is that Ontario, provincially, may not have felt this year, as it did federally. The province was not satisfied with the Conservatives federally but, provincially, it certainly seems to have been, even if the government was saddled with what so many people thought was the iniquitous government sale of liquor. RUMBLING OF BATTLE IS HEARD FROM AFAR. x In British Columbia there is no mistaking the omens of an ap- proacning Dattle. buns of the opposition may be heard from afar and the growling rises in the Tory camp. With such a leader as TAX REDUCTION IN UNITED STATES, President Coolidge's recent announcement that he favors a rebate on. income taxes, individual and corporate, has stirred up all jaauuer oi uiscussion ana controversy, me inalcatlons now arei that the tax, question, which it was assumed would be more or less in the background in the coming short session, will be debated in one! way or another throughout most of the coming tRree-month session. The result is likely to be to sidetrack nearly all the legislation on other subjects which will be urged for passage this winter. I President Coolidge, according to his critics, proposed the plan' of a rebate of income taxes payable this year originally as a piece of politics, designed to screen over the setback given the administration in the November elections, especially the election in Massachusetts. While it may be true that it was proposed for political reasons, it is nevertheless uncertain what will be the eventual political effect of it. The Democrats charge the administration with having sought to annex their issue, inasmuch as they had been urging .prompt tax reduction, but having advocated a method which they deem objectionable. They Insist all classes of taxpayers should be benefitted by any cut in taxes and so they purpose to offer amend-ments to the administration measure. Thee amendments will be intended to bring about general revision. Western memberaof Congress who are anxious foi- farm relief legislation take the view that the controversy overtaxation will endanger farm relief action. Hence they are showing signs of fighting the administration plan. With these complications and others In the tax situation, it is easy to see that Congress is likely to be kept busy this winter on taxation and that other measures are likely to get short shrift. Some ot the Republican leaders would like to see the tax Uue sidetracked until the next Congress the Seventieth Congress but it Is doubtful whether it can be sidetracked with the administration disposed to press It. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT ays? BEST PROCURABLE C (By Geo. A. Clothier, Resident Mining Engineer) .-A summary of th mining industry in District No. 1 for ID2G up to fle enduif October will show that very material progress hus becnniade this year in all tho three branches of mining prospecting, development, und production. Prospecting has. been keen throughout the district and several ''finds" have been made that prove that no ground is ever conclu- ?2.80 ' slvely prospected. The Stikint River and Deae-Lake sections are i 25c 'attracting more prospects each year, and the latter will, with the (2c l rpmpletion of the Telegraph CreeJcDease Lake road next year, offer ir, one oi the most promuing areas on the continent for dredging and hy- draullck&g. cipcrauou. The older areas, I'oruAiia i-au&i. Alice nuix, sua aiuiuu-gallum Lake, have also been prospected to advantage with surprising results. The outstanding discovery this year is probably that o nthe north fork of Marmot River, where 5 feet in width of solid galena, assaying 390 oc silver to the ton. has been uncovered, from which the owners are shipping this fall. Development work has exceeded all other years. Though a number of the greater toanage output this year, yielding an Increase tn gold and very probably an Increase in sliver. The Oranby Consolidated will apparently equal, if not exceed, last year's record. The smaller shippers will not Influence the total production to any great extent. Altogether the value of ibe lode-min eral output of the district should equal last year's notwithstanding ;,the drop in the"trice of sflvef. The placer output will. I Judge, be about the aame as last year. The depletion of the ore bodies and the closing of the Belmont-Surf Inlet Mines on Princess Royal Island Is about the only mining event In the Skeena mining -division. Paisley Point Mines, Ltd. This property has, I understand, .undergone further development this year and will be examined this fall. perlmenta prove that the gold U recoverable, but operating test and ump ting have been Inadequate to prove whether or not it can be made a commercial undertaking. X.U KIVr.K There hits been a marked Improvement In the mining outlook thl ear. due to the influence of the. development ou the Torlc. Thorough exAmlnatunt hare been made of the Alice Ann, area by several engineer, miming tn the recent j bonding of four large, adjoining group. unauer properties, espectany in me i-or-jon ,hlch ,ubsUntu, d,reiopment con tlve on account or lack of capital. theAn MnjlultlTe examination of the Douly heavier expenditures of several UigeVardea propnln w mkUt by Df. operations make thla an outstanding j but no;hmg tunh atttJ. year In V amount of capital Invested , (.j in development work and equipment. In j 0r(U,by consolidated Mining. Smelt-the Atlln district tne Atlln Stlver-Lead 4nd povtr ,agi ....Tni, company Mine and Euginetr Mines have been , hM Very 4 satisfactory year In alt under extensive exploration, while tb . aepattmtnU smoa, tmp,. Gleaner. Ktrkland. and ethers are being !menU to the conmntor ,ad the In-opened up on a smaller scale. Develop, j ,uu,ti0n of a new sintering plant, will the Dease Lake section be , tnent m may lnCTP.t(. lht output. pro(iuction ti from the fact that Dease . judged on tnU hu tn over 3.200DOO lb. creek there are three hydraullcklng andiCopfrV 4nd u u tery prob,b!, one arag-ime scraper ouu.h; on that last year's record of 39JK0J0O) lb. and tributary creeks, one drilling andf,,,,. wl ,xceeafd. stone-driUlng. and one drag-line scraper cutflts. rOKTLAMt CANAL In the, Portland Canal area the more important properties under development are: The Dunwell and Independence. In the Bear River valley: the Premier, B.C. Silver. Sebakwe and District Mines, and Big Missouri, In the Salman valley; and the Portcr.Idaho. on the Marmot River. Companies developing on a smaller scale include: The George. Teryilnui, Victoria, L it L.. Albany. Dalhous'e. and Silverado, on Bear River. Outland-SUver Bar. Eldorado, Silver Crest. Silver Tip, B.C. Bonanza. White Heather. Chief Metals. The company Is operating the Out-aider group at Maple Bay. from which a tllleesut fluxing ore carrying low copper values is obtained; also the OoUkeUrl on Sylvester Bay. from which a siliceous gold-bearing ore is mined. Saddle This claim, situated on the west side of Hastings Ann. Is under op? tlon to W. itarrl. of liarelton. who la carrying out some development work this summer. , Keystone Mining Co.. Ltd. This company is developing the Sunset group on Roundy Creek, under the supervision of Rowland King, of Spokane. KltMUlt Eagle 8Uver Mines, 'Ltd. ThU company has three properties under ex ploration---namely. Eagle group on Paul and Premier Extension, on the Salmon Kladuc Creek and the LaRoy and Silver River: Marmot Metals and Washington, i Cord groups on the north-east fork of the on Marmot River. , Kltssult Rivet . In the Alice Arm area the LaRose. Esperanza Mine ThU nronertr. sit- ur. loimie to carry tneir banner, the conservatives are going toC""11" E8ie 8UTer ""nes, Kiuaun i uated about m mue fiom Alice Arm. is make a real battle of it this time and, after the smoke of battle rises, RlT" na Development Company j being worked4 by leaser. The owners there may be some surprises. No matter what the opposition may Tortc- Ke'tonfl Mining company, are .are endeavoring to raise sufficient capi. say, however, there will be no refuting the progress that has been ! """P01" Atb4t Me considerable ! tai to insun . sm.ii concentrator and . . . - . iir vriiiiiirirn l stir k parn vpi r 'immnranf m n TTIfliit nnrt trip rrnnd trnvurnmunt that hoe nii-on T Jk I r . dv wv v si js 4 v s u uuv k tn; A4i vr- eral regime during the last decade. There will be, as usual, much beating of the air on both sides but the electorate is sane and it will separate the dross, from the wheat and so make its decision. one nydraullrklnt: and on McDame Creek, two hydraullcklng. one Key- in the Kltsumgallum Lake section the j Wolf. This claim, situated at tb town only company operating la a syndicate (of Alice Arm, has had a 163-foot cross-consisting of Governor Davis and aaso-jcut tunnel driven to the vein and a elates. The Northern Mining and Development Company Is developing the Beaver uu Gjldtu Nib properties on TbornhUI Mountain near Terrace. Besides the above companies, there are maliy Individuals throughout the district doing a great deal In excess of the necessary assessment work on their properties. The majority of the above-mentioned properties have undoubted prospective merit and it seems only reasonable to' expect that some ot them will develop Into Important producers. Production will be helped out this year by the substantial shipments from ihe B.C. Silver Company's property, which will offset to some extent the closing-down of the Belmont-Surf Inlet Mines. The Premier will have a much! drtft from It of 70 feet to the north, showing the vein to be about the same as on the surfsce. Alice This group contains the westerly extension of the Esperanza vein. The ksperanza road was extended this summer as a horse-trail to enable the owners to take out ore this winter. Alice Arm-LaRose Mining Co.. Ltd. This year the vein was drifted on from tb msln cross-cut tunnel to a point under the shallow ahaft on the surface and a raise put through to the bottom of the shsft. a dlstssce of about 1J5 feet. The drtft on the tunnel-level follows a broken-up horlzen along the vein, through which there Is a very heavy How of water. At a point about 20 feet above the drift the ral en countered the or-ahaot. which continue through In varying widths to the surface. The vein will average probably t feet wide, of which ,tbete U up to 13 Inches of high-grade llver ore. the remainder being of mflltnj; grade. Stop-Ing 1 now being done both "way from the ihaft and about SO ton of ore Is aorted and sacked for shipment. 8peculstor No. 3. ThU claim adjoin the LaRose on the south. Tne continuation Of the LaRose vein has been found and sunk on for 30 feet, showing up to 2 feet of ore carrying good values tn native and ruby silver. .tl.lCC ARM IIOMHMIK Red Point. Copper Cliff, Vanguard, and llomcstak Oroupa, These lour group. extending along the west aide .of the Kltsault River from Kvlndsen Creek north to the glacier, and lying In the I "copper-belt formation," have recently Patterson The owner has mined and j been bonded for Victor Spencer and as-shipped 80 tons of ore to the Anyox oclatc. of Vancouver. Immediate work smeiier mm season, ine ore was oruy win consist of a 500-foot tunnel on roughly band-sorted and averaged about the Red Point group, for which the con- ICO to the ton In gold values. Oolden Nib This claim, on Thorn- hill Mountain near Terrace, was equipped this year with, a Jig-back tramway by the, Northern Mining and Develep-ment Company, Limited. About 20 ton of ore was mined from the surface and shipped to the Anyox smelter. The pro-pertj Is. now closed. aien No. 1 and Silver Coin Group. These properties, situated on Little Beaver Creek, on the telegraph line trail above Cedar Crossing. Kltsumgallum Lake section, bad. some exploratory, work done on them by ..the Davis Syndicate, but rcsuiuobtalned were not-'encouraging. Scenic Work Is being done by J. Oar- land, the owner. I Some placer mining was done on Douglas Creek, flowing into the head ot Kltsumgallum Lake. There are little or no mining activities to report on Queen Charlotte Islands. Borne sinking was dons on the South Easter at Skldegate. with good result reported, There are no further development on th beach black sand. Ex tract has been let locally. It is stated that development work wtll be proceeded with on a rery coroprebtnslv scale In the spring. Tiger- -ThU property adjoins the Torlc on the north. Some well-plsnned work has been done thU season by the owner, Ed. Pickett, resulting tn encouraging ore-exposure underground. Cllmsx- A itunnel was driven 4st winter by contract 60 tet on the hang-Ing wall aide of the vein and a cut ,ii i i i i i i m u.m.w. niMvi vh m I mi Eczema's Cane 1 TryD.D.D.KH3p,loc M Al all ad alnicgbu r W, J. McOutoheon Drug Store) and OrrrtM Limited V 1r ft i then driven across th vein 34 fret This work shows the vein to be 31 feet wide end to consist of quart and audnslte country-rock fairly wtll mlnerallred with fiyrlte. galena, and vine. Tb average i low grade, but there are chance of developing &a ample tonnage of mllltng-re for a profitable undertaking. Torle. This group t being developed if the, Considtdsted lionvtUke Mining jtnd Development Ccoipany. Limited. Under the supervision of A. C Oerhardt. "he only underground work dine thl jrar was a drift about CO feet long, driven south along or near the hanging wall, from No. I crosscut east. Some ' rry fine ore ihowlng ruby and native -liver was encountered in this drift and It probably Indicative of what may be tMind throughout th ore-body when sloping 1 under wsy. lloruontal work underground his exposed a large area ;t ore-body, but uo vertical work has een don to enable any estlmata being jiaUe of actual "or In sight " A mill of 50-ton capacity has been constructed and th machinery t now iwlnj Installed, but It will not b In operation tbl fall a expected. The flowsheet Is simple, th separatum being wade on Wtlfley tables. Altogether tha property la shaping up very satlsfac. tsrUy and give every promts of becoming a profitable enterprise as soon, as the mill Is In, operation, At the present depressed price ot sliver the average Values will be low. but the mill-feed could be regulated without difficulty by a little selective stoplng, The rlnc-showing on McOrttrt mounts In have been Improved by this sea-ton's work. Advertise tn tbt Dsll News TI.MOEK SALE X8487. Sesled Tenders wtll b received by the District forester, not later thsn noon on the 17th day of December, 1820, for the purchase of Llcenr X8487, covering area on north shore nichardson 11 rid. Q C.I., to cut 1 J49.0O0 feet board measure of 8pruce. Hemlock and Cedar aawtoit. One (I) year wtll be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or th District Forester Prince nupert. B.C. LAND ACT. NOTICR Or INTKNTIOV TO AITI.V TO I.KAHi: I.AMI In Oona lUvef Land Recording District of Prince Itupert, B.C., and situate on an Islsnd In Oona Rlvtr approximately opposite Block One and Two of It 31B 11. 9, Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island). TAKE NOTICE that John llergmtn: of Oona River. B.C.. occupation fisherman, intend to apply for a lease of the following described Isndi: Commencing at a post planted ) feet north of northwest corner Dost of Lot 3109; thence 1.000 feet southesst-thenc 200 feet westerly; thence 1.000 feet northwest: thenc loo feet to bost or'iess1' 'n1 conUlnln itn rnore JOHN BEROMAN, ApP,lc,nt Dated October 30. 1920. Tlx meeting of Abraham and Let, riuch tWJi hit tin Jt. On firoliKuI milt und ciccte iKclr cKllJrm were olfJ K tfrortg foundation c a great nation. ZRAFT Cheese has become the standard of perfection, the measure by which cheese is judged. Krakt Cheese doesn't just happen. Its flavor is unvarying, no niatterVhere or when you buy is, as the result of a carcfully-worked-out method. The word "Krait" guarantees that the finest cheese, made prefcrabl) from pure, fresh, June milk, has been acd and blended to just the right degree that will ensure that matchless flavor and digestibility, and that it hat been carefully pasteurized to ensure perfect purity. KnAiThas taken a lotof care to make their piuduct jut as perfect as it ilCANADIAflT siiatr should be; won't, you be sure Jut w hen yuu ask for Kjuit Cheese vou ft Kmit? (The trade-mark, at shown below, is on every package j 1 toys anil (arts, old people and young, rich ami poor have in tlii ihccse a nutritious, wholesome, easily digested and altogether delectable food. Kia it Cheese is made in Canada. kraftchIese Canadian Pacifk Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlksn, IVranirll, Janesn and ksi) N I. T I l a To tiiKiinirr, Vklnrls and ftwstlle . It, lx , It ruiM: m:.wniri:. for llutedslr. Cast llella llella. Ocean lll. Statu, Alert luy Campbell Ithrr, and limnuirr eiery nsturdjj. II a.m. .trrney lor Menm.lilp Une. lull lnfmatk W. C. Oltt'll till, flenrrsl ttrnt. Corner of Ith Mrrel and Jrd Atenur. Iltiwe ltrt, I" UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hslllnt lioin Itlm Kuprt. . ... lev VArol U!lt. VICTOKM, fr.anii IUJ and Alrrt tUJ. ft' lor V.fCOl WJt, VierOKM. Alert lty and lnn IUJ rlc Mr4J lor POUT MMPM)N. ANYOX. .U.ICB ,tUit. HTEWAKT tl1" ... undy. P m- M .,. tC Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, The Tailor Tweed Suits made to order air on shop in Prince Hupert a low P. o. Bos 2 Kine Imporlfd Serge and SrolrhnHA Af) 223 Sixth 8treet $50J V VI I. ANGER, Cutter . Prince Rupert, B-, Bread Boxes Cake Boxes In asorted lten and colors, attractively en-me'U i lettered. From 't0 V Pantry Cabinets In white or jrrey flnUh, equipped - ' ' -.helve .. JW. and KASV ELKCTKIC VACUUM WASHINC! MACHIM Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Itupert, IUJ. I.AN1) ACT. NOTICK OI INTIATION TO .U'I'I.Y T I.K.lcK L.VMI. In princ Rupert Land Recording Dl-trlct of Prince Rupert, and sltusie at Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, TAKE NOTICK that John Dybhavn, of Prince Rupert, n.O occupation msnsger. Intends to apply tor a leaso of the following described land: Commencing at a mst planted on the south side of Ncsto Inlet, about one mile from IU head; thrnce ajuth o chains; thence west 18 chains, thence north 0 ehalna to shore; thenre east 10 chains, more or less, following the hore line to point of commencement, snd containing 7 acres, more or less. JOHN DYBHAVN, Applicant Dated November 33, 1030, MILK Cnnh price of t RC" . i A,!, In n,"""lv s1.oo u yuurvo ii rjj 11 Pints for ? . aommonciinr NoveniW Valentin Dairy Phone o&.