SM -t V - PAOR.TWC " . van daily uewa 622 E T H E C Worjd Pool Plan Is Ambitious. oil-burners. ners. UNARD'S GUEST Dancing, gymnasium, bridge and, dinner parties, ventilated cabins all that makes Cunard service exceptional Weekly sailings j$,Cherftour$.y Cabin Clans. $150 and up -Snew Cunard ships. Smooth-saUinA d ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE toGlasgout Ptrhatlwt from hi' rfl.i Tk, ROBERT RE FORD CO, U4 TOROSTO IPhomt Elgin 3471) ir my STEAMSHIP ACEKT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, Hastings Su W., Vancouver, or any STEAHISHIP AGENT. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince J Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. ;.. H. R PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 8 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. The plan of the wheat pools to control the wheat market of the world by establishing. a huge world wheat pool is an am-w,'fl''V?',ei t whether it is too 'large to be carried out can only be proved by testing it. Should iHfdil, however, it mighl j-iun; wuasiruus 10 me uauaoian pools, which are operating web at present. m The pools tire really big experiments in socialism. They are wieouuniiuiis mr me proiecuon oi tne producers. The progres-of these organizations will be watched because of die interest in, such experiments and also because of the fact that the pools are interested in Prince Rupert, through the leasing of the elevator here. Miners' Strike is Nearlng the End. It it is Imp that n l.irtro cxi;., nt ni:.. : i.l. . ,.0 inumi u uiiusii iiiiiirrs nave accepted a compromise, it leoks as if the strike was Hearing an end. Once sections begin to slip away, there is little hope for finally winning out. They are getting verv nearly what they want ajiywtjy. it seems - , While many people here will regret to see the miners beaten. " "c 8u io see me siriKe auan'end, even though it is a long distance from here. It has been going. mV a long time and f iinvca,a junui .10 ineuume ihean last. f Cutting Grain In 'r i 1 Bulkley 'Valley. Prinw Rupert is pnrlicirlarly interested in the grain growing, m the Bulkley Valley, especially after statements made bv (Jouservatives at the last election that no more grain woild be grown there than previously and that the elevator would not benefit the farmers of that part of the province. The fact that a large acreage of grain has been sown and is now being nit shows the incorrectness of the Conservative'statemenU of thai day.v Now we shall all be glad lo know if it turns out well, for cm the crop this year depends very largely what will be done in future. If the yield is a good one, the amount of grain s0wu liext year should be-considerably Increased. Glad People Read Editorial Articles. r.. JluM"ff from tfie small response received, .sometimes the editor of a newspaper gets to think that nobody reads his articles 1-rom the furore caused by a little humorous statement the other ?? clear that they are being read and that many people are. interested iu the views expressed. Naturally they are opinion and it is never expected that more than two out of three will agree with an opinion. W" welcomed the criticism received over that particular article i- and hope fliat the people who" reail thai will continue tp read so that they may be further enlightened.' Before the campaign is over there will be" a lot more things to say and some i of them may provd interested. ; ' j 'f '. . ' ' ' d-' eveloplng Mines In This Vlclnitv. .i.?f-iveh''rteiH.r..lie' new mineral property nt Topley I'AVi. 'MPP'1 mine is one' of I the'great events, of thi year' .,..vv..u., a- ,u vcius iiKeiy w oo. apparenlJy lln,s development Is sh easy that it requires very little canilal and no) l,ml UV make it a success. The announcement is made that rrgLnP.fhi,",,e",!! wil1 6 fr,im 1,,ere u'is year, apparently- lo the Trail Smelter. - ni.i.. . . ifi' . " ,J w pn,v0 a" or mining development jn thi.s district. i-r One by one properties are being brought into the condition of producers. The Dnlhie mines at Hmithers are shipping very rich ores and this Topley proposition prornie to ''u"i;ii' mum una i.nere are plenty or possibilities in Ilia district and some of them should be heard from soon. fttfoul heayylKating foods-Eat SHREDDED WHEAT fiHSCUIT is Shredded Wheat pressed into a wafer-crisp, - tasty and delicious 1 STANDING OF HOT SHOT FOR THE PARTIES HON. A. MEIGHEN How easy it rofghl be either side at 'this 'election make a pain in tin" provinces that would materially affect the results, is shown when tho standing of the parties is noted.. In considering the relative strength of the Did parlies it must tie remembered thai Pro- givsslves at this ehvliqn ar eampaiimfi'g with the - Liberal and may'for all practical pur-boes, bo considered Liberal can didates. "o also is -Veil ct CotnoS-Alberni who U eel down ts an independent hut a Lih ral supporter. Knllpwing is th sianiltnsr or the members a ahowii by pro.inivs: n.c .. SUkon ... Alherla Saskatchewan Manitoba . Ontario Quebec X. ltruiiwtck Suva Scotia.. I'. E. I Cons. Libs. Other 10 I 3 0 f. (18 I to It MODERN EAPPER 3 0 4 15 I 12 60 I 3 ANY TIME TODAY WILL I 0 o c 10 t 0 0 0 ,D0 FORTHE LIMERICKS Contestants May Mall Them In the Door at the Dally News or at the Post Office Tonight. Any local people vmbing lo write lasl't minute limericks for he contests beiiw; concluded to-iiight may mail them any time he-fore midnight or may leave them iu the door at the !ail i.N'ews of ice. At midnight the contest ilnses. As soon as out of town people have had an opportunity o jret iu Jhetr last minute contributions the judging will le, lone and dm winning verses will be published. Here are one or two contributions: A professor, whose line is tuition, lias vacated a first class position. He is strivintr to be Our future M. f. r i i.i rraugui wnu uazaru is sunt a Iransftjon. Theros nothing about Mr. Brady iiiai i narrow or crooked or shady; But his political crest Is the curse of the west; 'Tis is a pity for him and his lady N-ow it seems to me Brady will win, pile of argument specious and thin;. ' What you hear from friend Hork You inay takn with a fork. And let the Conservative jn. Here's to the winner, be it Stork. Or the teacher that came oer! from Oork, But let's hope thai the best one Will pitch in and work gome For the good of his country and port. We have with us a new politician, Life in Ottawa is his ambition: But thai lunar legged bird, Whom some think absurd,- 1 Will likely rraih the position. AND HER MANNERS She roupres her checks, And she powders her nose, To her elders she sneaks In a manner that shows An entire disrespect for maxim or wheeze. And she dresses in skirl scarce cover her knees. Bhe shocks us. And mocks us. ror; Premier Olir Takes Issue With to vSHlm on Number of Ques- wise that And loves to employ The manner and shaoe of n fairly laud hov. She' frixhtrhs old foaW 'juln. ways 'thai'" are' wild. For they say that she'n not 1fk the olden day child, Anil you rallier inler, from tho stories they tell. That she's more than half -.vnv on tho hiKhrond to well. To some place where It's seldom you find a nice ael. Well, wu df.n'l understand her; nui one Hi in ni-stryr a thouahl that should make us regard her with awel : In her turn, she'll l.erotr hn -. molh-r some day. And, mm awful &till. n'rans h mother-in-law. Playing the Qame She Why are von iilwav playing golf? He II keeps me fit, She Fit but for what? He More golf. . Mlons In Address v VllvroH'jA, Aug. 81. "K 'I hadu'theeii for I lie - action of (he r.oiiseivaiC parjy and thf feiiate,-,viiii its (lonseryatue majority, many worthy people THE MAN IN THE MOON aysi Tins nt an age penis, Jake says. of see trt- This is also an age of poll. . i . ... . . . lies, .vmj some or ine politicians are .vety .rnvrtous. t Here (heni.l W- . 1 ' I..U- lady A gehtleman or, who sKtnc.J a letter ''Voter0 1n yen terday's papir ,sny If llic Con senalivios ' need their1 head4 examined, so does the editor, tr something 0 that effect. Oon'l worry about the miri cor. What your friends think about you more important. It even Is difficult a dog. to howl dowfj The world is gelling heller every day. Men now button their shirts in front. . - There' plenty 'of free speed Ihese days. Between elections they charge an admission fee. I am wondering if there will ho lime io oo hunting this fall with elenlnns on and coming iicre .or grain. ship' I wonder , jf a ship were to come here for graiu 'pn election day, would' (he Tories still voir against Stork? . A lot of voters do not car5 much about the Stork but it must he remembered Hint lit brought in n wonderful baby I know n ar w'uo loves to pose And dab the powder, on. her nose. She looks Into her mirror liny. And lo her horror sees it shtn. If people will go around with r f tiuf n ai iri or t till ' benefit's the Old Ape IVn- ions Bill," declared 'Preniiee Olffr. in an address here. "'Or. Tolniie says that th-? Coriserv'ativc parly Is hehuid !d peiishm-. Perhaps s. They inlKliI.e beliind It, hut are they pushinjr 11 forward or pulling it hack? Every remark .Mr. .Meigh-en made concerning the hill was a sarcastic remark. They say they are in favor of its princi-pV''. hut against the methods, slated the Premier. The speaker conlinued that v? opportunity of improving the Old Ape Pensions Bill was presented wheu the measure reached the sLiee in the HoiiM, but the O-nservalivcs failed tQ take a'vnnio?e of it. Unanimous Vote , .Premier Oliver said that th-4 B.C. LfKisliiitire, in !l3, Dj unanimous ote, hail gone ( reconl (avonng Old Age Pel. sioiis. When lUe Old Age Pensions Blt came before the Sen-ale, every B.C. senator voted against i, with the exception or Senator Barnard, who was paired. "Otherwise. I suppose he would als have rejected It." h ndded..; The sp iker referred to Prs-niier .Mekio-n claim that the Itohb hndgei reduced the burdef of wealthy people and imireased the eoif of it necessities of life. have loked up the r-cord of the customs tariffs In'diid cannot find, gener ally 's'jieirtir.v. any material ia-i creasy from ltJI to 1P25 in thl CUsUuii,Jtiriffs on the necessities of life. In spite of what Mr. Ateiifheniiay say, the reduction (jf laiesind lowering of dutic On automobile .Iocs affect the work in if man as well as the wealthy people. If Mr. Meighen iioesn'1 know thai, then he ha omeihing to learn." deola.ed Jjhe premier. , Says Treaty Beneficial Since en minx to British Col Ui.lbfa Premier .Meichen had found that the Australian treaty was popular here, and his vien uau ueen auereu. 1 lie speaker said that for every dollar's worlt, uf poods Canada bought from Australia she sold in return ten lollars' worth. "I rhalienue iMn. .Melxhcn to point out any other treaty by which Canada is pc linsr io -for every l she spend." for the Jirst time volume makes possible these values GREATEST I11B COUI'CMODLLS T-I f Countnr Cub IT- i l OoIM Z tT-tlO 4 rtM. Cou.lrj Onb Cauue K M?LAUGHLINBUI EVER BUILT For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE f the death in the Peace Jlivei1' ounlry of Capi. Mautr, who was formerly a Skeena Itiver steamer piaster. i t t .T- ( V ' . forestry cftiit6v'At for ser. ; lice overseas, hiyid.'d by Cap' ! Iteorae ft. Hull, left fnt the Kasl' fy tram yesterday., It eonsisl-e.l of Irnnk Cuiith'.'o B. Con-dil. It. McDonald, p. 4lafAlin. J. Pilkinglon. and II, Albertson, CANCELLATION Of REStRVI ) MOTICE IS in:iilBV OIVKS tUt th r ' Orpmy Mlnltur of Umll, 11 it im v Until Drpartmnt, ' i it Miri, u, a. t9t Jini. 9Ht. LAND ACT. ..V; l, ... -mi iireorainir li- Uiit! I!!".: huvn- TSkK NOTICE Ihll Euin. II ... wrn or Mjti, ncciioMioti rmner. iK. Ciiliimrnclnic at n&i. ni.m. -. Iiorltirail ciruer ht hlofk u, vi.ii erly. ISO feet; liVnr norlhtlv i nnn !iT,!i. VSL .or. ro""orenM-nt, n ttm- EtOtM! HSlMPsox rlrt I..n t. Mt '" .Rt,l'cn, NOTICS W THE MVTTf li f an ipniMtlon. for III Imii fir iTorl.lorul Mf raw- t.t TH"" tt tM l,Ut (,, HI.H-S I My'nt naiirar..ry nriHif of itw ruiinim III IIIW '"fill niVfMllt I liatlnr twi-n prortiirfrt to n. tanit Rrrniry Offir. I'r.iir. fin,.-. i ta i. 7IA Auruil,' l't." taa ,if it.. , lt.e thnvfi land infmlli. from U. f irt lii Liirii niV iiL . n.mioiial rfrllflraii. ()f Ihu T,, . .i,V.i 'lv!i!ny. '."."."'le. TiUf " " ' ii w MSI dii;, I4ih ot ortnlir, l.llll, I 4a ISIS, ami . la nnin ii. r. maci ron my in- niriiirar of TIUm. IcajwdianT HimcJ Till! SKDXN MPr -is rrMS I I'm. SU Stea i t7-4S I fM. S-r IMn . t;-4T I fx. 4-Af lWa w 1141 1 1-. IUUa v tT-ML t I'm. LumwIim fT4l I rM. Hnrvktm , r u r.-ti ll-M till n-ti T1IE SPORT MODELS I I'M. wt Km4,Ut t - 1 Cm, Srort Tart 4 rM. 9rn IU4.trr W I'M T"W W4. C. 1 1 T n it i tii m CK WinW UTTIft, AVTOMOSttlt AS.1 1UIIT. MtLAtlOMUH-BUICK. Witt S CI 1 9 nil nl ' they are kid a little nmv and .ike an auto. h.fiind to then, ju' Ten Years Ago in Princa Rupert August 21, 1916. Prince Itupert. duriiiR tio .nonlii of June, eiceeded all dher Pacific coat porls in vol-inie or halibut IhihIUikS. A tool of Mrt!,(Kio pounds was lunded here. Wont has been receive. I here 'A w- rm wm m m m r v m wm v- rw r mm ww m m m m a -J i Service Hth MONOAV tnl THUNSOAT 4.04 p.m tATUS0T, 00 ) tor AUTOS n4 STCWAAT MOKOAT, FRIOAT, 4.00 ML Tor ALASKA WtOnlfOAT. 4.00 m.m. I'or MA11ITT iMLrr Mnnna. a m . Tor SKIDIOATI INLIT n4 SOUTH QUIIN CMAAtOnt rrtihur. rAIIIMOtn TRAINS LtAVI PNIMCt HUPIAT rtn CinH. I'nltMl SUIft, Atnf ll OtM llmll Ll- VMt CjimdUn .flOoQtl Clpmt for M-ttyrt ' r rj. - lo for rour nn hijfwnt Cl Tktt Ortlc. S2S TM'4 Air, Prli Ayft UNION STEAMSHIPS Stlllnr frisn l-nnf Rurl VANOOUVIN, VIOTORIA, Snn . AUrl tt VANOOUVIN, VIOTORIA. Al.rt Stn.. -1 II I I II II 1 1111 H B. C. Coast Services r a si tm m mailings rrom f nnce iup T. .1 . k 1 L . . I., . ,1 . m . a....... m A 1 1. I ' TVntuiir, VKIorla tn4 SlU Awl 4, 7, tl, i l1' I FRINCS8S BCATHISr. Cmpbll Rlttw, K4 Vtncllr tri ttivHH 11 m ., ... for IvIKHi, BIU II. Otn flta, Htmv, ' "r A, Ut all SlMmtlil LlnM. l'',," W. O. ORCHARD rl Al. LIMITED s.w- " - .,1 Pop fORT SIMfSON n- Niu Rlitr Cnnrlt, Thufd fo, port srvrsON, antox, ALICS ar. 8TIWART, u"1,' '.VTh1' ns 24 IIMH. i. ImL r"" LAUNDRY : EQUIPMENT Wash Hollers, from $f50 to Wash Till,-, from $1:2B5SllJH Wnler Pails, from 75ct fi Chdhes Line Pulleys, per pair & (lollies Line Tighleners, each tu0.00 hnsnille Vncunm Hleclric Waher Thnmncnn VlnrAwnrp. Co.. Ltfl - "WWII AAUtUIIU'' ' ' . 1,1, m. 255 Sri1 BT IIUIID BUB Uri'll i mmMmm mtmm amm mm t im . . d Advertise in "The Daily Ne