1;J C 4 j PAGE FOB DAILY KI7.70 TENNIS CLUBS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj JlMUST CALUON D04AN- , r ' f uELtiA '. LITTLE I D LIKUTO SEE GIVE DANCE . -A AT THE HOSPITAL- HE THIRD FLOOR, I 1 XL UNCompORTAOUta-I "kl WAS DELIRIOUS WHts) j Room TUN OuCSN. CALLED FOR ! Trophies Won at Tournament; fPresented by Col. Nlcholls j and Mrs. Marentette. .1 Under Jhc auspices of the com-j Lined leititfs clubs of the city an, enjoyable dancing parly waft held' In the I.iO, I. E. hall last night,! the-evenjnx proceedings !eini4 featured hy lite presentation of the cup, ami medals that had hech won An the city, and prinecJ Hupert 'Ienni Olu tournaments. There )yn about T0u person pt-cMenl mid niiih5,ijr;furnljhed by .an orchestra consisting of -Mrs. .11. P. ponder, I). Eastman oiu ..Howard White. In ihoeburso of the. evening W. II. Tobcv and Max ifeilbroner, donors of cups, were publicly llianked by W UrulKshank and, on motion of Col. J. W. N'ieholls, a cheer was givijn tr NY? f-rnlkshattk, president of "Die Prince Rupert Tennis Club, for ills zealous work during theseason. The presentations of the sea-sori a'wVffds were riftide to the chdls. tf&sisle'if IiIrs. E. W. Matenletlo, TJiey were as fol- lovfi: City 'SliampTtmfhips Men's singlelieilbrdner Cup,, A. II. Carhiielfajy; ladies' siiwrles (To- h e y ICu 1 1 J 'JKM I s s Cu ro 1 i 11 e M i tc h el I ; men's douldesU. T. Howard and E. J, Sinllii'; ladies' doubles. Miss Pete Tremaync and M,iss Caroline Mitchell; mixed doubles, Miss Pete1 Trema,yn.enml It. T. Howant Prince Hope'cl Tennis Ctah Championships Men' sincles. H. T. Howard; ladies singles, Mis 'Choline Mitchell; men's double, E. W. Marentdtie and F. E. Itob- ertson; ladies'tloubles. Miss (Irace Curtin aml Mis.afliiroHiie Mitchell mixed-doubles, -iss -Virginia lltal and E. W. MarenlMte. .The committee in ciiangp of'iho event consisted of W. Cnilksbauk, E. W. Marentette ami A. R. Ni-ciiolh. Ttii serving of delightful refreshments at eleven o'clock vaslundeT the supervision 0 Misn I'ete Tremayne. MISS BARBEAU AND FRANK ST. AMOUR MARRIED IN SOUTH Of interest to many local friends of IJio contracting couple is lhe announcemenl of (he wedding in Holy Rosary Cathedral, of Vancouver, on Monday morning of this week of Miss Adeline !Mary Ilariiean and Frank Itrucj Eugene 8t. Amour, Rev. Tathar OMJdyle 'officiating. MK and Mrs, Hi; Aniour are now on a honey-nvoonvtrjp to Victoria and Seal-tie; and will arrive in Vrince Rupert shortly to take up residence. They are bolb wel' known and residents of long sliuuling and will receive the hearty felicitation 9 ofrnanyfriend -. PRINCE GEORGE MILL TO GO AHEAD AT ONCE Work to be Rushed Says Paosr 'Published In That Young and Progressive City Archie MrOrogor, engineer in charge of J. D. MeArthur's saw mill undertaking, arrived in Ihn city on Sunday evening'. train accompanied by A. .1. McLcac, fcavs titn lrmce (feonge Ciliien He says It is Mf. MeArthur's intention to rush the work of building the sawmill on the Uud son's Hay addition as rapidly as possible. The necessary prelim jnary is the building of the mile spur which will connect up Ine mill site with the Canadian Na tional Railway system. This win ne ianen in nam at once and will bo commenced as soon as men and teams for the work can be secured. Preference will be given to the owners of local stock on the spur construction but if the -required number can4- not be secured the horses wiil be brought in from Abrla. Mr. MtOregor says it is not the intention of Mr. MaArlhur Ui move blfjlg Edmonton mill to Ibis ciiyjjf.ns there is still plenty of material available for this miH in H present lopnllon. The mill In. go In lrere will' be n modern one in every rnipect and -will have a culling capacity of at least 150,000 feet board measure, on a 'leu-hour shift. The creel Ion. of the MoArlhur miU'jind (lie eonslrucllon.rtf 'llie necessary .river improvements and nilllpond will be tlie largest onlsrnrian enterprise 1 un 1 n I lerlawn o r I n liAn T.i In l the fi "n .ill cllyi euite jis incur uiraiimi, ,aiuj. a . . . ... enouid result in a marked im- WE TOOK provenienl in local conditions hs soon as it is got under way. Mr. McLean, who accompanied Mr. Mcdregor to the city, will have .diaive of the construction work, and will take up bis residence here at owe. The buildings for nierty occupied by the provin cial goveriunen. on the Hudson' Hay sile will he utilized as tin unp for thfewQrking forge dur. inc Hfo building of llicspitr ar.d me erechor of 1t- .avm!H. -It said 4iiri. will be ah exnendi- luro of approxii!Alely, half a mJ- iion'dollars on the McArih'ur en-ierprise before a slick of lumber is cut for the market SEW HAZELTOH Constable Sperry tfiite, resi dent of Skeena district for 23 year ami for the last twelve year provincial police officer lere, leaves today with Mrs. Uine and family for Ciittmainus In vvhieli point he has been tiansferred in the services of tuo force. Constable C Wyman of i'rince Rupert is beinc transferred here. Development work is to ,1 started on the Oas.niar Crown property in the Oram oca district willi W. Harris in charge. Miss (Evelyn Sheasgreen Vancouver lias been visiting witri Mrs. F. A. Ooddard. Mrs. Hugh- Harris and family ,Jwyo. relurne4 M llaiellon after having spent a couple of weeks camping at Lake Kalhlyn. Mrs. M. L. I.arkworthy and 'Mrs. Y. A. ioddard were joint liusiesfct on Tuesday in honor .Mrs. .lame Carmicliael of Lo Angeles and Miss Evelyn Sheas-green of Vancouver. It. Willaii, I'ete Ijpooncr and eorge'arnU WlfreilHall have left for the Alberta harvest fields. Dune .Mcintosh, pioneer of thi. district, intends to leave shortly for South Africa where he will occupy laud awarded him , for erviee in the IJoer War. Miss ,eale of the Hazelton Hospital nuring taff. loft tbU week to spend a monln holiday ng in Yicloria. TERRACE NOTES Miss Janet Young returned on Wednesday front Vancouvet wnnre she has been holidaying 11. k. .11en or rianati was a business visitor here Thursday Miss Etanda Marsh returned on Tuesday from lrince Ituperl and on edneddy left for I'aci fie for a short hoi day. R. H. II. Jones and Oscar Olander arrived from Kalum Lake during the week, having made the trip across the hills io usk ami thence to Terrace. neorgo j.mie renirned on Thursday from a business trip lo Vancouver, returning via Lu cerse and ealltn at Vanderhoof If Troubled With Diarrhoea YOU SHOULD USK IT WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT RELIEF This valuable preparation has been on th market for the past eighty ytrs, ana ,H,,a reputation, seoonn to none, for tll9reiief f aU coinpUirti 11 .. ..a 1 1... m nn : Manulacturod ... onlv . . la r - . bum la., umuti, ,To 'loroaw, uau K O 1926 r Int Cnt and Smilher. Mrs. Little, Clara uud Uorolliy are visiting m Seattle and Dudley is slaying with Mrs. Olaf Hanson a: Sniilhers. O. T. Sundal nMunie on Wednesday from a busi:,ess trip Vancouver and .Victoria. ..Miss ilta'es of luivei. Uoiora lie Kaluin Lake niinintr ilistrto:, s sikurding a few .days i:i iftwn btfore returriiiig (toino. Mrs. Hood and son who hai ieen holarfiyins at Hill r'arin .(turned to tiieir homo in I'riraM ?tupert or. Friday, Tom Marsh returned to Ocdar-vale on Weiluesday. Mrs. A. H. Darker was ho less at an enjoyable social nf. fair on Thursday evening uti honor of Mrs. Halt Sr., who is soon leaving for her tiome tn ancoiiver. .1. Smith of Uk was in town on Thursday. Eric ami iKmglas Christensoi, Carl and Waller Smith and John Naylor, returned tu Iheir homes Prince Rupert during the eek afler spending a holiday al Hill Farm. Terrace. The .Ladies', riuild of Kmn nited Church held their annual picnic lo Lakelsc Lake on Wednesday. The party left town h motor about 9.30 a.m. After a hort visit al Ine Punda.. chool camp mnjl of the party went ny boat to I he Hot Snrin: Hotel for luneli. On their return ta was seized at the ramp and Hie party arrived back in town bout 7 p.m. Despite the ralhfri unsettled wejilher a most enjoy- ble day was spent. Mr. and Mrs. T. Shackelton of sk were in town on Wednesday. Malt Allaril was in from Kalum Lake during the week. Mrs. Milliard returned home from the snuUuon Wednesday. SMITHERS RAILWAYMEN FORM AN ORGANIZATION SMITHERS .Aug ill. - -The Tii- nadian lirntherbood of Railway limployees now has a branch here. It was formed during the week nd officers -were elf cte'd as fol lows: l'rsideniiii..!H. Kllpatrick. Vicei'resi(lenl I'. Ilalner. Recording "Secretary R. W Cliamnion. Financial Secretary O. Rob crts. Warden 'S. Robinsnti. Inner (luardtl). McLean. Outer Cuard J. Harrison. Reporter It. Taylor. A grievance committee con sisllng of fleo. Roberts as chair man, R. Champion as secretary anil J. Harrison was also ap pointed. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. R. Hucknal), E. R. Hall. I V Smith, W. H. Ypeece, II. Dicknell, and J. M. Collins, Van couver; Roy Mainwaring and J C. Devlin, Pouce Coupe; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Calgary; L-E Moll, Winnipeg; A. It. Herger Dulntli;,!). Ilrowne, Mofllreal Mrs. T. Dawc. Halutoral; Jobn, K Cave, llarristoil, Onl.; Mr. arv Mrs. (1. W. Frost. Arrnndalc. Nellc E. Hales, Loveland. CoK 1. i'. i-oiey. fiapiain m oivo. Central 1. C. Freeman, city: W. R Taylor. C.X.R.; J. Wnters,vSinlh ers. . Mr. and Mrs. J. n. (llnssno and family sail this evening on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver en route to Port Arthur. Jim,. - v mm L-m l Fmtuis Svicf. Inc Bnuia rifkte imiiI, VN anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in IBOYS' BAND EXPECTS TO GIVE A CONCERT; The liny- Hand will give a public conecri on Totem Pole HRI ti)nioxi'w al :i p.m., weather (lermtlljng. Programs iMareJr - ' Tilt Merrimae" fWUt Hurf . LMariL'W'tr' 4F. E. Nilj. 'WiillJ! 'Sweet Rose" (Lowell Miirth - -The Matinee" (Al. Hayes). Serenade -"Idle Fancy" (by rHe?l). H Dennett). March InvercarHill" (Lith-gol i . AVttlti- Klower Ouecn" (A. J. Wcidt) Marthr- Nitrmal" (DchmIO Inl!!!rmeixt "Imlian Hoy" (A. X. OJhjffl. 'Marw-"Tbe eoiit" 'K. E. XlMl. "Cod ave the King." Tbos. .WiNun, cowliictor. Itaml Inv will - aHiid at Provincial i:nirt lloiue grounds al e.l.i n.m sliarp. TERMINALS ARE WINNERS AGAIN Defeated Moose In Football Game By Two to NIL The postponed Mobley llup foot ball game helweeii the Moose and Orand Terminals was played laH evening Defore a small rowd of sMelators, Jhe ialter winniivg two o nil. The Moose won the toss ami kicked uphill. Itolh o.il hail narrow escapes in the first few minutes play, hut Uic Moose generally were the better (earn, ami showed better combination than hHr opponents. Pery Tinker playing a fine constructive gane' at len tialf. A strung breeie made good football illfficutt, anl tlay was somewhat serappy tn consequence. At the interval Im rernnnuls were leading by a goal put llirniiglrhy a. Moose defender. len nntufes after Hie r!Siimi lion Dickens he,vied through a second goaf fnlv'thp Terminals. I'lay was pyf nlydlvjded, bill? the TerminatfffifeiiUt 'was trlV on lop of the Moose forwards, who missed some.gofMl oieiiinigs. The Moose pressed continuously in the last ten minutes, but failed lo score ,tlo- Kanic ending in semi parknes- with the Terminals win ping by two goals yi nil. j SPORT CHAT j) Acconii'iinied by n small con tingeni ,,r fans, Hie Smlthem baseball team moloreil to tliirii Lake on Sunday and after thrilling nlno-innlng gamo with Andy Ruddyipets were declared tlie winners by a scoro of 0 runs to :i. (deal basehall wcalher prevailed llirotwdiout tho after noon and tho fans were treated to another hitler s;rugglfl be tween these two nines. Tlie im portal ion . of- soveral player from Viinderlioof: added consid. Lake line-iffff.d ilitcfl visllor were fon-ed to extend themselves ai all lni?HSxorlh,tganie. ine excellent baUcry worK oi 11011 erts and (jpojdacre yas a blur factor in the rnllhers victory, al lluiugli io cnlire learn playc ell. the work of the Levyl brothers in the field belng .es pecially prominent. .fohnsou w;fs in tlie box for iHufns Laki and made 'a good' -Impression r NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No AdvertUement taken for le than 5Qc WANTED. WANTED "-One reliable man in every town, mewliant preferred, lo take orders for best custom-made clothes in Canada. Highest commissioiip. Rex Tailoring Co. I.liJ,, Toronto (2) SOI FOR SALE. FOR S.I.F- Chdie waterfront property y5x3J5. Five roomed furnished hoite in gnwl condl. tton. Ontrally locate I. Price a,tt00 cash. Writ owner, Hox 75, Petersburg. Alaska. 19? FOR SALE- lludon motor m first class condition: fine for pleasure boat. Snap. Apply, Hot ."M8. Daily News Offiee. FOR SALE. Hotel Massett. A good bargain. Ill health 0114 for setliiw. Apply William IlihUon. Mnssett. B.C. FOR SALE St. Rctris Cafe, folly emiippd and in goo-1 condition. Apply L. Murray Fuller. Custodian. FOR SALE. New bed. Davenport, haml sewiiiK maehtne, dinner set. Phone I Hue 195. TENT FOR SALE. - New this rear and ued only one ween. Price ggQ. Pullen, Daily News. lf.00 PER MONTH bum .1 splendid view lot on 1 initial!) Avenue. Walker s Music store FOR SALE Kitchen range m gool condition. Appiyv 879 Summit Ave. Phone an. mfl FOR SALE-- -Largo modern houe splendidly located. Apply O. P. Tinker. TO RENT FOR RENT. Lars en building at 171 Third Avenue East; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. FOR RENT. Newly decorated house, two bedrooms. ISO.00, Apply -.'Ifi Fourth Ave. E. FOR RENT. Four room xsullri hot water healed. Apply SmRi & Mallet. '. MODERN HOUSE for renl-.tflyn rooms ami oath Miinm Hros, BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 8.11 Second Avenue. Phone 137. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKI.L3E 1. 01 HI K. near Terrace. Vlsll Lakelso lllhla Ho springs, i.iinia is ono of Hi finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. (Jood fly fishing for rainbow trout in LakeUe lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through, connection wUh Lodge Tela. phone connected to Terrare J. Ilruce Johnslonc, mnnawer MISCELLANEOUS .'on MONTHLY EASJY RELLIMi M.UIIC . VI.A0 can equals .1.1 gallons gasoline. No eai-bon.. Ouarnnleed harmless Proven meril. Your name nn cans, -write quick for . pae llftiila;f and prftof, ;hf , ,( siaivMi.Mii. (r. ,v i.erchvre a Co.. Alexandria. OnL. Canada altiiougii his support was wobbly at tunes and several errors ' crucial moments jM the Kame ro. siiiicii 111 Milliners tallies. Mr ami Mrs. Howard ll. Hill and foully. Second Avemiu Westview. are sailing this evening on the Prince fleorgo for Vancouver on a holiday trip. ' 3, Articles Loit and Found, &c AQENT8 WANTED. 1- WANTED.- A Man for ap tin- usual Agency. Darwin Limited established IV yuars operating a Chain of Uidtoft' Iteody-io-Wear Shops in Moni -real and Oltavva, ar now ex famding their operations so a-to reach every part of Canada. This opens a goblao oppdrtun Hy for reliant men and women j to ha mile our exeluiv line of LadW Ready-to-Wear Ckitbc-. Selling experience not aeres-mry If you mean nustness w will (Mh oi how. Our Fall one is now n-aoy. inir sellin-f 1'' a oiillH is a real -FaahmtuWiow "'Mf lMr.!.".n hi a noal portfolio. This mot, "J;mIuJ4;,." derful Outfit Free to ivli., . "m 11 , kl. ..! vn rrir-r-i,iW,,vt, II nil' .1 'Or u.. : illlj-M. . fall ... W..iil .. 1 ". ami the territory ynu IK'Minu ik ... i U llrcuw 1.. tk ot VtlUM.. td lllUH' mllm iHiii ,. 41 llw iu, - Oram 11 ,. ft, Itm Until. I'.., . - It WI lul Ullli n.- IU. Mirer t- Urn fin 11 vmn, 1 11.. , . : III. ttll! !. r 'I.J. tfc.li- " IMl 11,. , IMl I 111- 'trnaibHM k a ' hoi iu . . Tim lUI ' Urr I Jul -SUS.IM. I5 r i ... WSTIS SOTICI ' TUt SHiTl. . . 4XTll.,t, it... vv.i F ll. I.u. I.. th nil ItOl will tm Oi4 t k Of M r.Ji j.if. .; . MMI SllMilif llWItf I4 4.' th mx tm m t TN- va(' . 1 tiira tt )l 1 -STVMUni) LASD Ut nu ! imwUh m atlMl l ltr k- . Mtik IMrt 1 erm- r a Mtf MM. ft V!a ClMrfc-U. I; tue son-1 e(.Mt i.ti B.C. ornou. foe ! HMD - 0l4MmM-lff Mwitritl iMia . III wnn!.i M '"i ir iiotamiK prnposiiioo. Mtr iiii I. Wf" Detmr do it now later may Im 100 tale. Hamin- Limited. Depi. 35. Hot o., Montreal. One.. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES The fotlowlng Chevrolet prices are now In effect f.o.b. Prlnco Rupert: Roadster IHI5 M Touring ... IHI5.04I fpott iloadlr (fuMy eipnppeil IH80MI Coupe 1 ftu.. n. Coach tinii.oi) Seila n ltt3fi.no Landau Sslan 1 1 iHS.Ofl Light Delivery Chassis I-IV4 Ion Trurk Chassis 8'.IS.0U KAIEN QARAQE Dealers In all General Motors Products WRECKING 8'.RVIi:k DAY AND MiillT Phone 82 . WHY WALK? When yon i-an purchase a NEW FORD OAR On our Easy I'aynieni Plan Cash Il.1l.ine0 payment .vioniniv lllin.lbo'ul. .'. . li'B.on 3r,.no pi'ourlng ... IU5.00 35.cn SlWVM llnniltlK- a in.on to.oo Coupe sto 00 Kt.(h) Tudor Sedan ... l?5y no 110.00 lordor $276.00 1 15.00 Lt. Delivers ... SIHO.OO 35.00 Li. Delivery Van 9200.00 910.00 Commercial Clinls f 105.00 las on Truck Chassis 1176.00 1.16.00 For Demonstration nr further Informal loo en 1 1 S. E. PARKER, LTD., Dealers in FORD 12 Trucks Tractors FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Meanilfuity diionted near Ferry Landing Allltihlo ?5 feel. Camping and Fishing Trips arranged FIRST CLASS TAHLE wiUivprodiico FRESH FROM THE FARM. Take a Trip to the Lake Coiinlry 11. 1. - mis ynr. For reservations, write Mrs. Henkel. Francois Lake. E C TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Sk nnd Seven Passenger Slnde. hftlfnr nl ft.n.. .It . -.": m jour uispnsai any time. nuaa hrus. POOL ROOM Meeker Blook, Acrosj from Ein'pren fJotel. WTM kOTlCI TAU So?'"1- Uh mutt IV- ! tritr 1.1 i-alAlsr J.' IK MI'.SU IXtxl iu 4, III Ml MI ft 11 SCT. ctanricATC or ismit1 IU rr.ai V I'sH " l Hi Ih Al) 1 lir lnnn,i V rtnlp r.tk V tivl tbrl . ' I-1 1 1 l.n.tMt lltftvl . : f Him, . r l( .v I'm, hm oj -,1 "inn? ,. - 1 rriiliriir r tm' abate rUim brr ih i IlftlM, llhIB l- CC ' - .. MINtSSL CT. nil Cinvua M -n Ih Allm vilnms 1 ; irtrt. hr fcict vsi - pijiiitiiiii ,. , WW' TAUT .XOTI'E tn! Irnil 1111 div- 1 r In aisf.lv In fhl Ml $ ' . t Lrnniriir or imr - .i,i I fi IIVI.I Hill ! rlnm. snd rrlhr un r litKlrr croon K Morr lb !) ' k n.t.mfenMtlla . 1 1 ..... , 1 . luliMl ibis li n: .. - ; nt U H " NiiuL scr. , .M0n1 Hltrk Smllh Mltir nit Ih Allin Mlninr rirt. Whrrn I' l ii iriliuurv of 1 iiljninmt Om '', nn ll Miiilhrriv nm wmk v.w, V1III1T Ih3l .. Mil1 t rrr Miner's n!r Ji- 1.. .HI. ,1tm r. i" to kiTlr to. Ih Ml: " rrrnrirx nf Imp! 1 nt ivtM of nlitslnlnr n. furihor ttkn RI'T. tinilrr sprilon X- snot hrir Uh- Issiir listed this tt t: .," M,V 11 LAND CT. Nolle f Intsntlsn X spp'r ' : im 1, .in., ni.rw.rl 1 Kill n nf l-rlnre Hiiwrl Hiirteri . null) '''';.. ,,iii. y 0 Hit' VH.url Intel, ' '"' lir TAkr MITI' I. "" ."--Mil I'rlnre Ruivri. H 1 . , pin1 ll-l rtikn Inlrllll! In St1!1 . .Mihnl imrrhsse Itie fe''"'": 'n,iiit '. .n,t. pi.lrlrt, I Mr ',,,.. itii.ni.. ui tn ihi'i- .wn . . . . inrnrr . .j. tilth wiier vnrtt.ti e;' "' p ment. ami ronliininr I' Pitsd Juot Utb, llt