SJOt Frames Mirrors Clocks Jeel Boxes Trays Puff Boies Powder Boies Hair Receivers Phone 34 Simmons Slcel Beds. Spring r A Balance In the Bank THE allowance pi the houses. , wife, or the salary ol the business girl, will last longer and go farther if paid into the Dank and withdrawn only as required. The temptation to spend for unnecessary tilings wilrbe less, and the balance to carry forward. each month will be greater. " Laiiii uill Ttcthii courttout, helpful atUntitH from Mr Staff. tThc Royal Bank , of Canada Prince Rupert Branch F. E. Robertson, Manager lie New Orthophonic Victrola 6 exciting more comment nd attracting more favor Itan has any musical In- Irument before. :. y f- if' my opiiii'": :a 'T liiiil f n i i ' ti' 1 n : v - Ol .'li - iinilar i tin ( r inif nts i !lt f i: -t .!( unity, a t lii'iir Yu .! asi jin (IimI at Hie fi-' wi ti n iii' li i-vcry iiiu-.. u Miipi'r or wIIht. r i 'cin odun-il for OU. Hil i r fi GRENADA MODEL Mahogany and Walnut $200 ' OTHER MODELS $116 $275 $385 Termj Arranged rench : Ivory at Cost if to m ike room for nrw gnmls we arr selling out 'ft -fiirL nf l-Vftnrii Ivnrv fit eiml mir iviti- t or IiargnitiH. i Perfume Eottlo Button Hooks Shoe Horns Manlcuro Plecos Vases Calendars Cream Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. Tin- ItKXAM. STOUI. 3rd Avenue find 6th Street I'lONKKII DIUOtilSTS Phones 82 and 200 Loggers! Loggers! Wc linvo the only oniplett. stork of Gilchrist Jacks hi purls in the North. Wc liantU Logging liable, Axe. ''eavie, Haw, ami general Came Kqiiipiiient. U will puy you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 106 mid Oslcriiiour Mat- wsses in every room. , f2 Booms, Hot ami Cold Witter, Hnlhs ami bhmvers, 8'euin llealeil, Klcctrlc Light. Corner of Third Ave 'and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo.- tH.OO. Hyde Tratiifer. Phone 080. tf Crawfdril peachos arriving Monday,, I. i 5 iter crate. Iluper' ilile? Sypplf: 5 i " ' : Try Foothills Stove Coa'., 13.00 per Ion. No soot.--I'Irl pott, Kvilt & Co. Ltd. tf . f JloQIi'lt peajg, Xo. 1 wrapped StacSjfper aiittetLih, arriving AlondAy 'l"allPSiij.pIy. All .Moose meet at Moose Hall, 2 p.m. Sunday, lo attend Hie funeral of Hie late Mr. A. O. Franks. Frank Cullin, a former printer of this clly, is now located a' Powell Hiver where lie gets ou' the con'ipHny publication, th. Powell Jtiver Digester. Mr, anil Mrs. J. F. llulelihifor ami family nil tonight on Uf Prince rteorne for Vancouver eiY'route to W Zealand where tljey are lo j(ak"e lip their future riidciice. Miss (J. (iosse, who has rv,i visiting hen- wild her sisNT, Mrs. II. I.. Alexander, sails this afternoon by the Priuces Char- 'He on her return to her home n Victoria. (iovernmcnl Agfiit and Mr. Norman A. Walt and daughter Joan, returned to the city on ypstenlay afii noon's iraln from IVIkWa where tlny spent the ast few weeks for the heiiefi! of Mr. Watfs lieallli wliteh is now coiisuJcralily improved. With lr. W. Sagcr of Por Simpson art in; as eoronrr in plarc of J. H. Tannock, who i- ill. tln iutpjesl into Hie deuth of I'.iipl. Martin Fotland ieiifil this morning ami, after tln hody luid le'ii vlewcl, adjournmiMi: was lakn until Monday Mr. am) Mrs. iirard Hattcl of l.o Angeles arrived from the Maul urn this atlprn.ion's trail. inn win hii tor Vancouver on hp sieaiiK-r Prinn' (icorje. Mr. Handle is a member of the oaff of (tic general pasoiiire l''l.irliiie'nl of the Southern Pa eifir Ilailwuy i:onlahle and Mrs. S. tlli:e will arrive on Hits afternoon .rain from Hazelton and leave hj !lie steamer Pfinee tieorye foi VMneouvr en mute to Chrmain- us, Vancouver lUn.l, to wind lioint uistable Inline has bw Iransrerrod in the service or the provincial police. In aid of the annual iaxaai wliiclt will Jte held in the fall, a lea was held yesterday afternoon hy the Moosehoart Legion at Hie home of Mrs. Charles hdwanls. Hays Covo Avenue. There was a sood turnout and Mrs. Ftlwards was assisted bj .Mrs. Alf. "Uhrlstfansen. Mr. ami Mrs. II. C. JIocIicsUn who have been visiting tn the rily with Mrs. Ilochester's par enU, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mor pan. will sail on tontuht". steamer for Vancouver en route o Ihrir home in Monlrtsil. Thcj will be accompanied to Vancou ver by Mrs. .Morgan' who will visit there. hour natives, appeared in Ihv city police court this morning to answer to .liquor rhnrses under llu Indian Act. Peter Spence was fined and cost, with the option of one month In Jail. for supplying; Alfred Wesley was rcniiimk'd for eiht days on a charge of havin liquor in his K)sessiuiv and Sam Cecil ami Selina Danes wore each as?o.:3e'' l and costs ,or inlovication. Jjeatlachg j I THE DAILY NEWS WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM "fKUIT-MIYES" KITE HELPED THOUSHDS Mas. DAVISON If yon are made miKtrable by this painful diseaxe, rrad this encouraging letter from Mrs. Louis UaTison of Eaa Claire, Oat. "!Jome years ago, 1 had a severe attack of lUirumatism. I tried many remedies but receired little benefit. A few months ago, I naw an ad Teriisement of "Fruit-a-tiTes" and derided to try them. After taking four boxes, I am now able to do all my own work besides putting in a large garden. I lake great pleasure in recommending "Fruit-a-tiTes" to anyone suffering from Rheumatism." "Fmit-a-tiTes is a genuine fruit medicine, made from fruit Juices in tensified and combined with tonics. It frees the system of poisonous waste matters and purifies the blood stresra. Try ''Fl!t-atlves,, yoarself and let them restore ron to health and vigor. 25c sod 50c s box at all dealers. GRAND OPENINQ ANNOUNCEMENT WIRES WERE DOWN 4- MRS. H. S. PARKER Announces the opening of f her new store on Saturday, Auaust 21. carrying an ex- elusive line of Ladles' Ready-to-Wear. The Pub- 4- i;c of Prince Rupert are In- vlted to call In and Inspect the stock. 210 Sixth Street. Phone Green 502. 196 Outdoor tomatoes i lb. lug arrtvins Monday, fct'ifij per case I able Supply. ' ' , v Hi the parly who look a coal by mistake from me Westholm.-I lieutrd return the same to 75 Taxi? steamer Priftcc George, '.'.apt. Harry Nedilen, is expected tiaek rrom Stewart aitd Anyox about ? o'clock this evening and will sail for Vancouver ami wayports at J o'clock... Mr. and Mrs. Theo Collarl and son left on this morning's train for Terrace. Mrs. Qpllarl will spend a Tew weeks holiilayinv at Terrace and Mr. Colfaift will return to the city on Monday. Ui!brt of the mechanical -tarf of the Canadian Radiotelegraph Service, after having been eiUfaped in work alUe Digby Island station, sails this afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Alert Hay. Mr. and Mrs. S. K,, Campnei sail this evening on the Prince tieorge for Vancouver. During the past week or so Mr. and Mrs. Oimpliell have been honored guesig at a nunrfa'r of de-liphlful private Social qvents. " Considerably behind, -solieduh lime, O.X.It. stennier Prince John, Oapl. F. Mabbs.. $ duo from .VaiieOuvor via thq sDUthoni end of the Queen Charlotte Is lands tonight or-tomorrow morning. The John wns three days late in leaving. Vancouver. not getting away from there till Tuesday. r i a .... Diie from Alaska ports al S o'clock, C.P.H. sleamer Princess Charlotte, Cipt. C. C Haiuley, will sail al 6 o elockUns evening for Alert Hay amr Vaneouver. The Charlotte is -bringing from ! Ketchikan an overflow of twenty passeusers who will he trans-ferrrd liere to the Prijiccss Heat-rire, Cap!. S. K. (ira.vy-which is due from the sjmlh at 7 o'clock this evening and vvhlh will sail shortly thereafter on, livr return to Vanrouver. Owing lo Hie failure of the telegraphs the late- press news? which usually comes in nhoiU noon and after does not appear today. Church Notices St. Andrew's Cathedral (Church of England) Sunday Services Morning 11.00 a.m. Kvcning 4 7.30 p.m. Preacher: Ilev. Archdeacon O, A. Ilix Presbyterian Church There will be no services to morrow In the Preshylcrian Church or Sunday School. j Christian Science Society Service every Sunday morning in the Hays' Jilock, 2S5 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday. "'Mind." Testimony meeting 'on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Baptist Church Sunday school al 10 o'clock Morning service at 11. Subject "Sunshine and Shadow." Even ing worship at 7.30. Subject The Opium Menace." Speaker, Mr. Harry Moyle of Toronto. Mr. Moyle will present an in tensely inlercsling and vital subject ine which may have a bearng on Prnc Hupert as being the Pacific port -nearest the Orient. Lutheran St. Paul's Krvdish Lutheran Church, Melrooole Hall, Third ,ve. Ilev. Thos. D. Hinde, pa: tor. Morning service fn Sunday at 11 o'elock. Sermon theme. J'he Folly of Prejudice." Solo by Edward. Haisler. -Everyone cordially fnvitrtd. , ? ' i . '' The United Church Morning seWiee1 If ' o'cloci Topic: "The Have Man Glori fied." Evening service 7.30. Ho loisl. J. S- Wilson. Sermon lor ic: "Five Deaths of the Faith?' Rev. (ieo. O. Hacker is th; speaker at both services. Hupert East service is with drawn tomorrow night. We in vite a full attendance al First United. FOREST FIRE WORST7 HISTORY OF ALBERTA Trappers Blamed For Careless ness In Not Putting Out Camp Fires. KDMO.M'ON, Aug. 21. Forest in-. in Alberta this year have been Hie worst in the history of the province in the opinion of Axel Smith, one of the pioneer and most experienced woodsmen in the west. TUc greater portion of the responsibility for this con ditiou, lie lays upon the shoulders of lite tenderfoot trapper. "In my travels to the north of Edmonton," said Mr. Smith, '! find that nearly all residents living in the woods are more or less inlerested in trapping during the winter, catching fox and coyotes und in the latter part of the season around every Hltle lake or slonvrli. muskrats. Here is where the trouble starts for the firej rangers. Old Trappers Careful "These tenderfoot trappers have no idea of the danger of leaving a fire burning. Their one object is to get as much fur us they can regardless of results, and many an honest trapper has had to abandon his old stamping ground and seek new fields on account of the destruction wrought by these embryo trappers. VOUNG PORT SIMPSON PEOPLE ARE MARRIED Miss. Gertie Dennis Becomes Bride of Joseph Morrison and Will Live at Simpson At the United Church manse last night at 7.30 the marriaae look place of Joseph Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Mor rison f Port Simpson !o Mis tierlie Dennis, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Peter Dennis of tin aine idaee. The young people are return ing from North Pacific Cannery and will reside at Port Simpson PROVINCIAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders will be received on or nerore luesuay. August 21, bv the undersigned for a number of ballards whieli can be seen at the government warehouse. Th? lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (. C. McKAY. District Engineer, PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon td by SANTAL MIDY war of Imitation Look for th word "MIOV Sold tiy ill ilrurriat i yWBf PAGE THHE1 THE TRUTH ABOUT PURE BEER the past several years the public has IN been told many things about beer, yet it is not surprising that many people should not' know what beer really is, for the merits of pure beer have been almost entirely neglected by controversiorvalists. Pure beer is a scientifically made malt solution, derived from malted barley and flavored with hops. In this malted condition the grain is much more nourishing than in its natural state and the beer has many beneficial activities when taken as a beverage. In the first r-lac pure beer is in itself a complete food, rich in proteins, maltose and dextrin, mineral salts and organic phosphorous compounds. It 1 superior to either cider or wine in its nourishing qualities. Consumed at th? rate of one bottle per meal, it would replace 300 grammes of bread in food value, because of its content of extractives, carbohydrates and proteins. Pure beer awNIx valuably In Ihe almIlal!on of other food, for, hy reaon of Us hop-hittrr prlnrlples, its wmk alcoholic lrrnglli and its dissolved rarbnnle arid gas, II rxrrts a beneficially stimulating action on the alomath. Beer Is a beveraoe rich in vitaminrs, so neerssary lo Ihe well bring of Hie human ornanlsm and as a defense against disease. II Is aseptic, for the wort has been completely sterilized by prolonged boiling In tbe presence of the bop tillers, which are strongly antiseptic The heallh-glving qualities of the pure beer sold la Ihe people of British Columbia are secured and mala-talned in Ihe model plants of the Vancouver Brewery Limited, lUinier Brewing (x. of Canada IJniltra, Westminster Brewery Limited, !iher Spring Brewery Limited, and Ihe Victoria Phoenix Brewing Co. Limited, members of Ihe Amalgamated Brew erics of British Columbia, which are models of scientific care and cleanliness. They are open for inspection at all timet, and visitors are gladly welcomed. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. TP. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnglnsers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38" Everything for the Builder LUMBER Wc have Hie most complete stock of timbers, dimensions, sliiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, yeneers, etc.j in Northern B.C ' ' - We can supply everything in a building from the foundation &fthe la$t- piece' orifln1$hV' Before buying inspect our stuck. II will pay you. Our pnres are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ' Phone 116 and 117