ft' ' I PAOETW TUB DAhit NKWa Friday, -fuly - t, ti NEW HISTORY More Flavour OF PROVINCE Don't limit your enjoyment of Mustard to occasional use with Cold Meats. It gives more flavor to hot meats too-r-. sharpens the appetite, neutralizes the richness of fat fooosj Bruce A. McKelvie, Former Editor and makes them easier to digest. t of Dally News, U Author of Splendid Volume (Sfj - i4 ... v The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT y BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Princ Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ' - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 2C Cityj Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts or the British Umpire and the United 8tates. in advance, per year $6.00 . . . .11 1 1. i t u an inner countries, id aavance, per year ........... $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Cdltor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 - 88 All advertising should' be in The Daily News Office before p.m. Art Ani nm y r . -. ....Li: 1 ' .11 . . . . . uii uaj (MCLcuiiig -junm jiiiuu. u advertising received subject 10 approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH Friday, July 23, 1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Russian Trade and Germany. In its July Bulletin, the Royal Rank of Canada publishes the following interesting article on Russian economic progress: The extent to which Russia is to he a serious factor in in ternational trade during the next few years is a question that is causing coioideralile discussion on all sides. In last month's letter we gave a brief summary, of current conditions in Germany, .... .. . . . I I L 1 .,'..1 11. I J II 1 -n unu nu ircuuiieiii oi me inuiiMriai oiiuook lor uerniany woiiiu lie eoninlele without siimn miMiliniY nf i'iiii'ii Hn.inii nnwniil The necessity for export markets has caused Germany to ,. . 1. . l . . i - .1 .. 1.1? . t . .1 S .stri-K tiuser iruue rt-iauoiisiiii wun ims.ia. uiissiau joreign iraae is an increasingly important element in international com fnerce. In the last two years Germany has exported $100,000,- 000 Worth nf COIiiIk til llnssifi. In nritti In pni'dMpairo lliiii Itvufu the German government is financing these exports vith sufficient credits so that agricultural implements, foe. ipunce, may be paid for from the proceeds of IwU harvests. In-order to-secure this market, Krupps has. established four model farms in Russia where their machinery may be demonstrated to the peasants of the surrounding, territory. As the Russian is not familiar with modern methods m agriculture, lumbering or mining, the pro cess or introducing modern machinery is one which will re-, quire education ana patience, before Hie war there were less man ooo tractors in all or Russia 12,500 were used in con ricctiunvvith the hist harvest. Almost Up to' Pre-War Mark. While it is undoubtedly somewhat difricult to form any ac curate estimate or industrial and economic conditions, yet figures from Russian sources indicate that production in some lines is now approaching pre-war proportions. Forty per cent more oi was exported rrom Risiaa in their fiscal year of 1021-25 than in 1013, but iron and gold production was' only about hair as great. Textile production has tripled in the past two years and is now practically on a pre-war basis. The pulp and paper industry is now producing about 05 per cent of its 10J3 volume. But primarily, Russia is ail agricultural country and the progress hiade in this field is more important than in other activities. In 1025, 225,000,000 acres were sown, as compared with 2i5.-000,000 acres in 1013. During the first years of the present regime, Russian money was inflated in somewhat the same mqnnef as in Germany. By1 March. ,1021, however, the Russian Soviet had realized that it must have- stable money and some mean of securing credit ajir'Oad; the whole currency sysk-ni was changed and a new nore, ine I cnervonetz. was then issni-d lin imr ., .ta ,.r nn' Th l-fkllfllrt ... f.;.tli. .. ' M If ..' .. . ... ..' - tcner'OneiZ lias lieen nia iilh liin'H il: v-ii..' I wj , . .... i, . ... ... .: -..4 i c.r rt L' I ii.i i n hi n riina iuiia ....... ... ......... , . . Question of Interest Throuqhout World. The question as In Ihe possible stability of Russia is one cr interest throughout the world. Outside attempts lo upset the present government have received little help from the people or the country. The Russian peasant secured land ownership' rrom this government with the result that he does not wMi a' change, however little he may believe in the doctrines for which the government stands. The industrial worker receives better pay and greater privileges rrom the government than he received' ..... uiv iiMinrr regime. nn iiotii tne industrial worker and he .feasant salisfied, tliose who desire to upsel the stability of the government have no powerful group within- the country to whom they may look for assistance. So far as the economic situation is concerned, the Itussian compares conditions under lite old corrupt aristocracy with present conditions, and does not desire a return to Ihe old regime. One factor, the importance id which il is hard to estimate, is Ihe wholesale effort thai is The pulilicalioii i nnnouneed! of a new history of British Cm!-: unihfa from the pen of Hruoel A. .McKelvie of Vancouver, uf (imminent wosiern newspaper-; man and former editor of the1 I'rinee' ltnpert l')aily .Vw. TlO! Uyk, qf' which J. M. Dent aril; nons of Joronlo are I lie publishers, presenls the fascinatiniXi nnd romantic history of the pro-i vince in a worthy manner and' will he welcome Jo I he peneralj lender hot only of British (lot- 1 umhia but outside the province In the series of word pic lures of the development of the province contained in "The F.nrly History of British Columbia, Mi4. McKelvie has caught the spirit of the times of which hn writes.Hiiil has rutxrlaininuly de plcled, the puireantry .of ' the ountry fit its trnsrisii)ii fmt.i li wilderness lo the present dav In the foreword I he aullior tatesthat the nurnose of liook is to indicate the fascinating romance to he found by Hie student who nnrsiip ih dudy of the history or British .olnnihia in detail. The con tents or the volume prove tin' success or his endeavor have been described as "perrcci amco.-s or a romantic ware." the story or Caul. Ja U'ok s adventure into an unknown sea in nuftst or Ilia mv hical Straits or AniaiiL the dar- Injr or IIoj hardv niarinor followed in search or sea.niln- sklns: the turmoil and or war that rollowed tne seizor- or Laot. Meares' imi nl fint- ka, by the Snaniard. and iim cominsr or Capt. (Jeorsre Vancou. xer as a messenger of peace, and his valuable explorations, are set out In brier but thrilling ni..-.in-s in me earner chanter. The picturesaue period of in Nor-westers. arid their rfvnU in Uie fur trade, tins Hudson's Bav company, are recounted wilh at, the colorir. or the day; whili the slrugKlc-s between nati.e and whCes on the coast i (flimpsed in all its barharle e tail. hi the storv of liriii-i, nil conllnues through the vary ing pnases or its existent irt Ihe day when the barter of sk'n for beads and trinkets uhimiw and through Ihe mountain Of the Rockies the iron horses or modem coir.mcrce rush nmt rails of shining steel to open the fertile val'ey and loosen to the nation Ih-t emnoumled resooires Of a OUIllrv or VasL nnlnM! riches. AUSTRALIA NOW HAS SIX MILLION PEOPLE Like Canada end Nw zaian Its Annual Increase Is Two Per Cent LONDON. Julv 23 Aotr.-ilifi',- populalion recently passed the six million mark and Ihe Commonwealth Sf.llisllpl pales ."that Jf the- nresenl rale nf Jnerea.se or twri per. cent arum1-ally; .is maintained 'the populalion nTt'-Ait'.UnlU U-.J r . . ... huiii an,l lljr- i in- nil -OI W J.I will ho seven millions. In Ihe decade 1911-1021 the rales or increase irt Hnnn.l.-i Auslralia and New Zealand we re -'o per 1,000; United Stales 'If, Japan y, Sweden 7, tingland and M ales v, Scotland 3, Ireland : THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: I.elug made to educate the people. As they become more literat 1 yeslerdav e ..n,,,y wlm ' asked Lii iim the ibid as there comes lo he a more free exchange of thoiiKhl will 1"" at 11,8 carint;,y 'f Hie fish the outsnic, world, some knowledge ,r the process ft..dta w"re caunl 1,1 of living-thai exist elsewhere will be acquired". The desire for the-rewaroV of-individual initiative may then make o greaUnn StUU,tiM.',Tu lUJM M!fk a,chaiige.ln.,lhe..thimx allhllk governmenl. K.lu.-alion may eventually work great changed in lussia ,but there is no iinmedinte sign of anv marked instability in the present organizaton. District bf the Soviet's stability, antagonism to their theories of economics and the fear Hint they may repudiate new debts as they have already repudiated- the debts of the old regime, have combined to make business men regard Itussia as a poor credit risk. -Commercial relations have-been resumed with Soviet Hus-s a, but there is little prospect that Russian credit will cnmmniid the confidence oftbe business world until they restore the private properly of foreigners nonfisealed during the revolution, and make some provision for the funding of the debts outstanding against the country. 6 An Oregon girl has recently neen neilirip fish lo earn an education, And again some girls nei iisii to earn a living Who was the sailor at : J-or an appetiser il was good io vaich the Jackies from iue Curlew chewing up. a sandwich. There is one sure tiling about the sailor comedians they were certainly breezy. N'o beer at New Westminster, and dollars to collar studs no rurther visits by sailors. There's one thing wo can nl. ways do in our ra'.r Dominion. when there is not much money around and no business orrur- Great Public Sale Saturdays Master Bargains SILK AND CASHMERE HOSE, regular $2.00 and $2.25; sale price, $1.15 BALBRIGGAN BLOOMERS, regular $2.25; sale price, $1.00 CREPE DE CHINE SCARVES, regular up to $6.00; sale prices $1.45, $3.75 and $3.95 SILK AND CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, regular up to $2.00; sale price, 25c injr, and that is get into the iob-i : ! IM-ill lllll To nake your motor boat hun! put up a bcHuve in- the ha.dJ seat. ! 1 read that betting Is hurtiiiR business. Hut still ,.erhaps nn more than It hurls the pocrkel. I wtinder where (he big guft,is parked between periods, When on all IIiomo irftdi, win to realize that a dirty spar piug is evmeniiy r.nl the wursl irouoie dappening a! sea. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 23, 1916. Frank Muhlev ami nh.irlix' Oullen sailed' by the 1'rincesj: Charlotte yesterday. Thev will! tfo through to Atlin. Frank Keith or Montreal nr. rived on Mondav oi a vlslf in his uncle. ,eo.' V.. Keith. Mrs. Halt Sr.. or Vancouver who has been on a visit to her son Hoyd Halt in Bmither. hm rciurnd lo Terrace and will speno soino time hrrc nl Ih.i home ot Mr. and Mr. .1 t II..H berore iirorheiTlw south. 'IVrry and Mohbie Ormn rr PrillCe IllineiV lire .ni'lnllnrr H holiday at Hill -Knrm. M). I), Mil urn relnrnn.l In Snillhers on T'liekday aMer a snort stay at hu hnnm Iiop The auction- sale nf Mm Imiun. told erfects of Mrs. Iinhi rinn. ald, which was -postponed rrom Hurry! Hurry! The time is getting limited You get the real bargains now An Optical Service You'll Appreciate ISalurday took nlaee on Tinw Mr. Hardy, janitor at the cily'ay and Mrs. homild ami uni ... il' i . . . . . . .-i . nun, iitur.i rrom his two slalare leaving on Thursday i, wan sons, rred and Airred. la9MJnn lnald in Vancouver oenipK. They are nobly do in!; AlexlS McWail. tho -iff Sherman, I i J. U. Parkin, Winnipeg, chlcr tie inspector Tor (Ins- C.N. It- ae- i-iimiaiiieu ny .urs. I'arkin, ar-in Terrace lor a short' visit iio Week. WATER NOTICE v v and Slortgt flUre.i u lin. U. win ."ply Tor i V- s- r icr ,,ui ir Jo? iV uii t.mi. uiiirn niu H.imh no'ruMff'Vu!!!!0 MUn L""- l...''"!!.-'I'". h " ' iM'Br lni fiMil j if tiai . . The ri..clty i,f tlm rcurrvolr lo tm rri?d ik aiu.iif urn ...iiti... i.. . j ..nun ivrn urrrn or imid. in-. .-Iii.l.nr llii; Mkr.. tub water will m 1 V.TH-U rr..m mi- .f,., t , ,,,, ,H, ami 1 b.w u. pr,,,( a tiut 4 n l'J ?1"-rily of WV"' of "' or iuly "iin .. .. , "" u ior power ror ii.iiilna puriKi uHn tin- iniwa. liM-rltil nS JlrTcialTi,," """"" i ma nniifM mh iu.u.i .... iim ism di ,n im." " ,n"",n on A f'llllV flf Ihlft fliAifm m til am .nli..i. 'JJMM .""Tdo ....I to "urn "Wiifl Art arip liHfiipfiuri sin.. m.i ' llir ipp lira lion may U riM with Ih " a 3 or tf..,l!,'"r."'r.ur ''l'iru.r i... " " i-ariianii-i II II I (I nri. Vlrtorla. 11. :.. wiihi,, miriy ,iay afiVr rirl apix-aranre or thla not rr. n ,'ir, r. tIih l.iti. r n't- i(wpji m rir.t v"""r Ira lion of this notirr- li jiilr . tii J. m. ni 'iTiKn, rriirihi LAND A0T. Notlea of Intantlon to Apply to Laaia Land In Irlnii linnii i .t .... . . t-t . .. .. . t.iimi iii'inrn na HIP rlel of ITInre llunen. ami .11 ,.i. ,M.etr, n.C, " TAWK MOTirr ih.i r.,... OimniOtirlflaT Mt m n. ...a . ... norili..,,t w,,,, ,)f lumk' ' mI..,.i iiiwnaiiot tlmfica mirrly ISO rreti i,rT;ei!!nm ,-'r.ly .V?00 r'"' ""'' ' feet to point nl rnnrn.n.mi,. '. Ilnln J arr( ,r or . 1 " HJ0ENE II. SIMPSO.t, DlJ ;uoa I, till, Applicant. CANadianJ aiiL4T 4T We are trying to attract "Blfl Buslneis" by deserving It, which meant we are trying to give good value and to render a real service. At lower cost we render the very highest type of Optometrlc 8ervlce. A specialist In Optometry for many years gives his personal attention In each case. PROMPT OPTICAL REPAIR SERVICE Let us straighten your glasses without charge- no obligation whatever. A. E. IRELAND OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Telephone Red 442 Opposite O. W. V. A. 310 Third Avenu llieir 'duly for; Kin .a'iid counlrytr Mrs. t:. Stewart eain'e in rrom ' Uk vrfH r, 'Oouglas Creek, Ktililm' Lake dis- met 'with :i niifi dent.' lnsl enli1g. Whife silifrig, i 11.. ft .. J. .i?1.-. a iji,-noyai .iioi'Moiiiee, nn tipped' tiver -rtln' rhnVeMn way that he was thrown against I lie plate glass window. The Slass was lirnkcn nn.l Mr t.il LeHii head. oil. was cut n Utile on tht rhc injury was not serl TERRACE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Olof Ifnnunn mul two children, who were irooau or Mr. a:id Mrs. fleo. Little over the week end. left on Mnn.ii. ior pniiuiers. . irlcl, on riiesday; Steamship and Train Service Siiimr tnm pfttmct nuetirr for vancouvkr. victoria, siattli. Mrh OfOAV Ih'l TMURS0AY 4 00 p.m SATUROAV. S.OO p.m. For ANVOX ami (Tt WART MONDAY, fRIDAV, 4.00 p.m. r .r ALASKA WCONtSOAV, 400 p.m. lor MAtlITT INLfT MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. ror skiocoatk imrr ami south quccn charlotte ulanos, fortnightly, PASSCNOIR TRAINS ItAVt PRINCI RUPtRT dally rlrrpl SdlnU ILIO ajn. for rrinci, oioroc, idmonton, Winnipeg, all puinif rtrc ranala, Cnllnl Hlatrt, Agtnci all Ocaan Staamtnlp Llnaa. ! ranadian Ntionl Eipmi for Money Orderi. Foreirn Chen"". u alio for your nrii liipii.tnl, City Tlckat Olflca, SIS Third Ata, Prlnca Rupari. Plum i0. i Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services SailiriPS from Prince Runert s . To Katchlkan, Wrangall, Juntau an. Skaway -July B, S, 12, 16, 1S, S3, 2. To Vaneoufar, Victoria an. St.Ula July 7, 10, 14, 17, 11, 24, 2S, SI. PRINOtSS BKATRICC. Oampball RUae, ana Vanaautar ary Saturday 11 a.m. Por Bulaoala, tail (alia Balla, Ocaan Palli, Namu, Alan Bay. Aianay for all Sloamahla Ll. li n AlftUHn . I . . . Pull Information Iron Oarnar of 4th straat ana tra Atanua, Prlnoa Rupart, B O. 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED!1 . . Saiiihfi from prior Rupert'. Z !!r ,"0T0,. ' r. aty. T.a4a,. r.m: . SUtT' rro'"-. 'M Bay. . .. B.t. atur4ar. 1 . mZZJ.VJ. rP,0N ",M 0nnarlai, Thuraday p.m. ttt SM Afai-a. ,LT..,0N, ANVX. i, '!.' BarM,y, ."" gttnU "IW-RT. Sunday. Prlnoa B p.m. Rupert. m B . Advertise in "The Daily NeW