ft BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Has been .taken over from GeorgeKerr by J. Preece late" with Sealy and Doodson Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr.Alexander Smith Blook Phone 575 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 23f, Black 735, lllflht. Phone) SS7,. 59, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PROPUCTS.LTD. GEO. G. BU3HBY, Man. Dir. M I L K fFroot Bulkley Valley ; FRESH MILK AMD WHIP-; l PINO CREAM ' We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o for Half Pint. j Quality and Service I Special Ice Delivery Service ; Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S eai Phone U. VrtaBe, Warebouslng. and DUlrlbutins. Team or Motor Bertioa. Host, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Plana an Purtlture Kavlna. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kiqulslte Stock of Fui Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave f SUPREMACY ON PACIFIC COAST Between Various Ports. PRINCE RUPERT 1$ ONE ,Jim Marshall, Seattle Star; One upon a time two men set out to-ntake a-livelihood in the same town. This (own was scj. on a dividing line between land and water. Over the land, 3,000 nyles away, was a great producing district and also a great con suming population. The same thing hebl true for great lands 3,000 miles away in the opposite direction, over the water- -Hut a ratify) the two men wefre only a few folks, "compared with the dense population 3,000-' miles to east and west. One of the men built factories and sold good. He prospered, lit a small way, because there wcre only few people to sell to. The other man erected a toll gate. As the millions lo east and west bought ami sold to each other, tie took a vimall toil front each ton that passed through his gate. His workmen transferred the goods" frooVbox car to freighter; from freighter to box car. Chief Toll Gates That toll gale keeper became exceedingly rich, on the same principle applied successfully by Mr. Fowl and Mr. Woolworth. nV the fpost Important man in the toll gate plant was the stevedore" o n " I he jrlock " lie' y a the keymutt of the whole thing. PAGE FOU DAILY Fr:d v, j Can You Teli a GoodDiamond ; mond ring In .n person who known diamond. then T havellllle troul)Ie Tn slimvr .1 ing that our diamonds are of the finest quality. We have a special diamond engagement ring for $100 which. we think is extra ?oo(J ' -V A-'alue, Perfect, flaw)eS ' ..stone, set in fancy"1-white gold setting and stone of good large site for' the mo-; ncy. . . . 1 It is a pleasure-to show it 9. ' 9 ' (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CtOCn BRINGING UP FATHER jhtrild through the ranges, to livid Canada from the nortlu , Diverting Tonnage Can 6 miles be clipped from "back east" to Far KaP and divert it Jit tie morn ionnage tliraugh your city? Then pour oi)l the djvllars and clip the miles. Hun up new power plants over oft the Chelan river to haul trains faster over the hump. Lower toe humps and cheapen tonnage hauls. Look what the cities and states are doing, jus I to ntake more work for the stevedore: Lrtngview, half way down the river, from Portland to the sea. battles for ocean freights with Portland. Longview is after the grain differential rates that gUes Portland the advantage over Se-itltle. ! And Longview wants a bridpe oer the Columbia, between the ocean and Portland. What for? , . Ask Portland, Portland Knows that the bridge will let tiny oren freigtiler underneath, but . . ; . well Awl Longview knows it. ton." Hut at the bridge Long-view has a turning basin and huge locks. And she.etperis ie freighters to load wbeatat lhoe docks and turn for life bound trip, without making those extra miles In Portland. Getting Advantages Seattle, after her share of the UfiJ, Js' inleresip,! in thtvpropOisnl , to drill a 30-mile hole through lo you eersloj to think that, the Cascades, to divert traffic this millions of dollars are heinr, way and make more work for Ihf wpent on the Pacific coast by ci- j stevedore. Interested, ton, in the lies fighting to becqme." the. chief, Great .Northern new eight-mile toll gate lietween vhack east" and mountain tunnel, run for the same 'ar KastM! purpose, and in the Chf lan power That's the reason back of the' plant to speed traffic oer the 30,000,000 Casta-le tunnel. That , route and down to the Sound, is wjiy, the Great Northern drives Tacoma benefits from the lun-lliroujili the peaks east of SeatlM. nels, too. an.1 f&hts for her share. That's Why Longview wants a mil- i More steiedores on Tacomrt lion dollar bridge over the Colum- docks. hia a8d Portland iighU it. That's' Vancouver backs her fai er-why tlie Northern Pacific pro- . vice to the Orleiil, operated by a poses the Lnlo Pass cut-off be-'race of seadogs who have been tweeh Missoula and Lewtston lo operating ship for 1.000 vears. give mid-west wheat a downhill Channels are ifredged, docks are CORRYS MMMsV aMHHF SPECIAL SELECTED vw mmmbIM ' ' Very Old Very Smooth Very Flavorful Very Popular CANADIAN RYE WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coulrol Board or by the Government of BttHSU poiimibU Wanted For Sale For Rent 4V;jy '$ the northward PrineoiYOUXG Man WnntA Work, ant llUper! I btlllt to onler to be- kind. 3.ie nn Imnr IMinn'.. comeffl,loll gate. Up there is one. Hhtrk 2C9. UJ3 Vi tji" rargesi oryuocKj lit uie( world, trwhat? Ahtlian tour- u AN I HO F.pnneneed cannery ists to.Jf.dk atf No, MT iw.ns.1 "an. I'lione too. I7J Pacific linrs. And back "of Itu-i " ... ... .. lrt, through the mountains, runs; . . . the sleel ' ribbon that Canada TOU SAI.F. Uouble corner ttu hope. tomake t lie main lipe ol Sixtli Avenue, Section Six, one travel Between Hack east mid ' hlock from Month Sohno Far litst Taking the Toll Out go the millions. Up come Hie plans. Holes through the mountain (ami new Irackace! thrikuith the4passes. power (ilants, I tunnels, new cities, dreper ehan-nels, elevutiirs, dwks and all or one thing. More work for theslemlore. That's wlfat Pacific Coat cities die lr.p. riif sailors went out on the morning iraln and Mumed in in afternooj., Tho hand played several ev!ions in Hie cours'j of Hie trip and tbj Jackie in their hlu uniforins were 11 source of macrt interest to tin nalivcs along he route. Tin; officers in change of the trip for the Ciincdlan Legion were J. F. HuVhlnson, S. II. Marshall, !aroId .ihaw and W. L. Den nlng, assisted by Jock Tali and Arthur Ileale. HOTEL ARRIVALS ' ' Prince Rupert H. M. Mclod, A. Johnston, L. 11. Waile. if. T. Plielan and Mr. 11 ml Mrs. T. I.. Sharman and son, Yancoiiveri R. J. McDonell, Slew- art; John 'A. Anderson, Alice Arm; L. Mcj'iylane and F. V. Fosler, Victoria; George Dover, William Vnndcrllp, C ) A Oreen nnd W. T. Atwood, Terrace; F. M. Dockrlll, Telkwn; Frank Conway and W. J. O'Neill; SmltL'ers; 13. McCrea, Top- Cheap. Very ey. Plume lllark 151. are Irghtinrf r..r today -that aad ,..,. TTT ! ; the privily ,.f sitiinK at the loll"" .,;r" 7 gate, tatiirg trrtt of tin? tonnage ea' and wr SAILORS VISIT ' ! SALMON PLANT GlveV( Were fere Given DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for less than 50c built, lo maKe'-itore work Tor the .A... 4ledir'.'4Ahd' through VnctU-- ,',;u' I . Great Receotlon b - - Manager Strang at Sunny-side Yesterday Willi I.ieut. Grant, R.N., in harge, a party of over I W0 pefly officers and ratings from II. M . Curlew, as guests of the looal branch of the Canadian Litiiim (ireat War Veterans Associa tion, whirli made all arrangements and met expense of th; Irii, were taken on a visit leiiJay to' the (iosse-MillcrJ canuery at Sunnyside to see llii methods of- salmon canning. J. Field Strang, who had Bono to eorijiidcraiile trouble in c niier- lion with Die visit, put In whole flff at the disposal of he Tins to show them around : ml the trip was ot great inlor-st )n Inum. Mr. Strung maile rraugemeiits frt:tJio serving Of . . . . i ' I . ' L. ... 1 iinciKMii) jo .,iiiH iweniysiour H'U 4iuicii-t aipi tnuupiiuenitjij lie luncDIfwhitnt Vas. 1'piHvi.led for Die rating by the Canadian Legion. Jlefore the party left Sunny side, a can of fancy sockeye salmon was given lo each man and a large box of fresh salmon was also sent along for the beu- etil of those on board the ship who had 11 jt been oble, to make WANTED. wants work at once; -at . I I .. I I. 1 .. , tuner ffn Aiiifrimm milomithilo. . " ""' M'l". mado in Michigan.:- Vancouver v - -""p', gets her sljare. 172 term. 170 FOIl SAI.K.A.Hritpl Massett. A good bargain. Ill health cans., for selling. Apply William Hudson, Massett. H.C. FOR SAI.K. -Two view lots on Fourth Avenue Hat. Cheap. Reasonable terms. Phone lieu 100 or Hlaek 7SI. tf 'UUU lUO tiugiuc, in irs elas condition. Phone II oil -JOO-.or HIack 721. U FOItVftAI.K. Twenty-two foul Tluneli. It h.p. engine. peel U nots. Sacrifice 275.0ft. Plione Red 720. " if FOR SAI.K Four - rnometi house, wiib .hal), Koulnga.iv den. Section- two.,f phone Ulack 0?t. 171 TO RENT FOR RF.XT. l.arscn building at 17.1, Third Avenue Kast; sir rhura modern flat with bath room and workshop premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, I3y Second Avenue. FOR RENT. Two first class modern flat; Monarch range, water paid; one furnished Westenhaver Hros. 'UllNISIIF.il Housekeeping Roome to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf t 1 11 HOUSKS for Rent. Some ar furnished. tfQ ajul tm. Appjy .i r win ill with in: r.jiwt. FGR IlllVr. Pianos. phont graihs and sewing m:chine Walker Music Store.. . FOR RKNT. Four room suite. hot water heated. Apply Smltl ft Mallet- TWO roomed furnished shock for rent. Phone lilnck 700. MOtll'.RN IIOUSI' for rent Five rooms ami balli, Munro llro's ley; Miss K. M Duckers, Net York City; Arlhur and Sliirley Sager and John Flcwin, Port Simpson; R. II. Guru, Cassim Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcl.achlati, and Dr. and Mrs. I.earoyd, Anynx; C. Honer, Fnda-ko; A. Thorbum, Winnipeg; il Hanson, city; W. K. Walker Nans River; S. 11. I.orgate and T. Phillips, Portsinoulh. F.na- Innd: R. A. Speii'.er, llford, F,s. sex, Hngland. Central H. Welech, city; J. Peltigrew, H. Wright and Hurry Omar Anynx; John King, Fori WiU llauu- Job." L. ltair, IIallfaL.' r, l. r . ...... 'l i.ross, 1. iiairii, 11. urirritli, Hretl, L. K. Lack, C. Cole, A W. Joties, T. Mann ami G. Cult- berly, H.M.S. Culew. ENGLISH BY EAR. Professor Give me a sentence wilh (lie word "boyrolt" in it. Pupil Iarmer .lone chased his sou and didn't catch him till his boycott on a wire fence. FOl'ND. BOARD AND ROOM. By George McManuj COLLY- I irr I KNOW WHAT 'l L. L liiliieiiSlllHELLOl 5ENDUP M 1 1 SI CHILL?I II II I Bl ' 3 Articles Lost and Found, &c HOARD. The Inlander. 831 Second Avenue. Phone 137. ROOM. Himrd Third Avenue. Ford -ear. nfllr.e. invent men lliinu lion f port Riuidsti-r touring Coupe 1. Tudor Sedan Fordor Sedan Light Iiivery i.t. Delivery Van '.onintereifll Chni Truck Chai Sir... High Low optional. IS'i Plione Red 33(1. FOUND Hub erew cap fhr Apply Daily News SUMMER RESORTS. I.AKF.I.SC I.ODGK. near Terrace. Visit Lakelse lithta Ho. Spring. I.iihla is one of tit fittest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Good fu fishing for rainbow trout Ic Lakelso lake and river. Mnto. niMl all train giving thmustl connection with Lmlse. Telephone connected to "Terrace J. Itrtiee Johnstone, manajrer CHEVROLET. lON' and after July I, ortim rates will tie charged on Sundays and public holidays and after 7 p.Mt. on week-slay. This is necessary to comply wllli the "Hour of Overt into" Act. Overtime will be hitrVir at the rate of time and 'line half over the regular eiW hour day. W recking service day and night. KAIKN GARAGK, PMIKFII S liARAGE. J S HI NTI'R. The following price aie now itTeciiv.-. h 11 It Ruper'. iiii'luded 581.00 080.00 r,l)2 (III 700.00 831.00 SOt.OO rtiP.oo 581.00 Self starter included on all models. Term payments arranged If If desired. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. : 21 fi Second Avemie. FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Iteautifully situated near Ferry Landing Altitude 21 5 fnCt. Camping and Fishing Trips arranged FIRST CLASS TAIIM? with produce FHKSH FROM TUB FARM. PL J cn v. r - lift mum sMty. : - mn r jyy i ran h .o :HKHflKBT ML rui ffiMi KHi a ;?, fy "": O 1926 Iht l FiTut Sti.viclwxi 4 flow to tidewater. That's why Victoria gets ready to build new levators and Vancouver spurs on her trans-Paemo tonnage re cords. That's why Prince Huperl tells the. world she's the nearest loontinental nort to the Orient by Great tUrogele Is Taking Place 500 miles and Canadian engineer LAND fttOltTKl ACT Stctlan 111 .... ... Tilt MAIftrt ",.' ti far tlx avt 1 At 1 It UiMH lar ilMlun 1. 1 ,h uuivni, iLi -71 ' ! rtimi ir Irif T,i; llU. Utrrl .;...,. Mrl I'm. iiui . 1 wT tlw iieniiwt 1 prvi ) , LyU : . f UiT'iIm. m I OMri- us : llll, t)Ml II1B t ml Lu hum- v 1 M fuurlr- 1 1 1 n . a mtnn 1 - I 1. .mi. 1, tarty. 1 mw (( . Ml(lf, llUlnr! p Jlu li-Irt if pf.., f MiH mi n-mr n) . tua br l lie wii.i. i . t Mlbject to iiw ,1, ,. a, l I'ufHau.. nf i trie. TAkE WITH l: llul t ln IU4lr li. . 411, . : Uu Uw aU nwrii! .1,. 1 Ac u r V.J 1 . .ww. mm w 1 "v v So. 7IOO. aftd iui , ifUmit. h- V . r ( tkM.ul OfJlltilC TIIK..i l 1 L m i.n.Ki n:. T: TVUl.t VVtLTIH fIH uU.lMir It.-" ,. r itnun nd . 1 rri tiin nr . '3! U trw hr nrrl (tw r.gi.t : tun m Afruwi- a Mkl llf lHl ll iat. 'tesir in I'm Unit i. Kttrrtif ur "m rttttr wt drlrmnni Hd pfiavtui vm h. UUUI.il jrwir Uitt Mid Unit r ti. li t1-irth) utt my t rt UATUt at II land r - Kno..nai-ri. U.i. 4WW. JP. V1 T 0C.I.r, imrlhaatl rnnwr t lit ! h mirk, tbr rtrrly iIhwI iwn miu alarl l rtialn. tiim tan inttM in riim i.r .vim 8H.0ii!iUlMnt if arra, mr i.snii nsiii i" r sic CMsevi tiv 5irtiirUI iaanrr 1 rf r. ii, - naiad Jaw . 1J , NOTICE Tbi will ba .ifrarrd ' Auctlui la I bo rruvin I OHirilaauso. fniiff f hurMlti , Julj find. I . 11 It) triertMNrfi. I ha full - IM- fi. II. II. Bliitk II. Sari mi . , il; M. It. r., Tarmai .h mytiwnt pi r c.na quarirr tih ami Ihraa mual annual mal:r. laraal ii llw di tarn-d . . rata t per aiin'im V . trr U Iw 6.04 a.ldltloiui Plana alHimnr tn p i may I wan a I Iba urora maul train, prinra ttnr-' t. H hatad at rnnra Huiwri, H. IIM. , n. napllt . LANO ACT, tea m ua t tin U 1 tirtrw i n.iirr iiui it - IK 7 nr lh t in, dn tit itif.uf.-..t f IS tjf4 Unlt.i.- ra.1t. it ur llir ur aiHl Uif (.'( War pTMannl I.. Ur M l Ul r Staaaall lal, Oikh t (wr .la I:i. IJUrw-0 I lull , IIP I- It M ! n.,ii'r i hit aft it oaw iiw-nih r . . in ttw tt- IwbnaaUW'l.uf uat ti(n tv " Ortr OMatkiur l.umlal . 1 -it ib saw An. arwr ' I'llWtr W-,f. Ml U:i ( "tla. tit ar ial r i: plan ant fitr l-r tn m trr or titt naiatt i Prfiira Mnpr t a day o July, vn tf tno acr In .PMWf Ituivrt Un I Mat f frtwr iliitM. atJ (.HlrrO turk.U lllrt l Tr MiTH.r. that lai rarimr Cumrany. l imn' i. il.UUifua . u.w. f ik. full... mtti Conimrnrlitf at t pixl i Take n Trip to the. Lake Country No,lt lwU"tl0" '1' u ltu tin year. For reservation, write . Mrs. Henkel. Francois Lake. II.C. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger 8ltnle baker at your dlsposaj any time, ROSS BROS. POOL 'ROOM i.'.i I Wther, B9ek. Atirns frdm Knipres Rnlel. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 444)44' 44. Friday, July 23 JHah .... 12.20 p.m. 17.8 fi. 'w 0.15 a.m. .1.2 M.i tnutb and or .NnMh tlarliar i arniind tha laland ai hiati a In taltlM llnnarl I mnit II 'f ' trlrl nr Urn Itanra A. n 1 .cirih Ua' baal I .land. TAKK Morirr. thajl Alfrad rnnra tmriarl, nrnipallon i. lands to apply for Irsae tw Itif di-arrllHHt land Oittiinanrlnr ai i and ronuininr to arra. w ,,. Ai.iiun " nfpd t.r fT, lfA LAND ACT. Nolle r intantlsn to App'r u roraahrra , In Quran r.tiarimia Isiiiiit" ' , rimllny tiutrlrl of VrUv I,.,1 Skiilayale Inlal, and rri.ntlnr ' l Oiirnn Charl'tlla lilalrlrt. Parklnr rrnnnana I lit li.C, nrrnpalUui Salmon in" lo apply f.ir a lca of llir '' 1 iin arrnw-n i nrmnnra . a "iiimriirmr at a noai .,... i iiiltlia rnrna- nf I ol HI thrrly and riarly fiillnw iir ,T tilth nrr mark. 31 rhsin J: . , . in ma nriruiuaat rnrnrr .it in. ii Tl. m. 7 K r i i'"-"" p.i a rnain in-" ' fc.rtri saiuraay, Julv 24 lihi. Iha Iiiii- nn.. ..r hI ill l.i.i, Ii ...... waiar ..mm wart H.t. T .l I n.m. 21 .rt fl '.it p.m. 7.00 a.m. 18.57 p.m. 18.0 fl. 2.0 ft 7.1 fl. mora nr Iran: lhanra aal 'i point nf rniiiiiipiii'rini'nt. an'" 17 arraa. innre nr la. .it C III1ITISII COI.I1MHI nVin CACKINO COMPANY f ( Par II. ,her4 uitta iota April, inc.