.a, July 23, l&2. i FINE SCHOONER p5 CURLEW IS VISITING PORT AT DIGBY YESTERDAY FAREWELLED n Pedro Man With Family En 11"? I'tv-nyw i uui .Sunday HOUU to Alaska !rll"'l iicnir, iieui '.ir"i m- - -- Iitii.mx) at lUghy Maud, n a ' if lr lriiiiino.1 and tiot,irrrs alltiotixh soinrwhal mar- ! fr ..:lf.... ....l.l. . . . . .; auxiliary sailing yacht Iks port In a long while I'ntnvlm " ..iLtioil In I.H7 - i I ijipman of San Pedro, Oal- a. winch arrived yesterday , rom the outh en ' u Kclcliikim. Aln.kn. Mr. ' .;ma wliu own a large de-I -ir mental store and reul e- 1 A liunness in Kait Pedro. i4 nipnnirii on the trip t Mi' I ,..... .... i.. vi. . ., 'I'l'MIUM UIKI Idlllli;, .'II" Yi)lia and .MaICr Prank. Copt. Jl Valdez u the mailer of ; vrirl and Oapt. Kd. YoiiniC 1 ing nit pilot. Mr. I.ippman J nn a lelnurely eruloe In nor-;'r n Pacific water nml may to tar north a Juneau. Tim I'" ' will remain In port for a ' ::'l'ie of day. The yacht i I Art feel loiu a fool lieam and l pow-" J Willi a 50 h.p. full delel "Bine and carrlc a crew or ' men. Sufficient crude oi: 'n he carried' to give the lioal I'liwered rndlu of 3,500 miles. ':d there H utorage capacity bi'ard for 1,500 allon of f"ch waler. Some thirty people nn he accnnimodated aboard If "dilll.inn In the crow. A le1co 'Ic.'rtc plant rnrnUhe the 'h'c-Hy for heating waler In th1' rl'ln nml bathroom and also furnlho (he power for hol.tlng "all ami running Ihe n-imr winch. The "Talayha" l "'Ml upon the exact line of the iHinmi "Uellunce," of which II ' a duplicate, nml ha won several race In the wit III. Nomina up Ihe cot Mr. I.lpp-'"n Hlayed over at Pender liar h"r. Kwanon Hay, Prlnre LauUc Inlet and I.owe Intnl. en-Kvlng excellent fUhlng al tlie 'inter point. Mr. ami Mr. I.lpp-inan were very enlluii'ed over Hi scenery coming up Ihe coast and Ppreed lhemeve a delight-with the trip holh from a "nlc and honpltallly sland. Point. rvii ny iiiit'riiuii'-iii HiMiwrrii, There was a pood attendance of vi.mic.lcrs and I heir narcnts and the. raees were keenly con-iH.ted, rcullliiK a follow: Olrls 8 and utnler Lillian Honors. Hoys 8 and under Hilly WII- liscroft. iSirls 10 uud under Helen .M a ha f fry. Hoy Hi tind under Ian Mur- ".: . ... liiru Murray Hoy MeeLlii. ISnim iinner, iiiuia 12 and under T. Mo- (ilrN II and under Muriel Viinca. Hoy 1 1 and under Mario Khy. lilrl 10 and under Galhurine Mo.Meekln. ' Men' open rare Kddle Smith (iirl' 3-Iegged race Muriel Vance and lleulah McKln'ey. Hoys 3-legred race I. Jia Meekin ami Jack Mcltae. liniii were loaned hy Dmiclas Stork, John Curr, John Mcllio and W. Held. The roinmilleo In charge, of arraiwement Included John 12. Davey. HeV. Dr. C. J. Cameron. Eddie Smith, Murray Fuller and Sani Jaliour. CURLEW LEAVES FOR SOUTH AFTER FOUR DAY VISIT TO PORT With due farewell 11. M. 8. Curlew, after u Tour-day vllt to thl port, sailed al 10.30 thi morning for Henver Harhoivwhieh will he the next atop on her pacific Citat erule. U I" under-tood thai neveral nallor from the hfp liked Prince Itupert o well thai they denerled Iho ship here. Enjoyable Dane Put on Last Night Sy City In Fair Building. The farewell dance tendered hy the city to the officer and men of II. MM. S. Curlew in the Exhibition hall lat night wa a great Kiicce. The hall had been suitably decorated with Allied flag and Ireamer. the floor wa in good trim and the dance muic furnNhed hy Mi Jean Currie' orchestra, augmented UMt by Ihe Vetholme orrheMra, leTt nothing to be ile si red by the large crowd present. Mayor Newton, in a fitting peerh, welcomed Capt. II. I). Prldge. C.V.O.. D.S.O., H.N., commander of the Curlew, who wa arcompanied hy the hip' officer and the crew of Iho warship. I he mayor ald that upon previou visit from warship the officer and men had enjoyed themselves here and he hoped that applied to Ihe present company. It wa a purely informal dance and he trusted everyone would treat it n such and stand upon no ceremony. The city would look forward to entertaining the personnel of the warship on (heir next visit. Aid. V. M. Hrown made an efficient master of ceremonies. He-freshmvnl were in change of the I. t). I). F. The committeo responsible for the success of the evenliw comprised Mayor S. M. Newton, and Aid. Joseph Oreer, Aid, M. M. Stephen, Aid. V. M. Hrown and Aid. leo. Ouney. SMITHERS There wa born at the luilkley Valley District Hospital on Wed. uesday, July 21, a son lo Dr. and Mrs. 0, II. Ilanklnson. Wednesday, August 4, I the dale nclerled for Iho annunl picnic put on by Ihe Hulkley Valley Dls'lrlct Hoiilrl Hoard and al ready plans arc being made for THE DAILY NEWS $ J) Crash! 14 """" ' f; at OVERSTOCKED Third Avenue a tug program of water spot s and entertainment oy an acltv l lOiinr.ittee. The picnic wiu! again be held al Lake Kathlyn. j Mr. I. F. Halt received word of the ,-eriitits illnes of her brother and left on Monday fo: Vancouver on receipts of the news. C.N. II. Hoadmaster Harry fiun-derson nml family have started on an extended tour by auto. They plan lo ramp out on th-1 trip and will be away a eotipl.? of monllis the tr'P lo include parb of Oregon and J. II. ltyfne ol the- local government agent' flhiff i"6n hi annual vacation and on Tuesday started on a niotdrflrjp to .Fori SI. James accompanied by ,M. Hyrne and child. , Word has lieen received in town of the death of C, II. Mont gomery in the Ueneral Hospital at Vancouver. Deceased was a Soldier Settlement Hoard farmer on a (arm in the nientanna di- riot for some years before buy ing to leave this country on ac count of failing health. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J II. Stephens was the scene of a couple of happy gatheriings on Tuesday when they entertained a number of friends at bridge. During the afternoon ladies for four tables were the guests, the priies being won by Mrs. N Kilpalrick, Mrs. W. F. Hoyer and Mrs. II. Thompson. In the evening there were five table with the priies going to Mrs. Chas. licd, Mrs., J. Mason Adams, F, Oeklesaw and II. J. Kelly. Dainty refreshments Ver served on each occasion, Mrs. II. Hirst and Mrs. T. Lancaster, both of Victoria, s- lets of Mr. Clin. Held, are making an extended visit In lowii, and will reside in the cottage udjoiniiw the Held home for the next couple of month. Under the leadership of their scout master, Hnv. .Geo. Turpln, twenty-one members of the local I roup of scout went into camp at Lake Kathlyn on .Monday. He ides the regular camping test, the boys are to have lest in swimming, life-saving, hiking and cooking and a happy and busy lime is lookid forward 16. Hoth Ihe Lilierals ard Conservatives of Smithers recently held heir organiralion meeting in preparation for the coming election and have selected their delegates for the central conven-tiors. At the Liberal meetin? held in W. S. Heury's office. Duncan A. Mcltae was chosen as jyesident, with Fred Wa I son vfee'presldenl, Sam Mayer secre tury, and J. M. (Iraham trea- urjp, "Vs' well a an' eecu(ive of twenty.' - ... - . ' PI... P.m....l!.V.. I. Alt M.ni. tjii.-"-i imon iri ,4111:11, meeting in the Scout Halt, and re-elected W. J. O'Neill for president,,, with W. J. Turner nn Angus McLean vice-presidents, and R. L. Gale secretary with an executive of sixteen. Al Finncrly, for several year grocery, clerk for Fred Watsor, has taken a leae' (h the Kennedy billiard parltrs and open ed up in hi new business on ednesday. Al js president of the Smilhers Athlelle Association and has always taken an active nart In alL branches of sport "and Ihe hoys are uit to oacK aim ; wuu ineir pairon age. . ..... .. Won War A film showing Hint Amerlen U'rt r, lltA tin 1. V. 1 , v. .....nn.) ""it m i l. iiril. The idea Is belateir Our In. come tax demand haVe. been re minding up vr tins fact lor years past. Punch If ."1 LAND AOT. 1 ..11 C.Ur Uml niMrlrt. Und nrortlnir OUlrlrt nr I'rlnrr HuprrL tmt .liutle on Allln abntit it miles oiithwl of Allln Tonlti. TKK MITICK thai Eilwln Jul. Fnrl. nr Mini. In llii Hrnrlur of llrUlnh Cnliiin. Ila; wriiiailiin orraltnr tiirll laiimh; liitf-ntl in am'ir for rrnilinn lo pur rlia the fiillowlnt rtrrrllwfl In0; CiniinHnrint al a' ivwl plnniMl at Hi oniithraiil nmirr or fllarlrr Day, In Allln Like, .iiualMt a' above: Ihfnc fullowinii Iho hnr. lino weal 10 chalnat Iholioe Minth' Ift rhalim thonro oal to rtulni IhMiro north to chains, la point of rniiiiiirnrrlii.nl' fdwin tviti EQOfnT, . - t 4pplicni. Dated Miy to, lit. PAQS FTVS of Men's Suits. Boys' Suits. Underwear. Dress Shirts. Odd Pants. Sox. Hat s and Can. Ties. Working Garments . II I w ' tr r 7 - - - . 7 7 S w - - 0 . or all kinds. It is a positively genuine price reduction sale MEN'S ENGLISH RAINCOATS MEN'S NIGHTSHIRTS ' IX-l- QUI. A 8ALE OF ENQLI8H TWEED-" MEN'S ODD PANTS Hael'r,r $1.05 WOrKlIlg Otlirt Bargain SUITS Xvy.tolowco,L M&,tik Well made and roomy nil. All MEN'S PYJAMAS . Sale 37 and HK Sale . r-n II C -ir c a j This reason's styles. price an, wait. prices .'Ie Price $7.50 Hale lr,,e $2.66 Va,Ue to $2'50' a" 8IZe8i Special for Saturday from...... $18.85 to $30.00 Troin $2.85 ' to $5.95 ' Only. Sale Price : - : l c. r r : MEN S HEAVY HORSEHIDE flV aY BOYS' JAZZ SWEATERS WORKING GLOVES AND I I II I Just in Mock. Pride of the GAUNTLETS I II West make. Good weight. Sale Awav below . ol price. Price' $3.85 DONT LET ANYTHING KEEP YOU AWAY FROM THIS SALE! A SALE OF BOY'S SUITS MEN'S BATHING SUITS MEN'S FELT HATS BOYS' COMBINATION MEN'S COMBINATIONS MEN'S ENGLISH MAKE A j! and in lot of rase le-s U pure wool goods. Sale Price In all colors and sizes. Sale UNDERWEAR Nice medium summer weight. GABARDINE RAINCOATS 'ti n f. from $2.50 prices from ... $2.50 to $5.85 Ail sues. Sale Price $1.50 Sale Price, per suit $1.85 In all siies. Sale Price $20.85 WA8H TIES MEN'S SILK LISLE SOX SOLID LEATHER BELTS MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS BOYS' PANT8 WOLSEY ALL WOOL SOX 8:... prwe 25c a Pairs for $1.00 Sale Price 50c All sizes. Sale Price ... $1.25 All sizes. Sale Price, pair $1.55 Black or brown. Sale Price 75c The Big Yellow Sale Sign STEVE KING The Big Yellow Sale Sign Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOK8, ROPE8, TWIMES, FISH NCTTIN AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBftER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compar Our Price Lipsett,Canningh am &Co.Ltd 8condltvnu and HcBrlda SL - Everything for the Budder LUMBER We have the. most complete stock of timber, dimensions shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V juiul. veneers,, etc;, in Northern" B.C We cart supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. llefore buying inspect our slock. IV will pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., Phonee 116 and 117 ' ' WRTSR NOTICI Dtttralvn and Ua TAkK .MlTICt ttuvt swiiorvlllo Cannory Cimiiuinv l.luiltNt, Imuo atltlresA la Oorv Avruuo Vliatr,.VamiKier. II. C, will apjily fur a liceiiw'to nk ailit uw Sn Knllm n-r miimto nt water out un-niiil tr-aiii, uftilrh rtW nwhrrlr,and Oralnilliilo For-rtiMin Hav, M.irt liilrl, about Jill cUaliu oi tr N. E. torniT IM Its? I. Q. . liutriri Tho watrr will bo dirrt-titlarnni Ihe Mroam at a loiiut about naiiiTrnn inoum nr "irraiii ami win w ui'u i"r liHlininal and donioiitir purtvn n.u tho land ilotcrlbitl a HINk A. Lol IS7I, yiii-on i li.rlnii. liislrlrt. li Imtlr. waa l.Mloil on tho rmiuihI "Hi tho I ill day or July, la, a ropy of ll itgllro'anj an jitl-rallon iMirtiiit tlirrrln aniT lo tho "Wator Aft" Will bo fllod III tlio orru-e of tlio Walor liooordor al I'rtiiro- Huix-rl. b.vl. dblwil..ii tu-llio aiiblU-atUin'.inay lx fllotl ltli tho all Wator Hooordrr ur with tlio Ci.iniiiiirr or waior nia-nia, rarna- nti.ol Htill.lln.v Vh'thrl. H. C... wllhlll lliirty day after1 ho nml pparnr of Ihla notl In a )iMl now'MMPor. Tho dalo of tho rift piihllritlon r Ihla nollrt I July JO. ivf. 80MFHVIIl.lt CAMrOInT tOMHANY, LTD., fi Appllrinl, If r. D. MATHERs, Alinl. SUMMER 3UQ0ESTI0NS FOR WOOD DrV jack Pine, CeYaT,sTnm and Sprue' ' rerMoad ...... ....,.t.B0 Per half load ........ 3.50 Per sack ............ .50 Burn Wood and Keep, Cootl HydeTranst er 1H SecHt Avenue PlMMe SM NlftM of Bay Wf W BttTTLBf. I