PAGE FOUR 177?: DAILY NEWS S I! I "11. ITtTr-1 jaa BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus nn ii fi m r DMJC,UTE.Il -I THEN ALj7np, THE CAS;oN DE I'LL HAVE TO OO HOC UKC, ALL THE "Hatva . What Good is TOOR j CALLING Take, a loo VsORLO TO ) I AT Mini . he: cectmnlx a-jnui S WWW if, l ..Z. . I III1 . rVl THEWCWWTIK' I I I Ilk V "-"W wvww. f I I L 'lv . " V, 4J 1 A ,TA THE. Wrv I I I 1 1 1 1 V r- I 1 17 V L a. I a Jeweller's D' ' r .1 "art "W' I Guarantee? $STJ Quite a lot we think of ours; so much Hint we are anxious l replace anything unsatisfactory. It may mean only a few cents to you, while In us 0. i.ii,... tJi, mi-iiii tun ri'iiui.ui iiih lor reliable BO0ls. Many people who have dealt, wild us for years slill crnne back convinced thai ; ' we know our business. Pleased to show yon. John Bulger Lid. Jewellers SPECIAL MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Hofiular values t .25 ami 1.50 for 95c ACME Importers Third Avenue Sausages! Pure Pork Sausasc, per lit. 30c Heef and Pork Sausage, per Hi 25c f vToinalo'; aungtv'"pr lb. . . , 25c Fresh llnirin-inadc Head . Cheese, per Hi 25c Heef IirippiiiR, per lh... 10c Sealy 8 Doodson Kixlii Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours " to 6. X-Ray Servlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Tliursday Lvenings Saturdays J to 12 nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half Pint. - Quality and Service Valentiu Dairy Phono 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage ion (S. i'.s.riage, .VVarehoiisliiit, nd OUtrluullng. Team or Motor Service. J'-oai, Hand and Gravel W (peolallie In Plane and Furniture Hovlnfl. BIRTH CONTROL BILL REFUSED DISCUSSION BRITISH PARLIAMENT House Divided Without Any Re gard for Party Lines on Proposal LONDON. Mai. Id- The s It House of Commons refuse! Mr. Thnrlow leave In introduce a lfirlh Control Hill, the volt against allowing it In he considered being more than two to one. The house divided on Hie nues- with another Lahorisl asainst i! and the familiar party linos he-ins ipiile forgotten in the division. The nhject of llif hill was M authorise local aulhorities to ronimimiiNile knuwIetlRo nf hirth- control methods to married women. Mr. Thurtle claimo4 IJiat such eommuniealiou woiiM promote enualily as hetween the sexes anil as helween o-r women and rich women. The Itev. James Itarr, another Lahor mem- her, with impressive fervor, de nounced the hill as a counsel of despair. A hoiiulifiil Hrealor had provided enough for all. Moral nslnii-ls and religious prejuilict tiait Uilifted mankind, and if we delird them il would Jie. ut our peril. Leave to introduce Ihe bill wu refused hy a majority oi more than two to one. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB TO SPONSOR RECITAL Regular Meeting Was Held Yes terday Afternoon When Wagner was Subject of Study The Ladies' Music Club met al Hie home of Mrs. Ii. A. Woodland. Waldron Apartments, yes-! terdny afternoon. Th protiram. which was in charts of Mrs. J. p. McMillan and Mrs. S. Iiarlon, was on asner, Ills I. He and Composition." A paper on the lite of Warner was read by Mrs. ( A. Ilryant; Mrs, McMillan saiu "The Star al I'.ve." from Tann-liau-cr; Mrs. Hubert Ward and Mrs. It. P. Ponder played as a piano duct the march from "Meitertinsu,s;" .Mrs. L. O. Lar- sen sanx "i;ii7abe)i'3 lMeam, from 'rniiiili'anioriinliliitvniaccl; from Tannhauser was played as ;i piano solo hy Mrs. WVd. The Ladies' Music Chili has decided to sponsor early in Juni a piano recital by Mr. (ieen, ex aminer for the Toronto. Conner vatory of Music, who will bit her-.r al that lime and who will be as sisled by a boy soprano whom v. will bring here with him. NARCYLENE LATEST ANAESTHETIC USED Was First Tried on Animals and Is Better Than Chloroform or Ether Ht:ill.i, Mar. il. The new anneal belie; "nareylene," a pure acelylene ga, has been adople by a number of (ierman hospi tals. II was first Irled on nni- mals by Professor Wiclund, of Koiiiiifsherg, jn ll23, anil Inward? the end nf the same year Pro fessor tiaus used-it in his bos jpilal at Wiirburg. Its advantages nn lliat Dm MiHPiint of gas actually absorbed by Ihe hlood call he accuralely determined hy the addition nf oxygen so thai the narcosis re mains under complete control The pal lent lne consciousness immediately and wllhout' the dis agreeable .symplnns I lull nflen nc company chloroform and etbir o that the opcial ion can hegiu forthwith. Heeoveiy is eiiinl!y sinooili and rapid, and ran Ik-produced instantaneously lis means of pure oxypen. Sirkness so eonunon after elilorofnrni. hardly ev er sels in,-and I here are no Iuiik complications. Used In Childbirth "Nareylene" is particularly effective in rjiildhirlli, as il does no harm either to the mother or to Ihr child. I'alieuis whu-c powers of rosistaiiTB are -o lowjjj. inai uie use or chloroform ort ether would he danneitiiis can he safely anaeslhetised with cylene." i-ou iwini- ..mho hililv , ... ......... vcrv f flame time ail.t an.! with a LohorLst for the hill andre,,.l(, ,lri;me, w, ns another tlonservalive "l,llinR"iih-ri.....!...i- i.. k.. t-.. away, and it niiiiivs a larj.-and expensive ai(punilu, so thai al present it is only hems used (Toronto iilolie In an nddres t tin' lira id oflicer commaiidiiiK. ' HOTEL ARRIVAL8. Prince Rupert W. S. Harris, New Haell on : A. lt...Mcdnnald, Haellnii; II. O. 01- sen, Smilhers: M. Ialiipilsi, nedarvale; .John W. Alien. It. Knox and A Tin lot . Vancouver: William Silvers dc-. Ocean Falls; i. . loresiei, Toi'oul; W. R. McAfee, (ieorsrelown. Central .1. A. l-'ierlioni, IMinre fieorsre I. M. Hrown. A ood. II. J. Meh-rani, ('.. Alkinn. Ah-x. M. Tnil. O. I. .lolniMMi. K J. llandall. II. Costain. I.. II iiullniL- and O. KdKinslon. Vanouvrr: C.liarlt Wilson. Sinilhei's. SPORT CHAT (leorfic Wnuuli and Don Itrown Iwill lllatltl r.l II... I I i. " llflllli. 111. mip-f ' niaiii iii'ine imai uninf ni ine disadvatilflfre is its inflari.-,""" ru,,n" " ,,n fibampionshi nes. the winners in the wealthier lieruian hospitals. In some cases it a No lend lo produce a fViiion of Hie ab dominal muscles which may rivc the Min-Fii Mime difficulty in a RynatvoluRical owrlinn, hut this tension can h" reduced hy an in-fillrntioti of novocain ami adren alin. So far "nnrcylw" has heen Used in ahoul S.fiOll e;ies, audi with such immI results that sev- eral (ierniau minrcOHs hove de-clared il tn he the "anaeslhelit nf Ihe future." LASH RECOMMENDED FOR bootleggers; in which mi far have hecii inl, McMonlie, prod Pylc nivl Oeornc Mcitmoyle. Witivihe eoinplrtinii of the first round lhi eeiliiK. the semi-finals will he arranged In -tnrt al the end of (his or the first nf nexl vvek ami the next week will seo the iMy rhauipion-ship fur this year -HI led. As far as iiiiinher of victories fn cniHrnPil. the IWk', in uiCAi- iiiK Ihe Sons of liaiiada in Hie Ai: r Mi.. fury al the opening of the Porilship, inlrel Arthur asic Mr. .lust ice l islierkstill tense. Other teams mccliiif virtually n mmended the iiseflniiiRhl will tin Knishls of CoIiiiii- of the lash to .suppress Itoolli-y- giiiR in Ontario. "If I hud the making of lhelavjVwhif h I hnve not," his Lonlship said. ' I wniihl au n ran Ice (hat no hoollcgfrc" won hi ever come back a eenpl lime. I would flog him, sentence him In a stiff lerui of impn-oit- mept and confiscate his pnerly. t'he way things are now. a man I boolleszifer one day, hi fallier a iHnitlegRec Hie nexl day. mil his mother I Ik- not." NINE YEARS SINCE CAPTURE OF BAGDAD Today Is Important Anniversary In Army and Navy Circles ' and Is Being Observed Here today marks the ninth anni versary of the capture of llajrdad, one nf (he most impm-ianl events in the course of the Ureal Wat in which both Ihe army and navv under: (ieiieral Maude participated. In cnininomunition of the lay, masthead Hays are today flying al naval headiuarters and tonight I here will he n-i speejnl parade under Lieut. II. P. Ponder, mens scelinn of (lie I ralernal Whist Leaitue IniiiKht. will have the oppnrliinMy In catch up nil Ihe MiHi-e fvho captured second plure in Tuesday meninu'e Willi'. 'Ihe Klliullls of Pylh- fia. who aro, meeting the Orange men tonialil. wilt al.o have the tchunce nf .frelHiHt inlo ecn d fjilnce as far as niunher nf win 'are copi-enied although Ihey are handicapiH-d by two more loe llian the hUks and one more lo. MJian Ihe .Moo.e. With four teams stilt in Ihoxriiiiiiinar for leader- in the games is hus vs. Oddfeflows and Ureal War Veterans vs. Sons of laml. Plans are already leinj: laid at Smilhers for Ihe building next winter of a new skaliutt rink along newer and more elaboralel lines than Ihe present one and nil a sill on the block nptnililt the present locution, 'the new design will bring in n ten-root f'-m-c so that Ihe Alhlelic Cluli may reap its full reward in tint way of admissions. The plant will also include a circular irr surface for (ho Iwnefil nf pleas ure skater, Owing In unseason able weather, jljiiv .rink Sftiilh- nM .. .. . i..... I ... I . ..'l ' I.... ill'. oi" Til 7 ' a los I II I s !! bili);Jllis.('ftf lie-Tiiailf up by cnlrei'tAuf ! j pr luij'sriiliiling dues. Winlei' spoitH in Smilhers Were ringed with a meeting Oil Mondav ihkIiI of the directors nf Hie Allib lii' Club when it was decided lo dimanlle Ihe rink and store the material lor liie sum-iper mnulii-. McILMOYLE DEFEATED JEBSON AT BILLIARDS Game Took Three Hours to Play and Final Loser Led In Early Part of Contest i In the slowest hut closes' tournament so far in Ihe series, (ieurge Mcllmoyle last nwlil de feated Sgl. .Ichson hy a score nf Sou lo i Ihe city billiard rhampinnnhiii competition. .Iel. son led (irelly well up lo the .'Kin mark and Iroin then on the play-eis reinnined clnsn (nuelher. ItoHi j failed In lakci advantage of ninny iiporliiiHli('s and .li'bon could not take julvanlage of ii set up irihl al the JasLwlieh six point (Would have put blm out willi Me- Hninyle yec Ibrce In go. The game took three hours to play nnd I here weri 107 innings. Mc-Ilninyle's high break was 25 and his average, l.Cfi; .lelion's hiuli break was If, and average, I .fit Ilerl Morif.m was referee; Fredi Pyle. Rcnrer, and W. Long, mark cr, V anted For Sale ForfRent FOR SAI.K. - New and used mai'hiirery. boats ami entcinej. pUlonJ'.rlnas and propellers. Nijrirpn Kxellnr t3Seennd Af uuc; Phone iU. If PIll.XiirH Itnperfs jtesl Hangaln. Three Inl. Taylor Street, See-tlon '5. all for cali. Weslenliaver Mro. If FOIl S.AI.K. -Furniliire or five roomed flat; alninsl new. Photic I Hack, 901. TO BIHT HOOM or Itertl in private home. ()p-n4d:ilr fnrni)nngs: wnler-frnnf .view. Piii'me lllue ZfiC. 3.10 Fourth Avenue Hast. V V0 ItKNT-Modern four roomed flat with Monarch range, Clnpp Hlock. Vslenl(aer Hro. If IVJ iftKIfT. VPjanp. player (ilnno, -plionngf apl.s, nnd sew. trig mathlne Walker's yiisle fllore. i FOfl ni:.NT.Tnilnr-liop; two business morns bolow. tw.) (lying room above. WYslen-iiaver Hrtw. ti FOIt HKXTe Furnished house keeping sillle, Miinlleir. Aparlmetil. phone 18. tf FOIt Iti:.Vr.-;Large mnm, suit Iwn men. 12.' Third Avenun Phone lied'i. f.O FOH HUNT. Itonni with or with, out Tiortrd; near elevator Phone lied 167. tf MOI'KtlN FLAT for llenl. Apply Max Helllironer. tf PALM Lit ItOISi:. suites for rent. LOST Furnished tf LOST---On Itonh'ti street or school griiiimls, gold wrist waleh. ri.00 reward In- any-onj returning same to 8r,!i llorilen Street, phone Mark MH. LOS'lV-Bnuitl ivory rnse. Finder pleflst' phone lied 103. Ilewunl. PBINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE ack to Old Stand. We are removing In 343 Third Avenue Next Empire 0fflc4 on March 15. DRY WOOD. Split to any length in block's, per load $6.00. . SALT HI'JtltlNO. A. I8AAC80N, Seal Cove. Phone Illark 101 AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVR0LETS I'miring. price Prhice lliiperl . IK7M.0U Itoad'ler, price. F. . . prince ltiiert fMjtUiO Coupe, prlee Prince llu- pen fi.ijii.oo lUmeU. prtee F.O.It. Prtnee llii perl 9l.IS2.0b Sedan, price F.O.It. Priwee llii- rl JfQM Landau .Set tan. rice F.O.It Princ IliiHrt .. i.S87.nn Rommeretal C.hi. price F.O.It. Priwe Htiert 1708.00 l-IH ton, price F.O.It. Prince Itupert $980.00 Co 11 in and gel particulars of tar O.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plan. A few hartiaiii in Second Hand Cars. KAIEN OARAGE Itealer in all (Seneral Mtnrti Product, t'julillae. McLaughlin, Oakland. Oldsinohile, Pnn-liar and Chevrolet. WMT.KiNti si:hvh:k ov axu XlflllT. PIGEONS HACIN'O Homers, bred from some or Ihe m1 hlood in the wtirbt Strain. Oills, Harior, Itoi Ami; nlo Carneaux Pygmy Pniilcr. Tumbler and Sipoih Itrecder. SUck liinl and Ira ine, I hint. From f&J1& In Sl.-i.00 per pair. Jack I lank, 1151 Hasting Street. PaL Vancouver, ll.n. AUCTIONEER. HHMIllFFS SALi: of shop fix-lure and other mikrollnncou articles on Saturday at S.SO p.m. at the Auction Itnom. Second Street. Itemised (l will.npperir on Friday. 1. F. Hrine Auctioneer add ha I HIT Account collected on percent -ace. Satisfaction uuarnuleed. BOARD ItOAni) - The Scand Avenue DANCING. Inlander. S.10 I'linrie tr7 llO.MHt. 25 Third Third Ave Phone Red 3.1ft. ROTHWELL'8 TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggage and Kxpte Klnnil'.t.llllft'M New Sland, Phone 352. Res. Phone llreen 02 DANCING OF ALL DESCRIPTION al the Westlmlme Theatre on April 0. Mrs. H. O, Crew's Pupils in Iteview. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl lure Slnre. We lluy. Sell and Fix nlinngn New and Secondhand flood. GEO, PAPADOPULOS Third Ave iHmne Mr CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 1 77 aaage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything ent for or delivered, phonr us. P.O, Uof 9. IE i DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTF.D. One pliable man in every Inwn. men-linitt preferred, lo take orders for het custom-made clothes In Ontw-ada. II ichest llnnimioiimn. Ilex Tailoring On.. Ltd., Toronto. 8. I! WAN'I'KO. Poles, nss, Piling all sines. Quote price; slat1 shipping points: nuantily eai furnish; when could sliip. 3pot cah. Xelderiueyer - Miirlin Lumber Co. Portland. Oregon. WANT til K Reliable ynnnst girl, mother help, fur tiflrrnnnnh only. Write llox St7. Maily News office. 5J FOR IALE I'Oll SALL. Twele ecnndhani beds, cnmplele with sprlns and innltress, from 8.00 to 20.on. Aln five eeondhand raneses from 15.00 to all in good condition. Mut he cleared llii week lo inak room for new liek. A. Mae-kenie, Furniture, plione "75. FOH PIIICKS on Laying Stoek. pullet.s, ha lit ehlck or liateh-ing eg1f. write linibley Urns., P.O. Itox n75. Prince HujicrL 1 1.0, All .lock from Solly's X-XV. Wyandotte pens. Al (Call i. in- and wakcr .i TaXI 'Any. ILoitiJ Fwni,4t Phone 87 Tut TRAPPtmi I lo , ; i H ror 80o Strtk-i ROSS BROS, fOOL R0C Meeker ntoch Across v .t pnce sell your ' buy then. W. GOLDBIOOI, The IL. TIMBER SALE, XTM1 mm.u I, It. M- tm rml i.i . luiuta t.i rti, i an tuni I .4 Ib-.-r n-Mt l "I i.m.i I. Vim... . USkiJSatr' " ri WATIM 0TKt 41 Ull 0 IT0UL tr s..i.. . a.K.. in tit '4l ' i f.tiit S( t. Ml- 1IO Ii.h' i ill if i- . Ill (i.l ii. , I I .-iki I h foil r . ' t. t i.-in-i I kr i rli ii I . f . !rtil mi iMke ai i H) i". it I l.xilnl I . '' IK. in. i" - . t I im lkr. l..i' III -t V ' tin u . i. . I 'tlKl I ! Urti i nv aiMrll t i " I .!. i. Ilk lrr m Irmtu -i milN-i lr-.Hi jl il, lur far ul l"i ' ' 1 " MM - IMa.u lh. . lunt' V i .i ' hnt Imi,' ' lrrit in Hi i In l !. i' l. 4 in:, 5 n tiif. tni. i: in i. ' 1st HM I- ni' ;r erimil mi ' If l anJ il ikr Condi id m. 1 In JS i " ' iUr rthl iik llil llif br-iii Till Ao ri. I mi llw ll ila I of Oil nun". " ' liver I it mm imi 1 W'ster liri Wciiiiii i" MU Of "" ' (imiin ut vvo- ' Int. Vlrli.iM ' ifMr Its fir-1 i In hrl mn i-Ural IHiMlrali' r I7lh i " WM I r. n. An; . I. i wTia "0'- tirr ertsiii' i- ' " r ii. Maa"f 1 "' ' lUJir.. Vaii'i'i rmrn, raiir.n. . ' llrnire I" Ilk' " ' iMr amiiiil i"' acr frrl "r s."' hl'rll fle "" ' , Vatasi Inli-i ni'-- 1 frmil tllirkli H ' tin l.walril il ii" a point ImtIow in' Irrlllllietl an' 1 nf m ' raearltv ; ' , ' IhiiiI 7 On."-" riiHMl almnl 1 1": 1 '. wairr will ' al a r'i"l iii.mbi. iiam. nan" l akr, ami 'U lie ml Ml Ur lan --tn I i - s hi an la . a I t i ' ia" al . it ? ' lie'' I ' T ,,y I ."'-fit'r ... i ..-1 ir- trli-t Thi- ' .rr 'V Illlllllll , Ull Ill' ""'' .r and I Jrf A nun' of lh'- , iM iiiruianl IlirrrH' ... ,u i' I inn." win ii' ...imii ji wairr lirMiri'' ; iMIrt'11" I r Til lis ..f H" "V" 'ti . ,,,ipf I