tfHB'pAlLY NKW3 ,vr t&''i 4 .rf-ri .4 . ( , , Ajetizing- tafizing-lVery day SHIP THROUGH CANADIAN PORT Danger of Mixing When Wheat i Goes Out Through United Stales Is Proved ii . INCREASE THAT WAY WHEAT Only Way to Protect Home Grower Is to Ship Only Through Outlets Own Ocean m The Daily News PRINCE riUPEKT - BlUTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .City Delivery, by mail or carrier; per month $ 1 .(hi By mail to all parts of the British1 Bhipire and the United 4 .''States,' in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.30 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EtilTIOh 'LMLHnESslBMMr BMfnflflB iflGUE and ti'ml f1. inflfS. as Wpll AS mini onrl aches nrp tho rocnlf t the accumulation of poisons in the system. The liver action is torpid, the overworked kidneys have broken down, the bowels are 'sluggish consequently you are suffering. Thursday, May 27, 1920. Interest Taken In British Politics. -,Alt 1s,,W()rfderfiil what a great interest is taken here in British politic- just as there is in any great issue in American politics,, only probably more so. While the United States is nearer to ts bbgn Crent. Britain, geographically speaking, (Jreat Britain is,-closer, politically speaking. It is only necessary to slojt some person on the street .add broach British politics and you have hlni'going. He take's sides just as if he were in Ihe Old Land. Because of this interest generally, the rift between Lloyd fieorge and Lord Oxford and Asqnith reported yesterday excited much, comment. .Many people here have nu sympathy with either, their leanings being toward Ihe party led by Premier Baldwin, bill life fact that the Asmiith groujuwould prohablsygoiii the seryatives if they left the Liberals, makes it of great interest evejj to. them. . More individuality ' . - . , In British Politics. , Drive Out the Poisons and you Conquer Fatigue Dr.Chase'sKidney Mias Katie Wilcox; R.R, No. 3, Wiarton, Ont. writes: ,"My tomach troubled 'me and I had frequent headaches. I felt tired all the time and could hardly, do my work. I was in this condition for a year. Then I was told about Dr. Chane's Kidney-Liver pillg, took several boxes of them .and they did me a wonderful lot of good." Rid the poisons from the system by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 'and you conquer these' discomforts; Digestive troubles disappear' when' these vital organs are aroused to action. Headaches and biliousness are overcome. You feel well and happy. -LiverPills 85 eta. a box, all dealers or The Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited. Toronto i, Canada i v In Canadian political life.' the' .caucus decides almost everything for the party but the lead of the Prime also very marked. ' In Britain they. seem to depend even more. fn their leaders and the rank -and fife-have little to say. The lead ers make pronouncements 011 important oiieslion without con sulting their followers wilh the result" that it is rather-difficult ? for Ihe tail-emlers ' to know where they stand. They hate . right to express Iheir views and to object lo the stand of their leaders but if they do much of that they are likely lo find then) stive. without a seat at the next election. Without the emlof-sat ton of thd party they can tffi 1 Iittte,especially if their party "jtulsfjip another candidate against them. ' " "" ;While 'individuality is a good thing in nil -walks oflife, tliefe; also ha- to be co-oneraioii and cn-opera'tjon Js besj, secured through Ihe political caucus'. When members of lluTsamc faitli gather to thrash out details aiid the discussions are behind closed doors, there can bo miiclif plain talking without the eiiemypseizing on'it to influence the coufilry against them- Then it is Jliat 'policies are evolved or upset. ' ; U t ". Queer. People In Every ..Community. ' . '. ' :"J!e is a nice person but just." a' little queer" is an expression .which is sometimes heard. It means that. in some respect . h indifferent from tlie. common ruck. There is an outstanding feature about him that his fellows cannot quite understand or appreciate. Possibly, Ihe "queer" person is a woman, in which ;.;;.lt is even more noticeable thari in a man. ' ' ; Sontetimes these "queer"' traits-1 .in iiperson are of a childish nature, an indication of weakness., in others they may be iu- - teilet'lual outrroppings Hint distinguish them as. being above thei:,fell0ws in that particqlar respect. .", ;!iEveryone has heard or the'-mili'tary recruit who thought all Hie rest of the company was1 out of step but him. So it is mahy of Xh queer people look oiHhe rest of mankind. To him the)-; are' all "queer." They differ1 from him and so cannot be .litirtnal.. ftgMg thescj -differences between persons are mark of individn- 'niity and ' often arc to be desired.. a If dyeloped, too much they Iierriiqn nui-ance to Ihe rest of the. com m 11 inly' and somelfm'es Mlie)rsiitv; possessing them are shut up in an institution pro-vldl'tf,J.0,r 'he purpose where they cannot annoy their fellow. 1 The danger of shipping through Inited states ports ami t lie consequent toss to Canadian prmvers' through doing so Ts set forth irt an article in the Journal bf Commerce published at' (Tar-denvale. The article sayn in part: The' statement made in the last bulletin that, 'Canadian hard wheat" Itad lost Us premier p!4ilion in the markets of the vbrld ,-atid suffered a serious slump in price sinc beiag exported In large quantities ih rough United States Atlanlie ports" lias brought many re quests for further information on this point. This Is a matter nf greater importance than the difference of a few cents in rail way rates," says one writer, "and I would like to see the evidence uponVliieh you Jase your state ments. ,"Vur statement is startling if correct," says an- idher writer. This fs a fine example of how Ihe nubile mav become excited dvr a d'onilition even lo the extent' of having a Royal Commis sion appointee 10 mvestngate; but by the Ime the commis sion's report is presented the public interest in the matter is so completely dead that the re port passes unnoticed, no matter how serious a situation II may disclose. Immense Increase' The shipments of Canadian wheat through the U-S. Atlantic ports during the last sit crop ears, were -tas follbws: 11)19-20 . 1U20-21 . 1U21-22 . 1022 3 . 1923-2 1921-25 i . . Bushels. 13,023,281 5i, 193,010 100,009,460 i?9;8?l,095 141,079,337 162,000,000 'in uie autumn or 1922, reports began- to appear to the effect that Canadian wheat, passing in bond througti the United States to tide water, was being tampered with and was behug mixed with American soft wheat. In the session of 1923, the speech from the Throne an-, nounced that a Parliamentary inquiry would be held into agri cultural conditions generally, including matters affecting the arain trade. This announcement was met in the Houe of Com mons by a general demand for the appointment of n" Hofal Commission. Later in tho session a special committee of the House was appointed; which after a number of sittings reported: Inquiry Made "That In the opinion of the committee it js advisable and in Ihe interests of agriculture in ibis country, that a full and Mcarching inquiry should be made jnto all aspects of the grain trade in Canada, and for this purpose a, Itoyal Cdm'tnis-ion should he Appointed, clolhed with full powers, not only from Ihe Dominion (lovernment, but from all provinces desiring to co-operate in such an inquiry." The report was concurred in unanimously by the llduse, and on .May I. I'J23. a Itoyal Commission was appointed as follows: Judge V. 1-'. A. Turgeou, chairman; Prof. W. J. Ruther ford, Prof. IX A. McOibbon, .las. I). Scott. The commission made ils report to the Minister' of' Trade anil Commerce on January 7, 1925, and. was printed for gen-rial distribution only' a few months ago. v Evidence The following extract, is taken from this report: "It would appear that cerlain shipments pf Canadian wheat rnixi'd with American sdft wheat delivered lo apply on straight Canadian certificate haVe been received in Kngland, The number of instances lias not been large. The publicity which these shipments have received in trade circles and the alarm that they hne created in Great Uritaln are significant of the. extreme sensi-IKeii(ss of lhe'llriUxh market to any tampering with the quality of grain upplird on Canadian Certificate Final. In tracing statements about illicit mixing! of Canadian wheat in the United !1C 1 On the toot h A " dttln, Confoltiim GolJ S AH. Hug h: Ml. pretty patltrn in tax, tnJlant. It's. Slates made lo ui at' many points wo fcomd invrtitbly that, they related I., -fllrf cases fnvesll gated by Messr. IVoyd and Serfs ami cpViTi'd,. hi '.their; report sub milted oh .Xoxemher 24, 1U23. Mr. Commissioner llutherfod1 however. rei)brt3 anolber and more recent instance, that of the steams bin "Trevidee" frnm Phil ndelplila, of thatrlval In the! Obl Country of a caiarn of arnlrf under Canaillanitfertlflcatrf Final idinwing "Irong evldeiu-c of ud-; mixnire. Canadians Lose" Inasmuch a I Ik- nr'lrn wlilpli the (iuailian arnUi a rawer rn- ceivvs in nio(ly determined by me iirii-c of w hifti hi. wtiriif brings on the Winnipeg market, ir wouiii appear that the Cana dian jrraiu ifrrower is losing srunelhins in the nelirfihorhood of 50e per bushel, as rt result of me degrading of Canadian wheal thai has taken- place through Ihe I nP.-it states Atlantic port. II would also appear that the SUPERIOR I -f ; vx rrt r-.-js&iv -.zf-r m" --z- .iwawsa: .TS5asua jssssskss JusBsssan? x - ;''?sKSZ9!Wffas JSSSSW "KSg5g fin-mrrai Be sure to see 4 f m 1 IIL 1 lllliimm, the lovely new Cpngoleum Art-Rugs ARE you one of the women who still imagine that beautiful designs come only in costly rugs? Then you should sec the newest patterns offered in the money-saving Congolcum Gold Sral Art-Rugs. They are the pick of hundreds of desfgns prepared especially for us by leading designers here and abroad. It would he difficult to match, their artistry and coloring and their variety is sure to meet every need every taste. Add a Colorful Touch to Every Room '"Here )s your chance to replace any dull, faded, woven floor-coverings svithufKo-date rugs that everyone wili admire. The cheer- ing, brightening presence of Congoletfm Cold Sm Art-Rugs will give just the colorful fresh- , riess every room should have. And besides they'll free you froth the hard . sweeping and beating, that dust-cblecting,t woven floor-cdVerings reqUFre'T fie Smooth, Made in Canada-by Canculians for Canadians TdTiaTiT jiius for this situation rest with the Wuinfiiejr uri'.u mer. fhanl and shipper, who seems to be quite natisfied to t'onl initio lo ship' through the United rUalctf Atlantic ports in ever-incrchsinsr iiuantities as lorvr as the Dominion Oovernielit does riot interfere. If these merchant nr'n tmvirnr Hie Canad au srain-irrnuni'M Wheat nt Mm tfivp.1,1.,1 -.,, 1;. . ' V' ...... . .ftllMllltlll Lerlificale prlfe, as' delernUned Yin Mm VViliind..f. ..iHHf..l - .i . .... ii.iuuj.. K inntkri, null selllnir in l-.umoenn markets Ah sample, they' must be "In receipt of a substantial margin, all of vhlch or course comes out of he grain-growers' pocket. Waste of Money , It would seem like a w-ni nt money to maintain an elaborate ami expensive machinery for the .nspecilon and grading of Can ..,t.... ...1 i . ... win-.iL iuki, at iiK same lime, penult any benef 1 n.,.i might thereby accrue to be. wiped out because of neirleet ' In that these wades are maintain! until the wheal reaches lls inm-.J KOl. : f In fact, it (s worse limn u.-fi0i: ed, because by' nltemplliiK to grade and sell on Ihe inr,t.itnn Cerllfieate final the chances of inn nuycr gelling a jrtwijf rade than be buys, without Unless hfl goes to the fxpense of proving iraiifi, lead hinr to bid lower than he 'would If ili 1-1,1 in. ,rin tho f.a.q, plan where he would ! or iissiin-o 01 a rair seiiionient. Under the existing circum- stances, the Canadian wheat Fishermen's waterproof surface of Cold Sta! Rugs is cleaned in a twinkling with a damp imp. At moving time Congolcum Art-Rugs 1 jn ' be rolled up and then unrolled on the floor in the new house no bother at all. Set these Hugs at Your Dealer's Congolcum Rugs arc made in' sizes up to 9x15 feet. Aniall at prices that are amazingly low. Your dealer will gladly show you Jiis assortment- of these beautiful rugs. Send for 'free color folder; the coupon below is for your convenience Cottgoleum Hythe-Yard The same trouble-saving, serviceable , material as the rugs, for use to cover the entire floor. Many beautiful patterns without borders; made in roll form, two yard ide CONGOLKUM CANADA LIMITED 120 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec 11 t C CliT CT? A T Congoleum Canada Limi'rd j.vULU MiiYlw 1270 St. Patrick Strtet A-w Ti-r-r . Mo"M, Quebec "JX.U CjO Gentlemen:-! halM!laJ fti,, you tend me iwithout coif or o; n- 'I'flflm ,,on) a- f "ur ll"rf ,"idrf' ii' JIj1 tlii... it.,...:r., ,..'. ii.- i,u fnnmilran Supplies fish lines, hooks, ropes, twines, , . . rinll a n MM. .aim run nt 1 irvu nnu 1 nuLUirsu . OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, CnOCEfllE Compare Our Prices Liosett. Cunningham & Co. W Second Avenue and McBrlde St. grower loses the nrenilunr or approximately IlOe u bushel, which his wheat should hrintr above a similar crad of rnlli-d Stales wheat, and, In addition, Is penalized In the extent of more than JOn a bushel through the Utlemid In force n discredited Canadian Certificate final upon I he buvr1. Only Safe Way The only way lo nrolect the grain grower aerninst this loss Is to ci' that Canadian wheal Is carried nvci1 Canadian lines, inrougji Canadlnn ports and by Canadian "boats so that II will he" continuously under the; supervision or the drain Commission Until i r.-nehes its final MILK PRIC ei Commencing IW OA3H PRIC" 7 Quart Ticket 1? I'lpt Tickets . Wlilppln'g Cream, r ... lM.. In Scrvlf 1 'Jill ! J rnerices di....1 uhiik' ardtt 10 1 to"' Valentin M