The piano recital given last moiling" by' (lie senjor pupils of St, Joseph's Academy proved a marked su"ccess. Tiift numbers ver.of..lfie Highest order frbhi (he works of the real composers and were rendered with skill and expression.. Drief addresses were given by, HeV. Father Mv, firath and !eofEoi Munro. The program follows: , "Valselle .(Kirchner), Miss Olive Monro,: "Nocturne"' (Chopin), Miss Dorothy Hardic. " Traumerei " (Schumann) , Miss AEary (VHrien. "Chant 8ans Paroles" (Tsch-aikowsky),. Miss Olive Cordon. "Spring Song" (Market) , Miss Marie Murphy. 'ong .Without Words;", op. 38 No. G (Mendelssohn;, Miss Muriel Stephens. "Hhodora," (Devanse), Miss Agnes' Hobe'rge. "Variations in C" (Heethoven), Miss Ilutli (Sillies. "Mazurka" op. 7 No. 1 (Chopin),. Miss Helen MeCaffery. "Minuet in Cr" (Paderewski), Miss Audrey Jlushliy. "The Two Larks" (LescheUz-; ky), Miss -Kllanne Holergct Watl." (Holfe), Miss Mary MeCaffery. "Sonata Patjietinuc" (Heelho-ven), Miss Aletta McKinley. ".Nocturne" bp, 32 No. 1 (Chow pin. Miss Margaret MeCaffery. "Polacca Urillanle" (Weber, Miss Lucy OMlrien. "If I. .Were a Hird" (Jlenselt), Miss Mollle llaydon. "Vatsu" op. G t" No. 2 (Chopin), Miss Virginia Hiel. Following the recital" there was distribution of diplomas to the successful students of last year as follows: Intermediate School Grade Silver medal,- Miss Norma Hogers. Special prize for application, Miss LucyO'Hrien. Toronto Conservatory of Music '.Jiinlof(5'?iynne, Miss? Hose Moran. Junior School Piano, Miss Margaret MeCaffery, Miss Aletta McKinley. Primary Piano, Miss Marie Murphy, Miss Muriel Stephens. Primary. School "-lano: Honors, Miss Helen MeCaffery. Pass, Miss Olive Munro, Primary Theory, Miss Virginia Hiel, r F.lejiientary Theory: First Class Honors, Miss Murief Stephens, Miss, Aletta MrKinley. Honors, Miss Christine Nuclei.; Miss HeIenA'ueIch. MRS. CHARLES EDENSHAW DIED AT MASSETT ON I vAFTERNOOROF TUESDAY; Angeles; W One of the leading naliveLori( women oi aiasseu village passeii.jjpjr an,j away at - o clock on Tuesday af-1 ternoon last when the. death occurred of Mrs. Charles F.deh-.shavy, relict of the late" Haida 'c)iMfand. isler of Henry Jvlen-slav. Iter demise is a great lds to the native coinmunity of .Masseil anil lliere IS general Nat Irxpm . . KILLS 81 - Md KniES MOTHS U w,nc M JSg I WorU'( ,.ij2)J Jll JDrrelopadct Fannt Sc4nUfte ClS H InduMrtel Kimrrti I ImUtuta. Win not bggjEj 1 IIotiI mto hiTMH I 0.1 aadaotanaU. I McManus" r , , Tl PAGE FOUI ... SENIOR PUPILS BRINGING UP FATHER 41 : vT By George r-irr -if r ' i kkto cw I I mkm cke tsOME one GIVE RECITAL II Riot HKut. -Atx A-coawo AtJtTeH- JSTrVS W Tvtpcmb URWfL JPr the crooks .cHTTbrse awa-j- mTXct W rM Students of St. Joseph's Academy TONE AND S . ThC;?0O . . raom: . M a4W . 1 .JKF. i 1 . ... -. tf" rvi r l i i iii t t i iii i -r t- vm"x f .-j ' 4 x EnterUlnod - Parent; ,'widS W Friends ;LisV Evening H OOLU .WKUtfi- J , ,' il w !8 , n i , i i- t r i-m . j i t iivnuniing. The 4 funeral takesjMr. ar)1 Mrs. Andrew Young, C-plaee'loday, ' jpress, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. The,vIale Mrs.' Edenshaw, who stamp an.l daughter, Wayne, was about seventy years of ag9,!fsask.; Mrs. Inex M. Myrns. Hazel-is survived by a large familynn; Samuel Kinley. Kitwaneta; among her children being sonn nev. J. H. fiibson, Smithers; oi uie nesi ami most ravoranlv, Known present day residents of Massett Inlet. ALFRED ADAMS OF MASSETT WAS ON VISIT TO KLAWACK Alfred Adams of Massed, whoi is visiting, the city as a lay delo-. gate to the Anglican diocescn. synod, recently, made a gasboatl trip wilh his family and n eoupl.!: of friends from Massett Inlet, to x rWviawacR near iir;ig. west or ?kagway, Alaska, fo attend n . convention of the Qhrjsljan F,n,,J deavor qnion of Alaska, Mr.; Ailams , found the trip ono of great Irileresl and visited n number of pninls In Ihe neiighliorhood vofi-Klawack;- Klawack he found to begone of Ihe most progrcs-, sive native villages in the conn-' try, The. natives Ihere are of a high typo and, amoag other ln- ullliiMmia ni-inilnrl pnnnorloa n aawmlll, genera) stores and a) movlng. picture, house. The vil- lage. is electrically ihrbuglioul. SKIDEGATE Most of the residents around (he Inlet have ben laid up wiln iufluenza anil soine of the case." Iiave been rather serious. H delayed Jhe native trolling' fleet going lo Hippo Island liut. nil are recove.riii ,und tlie fleet will be oil I in strength soon. The molorsliip I.illehorn, un der charier, by Hie CapadUm ,a-lional, Came' into Queen Charlotte City with n cargo of coal for, the survey steamer l.illooet. It was discharging on a larg9 barge kept for the purpose. Splendid progress is beln made with the repairs and additions to the Aliford Hay canneries. When completed the cannery will lie able to handle 80.-000 salmon a day. ; School Inspector Fraser In- spected all the schools here recently joing to Saiidspit, Quee i Charlotte, Skidesate alnl , Dead II.. .. . . .. .1 I. : T f .. . much pleased with the work BeV ing done. PREPARATION MADE FOR TOURIST SEASON BY RAILWAY CLEANUP W. H. Tohey. superih(ei)dept of this division of the Canadian National Itailways, announces that this veek a special effort is tiing .made all along the line fo clean up the', statiouil section houses and the right of way with' -A view to having everything clean and neat when the tourist business starts. Orders have been sent out 1o every employee In do his part in this regard. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert P. Oraham and P. A Wood, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. J Atkln- K. Drake, A. John- Shakespeare, E. I". It. McMillan. Van couver; I). . Davis, American Fajls,Idaho; J. T. Itallf, Ilose-lliir'g'', 'Tiro.; J'. II. Hoar, Seatlie"; Jlev. J. OTIIetl and Alfred 'Adanu, Massett Fr Markland, Lockeporl; Mr. anil Mrs. It. W. Sinclair, In vVrness; Ilev. W. F. Harfool Terrnee: . A. Tavlfir tlecnni.- nPV. and Mr. J. II. Kerr, Hums vfti fflU Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells 'Mrs.! J. Wilson, Port Gforr. writes: "I luffered from palpitation of the heart tod fainting peUi, and, at times, I could not be left alone I wit o nervoui. My trouble was caused from oTer-work and worry, having bees left alone with a large family. I had tried everything, without any relief, but I know, jto-day, that I would have been & nervous wreck but for your wonderful These Pills are for i ale at all draff-gists and dealers; put up only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Out Lake: W Venevia. Kodiak, Ala- ka. Central Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenrh and family, Masseli. IN I fcKMtlil A 1 1 MKittK GAME:RESULTS IN DRAW Y Macs and High School Played to Three all Score Last Evening- fn the Intermediate league fnolh.'ill game lasf nisrht between tile IV- Maes nd the High School, Hie result was a 3 to 3 draw. II was anyboby's l?Ahle all the way through, each team at' time.- holding the lead. Holh siils showed improved forni'froin last week. . For the High School, Haisle;. Mackay and Mortimer were i:; slellar role while Pliilljps, Strac ban and Dickens, forwards, and Hacker, in goal, showed npwell for the Y Macs. Sonny Dickens was referee. The teams . lined up as foI lows: Y Macs Slacker; Held and Cameron: Ilnberls, Kelsey and lleilbrnner; Oawthorn, Dickens, Strachan, Hond and Phillips. High School Kinslor; llond frind Ilaisler; Parker, Cade and Mortimer: h. Katsuyama, . Katsuyamii, Jlackay, Mallieson and Sakalnolo. SPORT CHAT I'he Moose and Orand Ter minnls come up tonight at the Acropolis Hill grounds in ther second football meeting of tin season in the Stuart Shield ser ies. In their first mali-h, the fermlnals had an easy victory over the Moose by 5 Jo I but the latter team scored over Ihe Cold Storage last week i to 3 aft.r the Storage had given the Tcr inlnals a close run for Iheti money tn the preceding game. ood number of .funs-fire inclin ed' to-believe that the Moosp havi a real good chance; of turning III . tables on Hie Terminals tonigli' ano a iciose maicn is.; expecico 'Jlliff Terminals; willbo" at some what of n disadvantage tlfi e.vehing through the fact thai Harry Menzies; one of their, slai liefnTisi mnn . lias hinn !j3Til !ini. from the field for. a nionth. I.ine-ups for' tfie Senior gne football fllluie .tonighl be 'ween the Moose and'Orand Ter minals will be as follows: Moose- Hawt horn"; Murray and '.urrie; Skihner. Currie and Mit chell; Onrvich, Hodgkinson, Hus wW, H. Jtamlllon and Woodman reserves. Mack and While. (trand Terminals D. Howe (i. Howe and V. Menzies; p. ()' Donnell, Dickens ' and Pearaoji ' ' - - I --' ill S. A V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken -VIRTU YOUNO Man wants work, any kind: 3"r un hour. l'hon lllack 2C!. 142 jWjWTF.I). - (lirl for general housework. .Mrs. -M. .m. .mo-Larhlan. Phone lied 529. INFORMATION WANTED. Mel.AUOHI.AN. William and Alexander. Hilly last heard of at Mirror. Alberta in 1913, Sandy at Winnipeg in 191 1. Their father has passed awav at Cutarm. Cerald, Sask. If they will c-ommunieale with tlieir broili. r James Mrl.augli-lan, lierald. Sask., will heat snmethins u their advantage. TO RENT FOft RF..T. Furnished eottaxn at 't.ake Kallilyn. Apply T. A HaynuiWI,' Itci'x 133, Smilhers, ' " ' H.C. " 131 FOR H K.NT. Modern tour FW"; ea flat, with Monarch range,. In Clapp block. Weslenhaver Itro. FOR IIHNT. Two modern houses? one furnished. Apply 2 1 5; Jiourtli Avenue East. I . . in T lit I I- if iT .i. 'URMSIIKD Housekeeping Hoorn-to rent by the day, week or month. Phone fled 607. tf OR P.EXT. Furnished house keeping suite, MussalleWf Apartments. Phone 18. tf OH RENT. Four room suite. hot water heated. Apply Smit- & Mallei. MODF.RN FLAT far Hent. Apply Mut Hellbroner. . 'i BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 83.1 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAni), Ilooms and Furnished Suifes. - Palmer Hnusn. tf Wallers. De Jong, Wiper, W Mitchell and Farutihar; reserve W. Slickney. F.npland is .cricket mail thi- i i a 'IIIMIIH-I . ,t. .ll'.llll rciiri'l'lllIln V)islraia ' J.4 q Die tiUV Countr to defend .-ijjie jiinrllijcal . "asjies;' or win thrfrrutiiier 'of fivewresf -Mairiies tQ tet played . uejween --MtffM "rtB: Kiwyandiy in- iresi ;n Ken., in iiiese gainer in Kngland can only be compare" lo lliat which grips Arnerien dur ing the progress of the baseball World Series. The lerin "ashei was l lie ulveiiljon of a newspaper m 188. after lTngland had lod i. menioralile game asninst lh usralians ly seven runs. Ari iiig out of that. defeat the newi paper iiuldjshcd an "In Memor tarn as follows: "In ;itJecio ale remembrance of KnglMl cricket which died at the Ova on Auirusl 21), IH82. Deenlv La menied hj' a large clrcb' of sor rowing friends and acquaint ances. H. I. j. ., 1, Ihe bod? will be i-remaled, and Ihe Ashe taken to Australia." Tlui game will faitt for three days from t' a.m. iiniI 0.30 p.m. with forty five rnin'iileV interval for JiiitcJ and fifieen hiinutes tot lea. - TRAP SHOOTING. Scorpfi were made ns follows at the weekly, trap shoot of flc Prince Hupert Oun Club on the Park Avenue range last evenin K. C. Olbbon . 21 J. W Scolt 10 lack Keef 18 Douglas Hcoll . 13 Joe s.'oti, Jr. .. 12 Subscribe to the Dally News, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE FOH SAI.i:. 28 foot fish boat, IVt h.p. Vulcan engine, on year old I'J50..)3 26 fool cabin cruiser, new 12 h.p. engine priced at ?(50.00 28 foot cabin cruiser, 15 h.p. oil engine 11,200.00 .Company of Camilla I. Invited of Small speeder with lnrd en-Jnu Improved Chevrolet a gine, priced at 250.00j(miLTKn CIIKVHOl.F.T than 20 -tt.p. llutTao engine i00.6o'.er lief4i-we are Mc to anil) h.p. Studehaker engine, jnounce TIIK LOWEST MUCKS : ?2oo.oo 0 h.p. Ouarantee, price $275.00 0 h.p. Kcllenberg engine f 200.00 2 cylinder 10 h.p. auto engine . ? 1 00.00 I Cylinder Dodg engine wlt i starter $100.00 4 cylinder Chevrolet eiwhitf with starter 125.00 1000 feet H inch back haul cable, price Oe per foot. Wee McOregor Saws, falllnjf and bucking saws, OllehrW jacks, etc. Northern Exchange, 213 Second Avenue.1 Phone 23. T FOH ?,UlK.or Ilent. rburis. Hotel at Tefrlice. H.C Twelv rooms fyrin,shet(,'furriarn heat, eleetr, llsjiLmeleelrie pump bath, restaurant, kithen, bni-room. three room 'furnished cottnge, lvt 1ot. "llent $75.00 pep monfM.ri'r will sell op tea-spnalile terms. Apply Mrs. J A. MrDongnll. TouWil Hotel. Terrace. H.C. FOH SALI!. New 3ft h.p. Ilolin. iter semi-Deisel wilh full eqnlimenl, $2,380.00. 35 h.p, heavy duty Union; in good condition, $900.00, Kasthnpe engines, I lo 10 h.p. Prinre Hupert Hoalhouse. 123 FOH SAI.F.. Very romplele out fit of Drums and Traps and set of 2 k octave Orchestra Hells. Ran be seen at Mae Laren's Music Store, where fnd particular may be, obtained. FOH SAM!. Double corner Sixth Avenue and Dunsmuir Slreel, np-osite Itlnk. Wliat offers Apply ltox 300 Dally News of fiee. f- FOH SAI.F- J 100 acres good wj'ie'nt,', land. Central Alberta: : 80 4cre' . htu, 'ieifrtlVafeif, Cheap for cash. Apply Hot 307, Dally New office. 127 FOH SAI.K. Five roomed mod ern bungalow nnd two lot..; close In. .200O.OO on lerins. Apply T. McClymont. It FOH SAI.K-Secoudhand furni-lure and reslaurant fixture from lloyal. Hotel. Apply III Tliird Avenue. FOH SAI.F.. Oerha'nl lleintzman Piano, on easy monthly pay- rnents. Walker's Music Slore. HOUSF and Three I.ols for Sale Apply 925 F.ighlh Avenue Hnsl. PATENT ATTORNEYS FirrilKnSTONHAFOH !i CO., the old established firm. Patents nnd trademarks In all cnurt-Iries. .Free booklet. Vancouver office I08 Rogers lluilij-ing. Phone Seymour 3790. Manager,. Frnrst R. Carver, relslerednllorney. oilier offices, .Ollnwa, Waslilnglon nnd principal cities. LOST. LOST. Puppy. Red collar. Am. wers jo Curl. Strayed from Provincial flovemmeiit, Wharf. Phone ?,0. POUND 1-uUiMi.- niree keys on rinir. ppijr uauy ew office. t Articles Lost and Found, &c for lest than 50c AUTOMOBILES Now, You Can Buy a CHEVROLET at a Lower Price than ever before. Alniott Mimuiiuiieiifi with the aniioiim emeut by Chevrolet Motor in Cllev ridel hiilurv. Thene new prue. rombined with Uie many e irnfHuve- nient. eUhlili twre firmH than ever bi-fore Clievfidei'i feadershlp in value amnnK low priced ears. The Improved Cnevrolt offer i m everything you .ouM (IrfilrwJJ ; syiari apiaram-, ennuon. smoiithness, power and (be utmost dependability. The present prices ami low lime payment bring one of the sit Chevrolet models within uy rearh of your ;)oek'llHok. KAIEN GARAGE plum.- reekinu Sn : Im . ,i ,( Nik-'i' Prices of I" i ill ' and ijnar- anleed I'sed FitllD CAIIS an now ut a new low levol. The Narfoiial Time Payment Plan i-tialiles anyuue wilh a reasonable income to afford Ihe comfort and rnnverflenee a car afford. Ask S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers 219 Second Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call Ceorge, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Slude bakers at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Kniir"'s Ilolel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Fnrnl- lure Slore. W Huy. Sell and K cliange New and Seeondhamt Hoods. QEO. PAPADOPULOS Jlhinl Ave ine Mr GOOD EATS CAPE, Third Avenue Opposile Ilenson' Studio. "OOll MKAl.S. (iOOD CAKl'.S Coffee or Tea Served. UKAI. HOMF COOKKD MKAl.S Mrs. Unger, Prdprletross. -Phone C53. WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood ' $0.00 a load. Dry Fir Wood $0.50 a I n n d. Cut to any length. Kindling, $7.00 a load. FIp Furnace Wood $7.00 n load. A. .ISAACSON Phone Hlaek 401 Cova, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, May .27 nigh 0:51 a.m. 2 1.0 ft. Low High Low High Low I3M3 p.m. 19.2 " . 7:35 n.nv. 2.0 " 10:33 p.m. 7.1 " Friday, May 28 1:2ft a.m. 22.0 " 1 1:25 p.m. 1(1.3 " :,l I a.m. 2.3 r 20:1 1 p.m. 7.2 " Saturday, May 29 2:0 a .lit. 22.2 15:08 p.m. lO.t " 8:Bl a.m. 2.1 " 20:51 p.m. 7:0 " TIMBER SALC X frl( T. n.lf I'uimi .u..i. lb 1Mb d i,i i llHV ill , .4M-II II,)., Ir tKrl Hi. i. . Mmlmfc lu ( 1 .. , . i. UMtl l rt, V,r,, WTIH N0TKI rtcbtaf i . . . iltrt I Wtf lllfMMf '' 14V )ili tl im, '.-.. sivi . nilMl Hiir-h. i.i. kitr. ii ! Ifle lrn, . , Mllw4tl ..i . Mnrrhr .u, rllr an : Tni r . 3 Ihr Slh U. Ihlt w.M.-r ,.,,t . ymi mui .. rtt-t) id ii.. ,.rr . i JtlWtlli II 11,4 k Ifw frl im- ,-. U-Mlriii.) . I rni ii-ii to HNimHU mi IKS rvvTlCTP Thr IjliM'l , 'V II, g. I . X f k Ht MUtft " tHtii Mill, r l OIU. Ii-: a trttl llilu rSrrmr: r wr1f-ll uf i -lit. , J frtrr !' V.tJ.. M il I'- 'M M III. tun at tmr u ... u4jr lO Ihr M ' M offKr in . uruttl ut ll. ! tn rtt tHf. Dalnt l I'm ly f V i ix. tl , . 1 Wi" ftortcf to catorrott In ft Vidrr ,,f SO I HI 111 lwni. rf, 1 . ' IMUTI. la tlx MnMt. ii Ilk ma in pfrmr Ciiri II. !' " t pert M.i ii- .- tMKtn(rnnl t IhHr rUlni it rnitnl tivl ih rMHtir if inrml in '' MmI Ukr iv i , nf Jn. in' lo itlHMIiUK ' imnr II irr " frrtilir li4ii i-lulnl 'I (In i i ut Prinre RiiP' f Iimhi ' MIS f HL ACT, Nolle t Aspllcatlo Ii Mlnertl Mill rrtl loll u i v .. i ril ion ruim. niui' : hn f o. i iv-i M-ll end of Inn M '" J I ful Imlilet" .. Minor' irlifi'ir K. Mir. IP! v " - . TAkE NOTH f. i-l I'ri Mlerr ' .,1 I'' rn( fur III f silly il' ' IM'ly l't O" 4 ' of ' 1 riril lmpi" m l,iiriiiif f rllni. nt1 furllirr M" ir serllnh ln n,miiMnri 'l t Orlirirtle f Hi ' li.tHKl hl i in navfRNMtflT l"5u0" 1 i .. .... i V Mel If f Soplien iVfl' Uj kid iiiy J' -" or' noiui rr , in i,'1 : ii. C, .. mi ml iiiHin HIHin itw mi fi' ii, Uml liprlnirilii . '' , 9. viiii inn. p in of lirjmii .mil." , ! , nr -7 f Utt .by. Mi ftJ.toti?t inini mi I ny ni ,n.r. ' (j, I " y , inn rv 1. I" i iii enai . inn""1 J 'T iW ' v,I.a 11111 N'orlli tmrtiKfl .irrtd' TAKE NOTICK Prinre llilrl, "WZ o ii-nim 10 I'P.IT, ",. Int (losrrllipil lit' iZ nuinit lU ', irn- nil riiifiaiiiin9 - ' Lpjitii - jj Oiled April IT,