rsdar. iaY "t IVZ0' Victor Records Behind the Clouds Fox Trot Vocal Fox Trot Vocal MM Sung by Gene Austin No. 19968 ALWAYS International Novelty Orchestra 19970 Ilcnry Ilurr (Tenor) 19959 JUST AROUND THE CORNER Art. Landry and Ills Orchestra 199 JO The Revelers 19968 DINAH Fox Trot Jean Goldkette and Ills Orchestra 19947 Vocal The Revelers 19796 THEN I'LL RE HAPPY Fox Trot Jlusso & Florito's Oriole Orchestra 19917 Vocal Jack Smith (The Whispering lUntonc) 19856 SONG OF THE VAGABONDS. ; Fox Trot International Novelty Orchestra 19901 Vocal Dennis King and Victor Light Opera Co. 19897 10-ln. doublc-slded records, 75 C. At "Mis Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Co, DEMAND of Canada, Limited "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by J v y Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 Steamship and Train Service .. PRINCE OIOROC an.l PRINCE RUPERT will la- PRINCE RUPERT r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE aiwl nlertwille Nlnl. THUHS-lAYI I hi SUNDAYS ll 11 p.m. At... t.t. PRINCE CHARLES, WEDNESDAY, fcr 29, knit JUNE It 4 p.m. ' ' " I 'I ANTOX WEDNESDAYS, 10 p.m. , f STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES r-.l,,. r..r VANCOUVER tit QUEEN CHAR. BTTE ISLANDS. PAtSEKQER TRAINS LEAVE PR'NCE RUPERT UII rrpl Siimtay at III fn PRINCE QECRQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill poind EaMrril maila, I '11114 tMte Ajne ill Ocn (uamihfp Llnaa. I ' anauian Nuti.mal Espr. r ..i i n. ihIit, Fur-iin i.bcquet. etc.. ft Tor v sir nelt hlpment. City Tlelat Olflc, B?t Third A, Prlne Ruptrl. pnon zso. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S.lllnr. Irum I'rlnr Rurcrt f VANOOUVER, VIOTORIA, Stnin B. and Alrl Bit, Tuaidar, 8 P.B). B VANOOUVER, VIOTORIA, AUrl Bit. an wnon In, Saturday, 10 A-H W PpRT SIMPSON and Nmi RIP CanntrtM, Thurida p.m. W PORT SrmPSON, ANVOX, ALICC ARM. STEWART. Sundi. S p.m. P End tiui'L i. sumtlai. A ml. Prlno KutttX. B O m TOOLS iw f.or. hom. S8 di Junior Mcchanlo Hand-"lJ? ned i for boys but a lilgli-ird4 .... r. -V"L. J'001" . workshop, HkV Saw dT.O 7f.alh.M5. t.rr srounlt.U.1?. ,, ' .,, ..i,..,,, t,i nnil rsnnta win, carvm Dracn - f",w, I fill lll in iiuim mine-' I'lMllUIIIOllt.VHllIt'. pscont Wrenches, in nil uc., from. .SI .00 to $6.00 each hompson Hardware Co., Ltd. t Local and Personal I'hone 15, I'.n. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. I'hone C78 If ';u!t?; Undertakers. ' Phone 4i. Crystal Firelighters. 48 fo.- 11.00. IlyiJe Transfer, I'hone 580, if 'feneral meeting of I'.H.O. K1U tonight at 8.30 ,'p.m. lit lloslon Hall. All members arc rcuuesl- ed to bp -'i resent. Jifd. II. W. Uirch .aud'JauKlite.' JJisv Meryl liirch.sail tonilil on e rnnce ucorge for Vancouver on their wav to Kncland wheie they wil- upend tsome time Molornliip lielliiiftfiain. Cant. Anderxon, arrived from Ketchikan Ihi inorninir with one car load of freuli Iialibtil for dhip-ment wit the Canadian .National Hallway to the Kantem .Stales. Alt l.oytfl Moc.c and vUiling M(mo hrclliri'n ar reaiiedled ti allend Initiation ceremony in Manfti Hall at 8 o'clock on Fri day, May 28. The official open ing of the new Moopc Hall will ! announced later. (Sovernmenl asfent Norman A. Vmt,v10 has been hi ill health for ine time, is leaving tonitih' for Vancouver for a medical ex animation u ruler lite h.u.ll. ami on bis return plans to' take a holiday for a couple of months at Telkwa. The Hyde Transfer was finei' 110 In the city polire court this morning for an infraction of tin' Motor Vehicle Act in driving automobile with the cut-out open. Un a similar charge, I he l'rtUee lluiwrl Hairy w as remanded, fop eight day. Mrs. it. A. t'andow and fnmilv iill, Ril tonight for Vaneouvn. to Join Cap). Caiidow who has been Imnteil in Vaneoiivpf afld hi I lie .,ni)iti toMO ''before pro- eedyiiljouth., . NEWSPAPERMAN DIED ' 'ay .r.i IW TollOXTO, May ?7. WiUo.i lllue, ai!tanl telerniih cliNtr of l lie Toronto Tehpram. died tutiitcniy Him inornuig. He wa. .fell kiO.vvn in Prattle, Virtorii fnd V taiieouvei newspaper cir W. G. ELLIS DIES. VANCOtVKH, May S7..-Wni II. Klli. 72 vears of an, i pumeer nf y who was takei ill hen developing a ininiiu la i in near Iliueltou, died lad nipht. NOTICE. To who in it may concern: Ink notice thai after this dale milk bottle bcarinz the name I'linre nuperi nairy or WooUcoek Ialry" embossed on Ihe side of bottle, beinj? the rj- islered property of the I'rince llupert Hairy in accordance witu Hie "Traile Mark and Design Act " nnyone olher than the I'rince llupert Dairy or it authorised agents tisintr said bottles for anj purpose, buying, solliiifr or of fering to trade, hoanlinp or any way not returning same lo the owners, will bo 'prosecuted according to the Act. 1'IUXGH HbT'KUT D.MIIY May 20, 1920. 122 PAVEMENT. Take notice laal Seventh Ave. from Fulton Stive t to Dunsmulr Slreel will be closed from May 20 until June 30. Householders wishing to get in supplies are requested lo do o before grading Marts. 123 Gilv Knirinoer. I When you ask for BOVRIL Get BOVRIL i THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THBE1 AMUNDSEN TO AVOID PUBLIC Decides to Proceed Direct to Oslo and Will Keep Out of States as far as Possible NOMK. May 27. Haold Amuntl-cn, leader, and Col. LinhertJ Nobile, first ptlot (if tlio trans-l'olar exited illoif in 'the dirigible Norge, have announced that they will proceed direct, to Oslo, Norway, after leaving .Nome for Seatlle next :nionlli. The explorer will ko -ouili on the teaiiier Victoria and from Seat tle will cross" the emit iiient lo New York where they will embark for ().lo. Their plan in to write a book; of 100,000 word-, on their aerial voyave from Spllzbcrfren lb Teller, Alaska. Aiiiunden said that he had refused invitations to visit cIUim in the United $late and had ula declined to attend Hie Scsqui-Cetitennial expositioii. markiiiq Hie anniversary of' the declara tion of American Independence, at Philadelphia. Further ho said that it had "been decided W cross Hie continent iver a Canadian railway in ond r to avoid the public and the prss. KETCHIKAN HAS RUPERT TIME Change Made at Alaskan Port to Conform With Coast Stand ard KF.TCIIIKAN, May :'7 I'ac flc coat ?tatidard time will be adopted in Ketchikan at I o'clock, post meridian, Saturday,' May 29, according to a resolution passed by the dlly council au- thoriiir- Mayor Thomas Torry lo issue a proclamation changing he time -ystem now in uc here The action was taken upon reeoinmey'Jalinn of the Commer- mr r.nrn or Keiciiuun, wuicn tc bavin? s(tiL.eejvr1Ujr-1iPW'M'flVitHat material benefits will it VM of jttaVWih'' vasw (r ,t I.Canadialil. .Wh .A , C !lii-ue.jli. ,Ut lorf Cahdi Will reinnin hp, uMH1 tle cl"sc . . . - Ldvrtve from havtrsr ttie same sysmin oi nine in jvticiiiKan as is now used in Pacific coast cities lo the south. Other southeastern Aaskau communities may be induced to follow the action taken here. Some ineouxeuienee is expected to arise at first through adoption of the new system but ultimately it is expected that it will bo an advantage to this cily lo have the-MfrmeUfcyslcm of lime as ii used in Ihe principal filie where it does business AMIENS HAS DIVORCE Tnlm C I, RECORD IN FRANCE AMIKNS. May 26. This proud though war-battered city, Ihe capilol of Picardy. has gone its big ister Ps is one better. For the proportion of divorces to marriages here is wrestler even than in Ihe metropolis'., "- Last year there were granted In Amiens one oMuireo lo nine marriages. Paris, even with Ihe aid of numerous wedlock' weary Americans aiijl a host of lawyers ppeciaitzcii in . untieing knots. could only boast one out of ten. t'p to the present, Amiens holds (lie all-French record for divorces. CALIFORNIA TIN MINE RE-OPENED AFTER 25 YEARS COIIONA, May 2fl. The only tin mine In this part oftho world has been reopened after nearly twenty-five years inne- livily. It is the Teniescal mine. closed ! its Knalisb owners in 1802 owiiiig to low nielal ouola- inns in New York. The ore was liscovered in 1830. The properly Hissed to a London comnanv In IHl'tl AmeriPan conmany operation. has resumed SEVERE CYCLONE AT RANGOWCAUSES LOSS UWiiOO.V, May 27.- rteports renehlng here from Akyab say n severe cyclone eausetl consider, able loss of life ami daina?e lo properly. Most or the Government building were destroyed. Telegraphic rommuncatioii was interrupted. .'Ss. CHINESE WAR IS RENEWED Trouble Between Canton and Its; . Toes Commences With Many Casualties ! CANTON, May 27. War bc-between the department of Can-' ton and its northern foes,' threatened for weeks, has begun.' The forces of Marshal W'u Pel; Fu of Houkovy attacking Cay-, ton and its lieJeiuJvrs frouilhrcc' strategic points along the Dwau-lung border are causing a large, number of casualties. CAnb OF THANKS. Mrs. J. Mitchell wishes tcj thank her many friends; ;ilo. the Moose Loduo and. Cnuadnuii I-ish and Cohli Storage Oj., LUi for the kiudness and sympathy shown tier and for the beautifui .loral tributes given in her rj jent M be'caveiiK'iit in tiie loss if her lot in? Iiusliaiiii. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Take tint ice tnat anyone found ridit'j.' bicycles on sidewalks or ciiiderpallis will be itroseculed. 125 City Kngineer. imV.UBLC WATtKS PROTECTION H.S.C. CHAPTtH 115, ACT, t "tilt 1:1 ml c.iuiiuv or :inaiU. Limllnl. Hun 1 i ( Hw r-iul i ilei:ci uii tli Miul.lir nl I'ulilK Viwk al utiaui n,l In tin- .irriii' nr tlx- ll-tnrl luir.jtrtr ul lliif Laml llrtilr.v liistrlrl or rlm- ItuiHTl in the eruvlure ur Hrltlfta i .iliini-hu. a iliv rmlHiu itf thr ulr ami nlan. f a rili ami lliiilr wlurf irtiMM-i .i p Mull in iht Inrbor nf ITiii''r ltuierl In On? miiI I'liivlnn-. mi uairr hit four, nksk it". I In- talil wliaiT rmipri-nir a narrow ai;nai'li varymir In widlh from I lo .'.. aiul rvlriulina norllH-rlv from llif hUUal4-r mark a distance uf an- i-oiliuatrly 3uu'. wtwnii It wlilvm U, an miuiii a x in arua. llm tlitv fil invtaumiirni iMlna- approvlmalrly iaral- Ifl ,lo iii Mhir llnr. AIM Ukr ic-lliv thai lflrr lh. ili-- IliMf ir nni month rrojn ihe data or the rirt maturation t.r iihh itiiiii.. ilk,. ml Comiuiiy or ranaiti. Llniitnt. will unilrr M-rilon : r Itw md Act apply Jo hw miii' -ir or rubiir works at hU ur rirp In the i.u.v of Ottawa, for an ai T I He ,llil tlf. anil llm ulil nlin and rr leave in miMruct tlia nald wlurf lim li:o;i, i, r an. luiM it VaniMiiv.T. nnti-h iloluuibia. -.a. icil llfl "I ,J . HJI, II J. kENMIIII, IX-tidt Sale Manarrr. Dyspepsia t Caused Her Agony After Every Meal Mr. XL Caldwell, 2333 Hemlock St, Vancouver, IUX, writes;- - After suffering for years with agony, from dvYDenaia and indievctinn. tftpr .r.r. Sir Henry Halfour and fir! Beal 1 taking wimiii .'(usrn Hrin Ulliuilu Iliei owners. A recently orsranired and jrot such relief I kept right on until I had ued thrw bottles and waa eompletely relieved of my troubla, Now, I ran eat anything I wish witk-; out having any bad after effects." ' only by The T. Uiiburs Toronto, Out. The Story the Years Tell In these days of value-seeking, the knowing motorist, looking for proven dependability over the years, can see nothing to it bup "pUNLO?S." Tc-day DTJNLjpP is giving youifai Balloon Tire greeted -everywhere as the "Real Goods." Go back Five Years and Dunlop was giving you the first Tip-Top Cord Tire. UNLQ Go back Fifteen Tears and Dunlop was giving you the first real Anti-Skid: Traction Tread-Go back Twenty Years and Dunlop 'was giving yon the first Straight Side back Thirty-Eight Years and J. B. Dunlop was giving yon the first Pneumatic Tire the world had erer seen. The fact that the Dunlop Dealer la willing to stake hit reputation on, and invest his money in, Donlop Tires, shows he has faith in the Dunlop IWuct, and feela that it la a good investment for you. The Judgment that tells you to buy Dunlop Tires, Belling, Hose, Packing. Golf Balls, etc, is the judgment of the MANY. Timely Suggestions W AM POLE'S GRAPE SALTS 50c A refresliiug and healthful drink. HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM 50c For Hie hands and face and for ue after .shaving OVALTINE Nature's Tonic Food 90c and $1.50 lluild Urain, Nerve and Uody. Overcomes fatigue, ensures sound sleep and supplies u reserve of strength. MERITAS TOOTHBRUSHES. Special 25c Kaeh brush in a carton. Twenty per cent off all French Ivory Goods Gaiiongs Glenwood Chocolates Ac lb. 5 lb. Ilo.x $2.Q0 ORIS LTD. Rexal Druggists Phones 82 and 200 1'iiiatids Lilas de Franco $1.00 l'iiiauils Kau de Quinine lg. $1.35 Dus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 186 million's Sleel lleils, Siirings, and Oslermoor Mattresses in every room. i2 llooiiis, Hot and UoM Waler, llatlis and bhowers. Sleam Heated, J-Ilcclric Light. Corner of Third Avo and Sixth SL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete- slock of Gilchrist Jacks u mi parts in the Norlh. We handle Logging (Jalilo, Axes, Peavics, Saws, and general Gamp Kipiipinent. 11 .will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited (CANADIAN. vsaiiwari 710 Second Avenue Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fir IFTCWUN. WUltCEO, Jl'NUU. SXACWAT Ma; 10. 21, 31 far TANCOUYU. Y1CT0U ti SUTTU U. 2S. Jaat t iS. NUNCESSJUTtlCt rr slutadal, twanaon Sat, Kaat' Balla alia, Octaa Faila, Namw, Aim Bat, Oampball Rlr, and Vanaauiar avari Saturdaf 11 a.m, rer all taamthla Llaaa. Full Inrormallaa rrom W. O. ORCHARD antral AataU Otraar at 4th tlraat ana tr4 Atanua, Prlnc Ruaart, B.O.