malum I here. . I Inspector Smller ami Constable Fred Markbiud made a lriij ' ", ""(iii Port Knitiiitttuii toijay la run I I I f LI L I) LIIT nn won me case. I fill ""lucsl opened HOMER WITH ONE ON BASE Yankees and Olanta Win hair Qames In Yesterday's Baseball IW YOllK May 27. Fbir- ie re-c -oil catcher for lite In' a homer in the Hi aimiiw yesterday with Ijii.iii 4.11 and "enabled the its la win Hip tnn straight from Jlrooklyu. Mminy Wilson, Philadelphia's ional rather ruunleil out u :r. u double, and three singles lie nit iik- ai hut ngniusl in The lliiiinti luiller lift hard I111I a ic'llnf pitcher IK i'iI lu hold the lied Sot safe lling 'he New York Yankees In 'he sixteen) h straight. National League Ht'ii Philadelphia 1 1. I'oklyn f New York 5. ilaiiurg Clin ago. rain. iictiuiat 5. sr Louis K. American League W "lor V, IlOslnil . II nil 7 Clcvc(air1 0. liingoii I, Philadelphia 3 NEW HOTEL OR VANCOUVER Million Structure on Georgia Burrard First Narrows Bridge Also kNCOl VCItfMay 27. Mayor l"t announced unlay that a IMMIOO hotel would he con- k '"d 011 (ieorulu street at rard by lornl and New York llal and (hat the hip structure d he leased liy Hie Canadian loiial Itutlway. Tim building In' I en storeys hlli and will lulu 0 1 0 room. Ph' mayor also niiiioiniee! Hie coiifdrtiolioii lliit Tall hy inrk iiileieHijt ) practically p M of a luidae one thousand lin and 175 feet IiIkIi acrosV il'irm Niirrows at a cost of 10.000. OF BATH TUBSCANDAL Carroll Found Guilty of Per- 'ry oy Urand Jury In New York r-w YOIIK. Mav 27. - Mail loll, rharned with perjury In mioir will) n,o firainl Jury llallou of a "halli-tnli on hu premlstea al which llawlcy. mulu show trlrl. M chiiinpuftne frt'm a hath win found Biiilly today and t wan ti.Terred, for one al I.JO IIih aflernoutt he fore Hepuly Coroner J. II. Tamioek. lleiore Hie taking of cidciire was pro-eeedeil wilii, the jtihorit viewed lhe body al Jie parlor of I lie H.C. LndcrliiTm. No Information Vi-llor rellirniiig from l'-miikIoii lule that excitement there ha hren ititeiine and thai o far a the public ure ronecnt-el, (here t no information ua to the iniinierer. The ho.l of the 'irl was round uff (he beaten pulli lo wliicji dare it had evidently ben earned Iy the perpetrator uf ,f,r foul deed. All Sunday aflernuVn earcheri. patted cle to it wilh-00 1 making (he rueoiuff tlw-eovery and ft wai only (Jiuiiutu -isr of a few drop4 f blood thai lirotisht attention lo. liny plaee of concealment. '"litt lml was foonil face duwt) on the iuu.kc. Mi Chisliolnl I110I been in lite hahil or takinx loiw walks but not on Sundays. site hail 1eeti dissuaded from polng out alone for fear she tnijihl he attacked by wolves or bears bul no one seemed to fear any human marauder. Tbiv was the first Sunday on! which shevhad none out. When die failed to return, a visitor, from llaliunral rainier set on! to look for her bul fiiilKiK, relumed and reported and u message was sent to llrowit' lliver on Ilia Ki'slatl lo which point it was lliotuhl she might have gone. Then the search commenced in carnesi and was finally rewarded 11 such horrible fashion. GOOD PROGRESS ON NEW CANNERY AT MASSETT INLET SKIIiKdAlK, May H. (li'eal progress is being made with the building or Hie new (iosse-.Millerd cannery al Masselt Inlet. II is belli erected by Walsitii & Kennedy, contractors oT Victoria, who formerly lived on these islands and who are well known. They expect lo have the caum'ry completed a limit July I. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE , v Hid., Asked Wheal - t "! Il.t:. Silver t.M -M") lUinwell I ..'', (llmNlone . .3 1 la .J5 llaxclton ."I'-i Independence ''J Indian 1,5 0(J I.. & I I Marmot 07 .10 Premier 2.15 2.20. Silver Crest 'a -Inlet -0'J Siyf A'lcloria n'M Subscribe lo lhe Dally News. Terrace: Cloudy, calm', lemp. 58; - 50. Aii)ui: ClfNtr, calm, lemp. 7;'. Stewail: Clear, calm, temp. Iliuelliiu: Cluudy, calm, temp. Teteigtaph Creek: Clear, calm, temp, 50. Smilliers: Cloudy, ostlin, temp. ' 48. Iliirns Lakr: CTottdy, calm, temp. oil. I- -- - - I i Ills I of ibein in Ho norlhwisl f i I I ilritish Columbia 4s forging ahead steailily in gold mining. II (has lhe natural resources and I men uf vision and courage lo duvelop diem,'' said the minister in flositw. HAKODATE 'QUAKE" TAKESjTOLL OF 18 Dam Was Burst and Fifty Houses Houses Were Washed Away Causing Deaths of Several People LONDON. May 27. A despatch from Tokio says there was a sharp earthiiuakt! today at Hakodate. Northern Japan. A dam was burst near town and firty houses were washed nwayj eighteen persons being drowned. First Step is Taken Toward Election of a Bishop for the Diocese by the Anglican Synod ' Tlur Tirl slcp toward lhe election of n bishop for the diocese ojCuIcdonia was taken yesterday when lhe Anglican Synod, now in session here, deleted canon six which provides ror lhe nomination oT- lhe bishop by lhe Church Missionary Society mill siilijltliiling ror il a paragraph vesting lhe righl or election in IhM'vtfyiiod of the diocese. KlVtis reported that so far the .sum or ?:ill,000 had been coleclcd;toviird lhe endowment fund which would have to reach flOll.tlOd before lhe election of lhe bishop could lake place. At lhe .sessions ot the SyniMlJodHyJI Is probable that steps wjll be taken lo carry on the cijiSpaign for funds, with a view to raising the roll amount. The constituency Is one of Hie largest in Canada and the need of nHJsliop who will administer lhe .d.iocefV (s great, It Include prac.licjilly, lhe Whole of northern-, liriinsli' Culutulihi inctudiuv lhe ljilr and Atlln, and Cassiar fts well as lhe more accessible portions along lhe lino of the Canadian National Hail-way. . ENGLISH SOCCER TEAM. HAMILTON, !ayt i7;-- The louring Kuglish soccer leant' di1-feafed Hamilton II lo "ll , before 8.O0Q spec,t;ilors here. J"' TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance and ft... Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing; Anywhere at' Anytime. Moor for hlre 8tand,.R6yl Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for tne MATT VIDECK, Prop least. Phone 457. -. - r0 r Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper voi xvi., iny. 1 2a, PHINCK lU'PKHT, H.C., THCIISDAY, MAY 27, 11120. Yesterdays Circulation, 7 Street Salea, 497 PRICE FIVB CENTS. ORT ESSIGTON HORROR BEING PROBED MMR PORTIAWD (Ml MBKG PROPERTY BVOLKII lit RECENT DEAL . ., , .. . , , g, "J.' ' ! 'I. n i II ,,mmmm , ., . ,, l1 Jl, ' I I , , , , B ,' hlice Announcement in Murder Case Likely to beMade Very Soon Within U hours the provincial poloe expect to In- able In i nline important ilcvelopinenls 111 connection with t ho miir , Mi; -4 Lurella Chisholin. Hie Purl Kssilllf lull M'lllinl ll':irliiT ' Sunday lu;. Inspector William Spiller !(ilcil llu morning I ituvvr were liil 01 1 gag ni at Port Ks.juglun 011 f I mailer .blaming evidence and were being given splendid assistance, i operation wherever p.iil.le both by the white ami iialae I'MTKIl SI TKS WALK Kit 1.1 P TBA'M, with t!iefiTiiii, jbsl ljeforc sailing for hngjuiirt o meet lhe Hrtlish Walker Cup tut in for The privilege 01 returning lhe Uiijmy. America ha- held il since the inception of IHa challenge matches. Photo sImiws leTt to righl F an. s Ommel or Hoslon, Mass., (ieorm von Klm.ui Lus Angeles. Walls (inn or llan,i. (la,. Ilidjl. A. tianlner or Chicago eu(rHiji . W. C. Kowucs. president of lhe lulled States (ioir Association. Jesse Oiijlfynfr of "l)otou. Jes!e SweeUer or New' York. Huiaml McKenzie of W iisliiiigtmt.ij.a. ainhllpbhy Jones or Al'aiila. tia. SEIZEDCASri' Sloan Enthuses Over RUSMWAY S V Four Armed Bandits Got $23,- SEATTLE, May 27. Four rr.en yestsrday afternoon held VP two officers of the Savings Dank and escaped In an auto with J23.C00. For soveral hours It was believed trie robbers had taken a $20,000 bank draft but the messenger found It last night In the Inner pocket of his coat. A bank messenger and a guard were taklno $23,000 to anolnor bank two blocks away when the armed men sprang at them from a motor, seized the satchel, jumped back Into the car and sped away. WEATHER REPORT Mining Situation . - - - - at Meeting of Institute SKATTI.K, Mny 2". The mineral resinhs of lhe P.irifif uorlhwusl l ontidites lhe most enduring aset and mining' will i flourish long nfler lumbering- and rishing m lhe present s-ute I have eiidttl, declared lion. William .Sloan, minister or mines j for H.C. in addressing n meeting or mining men from all pnrls i or lhe northwest wlio are attending the north Pacific section ol i the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Kngineers. .Mr. Moan ueriureil in ravor tr tearhiug nulling sulijecls in lilnlioiis' or higher learning lo train men ror the work aheiHl SKELETON HAS BEEN FOUND Identified as That of Rancher Who Was Lost Year Ago. at Rock Bay, Vancouver Island VU'TOHIA. May 27. A year tfter lhe disappearance, the fate of Alexander W righl of ltock Hay has befit partially cleared up by discovery of a skeleton in the hush near Hock Hay. A'njessage from Constable Dabisiin of Campbell Kixer (old oT th$ fiiul-iitg of the skeleton and Its identification that it was (lie jnissing man by means of certain gold leelh and the watch in llie clotli-imr. .There was nothing-,to indicate thai he died from any bul natural causes. Sv Wright, who was a faneher, disappeared in May or last year while hunting. ' NEW TRAFFIC LAWS FORMED "Jay Walking" Illegal In all Parts of Vancouver Punishment For Offenders , VANISH, .May 27. The new city Irafiic bylaws, effrollvd June I, show that not '.piily will "Jaywalkiiw" lie forbidden 'on down town streets bul' that 11 will be an offence for a person lo cross a sheet in any pari of the oily except al intersections. In addition lo being liable lp a fine of 9100 -ninl costs or . two mouths' imprisonment, orfenders will be guilty of "contributory negligence- in cases or aeeiteju Independence Mine at Stewart Changes Hands and $125,000 to be Spent in Development YICTOHIA, May 27. A. development program involving l the Bxpendilure or I25,j)0tl is laid out by lhe new owner's of the Indepeiiueuce (iold Mines, adjoining the Premier in lhe Porl-i laud Canal district following u transfer of control of lhe mjiic I lo a financial group with headquarters al Detroit aad Portland, : headed by Charles Hush, consulting engineer, ami J. Taylor his partner. The announcement of the change of control m made I here, following the arrival in Victoria of Sam Fitzgerald, inau- jager of lhe Independence. . .... J As a result -of the, the -- .-- iciona tltreclor oT lhe com- QffL in I? flvOJIAI 19 pany during the early develop-! M I NX I .K I X H I H - M ment will be eliminated allhoug-i '- VlllUllVfJLjm the licaiiuarlers of the Company; will remain here for Hie pre-senL Mr. Hush is gnin? north wilii Fitzgerald as consulting etigiuee'-' for the property rlhe object ol lhe hew owners is lo put Hi. mine on a shipping and dividenu paying basis al as early a dale as possible. Incorporated In 1914. The Independent iol I Mining Company was incorporated early lit the year IV2 for f 1,500.000 for the purpose of takin? over six-Halins on tioose Creek own ed' by FiUgerab Hrolhers of Stewart. Considerable dejelop- meni 'Wttrk has ien lone -ftn. if and some buildings erected. A .'ompresor is on the ground and Quo been used in I lie work. REMAINS OF MISS CHISHOLM GOING TO --.VANCOUVER BURIAL II. C. Fraser, inspector of schools for this district, received a telegram today countermanding all previous instructions in regard to Hie arrangements for the funeral ot Miss Chisholui. The family is prostrate with grief and has .asked that the body be sent south for interment. There will be a short funeral service this evening at 8 in the Presbyterian Church, Hev. Dr. Cameron and Hev. Canon Hushbrook officiating, af-ter which Mr. Fraser will accompany lhe remains to Vancouver. FIRST BOAT OF YEAR AT NOME FROM SOUTH Residents Treated to Fresh Fruit and .Vegetables on Arrival of Motorshlp From Seattle NO.MK, May 27. For the first time iii eight mouths, Nome resi dents were treated lo the luxury of fresh fruit and vegetables fol-J lowiiyr lhe arrival of lhe motor-ship Donaldson on Tuesday night from .Sent lie. It was Hie first vessel of the season lo reach hero from Hie south. BIG BREAK IN PRICE OF MAY WHEAT IN EAST INQUEST TODAY Evidence of Doctor Indicated That She Had Fought Well! for Her Life and Honor Ti e evidence of Dr. L. YV. Kergin al the iiopiest this, afternoon indicated that Miss irelt.i Cbisholm put up ,a greal,. fight , for her life and honor and losl only her life. The face va hadly bruised up, there was ,-bruise Dti Hie left jrheek ami temple; ; the,, lower1 jawjwa broken in two places andSthe uppec jaw 4n om phiee.hlt73ii'(6ilt:i and Ihroal were choked up wil i moss and (he clothe were partly orn from Hie body. There wero jo marks on the body to itulicativ that lhe murderer bad been suc cessful in anything but slayin his innocent victim. UiHhJilblciU ly slip had fought bravejy against he assassin and had been struck !own by superior force. After hearing the doctor's evi-lence the inquest was adjourned ine die. LIBERAL PARTY INBADSHAPE Trouble Between Lloyd George- and Asqulth May' Lead to Its Final Disruption LONDON,. May 27. A general meeting of the Liberal parly w'iil be held aflcr Parliament reassembles next week lo consider the controversy between Lloyd Oeonge and the Karl of Oxforil and Asquith arising from the tatter s criticism or thi government's attitude in connection with the general strike. Political hiels or the Liberal jiarly- pre dict that "the affair will' probably lead to the final disruption of the parly which lias been in a slate of.decay since the last geti- eral election when il was all but wied out as far as represehta- lion was conceued'' . Party friends of Ll6yL George stale that they are convinced he will not .voluntarily resign the chairmanship of the party in SURRENDER OF RIFFIAN CHIEF Abdul Krlm Throws Himself and Family Upon Me'rey of CHICAGO, May 27. Wheal rr'nc9 ' broke as much as nine cents al uvnio .. ...... ,lliiVUOrninr it 10 lu--todous' lurried S iffi c eased deliveries of May ( confer in the guerilla warfare hat irac s and lhe cessation or im- has been carried oi, with Fiance mediate demand. At the close1!., v.un Vr..;... r..l : T vtXrbi Wa, mmW"-(? b'?few years, has tinrpi&tionW ..:," M,x' i2's May wheat jbroke 3 ?i c. per busliel. lliis ttorrttn. ' - indpred and thrown ii'iiii'seif and tamily upon the mercy-otlin Frenel, - il is fftch;1 ,an-riounecd , - today, -1