LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS VERY POPULAR RESORT , Brine Johnstone, Who Has Moved Into ' Terrace for Winter, Keorts Successful Season TERRACE, Oct. 26. Mr. and Mrs. J Bruce Johnstone moved Info town, from the LakeUe Hot Springs Hotel on Frl day and are now living in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundal, south of town. They have spent quite a successful tourist season at the Hot Springs, which are gradually becoming better known and deservedly popular. With the completion of the provincial highway within the next year or two and the continuation of the government road right through to the hotel, these hot springs will undoubtedly attract ..many tourists to, this section of the country. After an absence of several years in the south, Mr. Johnstone has been in active charge again this last summer and has made many Improvements In the hotel which will now comfortably accommodate quite a number of guests. Remembering Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone's hospitality of former years their many friends and patrons In the north were very pleased to see them take over the management again this year. TERRACE Mrs. M. Cramer and family arrived recently from St. Paul. Minnesota, to Join Mr. Cramer. They Intend to settle, here. Howard Wame has Installed -his radio In the living rooms of Dr. Turpel, In the Sundal block . A. R. Sliver of Vanderhoof, la acting as assistant the ONA. station here during the absence of E. T. Brooks. J. Kanglgaarden of Prince Rupert, was a business visitor her at the end of the week. He Is a nephew of th lute Ole Jensen, one of the early pioneers of the district. Mr. and Mrs. E. Monsell and family have moved Into the -living rooms be hind the store recently vacated by Halt Bros. Owing to the closing of the Trlnca Rupert schools. Miss Esther Moore returned to her home here on Thursday. Oeorge after a Rupert. Little returned on Saturday short business trip to Prlnc John Warne returned to Terrace on Saturday from Anyox where he ha spent the summer. Wm. Thompson was In from Kalum Lake at the week end. Miss Etanda Marsh of the Prince Rupert Public School staff Is spending her enforced holiday with her aunt, Mlsa K. R. Deacon. Mr, and' Mrs. L. H. Kenney entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening In compliment to the former's sister, Miss Norma Kenney, of Victoria. Four table cf bridg were, played, high scores bet:g made by Mr Sundal and R. Cory, Retreshmtnts W. II. Cavanagh and David Shaw of Douglas Creek, Kalum Lake Mining j District, were In town at the week end. Miss Slbary Of Copper City spent the week end In Terrace. The annual meeting of the Terrace and District Fall Fair Association was held on Friday evening In O.W.VA, Hall, but owing to the small crowd present, after routine business was conducted; It was decided to postpone It until November 4, when the ne officers will be elected and other im portant business matters attended to. In the meantime, the secretary Is under Instructions to hold the checks or prize money and distribute them at the meeting. YANDERHOOF After traversing a vast and practically unknown country for about seven hundred miles, a party of big game hunters consisting of Charles E. Bed aux and Rae Rogers, both of New York City, returned here after a most successful big game hunting expedition which resulted In a total bag of four grizzlies and the legal limit of caribou and goat. In the long Journey as far as the waters of the Flndlay River, the men were accompanied by their wives who also bagged grizzly, goat and caribou. The whole trip was under the direction of McCorkell Brothers of Van-derhoof and Takla Landing. The first car of wheat from Vander hoof district to the Prince Rupert ele vator was shipped last 'Saturday by William J. Milne, a real pioneer of the locality who brought the first binder here over the Cariboo road before the railway was completed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid S. Glbbs and family left last week, for Brynmarl, Vancouver Island, their former home. Miss Ena Campbell has returned home from a pleasant Visit at Olscome where she was the guest of Mr. and Mra. H. L. McKenney. Oeorge Cochran has returned home from the Prince Oeorge Hospital and Is now recovering from a serious Illness. Oordon Rhlndrem, a local boy. had the misfortune to break his leg when thrown from his horse at Mapes. Th horse stumbled on the muddy road with the boy beneath. BURNS HAKE- I. Martjn, who has been forest ranger here for the past few years. Is being transferred to Queen Charlotte City will leave for there with Mrs, Martin and family In a few days. A 45 hj. delsel engine, three com pressors and other machinery will be Installed at the Taltapln mine this wln ter. The road to th mine will shortly be completed. Joe Keller has taken his baling out fit to Decker Lake where the Sauls will bale about forty tons of timothy, ost Experienced mothers say Zam-Buk it best for children's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal no jx)ison-ous mineral coloring. It U antiseptic prevents cuts and burns thriving the wrong way. It is soothing ends pain quickly. It heals every time. Just as good for grownups. Sold at all stores and druggists. SMITHERS II ley. He has staked six claims for himself and associates, E. E. Orchard of Emlthers and Tom Stevenson. Dr. Steele had a rush call last week to Ootsa Lake where Reuben Nelson had seriously cut his foot. T. O. Martin, sr., who has been visit ing his son. T. O. Martin of the local forestry staff, returned to Vancouver last week after having spent the sum mer here. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reeb and two ehUdren have arrived here from Union City. Michigan, to take up their residence at the Collier Ranch which ha teen run during the past summer by P. R. Penn, a brother of Mrs. Reeb. Lester Penn, another brother, is expected here In the spring.' -Scotty." little son of Mr. and Mrs. J Yool was taken on Friday to the Burns Lake Hospital where he Is now pro gresslng favorably. Mr. and Mrs. J. McAdam returned home on Thursday morning from holiday trip to Scotland. The annual Hallowe'en Dance In aid of the local hospital was held under the auspice of the Ladle Auxiliary on Friday night In the Town Hall. The attendance waa not quite up to the mark of -former years but the crowl Oeorge Flndlay ha made a discovery 'that did turn out certainly had an en- of quartz-porphry formation about three joyable time. The Hall was decorated miles west of the Taylor claim at Top' tn keeping with the occasion and, with EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL l3 the floor In fine condition, good music and good eats, the evening was voted a completed success. Fred Page, an employee In the C.N.H. shops is seriously ill In the local ho pltal suffering from an attack of pleural pneumonia. The regular monthly meeting of W'.A. of the Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. S. II. Hosktas cm rhursday afternoon when arrangements were 'made for holding their annua, bazaar on November 30. Judge Robertson of Prince George presided over a session of the County Court held last Thursday. Misses Marlorle Roberts and Mary IPawcett of the local teaching staff were I at Prince George over the week cud iwlth the former's parents in that city. WAS PARENT OF FLYING CORPS liny a I Aero 'lub Celebrate Twenty-Tilth Anulirritjry LONDON, Oct. Hi The Royal Aero Club, which recently celebrated ru I twenty-fifth anniversary, came into be-ling In a balloon. F. Hedge Butler, j speaking at the celebration, said that with hi daughter Vera and the Hon. Ic. 8. Rolls, he mad a balloon ascent from the Crystal Palace. September 34. 100!. In the balloon "City of York" I piloted by Stanley Spencer. While In tbe air It was suggested and decided ; that an, aero club be formed. to fly In machines belonging to mem Royal Aero Club baloon race. 1906-07. and ha made more than a hundred free balloon ascents. IIOTH. .KlllV.IH ITInoe Rupert B. L. Simpson. Toronto; W. F. Sinister, Winnipeg: T. J. Stephens and N. C. 8awe"t, Vancouver;' E. W. Bow- ness. Edmonton: J. J. Marrs and Mra. E. Marrs. North Pacific. xjvm A. Mejnnes. South Bulkley; H. Var-cer andfJ. Smith. Usk; W. P. Herman, Haysport: W. Thompson, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson, Inverness. Central W. F. Tsylor and W. H. Thorne. C. N. R. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE FIXTURES PLAYED Canadian Legion, lry I'nrk and C. N, , 6jeratrNuu; )e filing lis, hUuMllug of Tram Result of last night' crlbbage games are a follows: C.N. Mechanics, 10; Sons of Canada, 11 Canadian Legion, IS; Moose. 13. Orange Lodge, 15; Cold Storage. 13. Dry Dock, 15; St. Andrew's, 13. C.N. Operating, 16: drotto, 11. Prince Rupert Hotel, 11; i Knight Of Columbus. 16. W. Canadian Legion 3 Dry Dock . 3 C. N. Operating 3 Orang Lodge 3 C. N. Mechanic 3 Knights of Columbus .. 2 Grotto ...,. I St. Andrews 1 Moose 1 Prince Rupert Hotel 0 Son of Canada , 0 Cold Storage 0 L. 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 SPORT CHAT Pta. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 That the winner of the Canadian Amateur Hockey championship till wlntrr will be sent abroad In 1928 tv. uphold the interest of CanadA In the Olympic games Is generally accepted In hockey circles. Canada ha been singularly fortunate In th class of material which ha formerly represented her on previous occasions In the Oljra pic contest and It 1 to be hoped , snd V anted For Sale For Rent WANTED. TENT Ft)H SALE. NEW THIS YEA 11 and used only on week. Price lift. Pulltn, Dally New. This small club In the couroe of tune : FOR SALE. FIVE ROOMED HOUSE; pecame the parent of the Flying Corp, j near Dry Dock, Apply Dot 331, Dally afterwards tbe Royal Flying Corps and New Office. 311 nnv the RAral Air Wnrpe. All th earlv ! OR SALE. CHEAP.- nlnnn In the unit nrf n.trr iMrntxl I HALF A TON Of Apply Dally News, rf bers of the club, because the army and or BALE.- ONE TON FORD TRUCK. navy at that period did not own a single aeroplane. F, Hodges Bulter won the first thre 173 00. Apply La Casse Bakery. 33J POR SALE. 30 JO Winchester rifle; At condition. Phone Red 183. 333 TO RENT IOII RENT OR SALE. THE LATEST Unproved coin operated electric pianos. For terms, address Electric Piano, care Dally New Office. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue; four rooms and bath. Water paid. Phone 647. FOR RENT PIANOS, PLAYER, ( piano, phonograph and sewing ma, chine. Walker' Music Store. FOR RENT. SIX , ROOM MODERN flat with bthroom, at I7l Third Ave, East. Apply Hyd Transfer. tf FOR RENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms: fire place close in. Max Hellbrontr. FURNISHED "APARTMENTS FOR' RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 607. if MODERN' HOUSE FOR RE.1T-room and bath. Munro Bros. FIVE FOB RENT-NEW MODERN HOUSE. 331 Fourth Avenue East. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD AT 311 Fifth Avenue West on Thursdsy October 38 at 330 pjn.; consist Ing vt oak dining aulte, library .Ubje.-jrm. chair, sofa, carpet. Columbia anj Brunswick phonographs, bookcase, bureau, chaset of drawers, beds, ,33 rifle, etc. Phllpott. Evltt it Co., Ltd.. Auctioneers. 233 fesalonal Hockey recently has been a great drawing card tor many of the for iner amateur so that It will remain foi newer players In th gam to demon- atrate their fltnes In this really Cana dian game. A large number of former member of Canadian Olympic team hav turned professional so that there will be plenty of opportunity for new material to try conclusions during th coming season. The move onoot Wally to provide gymnasium facllltlW, should meet with hearty- response from all citizens. It is a big thing and consequently clnnot be accomplished without cooperation of all. In the absence of Ice skating in th city during the winter month's plenty of time Is available for Indoor sports and recreation. Once we secure an Up to date gymnasium It will be in order to Interest capital In the erection 01 an inaoor ice sr.aung rink. Hotkey kindred snorts contsln hHit. that amateur team wilt realize what j which no other game Is cspabl of, ai siaae wus winicr in mo various I It (guts which they participate. Pro- Advertise In the bally Nw MAKE MONEY AT HOME MF AND women can earn II to 13 an hour in (pare time writing showcard. Na canvassing or kJ letting. W Instruct you and supply you with work, Write today. Th Menbennlt Company Limited. CI Dominion Building. Toronto. riiuioiMACtir tut. rt. K. EVOIFwOX ritiunrutnoH C33 Third .Uenue. One vMl . II 0 House can una For appointment Phone Or&c Blue 33 Residence Black 333 UtHTU KAMA (iOOII eatk cam: Mm Oncer. Proprletme Third Avenue. Next O W V. (load Dime Ctmkeil Meal. Phone Black 700 sr' ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. t-IH Ton Utility Ki- pre. ClinMl f 825.00 W Ton l.ixht Delivery r.liaii f 63(1.00 Touring ami lloadilerl 815.00 Sporl IlnnihUr t 880.00 Loach fin. I Coupe .... II 020.00 S'lan 1 135.00 Unilau IIIK5.00 USED CARS ON HAND Ponl l.lfiht Delivery, open hoily I Ford Light panel boly I Ford Light Delivery, , Delivery, starlet equlprndnl I lord Tudor Sedan. alarlef eqfilpirvnl 1 Oldarnflhlle .'5-paeiu ser Tourine, 1023 ... Term can ho nrrantred on holli new ami u.ed mm lo suit the Mtireliaacr. KAIEN OARAGE Dealer in t 75.00 $ $230.00 1300.00 e- t-aanac, McLauohlln, Oakland, uiasmobllo, Pontlao and Chevrolet Car Phone 52 NOW IH Till: TIME to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk during the unpleaaant winter weather? . We have several new model on hand, prlcea are at a low level and easy term are available. I'HKII CARS Two Ford Self Starter Light Deliveries guaranteed. One Ford Truck Snap. One Chevrolet' Light eDllvery Good running order. Make ti an offer. H. E. l'.UKi:il l,TI. iokii m:i.F. u TAXI Phone 67 Taxi fOnll Oeorge, Paul or fluti Six and Seven Pna.ienirer Rludo bakers at your dlnposal any tlino. ROSS DROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. 'Across from Empress llotal, Tur.ti PAQI row iikvn 1 i-lli. Lt.'tU 1 D-. C SMITHERS FAIR BRINGING UP FATHER . a. DADD". WHERE 71 V n r- IS OUT OF HOLE COAT? didVouet TOODtOM'T THAT OUT xoo tS01 IdIamomd J STolriJbv TOS,6EM- UoHOME'.fVM BROKEN A J Vourt rtOMC HAVE A COAT I A Coat tuT: NECKLACE? OKIE OPrrHC Sl'BIUS OK $1431 FKOM THIS I 4 - N -eE YEAR'S SHOW WIPES OUT FOK-- MKH YEA Its' DEFICITS ' OFFICERS ELECTED SMITHERS, Oct. 26. A well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the Smith-era Agricultural and Industrial Association was held in the Municipal Office last Thursday evening and the big success of the last Fall Fair as announced several weeks ago was confirmed by the statements and reports submitted by officers of the association. The financial statement was naturally one of the most important ltenfe of the evening. It showed that there was a net profit of some $1431, which was Indeed remarkable In view of the fact that there was a deficit of practically the same figures on the books at the beginning of the year representing the loss on the 1924 and 1923 fairs. This deficit is' now reduced to a capital expenditure in the nature of permanent Improvements to the building. This report was received with a hearty vote of thanks to the officers on the Fair Board. Several matters In the nature of Improvements for future fairs were discussed and the meeting granted the Board authority to put a number into effect for next year. One of these Is to bring in outside attractions to assist in the way of entertainments. Authority was also given the Board if they found the circumstances warranted it, to have an eight foot board fence built around the four city blocks on which the Fair Orounds are located. In the election of officers the following were chosen for the next term: President E. E. Orchard. First Vice-president Oeo, Oulten. Second Vice-president S. H. Hoskjrts. Secretary-treasurer L. B. Warner. local Directors Mesdames A. Oteen-halgh, J, Porteous, W. F.-Boyer and J. Cathrae; Messrs. D. D. Munro, T. Manuel, J. Buchan, J. It. Turner. J. Williams, J. W. Turner. The. Brewer, 8. Oazeley, E. Ounderson, J. C. K. Sealy, Dr. C. H. Hanklnson and H. Oleson. lw .WM J L WW Wi4 WWJ J.L. MLtP i . .... 1 were served and a very pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all present. ' . I - - - DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS i 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for let than 50c WANTED. COMPETENT grapher. Must be able to take die-taUon and to handle bookkeeping and . filing. Olre an account of education and experience. State reference. Apply Box 333. Dally News office. 233 FOR SALE. REDUCTION IN fTED PRICES. FIRST car load of Bulkley Valley grain Just arrived. We art sUU handling ou? famous Edon cnai In any quantities Phone 18 or 55S. Prince Rupert reed Co 3K TOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN 18. tate. we are authorised to sell several lots, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and terms i from 11000 monthly. Enquire T. ! Mcaymont. U FOR 8 ALE. GRAY ENOINE; MODEL D. 3 cylinder. 4 cycle 10-13 hp. with dutch, shaft, propellor. Dixie ma. Oood running order. O. Rorle. Phone 387 or Red 613. tf FOR SALE. ADDINO MACHINE: ALSO eh register. Will sell cheap. Apply Box 333, Dally News OClce. 333 FOUND BTENO-IrOUND.-riVE BASEBALL BATS. Ap ply Dally News Office. BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Plione 1ST. i run 30 FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE modelled. Raw skins tanned and dmaed. Mall order promptly attended to. Mr, r Tarr. 3S Broadway Kast. Vancouver MISCELLANEOUS MAIL SCHEBIli ' l)IT.:mn l or I he Monday. Wr -jt w ciosea To tnroHier Sunday Tuesday Thursday Saturday DPJL Oct J r 1 t T tu)o, .tllre Ira, tint mler Sunday Tn II. .lmpon c4 s 1 Thursday To AUka rlol October t l Tb lueen I hsrlcHe. October S a: Tn An) ox and litre ans- Wednewlsy To Mrwsrt a4 rreacto- Buturday IVOMIS I rum I he , Monday W:r.t; f at ... I rem leneiaief, Sundays Wednesdays rrldayi Saturday CPJl. Octet." S l 3 linen .iniat. ira, rrriulef - Tueacuy I tmm IL,Mbimmi t4a 8aturdy torn Ala! la!- October 13 - I full IJaeen ( kirM-e OctObeT 1 St.J Irom An)o and V.:t lr- Thursday row Mensrt 4 iio (oiuniw On ham a Allin A - III Ale t llh at tlh iv. 4 full lib a tfi -: II 1 Mirrtjn.k. A II te k trt1 t th Ae I IHri (Ih 4 lls oi llh Ate. 4 t' f lih Ae. 1 .nr i v re. Ootl BM Pro. Oott Whsif O.T.p: Whrf O.T.P. Hillon trnt Ave 4 fnd i Ird Ate. k rultin St Jr1 Are 4 ltl " II t : I tr i t r if 1: STEAMSHIP MO VIHilllWIl.l - - - 1: n lor VaiiroiMef Sunday a. Prtn.- BuP1 TllMria .u. C-.r"'. Thi mtiv . u Pr Off futueiti u Catala Saturday .pr.. " Oct. 13 . Pr!:" . Oct 33. a. Prt:..ra M-' IVoni Vanroiiter Sunday -as, Cer:"- Wednecdar . Pr 0T FrUl - x. ratals At,,..H.. ... if R' rt Saturday, -. P" UCHHJTI Iff1 . for Purl tlmwm nl . I 1UI VMM..- I rom I'wrl hlmH-n M " Saturday . Ctia or Hlenart, 'nyot Ditnoay Brq I rum Sleosr .lnTt " Tuesday- Cardro Saturday as, Prm from rilewart . 8unday- -m. Prior BI,n, for tjtieen CJiarlutlr" Oct. B a. Prlnc CD'J Oct. 23-. Prlnr CU"" liom IJiieen riiitrl""1" Oct, 7 s. Prlnc CM" fVf I1 u Prlnc C6" tor An; 01 -tf u.'r... Print 0' ti, I...... Prlnr tor -tiewari j tuti.rrt... Prluce "T from Stewart Sundaya. Prlnr For AlNka . Oct 8- -as. Prlnw Oct. 18- . PrlnccM -" fim Alanka Pet, 13- . PrlnerM Oct, 33- -a. Princes Advrtls in tM P.UJ