If OCTOBER 36. 1928. THB DAILY WEWB PAGE THREt i Tlie New Quiet 12 Rub Local and Personal It On REMINGTON At Bed.) Arthur's Taxi, phone 078. docs good work always because it is built to do so. Evrn the less experienced operator finds good work easy, for the machine seems bound to turn out first class typing, however operated. And don't forget the "natural touch" which . . t 1 t 1 makes us opcruuun as easy, as simple, as natural as breathing or walking. To every typist we say "Try the touch." "The best ever," is the universal verdict REMINGTON iSSSk TYPEWRITER COMPANY EH1ND faeMvs.Jjd THE SCENES T tjiuM iiiiinrliiul work t ilu ituv mi "Ih'IhikJ the i hi iic-i rili"'ii nmiii. Wlcii 'our prt'MTiplion Hdilril ti ii tn may u-uri'd thul ou uic K i v.1. l! whnt the ph ijui w ifiew. And each , i- rln,k,d ! iii-n'f iii-n!iil' arriiru' V. tn ii -ikne i Mim -. r waul )im hi fed Ihut you dt'tilly depend upm io U fill Hi' prescription Ormes Ltd. P -ii- i lii iii.-g rd Ave. and 6th Street. DEMAND Tin- Hfull Store. Phones S2 and 200 "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Gold Storage C'J;, Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train Service tt .III miftCC nUPHIT ' ' VANCOUVCR, VICTORIA. SEATTLE. THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.C0 p.m. AMYOX-.WIDNCSDAV 1000 "'m- STEWART SATURDAY 1000 funu . MINCE JOHN I.. I VANCOUVIR l tUtCN CHARLOTTt ISLANDS rlnlghllf. PASStNOCfl TRAINS ItAWS ITtlNCI RUMRT JallJ eiwpl Suii.lay tl III fur PRINCS aiONOC IDSIONTON, VVINMPtO, til iwnl Laaterli "'ia, lolled HiiiH, Atnef ill Oon Slaamahlp Lint,. '.n.dlmi national EtpriM rm M.n. nWn. Kumsii :iwUM. etc.. f tut vrnir nri hiinnrnt Oltl Ticket OfMte, SZS Third An., rrlne Rupan. rnona sou. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Q-s;i;nrrc (Vrtm Prince RuDert kjriiiiKti ssvsia - 1 INSr- 'lehi.an, Wrsns.ll, Junasusnd Sl.s9wa- P. . . 0clj 29' Vancouver, victoria ans saaun PRINCeSB BIATniC-. Campball Rlr, and Waneog.af arv ' 'J. aisrt Ba.' u Alan nay. fall. Namu, or Butsdala, Caat Bella Balls. Ocajn h Ltn.7 ' "'"" "om- SH et.am.Mp , . Oernsr of 4th Stfa.t and Sfd nu. " smsset. o- HJNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllna fn.in I'rliire Hupri. CSHOOUVtll. VIOTORIA, Swanaon Bat, and '"! !.'. '0 ' a"i VSNCiouven. VIOTOflU, Sl., eat and s n B. '. -onT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlaar Cannaflaa, Tnurao.i SISirsON. ANYOX.LIOI ARM, STSWSRT. Sunoai, . 9i w Print faavlnrsl RUDI Snfl Anus. H, St. SMITH, asunl Rupart, B. C. Time For Deep Chest Colds All cold should be treated with vapors, for vapors alone can carry the medication DIRECTLY to the air passagra and lung. Vlcks U a "vapor" treatment In aalve form. For deep cheat col da you flrit apply hot wet towel over throat and cheat to open the pores, then massage briskly with Vlcka for 5 minute, apread on thickly and cover with a flannel cloth. Vlcka not only penetrate like a poultice or plaater. but the Ingredient, vaporized bf the body heat, are inhaled all night long. Thl double action usually check the most stubborn cold overnight VICKS Vapo Rub Ore 21 Million Jars Uscd Ycahly NATIVE SONS WILL DEBATE A Tt) WIII'.TIIMt OK MIT THE OK-I1AMZATION 1 JIT!IIi:i datlon to carry on the work of the famous plant culturlst who died recently, has been started. Btaalord University had planned to and Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president ol Stanford, has approved the suggestion. ' 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hallowe'en Dance, auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October 29. Hill GO lODi Bazaar. October 30. rrmbyterlan Uadlea' Aid Bazaar. November 10. St. Peters, Seal Cove. Sale of Wora. November 11. Moose Bazaar November 10 and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar. November 18. 23 Anglican Church Baptist Ladles' ber 25. ! Of cember 1. We have lieeu milforin-ly utTew.ful in lirntiire hcrylce runt lully In difficult C1IM-. DENTIST Exchange Block B.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. Mcoscheart Annual Ball. Moose Hall, October 37. Five piece orchestra. 252 Try Foothill Stove Coal. $13.00 per ton. No soot Phllpqtt. Evltt tt Co., Ltd. a Marcelling and hair trimming. Mrs. Skinner, 330 Third Avenue. Phone Blue 700. 253 Miss M. F. Fish, who arrived at the week-end from MasMtt, sail today on the Card ens for Vancouver. D. Crltchley of Inverness Cannery 1 now In Victoria and will be a resident at the Balmoral Hotel In that city for the winter months. Mrs. Dale Pitt of Premier was an arrival on board .the Cardena this morning. She Is registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Mah Li, charged with keeping lltiuor for sale, appeared In the police court this morning and was remanded until Wednesday afternoon. Severe storms In the Hszelton vlctnlt) have been responsible for the Yukon Telegraph being out of commission for the past couple of days. Jeflrcy White, charged with lntoxl cation was fined 825 or thirty day Imprisonment by Magistrate McClymout In the city police court this morning. Capt. Francis, district signal officer.! TDt Jairve Bon or Canada, at met; w(a m tne city from Victoria to-' regular meeting last night, decided 1 lnspfct thf tigDlll equipment! sponsor a debate on the subject as to oX tbe rirst Battalion North B.C. Regl-' whether the existence of such an or- ment. j Sanitation was Justified. J . The matter was brought up by S. W. Motorahlp Belllngham reached port Taylor who remarked upon the Interest tela morning from Ketchikan with 1BU eteated locally In the alms and object case of fresh halibut and IS cases of ' of the organization and suggested that salmon for shipment east over the .It might be a good thing to provide C-NJt. .wholesome entertainment during the! i winter months. The meeting then de-i Reduction in feed prices, first car I elded to sponsor such s move and , lead of Bulkley Valley grain Just ar-1 (named Mr. Taylor as chairman of a rived. W are still handling our fam-, . . . i . . , , nmuxuifcee uj mu azTsneroicu iui . qui ximju cuau iu auj quiauun. rxiuuc such a debate. The meeting wax presided over by A J. Prudhomme. first vice president : In the sbsence of the President, Aid. 68 or S&8. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 25u Tbe new American halibut schooner jsttend. There wa a fair representa-, was given a full description In the jtMa of the members. i Dally News last Saturday, reached port Other matters of a purely routine tbM morning after hex first trip to the nature ocetipM the time of the gather- ; fishing grounds with a good sized 'ma catch. MILLION DOLLAR M. K. Pike of Montreal, general sales ; manager of the Northern Electrlct Co.. sspU4ni A AaviAw wtlt H.lt 4 ka ltr nn NO CONGESTION AT THIS PORT WINNIPEG, Oct. 20. Following a conference of officials, W. A. Kings-land, manager of the western region. Canadian Natloual Railways, authorized the Issuance of a circular bringing to an end at midnight Wednesday, the embargo on shipment of export groin tj Vancouver. The embargo will be replaced with a permit system on the C.N.R. While conditions In Vancouver necessitate the permit system It Is pointed out by T. P. White, superln tecdent of car service, that at Prince Rupert there Is no grain congestion b untax, November, whatever and that grain Is movlns Aid Bazaar, Novcm Lutheran Women's Aid Bale of Work, United Church Bazaar. December 2. Established 1923 Special Denture Service it 1 1 there freely and uninterruptedly. ONE BABY DEAD, EIGHT ILL, TWO NURSES FIRED MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Oct. Use of lactic add Instead of cod liver TETRAZZINI, 52.WEDS MAN 32 YEARS OLD FLORENCE, Italy. Oct 36. Mme. singer, vysa married here today to Pletro . Vcmatl. twenty years her Junior and the tenant of her home In Rome, where ! she, met hint. Tetraszlnl is 62. Her first husband was J. a. Bazelll. Doctor, can you cure me of snoring t I snore so loudly that I awaken my. self.- "Iu that case, I would advise you to! Phone 109 sleep lu another room." i TO COLONIZE WEST ALASKA XOEL fi.MITH. CLM ItAL MANAOKK OF RAILWAY, MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT HEMES FA1LIKE ANCHORAGE, Oct. 20. Noel S:nlth, genenl manager of the Alaska Railway, today requested Alaskan organizations to submit plans for colonization along the government railroad line. He predicted that the Department of Interior would make an appropriation for this purpose In Its next budget. A request along this line had been made following the mineral, survey along the road he said. Replying to a letter appearing In the Oil mtr rvrrlrk Smith Amirti that th reu. vice-president of the Ronald. Ad- He " . " V. . " purpose of the line was to encour- ST AN FORD UNIVERSITY. Calif.. Oct. Thursday. Both are prominent Mont-1Jlge terr,torU1 aeveioplnent which had 30 -A nationwide mot ement to establish . real business men. t been slower than anticipated owing to , a mlUlon dollar Luther Burbank Foun- the decreased value of eold since the v.-ar Tris Mrnlnir rtf th msl In thai 1 vws aw u. WA HM . , . T . of New fiscal year of 19S0 had Increased 4.7 per national CUlitie. Corporation York for the taking over of the city's; ! carry on The work of plant development ; power supply. Is again in the city, hav triot TllT CADTUAHAsT at the aolentlsfs request Insofar as th;ing arrived from Edmonton last nlghv. VIULtill 1 tAKIillUAIvL University would be able with available He wUl go further into the matter with DCDnDTTfl IM IPCI AWn tunc. The Ohamber of Commerce of civic author.Uea Ktl UKItU IW ILLLfUlls Sebaatopol. CallfornU. where Mr. Bur-1 - - bank had hi plant farm and laboratory, made the auggrtlon "that the entire eountry be allowed to participate in the establishment of the foundation Ughthnu, Wan Damaged and Evtln-gultlird as Result of . rrr ShiK'k. j REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 26 Thi lighthouse at Cape Rekjanes was dam- ced and extinguished a a result of a t'.N.R. oinriALs itilNT OI T tiUAIN !Tlolent earthquake shock In the vicin MIUTIMl HERE BETTER THAN AT VANt'tU VEH ity. 25 YEARS A NUN: LOVE CALLS HER! . . j l'ue Released Muter From Vow so She .May Med i NEW BRADFORD. Mass.. Oct 36. Childhood sweethearts who for a quarter of a century had remained unmarried and served society, one as a soldier and the other a a nun, are making preparations for their wedding. The nun resumed her name of Miss Anna Lebrun six months ago. The soldier is Sergeant Frank Levesque, "C" company. 13th Engineers. Fort Humphrey. Va. Duty still holds him so Uiat the ceremony will be held In Washington, where Miss Lebrun Is going on November 8. Twenty-five years ao they met In New Bedford. She was IS and he wai 21. A few months later she bade fare- I well to her family and entered the Orey 26. Nunuery at Montreal Last April, after long consultation oil by mistake, has resulted in the with her superiors she secured special death of one baby and the Illness of i dLipensatlon from the pope releasing eight others at a local hospital. Two; nurses have been dismissed. j fjeiyJous ffeadache Ml&mc Jed,midt Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton. Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 These Chilly Nights Require heat in the houe. We have just received our Fall shipment of Gurney Oxford Heaters for economy- and efficiency they cannot lie excelled. Cull and inspect our slock. We also carry a complete line of Condor Electric Lamps in all sizes Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits matte to order in our shop in Prince Hupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter her from hfr vows bceause "the world called her and ahe must return." Meanwhile Frank Levesque had entered the army. He went to France during the great war and entered Germany with the conquerors. On his return to North America, he met Miss Lebrun and the old acquaintance was renewed. 8. C. Thomson Is beeked to sail for the south this afternoon on the Car dena. ! PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Moudajr, October S3 High ..$$att M ajp. 19,7, ft '' 16:02 p.m. 31.0 " Low 10:03 SJn. 7.9 " M:45 pjn. 4.4 - TufMlay, October 211 High . . . . . . .... 5:M am. 18.4 tt. BV 19:47 pan. 19.5" Low . . . . .yijg .4 -10:48 am 9.8 " 23.34 p.m. S.9 " WeilneMliy.Oitober SI High 6:04 am. 17 J ft 17:41 pm. 18.0 " Low 11:43 pjn. 10 PORE MILK KEPT PURE $50. oo Prince Rupert, B. C. i ia''xl KB jvAfOTr I The pride and business in-tereist of 2500 fanners behind Purific Milk iusiire.s its care from the heitls to the plunU. Kvery inoruiiuf pure nylk in its. highest cuuililiuu tie-' livered H 'he fuctoriesJ at Abbot? rtinl and Latlner, This is the foundation df l'acific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, l.C.