TAXI nnd Ambulance Service nywhera ai Anytime.. nH. Exchanae Bulldlna. MATT VIDECK, Prop. XVI NO. 2J1 ft V II,. lower New York was found on a window ledge of the New York courthouse this morning contained In a small valise. Clerka. who picked up the valise., heard a clicking aound and Immediately sum moned combustion expert of the fire depsrtment who gasped when they aaw the contents. There wa a mechanism similar to that used in a time bomb and a large quantity of dynamite. PLANE CRASHES IN VANCOUVER i oiu ivJinio uii:n machine MAKE IOKCEO LANMM1 IN MAN-LEY PARK Yl.l4Ti:illlAY VANCOUVER. Oct. 38. Four men were injured last night when an airplane from the Royal Air Force atatlon at Jericho Beach crashed while making a forced landing near the second beach oft 8tanley Park . The Injured are Pilot Bertram Johnston, Norman McNeil, A. T. Davidson, and C. C. Smith, the latter of the Department of Interior.' Ottawa. Davidson waa able to go home but the other three were taken to a hospital suffering lrom cuts, hesd bruises and shock. ' Tli plane was returning from th Harrison lake "district where Davidson and Smith had gone to make an In spection of white pine blister. Swig Engine trouble caused the forced landing. A. 1. Davidson, who figured la the smash, wa on the Queen Charlotte Is-lsnda last tummer engaged In forest re search work with M1m Irene Mounce, He la with the federal department of ag riculture. Advertise In The Dally New NORMAN LESLIE DEREHAM, the English swimmer, wbc landed at St. Margarets Bay after srlmmlr.g the English Channel, He left Oris Nez at 9 pm. and landed at 10-57 ajn. pany. and article of Incorporation have) been filed at Juneau. The promoter arej chiefly Ketchikan business men, who plan to use the port of Prince Rupert In connection with their operations. The company expects to undertake a direct shipping and brokerage business from Ketchikan and way ports around the western circle of Kodlak. thence directly to the Orient. Ships are available and outbound cargoes to the Eaat will be discharged at Prince Ruprrl. and carried thence by rail In bond. The company haa already been In negotiation with the Orient and have been promised ships and msrkets for Alaskan cargoes. The general office of the company will be In Ketchikan. An office will be opened 'at Shanghai and branches at other Oriental and Alaskan port. An agent will be sent to Shanghai to"organ-tee the Oriental end of the business. NEW SETTLERS ARE ARRIVING TWO lll'Mlltt.ll AM I II TY-HVH WILL HE.U'11 WINNIPEG TODAY WINNIPEG, Oct 25 Two hundred and fifty-five settlers, mostly from the continent, will trrlve In Winnipeg over the Canadian National Railway today. Of thl number on hundred and twenty-five will be distributed to points west of Winnipeg, twenty-five being dea tlned for Vancouver. ' Sunday night a party of eighty-two settlers arrived In Winnipeg, These were 11 mt1nntAta anrl wltH lh ,MnllAn nf twenty-eight they proceeded west to various points between Winnipeg and ' Vancouver. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ues on which the ele;tir wtU vote n Dvember 1. will be d'actmed. As anticipated, the' preni'.e manifesto, of which his pe?ch list night , waa mainly an elaborat-ou. hat resulted t it. a cumber of members, ana u .icing that they are forced to take standi on ;he proposed l.qusr legislation In which they find themselves at variance with -.belr leaders. The decl-3 of W. F. Nlck'.e. former attorney g-neral. t sup-p;irt- tie Oatsrto Te-npe.-anre Act has been followed by a declaration by Aarjn Sweet, the veteran Conservative member for Dundas, In which be ttatei that as a life-long prohibitionist he will state his o-.p-.s.tltn t the official polfcy of the party and place himself In the hands of the delegate to the nomlnaUn: convention to be held in Winchester Springs next Thursday. Among the Liberals, J. A. Pinard. former member for East Ottawa, has stated that he disagrees with the an nouncement by W. E. N. Sinclair. JC.C that the gove.-nment'i policy 1 "dlamet . rlcally opposed to the policy of the Liberal party In western Ontario." In vrcstern Ontario Edward P. Telller. whs represented the Liberal of North Ewex ;ln the leslslature. hss announced that 1 he will run as an Independent candidate. This Port to be Used by Alaska in Business with Orient Says C.N.R. Paper A compsny haa been formed to establish a steamship service between Alaskan porta aniT the Orient, aays the "Latest New from the Last Oreat West." a Canadian National Railways publication. Prince Rupert will be Included Jn this service. It Is also reported that the management of the Canadian Govern ment Marine, which 1 operated In connection with the Canadian National Rail- waya. will be recommended to establish a service between Prince Rupert and China and Japan. Grain, lumber and other Western Canadian product will provide outgoing cargoes, and It la thought sufficient freight can be obtained In the Orient to till return space. The distance from Prince Rupert to Japan 1 500 mile shorter than from any otheim ."aclflc coast port. The name of the projected Alaskan line la the Alaska-Oriental Export Com. TO MAKE IT LOCALTHING vmitiieks mom: to hack he-selopment or topleV mine s1TII1:KX. Oct. 16. LiH-al opll-niKt uhn hrllrte In a big future for the Kkhfifld Mine at Topley are forming a indicate and raMng fund to help frank Tailor, the discoverer of the. proprrty rontlnue the development and upenlng up of this large body of ore. A couple of meet-lnf, of propr'llve supporter have been held and It N probable the next meeting will tre the mailer takr i-onrrrte form to allow local i-tipllal a further chance to evplolt one of the natural rrsourccs "of the Itiiikley Valley. CANADIAN PREMIER MISSES MRS. KING LONDON, Oct. 26. Premier Mackenale King apparently la regretting his lack of a wife. "I never missed Mr. King so much In my life," be confessed, at a meeting of the International council of women here. Lady Aberdeen, who presided at th meeting, said Mr. King might feel that he was being trapped, but the women looked upon him as the patron saint or th father of the family of them all. Archie Mclnnes, welt known North Bulkley rancher, la a business visitor In town. He arrived from th Interior on last night's train and is registered at the Savoy Hotel, Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Halt, with neWly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW 8O0A FOUNTAIN, the latest and best Tor the least: Prion 467. ""-HI .,' ? PRINCE RUPERT. B.C . TUIJ5DAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 Circulation 1617 Sale 811 PRICE FIVE C .'3 - "uh! r A rv PTiniw rrrT r i PTrnw n a kt a r a r i oiuiun mi EiioiLiux LJiimuM. i a ui i a nn i? ait rrr a Trn nr a r nrnniiTr rr nrTTi rrriT ildest otorm in many Years Visits Maritime Provinces, Taking Life man killed in Montrealroofs carried away in Quebec trestles and telephone poles collapse UONTREAL October 36. The provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick experienced the hesvlrt rain and windstorm In years. Montreal, on man was killed and thire otter peraona mere seriously y . vm m .w ... -yiuynj suiirrra nesvuy. in Wiieoec wlty arrted away steel trestles, telcgrsph pole and thousanda of tree - down, many district being without light last night, llundreda of its were either piled on the beach or earned down tbe river New Brunswick, the heavy rain caued the river to Tint rapidly. aom r-?dertcton being under water. E CRASHED HAL BUT RECORD NT HF.K Hill SR K RFMC MOVRD j - tt t V U t a a .! kl'i. Ultll t W- a a a. .aaaava. . . n mkkow r.nvxn: is u- ivt is i.n iiiiaw ' iokm MiiKinv movement I ...A on 26 Oerald timllX t n the Seattle-Victoria srr itt crashed la I m pliv corning The machine got 4 - I UW IIUUIUI CM muuN C.-cr.' resident on Rupert Street :j part Of the senator er.ausly hurt, The machlnv ..imaged. r landing In the dining roox the window picking dead i :f the plant- aald air. xn aaw the seaplane j iv wn toward the house, a cratb and lb machine " :.t of me and landed with ipplng aound right on the It waa upalde down. -. escape U little abort of ih sweeping wing of the bt 3 wuhln a few inche of her :?a It ttruck the houae and ' unaahlng the window at her NSATIMIN SOUTH AFRICA ('(:T. IUXIINh AM ClltlKMtN II' MlhlVlll.T KlltTV IV 'ikii:ht At ntitriMO ACTIOXS fC"twta.t M-a a li..l &.n- ba been caued by the relgna-r Dan Ooets aa chairman of the :il!t Party of Klmberley of wnlctt "'i Hfrunv ia in, isnr. iiuru 1 'Ined the aouth African Partr Oeneral Smuta. former premiei. protest against Itortrogl attempt Orunt the rmmlti" hv arredlnff Africa from the Emnlre. Ooet m he will do all tmulble to creata 'f'ter undemanding between the 'an and Dutch people. G DIAMOND THEFT TOLEDO i: YoiTHH iii:i.ii:vi:i to iivu' thi.i;x m;.MS ihom iai.i:s- MAN'S TKl'.NKN iu. i jir inn- oi tw,-orth of net diamond was reported "day by Jack Klovllle. a New York nond sleaman. The police havo "ed Uiat three young men went to Union Station here on Sunday and " uvu lor iviovuiea iruu- 'I- contained the gema. When the Rmn presented the checks today told that the trunk had been '""d. The trunk were traced to n '"own hotel but they were minus diamonds, WINNirm. Oct 26 -The rncrtwi dtmand by taatem markeU for Brttun Columbia halibut ) reaultlng In what 1 lmot a tecord fuh morement over the line of the Canadian National , ratlaa) from Prince Rupert, according 1 to C. A. Cunningham, general auprrtn i Undent of Canadian National Eipreai I In Wratern Canada. During the put four day fifty re frtgerttor car areragtng twenty-fire thousand pound of flah each hate pawed through Winnipeg en route to the market In Chicago, Toronto. Montreal, nokton. New Tork and other large eastern centre. Ten more car are now on their way from Prince Rupert and fifteen more were loaded at that port yesterday The caleh of halibut In the fishing water of the British Columbia coa; ha been most satisfactory this sran the figures tor the month of September show that 3.OR7.000 pound sof halibut rre unloaded at the Prince Rupe:t dock, TWO COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED AT CONFERENCE LONDON. Oct. 28. The Con ference set up two committee on ilon-dsY. one committee of prime minister to deal with inter-Imperlat relations and the other, under the chairmanship or Col. Amery. secretary of tate for Do minion affalra. to deal with ttfe question of Empire communication. FRIEDA HEMPEL TOJMARRY AGAIN BERLIN. Germany. Oct. 38, Frieda Hrmpel. the famous prima donna, will soon marry August llecicscher. the New York city financier, well known for hi philanthropic enterprise. Mis Hem-pel waa granted a divorce from William B. Khn a ahort time ago. The alnger and the financier have been friend for xii.. iimhwI. Is at present at Carlsbad. Germany. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. fc ml' Wheat - B.C. Silver .'.8 Con.lldted 30.00.. 1U lM Dunaell " Glacier . 30 Ja Gladstone 3"00 Granby How. Bound U Indian Marmot -07 Premier 200 J", 09 .00 U Porter-Idaho Sliver Crest m ',u Rlclunond MUCH GRAIN MOVING NOW III Lk III IT tlOIMl EAMT, IIOMCt tU. ACtOKIUM. II) C.V.K, Ktl'OKT WINNIPEG, Oct 25 -The grain load-Ing report of the Canadian National Raltwav Issued today covering Saturday and Sunday ahow a slight decrease a compared with the previous week end. On Saturday grain marketeo tctalled 1.471.000 busr.eU and graln loaded 1423 cart with 1.347.000 buiheli Ura.'n la storage at country t levator on Saturday amounted to bushels, an Increase of U4XW0 bushels Cars of grain In transit to the Lakt-head on Saturday were 4..B33 and on Sunday 4.097. Cars arriving at Lake-head on Saturday were 851 and oi Sunday 418. Cars unloaded at Lakehead on Sat urday were 1j073 and on Sunday 818. Cars on hand at Lakehead on 8at urday were 1.697 and on Sunday 1729 Boat cleared during the weekend numbered 10 with SJ43.OO0 bushels. Nine boat are due to arrive and twi wcte. toad:ng. Car of grain loaded at EdmonaVti numbered 304 and cars arriving at Van. ccuver were 83 with 73 unloading Cart on hand at Vancouver numbered 13 and car in transit to Edmonton ana Vancouver numbered 1.-17 on Saturdaj and on Sunday. There are now 3,398.000 bushels of grain In stock at Vaucouvu-. AT PRIM E Ut rtKT Car of grain arriving at Prince Rupert number 37 and the unloading! number 42. There are 81 cars on hanci at Prince Rupert and grain In stosge amounts to 167.000 bushels. Car In transit to Prince Rupert numbered SOa on Saturday and 333 on Sunday. WOULD HAVE BLOWN HALF THE CITY UP no mii mi mi i Ltixu: of m:.v MIKK (OI KT HOlE TOHAY NEW YORK. Oct. 38 A bomb which exDcrt declared contained sufficient dynsmlte to blow up a big section ol BsgfgfBsBBIiaBHgfgBBsS PARTY LINES Nothing Develops to Suggest ARE BREAKING Settlement of Coal Strike in LlQl'OK C ONTROL lt K IN ONTARIO el. several ix.w e 7iieik u.ii:k- iagrmtaLs iot meeim; a? wntcn in-1 Bitter Parliamentary Dibate LONDON. October 26 Parliament debated the coal situation all Monday ou" aoiaiaS uevn-ieu w suggra. an eariy suemen. oi me aupu.e. TORONTO, Oct. 26 Foltowjig the j peulng of the Conservative campaign Ini Ll9yd George severely criticized the government for servility toward the tCcmptvUlc by Premier O. H. Ferguson mine owners which be declared had prevented the embracing of freunt ofen-;ast night leader o.' th? Con terra ti ve. ! Ing for peaceful agreement. Uberal and fixer In the! Premier Baldwin defended the government and blamed the obstinacy of a--l .u ridings tTday are e m?Utlnj ax-the pr, who had rejected the governmenfa every proposaL The Premier de- clared that any further attempts by the government to bring about a settlement would be useless. Liberal and Labor members hotly at-f tacked the government for banning the miners' meetings, ruch action only the situation. Ihey claimed that tended to aggravate INSISTS THAT HE SAW MEMBERS IN HOUSE WERE DRUNK LONDON. Oct 26.-Called to book U Parliament today fcr recent allegations Uu.t he had seen member drunk in the' House of Commons. Dr. Alfred Salter. Labor member, not only declined to withdraw the charge but repeated U. Considerable discussion of the allegation was heard in the House y ester - jday but a Salter was absent. Hon. Winston Churchill ordered adjournment to permit Salter to explain. - Today the Labor member reiterated the statement that "b .had seen many members drunk" and that "frequently debates became noisy because some one taking part had lost through drink, his power of self control." Slv FISH ARRIVALS American IVuts Sold m.OOO Found of Halibut Today Six American boat with a total catch of 173,000 pounds of .halibut sola their catches this morning at the exchange with prices riglng from 14.40c to 18.50c for first class fish and from 8c to 9c for seconds. The following Is the list: Orient. 23.000 to Atlln" Fisheries. Explorer 35.000 to Atlin Fisheries. Msjestlc 24.000 to Cold Storage. Radio 43.000 to Booth. Wizard 42.000 to Pacific. Eureka 6.000 to Booth. WEATHER REPORT (Oovemment Telegraphs. 8 am.) Temp. Prince Rupert Cloudy, southeast ' wind 58 Terrace Cloudy, calm, heavy rain during night Rsswood Cloudy, calm Alyansh Showery, calm . Hazelton Cloudy, calm Smlthers Part cloudy, calm . . Burns Lake Part cloudy, calm Constable Lance Potterton of Steweri arrived on the Cardena this morning escorting Edward Wagner who has beek- commlttel to stand trial on a charge of false pretenses. The accused will appear before Judge Young for election. CALL IS ISSUED FOR CONVENTION VIVE IIINIUIKH AMI SIXTY CONSERVATIVES ARE ENTITLED TO AT-TENII CONVENTION NEXT MONTH VANCOUVER. Oct. 26. An official rail to the Conservative convention which will be held in Kamloopa on November 23, 24 and 35, mainly for the purpose of choosing a permanent provincial leader, has been mailed to the various organisations throughout British Columbia. Regarding the basis of representation, the notice aays that each constituency 1 entitled to elect ten delegates. In addition to aenator .and elected and defeated candidates at the last provincial and federal elections. In alt, a total of 560 are entitled to attend. The principle of pooling has been adopted with rrepect to transportation costs. FIRST GRAIN SHIP LEAVES AIIEX MARl SAILS THIS AFTERNOON fOR f.K, IK CONTINENT Villi I Kl' AT ELEVATOR The "K" line freighter Aden Maru. first steamer to load grain at this port will sail from the elevator this afternoon for the United Kingdom via San Pedro and the Panama CanaL The Telfuku Maru. lining completed, moved down to the elevator this afternoon to start loading. She should get away for the UX. or continent about next Sunday. The steamer Tofuku Msru. thlrt steamer to load, grain tthls, port, will not arrive until November 1. The vessel was originally reported due today. A total of ninety cars of wheat arrived at the elevator since yesterday morning 33 yesterday afternoon and 57 during the night. Sixty cars are due within the next twenty-four hour. EDMONTON WILL SEND DELEGATE CITY WILL HE REPRESENTED HERE AT COMING U NCTION, SAYS MAYOR BLaTCHFOHU EDMONTON. Oct. 25. Sending of a city council delegate to Prince Rupert to observe -the development of the port and facilities for grain" handling will be recommended, aays Mayor Blatchford. The Importance of the 'city council being represented was emphasized when a delegation from the board of trade, composed of President C. O. Robson. F. W. Doherty and Secretary John Blue, met the mayor on Wednesday afternoon. The party will leave thl week tor Prince Rupert. DISASTER WAS MORE TERRIBLE SIX Hl'MIRED KILLED. THOl'SAMl MAIMED AND MISSING. DAMAGE SIXTY MILLION IX ARMENIA LENtNAKIN, Armenia. Otober 26. Fragmentary report over crippled wire from Karakala and other ruined towns In the area laid waste by the earthquake a. the week-end Indicate that the loss of life la even greater and the havoc more widespread than was first reported. Latest estimate based on Incomplete data place the deaths a high as sit hundred with a thousand maimed and missing and alxty million dollar toss. HOUSEHOLDERS AND LICENCE HOLDERS Thoe wishing to get on the 11)27 Voters Lift are minim lo. file their ' a r- plioalions withllie Gily Clerk 1 1 1 (-i ii ir llio inntilli nf - r - -"u ......... ... Orioher. Offire hours1 0 to 5 5 p. in., iul( from j (Drloher 25 to 3, also from ? p.m. Id U p.tll. , 1 B. F. J O.N KM, it City Clerk. 1 4 4 w 4)