-rCEfe-DAY OCTOBER 36, l36, I Th JLillllC llllllgO rV Fur Coats & Jacqu ettes A t-xqutmle Stock of ui Tnmmlrtgt at low price B. C. RJR Co. Nut Q.W.V.A. Third Ave MILK From Bulkier Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINQ CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half Pint. Quality and Servlco Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 6S7 TUGBOATS Day Phones - 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phonei GS7, 539, Green 238, Blaok 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. OEO. I. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tl. Cartage, Warehouln, and Olalrlliutlnft; Team or Motor Hervioe, r-ol Band and (travel We Specialize In Piano and Fuetltur Bln. We have funic new brnnlK's in Mjliil gold n'l .)0 l(i $10.00. One nief ji.nr i. white gulil m'I with vv small lwiiiiiml. Xnollier air at $.H -! Mil ill gold Willi (;lli!Jlltl umrungM. Mmi nice gohl filled seU fi' iin l.ro to if i.iKi. r cJEVELLERS sTtlt 5T0HE WITH THE CLOCK LUMBER We ore inaaafarluriiig : igh ami dressed tum-:! r Kde grain boat c Jar llaliiml and Mini on Itoxcs. Aik For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 502 GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor neceiver. Liquidator, Trustee. Ac. Phone 387 "New Address: 243 Second Avenue West I'M.NCE HUPKRT i Like Cuff Links Sometime., nil Ti errii'-o in inaki a gentrnl oppoaranof. HALL-ILLS MURDER CASE Utli: IN lUIIIIMi kii.i.ivo' roMi: m mm. next week BOMEHVILLE. MJ..Oct. 28, .n,i. ... . U' " I wanomin affection of an EpforSpUta sextona wife will hrln the rectors wealthy and aristocratic i widow, and three of her male relatives to trial for murder In this county seat on November a. after four years ol mystery, apeculatlon and Investigation. ! It wa because of thla Infatuation.1 the atate will contend, that Mra. France Steven Hall, Willie and Henry Steven, her brother, and Henry Car-pender, her coualn. became Involved In the slaying of the Rev. Edward Whfeler i Hall, rector of the Church of Bt. John the EvangelUt. New Brunawtck. and the lowly Mra. Eleanor Mills, who sang In the church choir. All four have been indicted for murder In the flrat degree but Carpender I not to face trial until the flrat triree have been tried Jointly. It waa on the morning of' September ' 16. 1022, that the bodies were found.) laid out beneath a' crabapple tree on tne Phillip farm, Jurt off DeRusseys Lane. Strewn about were torn fragment! of their lettera which had been exrhanged through the medium of a church hymn book. Only one bullet had been fired Into the mlnlater'a head, but there ware three wound In the had of Mr. Xf Ilia and In addition, ber throat bad been eut. But thla latter fact waa not discovered until her body s eihumed twelve daya after ber death. A dual Inveatlcatlon tot under war. 'one In Middlesex and the other in Somerset county. New Brunawtck. tin1 home pf the victim and all of the ac-! cuaed. aare Henry Stevens la In the' former, while the Phillip farm wner the bodlea were found 1 Just acroa the i line In thin county An arreat waa made on October B, but the confession' on which It waa baaed waa later admitted untrue and th accuser waa aent to 'the reformatory for perjury. Raymond Schneider, who with Pearl ' Bahnier had found the bodlea. accused I his companion Clifford Hayea of the ' ' killings, aasertinc that Hayes had ben . i Jeaioua of Bchnelder'a attention to th I girl, and had killed li rector and Mrs Mills by mUUke. Ushed that Hayea It waa later estab- and Schneider had ' ! ( onitniMii liif st a i.l planted triet dKUiil in sn Ks.lerty dlrectlim ! . ..AMisas vf list llHD vlrv MINERAL ACT wtrtiricst or Improvtmsnts. Ilrnwnle Nn. . Ln Mineral Claim. raislar Klstrlrl, on th. Wr;l Ann or Ta-li.n Aim about three flusrlers or a mile .ire" m rn..n lh mwiiih or Want; niver. l Twr MlTK K that I, Churles E, Ollmirt-e, Ia .n MUTi V Itllsstin ilitv dsvs rrwn !! dale hercor. in i apply fo the Minlne neeorder for a fterlirfrale hi I mrovenient. ror the purpose or oh-tainint crnwn nrsnt or the shove rlstm. '" .". :.,:.i,.e ;....he iVen iven noilre that action. ..n.i sri-ilnn 85. niurt on rommenred be. r?ri III !" c'f'ir"," or ,m' PVATEU,'ll'l lt v of Septemlier, A.n 9'4, II, McX rBASER. AgenL , . t ram uailt ygwa Gas- Gem- M Wsx ft (""HILLY Fall temperatures are making many throats sore, noarse ana irritated. with the breath Into the furthest recesyr of the lungs. Peps carry beslinxind health wherever they go. They put a ipeedy end to fliin anJ irritatkm ami soothe and heal inner recrt't which gargle and or-dietary throat tih'.-t never touch. Carry a few ttf tjie-e silver jackrted IVp tablets letn the pocket. Take one whenever the first sign of " throat ines " appears. A Pepsin the mouth every hour or to, filters the air you hrrathe and protects against infection dangers. Jit - .V ' .M tU ii im. 4 I..,.. .,, (V. C. Unhmt Uttttl. Somerset and Middlesex private Investigation at her own ex Dense. followed the girt and her father to the MeanwhUe. a new witness had come milllp. farm on the night of the Wl-, lorwJ ln lhe perKn c Mrm. Ju ling and that Hayea was armed, (cmon, ,bo raised pigs on a small KNnv NOTIIINtl r IT i ;Iarm iut a rail and a bait from the From the start. Mrs. Hall Insisted ; crabapple tree. 8he had been annoyed I that she knew nothing of her husband by petty thefta and reported that while interest In Mr. Mills and that ahe did truing corn thieves, astride her mule ; not betiete reports to mat eaect. A -Jenny," she came upon an encounter j month alter Uie slsytngs. she demanded o the PhiUIp farm, j that the bungling cetue lu the Investl- Molt would not discuss her testl- jgatiena. and through ber counsel she mo,,r and she was so harassed by un- I railed on Oovernor Edwards to name an official investigators that she turned a iuUUndm lavestlgstor. Wilbur A. shotgun on a photographer. Report i Mottr of East Orange waa named special u that she had recognized Mr. 'prosecutor, superseding the prosecutor Hall and another man and later It waa d that she saw a woman bbUV j WATIR NOTICC. , l j beside the bodlea. I Dlierslon Ois. I When the " grand Jury ' convened, ' Mra. , TAkr. iTH fc Hist KiiOert eofe John- - ' fin. shiMe sttdrews I Invent siuierv. demanded that ahe be taken be-will aw.tj rr a lleen. is iske sod use fore -that body and questioned. This l (Mis Mlbio dy of wsler nut ! .,,... -w- -rr, k e. of Vhsrf at hw lltl. alw j iuest wa not granted and on Decem- , kn wn nn iMinei. whirh tkiw with. , ber 13 .the Jury waa dismissed without . snO ilram into Truiil B sbonl ',.v, i-i ....k k. - taking acUorr. With the of exception i.-. i .'., .). die U-s.li fnn the mmiUi- ii.nirr Lot kltsuNi I. It. The' State Trooper Henry L. Dlckman. other WIH be dlVerlel Trull the ulresm H-aier .netlfftnr Wtlgator gradually rrmrlmllT itunrimml abandoned thi the.. i, ilu sl. ui &110 feet from Hi nult , ! and will lie st for duiiie.iie nt ranoery , search, and early In 1923 Mrs. Hall i lZUlJTwp' bmuX- "nt ' April 821 ion 'ihr rniind im lhe lilh day ( Sep she announced that slie had been at-Ih-miH-r. lit. A n.py fcr this tlee nd tempting to trace new clues. While isn apHieatwi rurM,n' "" " f , . . . 'ilie -Wsiei n' will be filed in the of- sue was abroad, Dlckman disappeared fire uf Hie Wsier Itenirtler st l-rmre leaving two months salary behind him. imiieri iiblerilun to lhe spi!tratlin msv i riled with lhe .sid Water Iiee.ir.ter or, numors of new leads cropped out with the omiptwuier f Wee Hlrhis. from time to time, but It wa not unttt I'srluinenl Puilillni. lrlwia. li.C. within thinv dy after tlw flrt artarsnre of July 17. , 1928. that n.TO Oovernor A. it..,, Harry In. 'notier- In a tral newspaper. The ; Moore revealed that he had ordered f'S;pIemrrnVo.rmr,,'',n u" Pllre nd otT detectives MiminT m:onr,r. joiiston. AppjlrsnU NOTICt or INTENTION TO AePLY rO LEASE I In the Lam! Vevurdlnr Imlrlrl of A till 'tliiiiiit I(vile nf i:lr liiMMrl. i TAKE .MiTli'K thai the Ehflneer Oold Mines. Ltd.. Im . a rerUleiett mining en-I :mv utwrinnr within the Pmvlnee or llrl- I ...i.' i'..iun,iti ,inuniinn a niliiiiie nan- !,.in. InMut t" spt.. for a rirehre let Verted to reopen the case. Disclosures alleg lng corruption of officials and the wholesale payment of huh money wen made In an unsigned petition filed by Arthur S. Rlehl for annulment of hla marriage to Louise Oelst, who had been maid In the Hall household at the time of the murder, and who. he aa- had given him the Information I I Ii' '"'" " """-j: lot a ion whlrh IM allentlnn. vera lt ilinru about iimiui tt'v i -------- o rrtm Tib Mrs. Hall was roused from bed on i mm a innn. mniiairu hit niuiin . - j , arrested for mur ,.r Wsnn Itiver. n Taku Ann or Tssi.h jr. and locked up In th Somerset iskr tUni-e in a ,irtherly direction vili . . Jj . . fe i iiw-iire :terly 1 00 reel, llienr- J county Jail. Two day later Supreme s.,uthi rh r0 reel more r les to hishj court Justice Oummere r permitted her Ster liurk, Ihrnre Wlerly 100 feet j ni"re or l"' llnt r nimtnenrenientl mid roiiislninr o.& sere more or !;... 1 Lorttril mi inn osy m vmi, , (SlrnKl) It. M.'.N. HIASF.n. I h. :. i.. a. Agmt i MINERAL ACT Csrtlflcat or Improvsmsnts. Wsnn Frsrlionsl o. , Anyoj snd Jo, ntta Mineral Clslm. tituste In the Atlln Milling Hivisiiin of the, csssiar Dlstriel. i"iut one mile up Hresrti from the Iwioth "rTuf" .NOTICE that The fTnrlneer Oold Mines Ltd.. Inf.. free Miners Certirirste No 87W. intend, sixty dayi i from the osie hereor ,tn snnly to lhe Mining Be-Strdor ror I Orllrirale or Improvements, fi'r the rrpie ' ohtalnln a Crown irant of lhe slmve rlslm. And rnrtlier Uk notne that art on. un. dor Solium . ""''I I" eoinmenred before Issue ot surh Crrtlfualo or In.prove. ""'rUttli this 1st dsy or Sfptcmber. A.D. '' H. McN. rrtABER. Agent ad in kills! H Vneause. RtSSD svrM I BB I llSiLljj I DOTTiatS-istwortir UTZ.ZiJylM Fonmnri Sdantssn KrJSrfifM Industrial RsmskIi I BBF Irwtitu). Win rat k3BBSSP' m fiinlMStiisiilsi U. f t r-T At Your Retailer reteaae In 115,000 ball after a bearing at which Francla I. Bergen, prosecutor of Someraet county, declined to reveal the nature of hla evidence. On the tame day Bute Senator Alexander Blmpmn, of liudaou county, a fiery criminal lawyer of conalderable fame, waa made special prosecutor, superseding Bergen. Alt'tEXTED IV HTOK.M The next arrests came In Auguat 12, .utile a terrifying electrical storm wt at It height: Willie Stevena, eccentrle brother of the widow and Carpender, Iter cousin, and a member of the New I'ork Stock Exchange, were charg ed with the murders at that time. A hearing Into the nature of the charges against the men waa ordered 'before the County Judge Frank L. Cleary. At this hearing. Mrs. Gibson pointed out Stevena and Carpender as' two persona ahe had aeen on the scene of the murders, adding the name of Mrt.. I tall as the third. I Judge Cleary denied ball. Justice A chill Hives the oneiiine to i0.""""" ." " e?tCTUla ftn. ,p- ..." - - " iniinunn rm on ratnair m mm rr men n onn re wm . bronchitis, and to the danger (plication behalf of the and ! ferred counsel to Supreme Court Jus- wm uui3 m iiiaiiy uuiu i telto Chrle W. respiratory aixrases. isomenet county, Parker, who alts In The latter also den- netiijiciceM and sett rrtnedyisln led them ball. he real breatbe-ahle Fep tablets J on the Hfteenth of September, when whtcn. atthrvdtitolvonthetnncrue. . . - .. . gve off tue.llctit.tt ... fumt that . pits , pfeparauona J , . . naa .. oeen . compeitea At . tot iber grand Jury, the April Jury waa sud denly recalled. It Indicted not only thr I three accused, but aao Henry Stevena, jef Ivallette, another brother of Ua ilUtt'a. The prosecutor later made It known that a witness had placed him on the scene of the murder with the I others. I Two days later the four were ar-j ralgned before . Justice Parker and pleaded not guilty. The ball of Mrs. j Hall was increased to 140.000, and th I three men were returned to Jail. ! Simpson then moved, and lost, an application for a trial Jury from a county other than Somerset, i Denying the application, two of three ' 8upreme Court Judges ruled that allegations of hostility to the reopened In-. vestlgatlona had not been proved. J During all thla Ume Simpson's in- ' vestlgatora, under direction of Inspec-i tor Underwood, questioned person after j person, wringing admissions from some ;who had been allent for four yean. ! Among these witnesses were Ralph V. countle. ' U- Oorsllne, vestryman and choir alnger Shortly thereafter announcement wa!"' the Church of St: John The Evan- made that Mrs. Hall had undertaken a grUst. and MUs Catherine Bastall. member of the choir. After 21 hours quizzing, they admitted they were ln DeRussey's lace snd heard shots aru groans. ST.tlt WITNESS Dlckman was found serving a term as s deserter ln a military prison near San Francisco. He was brought East. and according to' Simpson, "bettuneyth State's most Important witness when he signed a statement alleging that he had been bribed to leave the atate. On October 3. the prosecution announced that tt had practically com pleted Its case and would devote Its attention to Investigation of alleged attempts to bribe" state witnesses. In fluence their testimony, and obstruct Justice. Felix Di Martini, of New York, chief of Mra. Hall' detectives four years ago, who had 'refused to come to New Jersey for questioning, wa arrested as an accessory after the fact and released pending extradition proceedings. u.s. Action WASHINGTON UNCERTAIN AMI IIOl'SE DC, Oct. l i 33 Close - and doubtful Is the verdict of most competent,: judges; here, to date concerning the campslgn now ou for thi worth ln New York, Butler ln Massachusetts, Weller In Maryland, Ernst In Kentucky, Willi In Ohio, Williams In Missouri, Harreld in Oklahoma, Oddie ln Nevada, Cameron ln Arizona and poodlng In Idaho. The Republican nominee, Stelwer, In Oregon, also faces trouble. It Is not Inconceivable the Republicans will, lose nine of these can dldatcs but wbit Is more Uktly to ii"ll,BBllBBl1 ! I I !$? B.C. B.C. The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the fam- ily needs. In order to do a good job he must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make, goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the. family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the great- est amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is mw and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mafe your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul and interesting. Every manager of a household every mem-' ber o the household who shares the responsibility for the family's Welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Market Prices LAKH r.tiHS Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. .. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely happen la they they will lose sis or seven of them. This would leave the , Brookfleld, Senate closely divided among the old parties, with the Insurgent Republicans holding the balance of yower. Pure- control bf. the Senate and House which Compound, will end with the' elections' early In November. Doth Republlcana and Democrats are claiming victory ln advance but the fact la the outcome is highly uncertain. On the face of things, the Republicans stand a better ahow to retain control of the House than of the Sen ate. Their chances to keep the Houss seem to be rather more than even. As to the Senate, the tight thus stands j about 50-S0. ' Senator Borah of Idaho, chairman of the foreign Relations Committee, and a keen politician, lust back from the west, says the Republicans have a hard fight to keep control of the Senate but he thinks they will be able to keep that control. He bases thts view largely on what he knows of the election prospects ln the far west. The Democrats In order to gain the Senate will have to make a net fain ot nine senatorshlps. - This will not be easy to do. The Republicans will undergo some lossi-s. That Is conceded. But a net loss of nine scats would be a heavy blow and a democratic triumph ot unusual proportions. Impartial political observers find difficulty In figur ing Just where the Democrats will 'get the net gain of nine. I The Republican senators who r having the hardest fights are Wads- STILL nr.vr.KV. , Host When will you dine with us I airmlnt - ... I Quest (atlll hungry) Now, If you IUITH KF.ri HLir.W AMI DEMOCRAT ! like. Humorist. fl iii vii"r.i;v t.it. Ki'vitr t ' . ... .... ..,,. . ,, .- ........ V 28c asc fresh, pullets 60c fresh, firsts , SSc B.C. fresh, extras Local new laid Alberta fresh, second FISH Halibut, lb Salmon, red spring, lb. ... Salmon, white spring Smoked kippers, lb. ...... Kippered salmon, lb Smoked black cod, lb . . . Finnan haddles, lb Salt mackerel, lb Eastern salt herring, 2 for 60c 65c and 70c 40o .. 33c : 25c "He .. ISo .. 25c 32 Vic .. ,20C ,. 25c .. 25c 23c MKATS Fowl. No. 1 lb. 35c to 4Qo Roasting chicken, lb 43o to 50c Ham, sliced, first grade 60c Ham. whole, first grade 50c Ham. picnic, lb SSc Cottage rolls, lb 40c Bacon, back,' sliced SSc Bacon, side 50c to SSc Pork, dry salt SSc Ayrshire bacon, lb .......y5c Veal, shoulder i .vU, A JSo Veal, loin ... Veal, leg Pork, shoulder Pork, loin Pork, leg Beef, pot roast Beef, boiling Beef, steak Beef .roost, prime rib Lamb, chops Lamb, shoulder Mutton, leg Lamb, leg Mutton, chops Mutton sbeuldtr ...... V..'... 40c 400 ....... a S0C 430 4Sc . iauc to c ,. 10c to 12a ., 25c to 40o S0C , ... .1.7. 50c ...SSc 40c 480 ........ 40e . 30a HL'TTER Shamrock and Woodland. lbs 85c E.CJJ, 2 lbs. 85c Capital. 2nd grade, lb. 40c rraser Valley, lb 45c CHEESE Ontario solids 30c Stilton, lb 35c Kraft ." 45c Norwegian Ooat ; 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb. 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars .... 45c and 85c Gruyere , COc Golden Leaf, lb 45c veget.ahi.es New beet, bunch Sc Beets, 6 lbs 23c 100 lbs. $2.75 New carrot, bunch 6c B.C. Carrots, lb 3c 100 lbs. (125 Rutebagas, 8 lbs ; 25c 100 lbs. aj.75 Radishes, bunch Sc New potatoes. 10 lbs 25c Potatoes. 100 lbs. 12 O0 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb 10c Tomatoes, per basket 40c Watercress, bunch 10c Green peppers. 2 lb 25c Cucumbers, each 10c and 15c Parsley, bunch Sc Mint, bunch ).. Sc 'Leeks, a bunches 15c Cauliflower, B.C., head 25c-35o Corn on the cob. dozen 40c Green onions, dozen 25c Terrace cabbage, lb. , 6c B.C. head lettuce 10c Garlic, Imported, per lb 40c B.C. Cooking onions, lbs. Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs. . . Wax and green beans, 3 lbs. Vegetable marrow, lb. Celery, 2 bunches Hubbard squash, lb Citron, lb. . . Pumpkin, lb. Bweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. F-CS plant. 3 lbs Pickling cucumbers, lb. Pickling onions, 3 lbs I'Kl'IT Orangea. Valenclaa. dozen . Lemons, SunkUt, doz. .... California grape fruit, 2 for Bananas, a lbs. for , Candled honey Extracted honey, lb. . Apples. Mcintosh Rsds 35c SSc SSc 60 SSc 7c . 7c , 7o SSc 35c ISo 350 . 35o to 7o 23c and SSc ........ SSc 35c 35o . . 25c and SSc .......... 13.33 PAQE HVE Apples, Wealthiest 12.85 2 Apples. Oravenstelns. 12.50 Cookltng apples el .95 Canteloupea, each ISo Peaches, case , II. 45 Italian' prunes, crate .............. SSc Cocoanuta. each. 20c and 25c Honey Dew melons, each t... ...... 45c Casaba melons, lb . . . . 10c Pears, Bartlett, case 13.35 DRIED FKIITS Dates, bulk, 8 lbs. SSc Dates. Dromedary SSc Raisins, bulk, lb 20c Raisins, package, lb. 25c Cluster raisins, lb. 35c Lemon and orange peel ........... 30c Citron peel Sou Black cooking tigs 20c and 25c White llga. lb. U ..;...., 15c Table figs. lb ' 25c Currants 3349 Prunes '. I5c-35c Apples SSc Peaches, peeled .................. SSc Apricots, lb. 40c NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclaa ....... 75c Brazils and filberts SSc Walnuts, broken shelled 60c Walnuts, shelled halves 63c Almonds J5c Peanuts 20c Manchurtan walnuts 35c California walnuts 4So No. 1 mixed nuts SSc Sl'GAK White, per 100 17,10 Yellow, per 100 16.60 FLO I' It Flour, 49s, No. I hard wheat ..... $2.75 Pastry flour, 10's ...'..., 65o Pastry flour. 4t's (2.S0 FEED 100 lb. Wheat. No. 8 Oata Bran Shorts .. Middlings Barley .I.......,,..,....,...,,.,, Poultry mash Special eggmaah Oyster shell Scratch food $3.10 $2.60 $3.00 $3.10 $3.60 $3.33 $3.00 $3.40 $2.50 $3.60 Beef scrap i. ....... $5.23 Oround oil cake $4.73 Baby chick feed ... ........ $423 Fine oat chops $3.70 Crushed oats ., $3.70 Fin barley chop $9 43 Whole corn $a 00 Cracked com $4.10 Fin cornmsal ...(t $U0