1 t'AGR TWC Cheaper Teas are not as Good SALADA TEA II Til will satisfy you. Try 'SALADA'. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT HiUTJSH IXDLILMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. HUM-EN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOB Friday. January -'0. 1920. World Court Is Now Likely To Succeed. It was with great great satisfaction thai people of the English speaking world rend-of the action of the United Stales to lie a party to the world court. II was au epoch making event. II indicates thai at last the lug republic- is prepared to take its place in the forefront of worjd politics. yithoul.the presence of th'o-Umled Slates, the murl could hardly expect lit succeed! So powerful au influence for peace and Tor advancing civilization would have been a serious loss, were it pot present. Now a decision ias. been reached for the big American republic to' lake parj, we may look forward to result. The next step, as wjts suggested in the despatches yesterday, will be for the I'.S. h hecdiile a nieniber of the League of Nations, an organization winch was fathered by one of its own presidents. Some day it" will join, because it cannot afford lo stay out. Success Of Hospital Satisfactory To People. Tlie success of the Prince Rupert Hospital i something that is pleasing to the people of the city. The institution is well managed, apparently, and is providing -the accommodation thai Hie people wish. Value is being rt;eejvcl for the money expend ed, and that is what is required. It is always satisfactory to know. that a public iitstit,itU;il is giving that service which the piiluic expects. - - , Qratp Congestion 1 Interior Elevators. ' , It is to be expected that with congestion in interior eleva tors we .shall .oon have news that some grain is coming to the elevator here. Prompt aeupii was taken yesterday by the Hoard of Trade in regard to tlie niatler and it is probable that something wilt be heard of it further. It seems queer that the wheal pools should be demanding accommodation and our elevator asking for grain, yet neither be able to connect. Experimental farm Should Be Established. People'of 'the interior have for many years asked for the establishment of an experimental farm. They. need it and successive governments have 'made" promise's in .regard to iL Now it seems the Mackenzie King government is prepared to act. If this is true it will be goitip news beraue promises are always more prolific than .fulfilments, among politicians. While it will be difficult to decide on" a "location Tor the farm, this should no delay the commencement of the work. Fascism Today Is Established In Greece. (ireer'c Is today' under si" tyrannical governmenL It is an extension or the fascism of I(aly to the adjacent counlrv. It is brought about by the incompetency nf the mas f Ihe' people and the abuse of the privilege of self government. Here i whal the .Manchester fiuardian says of' lie new Greek movement: "General paugalos, who seized the government in (ircere. last June bv a couii il'cti.1 ininliv will. .1 ... : ...t n...i::i :'.. ha now made himelf diclalpr. and has received tin1 allegiance w. ,ur- uiiiMiu cuiiiiuanus. in ine various parts of the country (ilW )ie said nn Sunday at a 1i.iimuel of the Hepubliean iuaru had been suffering from "the experiment or I'arliamen- . .... ...... , .,mviihj iiu (mjih'i, as ironi inniorrow, assume all responsibility' Tor m mfUViiitl program, .and, would i.i suiei on me arnieti forces, n, n proclamation issued nn aumu.i mier a uiiHiiet meeting.T.encral Pangalos gave as the. reason for the sten the uncon'irirnmi&mfT n..,i action of Opposition leaders and their aulinatioual altitude during Ihe Graecn-Hulgnrian incident. M. Rouphos. rrxn .Munsier repeated these charges on Tuesday, and added that Ihe elections must be adjourned, but would be held as soon ' as possible'" i The new dictatorship has familiar characteristic" of anli-popui poVenitneiit and of adve'fj(.Jfi...she- J the foreign field. II Was preceded 1, the re-election qf tlie Mayor nf Salonika after General Paugalos had relieved him of orfi.-e and the 1 i-emier first Hmmiii.euien! or his new coup concluded with t ; statement that in a few month Greece would have n sufficiently powerful navy and the strongest army in the Ralki- You don't have to cook SHREDDED WHEAT Saves coal saves time, saves health ROTARY CLUB TO CARRY ON 1 BOYS' BAND Committee Appointed to Devise Ways and Means of Raising Thousand Dollars At. the luncheon of tlie Prince llupert Hotary Club yesterday afternoon it was decMel to assume responsibility for Hie Hoys' Hand fur a time and plans are laid to finance it for tlie next six months. Money will he raised by means of a concert or otherwise anil Hie crty will be asked for u donation. In explaining? the matter Colonel XicholN said some urbanization had to be responsible for Ihp han1. Money had been raised in Hie pasf for the purchase nf Instruments and those had disappeared. Now the parents were required to sign a guarantee for each instrument held by the boy. In order to carry on. Cnloiml Nicliolls said, I hey would have to raie 3fM for bandmasters's salary at S0 a mouth. .More instruments were needed. Twelve; or thirteen of those now use. were owned by Hie regiment and might be called in at any time! Also several new instrument1 wore needed, which would cost about 200. , In "all he rerko'nCil that 1,000 would be neeiedr atnl be thought tliey should be abb; to raise Dial murh. I.ast year the eity bad given' t00 but lie thousht I hey should ?ie more .than that this year. A cnmniiltee consisting of Wallace Orchard. "nHer Vancv Earl Harrle. Jim S.,.n Jarvi llcl.eod. and John pore was formal to devise ways and mean for carrying n. By Meander Special to Itie Prince Rupert Uaily News) , I adroit, my dear Harry, thai il is nol ecry evening Uiat I lay down my paper with the same feelings of satisfaction s I (Jul on Tues.lay night. A a rule i Have i.i pretend to myself I hat il only one I bought is passed aeross to me. il is all I can expect in olie evening, t'siug Hie obi simile of (lie Harp and tlie master-hand, there were severa' chords waiting to be struck in me. and these have now respon- ively re-echoed to the touch. Fellow ritizen ltr.-i.lv struck tlie rlzht note in etindeionini? the nn. ilue publicity given iu the dail pre of Ihe province lo the l.ij'pocriljcal sermon delhereil by Hie malefactors condemned to dalh for a foul crime.' Xh, Harry, you cannot head me otf s;l villi.' it in.'itiw : Ttiiul iliipv .. , .. . from a press point of view. You cjip't get away with that sort o( 3uir ill tlje tinier Tlie publica tion or stories like thai Is in itself a crime. Newspaper. nowa days are read by young peopje much more generally than formerly, and as .Mr. Hrady eloquently says: "! drag the word and hravailo of Two evil mcti inM the limelight for the youlh of our land U pay reverence to Is rt rryiug, scandal and a deplorable inciiienl." I take on my hat to intrepid J. C. forNiis gloveless hanuling or an unsavoury stih iect which should have beeni denounced in every pulpit an. lorum in i ne province at the ' ' time. The trouncing of (ioml Toronl i by' Ilev. W R. .Mackay shows us that our city does not stand alone in its vicious methods of welcoming in the New Year. It lias always astonished me why the harmful and Inane practice of half-fledged youtli at Hallow e'en and Hie shameless improprieties and intoxication or llieji elders, male ami female, seeing Hie New Year in. should be en- eourage.l in civilized coipjuunj- ips. uen cnaperones ese" lie if rhat;gesandIeae them to fend 'for iheriiselvcV ' at bac chanalian orgies. i Is time Ijij; clergy came forward and im pressed upon J be thnnighltoM that ''Canada was looking fn wives and mothers who would make it a great nation, and thai such wives arid mothers woul.j nol be found in these New Year parlies." The ever welcome topic of City Management makes always inter-esilng reading m a city like our You Cannot Help Winnk FREE ruad tfte newspajver more gener .illy than when was young. The power of Hie pres. acting on Hie recent jvenes, of tne youthful mind exercise a tremendous iii- riueuce on I be auhling of younj Canada's I re ml o( Hiouphl. It is! a rail cominenlary on lTe preen! ' era that Hie ehlld's artistic sen is nourished on such works o art ami on uch grains or alleg- j fi.1 itumtir 'i a fi i.iiIIa.1 Imlh it...' . .'. .a ... . .I ....in i,t.; doings and saying of .liggs im:l Maggie. Now, llarry.fVoii were as limiest as you look, ynii woubl be forced lo admit that the artistic end is sacrifieed to (lie bes-sellinz eml at the cost of prejudicing the child's outlook on art and literature al an early ami sus'ceplilile age. Another rallies terrible iieton I 'should like t prtipoimd is Idif yp'l, find that crosi-Wor.l ptizi?fe.s vvifre beymid Ihe capabilities of SfHir VeadeVs' Have we noi vi got beyond lift. I Dr. Wood's Pine I got aurh relief bj vtg It that I woold kdrite all thoe who an lubjeri t bad coldi or rui(hi to keep a botth) of this remedjr fa pifir hornet all' th You don't rrlmnt when yon boy "I)r, Wood'i' m it haa ben a Unia iold remedy forU pait ST'elrk." Put op only by The T. UUbura Co, LiuuUdj Toronto, Out. I tuiist have a pig day tomorrow and nil) selling Ateii's Whirls bejiiw cot. Kuglish Hroadctolh in fancy snipes, tijpie and Madras: all wonder values and all to go At Hie ad--CI QJ jtisler's nrices of In audition. 1 will present to the first tweitty-fiu' ciislotij-ers. your choice of a lovely sdk lie. value lo $1.25. Gome early. STUPENDOUS BARGAINS SUITS I t Tweed Suits, regular values up .s.15.00. Sale price 1'2 Suits left in Tweeil. and I'ix Irish Serge. Hegular tA Qt aliie up lo Sale price , 14.3d And ti't.v cap iii"thi,s(ore (q;e. 2 Overcoafs lell. regular value ip lo 2.l(). Tii sale CIA QC price ..... V A V. f1 SOX Silk and WtMil Sox, all cidosT Ytegi;ar jye t fi" 65c (Hack Matna Sox. Hfgnjar tir.c, lo go at pure Viur Sn, mtPle in j-:ngaid, in fawji, rty .ijfl fnjjij'l Cflj. shades, siime cixwj. lingular -?l.i valj, for. . . . SV-jjeavy k(1 Work .Sox, St pairs for . .'. . 1 ..!..."... . QQ CAPS We si have a lot of jL-ij.s leTT, values tip jo :i..tji. All o QCp go nl '.'. .V... .2. filbcrs a $1.45 and $2.45. TJES A lot of Irish Poplin Ties in thf "new raighj Hjj (e4?. Thee are in all Ihe new shades ami 'regular o ?I.;t5. t go QC tomorrow l..r .'. . ' i . . .V! . . Nlilor has had Ihe hnr.lih.Hi.1 t, pUj a stop to it. So. Harry. If you are looking for fame, you know where to TunI il. !iP.!i!N?!P00( layi: I.ttl talk indicates weakness fhe brave and forceful are mod erate in speech and incisive in lone. WIITN bootlegger are beinn tried the ca Usually goe, in the Jury, hut thai is all they get. MAX t'.upbl is a marksman poor Despife hi love and kisses; For while he always hits Hie' mark He's oricit making .Mrs. boliiin stage vvhen fujiHy paper4; SAM'istough shys'lliab if ( with their i-ru.lely vulgar draw-imgs jnake tie . sltongrsl appeal to oilr sense rtf IllililoM' Why should not every Kdllpr Jry in some way however sinai; to emulate Kdward llok elforls to introilnce an npprecialion o the finer side of arl into every home Hint was readied by his magazinef And talking of Hd- Does That Cough Stick On Your Lungs? Mr. Inlar IfMN'ab, HtgT)pr, Out, writi 4l Kim' troubled ltli ft tr filile rough that J tfould ot,;grt rid of, and my doctor told tnf that I kaJ ft alight touch of bronchitU. "J othiri Jr I took imned to give me inr rrlleX until I gbt ft bottl of liOV- rnineidiV wfflrfi rflte'.l nut with . ... . . 'Mi U-'.tjt ..... ' iiiii.i Kfs iikc jnckvr.ii.aujvlliey might niove a great deal faster. A r.OIlHlJspXhHXT wants to lM( o; i in- iniriinie ai Ottawa, '"ll does nol look to me as tf (here would lie anylliing come mil. II all goes in. fit'PPOr!I.j everybody worked, who woubl criticize? Till: council has settled Ihe Oow Hay ipiellon in the same way Ufa a man may sel'lTe a big accouiH. by giving his pole for II. f )XF. of Ihe things that atmiseii nullum ioiiressni!f was thn daicing of Ihe 'dial jeslon at Ihe iiyro Hall last nlglil. ' M.WY fl fllllll U'iin Itl I. la . - . -7 " in., na tive village is cousblerei a dub, makes a mark when he gels avvav froiu the Ihralbliiiu or closeaci " (liiaiiitances. INK or the most ? apiioying Ihliigs in Ihe world Is the acltou r ,i r..'.:"..i .J.ir.e'.i Ihli'K oui'jusl hs youre"einJ illieresieu ill me prpgraiu. O.N'K iimHo IoouId be learned by everyone fin often to vour dentist hut keep your doctor nl a respectable distance. Ill this stupendous unloading of line mci- li lo liipiiilale 9I0AMHUHI. Ihe prices are cut mi ,,v ' not help making u wonderful saving on eci K Here is nn yxnimde. We liae jix $i'i lie re 1 1 1 ceidioiiril ayutgi. Hegular :fi.tu Tor half p, ; . ( liej-e early and get a free lie. NEVER BEFORE triished yo Scarves, fine-t quality. Iteg,, r fof Silk Knit, Scarves. Hegular .Von, (u gu ir Hob Hoy Scolcli Wool frmvfs. Hegular juice lhe go for Shirts in the lie.wg llt and ch ides. Hegular (or ... A lot of fine quatily Shirts in Toiikt am) .bptor. h vv j:t.tlt, for ($" than hnf. at .. doien or sh $vo' Wool Hlaitkel, (Mh M .. 'double ftKct,' Aleeves and liouhleri, A 7.00 gnruieul. In go at . TRQUSEnS Men's llark Grny Tweed TriueriTH Ihe new-; fecl-i. Worth .'u in the regular way. A h price is . 2U dozen .Men's (p1y U-k llark Orwy 3lnp V tegular ?:t.."p value, and the ailjti4itp si. . Ihetii al ...... ... SWEATERS ' A lot of Men's All Wool Swwuler -i.i h :tn Grey and chocolate Utn. I'terini-i . i t . f)jit they go al ft iloien lleny All Wod, Cham St.t. h Svv rrgnlnr 1.(H value for le Mian Hie wh price Si I IU ft iti i'i il ' dozen C.nboo Work Shirts in a brown. pni effeel vilh'l(ere i a lot of Scotch Wind Fishermen'". Jc collar and two breast pockets that sold for 'sJSl.jHI. CI fit! ," ' ran'! afford to overlook. A regular 0.un p M It's a sh .me. but take them lor In go al this .ab- for U Thor Mnmn's wlu re it woui.l oii.t.iubleilly prov van Itok api reminded that he a Miceess. i'je appropriateness i was 4he originator f ilial mo1 i- s.i apparent that eyen the maui asuraMiting ami aceure. iiieiii.. in Ihe strwl. or that wonderf. ..f loakiiii: up magatine ariicle-mythiral pe;-so i;o nijis' atu!wne'reiry jiist 'as'you' were begin-reads, will soon Join with tti-1 liinu to gel 'vitally "lnYerete. in thinking maru-it'y ami lake step.! Ihe siibjeel you an obliged aiiiiil' to initiate the movemenl here ninny muttered oallis In search ind see that il is carrie.h f..;- its routlmiation at Ihe endj ihrous-h. ';f the magaxine, or ils'niid.lle. oi ; j finally wherever yon car. find As mentioned above. youn;"ie Hiing. 'Ilii process wa people of 11 prescnl general ion jadopleij In Hlt and h?is been, .... ' .i : . . . ' I .... M tolerated ever siuee because mi' Look for The Cross Road &l 720 Second Avenue WE SELL ONLY ONE COM The Best! NANAIMO-WELLINGTON (Deep Seam) ' good wherever iisedl Oi-r ..( .. , e -'.rl heal and is most e ioiom-,l Our Nuii.iiiiK. N j iinig:..i, . i (,.,) ir u r. Itauge fuel obtainable. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117 canadunT VltllB'tT Canadian Pacific Railway B C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert ... urn I tt'Mf iii ifiwn ,m f fOWUll. IMKZU. ilKUU. iUCWil r nuconia. nnoiit u sairu is. ntitcm utttict !!uU"", "" l,tt . oc ran. nm. n --.,-r-" ..fir v.vrf tvrsaf 11 B.HI. M; tor all Um.hl Llt. r.M itiulu r W. O. ORCHARD O.Btf.l fl. Oernae f 4lh HttH t4 Sra Ai.ku. rrlx Nnvan. BO. " UN6N STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. r vioouia, yicTORi. inn it,. . i,M ,,,, Ti. aCOUtli; VICTORIA, Al.r .., ,, I. .., 1,UM. II ror AKyOX. rORT imetON and NtM Rl..r Canntrltt, Thf. J". . ' '--w, -.mux, hlicb arm. ITaWART, )?, a m. f, BaeMltf,- lt. )., RVMfl Punty fir over lOOyt ask fbr again 1 3$Jl 'I'his tidverliseinniil is not publiMicd or displayed by h1'6 Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Urilisu Columbia