January ?0. 1920 My Fhones 423 539 r. 238 'MEM'S Comfortable and Sturdy iho tier. r For fitlJ, form, or ftnrral wort k (or LLii l your - - - w Ai - Jk v.: ?s a Prince Rupert IDRYDOCK -If J. LKCKIK CO. UUITU), vtvmuvrji. b c fie mini ' i u on (Ac NJ ongoieum Specials REMEMBER K .- Ii Co'ijfolruui ling sold ly u car- 'I '! Si t .i t. 1 1 1 .ilclailiou or your OMHiey 'n .: n i $ 7.90 nvloit $13.75 9.70 :M; 15.75 11.70 n:i'i 17.55 x::. . $19.00 lARRIE'S Home Furnishings Our iMr ai l;ul New- iiUno Avenue Phone 123 anadian National Railways AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock iglnoan, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern maker, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? UGBOATS Rack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phonei 687 533 Gr. 238 Black 735 .OGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Kruzell Hnleher Shop, across from the Empress Hole! We rarrv a full line of IGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION mes Zarelll Proprlotor 8 The Savage Washer and Dryer At the last (,i::rit'i Kxh liilioa repealed il m !. t.l Ihe pros inn year. ry flKoin winning inld Medal wilh dih iiilelion uver all oilier makers of American it nf l.iuimlinn Washer. Cash Price $185.00 Also sold mi euy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone 1 Cuinero4t"st Dance" 'Orchestra, l'hwne 177' V. ;, If Large safe for sale, cheap Max Ifurlbroner. tf Corric's Taxi and Messenger Phone &GG niaht or day. tf "A Nlcht wP Burns" In First Presbyterian Church tonight at 8.15, ..Admission 50c. New shipment of Ladies' Shoes in Ihf lain. mis Kiijflisli "Cable" make, witlt Dri-Pcd Soles. Me-At tliiii j Shoe Slore. tf It. V.. Moore, lurid inaiiajrer for P. Iliiin- A i;n., Ltd., returned on tin Calala last niphl after a brief business I rip to Vancouver. t ' , Circulars, notice, balanoe chetlH, fyl". etc. mimeographed. Prompt' r ire. Call Miss John stone, 2y second Aveuue West. Phone 387. ' tf Mr. and Mrs. H. T. WilleH sailed thin morn in? on the Prince Itouerl for Vancouver whrre they will take up their rcsideiire. siatf Captain Walter I.. tar-iiiiiim of the Salvation Army arrived iu the eily from Wran- .f.'ii on Ho- iinnies aiMi-r tin iiionutiy. . it. Dawson, returned this mortuiiK troni a vnut to hdmon-lon'dii.l Calvary. Me expert in leac at the end of next week fo' Kitnioiitcm. Mr. K. M. Cftrhould and family of I'raser Lake reached lite city nil iln murninK'ii train. 'I'hey are oitheir my 'Jjp . rleti I'oreher llantt i ' J"rV SeraMMM- Mun. ll3.M.P.. wKo h;i tn-.-n on a t thi week lo s:-.aaway mi official duties, re !i:ni"d to the eily on the Prhr t.'-. Maiy hu morninsc. M. P. MeCaffery returned on UK Mil III f !Uill I1IIUI a HU11, rlis " . C.I.W ..wl l'.ln.,..,l.. i4ipl. Joan Williams, well Viiowtt Yukon and White Pan -kipper, and M,r. Williams we-re passenarvxoMnsr UlroQgh bound south almard (lie Princess Man this iiiuming. Miss Irene lourasa of th .oeni!iienl Telejiraph stafT. after liaxitm sienl eral wek in Yaiirouxcr iflinf al her home, re turned to the city on Ihe 'iaiala last night. S;,ni Olsen, Jack Murray. Olof Oiisi-. tred i.ollms and rred Hay- ler of Jap Inlet are business Msiiors in the city. They arriv- I esitrlay aboard the ttushoat Tekla . and will return IhM afternoon lo Poreher Island. MIm-iI Farrow, sleamboal in -peetor. arrived in Ihe dily from Vancouver on the ("atala hist night. He is here to make a-1 nspeeiion of (he steamer Prince Charles which ic beins prepares! al Ihe dry dock lo resume rr- lee. Af!er having spent a couple r days isiling in the city, K. Kennedy, callle rancher of fJlen-lioi'ii. Manitoba, and Mrs. Kon-iicdy proceeded south on Ihe rince Ruperl litis morning. Mr. Kennedy was a schoolmate of red stork. M.I'., in Ontario ami while here he and Mrs. Kennedy Vrc shown about town by Dowy- iaS nMMK. ANNOUNCEMENTS C.N. It. F.mployes second annual hail in Auditorium Friday, Fi-uarv t nV.MtllaT Itt I Tri-llwt K H.lin CATARRH tf the BLADDER Sth. Saccurfal EichLanrule ruirti THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All yoaneed is waste fdls and fi EL LETT'S PURE I VC FLAKE LI L full Directions With frerj'Cat YOUR GROCER SELLS IT! Mllin-ii; i aplnug -i!' 1 1 . i r . ell-. Mix Jotiiiciiinc. lMiMii.' Mil. tf Two cars at your service Sbeddon Taxi.' Phone 134. tf Open fytv biMinee! Arthur Cigar Stiire, tiixlh Street. Taxi Service. .U"lliur i Orchextra. Latent inu-ic. 78. liood I lance Phone ti Tom K'dlini and l"in Hyan appeared in tlie city j.oliee cuur! tliio morning on i'har:e. of va raney and were -remamled fo'- leitxhl days. Al Ihe Rotary lunehe ni yenler- kiy it announeed that C. II. firnie Itim iied last wee wilh the Han lueito Hulary 'dun. lie i otUl in California. M. O. I,. Murray ami family of Jap Inlet, after peiilinp u day iu the city willi her aisle. Mi !.. John Manoon, will return lo J'nrtJier Inland tbiantoi. - " -;j . , At the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday afternoon Arct-at-oii Jliv a admitted as a new member, lie wio introduced tiy John I rt-havn. Tliiiiia MeClynioiit F. . iK.licrly, manager of the rineiiy manatcer of tile branch i .i i. o . . ; here rami in llns moriiiiig on Ihe aii-i up liic rnnur nupfri iir Vancouver an business " Tlitii Col, provincial a-nv ernmeni auditor, sailed on the Prince Rupert thi morning- to Victoria arier a viiui lo ihe interior and in the city on official dutie. train ami i holiday here. pending a short Andrew llainl, mVitiaaer at Daws. in for the Ircartwell Hold iMininc Company, was a passen ger aboard the Prinress Mary today bound for YanComer en r.'iile lo Ottawa on a btisincw trip. Rev. P. F.. Ilaisler lefl on Uie Prince RiiimtI this morning for Yanrouxer. Ne week he will, attend a meeting of Ihe Pacific Synod at Lonftview. Washington He will return to Prince Rupert in altout two weeks. Wilfrid tieattoii is slarling the eoiislrueUon of the first of three !wo-terey five-room moder: dwelliiajre with basement on the l wo large lots forniitiK a triangle al Iheeoiuer of Second Avenue and Ailiu Avenue in Westview. Passenarer arriving Inst nighi in the city aboard (he steamer Catnla from Ihe south wre Mrs. V. Skog, Miss Irene ltourasa. Mr. Granl. Mr. Harrison. M. ( Davie, Mi. Johns!n. A. Farrow. H. K. Moore, Mr Hailey and Mr. SwarU. CP. It. steamer Pi'inee Mary.j Capt. C. C. Sain ley. from Alasku porl to was here from .15 to 10 o'rJoek this inoruinif. The esscl IrtliJ 38 passengers g.Miig through Vaiieouver while six disembarli-en here. Mr. atfif Mrs. It. tirewf; wio have been re-Uding in rtio cijy. loA the past few months while Mr. tireen was eiistapcd as' master' mechanic in the elevator construction, sailed tin morning on the Prince Rupert for Vuiwouvee eoroute to Winnipeg. I Passenger sailing ahoard the steamer Pr: Ituperl this morniiiK ff Vancouver included Rev. P.;U: ihiijlcr. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. nreih, Mi. and Mrs. K Kennedy,' II A- t 'inig, James Milne, .MftHd M - II. T. v,l-letl, Miss SehCM'i Thomas Cole Ralph llarrop, M P. McCalTery.f Olof Hanson, M 1 Ureen, Mrs.' . Daniel. T. It. Iieiis.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKacliern and Mrs. M.V.nU Jouct. i I "A Nlcht wl' Burns" In First Presbyterian Church tonight at 8.15. Admission 50c. ItclM'kah and Oddfellows wIimI di nf and lance, oton Hall. Fi iiniary 10 al 8.Jl). Arthur's oivhr.tlra. ' Jai-i Mid.eod, collector of , i-uk'oiiii, who hau'U'fen in Van-: i'i iiivi'i- mii a holiday trip, i ex-if'-ti'd hack oir the PrincefS ' lJrai rirc tomorrow mornin?. I Mr. and Mr. Jainr. Ctnylnii of jKuiriiiede. Sakalclii'van, arc ! i"f)eiiitinx secral moiitli in Ihe i-ity vixiJinj: with Mr. and Mrs. '.Lance PoM erioti. Mr. Clavloil is" I a prairie ran' iier. JUDGE YOUNG HEARS i I CASES AT SMITHERS Dominic Delias Appeal Falls and Civil Suit is He'd Over for Consideration SMITIIKHS, Jan. iV. The ap peal of Dominic Hellas against a entetice of three month for being 'in possesion of stolen properly came up hefore Judge Young al the fitting of the lAJUiitj Court n , I hurday, hut wa thrown oul of court by lii Honor a hiis oul of order and Delias ftfarled for Okalia 1 ! hame evcoiag. L. V. Pal more reprcM'nled the Crown and II. I.. ItoiduMin the defendant. In the civil euit of Kenmily vs. liell, the judge after hearing con-Mderalde argnmeiil. reuetetl rounel on each idr lo .u!mi' llieir. ea in writing and In nouid ronider it. J. S. kennedx wax represented by II. L. flohin-Min and Itell by M. (ionale. The fnur minors up for then were given a stern talking In ami let out on .tiitpended sentence, on their parents bond of o00. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHUHY ISLAND. Part cloudy, I igbU north west wind; biiroineler. zw.3; nrnniierniure, :n: ea smoth: 0.3O .m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch anchored al Captain's Cove; 6.35 p.m. spoke liape Scott stormbouiul at Itraver P.iss; 6:tS p.m. soke steamer Prince John at 'Jueeii CbarlolO -ity : 8.63 p.m. -poke steanic! Laloitclie. Iudy-inith for Ketchikan. 130 miles from Ketchikan: 10.15 p.m. sHkif moiorship Xor-eo. Seattle for Ketchikan via lly-der, I SB miles from Ketchikan. IKAD TIIEF POINT. Ran.-1 meter, 2t.X(; temperature. 10. ! HULL 1IARHOH. Showery.' fiwh southeast wind; barometer.! zh.jo; icuieraiure, u; seu moderate. Noon IHtillY 1SI.ANI) Cloudy, calm barometer, 2d 3d; temperature tO; sw siiiutMh; 8 a.m. spoke tu, Cajie Scot! l miles soulli of Hank Island bound for (Juecn Charlotte City; 1 1 J0 a.m. spoke to? Pacific Monarch left Cap-laiu's C,o'e at 10.30 a.m. south- hound; 'J a.m. out steamer Prince Ruiert southbound; 0:I5 a.m oul .sieamer Princess Mary south bound. HKA1) TIlKi: POINT.Ilaro-meter. .,,..8ii: leiuperat ore. 12. IU 1.1. M AIUtuH Itaromcter. 2l'.:i7; tempera! ure. i5: ea mod-era I e. POLICE STORMBOUND GOING TO ISLANDS Having been stormbound aboard Ihe launch Parhcua, Capt.; ulnhound1 1 Aniour. on nanks island,; Vancouver i '' ""me an Hours, urn provincial !!;ee iarty which left herej Tuesday nijrlit to invest isnte (lie results of a drunken lnavvl at1 Loc-keport rc-nclied their destination yesterday ariornoon. It is expecidl I hey will return to thej eity tonishl. In the meantime I the local provincial police of-j fie reports thai no details of Ihe' trmdde have yet hei'n received. A UVe plot is not without in the scenarios. honor. I CeciA'a hear it "whispered" by "Whispering Jack Smith" on his first Victor Record No. 19787 A ' 10-lnch double-sided Record, 75c.s riMcsi See any "His Master's Voice" Dealer for this and the following latest. numbers-19840 - 19841 - 19843 Victor Talking Machine Company DEMAND of Canada Limited "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Storage Co., IM Prince Rupert, B.C. French Ivory 20 per cent reduction on All Ivoiy Goods for One Week Only HOWARD PENS regular $ f.M und Si. 50. On sale this week at . . $2.25 and $2.75 Ormes Limited The Hexall Store Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Slore open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 to ?. and 7 lo 9 p.m. al BOLltJEatlZ . rr 4 wr to. .sight" s Best Procurable ft9 tjf L,JHl (THE ORIGINAL) Pare Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Cut k 5m I Chshdaxk wtj U)v.Ckilit DuilnM, (Ml. This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the OrtverntDeot of Dritijh Columbia. 'X. 9i 'Am