as to Policy by Dr. Hcustls of Alberta Ml T'Mtl A. Jan. .'. Unit Ihe lmd iiiject In outride T .-.-nr. in law udmitiislm- I' ' win indicated III !. . l. I uiway schol i" In-ar Hit. llf Uli'lillllTH lf !e lllOIll ? j' ii--nrinhiM," dr. Mn) ! I'l iidray. "liuf when ): '.'Hn.' I" ilii' nly and In here. I ohjrrl - rr-",iw(y. n nit t tt tin i rvn ir m 3 n I a u m a a . , a a a a. IV I llllllll ffl i1 Hill POLL SMITHERS reat Interest Taken In Election This Year; Poll Was Large SMI I I US J.ui Iih- em. W'-' It t-I.I hen- l'slri'- ila: w i ii Ki'-aii'i IiiIiti'iI licini: . ... .. . i... . . il . . li u. i hi- i.iiiiiuir iiiiiii ill iiiiv ' " lliincital I'lfrllnll. Of Mi ' u ml iv raiidhlalt'i) in tlx' III 111 'ill' U.'l-I. Il.ill.ilil ..II J II Ml "v ii.ixing wd lid raw ii Mllll Ci in (III- lij.1. Tlir .iiirn' lil rniilainiil a v iiivr Inindi.-d luinicn: uf iir? . JO em.! liallidn. Iwo of wlucli w i-r wimileNl. Tlio ulliift jI I u- Udliiw : I , l:. Oirliard 1&3. 1 . i i . r 1. W'anirr. I3K. Jn II t.inal. 111. s'v ia J. Maytr. 1. I .' llaiin. OH. Ilirct inri't wrrr wrrr dwlarrd iKM'iurtMii I in' tiri v elrHiil Win S lli'iirv wa ioliiniinl nf'ir'" a'td (wo. V. Slorkoy,' lIC'K j WILL ADJOURN . AFTER DEBATE Federal Cabinet to be Reorganized During Six Weeks' OTTAWA. Jan. .'.-- lor Hie t iimcut and dcaliiiK with inat-' ' wliieh will need iittenlion us he i-r.i'.ilj of parliatneiil having in eii c.iili'd earlier than usual nfter Hie uenerul eleellon, lion. I nrsi Lapoiule annouiiceil yes-''day nfleruoou in Hie House of oiiimon-i tlio irovernment'fi In-"Mm lo nk Ihe House for an iidjournmenl of six weeks, fol-tnwniK i he ijpoal of the ilelialu on the address. OFFICERS SANK WITH LARISTAN HALII AX, Jan. 211. None of Mir officer of the steamer I'Krislan were Inkeu off before Hie vessel founderd In mid-Allanlic Tuesday nlphl, iiecord-lnp lo it radio messnpe from (lie sleiuner Hrenieri, which rescued ;s uf her rfew. Meeting of Council of Board of Trade Dec'des to Send Telegrams A I u iiicclimt ,.f i in- llu,-ij or Trade council yclrilay a': pi -lltMlli II wax divided In . nd hium letlii'vraiii In Hi' presiiien ot lit wheal iMiui.o aiiil I lie (nam (SroweiV A--.ii ,aljn .ii lie1 ' prairie lelluiii them iliai Hie K of i in- romniifi.iiTn li' i.- w,h in a (t: !..n ;i li't.-r from llcv. Itr.i'" a und a quarter arm i Hi m ri'iary of --' f arwn. that il .-..uid la llian. u road u1' '" 'im ,'nr!' " '. e.nild dry. Ill llll'lllal lull fl. It . , pot try thil i hk ll'-'il x Hi., i run un iii of I In-1 re-j I lie T -Mi mill I.11.I1..I. ,. .luv ,.i,,l ...... i . I ship mil llirimvli I In' spout al-! ready f I J an hour. While Hirer spout., art- : VOTE EXPECTED ON MONDAY NEXT ENDING DEBATE OTTAWA. Jan VJ. Tlir vote mi Hit aiiifi'd-Hirnl to tlir adilrr-.-. limv-il liy lion. A rlh ii r Mi'islirn will likely he liikcii iti tlir HiHi-f tii Moiulay. TIiId iuiuuilitui vu pifii by Hon. .1. A. Ilobh. urling iiiinil'r if fiiiaitre, who wan Ifadiiip I In' t iosfiniiii'iil al lite llmr of tin- Mdjournini'iil lal niithl. H! -a'd he ninciliid an Hrt'i'iiii'iil had Itt't'ii arrhtil al ! Iwi'cu I he whip.t for I lie laknitf f Hie vote on .Monday. 30,0011 buslieln: Jlll imw i' t! available in a Mci'k IIiiti' Mill lit lunrt and no illd) wiiuld iHvur in luadnix ftfii mm. iiMrinlrndi'iil ! ! uf Mir Ifvalor wa iri'-fiil al Hie tiiri'l-iii and auri'd tlit ihimiiIh tk llial lliy wrri- mw in a inilioii In liandli' ?raiu if it i-ouid Ur MU It'll. TIim. 1'if-idi. Mir tr,lMry. (.. . .iekfiuii aM W. II. I'ul- Hj.ii j ir apiUiaJUJUCjMMUHilltf In drfifl li- Irlryritiiio Mini irt wi'rt- al-u -tiil fii Krwl Slttrh ami linn. W. II. Ilnlili. miniiltr t' Tradi- A Cuiniix'rrr in nward In III!' Mllllt. ARREST IS MADE FOR CAUSING THE DEATH OF ONTARIO WARDEN WIHTNLY. Old.. J inf. -MJ. -John I'urks. I nipper, wast arrest - lt ipii!.!' m reorKHiuxiiwt Ihe gov-led by piovineial poller in con in t-l ion Willi Ihe ileal Ii of Sor Ktwtnt John Hillings, panic warden and (lulde. and Joseph ."flreuurr, who-e bodies were ftiund burned in a shack a week ano. Parks is believed to have been illirlly li'tippiiiiit- in Alport-tuiii I'ark and Ihe officers went (u liivesliRitle. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Itid. Asked. Wheal I .!.' C. p. 1 18.00 I mow ell 1.1.0 itiiadsioiu in;i .:ni L. A I 131. .1514 Marmot 05 .10 Premier 2.1 2.23 ( Silvererest I" .12 Howe Sun.l 2U.r.O 31.50 Independence .10 Mis.s K M. Karle sailed ttbonnt the l'riucpss Mary litis inorninfc for V.i'H'onvev on it liUMoe-- trip SEINING BOATS Kub-fiibr jBKKKIIEBKKUKtS! mmm m a aa aaa a Jt.U.II. AT TUU J UUIXIIMAY. TJm" tt'iUlHvouiHVfrsary ut Hie rotuula'iuii ' Jhe now lu-lori. inl was i cit'ii) ..led rei-fiillv in-All vrt Hull. London, when Hie I'mi. e tii Wale lighted :''- Lamp- ' Maiuleiiaiire. to Ik' carried lo various lirain lie in 1 lie lliili-li Umpire, tfonlli Ameririi ami the I'uiletl .Slater Aboul 0.000 viliiesed Ihe reretiiony liowii ahove. GALE LOSES IN APPEAL COURT Must Pay ComnVsslon to Dal Thomas on Elevator Site Deal, Court Decides Ylf.TOIIIA. Juit. 21'. Ihe ap-j pttsil f ox-inayni II. II. Oar and ln uoeial'- auaint the jtntfr-liicnl Ul June vvlierehy Iai I'Iiohhi vva awanled Iwo per r'iil enioinii"'iiMi on a niilliou tlollar ivexled hy Spillers In Ihe prain elevator iile, was liemUetl hy Ihe appeal court estertfny. A 9uuj)ler appeal of Tlionias n-kliiK for addilittnal oonnni-sion on half a mlllktii dollar wu alluwi'il. TlKunat now in enlifled lo eol- h"l approximately !f:i5.i00 in eonimi!ions. BEING BUILT Victoria Firms Get Contract For Construction Cost to be $100,003 VICTORIA. Jan. 2 lainlraols for the ciMi-iriit'iion of three seine fishing boats and seven scttWH by Ihe Canadian l'ackin Coifiornljon. which is establish ing a new fish reduelion lant at Noolka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The three boats Which will cosl (io,oon wll) be. huill by Yarrovv Ltd. al llsipilmall and by TnrpenV .MailTie Hallway on Ihe old re-serYftjiere. All will be ready by Mny. J iJnlort sleainer Catala. Capl. A. Johnstone, arrived from Van couver juid wayporl al 1 1. 30 last nlalil, Milliiiir shortly nTter mid nipUb; for Anyox ami Ihe Nans lllvefjTlie vessel will sail from here on her return south al lo o'clock lonmrcovv uiorninp. 'lie Oa !y News Great Pacific Storm Broke in Two Parts but is Slill Blowing Sixty to Seventy Miles an Hour Yltri'OlllA. Jan. 2. The great lnrin rnvering an urea o: ;i,UI)( Mpiare miles, vvliich was blowing in Hie North Purine for the lasl Iwti tlavs, lias broken into twit parts vu- indifuleti last night, a portion of Hie main hurricane thirled eastward over Northern llrilish Columbia into Alberta carrying warmer tem perature with il, Napier lleuistin, observatory superintendent here ays. Lnst night the CP. liner Kmprcss of Asia in Ihe centre of Hie mniii. ilisliifbance, reported by wireless thai the gale wa-blow inn betw een (Jo and 70 miles Tr" ' Hrtl'tiCANADIANSWON Denion predicts, will he caused njr rfiTUTi lIAimnP nlonp H,e coas, by Ihe storm.' SK A I Nil H IN IKS An extra five is expected. or six feet rise WEATHER REPORT prince Iluperl: Pari cloudy, lihl NAV. wind; letup. 31. Terrace: Pari cloudy, strong wind: temp. :it. Anyox: tlloudy. calm, letup. 10. Stevvurt: Cloudy, calm; tenu.). 28. Hazellon: Part cloudy.- calm; temp. SC. Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, calui temp. 18. ijiiUnV: Cloudy, caljii; leinp. 15. Kuril Lake : Cloudy, calm: temp. 20. Whilehorse: Parly temp. 2. I aw -on: Cloudy; temp. 1 1. Averuse leinperalure for Yu (ion. 13 above lerti. Charles Gorman of St. John Took Senior Honors and Leila Brooks !s Lady LILLY 1.AKI-; N.H., Jan. 2y. Ctiiiadian skaters won all Hie championship al the world amateur mcel vvliich cffutfudci' here today. Charles Cm man of SI. John won the senior lilli'. Leila llrooks of Toronto was senior in the l.xlics' chainploti ships. Thomas Teho of St. .lohit'too1. Ihe 18 year old crown. O. II. Sinylhe of .Moncloii won cloudy; the 10 year old title. I Charles lltinticr;; i l-iulaiid who won the Olympic tftlu in ItV.'l, was atiionjj ' winners. Ihe minor point A MEETING of - PRINCE RUPERT LIBERAL ASSOCIATION will be held in llio METROPOLE HALL Friday, January 29, at 8 p.m. Business Election of Officers St -v TAXI Boston Grill 25 a - mlm Large Upstair Dining Hall, willi newly laid dancing Anywhere at A . Hi floor for hire. it " Stand Royal Hote., hi, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for Hie MATT VIDECK, Prop. j lcaet. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XVI NO, 21 IMUNCt. lUU'KHT, B.C.. Kill DAY, JAM AltY 20. 1020. VfliTli)' ' imiUllim. liJ? Slrtft Site, 38 PRIP.B FIVK CENTS. REAT PACIFIC STORM IS STILL OMPLETING ROAD TO RAGING LD AGE PENSION SCHEME IS TO BE INTRODUCED BY GOVERNMENT SOON OLICE BOARD xrFOKTMADE AND OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE TO GET GRAIN EMPIRE SCHEME SELL RAILWAY OF SETTLEMENT ANY COUNTRY 1 Prince Rupert Has Opportunity j If Britishers Buy P.G.E., Securl- to Co-cperate in Bringing People i-rom Old Country i Local hunk are co-operating w: ii i lie t airailiaii-tlcparimcnl Of iinniiri'alion in Coiinection willr Ihe eaiTying out of il limpirej JM- . ,1'iiieiit rii' m.- whereby very low fi-aii"ijto:t.a. ion rate arti .offered ?eitlei-i Irom tireal llril-ii". iih I'liimt i-y for Thosie ak'i i' iand mi- proponing lo ji "ii laniiv II al-o applies; ,., li'i'l-elii'l-l W'.i'k'r.-. N.'! only m in- paa?r rate very low, liiider Ihe eipute, JiU' fioiii'v ni a." tie advanceil by ; .. iinvei:iinei'i. repayable injh-s'alnieid.-t afiei- the arrival of i Hr iiiiiniir; ant in tlii-4 country. laK. l iinre Hubert a- an ex-; ample. Tip- fare from Knland iiieu? i vj. aiiproxmialeiy or iaooiit Any householder here ; may iiomiiiitle a hou-eliold work- ! er in l.nylaiid, Scotland or Ire- liand to e-iine liere. and by puar- uiitii'inv I twit (the faivr will be repaid al Ihe rate of fie ilollar- nioiilli that piirtioiifa wilb bet brought here praclieally free of col, esi-ei( for meal on the train. A form has to be filled out and (hi ran be done at any of the lo cal banks. One of Hie local bank malin gers ."is.'pe.-'l! that probably a number of Prince Iluperl -people would wish to pel houehold helpers from Ihe Old Country un der the siclienie. GALLOWAY RAPIDS IS TOJOISCUSSED At tli i;m-il of the Hoard of Trade yesterday afternoon Pre sident Olof Hanson wu asked to ike uii further with lion. T. 1. I'atlullo ilir question of com pleting the road to Ualiowav Itapids. Il wa snvv'sled that pussibly iielter re-ull uiiplit be obtained if the work was let by contract. It was under. stood thai Ihe ap-l in. rial ion for the road work set aside last year had been exhausted and a committee consisting of he president ami vice-president discussed the mailer willi Mr. I'attullo when he was here. Mr. Hanson, who left fiw Hie oufli this mni-iiiiip. will further discus the work with the min ster while lie is in Victoria. OFFICIAL COUNT OF FISHERMEN'S YOTE FOR AGENT TUESDAY - In connect ion vvnlt the vole for agent of the Deep Sea Fisher ties Will te Marketable in States Says CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL VP TOIIIA. Jan. 2D. l ollow-'.c ri'-cipi of a'n.'i.ort from Ot-faWa Hial Leon LadRr, njember for Vancouver Sotitli, ronduc,-intr a t-impaijtn lo secure artion to insur that Ihe Pacific (treat Kalern Itailway, if sold, will be retained under llrilish control. Premier Oliver made clear Hie --memmcnl policy in repard to it. He announced txiday that the road was for sale lo capitalist of any nnf im-alily who were will ing to '-(imply with the rondition lipulatt'd by 1 lie lepilaliire. Capital known no interualioiial boundary," sttid Mc. Oliver, add ing that if the railway and laud subsidies were acquired by llril-shers. tlieir securities would he marketable in the I'niled Stale. tfilih today. American tomorrow, or the reverse." AGEPENSIONS THISSESSION Hon. Ernest Lapolnte States LeglslaCpn to Provide for It Will be Introduced OTTAWA, Jan. 20.- It is lh intention uf the iiovcnimenl to submit t" Ihe House a bill to provide for obi a'se pensions and I am pleased lo say that it will follow Ihi? peneral line recommended by Hie Ci'iiiinltlic mi old tjie pensions which sat liisl ses sion, ibis aniiounreineiil was made in the House of Commons yesterday aflermt'O by Hon. l-'.r- iie-i Lapoiule, aclinsr leader of the House, in reply to. a tjueslion by A. W. Nefil, juiiepejideiil memlier for Comox-Atbertii, who urped ' Hie (iovriuuent to lake action in regard to the matter .several years apo. BUILDING OF 1LLSTARTS Construction at Seal Cove Will Commence Next Week Plant to be Ready April 1 Construction of Ihe new sawmill f the Seal Cove Lumber Co. Lid. at Seal Cove will 9lart next week with Ihe intention of having 'the plant in operation by April 1 announced C. P. lllej, secretary-treasurer and general inanmper of the company, this mi.rinup. Organisation uf (ha con-' in. which will have local citizens as iis directors, is Bow men' Inion, which was taken' (( ,.omi,,.tc, by Mr. Kiel this week, the ballot boxes httvef all been forwarded to Seatllu '...!..... ii. ..r:. .!..! i ...:,l wuvit; im- oinej.ii cuuiu iu nui made on Tuesday evening next. Ihe official announcement of the cliuitiie will then be made. The preliminary announcement showed a majority of Hit for Capl. John Morrison of the fish-it boa! 1.S.T FIRE RAGING IN COAL MINE Number of Men Trapped by plosion: Three Rescued; One Body Recovered Kdward (, .llerpfeld. Untied -- " Stale dislrfcf prohihilion com- IlliX ro.V. s., Jan. 2U. - lle-missioner for Alberlji wll It head- iween nrteen and forty men were quarlers in Washlnptou. H.C trapped in lilt explosion today Ir. was a passenser nlioard 'Hi! the -oaf mine ul Arankaor. One Prince- Mary Ibis morningi body ha been recovered and hound sooth tin his way to Chi-' Hirer men rescued. The fire Is iMtKO. a t, r a tour ut Alaska. 'reported 0 be slill raginp.