v January 29, 1.020. THE DAILY NEW3 i-r.-,rT. PAGE FIVE SOAPY SMITH I TTM pa aaaa SUPREME COFFEE AND O'BRIEN "The Coffeo that has em all beat." - i IN THE NORTH C tr -rsv ? gowi mil il June I 11 ' ii'H spied Kin lint MiiivP firxt ami -II.. MT. Tell you grocer "It mu6t be "SUPREME" Don't Buy Your Crockery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices We Save You Money Gordon's Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phone 447 I " a I "'i- ;i ulli'i ONYX Ladies Shoes u::tf !. Hi;tkc. ' n ,! I'im-os riuhl Family Shoe Store Phone 357. Third Avenue. Shot Silk I M i I ( 1 Taffeta I Soft pimiiio Swi Silkc winrli will not rut, in lii'au-shadi'M of llltins. '"''lis, llusc, Pencil. Mlack. Nil v etc IteKiilnr $?.&(). Sjieelal j)tr ynml $1.85 The West of England Store Third Avenue Phone 763 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Offleo llour 0 to 6j X-Ray Ssrvlos Phone G8Q. "pen Tuesilay mid Tluirsday I VI'llltlKS 8aluriluyis U to 12 noon Norman Watt Tells Rotary Club How he Met Notorious Crlm- Inafs on Way to Yukon : r Noinian Wall of I In riiy wti mi Skagway ai the time of MH: killing of I In noii'il oiil law, Kapy Smith, ami In alxo wn! no! for a short I line to tin-ihhoiioin criininal i'Jtii-nt wjio wax Infer hanged at St. Loiii. I Mr. Vli lnlil a unrulier r eJ liiinixrcncex of the day of oh anil Iif fnri n I ho Notary Club Imii lii'iin yclcrday. .Int after Mr. Wall arrival in SkiiRWHy in Hie arly days of iilu- Klondike gold ruh, Soapy Miilin ami lux (rung of outlaw' were operating along the Da 1 1 on trail Willi hendijiiarlcr'x al Skajr-way. Mayor llcid iif Kkagway eul an ill 1 1 in Ji I ii nt in Smith tefl-lug liim Hint a ni.-Hmn of fit i-cn wax going In he held and Dial after the mectiig lie would Im' there at the peril of his life. Mi gang wont In Hi meeting ami broke il ui ami cleared the premises. SmmIIht written mexnagc wan -'ni t,, Sirfith -tolling him llifty were point; lo confer on Hip mIiii if ami thai if In- paxxed a certain iol thoy would xhool to i ill. Soapy Smith ranic ami jo! a be pail Ihe named xpol Imlli in- unil iii opened fire and ImiIIi were kilid. Paddy Was There Ax Mr. Wl( wa going into "ln Yukon ho m-t I'addy Ityan al I hi farther end of Lake ha-ha rgo ami 1'aildy proved n mod li ti( alii' ho I. n mi ere ring n.ierrilon wan lln- minu ilnwn Thirty 'Mill' liner, which wa -ircwn wild iiiplic unit wrri-k;ui of thoao m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TtMart for Print Runt Wharf Reen- eiroclMxi f Vi l li TIlMi oilnr-d " Tawnier fur iwrr M lllilee Hubert WtMir Mfli't.il will Im re Ileal bl' Um Utah table Ik MiniMer r I'liliil- work. up In IHxHI ull MiU iiw tu firm itur nt Jainir. mrfi. tnr nrominioihm of iim .(-ri n nf cruvinrnl 0ivni uwnl Wlwrf at rrmrr llHfwri. B.i;. riinv iM-irintliun. nintrart m I. .nn of Inulrr iiu ! u utd arV't iih lili ilai nf Jiir. , ami furUMtr inr'iriMiiiai iiuuimmi fnjti Ibc im-mi imni ..f I'ulillr Wurk. l'liUliHu Bulkl nit- x . i..n. n r., ih. iiwtrnl fiirmit, i. imiUih-hi 'it mitltr virk, '.nun Him', Van. ... hi... ami ihr luairirt hnrhi -r. i min llmiv. Prlnr llurt. B.C. .rtur. i,t uUlw. Hrrlflllon. lr- il lx- nhiaiiml rruni Uh lNparuiH-ul mi IKUiM-nt hT ilMli nf five ilMUra Mrb will tir rrruiHlml ii It rrllini of II nii. rue. in riKwi urarr. Mrh iMirtrr nw I l irninipantn by an rrriHMl lutlik rlivqur i a rtiarUml liana nr ijiiiaiia. mailc payaliM- t Ihr llMMiralilr llw Mlntairr ut Huldir Wurkt. Mi Hi mmi or kkIii iMiiwIntl dollar KiiiX.n hi.-i hall Im fnrfHtwl if iiir Mirty InMlfrm rtrlnr u mlrr mio iiiiirai'i ih-ii raiiro uunn In ill. m. Tit litniui' if Uh- ih rrvf ill irtHlon-r UI l rriaiimi wnirii; Tor Utf Oil anil ratiliful twrfiirniaitrr of lt wurk till Mlrlirv rtai-.r.lr!:.. ..I ilu rmilrirl Trtnlra lll fwf t rafitrrHl Ufllmia mad'' hiii i hi fiirm iimii-iI. i(ivd with iiw ariuai airiuiun of n- I'lHIrrrr ami nroM-)l In i-nti'lHic TurnUltnl Tlx- niri or any .wiilrr i ml nH"arllv ar rrplnf. n iini n lirpuly Mlnlmrr and rtil.rir vork trrniik. fuirtiiwnl of lnhftr Work, I'arllann'iil Huililuiirt, Vlrbirla. . IN rROBATC. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI SH lii Ihc MallT of n.-AiiniinKlrallon Act: ana In llH- AlatltT of lit KaUle of Mitnlorh Miiiilroliwrv . lo'icavil. lnliHlali'. Tut: not n r. nMi t unw r Hi- ,, . ', ' I,. '!,. ,an IIW Sim tl.l Itf JIOIt Il Itttlt I U k Bfiau.ll.lMa Ailniinl'lraloi i.r IIm Mlale of Mnnhi' li HiUxnfr'. iltM-rail. aiMl all rllri Imv hi I'laima aMttiAt I ho Mill i'talr an-IhtcIiv rpiiiirrH to fnriilh an'. imxwlv wriflml lo iih' on or Imfori' I lie fll rt.tv nf Krhrnary, A.li mn. aiul all rir- iiiiK'iiii'O in iih i'iam arr rrunimi 10 imv Ihr amoiini of thrtl- llloVIl.l!K" lo Inr forlliuilli MillVJAX A. WATT, official Aitininiairaliir. Prince lluiwrl. Ii.c. Ii.iipiI I lie ari1 iRv nf January, ttti. IN PROBATE. . .i IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1 In Malti'r or llif AitnilnHlralloii An. and 1 In tin' M.itti'i nf ll l lalf of IIitIhtI Hnliiri'. iM'.-cawl. liii.mte. TAkK .NOTIHK Ilm I liy onli'r or Ilia Honour V, Mi'H. Voimiit. imiilc I Ho tint day of January, A.li. I, I wan apiHilnimt Ailnilnlxlralor nf IIm- ralalc nf (li-rtM-rl Hixlnrr, iiVmimt. ami all lutrtle Imv tiiK rlaltn aitainat tlx aald ruir are lierrliv rrqiilrmt to riirnlli name. irnrly vrrtriml lo llif on nr liororr I lie HI ala.V of lil-imry. A.li. tVVA. and all mrllia Ihilrlilcd lo tin' i'lnli are ri-iiulrcd in pay tin- hiikiiiiH aT Iholr Imli-liteilneux In Im r,,r",,V""' MIIIMAN A. WATT. i ilffli'lal AdinlnlMtraliir. Prlnci' IliilH'il, II.C. Pnlfil lln tlrd day nf January, IN PROBATE, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ,, '"COLUMBIA. Ill lh Mailer nf Hie Adnilnltralloii Acl ii III the Mailer nr the F.ahtte nr Tmn O'llrldi. Inc.,aeit. InlCMlate TAKti ' fotTH'K Ihul by order nf III Honour F. Mr". )niinv, made Hie VI hi nay of January. A.li. II'". 'I aplMilnled Adiiilnlatratnr of the estate nf Tm iVIiricii. iiei i'ei , and nil partlca n.iv inr claim aahit 'the nlit elatc are beeeliv reillllii'd In fnriilh nine, properly verified t Hie tin of iM-fnie llie ll M nr Fehrnan A.n 1V" aim. ail panic ilulcl.lcd Hi the e.tate (ire required p. pay; l ie aiuoiint of l iioi p iiKK'Hienneaa i mc forllivMtll. NOHM N A. WATT , iifrtclal Adinlnlalralor prince i import, n.r, Diied th Jlrd day of January, l. Wash with who hail tried to naxiualc il. Hieie wax eerytlili)p lliere from eanne.i cliirkcn Ut liillly hcef. riny were canipeil on an inland jiml I hi Midi of'liawxon when " Iti iiMi. tin! erimirinl. ohllei on llieni at niidnixlil and Irmled iine honey lie iad fur 'flour I hey trad, lie liiiil eiiiniiiilled a Hie murder in IHUD ami wax finally in loealet) at St. Loiii in l!)0i wlieie lie wax tried ami haiiRed. Alwayr Paid Penalty In xuniniiiiK tif. Sir. W'rttl iaid he hi exiierience in llin Vukon( Nlmweil him Hint in no iKirl of Hie Kniiiire wa law and order pn- fureed o well a in, the Yukon. 'f The criminal alwayx paid Hie penally there. l 'eil In The Letter Box j'amt II BROADSIDE FROM ALDERMAN 'pr STtptiEiis - I Kditnr. daily Xewx. Your comineiil in Hie Nevyx o' yeln1ay that "The difficulty with Aldermuii Slephen i thai lie lelw hi politkcul IcauitUjfH ill fluence lux aelionx, uuconneioux-.now ly. erhai. lull nolle the lex certainly" would have Im-cii more 1 iiujoornux IIihii xeriuu had ym I fairly reported several fact, Iiroiijrhl out ill Hie deliale on the How Hay ipieniion Tueday even-in. in the City Council, when you acted a reporter. I have never before complained of iinfairne in reiorlinK ty your paer, and would even ihiw pax if up were it not for th oiiwic ! ion that my art ion in council may have hee.ii influenced liy ulterior molivex Surwly the ridicnluuiif of your accuxatioii of olilical Ida i- iiiiariil fnMti Ih fact that the mot ion wax fteronrteti !y Alderman Iti'own and wax acceptatiV lo nearly every meiuUer of the LAND ACT. Notlca of Inttnllon lo Apply to Laaao Land. In Prtarfi impair! l-w nmkrdinit IM Irlrl of Prin nun, and ullHale no north altnrv of xtunnon Bay. Ouwn CharV.tlr ltUm.. It ". TAkt: NOTH I that JamiMi Hcldiix Slranr and nt-rl C. U(ir, of Vancnuirr; Hi:., oflm ixiwm raniM-rj nirn, Intend lo apply fnr a Ira of tti follolnf d-rrllied forhor- al xhannnn Bay. yown i lMrluttr latamU i:oniMnrinf at a pnat planlrd on th ahnrc of Shannon Bay atxiui on rot In a aaulliKvaltrl) dlrvctiun rnnu xuiilti-rt rurnrr ih l.oi tl. aakl pnat tiotna norihrao rfirnor if an appiirattMt to jxir-rrur by Jav nldin Kiranit. tli-iir-niiihclrly folliv inir hirh watir mark of tianiKn Bay alxiot 7ou frrt to a !( tt anulh and T7 f -t ot uf i.ulh-"il corn-r of Ijit tit; tlwn."r t lift ri o iit hlih watrr mark or an laland lKuir an applh-aiMHi to leani n HpI-ti I.. Iihjm-; iliriHf nurtlirrly, ol i irl and uuthwtirl.v fotlnwlnt I ho hlnn tiler mark of aaid Nlaml to a pulnl nov rrt aonlti and till fort wrat of onth ! rnnior t&; Ihrnro v.i 10(1 fret; llifi- iHirih IS" feci, mure nr lc: thence iaO i fret, inure or le, lo the point of niiiiincnceiiieiit. and roniaininir ai res more r lea. tniBT r. nosr: and jas. rtF.i.nnn STBAO. Applicant. Per Wm. 0. Mitchell, A rent. rated Wnvemtier" IQIh. toi. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. MITH.F IS IIKIIKIIV UIVt: that mi the Dlid day nr February not llie iinileralaiml InleiHl lo apl to the l iquor Ciintrul lioant Tor a licence In repcct to pre-mle lienm liart or the liiilliliuir known a finmroerelal lintel," altuatr al Hie corner ol tirl Atenuc and Klithtli istrert. CUV or I'Mnce Ititbcrt, nmn llie lamia descrlhed a l.ol IS and 14, Block 8. 8eclon t. Mip MX. Prince Kuiiert Land llerlatratloii lilxlrlcl, in the Province or Brlllii ::iiliiin Ida. for llie aalc or lieer by ll' ! or by Ihe fiirn Imtile for eoniimpUun on th prcniiee. Ilaieil thl Ftrih day or January, lOJft. IiONAl.ti AMmrW Mel.KOIt tutinv 1 Wofip inoll-ani LA NO ACT. Nolloo of Inlantlon to Apply For Loaaa or uana. In the Prlnre Unpen tjind lieiiirttlimj plalrlrt and ltiiale on an unnamed 1M formlnr one or the Karr group or leH In llmlum Hay Paire iniiMialtn Oore l aiiltlon Point. Blue Print It M. 14. ' TAKK MOTIC.F that llarrl Kerr of prince nuperl, ll.C., Mauler .Mariner. Iniend lo apply for a Icaae or Ihe rnlovltir de-rrllied laud:-- I'.ommenrlnK al a poal on the a'hnre on the Ki aide if Ihe alHive dencribed llei. Ihcnce S.noo reel imrthwrt; Iheni-e J.orio feet liorlluast; Iheiice ll.noo reel aoutli-Mil; thence 3. (hoi feet eolithweKt tiv 'the point or rniuiiicnreinenl, ronlntiiinr S"l acre, more nr lea. IIAItlttS KF.HR. Hy bis Aireul. Josniih . Rover. i' MeiiM' na LAND ACT. Notlca or Intantlon to Apply lo Ltaa - Land. In the Prince Import Land IWnrdln' nixlrlrt and alluate on Whlleaand Inland near Hinut.ia alamt, B ue I'rlnl .M.' 14. I TAKK "NOTICK lhal' Joseph 9llnnn Holier nr Trine nnpert, H.tV, Secretary;! Intend in annlv P eae of Urn for il- IowIhk (lewrrilied tuiul i;oiinuenriita at a mil on the "tiore on nj r.wt . iijr "f i t;i"StLP'22'.T n... i,n uo inn eaal lhenc S.uuu feel aouthi Ihenrol S.ntln reel iveat to the point or coin lueiicement, josfpii stinson rooebs. Bated DaceuUior 4U. im. Zain-Buk Mcdicinil Scap. CoiuicjI. Are tlie-" uidormen al-xo iruiliy of" the saint; pulilicut iiax? Visited Cow Bay f)n Hilitday ulleni.inn thf .Mayor ami imixt of the aldermen v(iel Cow Hay and went ftare-flilly inlo ltievhnle uialter on Krotui't, and I he moliun wa line willi thiv nnieluxion then arrived al iy llie aldermen, inr Icludiiift AliliTiiuiu Caxey, not- willixlnniliiis'' liix change of heart fore Tue'xday evening. From yoiir rtinmri or Tuexday iilhi meetinir it micht ho in- ferriil thai I, and "Hut memliorx Hie (immdl, were njiioed ts ,mprovwl faillitie al Cow Hay hirk ilt ot ibe ,. T1(. ;. Iihh nlwnt rady to ive any jjlaixlaiii it rouxonaldy ejiuM hax On xmeral oeeaxionx niade il clear W I he I'roviiieial :K;iiuveriMiirtit thai wlien the pro- acoMimncKlatroii fur Hie nio- iiilo fleet wax provided Hie nly would rflltnqiiixh ilx riparian 'rinht in Uiw Hay. The city de- rline to accept Hie rexpimsiliility and exfifinxe nftiuieeied with .i matter which i one purely e- twepii one govrjfiHneiit. which is trying to MnloHd a reioni- jhillly it voluntarily auin"d. and another stoiemnieiil whose ad- milled duty it i lo lake care nr the fot. Om'tted from Report Al 'V'wtit(y' cmni-il meet ins I poiitlrd aul thai 'tin cunxl ruction of uccunitniHlalhm for the email crufl wax a duty for the Hoiiiin ion i io eminent Hirotih ilx de- purl ine.nl of Marine and Kiher iex; that the name government wa xpendin; hundred uT lliou nml of iloMarimti'dly in im lin'vins YancotiVer llarlmr. and thai we miplit. vrtry jiroperly, f peel it to"rMmf 'a few 'Hioueand dollarx in improxinjj farilitie (or the fixh'iitp and other small crafl iif Prince Hfiperl. Did you reporl thai 1 . That iu any tranxfer of waterfront neceary for llieie im-pmvciiif nix il would he a nee and unnwexxary waxte of linn1 lo draw Hie City of Prince Hu-lert inlo Hie matter for the transfer could he made direct from lite Provincial lo the ion- inion (itiver'Mmeiil : that Hie letter from Mr. Pattullo placed the en-lire rexponsihilily am expensa of iiininlainim.' ami conxlructiu.' the necessary ' acpommoilation directly upon the City instead ol where it helontred. I lid you report thai? Flnancjal Burdens Thiil a' i'.iy wil'n''a' jiopulalion of 0.(100 people and ii dclil of over s.niii).otw.4iO," with llie nccexnily ' for the cunslruclion of it lonp delayed xewfr xyxtcm xidevvalkn, further .xtreet lin- nnivefnenls and nliwer ilevelott- t ,. ,: j . j.t tnent, willi liuiidri'di nf Ins !jtin lotxf itlliup In il anniially triroiir'h ' J.' " ' m I, 1 I1IKI1 iiiMUinii, ,Mlx hoi 1(1 a II minctai position to lisMime n furl her htuMen of Hl.0iMl.u'0 li j7ri.(Mlll.fltt, a nronoxed hy the mayor, which should lie s-pent h.v Ihe Dominion liinernmenl. Did you reporl that Thai there win no puarunler whatever. Ihul Ihe filliiifr of Cow Hay would he done at mire. Iml I luil il tuiilil mil he completed I'nr xevenil vin- in which en Tongue Was Coated Bad Taste In Mouth Every Morning Mn. J. R, Adams, Anain'Ajola, Bask., writca!-,,I'or months I waa troubled with a touted tongue, and had a bad taste ia my mouth every morning. ' One day I saw where your Milburn's were advertlseil'lforjuat'sueh s ton-(htion as raise, so I went at' enco and (iought three vials of them, but aher uilng one-and'-a ha'U, all' my troubles disappeared.'" f For 32 years Laxa LWer riila have been put up only by The T. Mllbora Co IialUd, Teroato, QaX. Infallible fjEIMDAL, according to Celtic mythology, yas foe JT; perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acite that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back " - ..-- ,.....- "J m His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while hp slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you against making unwise, and unsatisfactory purchases. ' . Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the WPTh of these names by selling any but good goods of ful measure and fair price. Spi you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be m-t as a advertised. , That is why it pays . to deal J v u with -aM - i, , . ad- .,... vertisers and to buy advertised products. the jiropoxed unprovenientx or change rould noi welt he of a permanent ualiire: llial Hie pro posed filling of Cow Hay would destroy Hie Hay to the harhor line (.not lo the railway bridiic a -It ax many xiippose. ami wouiu make xheller construction outside Ihe fill as difficult as if i were liciti? done outside Ihe t;ov- ernmi'iit wharf. id you repor. thai? Hul. Mr. Edilnr, why single out Aid. Stephen for your attack? Whcro'li his political liia.x lit Hie' iiliesllon? 'Wliv- ahsiilve other ' nieniherx of Hio conncll wlm upporled Hio motion no I wjio tire Ufjowii to he of aitopicr, pVd il a.tAtffiHV '"P .yfli n--not he fully conversant with the xilunlion or do not wish to he. I ca'unoi accuse any member of Ihe l!2(i council of allowing; political leaning lo interfere with his view on mailers peraininir lo (he welfare of the city ami I do not think your al i nek on mq will have Hie clTeel of ilisluiiiin Ihe harmony of the counoij or even influeH'Iiie,r an.V of itx mem-her umlttly. Nerjject of City If fivhliii? for tlii city Is poli tical hias. 'Mr. l-.ditor. you will have plenty nf material for future editorials for il is my intern ion, al an eary dale, to hritiR n?nin to Hie attention of the Coifiicil. llie iipjijecf of the Provincial uovcrniiienl to improve Hie ground In froiil of llie Court Hoiise froplinp op Mcllrido Street: the closing down of tin? Ifoverninfi'nl wnlk tin (he Ixlanij Itoad nx soon as Hie city hail complelcil its' portion al heavy; cost to Ihe lax payer.. In plans for Hie imirovernen of the. Courl House jtrlmnds vere suti-mitted (o Hie city council, an elecllon followed aihl tjie Kroundij hove remained unsightly for nearly three years .inee. This may be political bias but il is Prinze Huperl's business. You criticized repetitions in An Guard Advertising is your ilehate by amnf of Itic aldermo Thai was ixtnu-iive and fae criticism and I urn. perhaps. on' f those jiuilly of tins offense i Your criticism of motives is un i air. unfounded and uncalled for.! and 1 leave the matter of political bias lo your readers and those who gave me Hie langesl vole I have yet polled only a couple of weeks .ago, for disposal. M. M. STKP1IKNS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ! I - . i- i ' Prince Rupert ! Swart., W. I,pe. Hons Cbnw. Alltert Kjifrow, T.' W. HIaky, Vancouver; Mrs. K. M. floriiouTil aiul family, Frnser Lake; I; Y. Del-court and l. O. I.yceit. Y'ancou-ver; V. I.eggatt. prince ileorge, tieorge Ki'ep. Smilhers; Marl in y.uccn, Anjfix. Central ;r. Forlin, C.X.H.; U Carfi, (ieorge Mcl.augliter and H. Ketgli. C.N.H.: S. llyiii:)n, Yan-cou'er. Mrs. Jnhn Myhill Junes sailed this upvti r g n 'lie Pl ilice Hu-perl fm Yaneoovei-. guarc Bargain Sale Lange size Ladies' Dresses tft. 12, , less than cost. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Bo i 327 MILK; From Bulkley Valey FRESH MILK AND WHIP-' PINO CREAM YVe specially reeoinmend our Table Cream at 150 for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 the Bjk)ajlLa 'Bl paa,," It- H ih Gor-T(lt0ija!iy;lnre,859 m This advertisement. Is not published or displayed by Liquor Coutrol Hoard or by the Uoveruuient of UnUih CkJluujbia. ai