spassiNg Cambrai Cha OR TTHE CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND whion Footwear pter of IODE Moose Whist | Hospital Women’s Auxiliary | Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Monday, October 20, 1952 a / Drive Wi Plans Gala Hallowe'en T . T . With Sandy Holds Busy October Meet rive inners ans ala aloween i@a SESS SESE ESRB Bee eee ee weit es Nine tables of whist were Womer Auxiliary of the|blankets for quilts suitable for : BUCHANAN’'S ’ PG ° vod fot “ineteen members turned up at tha home of Played at the weekly contest in Prince Rupert General Hospital the children’s ward. It was de-| © 4 4 se . pt Old | Mrs, A. A. Millar for the monthly meeti ; Moose Hal] Saturday night Thursday lain wnt, meeting on' cided to have a display case of @ x ye > day : 1 y meeting of Cam- Mrs. BE. Biverteen topped the sUTeGay laid plans for a Hallo-| knitted baby wear for sale in the 5 49 a that |brai Chapter, JODE, and enic fed a bus bout . : Oe ween tea to be held Oct. 31 at| hospital. Ie + ere sold | j f : efi jJoyed a USsY EVENING) ladies and Mrs. H. F. Glassey was | the hom: { Mrs. C. C. Mills. Mr.| On completion of the busir 8 eg = ‘ anni ture wor ‘ et ; asi : »n’s Moore dansked a wack & : : ee 0g! wk. wil | plann ng uture work and hearing of the past} second. Winner of thie _— ‘ oo tthe ued a ham to be|/meesing refreshments were) @ & a8: Le ° t month’s achievements, ¢ an tee | rte ae | oa aia con rane oe t e w who yery successful i saat - . . ‘ ‘i ee ' Mrs. Ma Scott i ; ' ee oe ; oo eaial A very successful bake sale was A new member, Mrs. J. W.| Mrs Pritchard won the pool) yio4,) . eee and Mrs — a W. Large Mrs LM) g SCOTCH | Skinne , & held at the end of Se ytem be Patte tebe ‘ , - Gra were proposed for Greene, president, was in the ink looking | the Northe I ae oy — nber in| Patterson, was initiated and Mrs. prize and Mrs Simpson captured) nem berct p and welcomed by, chair . x w s sills, the pany’ a aaa ah Power Com-/R. L Benscotter was welcomed the door prize the pre ident. ats gi —— 5 bila Bottled in Scotland © Sold ee 8 any’s ah 20m, It was reported. | as an associate . . . . In charge of refreshments were rete: NELY ISLES isti i i 3 bes of & ere . i late Inember by Re- Be Oo More criptions t hile Sieetied, © ond - _ an ao ee moe. an listed | gent Mrs. G. P. Lyons Mrs. Holder, Mrs. Good and Mrs rer » nas te a eae ere nes oe s 7 ee 75 . : ONS WO jhis gale acl , ’ Muncey : patie 2, dpene. ah oe — bag It Mrs. J. Munthe reported that we ee ate was won by ice) for th dren’s section of the in the Falkland Isles in the "eg 8 . BEEBE EBS RESERBBSRBSBRBERB BBs 0-cen ull the woollens collected at the som > hao iths and Mrs Lyons Try Doi d hospital library, it was reported south Atlantic, with a population This advertisement 1s noc pudiishea or displayed by the Liquor last meeting had been forwarded 1. the monthly raffle ry ily News Want Ads ana members are busy covering of about 2,250. “entrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. abou lo England Nine blankets had | Boge ol oe Pe ace : Ree COS ne ete th been received. These had been whe made from old woollens collected friend by the members and are to be Kill Vamee, (forwarded to needy causes in “ag T yer, Bill Lambie, Don | Britain verre Cook George Verna Graham the LO.DE ) scholarship winner, is now re ' rerry Stewart tered at UBS. the meeting da Member were asked to dor ple ate to the Women’s Co-ordina Des ing Council! “A and cake sale to collect f for ‘the “Over Seventy innual dinner Al b embers brought groceries to be het wiuded in the LODE mee : the raffle at this tea pe wn Plans for the Governor Ger ° ta |@Tal's visit to Prince Rupert thi a ‘ bbed Month were outlined by the h Municipal Regent Mr GG ( sin Beecher, Wither Further plans were discussed for the annua] November bazaat dian im! d members resolve 1 to mak aes ‘sergeant F | thi the best ever. Bil) Scuby ha enll Ca presented a fur neck piece to be cd aA a chk tize at the ba tar was reported ‘ eS + » HEALTH TOWN - : HOVE, Engla: (CP)... This ar , y) tent Sussex town is claimed by money ) : medical officer N EE OC adwick - e the [ Lo J be the healthiest in Britain : can spat wa He Whether you are born here or : s 3 eve u retire here he ay your ~ J dont e 1 é aX chances of survival to a ripe old d it... eX age afe well above average 1 eant af or + + *¢ ‘ ony be senthal red ers ® { 17 i @ Prince R ipert Curling Club j ...of cours Id if Fe : con |sumt-anceat "eck eel TAI. e Icou arrange it through the offic Oct. 20, 8 pn Ladie Lounes f ri A hd Sus Civic Centre (246 Tf > es et ee. @ Notice to members, Canadiar ees —— Jim Bacon Legion 27 Club—Cards and bil - ee d wi losed from TT. \ ? p.m. t 10 p Tuesday det ' } \ ’ a ooo: oon for ‘es 4 \Y t or eneral "aracde : fe Mm members in the Audi ltorlum at 7:30 sharp (247) or Tcould ein | make payments through the bank or the other, ° es ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID TUESDAY NIGHT 5 at BE col inhandu i as You never can tell when it will come inhandy. (eae 7:30 p.m. , eA TREN AREA ek cs i nal We Have Just Received Crosbys a shipment of THE FAMILY CAR to make it worth while.. H in the LOW PRICE FIELD “Test Drive” the h ‘New tn 52’ Th sit. , f . CONSUL SEDAN en, ite always there if want it @ Lots of room, you t It 1. : @ Lots of economy, Lieuten @ Lots of value. “Ader J.D. McRae ae $775 down oak Das te it 4 afford ¢ gg the opportunity It and the balance as desired A : guess j can a: OY Oo pa up e Pp y- to up to 24 months. Es . For a courteous demonstration CALL + * ¢ The home of friendly = re 'll please Martha und the kids, too, That's for sur ; * wr ; . ¢ “= 1 Bob Parker Ltd It'll please Martha snd the kids, too. That's for sure. t Phone 93 ands’ today y order for avings B é x through investment dealers, too... The seventh series of Canada’s Savings Bonds are now on sale. They can be bought for cash or in instalments through banks, investment dealers, or through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan. They pay an average interest rate of 3.44% per year, if held to maturity, They are cashable at full face value, plus interest, at any time, at any bank in Canada. They come in denominations of $50., $100., $500., $1,000., and $5,000. Every member of the family can purchase up to the limit of $5,000.