,dar February 11. 1020. must go to Ail1TAvl ncuuvcii iin i urn1 HiKin l have ' tested." inlv made thin remark ..ma explaining -, could mil nxpeet to , - - hmI scrvil'0 in thoe I MWII. In- finally luul w i . i her glaHc ami the iinv came in anil toll! li. lh W"H plcuncd. ui vvliv mil ? We line the . iiii'IIhmIk mill look I Im , -.uir-ei hi an ojiticiun . in a city. John Bulger lid Jewellers ENQLISH ahardine urn u Special Boduced Price $190 CME Importers Third Avenue .llUum'l' NYX Ladies' Shoes make-. Price nghl winsome Maid SO STOCKINGS lai'i' will in'ir iii.d iiii'i1 till t I -"'. Iiiaili" fur l'l-.il ' iM'i wiMir. ill IIH'llllll' hlu'k 0 '"I", lliailurti. finl. Iii;-'l.!iu. Ain-.lal" Price $1.50 and $2.00 nan. tESTof ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 7B3 Dr.E.S.Tait DENTIST H'Qeron Blook, Prince Rupert, B.O. Wire IIoiiiV 11 '((i 8. X-Ry Servloe Phone BSC. Mln Tiios.iny -ma Thurmluy , lvitiiliiKs ' .UrililV- 11 I,. l' tmnn MILLER GIVES EVIDENCE in LIQUOR EXPORT CASE IN COURT THIS MORNINQ, (cumlinui'U from iuge one) nan instructed t lit; detectives to prosecute Hut Auduhl milling cusu hut nut u to bookkeeping irre gularities, other warehouses ban not In dale been prosecuted un sucu grounii. i in; crown pro secutor hail ordered lint hook. keeping prosecution in Hum ui(He 1 1 I,.. . . . .nr. ruuuoic imcrjccicu In coil- fll'lll this stutellieiil. 1 until-1' examined by Mr. Inmule. Mi Ml I lor s-luletl that II bail mil heeu llll' CUMlolll III priHO'CUli' un (ilinul charges after u major conviction hud been reKislcrcd against defendant. In it chsc niii-ii uk Him after u fun- ii 12,51111 liuil heeu imposed hi' would mil proceed With further chul'gc lllllc ll' had ln'i'ii given explicit iiiHtrui -I lolls In do no. Mr. Mllh'i Wished li mukr it ch'ur that Hit- Lupine Iti in nl Itself did mil iiuilui't tin prosecution hut .tin- provincial pnlice uf w hich he wiik a member. Mr. Miller w then iUetioiicil iiv Mr. limixnlc tn di'tml us in In- return thai export wurc-lmuc wo it ri'iiuiTi! ui 1 1 1 u k ti the iiMM'lllli'lll uml tin- bnok ilnv were reiitiiri'il tn ki-cii. II hail been iivit three year- miici' in- li i in -1 f hail lii-pecliil tin I liilisollil.lleil hunk. Ahout lliu iiiui' I lu regulation hud In'i'ii 'hanged ninl he would not uy 1 1 hut Ji yli'in had yrl been per leeied. There were ' rlaiu of Un- regulation llml enui.l mi! he nfnreed. particularly i'n vfyui infnriniil inn (in hiiinli'il lntmr i wa- imi tin inl;ii iiii ' llo' c! III plI'VCIl! l'IIHtlllW illl II llli' ri'ltlllutlnil Wen Iilpllril Willi, exporting would In pro. iiliHi-il. ia: I iriiltirly if I hi- identi tie nt tin- rnii-iiriii' - were in dslcil upon While ai-i-urutit ili- (iM'fiiii! urn in tin- i i'uaril Wit ieired it M rollld In' nlil allied In- jn itii ipiil uim of Un' require ini'lll- wa In iini'i rtaiti that ul liiUr wn XMMi'il ami ihml limn- wm sold lile(liltl within tlif (niMiiri'. Tllft imnir nf Hie I'Oll urin'i'F an fiirnialu'il liy the cx- inrllHK rHllNintlf wriT MCCUplcit wilhmil itn'itiuii. Tin- HM 1 inhl wlii'i.- lh liquor wan going imi I'niihi not alway know thai it miua.iv gnl tlii-ri'. Thi Con -nlldairil hml ik-viii' iffimed to liruilin ' lunik and ii"ouiiiiil it iii ir Am . v No Sympathy Given 'IHtm-i wm a Maw' Iwlwiwn iiti ! when M". lionxul' told Mr. M i tic t that lie did not ex-l'il hint In wuivi- all lh rwulu Ilium. "Al! hi want Crnui you i k " lilllr yuiiiilli for tlim ioi til lie I'mii i'i-u lliat l Ix iiiji pre--cd MtfiiiiiMt Un- wall.' P'liiarki-i; Mr. I'lll Mini'''. "I ran I kv' rt." aid Mr. Mil-! h-r. "We iiilainly clnn'l iXHH"t I' fruiii yn.i.'' oltt-vrvml Mr. (iousalttn uddn mg Ho' erown rouiiH. "Vim imi tytiiialliy fnuii mi alprmh wIhmi I did Hoi new your wlinli' ini-k of liquor," rrplii'd Mr. Pu: iiuu'i'. Km i In- i'Hiiiinaliun of I ho Mliir- i . -ulii'il in Mr. UomaU and Mi I'a iiioii' linlll lii'llltl oil In'ii I'-.'i al' tin' Minn' tinii' iniiliially HfcUKiuu eafh otliur uT .ir'awiiiK "ri'rt horriniM ncroni Hip rail." Tin' uiiiKintrali' railed tor ,. ii. r nh-i-rx iii(t Hint Inilh i'iiiiii -,1 ii.nl i nrliiii'il tn do thai. i I in an iiiriirri'l ri'- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4. i K I It llu.' l.ii, al". Plume h .,. i 37 Mather etpcdal If like it for chiU urn at it Ukat th place of intoi tul mevlicine. Local Druggists Have Modern Remedy for Colds A Vaporlxing Salvo which it Rubbed Over Throt and Chett for Cold. Wien Vicks VanoKub, the "external" method of treating tore throat, bronchitis, deep chest coldi, or croup, la nnplied over throat ot chest, the injrredi-cnu are released us -apors by Uie body licat. Thete wjwra, Inhaled with each breath carry the medication directly to the affected nir rnssnKra, looscnim: the DtJcRni and relieving the congestion. At the same time Vicks acts as a counter-irritant, tlimulaunt: the skin.and thus Itelps the -aX)rs inhaled to break up the Intlammation. . . Coldi arc usually relieved over pisflt- WICKS Vapo RUB Ovek PlHiwass Used Yearly DllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllliniin!!!!!! SURE TO BE APPRECIATES BY MEN OF JUDGMENT Tin udM-rtiAi'mi'iit ! not iuIiIi-Im-'1 nr din'iluynl ny the I.it in t.' r.iinirol Hminl or liy the (iovcriHiii'nl uf llriliah Colunihia. turn Imii( mudi in Ho iiarticu lar rui' in imiiii, Mr. Miller ad muted In Mr. Uuiuale ttiul.ln int. id -i'i' 1 1 Mi i ii hi gaini!(l it ion yit inakint -in-li a return Hi- iui'd turllii'i (hat lln-iv w.tr iin ii'anii for liitn to knriw thu Ihi' n'lurii ol the Cknwotidati'i'. t'iii'..iii Hail inn in'i'ii i(i'iiiiiii' All Un' ri'iurn- ri'iuii''d liuil hi'i'i fl:ri'ilii'il in till' int'llllllf ul ! Iin- m. .iii'lnilii'. Mr MiIIim- ri'inl a h'tliM' writln i liiin-i'lt in Mr. WaUh iininl- i it u iin! thai if al of Individual linttllM 4ir in'iinitii il in Hi wui-ehiMM'f und'r tin- tuic uf vx-pnrf th' I'omiMtiiy would uti-liiuliii'dlly Im' nuliji'i'l Ui u I'liuiKf nl iM8al al. AnntliiT lUer ii iim li d Mr. Yalh to im -ion-ally Ni'i'ouipuiiy I'xinirt ohiuniriil lie lar a niNili' nr luivc lite lri ttii'ial ilii'' hnat iin n in mili'i that it niivht bi urTtatu-il thai tin- liiunr did nut return - Ml JUiEtitt'I.VLriel-ira jap. V I. ...I i An .1,1 I.. K.a til" ITI 1 J'MIIII $ M mictwif, .Hfl &nuat official. Framed Letter Mi I'atnuor tin- -nut (hut vmi ninl I ftuiiK'il ihi- letter." -imi Mr. ininxal"- In I'ii- wilnr- u i-i li-i Hliina in Ho' I'Xiiniiiiiitiou with a lrlli-r fruiii Mr. Miller In ihi' lam-nllilali'it ri'fi-rri'd In in u ii-'inu trial in hi- hand-. "I ilnl nut." naiil Mr. I'alinofe. I in- miiKirtlrale did not ri'eol-li'i t oiii-h a HUteineul from Mr. Pal mure. "Well. then, did I know (Umiit the lelli-r?" aked Mr. (ionmles "Von ilnl not," wa .Mr. Miller reply. Mr. Paliiinri' ro.- In eorreel Mr. iWinxnle,. He had not nuv-yi'Mti-d that Mr. ioiual had had ntiy ihitut to do with tin- teller hut lutil -aid (hat it looked lu iiiiti it if Mr. Miller had couuhed with the ilefenoi- in enduiu the lellei. lie hail uevir iit'euxcd Mr. itotixali' of in-iuii "oruoked." Mr. (iiinxale. in ciineluMiun. iitkeil Mr. Miller if he eoiwiilerml the H-oHi-e.ulion fair in view of all the eiroum-itnnen. Mr. Pal-inot'i' - ohji'i'lion In the iiiie.tion wu iiliiini'd when tin' iuaH--Iruli- oliiti'd thai he i-nuld deaidi' thul fruni the exidenee. Question of Fairness Mr. (iniuule felt that it wu fair ioelion and thai Mr. Mil-ler would Htilinit thul Hie p n ween I iuii was unfair. XI lluliii.iiA mil 1 1 milter! Mini THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ed rurllutr (iieliuii-. to i'stublili lliul ull the legulationt had not' hi'L'n complied with hero us Mr.! Millur'a letter had tuli:d. Mr. I Millur admiUfvl Unit, acetidin to renin d preneffleil, t lie regula-lioiit- hud not bi.'t ii coniplied wUh. Sir. .Miller, further examined, fttnli'd that lln'io Hail been no i ii I u it i urn I" uUt the itr fen re in wriliiiK Hit' letter. Mr. I'atmure nli-ervi'il that liotli hiinelf and tin? HiagjstPule had, however, lirawii an iaferOIHSe in that uf- fi'cl. Mr. Miller flur I with Mr. I'alinore'a UfrKiWUon that it wn un i-any way tOfOOvei up illegal sail- uml make the inrk halmice h luiiiiii(T iuvoliw- The par i n ular recowl in iu'tion wu i ry innecurnle. It wa iinporl . i : 1 1 tlint eorreet ninl mil fale re iiril ithotlli ho ki'iil. Iti'conU -Imiild he kepi uf imiivulual pur- i lnier. Vitne did not know thai it had lieuB cusiomury to hitiii -tlniiiiietit to various hoats Mr. Miller low no ohjeetiou to In- tii'Vfrnjneftt chi-rker inakin tin- trip uu the Itii-inu 11. II uiileil in a-toertaluiiiK I ti.it liquor wa actually exinirlil. Mr. (ionznle iik'd the vvil- ueM if much blame could he at Inched to the company for ir regularities that it had been in-Htrueled in by the Koverninent'u own in.peelor whom Mr. Miller tial ailmitleil had ln4i'ii an effi cient and honeal offieial. Mr. Miller evnii-nee com- jli'ifil Hie lestimoiiy in he pre fi.'nii'il in (he case ami al noon "Hurt Hdjouriiad until i'.30 thi afternoon. Yesterday Afternoon Then' wu quite a rrnwil in llo-;oifrlhiiue when the ae oM!iied ..i-slerday afti-rnoon mil, if any-IhiiiK .'iiational al that time va exfii't'li'd. il 2"t i i i tnmuler-ialize. Itiiublle, many uf r ii'i'Ultr- I'Xpecled Uiat (JeorKe Miller, ehief inpeelnr. would be iilari'il in Un- witnex- linx ere Hie afteriiniin wa ut mil tin eae iiuii mil Kone thai far when ail- jiuirimii'iil took plai'i'. I hen were a few naM?e- between 1.. . I'atmore. pnmecuting counel. ami Milton (ionxale. for the ile- feni'i', but the motl interi-xlm? feature of the letlniini reeord-ed durins the afteriHMiu, thuuch IM'rhap not altogether relevant, .a tlif dmcln-ure made .by J. J. Wulh. fnrini'i l.iiunr Doai'iT In-leelnr locuti'd here, under Mr 1'nl luim' r- ern-exaiiiilialiou, of Un' uiuiiiM'i- in win di liquor wu- !riiiifM'red frniu the local lioal Hi-mu li. in Port land Inlet ! Aim'tiran vi'i-m-N Inr di-livery tn Alaska. illi''i'wi.-e the evidenee tuki'ii iliunig Hie Mi'lenioon wa luruely nf a leelimeal nature Miuiilur to thul whn h wa given j ut week III till' rourne lit III" ai'iii iuji of the firnl two cliarpfg. Grouped Invoices I In- firol witne- wa AiUlrew liruul, provincial 'itntnhle al-iHCtied lt the I.iipior Hoard. He tidd of hMO-elf ami Con! utile' Harrion seixinu lln- record of .in' tlunaolidaled Kvpurlere lasti Novi'inbwr. In tin- rtword firt furniliecl by Mr. I'yle, there had been nitlhiiKt to imln-nte a liguor shipment to omvNe- on the lnjnt KamiKU. Hmiiiiry wa then made nf Mr. I'ylo who Mated that il had been included under the invoice tn .1. PHer-on of the llehie-lanil. l.aii-r Mr. I'yle Iitrtiirthed thi- inrrei'i invoice. True re- fiinl -howi'il that ihree buttle nf liiiuor had In'i'ii tlottvered tn i u' Hi'lKeluml wln'rt-JU thi' ori-iiih! nivnii'i' liiwvd Uiat fifty imtlli'- uml a third nf n barrel uf lid i' Ini'l Ikm'ii ili'liM-red tu thin vi-i'l. Mr. I'vle hail fimiihi'.1 tin I'xpliiiiulinn a- in why ull tin rihipini'iit. hud in'i'ii invoiced" tin' lli'lunlaml. I uder Mr. (imual"' nro ex aiiiimiliiui. tinn.-lalili' (iraul !a' ed !hul instrurtinn had given by liiKpecinr MIH-er lo oh- this wa no! a cae nf Mr. Millor"' '""'T u""!l 'l' , OonsnlnlaioiV ii 1..1...1 a u..Jei'ii!e ,-t'l IMI' the nil' ill -im xini VJ,V IJ Hxport- A i'i I 111111171 llie tAtiiii.iriiiiiii-ii I'm in people who knew what wa no-tiiK un here" iLgrnint the lamsol-idiiled. Mr. (Inmules fell that Mr i.i ,.,, uu ii v I'l-m iin I r -i j ri ui . ,i. , v,..f,n,- i&t ': inipurl nml e.por!.i ,'U been cheeked over and had fiQan tounii In nirree with retut'iiaughude by Patmore hud no rinhi In innko 'oinp...., ... There '',, ount on snob n .tntenient. The mapis-1 (rale miiiFlhat lie was ili.ireKard-1"1" W ,f '-'""l!WV nfMar lnf! j, a lie could ee, in copfeal any- In lii exHi.iiuation of Mr. Mil-!'"" Wltnew tipt ee ler. Mr. Patmore emiililished that l'u' Ml' VWnR ' Witness hn.l heard of a teh)Kram."'in through making,. 4fyK re-from Col. McMiillin. snperinlen- ' t,l," '"l' ", answer tu ft sug-denl of pollee. lo Innpi'.'lnr Spll-by Mr. (iouglu, he ler. iiKeeHn!r Hint II would njwd "nil. ir the intynMon avh Hiifrice for Mr, Pal more I., pro- "'k'' ilb'aal sales, ijjej-, wild ce-il with one chnrro under each '' ly be coviirij, m juibseelion. aingle Invoice -n throublnctiiUu Was Circular Lottor 'iw slitpnnril. The ijUbslion !n Her Nerves Were "All Broken Up" She Could Not Sleep Mm. David Otllmigtxr, 37 Lyud-knrtt Ave., Hamilton, Ont, writet: "My nerve were all broken op and I eould not tiff p at night, anil I would have to get up out of bed and walk the floor for hour at a time. After Using a Box of I Began To Feel Much.Betterf and after nting a few more boxes I eould enjoy my rett at wall at ever I eould." II. k X. Pilla have been on the market for the patt 32 yean; your nearett druggitt eella tbem; put up only by The T. Hilbarn Cfo, Limited, Toronto, Ont live of Constable (iraul'.. In Uiu course of cro-exaii)iniiiK Coi - Ktabie Hurrion, Mr. lionzale referred to Inupeetor "Miller a "our wonderful witne." Mr. Patmoro asked if Mr. (itmzule wa ,riv'uiK evidence to Which tlie latter re plied that he vr.tif merely making "a ureaitie couiiiient." Mr. Patmore You arc Iryins lo be facetiou Mr. tioiuule And iierhai 1 mil too. I lie record xvould not in dicate illegal mile. Perish Hi" ihoulit I hat there might huvq been anyt" akeil Mr. Patmore arcatieally uT the witne.. ".No," wa dilable HarrisouV reply. Thi cloned the cue for the crown. Mr. Pie wa the fir! witne for the defence. He I old of to I'ouliue followed in the keeping of recoiil and making ol return and udniitled that there had heeti certain ernir owing In the ruh of huine in Xovemlier. Tl:e vleni lo be followed had !'' hown him by Mr. Walh ami Hi return had been forwarded . lo Mr. Miller. There had been cer tain error in the book that hat lieen -cized by Hie detective. It hud been mipi'-ihle to cor rect llie-e after the book had been removed. Mr. Walsh lia-i lohl him ' Mr. Pyle Uiai it wa tiermi-ible to lump hiiinent to Cruutinued on page fivei REDUCED ASSESSMENT IN CI17 OF EDMONTON Kli.MiiNToN. Fell. 11. Kil-limiilnu usi'.uu'iil lor tin?-year will likely h,- Ko8.7il,31ll or t.tii7,55 le than in l'J-o, ac-corditiiL.' lo fiyun'! Uiat have been ciiiiipiieit by the city ae.-or's deparliiieul. This reduction is due lo Hie amount, of property In! to the lax roll on account tof it heiiii.- forfeited through tax tuile proceedings. Tiie -lalcmi'iil now cniiipitcd how Ihal the a.-e.lleilt in the outer nine, where the tax rale is t mill, will he sl.tiiCi.nnu while that of the inner r.nni' Will be u;.in:...un. BEER DRINKING IN MEXICO INCREASES MKMi'ii I'.ITY. Feb. II. lax report imlicule merea-ed beer ilnukin in Mexico. itrewirie. paid almost 2,300,-0011 pei.ns in Federal income taxes for Itc.'.'i. aii-oriliii tn recently announced figures. This exceed 'oriner reconls. All Mexican hrewerie are con-ilui'lmir elaboralt adertisiu einipaijrn. 'Somer urge ihs! been1 thirsty lo suhlilutc malt for hard liiiiors in order to prevent the possibility of prohibilion. "Drink beer and thereby nip pi'.ihihilion in the bud," is one et the edngHii. Small liny Dad. how do they catch lunatics? Father With face powder, beaiiliful dressed, ami pretty smiles, my son. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( Men's Hamn'!. I nited Church. Thursday, February II. j C.N. II. Kmployes sccnnil uiiuualj ball in Auditorium Friday, l'oo-i "inirv 19 1 llejfncdiiig his teller In Ihe 'bis elTeel wa- objected lo by Mr. High School Dance, Hlks' Hume, tNmsoliitateil ,lntlnp thai all uh- I'"1 "' but the iii!iuistMe ruled j February 20. ....n..i. l.Mi ...... i,,.. I i,.. ,.-n llml vvilnir.M slinulil hit'.iiermif It'ill '-i i niii"' ,. I,.,., ,.-,-ii ----- .-- - t'lJ. -' i compiled Willi. Mr Miller slal- I" give Ins opinion on Ijinalter. Wcatholmc Thcalre, March S: ed lliat thH' had been n circular Sarrsstlo Comment'' ami :i. Prince lluperl Player-j leller soul In all warehouses in The evidence of Cftnslnlilo Ultin presents a new joyous! the province. Mr. Pattiune ask- Harrison wus largely X'orrubDra- comedy "Wedding Hulls." I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. A GENTLE HINT Silk and Down and Cotton Comforters or an Esmond Indian Blanket make plea-ing ami attractive addition to your bedroom furnishing-. We curry u complete tork. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Oin door eul of iJaiiy New Office. 3rd Avenue Phone 123 FISHERMEN ! Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. Prnnipl iitlentiiin tn Un small ruU and scratches muy uvc on .i xvi'i k or twn of sn-kiiess. See 1 1 yi.n have Hi' (ollnwing guilds in your kit, if nul, . cull al oiir slnre ami get supplied. Iodine Lysol Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Plaster Cotton Wool Lint Vaseline Epsom Salts Castor Oil Liniment Tweezers Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. We have u Tides uml Guide- for you if you require il. Ormes Limited The llexull Store Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Si ore open 8 a.m. lo 0 p.m. Sunday and Holidays 12 lo 2. and 7 to 9 p.m. Reduction SALE 50', DISCOUNT on ull Winter Hats and Soils. 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT un Coals, Silk Dresses, lurge sues, lllmiscs and W oollen Hosiery 25'. DISCOUNT on Underwear. Knitted Suit. Sweaters, (llnves, Woollen Dressus, Skirts, Haiiicuats. Slickers, Corsets, llrassieres 20 , DISCOUNT oir Silk Dresse-. Silk Srarves. Silk Ties "DEMERS" Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Fnz2ell Butcher Mhop. aero from the Empre - Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor The Savage Washer and Dryer At the last (Jueliec Exhibition repeated its success of Ihe previous year, by usatn winning Hie Cold Medal with distill' tinn over all other makers uf Anieri-in ii and Canadian Washers. Cash Price SI 85.00 Also sold on easy lenns. Kaien Hardware Co. I J .i "i