25 TAXI Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. end and fith 6th 8L SL 'w,;, .V MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOl XVI NO, 35, I .A ... .I VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat It.C. .Silver Duuwell Olaillne Howe Sound I.. A I Marmot Premier Pinter Idaho Sllvercret Surf Inlel m. iii (.ul.li.- ervire audi weain.r in... - i,v . -ipiH.rt lhue who arcnwhHj by the iN.iuuiiuii lan- it nntan work in the in.i wniueui iMrcnipu pw - oi ihe r.M.HU.in.l)-. fsMMal Wwv of 1iiH ralte refrain frum "knock t will lioosl wherever BATTLE WITH STORMY SEAS!,,: Chapultepeo Blown by Seventy Mile Gale When Picked up by Thlepval KEPT HER OFF SHORE Auilllary Schooner Towed Into Port by Salvage Queen After Trying Experience Yl lnitlA, Feb. It details or "ii day battle of the dis-i .miliary schooner with gales off Hie Wih- - "at wliirli elided in the yesterday l.y the alrul linn Tlucpva 1 a lie wa hi lo 1h blinvii un the rocks in w.tt eoat of Vancin. i I I .nil ..... I..,if.....l l...t.i u-ll.ill i M'ri.'l wa tow oil into poit( '.v Ik Salvage (Jiieen. I n ut rruin KiiiTka, t'-abfor-i 1 i l.a I'a. Mexiru. via W j-iiiiiKion ptni, (In. ('.hapnlli'-V' na- Mown from her course' ;i in mill" vale wln'ii the en-in okf down. I'irked up when wa in Kiave dancer by the Ti'"'ivnl. Dial veel iieeeoU.l M'pinir lirr off hoii Tne-i';iV instil until tin' Salvap " i arrived on the irene yes-V' .lay i PORTLAND AND EDMONTON WINNERS AT HOCKEY Twti In. i key iriuneK were play-e l ' ui-iiay. At SaskaU.on the i; tin team wenl down to defenl ll! r i Hie vhtttmr Kdmonloii ' and at Portland Hie Anieri-r: i'"5 l.x.lu four to three virlory r in iu. Victoria Miuad. MATSON LIIER M RETURNING TO PORT "O.Noi.ll.r. Foh. II. Tim M'aUnti liner Mauao. which sailed fur San Franelco yelerday. Ii '" iiur tn port with n broken t'Utiui lmfl. hroiiffliout Ihr iioillierii ami freiilral H.rlln of llnlih '1-umbiH and in Hi" Yukon. U lule il i not what i uiiatlv kiHiwn cold Hi.' Ieiiieralure I drup-i.liiu and .inly bi Anyta diw ilm llnrmniiiHrr how anything but fmi. I lie rei'ort fylio: ItmeliiHi Cloudy, calm; tem- ature, iV. .Tehr'ii t'nak UouUy., Northward ir,': i,fi'. Mitllier ran emuuy, caun. leuiM rature. s. Hum Lake - CArur. ealui. Icniperatun-. I. IVrrare rdrar, calpi; leniper-ature. :l. Anyox -itlouily. calm; Icinper-iitur'. -IS. Siewart Clear, ealm; temperature. '.'J. Whit.- Ilor-e Might now, ralm; teinjHTiiluif. tft. wm.i Part eloiidy, ralm: teiiiperaltuf. 5. Yukon averaae ''art eloiidy. .aim; lemiieratiire. 8. CATCH OF FISH IN DECEMBER GREATER THAN PREVIOUS YEAR OTTAWA. Feb. II. The loUl ealeti of ea fih on the Atlantic and Pacific tn llereinher wa ol, 832.000 poniiiU valued al U1-',-017 which wa nearly Soo.uno pound more than fur lceeinbcr. IUJI. The Pacific licrrinjr ealch showed a biK increase forty and a half million pound helus caiwali! a auainl fourteen and a hair million pound in lccciu-l.er. IDiM. Hid. Akrd 1.07 1.51 .H7 JO.tlO .It'!. 1.7.1 t.r.i .38 '.4 aa.oo .10 .07 ! 2.28 .011 .11 .I0U .13 .(18 !4 .OH 'j Urx. i. Zarclli hud daughter me saili'iii tomorrow morning on u(l. Pnii".' Iliiperi f"- Yic'nria Nothing Seems to Stop Conservative In Efforts to Oust Liberals From Office PRINCIPLES OVERBOARD Offers Said to Have Been Made and End of Bargaining Is Not Yet main UTTAWA. Feb. II. - InliiBue i. fuflwiiitf intrigue here with a vkw lu alienating either the liUor or Proreive vole frum the Miiekemie Kin;; povcrtimciil with n, ,iew U brinShiff about It .lerent.l.ul far without eN ferl. 'Ill Conservative. have thrown fo the wind their prin ciple and have offered lu aban don practically everything fur which l)iey fouglit at the recent election provided lliey arc placed In power and kept there by the aid of die independent groups in th lluue uf r.oininon. Fveu il hifth tariff, for which practically every Tory fought duriuir (he Ciiiuwii?n and on which they clakixl Uieir political live, wn I., be temporarily jeltifoned if only Hie Progreive would Hirow over the Liberal. The Canadian Naliounl wa tn he loaded nil with Hie IMmnuton Imnvesau nud It.'-. Itaiway and nlo with the Pacific Ureal Kat- ern and if Ihere wa anylhinv! eli) I he Progressive wauled ll.y roiilil have it. even np to half of the Kingdom. Plan of Campaign And this plan iT campaign I .lill goin on and iruiuic lu continue indefinitely. F.very Utile incideuf which m-oiii to put the Liberal in had with the farmers I featured up, uch for Instance a the recent arrival of Auslra liau butler in eumpelitiuu with (kiuadiau bulter. Jut now it seem a if of the eion .would bo indefinitely extruded and little real re-nit. allaincd. Yet a long a t lit governmental forces hang together they can carry anything they wNh. and the luetics of the opposition i already alienating imich 'of the .sympathy which was their a a result uf their having been relurne. the large! group In tlio House. ficn, -L M. .Ho., officer com mainline: Military district No. II iitul Ma or l.ilwnrils. dlslricl pay maler. who are in the city lo eoiiilucl I he annual Inspection of the local regiment lonlirlit. will reliii'it lo Victoria on the Prim: II"peri foinnrrow ninrn'njf. if f k.. I ft HkBIILLlftA PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMIIXCK lllPHUT, H.U., Till. IlSllAY. FKHHL'AIIY II. IU25. KllY MA1VINKUS M.IK N'T I ...l.AT One ..r the nervjesl v.va ver nnderlak l.egun iui Jainuoy ;J. win ii Y Fi-cj Kidder. he iTiryci st. hi, fiuughter Virginia, and a friend. Junes Walla, c. sailed out ol Los Augelei harbor for New York, via the Panama Canal. "J'Ue "lri." hleir t'O-foot .-rail, was limit in ISM. Prince Rupert Man Was Aboard VulTdjy cin.ii!tl, isi Liner in mid-Atlantic During Big Storm That Damaged Shipping W. O. Vig.ir. purchasing agent fur Ihe Canadian Fish Cold lurage llu., who rcliirueil to the city yesierday after . Iliree iiioulhs vachlion trip lu hi old home in Hc.Uurd, Klig- land. ero-sed Ihe Allantic frum Liverpool lo New York on l.nanl Ihe While hlur liner Hallic iluring the terrific stnrin uf a cniiple uf week') agn ami reHirl thai il was the roughest voyage in hi experience. The ship plunged through mountainous seas thai wahc(l high over Ihe decks uiiil heavy shu-hion and cnmpanioii- wavs were Iwisleu and shoved out of place. The Hallic went ion mile?, out . . - - - - if her course Inwards Ihe steamer Antinoe. which was in dislre and from which the Preideut House ell finally rcs- ue. ineinbers ,if Hie rrew. When word wa receiviil by wireless hat Ihe American vessel had reached flic Antinoe, the Hallic then proceeded im her way. nine 27 ships were hourly in communication by radio during the storm. Mr. Vignr report industrial conditions in the Old Country not altogether satisfactory but improving. There seems to be plenty or money available for investment purposes but some ob jection is taken lu Canadian banking laws and it is said that I hey are lu some extent prevent ing capital from cumin? lo the louinion. The dole system in Falkland is ha iior u bad effect i and there is a tendency for people tn refuse work when they can continue lo gel. doles. This winter has been the must evere in ten years in the Old Country. Mr. isar stales. Mrs. Vicar is still in Knpluml and will he returuiiu'-' to the city in August or September. ANOTHER DIVIDEND ON THE HECLA MINE WAI.LACK. Idaho, Feb. II. Ihe quaralerly dividend on u million shares at fifty cents a share was declared Ly the Ilecla mine, payable on March 15. The lota) dividends now paid by the Inline aggregate ft l,f!00.ono. ARREST MADE POLICE HEAD Chief at Tla Juana Charged With Attacking Girl Visitor SAN DIEGO, Feb. 11. Chief of Police Llandos of Tla Juana was relieved from office and put under arrest on a charge of havng attacked Audrey Pe-ttet, one of the two American girls who were outraged at Tla Juana several days ago while on a visit to the Mexican town with their parents. All four of the Petects later were found dead In a gas filled room. It Is believed the outrage so shamed the Peteets that they decided to commit suicide. LOST LIVES TRYING SALVAGE BELONGINGS FISHING SCHOONER (il.tllCFSlF.lt, Mass.. Feb. II When Ihe crew of Ihe wrecked fishing schooner Halph Hrowu returned in an attempt to salvage their hctnuviucs today, the craft was struck by a huge wave re sultinp in Ihe death of three Fifteen made Ihelr way lo shorn while the vessel was pounded lo pieces by the seas. Subscribe to the Daily News. Slrrrt SI. iti i lo li.pu.r ontgi.iii? from its ware-! It Iiouse in Prince Hubert in regard to name uf boat and the real consignees. .Specifically, the char;;. is that a shipment of liquor l one Andrew Nm of the schooner Kanaka wa invoiced ar be in if delivered to J. Pelerson uf the sclinoiicr llelcland. Kvi- criticism made by J. II. Johnson. inspector for the Liquor Uurd. n lo sales of single bullies from the warehouse for export ha iiur been queer, was inaerurale. Such single bottles had been permitted lo be lumord with other ship-infills. Walsh said that he had been instructed by Inspector Mil ter to ?o on the trips with the Hqsiua H. where possible. Mr. Patmore suggested that it milit seem queer if hijackers should ome time attack the Hosina D. and a overnnienl official were found thereon. Walsh tuld Mr. onzales that lie certainly would not have permitted- illegal sales f he had seen litem, which he lii.il not. lie fore Mr. Miller was placed on the stand, Mr. (ionialcs want ed lu know if the eruwu was go-; in-' lu be fair to him rMr. iun- .alcs;. He had subpoenaed Mr. Miller but when Mr. Miller ar rived here he found thai he had been instructed by his superiors not tu talk 4o me. ' He Wanted to know if the crown would be fair enoihgh to evil Mr. Miller since the defence could not. Mr. Patmore said that he wa not going to call Mr. Miller so that Mr. Oouzalej miht be given another witness with whom to further becluud Ihe issue. Mr. Miller's evidence was not neces sary In the crown's ease but he had no objection tu .Mr. Miller goinv on the stand for cross-ex amination. Mr. Miller then took Ihe wit ues box. Inspector Testifies Mr. Miller testified that the detective had been dnl here last Novejnber on his instructions to see If evidence could be obLlne to warrant (he prosecution of tie Consolidated Fxporievs Ho 'eoji'imi.'d on pagfl Ihree Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, TJi'e latest and bl ior the least. Phone 487. PRrr.K FIVE 0KNT8. ANOTHER BIG BLIZZARD EASTERN STATES PRINCE RUPERT MAN WAS IN MID-ATLANTIC DURING TREMENDOUS GALE EDITORIAL Blizzard Sweeps East LOYALTY TO CITY. Tlx following i ii linrl :r g'- ior citizen uf Prince r who'll will tctiil tu make in1 liiippior and belter: UJ alwajs sveuk vell of ... llupcrl and Hunk llu Stops Transportation Intense Cold Follows wilt suppurl all Ihiug 'Fourteen lose lives in Atlantic States where will benefit Ihe rily mill .. i .tjMn (hat which injure I v rh extend h welcome lo tiit-r- ami Iry lu help teel dial Prince llupcrl ft Hill place lu live. I '. : buy in Prince Iluperl I HIlllle, I ti . H lake a nun ol In lace mill I li'arn (hat he i I. .1 he eem ami even I -hall Iry lu excuse him m prove, him. I s .11 Iry my l.et lu live ut Willi my neighbor. I -'mII make my home u nil ,i- wmIIi' innlc ami Hiat it may he allriulive -. i .mil fnniily .mil an ex-i I lie rvl ol the com- Ii-Mite a fajr portion of roads are blocked and railway services held up by snow NKYV YOltlv. Feb. II. The Kiwi is again battling with tin winter force uf nature. For the eruiid lime within u week New Yrk ami llu- K.i-lern state are fighting a severe Itlizzanl which iid ranted luurleeii death. The slorru ha hluekeil the road. Uqied railway traffic and heaped op drift in I lie rutting and along feme from ten lu thirteen feet high in many place. follow mr tlir blizzard ,1 In weather i bitterly ruld loda. In riiiiti.i! with III'1 .turm of !lu K.i"l. .Montana. Wyoming ami lUilm.ido are h.iskuig hi spring-like weather. COOLER WEATHER IS PREVALENT THROUGH NORTHERN COUNTRY Tin hl'K'i,t"r i'"i"i ' ' INTRIGUE SEEN IN PARLIAMENT Miller Gives Evidence in Liquor Export Case in Court This Morning (ieorge Miller, inspector of the Liquor Hoard attached lo the provincial nolice. look the stand this iin.niinz in the case of the Cuiisulidateil Kxporler' Corporaliun Ltd., diarged with i violation of the (iovenimcnt Liquor Act. Mr. Miller was in Ihe ; witness box for over an hour ami a half and was suhjecled lu j lengthy examination Lulh by L. W. I'atnuire. eruvvii pniseculur, j and Mil(uu Cunzale. nun-el fur the defence, lie went at sume delail inlu the reipiireinenls uf Ihe Lupiur Hoard with regard to records from expurt liquor warehouses, lie made il clear that lb. proceuiioiis in the local casa - were in the hands of Mr. Patmore trri TT Of T"i 1 T and nut in his and emphatically Hll! HY rAI teiue.l thai lliere had been any oniiivanee heiween himself audi 111. deieiice. j Tin' charge now i.einsr licirtl ii jlh;-: Hie de'endanl eiunpany did; UliV A MJ i A i lU IN A SCUFFLE (maiie laise entries wuu respect Two Wen Called on Constable at Lethbrldge During Night and Firing Followed VAS KILLED' SUDDENLY LKTHHHIlKiE. Felr. 11. An unknown nun was slioi and kill 'e.l by a pal early this moriiin? W'lrit. Itt'n tnin P2illil a Hi. Iiimiip dfnee wa takeu in Uie a Jf-f .-.cincKT 'T!55m& 'tStrr eniay areruoon ami un morn- Au,werillfr lt, kwk a, le ,,K,f Ing. Arj.unie..i of cun.el com- Carr we,u down (mp n;() lliencl whei. . ouu reopcej t ,Ull for a ,lwU,r a, 1(, ,,. 2:J0 this artcr....u. Mlowuiy lhejHme n.aeUilt? un,,er hU coal for noun adjournment, and il is an-iy iftpi licipale.1 that Magistrate MrtJIy-j ,;arrf in... suspicious, mmit will pronounce his decision :Fra,,,,itM vvj,n 1Ilt, mall. wllHre. tomorrow mormii?. U,M) lw Jiho,ii rap)r f(U, ,ie of Walsh on Stand Iwhirh struck Ihe second visitor. On court m.penuspr llu nwrn- ini;. J. J. Walsh, former "government checker in the local ware- who died immediately. , Il is believed the two men were seeking reveiwre apainst tlarr.I! house, was placed un the stand who wa active in The lrum- .1... .... ?aut su in ;u .nr. raunoru miii; conclude Hie cross-examination which lwa started yesterday af ternoon. Walsji said that i lieiier miners sirtke Ial year.,, when he sllot and killed a miner, during a liturtanre, V, After Hie sliuotin?. Ihe man" jwho fired the shut escaped. .r EMPLOYEES OF i C.PXPASSED J. A. Fullerton and D. E. Brown, Both Saw Long Service With the Big Company VANCOIYLII. Feb. II. - Thei death occurred here yesterday of two old time Canadian Pacific employees, J. A. Fullerton, Tor 23 years ship s husband, died yesterday morning aged 8U while l. K. Hrowu, formerly general Hitent for the company in i ne wrieiu wuu ucauquaricrs air Hom; Kong, died suddenly yes terday aftechoou uged 71. llo joined Ihe -company in 1883 at Winnipeg. Mr. Fullerton was particular ly well known in coast, cities in connection with raci nieels at which he formerly often offlc.i- itisl a juitge. Hi duties . as hip husband look him " on regular visits to Victoria where he was known almu't i well as he wa nl Vancouver. His duties had lu do wilh th" Finnress liners and oilier sleatners operated in the transpacific trade by the C.P.H. SECOND LARGEST SAMJEAR 1925 VAXCOI VFH. Feb. II -Only in U21 did the annual Hrilish Columbia salmon j.ack exceed that, or io;.i. Acrordin? lo figur.es I-siie. by the Canadian Matiufac-i u re v' Association. AdvorUi'e in the Daily Xews.