PAGE TWC The Daily News PHINCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Supday, the Prince : Rupert Daily iew., Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per u:onth $1,00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates,- in. advance, per year .... ;.' j $0,00 To ail other countries, in advance, per vear $7..So ' ' ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION TKe Secret of Successful Baking Tuesday, l'eb. -:, 192. Rates On Coal . To Prince Rupert. Mayur Blatrhford or Kdrimuluri antfoiinre that at the conference of puivnrs he will pros for ,hnv fate. on coal from Alher- ta to ancuuver. It will Ifb Prince Uupoil delegate's duty to pre. for a low rate lo Prince Rupert. .MayoMflatrhtard say if they call carry Alberta coal to Ontario they can give a bettor rate thun iiitw obtain on the same coal to Ihe Pacific coast. OreihirstTtlies' ran t carry . coal to Ontario for even dollars. They cannot carry it to Ontario al all economically, btil they can carry coal from the Alberta mines to Prince Rupert and the lower the price the more bui-ne should be done. Willi the development of liiiViiies h lhieoat the railway? will operate more economically. The lowest possible rale is required so that we may have 'all the advantages of our position. ,'' . . Spend As You Go; Why Save For Children? In life there are two extremes to be -avoided. The man who spends more than he earns will have nothing hut trouble ahead of him. Gradually he will become involved unlit some dishonest act .seems to be lite only way out 'of the trouble. The other extreme is to be so close that no enjoyment is taken. The miserly person save mill the time and the day comes when he leaves it behind and his children spend it. Wealth curse the saver and curses the children to whom" it is left. The medium position fs the better one. Every month should see at least some small amount put by in the bank or invested in life insurance or a home or payments on bonds. Never should a person spend every dollar he. oVns, much less should ha live this month on next month earnings. Hon. C. A. Dunning Strength To Cabinet. Hon. Charles A. Dunning-, minister of railway and r.mal. will 'be a source or strength to the Mackenzie King-frovernnienL lie comparatively a young man being only forty years of age. He was born in England and came. lo akalchewaii about 2 years ngo. Very soon he became marked as aleader in his own community and his ability in organizing was shown in the suc cess or tus emirl to organize the baskatchewan Co-operative. J-.ieva.tor tympany m toil. He served a general manager of. II. ..1 ; ''l! I' . i' ' . uuu orgaiuzaiMiH inr nnoiii nve years, ne was commissionec lo investigate agricultural eredil.ond grain markets, contributed articles to Hie pre? al various time on agricultural and related suujeci ami was for several years vice-president of the Sa k.Hchewan drain firmvers' Association. He lives a Hegina. is i.inerai in politics. I'resiiyienan in religion, optimist, hard worker, clever speaker, strong personality, and with sufficient personal ambition to keep hini always climbing. His administration of the Saskatchewan government has been successful and we look to see hi administration' of Ihe department or railway in Ihe Mackenzie King government equally successful, if ih. government last long enough to give him a chance to make good. Not Going Back, But Always Forward. There, is no urli thing as goins backward. We, are always moving forward and building on the pal. Today we feel that we could not do without Ihing that il never occurred to our fathers lo need. We have electric light and power, we have mechanical jtiusic, we have internal coniluisiou engines for ftiitos, hoatvand airplanes, we have modern plumbing including, hnl water hath1, at our service, and we have the movie, and ye I 11. is donlilfnl if we are much hftppier JOid if we appreciate ihe fact thai these are all modern achievements popularized wilhin Hie present generation. What the next notable achievement will be no one can say. These things usually come on us so gradually Hint we hardlv notice Miem. It i only when we look bark fiflv vear and think1 What the world vta- like then that we realize what protrres we nre piakfng. a w nBBfFBB MAGIC BAKING POWDER enjoys the largest sale in Canada dimply because housewives have found out that it is always reliable. It con-tains no alum or adulterants of any kind. Made in Canada E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED . TORONTO yiumpti Mootred CLEVER WORK ! ON NEW PLAY . I Wedding Bells Promises to be Improvement Over Last Players Club Offering j on, A. A. Coniion. flerii'jre Mil-. Cliell. V. Mack. !. Sulfa, and YY Al. Waits. Tii-keis are now on sale ami reservainTs may he made al Orine'j Druji Store. MISSION BAND AT CORNER CLUB Mrs. S. Dawson Presided at Large Gathering In Baptist Church Parlors "Christian Missions" was the subject considered at I lie regular meeting of the Corner I'.luh in the parlors of the liaolisl Church ast night. Mr. S.. Dawson, eader of the (uiin band of the ('luii eti. had eliarge and I here was a larg attemlanee. The program conistel iit piissionary -"ongs, recitations and dialogues by menihers of the ini-jon hand. The pian accoin-rian1t was Mm. It. Howard. At ihe close of the Corner Club enleilaineil ihe mission hand fo an hour during which refresh ment were served. CONCERT AND SOCIAL EVENING BY CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAINING A concert and ni'ial was liehl lat evi-iMiii; in the soeial parlor- Of tlie United i;hurrh liy the two groups or I lie Canadian Oirl in graining. A splendid program arranged entirely by the girls Ihemselve was provided afte-whicti there were contests and games arid refreshment were served. The affair was erven Seneral supervision tiv Mis lsa- flfpi Haddock, the deaconnes : Miss Jean MarKay nreidei ami lr. and Mrs. W. .1. Kirkjiatricl (tad charge of the contests. There were about firty girls with their mothers and friends iti altend- pince. V- Tlie urogram of vocal, instru mental and orcbo.-frnl '.fiumb anu readings and rerualloii fn- pludetl choruses; piauo soios bv Victoria Krikev'sky. ' Conme Mor gan am tthoda I.ainb; recitations by Olive Hicks, Nellie Ourvieh. jyeanor Tile utid Hetty Arney; vocal solo by Catherine Irvin abd Catherine Harvey; oen duet lluei hy Tomi Katsuyama and hnih Wilkinson, and selection ly a girls novelty orchestra. - Accompanist for the evening Were i;ila Steen and Victoria Krikewsky. BURNS LAKE Prize winners at the big Valentine-Masquerade ball held here last week were: ladies' first, Mis Selina Aslin a an Hgyptian Princes; ladies' jTrst (eJiarsicter costume;. Mini Margaret Palmer of Decker Lake a a Welsh woman: first ladies' 'comic), Mrs. Howard I'ringle of l'rancois Lake; men's first. Ted Martin a- a pirale; men's first (character), P. Hninnll as a Chinaman; men's find (comic) H. J. Jewell as Charlie Chaplin. H. Parrot! of Colteymount tef. last week for Penticion where lu will attend a family reunion. He expects to be away for several months Miss Ma -y McRae Mrs. P Mrs. M. J. Patterson have be- I Those who. attended tlio ; performance jfiven by tin- flayers t:iuh in Hie autumn were agreeably surprised at the Vv-ccllenee of tin- performance. Xovv the duo has almost perfected another play, "Woddin Hell- which is to be puf'ofi for two nights at the Westholnie 'Hieuiiv next week, Tuesday an. Wettiie--day. v'riioe who have seen Mi -rehearsals say this will he a win ner. Member of tlie caste know their parts well uud inw iliey a being- trained in tin- little n -- which jfixe finish lo the pet-int'in ance. ' W'Cildiag Hells' is lieint; P reeled liy J. S. Wilson, n man wli has had considerable i-ypt'iie'i c in the work. The i-aiif coii;is; pf Mis Dorothy : tltrtltan) . Hss Etanda Marsh. Mis Fl.n--fnee Ailehiion, Miss Winnie Lar- e government of Canada guarantees its Age mm &3M 1 9 YEARS OLD 42 Tin udvei 'isen,. i. is nol published nr dii'.;ied hy Hie Liquor C.nnlrol linanl or by the (iovemniejii r Hrdih Columbia come members of tin Church. A man hy Ihe name of Hufite wu drovmd tast Timrlay er the ens) end u Kianexis Lake. Mis HrlhaVslin. after hav-in visiteil here'Txr some time, lefl lat wek . her home in Spokane. On ln eve of her de parture, a parly wa given in her honor tiv Mis Viola Kerr. THE MAN IN THE MOON i. at- are -own at night, but when the cmp is iul it is dayliphl. as ymi leave hpMlW, THK spring i rtrnrty .here, and just think of the salts and sul phur a lol of people will swallow. T1IKHK are always a lot nt people who ran -econil ihe uio Hon hut what is neiiled is thus" who can make the proio-al so fhat it will go over. MK. are such queer creatures. They can't understand whv it is necessary for a woman fo slip Iwck ami put another dah of pow der on tier u-e wJihVall the rest of the parly is wafting. IT does not indicate the possession nt a brilliant mind to lie abb- lo talk lenihl' about Ihe weather, ,. ... j , 1 l ALKixo koimi English is of en considered a -isn of'.affeela- lion. As a matter of fuel not done, you . kuowV . Tllnlj-4 ' one it is aboul eiiMnies. they don't waste your time and encroach jxur JAKI say he ioe not Jike the Wind. II blows the rain down his neck and then ft haA to wash at the week end. H'$T listen to it blowing-And here am I jusi going To have a run iif le,i with neighbor Itnvwtt. I'll gel tny stockings soaking, Hut what's the u-o of croaking. There's nollim? 'else jln.'do in this old town, A BUSTLING i BURQ. Visitor I shoiihrihliiV, by iho look of things, that nothing ever ha(ipens here. 'J- Native oh! It ,e a prel'y lively place for iu .(t-rvvhy. il'it not two weeks -mcc e had an eclipse of the monti! Sure pompous lady was discussing with a literary'' friend some t-ecentricitie (,r the Knglisli languawe. "in ii noi strange.' she asked, "thai wiisrar is the only w 'd i, - language where an s ami a eome together nnd are pmn u rel Sh ture. replied her friend. $3,000 GRANT IS REQUESTED Fair Board Seehlnn Increased Municipal Assistance Advertising for Managing Secretary It wa decided by the I'.ifV Fair 'Hoard at it first limine meeting lal msrht. President W.l I). Vance in the chair, lo k Ihe' city cituocU lid year for a urtinl; of ):t,0nn. The request will ln. p!.ic- 4 fnuallv he fore 'ho council ut ' tiiec! iiih Inni'.'lil. 'fin- hourd also decided In Jut- vertKi for u new nianlisin see- celary, l. Mrl. Hmiler. who 1i.'i held tin office for several years.' having exprese. the desire I . he rcliexed. Tin- Imiinl will nieel acain in-vt Siimliiv a Hie building for tin-luirp'i'i' of inpeettnp the pre-4ois- witli a view in making plan- ( ciniir and ini'i-i -TiM'iits ;.i In- inaile this year. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert February 23, 1916. i . I'.x.-AI.I T. I.. Mail land, who is enlisting as a sergeant in the IhJnd Hallaliiui. addresed Hie loi at I'nion Trades and l.ubor On'iiieil la-i; icveniwg. Pre-ldenl S. It. Mar-, 4)nnald wa- In the chair. Wonl ha reached the eiyt thai ! II. J. Arnold, formerly f Hie lMminlnn wiree station v. Ikeila. ha been awanbs) the l.S.ft. fur distinguished hraveryj in the aviation service. j The Odd'eltows hehl an npenj oial evening in ihe K. ol P.! Hail lai night. Anmng Ihnse omtrihultng to th program were Mesi. Illue., .b-ore. Claierton. 'Joiie.., I'orkill. SihiMiies and iMnllips. WATIR NOTICE. USE AND STOHAOE. TAkT Vitllil l In I WalUra I'ltbrr M.HMUm liW. Is IMI VauriMjx-r tKlttck. ?a qraiirlllo sir-i. Viii..,.Mft. . . I B.c. win an-ty f' mvw' h m- ., . . , , " " t rillMr fr -r -r.4kl tiki .,.-, AIMtl r Ihe (test crop I knov!- st irrr (! .f .! .mm ..i ja ,,,,1 . i'UMM inl. (Imi Wtllarr IH ,:nk. hirh ( inUur irf iim skrriu Hlr. aihl Tli. MMIhr.-rl awl .,.,. " . f tfraltiR IiiIii tm llltrr alxxit n l lit. devil never. mie ally ad-,et''W nib r IIh minhar.l mriirr r mi-s,on ,'li.njf. Ie loll fc.- take,. ! 1i.V?f, inr nHkiiut Mam, tlrtr rui.x-in Villi I" a u-p-ivi) l nlli. alHl il in !! arra reiipriifl !'. n Uwalnl: Xalural nulaM u. lr ik! al brad VV'aHarr ijwl ah' II-. !. arrr fwl. Will rimL it. -it t. Uiralrd; Ntltinl Ooll In I ijsk ci hr4 til Wallan- t m-k i:aaeH). l an fwi. Will n.Hl. it. I arm. . i.walnt: atra1 ihmIm In I'tamiitin Lar ai iirai ir wirurr imk i-anario, J. trrr Jel. Will O.h.I. 4 7. SI -lr. I. Ixwalnl: alrl iimwi fur ravrmiri l.ak. a Iwi4 iiT Wlttaer i rrrt n paeMjr. its.a fwl. will rWl. if f.: i Utramt: ValNtal obiM for Vrllfiriil lkr alMUl it tlrei fr nwlli or Wallarr i.'m-k. i'aiatil fj.n arr frrl. Will , f.l ar. s. iMtttKl: I Mam nar lail or i lat-lo Cfwk at Vatural oatlei In Ukr uiarlii. fM rlT ffi Wltl fl..l. ti.l JITft. Tlw aiawr itiirrlnl mn llw lffam al a I-JH a!i ti.a tn-i srllMai rnon tlx- tih.t irf tMt t, . ni.rp 4. ra. m.irlri. aii. tll S-ei rr l'iirr ami liKtiirial Pur fw iii-iii llw land iWrittrtl a. Lul l Baste I. I t.a. ln.iriri irwl iimmi l ,rr lea-.- irtttiom iiiw.n tna num ""s-tl in nut i.ant Ik-furtmt-nt a if.: ?......" "'"-"I'l! I" nne a i.t.1 Ranri- i. iai rniiri i '. TI";.'Vnn,,K H'tv-K aiiiikii f..r ml JL.'" MltTlMlfBI lent rithl lo jkr a nil n-r .ti t-uhir r-l jv-r wihkI niMr omiliiktrui n-r M M . nilu (rrl r rrm1 nt, i d.f .viiiiilKm,i i.e-ri,M. jtfi. I1Hi 1iW.,pf ff il 10 rlltt'lrlliHIlt rt"0 tnr twrffn, 1 I Till MiTU t a t-t-0 1 in hf frntmnj in llir 11 day irf Trliruan, lf, V f Mil. iKtlir, ut ln ,H.,rlM-l jtur-nanli llimii. w fiiwl m tl ..rrir tr lh !"", !"-"Turr ai rnnm niiiti-rl. n.i lijrtltiii. Ut Uw aifllrallrifi ina t riM llli llw said Hwnwtlrr tir Mtl llw ..ini nll.r t.r Valr mlu.. I'arllanwnt RuiM !. Virf.H-ia, n.c. vtitliin Ihiriv ilava ji ir, aiiwarani-r nr mi. IM.IIre biral lwvi.rr itr-i itiiiiiiraiittn .if ary itin, if. Tilt- tlan ir llw: llila iHillt't' la liru i WAM.AI e niinurs uviiteo. ar iciriii MrVlt. Irr, VrTil IN PR01ATC in the tueactMV'couRT or British! COLUMBIA. In ttw Valler r the VilmliilMraUtm Art I , nl I in iim- naiirr or nw r.tat or Tnin O lirlrn.l .Tilth ViTtcr thai by r.rW r tilt lltintrtir r. .MrH. Ynuim, lnalf Urn f ai ii;uary. tf6. . rj.inlrd '"'""rjior or llw p.i.i, , Tin, O'Brien d.t4. and all partlr , liir Halm, aram.t iw id" r.ut, r twrriiy reqtilrMt to Mrnl.ti aanir. i.ntMrlv irnristl m tiw mi or lirturf Ills . da fr tr imarr. A li lata ...a .n indfbifd In tlw ruali. are renulrt1 m t,a ', ".MJin hir InnVbtHtiwat t.. nw .lOWVX . WTT. orrtrlal tdmlnltirat'ir, na.M ,h d.yrnrlrn7.,,',,,,:',:r,'..H.!; IN PROtSTt. IN THE SUPRCMC COURT OF BRITISH In tlw Mallrr nt llw VdmlnMratlufi Arl and Blnre. tiff-ratM-d, tnli-Xatr. TAki: otiit mat by order M III. C MrB. Vr.niu. made llw tIM dav of iaimary. A.n. mi, a api-.tniert Adinlril.lraliir i.r Hie rMate .r llertwrl un t-.-n,, ann an pari e nay ?r$V reqiilmt In fiirnMi an. nr..n.rlv Indi-tiled In the elale ant n.niiirt ..... JtM'.".'".,"u "f ,h"r ItMt'WedneM to n' lorttiwllh. !0fVI4' A. WATT, Offlrlnl A1rnlnllraior i..A .. .. Crlnre. Iitirwrt. ll.C, .k Ciwa ib urd day et iinuary, itio. TtH'ltB.V, Kt'lr H I V When ijou drink BOVRIL drink BEEF DEMAND "Rupert Brand' - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER -Timber. Iitneiiiini. Slupl n . Fu V;i-.. I nig. V Joint, llolie and llevel Siding, (l;i. . Iloat 1. otiiber, Kir and OdlmiwiMMl Veneer. M Shingle. Kiilored Shingle., jth. Onk. Iho-1 Sah and lbMir, Wood I'ipe. CEMENTS, Etc. l'lirllnnd Omenl. Ke-iM' (U in. beto Omeiil. llHnlwall l'laler, l')iiler t I later Hoard, Lime. HvdrSliHl Uwie. Pirerlav BRICKS, Etc Common Ilri. k. Fire llrirk, lr-. . V, ARi-ii'iiltnral Tile, Vitrified Pie. VUut I.ioidfr MISCELLANEOUS NniK llnildiiiK Vir. To I Itobbeniid itiMifitig. John. Manville'. i nig. ptialt. phalt Hoofing 'ner. S. firavel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Oiat lor vonr Kit' ti' U Il.T.rTe ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones lie and 117. Steamship and Train Service S S. PRIMCC RVPfRT ill er PRINCE RIPIRT 'if NCOill; VICTORIA, StATTLC ami mUriMedlatr h.inl eatli fRIOAy at J. S S. PRINCE RUPERT fur STEWART and ANTOI, WEONESDAV. 10 Ja S. PRINCE .'OHN rurtmiblly rur VANCOUVER l QUEEN CHARLOTTI ISLANDS. PASSENStR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al I pn. for PRINCE OIOKOC, EDMONTON, Winnipeq, all i.ini tatiem l anada, I nurd MH - AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tkttt Offka, ttS TklrS A.a, Prlect RvMH. IcanaoianT aauari 1 awWF I TnTiPFF PtiMt t0 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far itrai.uv wuhcul nmv. mvki m. vu. m fai IMCOUVU. naOWA mi SUflU ... v frW IZik, 2tli M I is. nmsi Kirtia ff SuUdtU. (tnten Bai, Eaal Ball Ralla, Ocmh falla, Namii, Alart Camaball Rlr, ana Vancewaar atari Satrar 11 am. Aftiicy far all StMmahta Llnai. Full IMarmall lf W. 0. ORCHARD Oaaaral AganU Carnar f 4th Strati anal r Attnva, PrliM Sua, B.C. "Mr 4 Nir 70'fiicHV GRANT'S Best Procurable' RuMaiMI (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BxibJ ti nantttMJ Wt WKlUai Cram A Umuu4 CbMHk 4 kln..CIitlit OteUllanM, Dull. I -Clna t. IWwU4. This ndvertlsement Is not published or displayed by U Lhpfor Conlrol Hoard or liy the Government of UrilisU Columbia