I "i ti PAGE FOUR T3E DAILY NRW9 n BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMann$ The Newest! n I . , ,ELL - I .L.EMT OUC,irS lVMPrro.;rp'eiv. , ifi.afe'TOc n x.r t ! i did we pt L ; Me WAsD vp fiO OUT Avt-P i' THEUTTie A Shipment of Sample "A HUMORED OOLLAJ-Vb -HE AIT IT FRSlH SOMII V 1 K0 'HED vr UPlrs r Coats Si vyi y me r for Misses and Ladies Priced front $12.50 to $22.50 These are on consign- . men I ami must he shipped away oh Tuesday's Jioal. , See Ihem before Kiev go. ' Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O.. Hox - - 989 J'hone Green .189 Sausages! Pure Pork Sausage, per III. 30c Ileef and Pork tinusage, per lb. ... ... ... ....;25c Tomato Haiisagc, per Jli,.. 25c Fresh Home-made Head Cheese, per Ih. ..... 25c Ileef Dripping, per lit... 10c Seaiy ft Doodson . . Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver See Our Window DEMONSTRATION 2i, Modern Laundry Services In Klllas' Old Stand on Third Avenue 5 DRY CLEANERS Phone 8. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar .Full load $6.60 Half Load $3.50 Large sacks 50o HydeTransler 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone fcf . C&itage, Warehouslm, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. ' ''.oa. Hand and Orayfl We iSpeclallxe In Piano and Furniture Kovlnfj. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxnuisito Utock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Go. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, FIGHTING AGAINST REDUCTION IN TRAIN ' " """"" - j SERVICE AT EDMONTON !' i imposed up.m h ' -'-' - ' llie law which .should protect FD.MO.MOX. Kid). 2:i.-- .1. lU'licm. Chinncck. special reiresentative. oT the hoard ol railway commissioners, accompanied by O. J. Fox. district siiperiileiidenl ,of the Canadian J'aoiric ilnilwny.' met the council of the Fdmnnton hoard of I mile, in reference to representations made hy the Itonrd. ami hy other hoards of .trade between Kdmnittun unit Unrdis(y, against a proposal lot t'lirtnil the present local service neiwncn J.iimoniou ami iinroiHiy.i The I-.P.R. hail proposed mirlail the present daily service. in the HaKriskv Icain, Iq , tri-weekly one. lull, due In pn- tests niiple hy the hoards ofi trade concerned, the board of railway commissioners held Hie proposed curtailment, which was lo have pone into effect i February t.'i, until they could re ceive the report of Hie speojal representative, Mr. Chinneck. ;. After hearing bnlh'Mr. ntijn-iii-ck ami Mr. Fox, the council of the F.dmonton hoard of tra.de adopted a resolution prolestinjr against the proposcl curtail ment, anil suiKpestins: that if a daily service on the llardisly lo cal cfliild not be maintained as a steam train, uie same service sroflibFfK provldetyni"mifw pas-eleclric car. WHIST DRIVE BY CALLIES FOOTBALL CLUB LAST NIGHT An enjtyade whist drive was hubl last night in the .St. An drew's rooms by the dailies -outball Club. Iheri; were i'll tables of cards ami the wiuntir were: Ladies Iir.st. .Mrs.- J. 2 Murray: ladies' consolation, .Mrs. V. Samlisou: men's first, ilea lialparmt; mun's nonsolatiqn. lolut llrernner. The winner of a s5 gold piece wan the holder .of lickel 2:. Afler'the playinp of cards. refreshninnlH were served (ieorpe Abbott was in chanpe for the eveniup and the comml tee consisted of 8. It. Macdouald. I. Wsilson. James Irvine. T HeallM. (ieotipe Abbofct. Mrs. .1 McKec.lmie. Mrs. .1. II. Murray ami Mrs. J. H. Tnnnnek. Tt In The Letter .Box BRITISH JUSTICE. Kdilor, Haily News. Fiider the beading of "Fa: Play to F.very Man." I he patives uf this province iticludcil, does i: seem fair lo have this city p;l- r.ollei) by Dominion constables who maKc ii a point to he es pecially vigilant twice yeai'4y namely, in the Full after the In dian is ihroiujh fishing ami in the spring when ,h has sold his furs? Under (he guise or law and order, the men arrest In dians whom lliey suipect of heipe tmiler the influence nf liiiuor and l hereby colled half the fines. The consequence is that the In iliatis are slowly -hill surely avoid ing this city. One Indian, highly respectable chief, to inv .personal knowledge, last week in formed a police authority here !mai. on aceoup! of persecution he met wilh. he was mil eomin f jbaek lo Prince llu!erl again and iij.it ne wmiiii Huge gti in rnemi mil to ilo m. i Tlie lass of the . Indians' lmsiuess means I lion - sands of dollars to Prince Rupert j Is it not high time thai the present system of .'iff-50 on Hie (spoils of fines were liolislieil ' TJie business mon of Prince 11 it jperl should protest strnnRly against thii unfair practice as I lie Indians, a n body, are jum as Milter as I lie .while men am.' Ihey want to come to Prinee III. ...I.. I I.. II 11.1. l.Ut iiI.DHI.O(IM FUTURITY STAKES PRIZES $130,000 Old County Breeders as Weli'r,,,urp" 'w i,n '." as American Take Intereili i1 VP' :" " In Event postsihle- Uwtj! c v nl wherein 1 the Htir4K Lttke pastor nmy par- XRV. YOltK, IVh. 23. The;,iPl' will ! arratined for the Now York lleinld-lrihune nolcn''1 "NiHIKMle in Prince (leorgr ti.p . . . (na( the i'litnrilv '"Istukes of IflL'K Ml...ul.i siiroas"i.,i,''t '' ' In- l. ! ami jt1 rtirin.,. tMm., j tno way nA Ho- fuel that it should receive! : more than tnt nomimilions from foreiffn hn-eders mil! f iei nfil'rillW Umttp' Wln Mini f"Ur thnrifiKthhreds: for it was pen ej-ally supposed that support forPT his classic event, as in the past would Je confined lanpely In this f continent. I'bere is proof of an extraor dinary iiilernHiinnal interest in racinp when represcnlHlive men and women enpaped Jn bloodstock M 1 production in Lnpland. Ire- of liimLaml France nitme the best of it heir mares for the Ye(c heeler o iliirinp AssiN-ialion's ehief fix- iurc for Iwo-year-olds. 'Hie fact ) fiat the prize will be worth in lot Ifte neilfliborfiood of is no doubt, a stimulant. Hut other considerations had something tnjmunity of tlie do with r fie result that has been i inn liiit 'somi io neara' enirw; lo resident Joseph 11. Wideiier and his ussooi-;iles in the nnmapeineol 'of llel-j mont Park. I lie inleruntinnal races of 1023 and IU2t must be credited witl) playinp a pari. I'he inci-easins patron;ii-'i ac corded foreign markets hy Amer ican breeders wns umloubledly another incentive. It stand to nensun thai a mare whttso pn-geny is eligible to race for th richest turf jirize in the world will command a better figure al auction or priviile sale. II is ill a matter of business, and jnod business, loo, patronizing takus like the Futurity. The time is coming, says the Merahl-Trihunc. when loilbb ir treble the number of foreign entries will be made for the rare InaiiRiicaled in 1HHH. it has been rtuc of the hulwnrks of the blood slock-hreeding industry in this country ever since. . The. t,Jl!iS entries for 102S may easily Le onine 2,lon,or uior Jor Jhe.-Fu l only of tD.in. Grammatical Note Publisher In your story I no tice you make the owl hool "lo Whom" instead of "to whoo. Author- -Yes. this is n Ilnslnn owl. Piit fnngrily Oi wouldn't throw ye a rojie if ye was drown in'. Mike Ol wouldn't touch il it ve did. Here is the Proof That Dr. Chaae'x Ointment does positively relieve the most severe cases of piles. While Dr. Chase's Ointmont is recognized everywhere as the standard treatment for piles you may be interested in this letter which dcscriVa one particular cane. There are thousands of similar rases. Airs. Wm. Hughes, Appin, Out. writes: "Dr. Chase'a Ointment cannot be equalled. I used it for protruding piles of the worst kind. When the Doctor said an operation was the only hope, I beipn to prepare for one, when I remembered reading about Dn Chae'a Ointment I resolved to try it, and after using two boxes I had no trace of the piles. It was the greatest relief I ever got, and I only hox? other sufferers who read this letter will lose no time in purchasing a box, and for themselves the miracles it works. It will lie the best investment they ever put their mony into." SPORT CHAT Tlie central interior hosts! wo- aliilelu- -ky pilot-. U.ej I'lttti'M of wi.uiu ha- .i i I "i1 j euHy Iteennn- i. ltn . V .. Asi(ford i i. i'iix .c i ii -.printer ami. os; '..- n. iiit.f,. i . .Martin. hlirv'ii titlanue l runner, Iimm h-mi! u I'omiuiiniea- iioit to Priuci- k' Dial lie. is J,,1 "" -' Ai'md I pre- . ,y'-'Lliiftjli' 's wlnle Urtrln u,,,'s- ' f wd nitei-ior par son - al lih'dL llpv. H. KtUinK that ty'ir-prefii!t rurmji ka' lw-iui!e race al an ici altttMll thtit ;i In-lit al liie em; IhhI week in Prince licorv. Tin Prince iienrge cilj emincr I heboid jt- hockey te.ini lusi wk when it niaili a grant o ' 50 In the athletic ac-oeui! ho that city, the money lo 4h Use, assisting in 'malice I he Irif the I'y.Mlfll. li.;'V,3f .hockc earn hi ciuiiele Ln"tiepiM inci-.t amateur ciia'nipionHiitps. fi, r of discussion "tin the part the city fathers all i itgp.iiir. Hie valuable fceri iec In tlie e-oii altlb'.'ie .isnni'ia-fiiMiring a iin grant ami others u "tun grant, i. was agreed lo'plil the difference mi give i Tlie Prince lieorge hockey team r- now making final preparation- fur Hi rip ti either lte 'Nio;,e or Ver non where it will cubage in tin .iayofTh with whtiiiint towns frotn the HOiitliern pgr: of the province for flie Hntisii ('olumhia chum pionshtp. The final tournament of thi ehedulo, deciding the season' liHinpioosliip in the first divis ion hillinrd league, will he pluyeil this evening. The teams wil! meet as follows: Col. i. P. MeMordie Vets;, vs lieorge Mcllinoyle lltlliard Par ol- . al VeU 3 p.Hi Sgl. .leliseii vs. lieorgo augl it Vets K.8D g.m Fred P.vle vs. lou ilrovvn a ets .i.:i(i p.nij: ' ' WiLmig vs. . liriiiriio at Mil iilrtl Parlor B.m J. Ammtw Va. V. lickniey a liilliaril Parlor 8 p.m. CRIBBAGELEAGUE C.N.R., Cold Glorage, St. An draw's, Orange Lodge and War Veterans Winners Last Night Iletiull" of last nighl s names in the Crihlituie League were as follow: Kuiplils nf Columhus. to; C.N Operaliug lieparttuent, 17. Cold Stin age, ttt; liry DiMtk. 11 SI. Andrew's, It; Hons of Canada. l:t. .Moose, in; Orange Lodge, 17 Prince Itnpert Unlet, 7; Oreal ar Veleraija, 20. C.N. Meeiinalgal Department Hi; F.ks, Jt. The league standing Inflate i as follows: W. L. Ills. 14 t M 12 n 12 H 7 11 in 8 m 10 X 10 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r, 12 r, n n r, tit i Orange J.mljn .. f'..N. Operahiur . O.W.V.A. .. . ''old Klonii;,' . . . I'P.s ' K. of C. . . . . Drv Dock Moose ' N. Meehiniical "I Vnilrc" - , . . PR llo'ei Sons of C.v nd;i . Bubscrlbo to llic Daily News, For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2 Ipe- vtor J in a WANTKB WANTKII Plain dr-ssmukins and wIiir: renmdelliiiK. re- pairing, knittinf, ehv Plimie Oreen 704. MtKRATK wanlw! to buy f..i hn-eilinjr purpoiMW. titale price- to Wm. R. luiiuah. Masse'! I I.C. WAS'TKD Kecotifthand Purlahlo ! Typewriter. Hox 2V5,' l:l News Office. tt FOR SALE FOR BALK. .W and ut machinery, boats ami cngiiies piston ring and prupellco Jiorlhern Ex hantie. t.'lKceottd Avenue. IMfone "2M. "if FOR S.M.I". Two pool tallies. r.'MMMi. For rent, Chili parlor. MtJi Kii'iind Avenue, furnished. rU.mi H montli. M. M Hleplieos &. Co.. I. id.. Kxchanu Hb -iik. t'. PlAXt) FdR HALF.- Mi-. It H Parker. 128 Seventh .cnu Fast. 10 PIANO FflR HALF PipOO ULieJ. 132. TO R2.HT FOR RKNT. - Modern four room ed flat With Mouareti cungc, Clapp Ilioek. Weslenhaver llros. tf FOK IlKNT. Piano, player pianos, plimiogryplis and sewing machines. WalkerV Music Store. FUR ItKNT. Tailor-shon; two business rooms below, tw living rooms above. 1 'estm-' haver Urns. FOR RKNT. Furnished hous. near business seel ion, 920.00 Apply 215 Fourth Avenue F.ast TWO roomed furnisbed aparl ment to rent hy the liny. wed. or month. Phone lleil 601. I' "Oil ItKNT. Room with or with out 'hoard; , near ele-vnlor. Phone lied 157. tf oil HUNT. Furnished suite Mussallem Apartment. Pit on tK. ' tt MODimN I'LAtf for lutnt. 4pph Max lleilhroner OOARD AND nOOM. HOARD The Inlander. S.H Second Avenue i',oo- in LOST LflST. Lady's blue cnamellei pencil, between Hospital and Hnokii Kefinol. Finder please return in liaily News fn-i LOST. A silk scarf, black wil light stripes. Finder wnuH nhllflf by. reltirning' same t Daljy News ofnee TRAPPERSI I'NKKp 10.000 MINK HKIN8. Ile. l prices paid. See me before you sell your -furs' If its Iurb I'l. buy Ucm. VJ; QOLDDLOOm, . .Second Ave. The ilortflsl Fur Man".' DANCING. p.vl,i.ii, nays itiocK. Lessons any hour by appointment. Specials Charleston, i ? Tuesday and Thursday-. Mr, Howard j'rixzcll js-isimu. Phone Till niiiriiinus. Mr-. . O. Crewe. Do you think you could leurn , Invn ri i l" I have meli , I , , ldu loBtcan lennir. m uc ,.iWA w. f.i44s Hi;'1 NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 'vnncr. No Advertisement taken Tor fcit than 50c DRY WOOD. Split lo any lenitth in blocks, per loud $0.00. . HALT If HHIIINU. A. ISAACSON, Beat I'ove. Phono HI nek (At CARS FOR SALE. 1022 Oldsmobile I. 5 passenger touring I'JOO.Hil 1920 Nash & passenger touring IH50.no 1921 overland e'clan 70rt.im IlltO lleo sevati passouger louring $70fl.nn 1035 Font CUtuie, balloon Ureij ear like new 1060.111" 1022 Ford Twl.r seihn, $12Bkiie 1922 Ford Coupe MIHMM. It? I Ford one ton Iruek, ftane! body 3?ft.on Ford light delivery chassis rebuilt H7B.no All cars guanuileeil in good incidiiiiiieal oonilltiun. lias terms can he arranged. KAIEN GARAQE lord and Chevrolet Servfee Htn- tlnn. Agents for Mfll.aoglilln Oakland. ohlsmoMIe and Oliev- rolei cars, lleo. tl.M.C. ami Federal Trucks. WHF.CKINO HLRVICF. DAY AND NKUIT. FURNITURE AND RANGES MEM. ranue- unit furniture nf avery description: IhI linen. sheeting and pillow casing by the yard; D'uninion linoleum , beds, springs and mallres'e ; dining suits, livitwt rmiro chairs and tables, seagrass chair Fnrnihire exehangetl. A. Maekenxie, 1'urnilure. Phone 775. AUCTIONEER. 'IMF. AUCTION SALK on Tlium- day will he an exlraonliuaril big sale of furniture and hut chundise of nil description, starling al 2.30 p.m. prompt in the vacant store next to Ci. I). 'File. Third Avenue. Look Tor Hie red Aug. Private sale ilHliy. l'bonotrapli reeonl ex- aliangcd. Plume 77 i. 2ilN Second HI reel. ii. F. Itrme Alielioneer. TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call Ceo rue, Paul or (lust) Kix- and seven-passenger Rlmle bakers at ymr disposal any liui-' for 50c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across I rnm Fmpress Hotel ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Hnggago aniL Hxprcss rflandil.ittle s News Hland, Phone :i52. Res. Phiino Oreen (125 .. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 44S44i)44S44 Tuesday, February 23. High 10 :r7 a.m. IB. ft. Low t:iii a.m. I0.;t 17:10 p.m. Ti.K Wednesday, February 24 IHkIi n:oi a.m. 17.1 ft, ll:t:i a.m. IK.tr " Low 5:2 a.m. o.S l:2.'i p.m. fi.2 " Thursday, February 25 H'gh 0:.1!t a.m. I7.H ft. ' t '"n n in in. m I ,,w o-?7 a.m. K.O " , ie.50 PiItl( 4iJ 2 ir Article Loil and Found,4- CAMERON TRANSFER iMione ' Qaooage, Furniture If you wani an or delivered, P r m. , , PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC 5T0St 303 Third Ae j iole agenU foi is e '!. PhonoKcaph. i Raeqiieis mni M trunienis of s FURNITURE Nev. a II d He- iur' slwre. : iiaoae New Hoods. QEO. PAPADOPULCJ KSt Thinl Ave m KXAMINATION r0S TMl SCt.TtJl 1 1 ASSISTANT OSilt SA..e. OSMl .I 1 1 Winn mi ! I . wl MWVLIM -IS' lllflMS Utr fll ffc mttir..v. i. ls'iit(i.ni .- Mil4- l"M - i Ilk v, in. mrrtl 4ll r linn.. in l es mi )!" .1 r, . ! ' t ili ' IJKMiMI- u. I rtttrnl- ii Hriii-i MMi- V4. nl V.mmI I. al matin " i 4ii ' TM ! .Ill lu urrtiw i..w ii- wnrl msi kjMll.. k. ihi r. . i , i Tar t-talMlfMiim - ' Prlt i.n ami . ramtMtalM (bill 1 1 t Alt 'Ulrtunil ii.i i rtnev . r,lii. it, i r- I l mr4l. i, , wllh tli muiui) ! ' TM tltniultl TNr i-lamlU4li.il IllSir- III. I iSl III. ' i Hill II44IIH Kinl, in the In. In- I lim .i. 4iii 4i, ,n IlirSi- tamintr km luau Ilk liiithliiiv hi win. I, jlt, n i rin- .In.' Iile lllni , hi nut mi iii i sltl III IIMie In I" lU I flr tn- ru I'lSn- Int. v. lluit rl Il.ll. AS TIMBER SALE X754J, MH lewleri. n UMiimer tut mw.u i Umh wNsi en in-ill. I'll hr .uf lute rill i.JVl.tMln If Hslssni aSUl mil' I'AIII llOrr, llrliui I 1 14 Mil' 4, I4M4I I -1 ' i rviwial at linilxr Viirlhei- psrll'iitn-eiliH-. Vet!4ia, II i ti lin-c Uniwrl, n ' WATER NOTICI Olttrtlen TUF. iNliTU.K llui ltr I.. M. Oijr-' iprrurr, ll.i:., Will Ml rissriiis iii4in ('" ilium linvr ifroln pimtlm.ilty it- m11 MMillieriy l ilrmi-'lll Vil nilli-. TIs" river in lw n-l ' m iillMrl4- roni.Miv.-4w luau awl ll inn -' i riMOlriirlUill or liimlli ariiiimi. ii Uh nt-.ii ii e.enUerr. Tin 1 i , Us- tmuiKl mi tin 1 4. J iiiimrji, l(li'.. A i "i" I Nil 4llf'.1IUll Jllll 'llllll ' "Wsier Arl" will Ii' if Uie Wsler lieinrik-' ' n.c. oiijrriiniix ii' ". lie riiit utiii its- -iii w 1 , wnii n ir i:,niiii-i'ii' ' I'srllainrnt iiiiililini- v in lliirly U;iv uriri il" or tin iiollre in I i " 11 ilflle ur ho firm piiliH' " lice H 1'H.ruaoUv,; , , , r. r M 1 N 0 T I 0 t tski: NOTinn imt if Ihm Mnllr rm- fi.tli - ' to Oik Imilnrai ' I pinleii Vlrinrls, H.c " '?'" , nf llm rrirnpAftv 1" In-1' l.liiillcit." t I It'll"? , ' n " I HUH HI rrl.ire liUy of Ifliniioy. ,.;nl-,