dJr r-'tmary 23, 1926. Specials! To clear and make room for New Goods i.iivcr Leaf N'olcpiipcr. .".Or; J J k ige. Clmer i hnv etite. S5.V. The Lot, 50c. s . Home l.rtlr Pad. KHxll, Wit?d or ilajn. HH - pnnd paper. ?:.; ?," Envelope.-, I.V. The Lot, Special, 25c . I'.ip.ilrie, pood value ut $l.fS .... Special G5c , ' ip.iirif -luifd Knveliqies to dear al 55c FISHER MEN! Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. :iii..n :. ill- ni.tli ill .tin! iil' lies mi)' V' i ! v . ..: -:i kliev M"l . ill. follow Kip good- III )ll!ir kit, if not, - ni-f .nnj gt I supplied. Iodine Lysol Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Plaster Gotten Wool Lint VaiHlne Epsom Salts Caitor Oil Liniment Twerers Temleto'n's.Rheumatiq Capsules. ' J Vt !f jte a Tni Guides fWr)oii iTvmi rPipitre iL' Ormes Limited The Rrs ill Simc Pioneer lirnpeisK 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 8 a Hi in 1 p in. Sundays and llolidav I;' lo .'. and 7 In V p.m. February 27, Last Day of our Big Sale WE HAVE DRESSES TO CLEAR AT COST Everything EUe at Bargain Prices. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices L pse'i , Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McCrlcie SU TUGBOATS Day gj t Rupert Marine 8lck 735 Products Ltd. GEO. O. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nlgnt Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 I PAGE THREE Local and Personal Caused Dyspepsia Her Agony LIQUOR RUNNER After Every Meal GIVEN HEARING l'lioue 15. J.H. coal Co. Ir. M Caldwell, 2035 HrnuVk flt, Vancouver, H.C, writeos After uf-ferine A3 Arthur' Taxi. I'Jione 07 tfi dyrpepsia for and year indigestion, with tgoay, after every from Case of Peschawha Being Tried ' ' ' meat, I started taking at Portland Following Saving H.O. Undertakers. Phone '4 1 of American Lives Cameron's Danee Orchestra. 1 Phone 177. Two cam heddon Taxi. at your service Phone 1 34. if Mimeographing circular. 0,1 Mix Johnstone. Phone 387. ll (UimcitI by Xoiwepian Choir ii. Mctmpnlc lUl), March 1, al H p.m. Admission 50c, Moose whist drive atnJ- dance Wednesday. February ?i, at 8.30 prompt in Mclropolc Hall. 4(1 j. j.. iiii Christie train for other interior rn-mi trip. Iff! in lla.ellon lal an! point un a huaJ- Shonld a Spring poet wife deer( Itiiti -f For solution of this syntery sec (he uw Joyous com edy "Wedding IWU". Wcntliolnie March 2 and 3. ' Joseph Qumn of the local t offli-c. I'fl n laitt nijrht irain m rtWl Va Junction fr Van-.ut nrlicrf h ha Ix-ea rullort 4.11 ac-unt f h! frriou illne)' "f hi lirotlirr. f Sir and Mr. C H. I rra ami tufVi'.v. who hav Imm-ii on t ivacx'iun trip a far mouIIi a ati i' ejro. will rHurn to h ttUy 011 iii( i'mT lrinc llninrt lo-ni'Miow numiintr. Jolm lun, icrctary of Um l'iliiril 1. 1! t Co.. Lid. of Van romer. reUirn oulb on th CaitKMun tbi aflt'rniNiti aflcr 1un iik Mti1 tli pat wctk 1(1 (lie rity mi tniinr. llo- ukins ot evidence and lUKumcnt of rouiiM'l in tin 1 '.on :ily Omrl ram? of H. A. lodi H al v. T. II'ik Markay wa rowolfiisi ycslcrday ftrrnfn and lcimn ww reserved by Ju4n Vouw. I., 3axrrtoii. who ha Jli n a member of lite VNMhtat in laff of the Prince Ru-i ri (irneral li nlal for mih. :nn. rciirnid and will 'iil bi Manl Inc Cmo- un for Imt Iioiiip in Vaitcouvr ! in B. I.uc.. cbaraed xMiii t)ri from a ibM-nin. a-li"'nr'4l iH'fore J urine Yoimik j't-nljiy aftnri'oon and. ebvlittf: if ir Mi'dy trii. pleaded cuiUy to 1 1 lie cliarrfc. I.iirac came t) fur en:enre tbii afierlioon ai.d. a. J'he ifHiiieal of I he iiro.erutlon. lie eae wik remanded for cistlit liiyjt. Kvidence for die nlainlin" J 'le cae of letei Oyt v. Itpp Hi of at. a damage aclinit in wbictii claim of 1117.50 i involved, a lieaid rn the t'ounly 0urt M' . iday afleitmou ami adjoisrn iiii'iit taken until WednaiMlay. V. V. I"ller aiMnr for Hi plainliff and Milton (iontale for tin' di'fendanl. Indtnnent a handful down in tb" M)untv Court yetenlay f-tci'iiiMin. dimiiMny 1 lie action of Kicbard Jtell . J. S. Kennedy, the ctttt; hfi'ftd receutly Ju'. iiioed a claim if -nine ?5n un a conditional cules Hiii School Dance. Klks' Home, Fehruarv JO. J Wciholnie Theatre. March 2 ,and 't, Prince ntti.prt. Player Chili present a new Joyous eonn dy "Weddlnp Hell." rm'iimavr (.l.wivkl. Met CATARRH ni n.f BLADDER Rich in liein tun 7vr ;?JMIBY - l:4IIUib!i) !m 1 lajQ&EIK and got ruci relief I kept rigbt on cntil I had uied thmi bottlra and M completely relieTed of my trouble. Kow, I can eat anrthing I with witk-out harinf any bad after effect. " Put op only by The T. Uilburm Co, Limited, Toronto, Oil Ooldlfloom itay litvtiel pricu in (anuda for fura. V. Duncan, who ha been con-iii'Hcd with (be tlf of iJryant & iri-T for ioine lime, Ic-ivi' tiie inplwy ol Oial coinpaiiy about tbe firnf of nexl moiiih and will bwHie Klorckcper al Wallace rithftn cannery at Claitmi. - Litton !cam?r UnmiMun, Ciip!. A. V.. iMckfcoii. it iliif back at 3:15 I hi afternoon from Anyot. Alice Arm and Stewart and will ail at 5 o'clock for Yanrouve and wayporl. 'Hie lo!!wuijr wtl! leave hvv for Vuiichiimt on tlic vc-cl: C. ! Tli 'in-oii. Jobn I lU't". I'i'llT lll LIIH. .Il'l) MlS 1 JlorriMMi . OUTPUT OF PEACE RIVER COUNTRY IS LARGE THIS SEASON KIMiTuN. !-!. 2:1. --The total ehipiiicnl-. f I hi- I'oiiniry aloiu: the line of the Kdinonlon Ituntrjraii and Ji.C Hallway amount lo 2.fl3JU00 bUflieU n(uril:nti lo (lie kile nfHir compiled by I lie t;.l.H. llii i altiml a million huiiel nmrv than lite outjl lat year. In addition lo the fliitment ali-eaily made. I lin e i alotlt .'io.iiitii im-iit',. ni (.'ra n still in. lo;iue if ! i'iii,"i'K aioii lue EXTRA-TERRITORIAL RIGHTS IN CHINA ARE NOW BEING CONSIDERED VhiToim. 1 --eii. Cbarles lcni. brolber oT a former secretary f the nay of the I'niled State, does not tbiiuc the powers will aureo to pive tip I heir terri- ;oriul r arht iir China just at undent. If there va a etable r-o eminent in Cliina there would be no difficulty but under pretext conditions there lias to be rune aafomiavd Tor the national of the countries interested. A conference is lieinz held lo Iry to make arranpernents for eariialion. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. IUUHY ISIJM. Itainin soiittieasl pale; baroiivBtex, 59.43; tcmj;erauire. ;ik; rousli; S I'.m spoke si tamer llpdwod Itellinauni lor Ketchikan, ln niib frii Kclrhiknu; 3 a.m. ioke :iiier Cunini-utt leaving Mtireement of an Oserlaud anln-",4ft amtlhbound. mobile. H. I.. Robinson of Smith- '" THKK Ptil.VPi" liaro i ts had the case for the plainMiT while Miilun (ioncalva appeared lor -tiie defendant. " r CARD OF THANKS. I Mrs. 11. J. I'oss and family llesiie to convey niueore thanks lo Iheir rnany friends for the jkmd expression (lf mjatuy and floral otTennjr receive.1 m their recent iierenveinenl . ANNOUNCEMENTS neUr. SP.Ht; lemperntiire, 35. ltlMJ. HAItHtilt. Keres. moderate aoulhe.u.t Sale; Ikuo-meter. 2U.C8: lempemlure. 1(1. sea roupli; 7 p.m. poke ftips Im-breearia and Masself four miles south of lkiat IlartfOr; H p.m. spoke lug Cape Scott tfiree mile south of I'oullney point bound for Vancouver; 8 p.m. spoka steamer Hedondo, for Kelehihun. sorinlnuml at Port Alexander; 8 p.m. spoie .lcamcr Amur, (irauby for TVieomn, 13P miles froui Tacoina. Noon IMHIlY ISLAM). 11 llaininp, steotia. southeast wind; barn-meter. SIMS: temperaltlre. 17; sea fotijrh; steamer Catuusun duti VlCTOlllA. Feb. SJ. Seized by the I .S. "eoaU?uard nutter AlU 'iKluin more than a year 111. the Vict una liipuor carrier l'cs-rliiiwlia I'.anlaiii I'.kiiinlilet. Oi J Victoria, and five other members "f Hie ship's crew are at last hemp pien a bearing in Federal Judvc Hcaii's. court al Portland, it is learned here. The Pexehawha was formerly a unii of the Victoria sealing fleet ami was seized under rather peculiai circumstances. On February 3, 1S23, the Ainerican fCliooner Caoba wa-reiorted in distress with liei crew Iiaxinp taken to the smali loats durinp a terrific slorm. The I'escliawba pickinc up the wireless niessape, ventured in- siile the twelve-mile limit dc spite the fact that she had 1.000 eases of Inpior on board coisin ed to -Mexico and carried out a search for the crew of the Caoba eventually reseuinc them from their swamped lifeboat, only to lie rhaed by the culler Alpon uiiin and seized at a point seven teen miles off the coast. Out on Ball The eunre of the vessel, fol hwi!rp her heroic effort lo save the lives of nine American sail ors. was severely criticized in editorial appearing in Port fund and Astoria newspapers. (Uip- fain Pamphlet and other mem 4er of the crew have been out on bail since last February await -01? a trial, the delay in piMttp lie tvsrbnwlia crew a trial was al-o criticized in Ihe United tales press. 1 inlay the jury wns empanel led. afier which the government made rapid propre-s in the pre sentation of its case apaiiil the Peschavvha. A peculiar situation existed when Frank Inerpau, attorney for iuptalu Pamiddet and members of the cBr'w of the Pecbaw- l.a. and K. M. Morion and 'John . McCue, attorneys for the de fendants, announced the had 111 tteninp stateineuls to make oitocr iMetnoers or the crew on trial are i. II. Ilex, iJ. S. Ilridpes, I'eU-r Kenney. I. Silveron and ilford Tickle, who are all Can 4dians either from victoria or Vancouver. Incident Outtlned Joseph O. Stearns, assistant t filt StatPs1- diIHct attorney. hi ouCiniu? the mapner in which he povermiieut allepes larpe eiifoes of liquor were landed the (kdumhia Itiver, cited ; tn incident of February 3, I'Jih. heu Ihe l'e.eliawha was ar- reed. Caplain Pamphlet and bis crew hud been rjdiu? out a heavy ea and duriup the storm had jeopardized lhemelves to pick up a small boat filled with seamen from Ihe wrecked steam chiHtner Caoba. The coat- -uard cutter Alppiiquin was at sea searetiinp fur these sailors when the I'rscbawha was sipbted een miles off shore, according to the attorney's statement. She was overhauled seventeen miles out and relumed to Astoria. Inter beinp hrouuht lo Portland. Ihe vesel bad l.uOO cases of bonded liijuor in her hold, about one-fifth of "uncapacity carpo. At Tillamook Head The dislriet attorney mapped the manner in which the povern- ineni allupes Hie liqinir was landed. Tbe Peschavvha. he aid, was stationed al a point alioui twenty mile off Tillamook 'end and a yacht named Azalea malely 3011 cases of liquor would take a farpo of aimroxi- hoic I'rince ituperl at 3 ii.m. south- He -Ho you nlav s:ili 'K,U"', She (Mi, dear no: I don t even UKAI) THKK PlH.Vr. - Haro-l know h"W to In .1,1 Hie caddie, meter. 2i.t; temperature. 3it I-- ,. HULL HAIlllolt. naming.1 soiitlieast ule; barometer. t).jy- lemperalur', 40: sea roiiph; 9! a.m. spoke tuf J'acifie .Monarch, itovvinp l'ezuta, Hardy Hay : Oi J a.m. tup I.orue in Hates Passapp n irMibound. I a Before Ihe opening of the ames in the Cribbape I.eaptie lnl niphl. Ihe vcrelary of Ihe leapue calle fin- one minute' Uencc in reieel to the memory f the late Thomas Jones, a member of the lry Hock team. whose death occurred suddenly last week. Peter Bruno sails I tn afternoon aboard the Camosim for 1 Vancouver ! a business trip. WW ? IN? ALSar ST&UT Builds Up Your Health Health and Food The Need for Hot, Sustaining Beverages and of Putting Nutriment and Flavour into Food Bodily warmth comes from within. Woollens and furs do not add warmth they retain the heat which the body creates from food. To be healthy and warm during the bracing, invigorating winter, keep the bodily fires burning brightly with nourishing, sustaining food the, strength-giving nutriment of prime beef in the' form of "OXO" Cubes. 4 Hot "0X0" Relieves Fatigue of Housework and Shopping When you are busy about the house, stop for a moment in mid-morning or afternoon for a refreshing cup of "OXO" a cube to a cup of boiling water. When you go out for a brisk walk or shopping tour, take a cup of "OXO" on your return. It provides just the grateful warmth and nourishment you need to relieve fatigue and revive the energy. 1 Hot i'OXO" Prevents After-Chill Arctic explorers, trans-Atlantic airmen, mountain climbers and athletes in every sport depend on "OXO" for strength and endurance. If you enjoy, hockey, skating, snow-shoeing, Siding, toboganning, guard against the after-chill which comes when the excitement and exercise is over. Muscles then are relaxed; tired-n:is creeps on ; the whole system is in a condition to "take cold." A hot cup of "OXO" is the best body-warmer and chill preventative. It sustains and stimulates mind and body rebuilds the wasted tissues protects against taking cold. A Sturdy Food for Growing Children Children "just love" the rich flavour of "OXO" Cubes; and the beef nourishment is a food that helps to buiH bone, muscle and good red blood. Give the children hot "OXO" when they come in from school or play an "OXO" Cube to each cup of boiling water or milk. t Nourishing Broth and Jellies for the Invalid No trouble at all to make a tasty broth or jelly for the sickroom when you have a tin of -OXO" Cubes handy. An "OXO Cube dissolved in. a cup of hot water and the beef tea is ready. How bandy and convenient when somethine nourishing must be given between metis and at night? The Strengthening Cup for , Old Follcs "OXO Cubes help to rebuild health and vigour. They present the food and strength-giving elements of prime fresh beef in a form which elderly people can . digest and assimilate. A hot cud of1 "OXO is a gratifying beverage between meals and at bedtime. A FREE COOK BOOK YOU OUGHT TO HAVE Write for the new "OXO" Cook Book, with the new recipes for preparing dorens of dainty dishes. You will see how easy it is to put flavour and good, sound food value into every-day dishes, making them more attractive and sensibly economical. Send your name and address to Oxo Limited, 33G St Antoine Street, Montreal In tins of 4, 20, SO and 100 cubes CUBES The Great Beef Economy UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Silllnn from rnnc Hurerl. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Sanon By. anil Al.rt Bar, sea for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Al.rt Boy, tnd twon.oa B.. oturaif, 10 A.'bu for ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON and Noao Rlt.r Cnn.rl... Thur.di. p.m. X rSTI fP0N. N0X. ALICE ARM. STEWART, tund.,. S p.m. tt A.0.1. J. VaWU Bor.l.,, Prlao. BO. Advertise in "The Daily News" ti 1