She 25 TAXI Ambulance Boston Grill Large tpstnir Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere t Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW 800A FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE, RUPERT The latest and bent for the MATT tVIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper tlf vol, XVI NO. 15. lMUNCK HUMIHT. 11.(1. Tl KSiiW. FKHIH AMY 2:1, H80. y.-lenla CJri-iilatl'.n, H'i Sr-cel Silo, 457 PRICE FIVE CRN TV VICTORIA MAN WAS CAUGHT WITH OPIUM LIBELLING OF QUEEN MOTHER RESULTS IN CANCELLING OF POST PRIVILEGE Libelled Queen Mother and Prince of Wales so Barred from Country OlTWVA. Feb. i'.'. The nliim- ilci'.'i liiiciit h.i- i-siied i order banning llu' inijinrlulion mlo Canada of the ,y. .ft magazine "Liberty." which recently published mi ar-, g. d If. niirfirfi'iil tin lite of llu- hilt- Ouccii Mother. , li.i- A tilioeiitinl inc contained tin nrliclc of a simitar V t miii'ITIIHIB llu Prime of Wale. Tli' order i based on it ! iuii of Ihe Cu-louis Act wlfirh i. '- Hie iinMirli.liiin of ob-cene lileraltirc. M,;h-It ol Cu-tunis IIiiivui billed (Iuii the article in ipjt's-. ii' libellous Inward the Hut n I'uiiiiIv. TOWERS WIN AT VICTORIA ncouver Amateur Hockey Team Now has to Meet Melton . for ChampSonehlp 1EAF0RTHS BEAT COLONIST i M il. Feb. 2J. Til' 'ITir Hoard f Trade ha- re-T"'T defeated II" irtitl from John lilti. cretar Suiu .at Virturtn htl;ol thr hiltti'mlitn Hoard of TneUef ur .niwl same if IIip.iIk' following letter: jiiaK'ur hpekry playoffs.! "Scmie lino auo we received a was Itiroi' ii"!!! . ' wire from vmir hoard .hi Hip i 'oIhI ill tl lor Hi.) loaMcr iliiiiuf MiMielhlnje (-tmor of in.' iin. 'inrr ward pilnruiiii: the Western lirnin lloule. and were ph'-ed l Will.. ,,.,., ! ,-. 'lie lint i i .!uiiiIimI,"I,''I ' ill. . it Senfnli h-t llii' .Imii-I lu-l mglil i . a 1 l ' " mil', wiii-i ' v iii'-.t ait- i-oiiikI by1 - WRIGHT WINNER I OF DOG DERBY falrbanka Team of M icd Huk-t did 16 Miles In Hour and Four Minutes MHIiWHS. pi'h. :': Ilionia 1 W .in ..r r.nrliaitU.. ilmitiK 1 i.-iiinil SilHtrian hiikie'. I iiirlutnk Kfiiiii'l t'.luh tl'K Oorhy yi-liT'lay. U'- i h hour ami l"in i"1" I'i -.11. m ti'iini 1c iirrni' " ' li'ifii'Mii- if Noun- wlol ' i'i win Jack Warwu hii 1 11. T 'iir. was htay lllll' lo X.H iillll HIIOW. BING OF VIMY I CONSIDERING! H Not Yet Accepted Invltat'on to Serve Another Term as Governor ''"NlMlN. J'l'ii. . 2:1. Ilaron 11 - 1 Vmiy lum not rt nolifii'tl "' llniih OiiviTiiiiifiit wlii'ther I'i- tt,ii ,.,.,.,,( jt, intiiulioii al-" l,lv xlrit.Ji-,1 in li i Mt to ci'rvt' 'i'iin a,iitiofriiiir !mi-' " "f I'aiiailii. 'II in iiiiilrrnlooil nut 11, tin. ovctil nf hU iffiifal 11,1 Hi ally will jiioiiiliH'iit """'"if aiiiliilati'i. fur llu' lifl- tlflli. BRUCE AT MONTREAL. " tiui "'".Mlli:.U IV. 23. llan.lolpii V11"'". LiPtildiunl fiovi'i-iior " ;"i or It.C. iiHoKnl IhrnuK'i in ... . . '"i'ruay on rotilr lo w EDMONTON IS INTERESTED Secretary of Board of Trade of Alberta CapiUI Would Know About Ship ARE BEHIND ROUTE know thai Prince HupeM wn I" handle a Urge ipiau- lily f pram. 'cry "hnrtly after receiving Hj'ywur wire. r learned that Ihe iml'ariiii wa raied. ami I hoi" "al by Hi'" lnue roe attain h-j been moving lo your port. I Hunk I li'il your hoard anil every body interested in the hli-rn !rain lloutcvon llu l'clfic eoai I'iin Uk tl a an aMimJ fact liliai Ili4 fariiiiTi of lhi pro. met un- -oii bfhiiul Ho mIitu lirain Itoule. Tlit ilalli-liiin,iii of llu porte of I'mirp ltupi-l an! iinroiiir a Kialn vH.ilfliv (Hiiiilf ha mi-Mil l In cmuJi-liou. gmler which llu- fHriii'MM n llirla liat 1 1 IiiIIhtI". Iii-liad of hftnu at llu- tail fiitl oi a 2.tt0 or 3,000 mil haul, m-r mm iiliirtnJ within a ilitlain of Win iiuli! of I wo ocait iri-. (..ii all l In yar rouml. 'I In- rru of III wliolr iiurx-lion I'i'iir lo hi lh rorlaiiily of nina liip to carry lh fjra'ut away fii.ui llo- iorl. Thai i" lo miv if Mn- porlx oT l'rinr Hiin'rl unit Vaiicoiiwr run nlnr' llu Hiul tlif fat iiH'i- "f tli prnirii-will ki-rp (In hopper fllliil lo 0IMfloiltK. woiilil ! vriy il''ii.l lo r..,,i .mi tiiiniiuii our doanl if iiriiiiinu i licin 1I0116 to nl- . 1 -I to 1 1 Jil l lu'' I" I'l ini r noiH-ii - w gram away. PRINCE OF WALES TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD IN SCHOOLS 1.1.M11Y m l i'lt. 2:1. "'With n .npi'l lo llu- I'i'inrc 01 ... .. 1 ..iii.Ti lo I In fah' of . in Mm rliii(il. IIH'iiiri' imb'." v ili't'laiT-l ! -lohiiMui at a frliool- lioanl ini'flinsr inn worn u i,..i iiriiiiloii l'" CiviM! ...... 11 1 r.f II. - I II II I.. IO Ill n- .'V Hid 1'iiiiH' "I" NVali'V lour In oiilh Atni-a film which In lo he m..j 11UI11111 atKO itliowii in-"' " , , Mm fill of ajfinl Kiii.l Hhr wun ...vihina in IIm ffhonls They l,i i-xi'ii lop.r.l tho salt or pop f,,,. ilio .'X-sprvici' men. The niM'1" "''0" wn rrf,,se(1- m 'he Dally News. 4 1 .sJi PltlliF. t)F I S. MKItUII.WT M IUXK LMU I P The l.eviaili. n m the navy dry dock ii llo-loii I-. i ovcrh.uiiing after tier rn-enl meni' ralile rip. She .irrivnl in .New York Hi ! .1 i; - aii.'i what her rkipper desr ciUetl an 'he roighe-l pit -age he ever ex-pci o n. '!. Th- Imx i wil! not he pil mto inmf.uii gau-t until March. FLYING FIELD FOR ALASKA Major Thomas Lamphlcr Says There Should be at Least One In North IS WITH C4PT. WILKINS SIAV.fltl. Feb. 23. Major rhoinnx I.aaiiilucr of llu I'uitotl ..tat army, wloi i tolay houml fur Falrbank with Captain ((tHirgc Vllkiii lo hop uff for Paint lUrmw. whence the latter Siif xltyrv 'ii fliiihl coinineiico, in an infer, icw lien mreeil Die opinion llial a II.vihk cmii mucin -lioillil be kept I raining in Alaska eoiiftantly. lnipliier. who i- with the po lar cxpcililinu a- an unofficial obfner ami ailior. aid he woiilil a-k tin' war ilcparl incnl In r-lahlUli al Ich-I dim' aviation ie in Ihc norlli. which he hc- linvcn offer- Hie weakctt poftil for aerial nllack on the Pacific iiaul nf Nnt'li America. FIRST HALIBUT SALE DEFERRED Two Carloads Offered This Morning But Will Not be Bid on L'ntll Tomorrow Two minimum carloads of halilnit. 3U,5uo pounds, mostly from American f)iiel.. was of- f . reJ al Ihe Fish -Kxehaugo thi." murtiiiij.' imt, as there is no train Kiii I loilay, Ihe huyern decided to defer liidding on the fish until loluoriow. The arrivals offering were as follows: American Onah. "J.5U0 js.; Iteliimce I.. V.ilun Hi-.; llrollii'is U.omi His.; AiiKusla. 12,000 His.; and Adeline, J. alio lls. f'nmidiau Helen. 1,000 llu Swinp, 2,000 llts. BIRTHS. A on wa horn yesterday at Ihc Hejicral Hospital. lo Mr. and Mr. Nelson llrew nf llaysport. A sun was horn I hi.-morning lo Mr. and Mrs. (1. YV. Davl. Ocean View Apui'lmenls. M il tmt flnnzales left on last niglil's train for Terrace where' he is engaged today in legal bus mess, mt will return to Hn city ' ohioi'f.'vv nirtl'li'ttg. .nan'- , - wr i u rrrmtt. rv . . a raraian .btbth i arhTsmijwv i-..... . r .i - SNOW FALLING MANY POINTS Anyox, Stewart and Burns Lake Report Falling Weather This Morning I lie I i in. n liiiveriimeiil ii'iapliic report llu- nioriim .1! eiht o'eliM'k lold of -now a' hrec differeiil points. Anyos lew art ami Hums Lake. Hazel- ii via- cloudy ami ltliilery ami i: lerrace it was raining. The vMHi follows: lerracivltaiiitn?. calm; lein- ; nil tire. 33. Awyov - Heavy simw, calm: 'inperallire, :i t'levvart- Heavy snuw, culm: emiMruture, :u. Ilnielton r.loudy, hlustory: niMralure, 3. Telesraph Oreek Cloudy, aim; leniperalure. 28. Sniilhcrs t'.loudy, calm: tem- aeralure. 30. Itnrns Lnke Hnow, calm: emperiilure. 28. Whiteli'ir-e - Cloudy, calm: tnpcraltire. 22. tawnn --Xorlh wind: temiier-ittire. 5 below. Average f"i' Yukon a alove. KING GIVEN LARGE VOTE Majority on Final Count Announced Today Was 562G Over Burgess PRINCE ALBERT, Feb. 23. When RlghL Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, was declared elected by the returning officer here today It was found that his majority over Cap tain D. L. Burgess was 562G. or more than twice as large a majonlty as the Liberal candidate had In the last eleotlon. The official figures were: King 7925, Burgess 2299. In a, recent issue Pveiiska Can iida Tidningen. Ihe Winnipeg Swedish newspaper, carried a iiielurc of Aid. Oscar Larson, ar. nmpanicil by a write-up which briefly (old of Mr. Larson's career from his birth en January 20. I8H.1, until Mir present lime. Aid. Larson cnine In Winnipeg 'roiti the Old Citunlry in 1005 and wo years laler enme In Prine" llupert where he has resided " er since - - " "'1'" SWASTIKA WAS TAKING PILOT Developed Engine Trouble In Rough Sea off Quatslno and Not Seen Slnee V.VXCiH Vl tl. Feb. 23. Tin launch Swastika, which is 'ieved lo have foundered .' ..kiafsiiiit la-t Wistnesilay, be- 'ongiil lo two brothers, John ami .'hilip Yarley. wlio lo-l their ivs, acconliiiK to aiptain II. -Itadforlh. pilot aboard the ivaiiier itoblen Hale. Iidfiirlli had eiwraged tlm rothers to lake him uff tlm .leiiiner. which was en. rnUlt lo airtin. hut the weather was too ougli to permit their approach ml when the launch developed iiin" trouble the lieaiy sea revealed the ship launching a ifeboal lo cn to the men's a- islanee. ' The Swastika was engaged in 'eliverinu mail in the (JuaUino lilrict. HOCKEY GAMES WESTERNLEAGUE VAXt'.Ot Villi. Felt. 23. -Tw 'lackey games were played lit the 'Ve.-ti'i'it l.casiie series, one; here ml Hie other id Kilmniitnn. Al Fdmonlon. Sa-kulpnit so' another of its losing streaks'1 am! rtas bealen by Ihe homo teaii: wo goals In oe. Tlie i.-itmg I'.'t'lland Jean .mi here, bcalnjf Vanciuivei lime gaals I' ivvn. NATIVE SONS OF CANADA GAINING STEADY STRENGTH Fourteen new members, in eluding a number of prominent eilizciis. were tiflllaled al the meeting last night in the Metro pole Hall of Prince llupert As sembly No. 5o, Native Sons of Canada. The assembly is obtain ing a large and slrong member ship ami there were some" 1 00 persons present al the. mooting last night which was preside over by Hie president. Aid. M. M Stephens. Some splendid speeenes were mane by the new members on Ihe occasion of flieir initiation. SiibPi r tio In Hie Dally News Victoria Man Gets Eighteen Months and a Fine of $1,000 for Having Opium in Possession VICTOI5IA.' l-'ili. 2-i Verm hi A. Hiirnnier.-, whu wa iiml-i'il In If haliiiii;.). i li.iigi'ij willi having opium in I)i i-t'ion, vns -t'lilfiiifil to I'iplilti'ii rnoiiihs impri"oiiment ami fiiied (KHl in tlif polire unit f-.erila'. If the fine is nol paiil, Sniii-inerjt muJ mtvi1 an mlilitional twelve months. VA.NCOUVI'.H. Kelt. V:i. Acting on inftirinalioii from Vir- lori;i. Ihe fii-loms officer.s ami iiunmleij police -eizeil a (jtianlity jof opium in a room occtipiei! by Vernon Summers here liilc i Halm iliiy. The officials .-tale lhal the Victoria and Vancouver ; seizure.- together are valued at $5, 000. ' Summers will likely he charged here a- well us al Victoria. COMMITTEES : FOR THE FAIR i President Vance Made Appointments Last Night at Regular ' Meeting .VI the regular meeting of Hie exhibition lump I lal night President Vance appointed the Committees tot this year as follow' : Finance It. K. Uenson audi - Morgan. Howard Frizzell ami It K. Benson. iliiildings and ground- Fred Seatldeti. Alderman W. J. Hreer and Alderman .MrKeHinie. Hamls ami music Dan .la bour. Alderman MeKeehnie and Mderntan W. J. reer. Prize 4ook and iirizes J. O.i Williamson. D. McD. Hunter, and lolnt lluiger. Fxhibfts Alderman W. J. reer. Alderman Joe Oreer, and I. D. Williamson. Advertising and publicity oh n Itiilr-rer. Fred Scmhien, and Howard Frizzell. II was decided to llo)d a Hay seed Dance on April 8 the llx-hibition Innlilmu to raise funds or the orsaiit.alinn. EFFECT IN PROVINCE OF AUSTRALIAN TREATY V A. W. Neill Draws Attention to the Case of Rscent Butter Importations OTTAWA. Feb. 23 In the tiuie ot (lie tivbalc on Hie ad Iress A. W. Neil of Comox-At lerni drew attention to Hie fad Jvit while a small amount of Misiraitau miner was cominir nil. the country, possibly as a result of llu Australian treaty, the enlarged home market ronse- tuenl on the' passing of Iho 'reaty would more than make up for any possible loss. Tin; paper tiw ns .of Ocean Falls, port Alice, ami Powell lliver were kept busy tint the consumption of butler I here as a result of Hie enlarged paper market more than made up for the importation. It was ex- peeieu oilier towns would spring up. Heaver t.ove being already in prospect and others likelv lo rollow. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheal 1.57 H.C. Silver 1.75 2.00 (.nnsoliilaled V -217.00 Daly Alaska . .15 Dunwell 2.02 2.10 Oladslmie, J37 .3 I- A L. lOli ,17 Marmol .00 Premier 2.13 2.50 Pol ler Idaho 1 1 .1 1 Silver Crest 2 in Silver Smith .10 tl Surf (nia .to HERRING RUN HAS STARTED Seining Operations Are Now In Progress at Butler's Cove on Stephens Island Fresh liait is now available tor Hie halibut fishing fleet, "the herring run having started on Saturday ukght at Puller's t'.ovo on .teplnusi Island. Walt & (amnion's power boat .ananli lerauon is now s.jimng mere ami it is expected will ''establish a pound. The Hradbury A Yelf outfit is also probably al ititller's Cove by tins lime. The herring run. according to reports Ihi morriimr. had not yet started at Captain's I'ove or Jap Inlet. SLAPPED FACE OF DELEGATE Trouble Arose at Libera Conven s: I : Hon In London Last Week u it Ending jn Peace it ti t: LONDON. Feb. i'3. At one of J the .sessions of the big LiberaC convention last .week a misunder standing arose iK'twren-two delegates. William Pringle and Leslie. Itore-ltelisha inTfwhleh Ihe latter slapped Hie former's -(ace. Immediately the etinyenfjfjm was iif an uproar, lite thoUsanil delegiile- ri.-mg lo their feftshoutiii amj booim:. A'ler Hie. misumleri standing bad been Explained Mi, lio:e-telislia anologlzed for tlm slapiitu: ami imsmess proceedeil? APPEAL AGAINST-FINE IS DROPPED Consolidated Exporters Not Proceeding With County Court Hearing U Is Reported . It is understood that Ihe ap peal of the Consolidated P.xport'j ers Corporation Ltd. againsl n reeenl conviction under the (tov-emnienl Liquor Act ami a fine of 2.300 by Magistrate Mit'.lyinont is to be ilriipped. Notice for a new trial, which was to hnve taken place in. March before Ju.lge Yourng, hV nol, however, Iteen yet w.Hidrawn. UEUT.-GOYERNOR OF SASKATCHEWAN GETS AiNOTHERjJFFICE TERM OTTAWA, Fiib. 23. Mentcit-nht-Onvernw- XewJumU of Sin kntctiewan. Avhtv term has ex mred. lias been .reappointed for eniMiC' erjn. '1! 4'1 i' HI '"4 ft W4 5i .i