'This 1020. from !1 0,,"r nJ '' Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness i srtk- Nuture'i Renvdy: (HJ ItMrt "' "Alt-'"' ana liiof L,., Ths mc.:- win ic o revel, ft .. .:n i--, ... - i 11911' '7uu wait nvi irvvu. A Make Iho ltd, You will 3 I appreciate lliuJiuVicnce. ITlr ty' fW Chips off the Old Block i lO JUNIOHS Utile Mt il fUttr-tQ wlhll it.., I LJ. ' i' T au miiiit , SOLO SY TCU.1 CWiiTlSr uJ don't know ich about latches" - ml Hip Mi ly un i'li: i koimI linini-i')'. i -,'. irtK it ! vim. " . i' i't'r'ii i-pi'in-inl v.ilnaii' I winli wr wan' .1. In tiiv aii--Aiii'n n man nm- n i.ii way, u mki- I in im him ohn Bulger Ltd Jewellers loys Spring f.JII'.V.d $7.00 BOfS' NAVY SERGE SAILOR SUITS V" I'lear i.Ui ro1'. CME Importers Third Avenue mir nilvnnee t. I- in NYX Ladies Shoes ' " Ik'i mnkoH. it Prtee rluhl. amily Shoe Store 101, Third Avenue. Alexander Smith Block "hone 576 DENTIST PLATINUM IS GALLOWAY ON - ' ! BEING STAKED B:f. MINING 1 " - - - j i Excitement In Northwest t.mi rr- .. Tl, Former Hazelton I lor Wh,. Man Addresses - -. i.u ririas la on I.I..MO.VION. ..,. u. Word reeelved her,, fnim Furl K,m. 4-l;tiiM in tin- Northwest Torri-lory. A il.'-.;iic, Hi llullflln read: Hy il'iu team. hnre mi. and """' nil me resident nf' Jort Smith ami Fori FilxKerahl are malting rttmlly to drive t-lium -Ink, in ii new iilaliiiiim, triM ami silver Held, lornli'il fourl Mil lip alri-am mi id.' Slave iIIimt about Hi.- la I lot .HHem,.,,! Willi III arrival ul I on -'n,. ir.i nr Wyini. hi mill other claim sinker from n. I inlfii.,- id. WO tt Ifim-iit llre Mllllly eillllf om ,,f .! i! 'm.i Hutu winter 1 1 ''! uiio frnniii' ai'luiii. 'Hut' wa a well founded timi'inn h i' -niiif lliiiiji w 1111 ; ami liii- arnwil n( the "iMiloiert" r..llff tl.ri.l II nml ..AM. ......... . i i"i ri'-iv mini ; Mini enn run. walk ,r i jiHiiiiiinp din ola i?n uii ,r'il riwlm IhriMwIt wdieii jflave ImiIU if m way liiWMnl : Arolir. j Machinery on Way j rd ha eofne lliinuali nitM-iini ieltrrtiHi linti l.-irif --r....,.i- . n ln. rortiivkiiii. nni .n a. watt. rrli iitiiwri. l.fj. f J"""rv- l0 I i in t notice to creditors t,..,.. .vtn Ih . in.-unr r II';. err.lltorj llf Ollin n i'J' Bl ...... ,.. ' i i ,. ..J II,,' I'HIIt-r III " , k Hl1,nr. .,r ii ,in,irpiitii si. it" on Tlilnl Avriitie 1 r,"V...t f 0rt t lh -Iionr f elevrn . " ; " fix this l'"K..V.,7f r'liriuv A .1. I9. ,WffflVar3s! jUSSuS I 00.N2ALE3. Engineering 'Institute at Victoria viirrruiiA. ii,, ?n. -tiic I'rnvinre 'r llrjllsh iJoliiinhin ik flli id mineral. . I myself feel r.-rlftiti H,al u,(.p itrf. ,.,,.., tdoir mineral i'oiirc.' saul J I). (iallowuy. provincial mineral-' oulM, in nddrefnu Ihe lin-a.! branch nf the KhiinWrinir h, i slilule of tJaijada. The nexlj decade should hrin.' ,.,.y i,.,; nn-ai.T r.-iiii in riimirii; way Ihaii lia- iho prei-edine; years.' Tin- addi-i nf .M.. Jialiowav wa nf I he m,,t miiiniUlln fhnr- K li'i- ami va li.Mhl ,y n full ;il-I'Midaiif' fr ini'iiifiifM. Tin- min-' Till ir(lllcll,Ml (if ;H y,.ar in. Ilniuh Colin,,!,,,,. IniMuiliiiu imlc Iflli.iinv aiMli"'"' l,i,H'r nnniiij.', fii.il anil cok'' imi liii- iiiilinlKin r l.iiil.lin iiiiiIitihU ,if a mHt-iiitMallii- i-hnr--ii'!. i-,',i"nlii. hi fni. $ti.. .'.Hii.iMin. nr ihiK Hi,- ihpimu m- ii'ii'ni'i t;.iMifi.(i60( ,.,al ami Hilo i r,,,,,' "Mimmmmi ami the remain -niio tfi-anMi x.i.iiiin.iHiii, Wns in ,!. I'lmli'il in in.ii-iii.'i.illi.'H ami ll. iliiiiliiin malenal. i 'M tin (mi,. ir.),itii'liiiii Ki'v.-niv tv p.'i rem wa Irealeil in the ,v 1 l'i(Min-', ftriefii .,Pr .,,1 wa. ,. -Iiiii'i mil if Hie I'mviiiiM hi a minieniK m ni.ioinii. iv an- mi ' nniuon. wiiile tin r Hie way hw, wlh inniert nml Cnaininji thirteen .r feni was ilrtler wfirt will wm-l. t ilv ,.r 'ri lally lrenic m Itrituli f:i-IimI.'. w'litiA ,'Viifi lui'iillini lull jtinibia In lure jinny, nut l.. lie '"en n jwmle In the mirlh fr iHtil ir rriiiei. i'liere were ; . Tlme wim hav nriM' -! ""." ttfn eniplnyetl in iniiiiiic:. i ern'tiec in miniiiK know Dial Hie'wnH'h reireiiie a iayroll ol mi- erark" in Hie r.x k inni.h-'.""'Mnrt. 1'ir. Whiril fine KOlltli nf Flll-f.'i.ilil fnllntA. arrnt I lie- nr-n'ii ami eveiiluallv i iNeiiver'il in n.irthern flntaHo. On th ! .mi Cnlmli i plaeeil ami fortn the repnrl nf Hie takr ifer Uii'ri i every Indlealiitn thai Hie sl.ivi Iliver will prove Hint Hie ii ii.i 4nver ann piaiinmn imn inn n aiiiula ha enme In Ifcjht. Seething With Excitement Tli' elHnent are feeHiina 'Profit Hard to Determine The profit mmlf mil nf II,,' mine. wa hanl In ileiermine. "aid Mr. Hiillnwnv. Iiviiletil paiil ilul not lelt Hie whole xlnn . Ilpervatim et alip nml laxe. pa ill In Hie (xnvi'rnment were in le ailiteH o Hie iivicen.l in lell- ttie total iiimnint made in ininmB. 'riiere wa, Imwwer. admit ten i km eenl nf Hie ro mineral iriMluelmn nf the pro- ; niih .M-ili'iiH'iil. I'raetirally all ivinre paM in ilivhleinl". which 1 1 ho wtiile ninu ai, away, Atuking. jwa n very tovl linwin. 'ami yteniay the iialttiree.t jinn-) rnee illrnleiit went evrrv"-iiil in the rare. The ruh ha aH'wiier. Some nf them wenl to ! amiark of annllior Klnn-, I4nslarnl. nriie in Hie t'nttetl iMc' QOVERNmENT LIQUOR ACT. nonce or ArrLicaTiON ron conssnt TO than in or ana ticincc ' MTn r i iir.HKH nivri wi. no it Tlh ilt ul rtrut nrti. Utr n.W- .iwih.I .ti..-tl.l. Ii. alrf.lt I.. IK. I .tn...r IM 1 1.. i Hnl tm '.n-'ni irtfwfrr Jf! IIk-i l irrnrr Xumbrr mil iHiinl m I of .rtM bRii pr, nf IMIM III kHimn Thr l..)l H4HH. MltMIr II It, rnlllrl l.r AIK ! MKl Jltl MUf, ill Ihr r.11 .if ITtiMr Hurrl. III" . Upon ih IM. dwrrtlMl Kil ruim (III tn.1 laHvr lit . III.- IMrlt loi. (M ; (. i.imt IwiMlml Hl i-nl thnv itfli, ll'rlni- Htttvrl Uwri Hr(1iraln Plolrlet, ii ih I'rmiii.T .r Uriutli Cnhinia. rroMi 1 itw rMiiii. i. ihhimhh t.tmn. it fntHv llMrn. HrllMti I nlumW. t ltmt at ennrs Kri. n r.. h jm uf iun, IMS. fn.u.tr t ihrtil IN rROBATC lln Ih Svprtm Crl f Bfltlth Columbia ' ii, VitNr nf llw .4inMHlrillon Art: .(Hi i In I Ik- VUller nf Ikr K.Uli or Mm Mritn.1 lriaMf. Illfll. rxkr. tntirr ihi tv orir nf lit I II in r Mi ll Ynttwr. imrtr llr Ini lUV i .! Iriiritart. .v.i. i penoi iltiiiniinilr of tin Kui or Muni llr.nt.'. ttord, aiHl all 4rtlt liavinf .laiin aiifl the al1 Hie an hrrflir rrauintl t frWi Mine. pmr-J' 'e'l; iimi in mt n r lHr llw Srrt day nf u.rrh i i tot, ami an earn iixtriimi in ih.-' .Ml ai realr lo pay llw mixHiiil of ItwV lktbll l n : .MIIIMAX A. WATT. 1 nffirwi Aitminlflralor. I'riwv ItMprrl. l.aiil ih unl clay nf lruify. isf. 1 N rROBATC. la th Suprm Court of Brltlih Columbia f In ih' MaHr f llw Artnlnliriil.m Arts ! in iliMallrr nf th Kll of Arnlrrw I iHlrtMui, Hae.l, IntMtaie. I TAKF. M1TK.F. ItWI I.J orjtr or III I lluiiiiiir y. Vrll Yottiia. ro'l tl" "'l ilnininl Ai1riiniirai.r r it 'i" ' ' iHlr'W Anlrr.u. Nleera !. arnt all !.irii ha.ma rlaim alainM ,"'; l fnrnlh Hl.' ar.' IteKhv r.-qirr.l ..mi' rnrh virifn'ii i ml on or ! milrVliVpi" IhV aMH-nl r 4hHr Imkbl " ' tu'yunyy a. watt. nrririil AilininHlralnr. rinn nnHrl, H.C. n.irt il,c fwl liv r rehrnary. Ifl IN rROBATE. oF BR,T',H 1N the .ucoyusbv;t III tin- Mailer ir nw ami ..... t. ..Imp i.r iitr r.i.iii "i Miinlorh III I,.; "' :" --,. ,.H .'"'Si. thai I ' "HIT of III- r jjiinarv. a.i' .." wi i,iolnliil l-rinl til inr on or iM'for' J'T.. ilimiorn iniiA at anil ii all linriir iiidii-t in in? "'.r..,; v ..a State, and mm" reniHinetl in Hie provinee nml in nlher part of Hie li.iiiimiim of i:n..i. rin im. mirlanee of the indiitrv, after all. wa not rrprenleil in Hi ilivitleiiil thai were mini, fats I in the wnpe- thai were ilMrlliulitf ami in Hi- other ilUlrifnilTrtri bf nniney emiiieti on Hie imlu try. Represents Large Investment There wa an ineliiuiit in Ihe provinee in a minim: way of xiriii.iMin.iMlil. The annual mineral irroiltielmn nf Hie pro vinre on a .per eapila haxiw tif population mailo a 4plenilii -li..inp for H.C. In 1021 tin lal I a I for whieh Hiert wen enmplele fisur!, Hie per rnpilu value of miiuiit! iiM,Iiiellou for Hie whole of (Lanaitn wn ? wlille for II.C. II wns ?.'l. Oiw Inrio ihnweil f;ti ami (jueliee per eapila. . year Jl.f.,.tiu very mueh hislier n t kit llie.re'.wai. over lnil wirlli of iiihieral (ir-iliielinn for eaelj persiln Iti' llif? ,111... .I,- VJjijrt lroierily in iiifnirTrhiTWriTl over at present wn nue to n vlinrlaffe of nielnl, siiiil 'Mr. (al- loway. For twenly-five year Iher hail leen more iweil than heftire. Older mininet areas were ln'iiiK ilepleleil. Ilriliah Holunibin was a new mininp rnunlry an.l more allenlion wa. in ettn.se-iliienee. ennlereil here. liiipiiivi'il tninspuitalioii. toe. wa. annus in Hie proiliielmn. Still Enjoying Life at 84 Thanks To That Wonderful Remedy Mn. F. n. Miller, 1S43 llfh (Ave. East, Vaneottver, B.C., writui "Five yeara ago my husband autTrreil terribly with aevere attacVi ,of vl-pltation of the LVart ahJ aiuotueriag pells, and two (Wtors stated that ho could not possibly llvo alt von tks. A friend ncdmaimlfil Mllburn's It. sod N, fills, with the mult that my husband is still oujojiag life .at the age of 84 jars. lie has Improved so wondttfnlly that ha fan now climb tho isUir Without havlK thosa, awful palaa is hla heart." , Pet p oalr by The T. MUben Otk, Iiakiied, Xtaaato, Oat, In iion-tnelatlie nroiluels. Mr Calloway nitl there wa a future for the non-melullie tleposiiM I hart exisinl in ihe provinee. These were lyin? ilnrmallt fftr Hie pr- nl. .Crude Oil' Competition The eonipellHon of erihle oil inie j,enrs upon the eoal pro-ilnetion. Ijilior tmuhles hail heen In help nut eonsiileralily in the jeortl prfnliieHon. Oil al shmvef jsiuns nf poiir? up ' in priee. rwhieh wiinld make for heller eon- uiiiiiiis in eoal milium. lite .market for roal wa. limited in aren as ronipar-! with metal inackeU, which were world witle. 'pi' lropeelor ami Hie miner, he nid, lead Ihe way, in openlturl up Ihe province In a larpe ex-lenl. The industry was.iuiw in" a heallliy emuliHon. I-ii year r.l.r.iMi.iinii was priMlue.'il, r ahotil .. twenly-flve per cent in-crease over Ihe year he fore. Stewart Camp ' liafiiiK with the various tlis-IfieH iis rieatetl hy the ijeparl-nn'iil. Jlr. lialloway saitl uuiuher fun ilisiriel had an active yiar. especially in the -Stewart camp. it was the larffest year in point nf production for Ilia! area. Th niot iuJ.slaiilinn wirk has heen Dial ik'nif hy the H,r.. .Silver Otm-l'Miy.. ' : .iirliecllfs1 (Missiuri hilt also afiaile;'iajjjiMii oMciinl ii;jdevelop- iiK'nt.. I.tnikiiifc' lo the future, Hie ilexelopmeiit of numlier im dis- trlcl ' promised well fur the .N'umher Iwo ilislrid; with Iieniliu1irlers al llaiellbn, jiave frnotl promise. There were a ureal "iiiimhcr of small properties wiirkuis. In the Cariboo Ihe! i i j . ftjmi jiiiiM.icinry re- sulls. ,'J'he success nT this rom- pany Would lie well measured by lis ineenlive lo other companies to no in, he suj.rtfeslei. Number Hirer, or Kamloons jilislricl. had n lai'KC j.'.vpsiim de-posil Ibardcpemletl upon railway jcoustriii'linn he fore it would come' nun economic use. i ne AVimi I'ass. a -'ifohl properly, north or Kamloops, hail tui'n taken up by New York capilnl ami was beiiiK developed. The Federal Company was vviu'king'nl a point On tho I'.U.K. .The work done bad not been very great but il liad made a Rood start. Did Camps Revived Number four district had formerly been a la rue producer ml had fallen off considerably. At Copper 'Mountain there wnsn pood deal of development. When il uo! uilo production it would inalefially -direct the output. lleaveWlell Camp, vvitli hiuh uraile silver ores bait revived m important niinin? ilislrii-l in Ihe I'rnvinre. I.ne miniuz in Ilrit- h Ooliuinria stirlnl tliere. This! ilislrIM inelutled the Sullian mine ami Ihe Heau area. 1 lie I. Mueller nf the Consolidated (Uim-pan at Trail was a womlerful j tine. Ii slii,pt out a tiatnloaif had hail a ilprsinr elTift fo K' melal day. There were various aenl and hy-produels for na in H.U. made there, in -eitleil in Ihe i.oiiHiealern jkiH lailililinn In Die metal prothielion of Ihe proxiifee wliich pminlsetJi.iilHn, millinu wn lone, Tlie I'tirenpim I'-nnipany liar! invaded Hie field last year ami had ilnne mnsidcrahlc work oirl its holdinas. Various other developments that hail heen carried alori? in Hie district were referred lo hy the speaker. N'linlher ix district included Vancouver Island ami part of the Mainland. In il The Itrilannia was the fcrreat producing mine.1 ami las year work was revived' on a uuiuher of pntperlies. ' .Mr. i.alloway displayed a mini-1 her of slides on the sereen Illustrate the mininp oiieratmns in j Ihe lrovinre. explaining them as Holy were shown. 'Thanks Accorded H'h Ihe conclusion of Ihe address. a hearty vole or thanks was riven Hie speaker for his oxec!-leni adtlress upon one nf Ihe ureal industries of Hie I'rnvinre, whieh hail proved mosl inlerest-iiis; Jo 'all prese'nl. . . 11. .N. Aiidefson, ptJsiilt)tl of (he InslituLe, ,atiled his thanks to .l7r1f,rnrif.Va,blr.Ss as oAc or Vl"- Ihe most enliuhli'iiiiiK thai hail ben given bfore the body. Mr. lialloway also addressed Hie II.C. Division of Hie Minilif Institute in Vancouver on Friday, tin the miiiiiiK silualion in Hie Province. tlretlue operalbms r,r;m Knfriiahf SLEIGH LOAD OF FURS AT FORT McMURRAY Drive ot 650 Miles With Horse 'Sled With Largest Shipment of Winter KhMOXTON, Feb. 23. WUhl1 C5t) miles of Hie Athabasca ami the Slave ltiver ice behind them, a horse sled train belouuiisU to, IbetNorlhern Trailers I.imiletl has arrived al Fort McMurray vvllli one of Hit larucsl shipments Of winter furs ever made from the Great slave 'Lake country. , Iiriven by Ov id Desrosiers, the N.T. horses have the dlslinctloff or beitvs Ihe first etpiincs in history lo have made Ihe wittier passaue fronrForl smith lo Fort Itesoliition on Ihe .ureal Slave. Uitlierlo this trip has been ios- pacftCfivb There' hail heen an active iini.in1uah oinet Innu like a lionm i , for properties ItlI hy pni"pei- Hie ramp. lor-, whieh wa an ineenlive to Xiimhr five iliMrir!. East anil iitriner prfuni'iinjx. lierernnsr'vN l Knuieiiay. wa Hi' mini The Savage Washer and Dryer Al the last Quebec Kxhihilion repealed its success of the previous year, by aani winning the Hold Medal with distinction over all oilier makers of American nml Canadian Washers. Cash Price 5185.00 Also sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Smith ami so to Mc.Murray. Some or this fur eaine from as farjiorili as Fori Sinip"n, hemj; taken up to Fort Itesoliition hy Ant,' us Slu'rwiiiid's iIor trains. II ten HieiX.T. post, at the junction of the Liard ami Mackenzie, op January t(i nml has heen 5:i days on Hie I rail to Fort i i ibcs .11 wauaua mi p.iwsu ft j 12,000 Employees Quitting HOMtlXTUX, Feh. 2.1. The fur strike in New York city, in-volvuw; about 12.000 employees nml about 1,50.0 simps, is bavins its errect in Kdnionloti. accord-inc to a local trader, who stales )har Ihe deniand- Tor coyote ami rabbit skins,. almost all of which fcsroto the eastern city, has fallen ,rr I.,.. .i.i.. . .. it. ..I , .....w..c.i !.. ih.. ;;,iu- "", funsc- sible tinly lo dop learns, Jbttl by lakinu northern "chances, These furs are usually utilized for triinmitjus by Ihe eastern furriers, il is stnted. Now bo- canse or Hie trouble in the east the price lifts suffered si drop of aboiii. 20 jmr cent. Another factor that is enler iou to dislnrb the coyole mar kel is Ihe 'imporlalinn oT the Tibetan uoat by some ot Hie eastern manufacturer. This latter. animal has n 'fur- which lakes to dycintr easily and ts he irip used to answer the Irimminu purposes In which the prairie wolf is laruely put. It is not expecletl. however. thai Hie coyote will be perman "rnlly .'displaced in Ibis field as Ihe fur .or the Tibetan uoat Is not ls e.jual in noalilv. nlllimteh il Is Cheapur in price. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Chisholm, llazellon; n. Xe. son lieorui'lovvn. Central II. C. Alexander and A. A. Lumber!, Ronxerville. He' II Learn Wsonnn (who has uiven some food lo a Irnmn You have a paHInu nals on bis sleiubs and wry nwkwbnl yvny of ealinff, "Imwrhinu It out" Ihe sleich nian. 'be driver miilde iL Ihrnuch In Hie Trnnitv. V 4 .r.n'nvi' f ar.naA " c ..so sll.,nli.n ...I .... .,. ... ..... . .. u. nimuq uou uiuruimg latie, tutin Dact to Fortjlt s cause I'm out of praotlce. Dried Fruit Special i I'runes. 50-00. re?. 20c lb. Special, 7 lbs. . . . $1.00 ' 25 lb. box $2.75 , Sun Maid Itaisins, reu. i lb. ; plip. C5c. Special, 2 pkus. . . ... .. . . . $1.25 Iry .4tples, special 2 lbs. 45c , Dry Apricots, re?. 35c lb. Special,.-3 lbs "85c 1 lry Pears,1 rep:. 10c lb. Spe- i cial, 3. lbs. , .... $1.00 FancyWhile. Fius. rejc 2 lbs. 35c. Special, 2 lbs. 25c Table Fiu. reu. 25c -lb, Special. 5 lbs $1.00 MnssaDem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 We are Sole Agents for Edinburgh Hospital ' FAMILY REMEDIES j llreak up that cold with a box of Bromide Laxative Quinine ' Tablets, 25c and a bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Cure, 60c. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Half l'iat. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phon W7 am ? .1