i ft-.- rnvr. V PAOE TWC 'ftnmW, April . ,, Start 0e dav Feelind Tit SHREDDED WHEAT The energy-building food The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, .the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. DAILY COITION Thursday, April 29, 1926. Canada's Chief Asset And Foremost Product. (All-Canada Edition, Christian Science Monitor) Camilla is justly proud of its immense resources f forest nnd fertile field, of mine, 'ttnil water power. Hut of'lhelr greatest' nset Canadians are characteristically voiceless. It is ot Miinething drawn from the earth. It has sprung rather from an inherent consciousness in the people of the value of the "things that are unseen." The Dominion's greatest resource i character. Set down anywhere, on the globe, a people of much integrity, courage, open mindtand friendliness would have made a notable place for themsehVs; endowed with the unmeasured wealth of Canada, they will make their land one of earth's chosen places. It has taken courage to open up Canada, as it did the United Slates. Today calls for fresh courage, and tomorrow will make its new demands. Every'flaj; the structure of nationhood visibly rises higher. This is hut the sixtieth year since the divided provinces united in one Confederation. Since then the prairies have heen carpeted with farm and city. 11 has been, a period of seedtime. In the last few years the Panama Canal lias aided in the Dominion's development Newly settled cities, thrilled with their sudden greatness, are gazing past provincial boundaries, while older communities arc! broadening their interest in their continental neighbors. Every man who looks beyond his own fence, and works on today despite the doubts and discouragements that beset all construction, makes himself one of Canada's nation-builders. Not For Herself Alorie She Builds. Canada does not build for itself alone. It builds for the British Empire, for. its great -rep'ilblicnn 'associate to the south, and for the peace of the world. The myriad of its sons and daughters who have settled hrlKe Uniled States are an anchor of Anglo-American friendship. The host of Americans who in their turn have sought fortune in Canada form another tie. The present Dominion Parliament hag at least one member who did mil iiit the Slates till long after he was a grown man. In the United States Canadians have risen to the highest positions of moral leadership and responsibility. There is no public sentiment whatever within the Uniled Slates for the annexation of its r neighbor it would be fruitless were it entertained but there is a growing and already widespread appreciation of Canadians. This understanding cannot fail to include the mother country of Canada within its compass. If it should prove good' public policy for Canada and the United States to unite in build ing the St. Lawrence waterway to the Great Lakes, the locks set" athwart the river will tie not only the two great neighbors closer together but also Great Britain. Friendship at one corner of th? British Empire cannot fail to extend to all. . ; Promote Larger Understanding. As gleans of promoting a larger uiulerslanditur of the l)o- ntiiiinnjj.Uie Monitor with this issue presents some account of Cana'tl'a.tiiwl its resources, cultural as well as physical. Passing menijon js .given aiso to a jew or its cities. .o attempt ha been ina(ie. jp,make the record complete. That would be impos,ble wilhuriithe confines of a single newspaper. The Monitor has sought hjerely to sketch some of the outstanding characteristics of u great country and a great people. SyhaUver its varied problems of geography population. rargj piiyie.eriiig or the like and every nation, ha" its imposing qiltjiio!isrTi.anaua laces mem wiiu sturdy boldness.. Its re. sources of character mid continent are siich as to challenge dif ficullies. As the years roll on, Canada'? ehfefest Product mtf well be recognized as neither gold, nor wood, nor wheal but men. Indigestion and Bilious Spells Mf i, Ktmpton Crocker, HanUport, Bishopville, ipvuie, Kii N.S. m s. writes c:v. ing "My hiuband suffer ed from kidney and liver derangement and lame back, for two years. Nothing seemed to help him. We read in Dr. Chase's Almanac of Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver pills and he tried them. By the time he had Kaken two boxes hi was quite well again lERHAPS it has never occurred to that you your frmihloa rrnwi in!nri! . 11 . . . '""nsrauuii re reauy caused dv torpid liver action and consequent constipation of the bowels, btomach tablets and lotions sometimes afford temporary relief but they do not get at the cause. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills positively remove the cause of trouble by their direct and combined action on the liver,; kidneys and bowels. A single box will convince you of their efficiency. Dr.ChasesKidneyLiverPills 86 eta. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chat Medicine Co.. Limited. Toronto 2, Canada SELF-DENIAL ITOURING FOR ! WEEK APPEAL1 BOY SCOUTS Salvation Army Appealed Very Sir Alfred " Plckford Says Com-' strnnniv to MrM Bahla. i munis,, movenwn. in tng- m , . . V I the Journalist Harold Hglh, distiuguisliPil London Joiirnnlisl, in Kivf.n the unparalleled success of Ihe Sal vation Army's efforts wherever it has found a loophole of approach to men and women seek-injr relief from the burden of doubt and sin. The Army has, by the consis tent conduct and spirit of its workers, proved again that the religion of Jesus Christ is a f.ife, nnl'rnefely a lilurpy. It has again shwwn that the religion of Jesus is the one effective anti dote for human misery, and also Ihe one all-powerful aid for the most desperate rOndition, thai ver visit man or woman! Forty Year Oustom In order lo spread throughout the entire world the knowledge and spirit of true religion, Ihe Salvation Army adopted in 18H( a plan for the observance of a period of exceptional , self- ilemal. It has continued - llns good, custom for Id years.' It is now apptalinjr to its officers, sprjtij:r7cpiverfs;alia ft rjends in VtWlcj-ri Canada for I fie nioney lo carry out its plans and con-. Iinue its beucficient humanitarian work. . The officers of the Army ex press the hope that the jrlfls this year in the period of self denial, Ihay he commensurate with the extensive work for unfortunate men and women and eiiildren in the wesiern provinces of Canada. PROBLEM OF PEACE NEXTTODEMOCRACY Rev. G. O. Fallls 8ays Day Will Come When War Drums Will Throb no Longer " VICTORIA, April 29. The much talked of Krnlherhood of Man can only become a face when men everywhere delermint to live like brothers in their relations to all mankind," declared Ibjy. Oeorge O. I'allis, of Vancouver, H.C., in a masterly ora-.- Hon on "Rotary and the Wide World," at the conference o! Ihe t'frsl District of 'Rotary In kttiatfounU- hejd Jn'llie Royal Victoria Theatre. "I believe that the day will eonw, and what a daj it will be. when to Jewish fervor, On-ek liassion, Roman thoroughness, French acuteness, German depth, Hritish breadth, Scottish intensity and American keenness, are added Indian spirituality, Cliiu- !se sauacily, Japanese love of beauty, all baptized into one Kreal humanity. Then will surely appear (hat day when the 'War drums throb no Ioniser and the bailie flags are furled, in Hie 1'arliamenl of Man, the Federation of the 'World,'" said Rev. Mr. l'allis, amid cheers. Problems of Peace Rev. Atr. J'allis observed that Ihe problem of peace was a great spiritual problem, the sub-stilutfon of fellowships for prejudices and hates. Rotary thoroughout the wide world, w(th It men of splendid leadership, must face the problem of peace in no superficial way.. They mul pee, be continued, Ural the problem of( peace was almost as rferiou n problem as Ihe problem of democracy, and that nothing sliort of years of education o two or three generations can bring about the accomplishment Of this sixth object of Rotary. Subscribe to the Dally News. land la Real Danger i'OIt I), Oat., April SO. - "The., Communist movement in Knglaml1 is very ivill menace," declared, surprising results of his SIMlfreil Plekrnnl. Douuli (5 years'. iini'Sligation of Christian, ,11jJ0 i.nihi. hov Scotils om-1 and ' missionary work In India tells W,.U , known hulhority on social a story of a Iiiphly !''ca,0,litipsiloiis,,ijt5,an intervievv herei Hrahniin student. DesCrihlnif his.; ,,,,... ..ii.i....m.iiv ih u-nri ! conversion to the Christian failli f,.alll,'.,. Ui, :,,,n,nil,jl Sunday this sliMent salil: What t wanted was Truth.! With all my mind and soul, I nought Trulli. To he Mire of sonielliinjr as absolutely true this was tlie hunger and thirst of my whole beinj:. In this drift - itig condition, I saw the Salvationist in my neighborhood, Jiv ing live of extreme self-sacri fice, avoiding everything hi the nature of ceremonial or formal ism, preaching and living the religion of Jesus, with a devotion l.vhlch was .perlinp my first knowledge of earnestness. Relief From Burden Here r the explanation of the school. Xi(t only are the eiiildren taught atheism, but they are iuslnicted too in the liolshevik doctrine of . free love. W'fi are countering their propaganda with Ihe Hoy Scout movement- tor boys trained lo be clean and up right are not good material for theni to work upon." At the present time Sir Alfred is making a tour of the Dominions in Ihe interests of the Scout movement. He h;is already visited Australia and before returning lo I'nvflnnd he will inspect the scout patrols throughout Canada. Urges Higher Wages "I am convinced," he said, "thai the only real cure for our present economic distress will be lilalier waes and better working conditions. have been trenieii-j doiisly impressed with the way. you do things here in Canada and I think we co-ild copy yon to ad-vrntajie. The sTHed and tlie marvellous precision with which a motor car i made, for example, strikes me as being truly amaz-in? tbut . flis wages, tlie hours and the working eomlitions would; seem strange lo an F.uplish manufacturer. A good many of them seem too conservative to adopl modern standards. There is another difficulty we have to face In Kniland. Workmen paid at a low rate deliberately a'dopl a policy of ca'; canny ami ii a result manufacturing cots are high. In my opinion, it is the manufacturer and not the worker in need of education. Tribute to Canada In concluding Ihe Interview Hie oisiinariiisiifii visum- paw a in-1 but to Canadian workmen and to I'nrladian products. "Before I came to tlanada." he said. "I was under the impression that mass production implied lark of quality. I was wronir for mass production spells ipiality as well as quantity." THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: TIIKRKS nothing inlelleeln.d about lomr hair if your wife picks it olT your coal, especially if il happen to be red. TIIH (iovernmenl experts toll u that sprayinjr destroys pests, bill I know some that no chemical mixture (yel Invented cafi smother. THK rllK -Man Man in in the the Moon Moon has has not not H.IU tad allkicktfor ivfal ilays What: iVhat.Nl ihe jnaller ivlljf .the people Pi tfn;ayi! ; .? :4 Rrmie yburselveVV hit .fust lell us what you think of us And don't forget In hit WOMKN can about everything except tlie lemons (hat come around. I KNOW a lit I to olonin She and I get aloiiK Just rippin' And every afternoon And evenin' neath Ihe moon listen lo the waves liplippin. JAKK says if you can wrile n worse verse lhan".tJiat one, Just o lo it and he'll give you Ion dollars for it.- ,1)11) you hear about I tint man who wifr married him In settle a bet, hut tl's Villi linsellled around their home. TIIR dearest girl is naturally, rather expensive. What are girls for anvway? Ten Years Ago in Prlnc Rupert April 29, 1910. Word has been received ir the cily of Hie death from wounds overseas of Pance-Cor-poral V. J. Lumsden and of the Practical Yet Beautiful- nnd waterproof, the smooth surface of Congoleum SEAMLESS Qold Seal Art - Rugs defies accidents. Dust, nshes, tracked-in mud and spilled things vanish like magic with only light mopping. And no amount of sun, rain or hard service can dim the rich beautiful colorings. Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs are a quality product sold with a real money-back guarantee. See theni at your dealer's. Look for This Cold Seal When You Buy COLO SEAL CUAWANTFE . ururACTVM aiumu OamiHONITMC serious wounding r Major A. W. Agiievv. Small hoys in the .eal (Tov.) district have been commit tmf. ( serious )lpredalion. Rev. W . F. Ruslilo'ook's house has beet, iiroken into ami the launches Vnn and Amie have been lootei. There wa a large crowd of leople at Ihe wharf this morn ing lo hid famvell to Howard I'riogle, Harry Wei ford nnd Don I'.rerar who s4ilef on the steamer Prinee Ho perl for the south where they will nbsl for active service. STEPPED ON BRAKE CLUTCH AND GAS AT ONCE DID AUTO MEN Jldmonton lliilleini A somewhat similar mental condition seems to have seized (he automobile maker of Can-.ola when Ihe Roib tariff re-iliiclions imt into Ihe business highway just ahead of them. The situalloil developed so suddenly they admit it left them "gasping." Like the novire at the wheel, they found themselves filled vvllli Hie ure to do something; and began stepping, .villioul mature reflection, upon jinike, clutch or itas button as ) haiice and excllemrnl ordained. One prominent firm immediately posfed a notice that the plant Mis closed Indefinitely; only to tear it down twenty-four hours later and post another saying I hat work would proceed as usual an Monday. Meantime another larked up the "slop" sign just about Ihe, lime- its rival signalled "go ahead." i The automobile makers have hot been used, to this kind of In-1 lerruptlon to the stnoolh tcnori of their way. Their is u newj industry, nrnl new industries are! proverbially I rented as 'infants" when tariff schedules are being framed, lint this particular one, :ls now an infant neither In ago! nor in size. It has grown inloi the proportions of an industrial i alant, and has reached economic malurily. It is time (hat il !nwin; lo depend upon itself, not Upon artificially favoring conditions.' It should by Ibis time be able to) get nloiipr with less tariff help! than it lias hitherto enjoyed, a! part of the flurry among the manufacturers may he laken n. being only the flusler of a ynilih when he first finds himself thrust Into the world and treni ed as a full grown man.' 1 i ii Nllc of ' Application for Cartlfltato ofi Improitmanta "lht" Mlntral Claim , Sllul in Urn I'rinre lliirl Minlnr! pivllin nf Urn Akeen nmlrlrt. Wlifrn liraiMi near th Head of KlUuroknluitt Mk. rul Imldcr: Swan tulin. Niim-I S0?C. ,"'M"r' rrrt inr' C'Tllflratfl,' TAkK NOTICE lh.lt I, swan num. Fro! ' " ' " - miiiin.ic ..... navfu, imriiii mi i Ihf end of uluy dy f rum . Hi data iBi, ,w iiijr ii urn Mimnir . iwrordiri tilt a f'A-tf rinikla ... ..a.. 1 . . . i ... I pinTmae of nhuinlnir s Crown flrant nf -"'if.: f imiii. auii iiiriiitr llir noiirfll J." liat action, umW amnion St of th Mineral Art," rnuat be romniwrcd ln. i for ih iMiianre of such Crrllflcaln of linprofi-rimnia. I Iiaicd thli 3rd day of February, I9J8.1 SWAN DAI. I.N, ownrr. By E. T. Keuiy, Aunt. I friNGOLEUM CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL. QUEBEC GOLD SEAL RT-RUGS DEMAND "Rupert Brand" -Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFA8T FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W ilCAflAOIANj VPACirtci .saiiwavi Prince Rupert, B.C. Open for Business! I beg to announce thai I have opened for In Ihe FArhaiige lllock. conier of Third Avenue Hlreel. where I hall be glad jo renew friend hp cu-toniei-. and greet all new lines. R. W. CAMERON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER PHONE 231 Steamship and Train Service PRINCK OEOROK Shit PRINCK CHARLIt will IfSV eRI"l BW'"' for WANCOUWtH, VIOTORIA, SIATTII, ilhl Mrmial Mmill rRU" MONDAVI Si t.00 .m. For STCWART SIXl ANVOX, WCONItOAVS, MTURDAVt, 10 00 P eRiNcc john formiitiiiy ror vancouvir vis ouiin cum0" IILANDt. PAIItNOCn TRAIN LCAVC PRINOI RUPf RT tVERV MONDAY, WtDNEIDAV SR1 SATURDAY 11 S p.m. fof f RINCI 00Mt EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, ill puluU Mttrrli Clnla, J'nllH '! AQtNOY ALL OCEAN ITEAMSHIR LINES. Cll Tltktt Off le. lit Third A., Prlnc RufU PMI 2) Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sail in era frotm Pmma Pnrtirt S- .... UIU A IIIIWC IM'"- f YANCOUVW. ViaORiA ui SEATTLE ." ' Mmk M A-J I s s. tmcta BEATRKC for I'd'. waaoi Rat, Bail tails alls, o.aN ralla. NtmU, Campbalf Rlt.r, and 'aneouiar oaary ialurSa. 11 s 'm, A,.c, f.r ,n tt,am.hlp Llna. Pull' lnformstl.. W- w. o. ORCHARD Oanarsl Aaant. Oornar of 4lh ttraat tn4 r4 A.u! aT.'.l.V . . . n