ay, Ainu u. i-.it An Inoit THE DAILY NEW8 PAGE THRE1 f .w, Vile J Victoiy Bond Interest When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav-ings Account in the Bank of Montreal. The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then cam interest for you. D. C PATEKSON. Marker. Prince Kupert Branch: I mm m - T . . ' . a V I) A Ml f 1L l tit I II i; A I lIK I in 1111 I I r f- I Established i8i7 D ENGLISH LAVENDER II 3 LETRIES Made by YARDLEY OF BOND 8TREET, LONDON. r . llitin a cciilnrv Hit- i uli'i- ot lit -If a ii'l I IIVII 1 III IIIW lM I .11 H - '! ' lt'i-rnttip ttiiU berau-c nf lite extra fine ma- W.tttr .-, 51 .00, $1.25, .52.25 J3.00, $3.50 !i s p 20c, 35c ! wder $1.00 II. t. la ... - VI 7C III Ml ''MUM I O 11 I w . I M GDC i . c r i i . :i ii i . . ........ aw ni Powder, in lm 40c I III 1'llVVlllT III StllM lllllMlaK Sl.UU Sa t l.rv-lal $1.25, $3.00 ! nr- dt'tl l-.n-iider lllosMtiiiv each 25c napoo Powder. Inillle $1.25 u .1 ..i . ... I Rfln i - - iiiinrmii: ' . .... I .... . tKn i .1 u m 1 1 v irfiiiMi'.i - I Ormes Limited see troobl e 77 nit: iui luitt-itiii ii i"n"'P tip--- - - - - - - ... . i. il. 1. t n lilt im limnl in linml. W'liul you waul is a .good for- uc teller In ii'll nhoul our Tlirif-T-crvice. It rosts very He ier pound, bill il rnds off every wnsliliio Inmjilc dial ex. sled, Yoii ll iiiitl ii u goon iik k nurm mui wuiivs 'y week in (lie year. Thrif-T-Service 5c a pound, 1c per piece Everything washed and flat work Ironed . w m V. V ANADIAN STEAM LAUNUKY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. , , . p.O. Box 106 Hiiiitiwni'N Hlrcl lctl, -.Spring?. 0-H,i'"i",'r Mill- vivij I "Win, ."2 IIihuiin llol aiiil Cold Wwler. llalli nimwei". huu HealiMl, Klcclrlv Mglit. Corner or Third Avo and Sixth St. , prince nuPErrr, b.c. Local and Personal Phone 15. 1.H. Coal Co, Arthur's Taxi. Phone U78. , H.C, llnderlakers. Pborie '. Art CI. (10. Corsets Wallace's. jiilk hpp, Wallace'. I wo pair and (iirdles, ANNOUNCEMENTS tf tf ll'iiijiB,:liifj.!, $1.0(1. 'al lane's. ., '" : ' Jo! lacfi.ill nicelinp (oinorroiv iiiKhl in City Hall at 8 o'clock Don't inisc Wallace ' liarai . dayn, Friday ami Saturday. 1(1 1 Crystal FiruliKliters. 48 for fl.00. Hyde .Transfer, l'liono 580.. if A. A. Cox, Vancouer architect who ia a huinp visitor in llif city, will return south tomor row iiiornins. ' for 101 C.I'.It. slfaincr 1'rincenx Hdyal Capl. C. C. taiiiley, northhouml from Vancouver to Alaska, port". t due iii-fe about noon lomor-i-ow. " .1 I.adifs' Yeslfi. 3 for ?lj)0. Wallace'. , 101 iHniglaa. fiear. rejirenenlaUvi' oi i iciKiiiiiann s leaxt. .iH a uuiur4 vUilor in Hie city. , He arrived from Vancouver yelcr-duy amT Vlll proceed U Ujc in 1. .:.... Z.4.,1... ..I.I.I', Ii5i irn csiuiun.l IIIMII1 rt irain lir.M-n Slrip Silk Hoe, JI.OO mt pair. Wallace . 101 Unrvnee Dallas pleading Bniily in die city police courl .'hi!, morning to a charge ot pi-riiuttin? drunkenn on he.' p i I'lui !!. wa ariied $50 by Magili-ale McCIyrnont. Silk HlooDier-t, lace". st.ys. Wai 101 Mr. OHtrfe Itorie and Mi .Vaney llorie, who are H"i UK to (lie Old Country on holiday (rip, will nail nn (hi I'nnce Oeorjri tomorrow morn inn; t-n mule lo Montreal whence they will ail ucros the Atlantic. I.H.lic' Jitoiner, 2 for l.0ii WallaiR'H. 101 J. Fied Strait;, inanasei- o Suiiiiyidc Cnfinery, ha returned lo the eily after "pending lii ial leu day at Shannon lta on .'ia tieu iniei on Diitiine. in council inn with tlte oew eannery Iteinp estlaMNIitnt llmre by th io.ic-Mlllenl lio. Princen laeii'. Hp, 11.00. W.- 101 t'nion freiphler Cliilkuol. Ciipl ii. miiiiii, liavlnsr called a' Captain' Cove on the wny north with lundier for the new oannmy I'cinx flahllhel theroi arriv. cd in port from Ihe oUth al C o'clock thl morning. After dix margin? eoal ami oilier minf.t locally, the vee will prtxvctl I hi eveninp to Ihe Xaa lllvec nml Stewart. Curtain .Veto, 3 vd. Wallace'. for $1,011. Mr. K. A. Solloway and l.maliltT. Mis Mamarel Sollo way. who arived from iincou- er yesterday, are Ihe (fucul of Mr. and Mr. Wallace C. Or- hanl, MutiraM' Place. Mrs. Solloway will remain here until er daughter, Mix. Helen Sollo way, II. .V, who lias been operal- ingr room upervior al the lowtl hopilal for Ihe pat ctitiido o'J year ami wlio has been serious ly ill lately, is able to travel ooulli. 1.00. 101 nidlcv Home Bazaar May 0. SUPERIOR TEA Had 43 Bolls And Carbuncles At One Time Mr. Claud Melanson, CaMIeford, Out., writes: In rrg&rd to yonr remedie I hT to sar that B.B.B. iraa the only Stand, Xew Taxi. I'houc Knipre Hotel. The firit bottle I took gave me inch great result that I took three more, and after I had used them I wai completely relieved of my boila and ear-buneles." Pot op oaly by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont Silk Vest, $1.50. Wallace' Slieddon's Taxi and Messenger service. Phone 134. Hoyn' Hock Itib He, 2 for $1.00. Wallace'. Murray' tf pair 101 740. 103 Mr V. I.nrclle nml fainilv. who have lieen V(lll1iR for noiue lime ot Terrace, will be pa- ensrern from train to boat to morrow eico. on rouIC to San -Fran Harry Thrupp, chief clerk in the office of Ihe CN.lt. division freight arenl, will ail tomorrow moruiii? on the Princ. Ocorsc en rotlle to Portland on a holiday trip. Alex Hix tail tomorrow mum in? on the t 'riin-e deorve Tor Kerii-dale, Vancouver, where hi wedding to MU Phylli Hay will take idauc, In si. Mary Church on rueAlav, next. All e.x-nienibers Of the lOJnd Ilattalion. Kxepdllianary Force, are requested to eoinmunicate al once with Major S. 1'. Johnatou Adjulanl, Fir.l Nprlli li.C. ltcpi- ment, 617 Second Av.-nue. 101 Motnrhyv liif Itaiv, . irrive( in port al 1 2. 3(i no.. n from Sal Cliuck Mine, Alafka. with Ihe uual weekly shipment of pal ladiiim ore for transshipment Fast over the Canadian National Itailway io Irviiie'lon 'inciter, New Jer.ey. Al the Hotary Club luncheon today in Ihe St. Hesi. Cafe shor' "Peeehe were made'hy Mecr. Mill of Toronto, Cook of Van couver, AlrAtr-fl of lieorjrelown and Captain Jack William of Ihe White Pass ami Yukon Itail way. -" ' Dollar lays, Friday and Sat urday. Wallace's. , 101 WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. mtillY ISLAM). nalnimr. calm; barometer, :".MD; temper- nlure, 10; sea smooth; 8.30 p.m. poke I us Lome abeam Dana Inlet northbound. ' DFAD TIIKK P()l,vr.-lJ3ro- meler, Sil.SO; (empenilure, .IS. HULL HAllllOlt. Cloud, calm; baromeler, 20.75; Utu-peralure, 51; sea smooth; CM .m. spoke steanie" Alaska Standard, Point Wells for Hy- tler, 307 miles from Hyder; 0.15 p.m. spoke steaifier Curacao, Seattle for Ketchikan, 350 miles from Ketchikan; 6:15 p.m. spoke sloamer (Jueen, Ketchikan for Seattle, U3 miles from Seattle; 7!l5 p.m. spoke steamer H. 1. Klmvlni- fiirrliii-i.l wlir .t.itl.w Calala al Hardy Bay 8 p.m norlhbouna Noon DIUIIY ISLAND. llainin,.'. calm; Jjaromelcr, S'J.yS; lem-peraluiv, 50; sea smoblli. HULL HAHHOH. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.75; temperature, 51; sea smooth; 8.30 a.m. spoke steamer Cray, 20 mile norlh of Cape Scott, bound for Prince Hupert. Dial) JUEK J'tHNT. ltaro-motor, 30.20; temperature, 48. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert C. M. Brown. Winnipec; I.. B, tJook, W. J. Caniptiell,.l)ou8las Kiear and A. A. Cox, Vancouver; IK. D. MoMuUen, Toronto; Mr. nilil Mis fleiiruK liv dm nml 'Mrs. Ira Held, Ceorgeiovvn; K.l N. Stewart, Feruio T ' MUCH LUMBER FROM VICTORIA medicine I conld get to relieT me of Two Million Feet Being Shipped I bad forty-three at one time, and my doctor told me to t&ke This Week Mostly to Old Country VICKilllA. -April I'U-.Nearlv ',ftnn. feet of lumber will be total of 1,850,000 feet of her to be exported from mills. -..If..-..,. IVpi-UUHll .. IIIIIUI ... northeast of Cape Scott bound 'OMUon for Port Alice; 8.00 n.in. spoke cleared from Victoria duniiK this week. Five different veeJ are loading" fyr Japan, California and lulled Kingdom port. t The hulk' of the. lumber i (bound for the United Kingdom through Canadian Government iMei-chunt Marine freighter. The Canadian Seigneur i loading l5,ooo feet from the Canadian Pugel Sound Mill and 150.000 leet from Cameron' mill making u tojal or 35,000 feel. This cargo is destined lo the 411.1 Land. The ' Canadian Transporter will lake on S 00,000 feet from the Canadian Puget Sound, which is alo for the United Kingdom. This brings the lotai export lo those purls to 7Sy,000 feel. For Japan the freighter Hall, gyn will load 100,000 feel from the Canadian Pugel Sound Company. This ycsel will load hei cargo al ltitliel' Pier. Another 125,000 feet, the larg eM lumber consignment of th? week, will leave by the Canadian Prospector fur Montreal mt Faslern port. She will receive this from the Canadian Pugel Sound mills and began loading Monday. Tomorrow, .the , fjhiinaull. ..wjl! berth at the C.P.S. wharf lo taU on a consignment of. 300.000 feel for California ports. Theec five shipments make The sleamsliip ltobiu Hood cleared at the week en- from ililbcl. Wharves afler loading 103.0(H) feel of lumber consigned to Baltimore. The vessel is now on her way to Kveretl to eomplrte loailini:. HUMAN PILLARS JAPAN FOUND Skeletons of Mel. In Upright Position In Foundations of Bridge at Tokyo MIKM). April Stf. -- Consider able interest is attached to the recent iliscovery beneath Ihe corner stones of the Double- Iiri.le iiuain entrance to the Imperial Palace' of eixhl human skeletons. Most of fu skeletons were found upright about twelve feet below the bed of Ihe Palace Moat, which 1 undergoing repair work ncces sllaled by the earthquake -,ot l'J23. The theory of some. Japane scienlisls is I hat the skeleton are Ihe remain of persons who. several centuries past, offered themselves as "Human Pillars" for Ihe immortalization of th corner stones used in constructing: I'do Castle. The tradition ot Ihe "Human Pillars" is an old one In Japan. In the past age 1 was believed that if human be lug's were ouried alive beneath Ihe corner-stones of great slruc lures, the gods would accord permanent strength and solidity to the foundations and, in a.ldi lion, those who thus sacrificed Ihemselves, would become iin mortal. It was considered that II...... n..wii ...a "llnnin. Ililluf" lllr-V IIIU.'. II lC ..U.I...II . Mini 1 were greatly honored. Thev were buried alive in a staiuliu? Ordered By The first t radii inual inslanct of Ihe "Human Hilar" recordet In Japan dales back to th" relgi of Kmperor Ninloku. more Iliar 1,000 years ago. The Yodo rivei at Osaka, where the emperor ha( his palace, used to overflow every year drowning many peoplt ami causing much damage. Kverv dike built by the best engineers was unable lo withstand the floods. One night the emperor dreamed that the gods had ad vised him if he would use huiiiun bo.Jies as pillars for the con slniction of Ihe einbankmon, (hero would be no more flooj troubles. The story bus it thai Ihe emperor immediately caused human beings to be buried alive hencal h the foundation stones of Ihe dike and, since then. Ihe embankment has withstood nil floods. Advertise In the Daily News. ii ii My dear, I thought this was your washday i J Yes, hut the laundress has been through for hours we use Rinso at our house." Rinso has fairly revolutionized wash-day. Rinso changes the hard work of washing to just rinsing. No more hard bar soaps to cut up or rub on the clothes. No more rubbing. Wash-day now means simply soaking the clothes x for a .couple of hours in Rinso suds, or overnight, then just rinsing. Gloriously white, sweet-smelling clothes are the result and you'll save time and temper. Rinso Made by the Makers of LUX Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SU REDECORATING? (Jail on us and choose your color scheme. We have: ALABASTINE, ZIP GLO, VARNISH STAINS, SATIN GLO. ami a full lino uf Brushes to suit. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 9