iivr mna In Water Before Res cued I VlMlV .inl U 'llininiin it : ii -Milnr or (ho HrilMi f Itiplt y l.aslli, I credited . rrina: kubli' rrape front H He frit overboard nr meainer in mid-Atlantic nigtit of April 2i in a lnrricil ea ami was ! il 'wo Iioiiib later. I.:it(liun wii nol niieU un-::au an hour after lie went i ;uard, Tbe steamer ttirned i and relrare.1 hrr eourr, iwing out Itfcliuov with i I to' auor tinaiiy wa if il and cesrufil by a lifeboat, itjai wot' iiiUcn by sharks n wound were nol serioui. 14 11 llfl 14 ll H fl ll I nil oiiiiiiiinii i GETS FREEDOM Guilty of Complicity In Win ner Killing at Edmonton I J M ON TON, April 2 John i iii 'son. iinoii w ioe lesii- ... .. I ....ili..J VI..L- . rmr rvriuu iiiiii ivvrviiiir mi vn.i i niiTi vii.r 11111 'lis were iMiuvirled and given i' imiiriMutmcul for tlie slayiiu Joliii Mllncr. wa dismissed a '(implicit)' charge today. iic youuis nan lesuiieu inai nu-p l IS 1111 H(il-H PIUIV-i . ... .... i I II -I. 1'lllT IIIIII I II M I I 1711 I llll llll lllll- IV Vl'lllflll llllllllltllllll III llll Ihng IMDir TMII1DV llll a -111 rk CAUSES DEATH nkL.. I a a f . m ait t . . "vvil wwvilV VIVI niPini In Barrol But Slip on Orange Peel Proves Fatal m LONDON. April 2l L despatch oni lirltcliurch. Now Xeuland. tales lluil Hobby Lecli. who . ... .... t 'in hut i in it tini rails in a leel barrel in 1011, Is, dead from wuiios sustained when ho lipped on a ideeo of ilrplorui? the fart that ii large number uf women, many of llieui Jyouiiir, patrouixed thu parlor and calleil on the cliurrti lo lend i (,el in l ie hired, t.eeli lirokn lew .which fl was found neces- "y to mnputuio, ailance in a definite campaign lo the coil thai "bone ilry" legilutiou shoo Iii l(! enailtil and enforced. MRS JNlA READMOND LAID TOREST TODAY funeral Took Place This Afternoon From B.C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery The funeral of the late Mr. Anna lleadmond. whoc ileath oc-cnrri'il on Monday evening last, took place at 2.30 this afternoon from the chapel of the H.. Undertakers to Fairview IVinelery. Ilev. iliomii ll. HI iuli of 81. Paul's I.iithern iMiurrh officiated and W. Vaugliau Davie presidiil at the orpan. Pallbearers were Sam llaudencliild. W. Itolliwcll Sr.. W. Itolliwcll Jr., A. O. Franks. Perry (Jameron and Fred We-eli. There were ii number of floral tribute including niece from Mr. and Mrs. F. VT Wesch, Mr. and Mr. J. J. Itobertson, Mr. and Mr II I llolilnv Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Franks, and Miss M. t.ross. SIR RICHARD SQUIRES FINED $300; FAILED TO MAKE TAX RETURNS ST. JOIIN'X. Newfoundland, April '."J. Sir lllrlianl Squires, former premier oT Newfoundland, was found gully today of failuni (o submit Income lax returns for Hie year IUIS and was fined UJl'ti Lust November. Sir Hichard was fined 1,000 on a similar charge nti.l (rial on six additional c 1 1 a i xt es is to folbny In answer to a coinmiiiticnlion from the secretary (d the 116s-pltal, the Holary f.luh loday concurred in lln' suggestion name Hie " C.X.IL lln new children s warn CO I.O.D.K. Ward." steamer Prince. John i .... . .. .'.. I V. MiiiIIS. I rum vainou- UIIIIIIJU Ulll'li I II. .. ver via tlio yueeu unarmm is i i. .im in norl toniulil or niinii ' tomorrow morning. Is Opinion In South Saya Vancouver Despatch MAYOR TAYLOR ACTIVE 25 TAXI 4. - ' Boston Grill Ambular - &u Large Upstair Pining Hall, Sorvlc "lnli. , . with neWy laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime l'Urary flotr for bite, Stand Royal Motal, 3rd :'Urlati,0n. tinv. NEW SqOA FOUNTAIN. and 6th 8t. "1 HuiltUnLl V' PRINCE RUPERT The latestl and best for the MATT VI DECK, Prop. leant. J Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVI,. NO. 100. VOI, PlllNCK IIUPKHT, U.C., TJIUJLSDAY, APHIL 2, 1020. Yeatrrdirf Circulation, HS7 Street Salef, 473 PRICK FIVE CENTS. EER PARLOR PLEBISCITE IN VANCOU URGING PATROL ! Prince George Resident is OF FISHERIES! tronsly ' - Airplanes Only Effective Method, Provincial and Federal Authori ties at Victoria Deplore Action of Department YANComit. April i'J-r-Tliero is n rampaiKii on nolli Here alio in Victoria for the purpose of securing an airplane fiherie patrol for northern Hrilish Columbia this year according to Hit. original plans which wore recently quashed. Mayor Taylor derided yester day In wire a protest lo Ottawa against Hie proposal to reduce the aerial fish patrol and fire fi?htUig services frntn Uoverit men! ti,ics in Hrilish Columbia. rbj'opitiions fioneral expres fed here- are II"' "ie patrof or the fisheries from the air' was Hie mol elTective ever installed In Hrftish Ooltimbia wate;-s an to revert lo the old system would be a step in (lie wrong lirection. Victoria Opinions Victoria Time says the witli Irawut of the aeroplane patrol from coast waters of iirtllsli Columbia will expose the pro I VICTOIIIA. April iO. Tl 3 vinee's most valuable fisheries lo Hie depredations of Alaskan fishermen and irregularities on llio part of Canadians, officials of the federal and provincial uovernments declared in state ments issued today.'' SUTHERLAND WINS IN ALASKAN PRIMARIES Indications Are That he Will be Nomlnatod as Result of Vote Taken Tuesday . JUNTUU. April "HO.- -Particular's of Hut prllivAry elections 1n Alaska, which were held Tuesday indicate that Dan Sutherland of Ituby, Hie present delegate to the House of HepresenlaUves from (he territory, will be nom inated, tin the ltriulillcap ticket. Strong opposition had developed especially in Ketchikan and other southern centres but without changing the standing of the .delegate. Control by Provincial Force The following i an extract from a letter written by a pro minent citizen of Prince (Jeorge to a resident of Prince Huperl who thinks people here will be interested in the view held there in regard to Hie change of policing from (he city authorities to ihe provincial: "Frankly the policing of our town by the provincial police i not perfect but it is by far the best system yet tried in this place. I have been here.iti over two. years but in that time I have seen many changes and the only police service approaching satisfaction ha been that of our preenl system. I think iierhap the personnel uf the force ha much to do FISH EXCHANGE TODAY There was no haljbut sale today at the exchange. Two boats, the Dolphin with 0,000 and the M. M. Christopher , with 11,000. offered their catches but Ihe price offered was ,nol laivge enough to suit ihciii and they decided lo wail until .tomorrow's sale. They were bid 1'J.tOo and 13.20c for first rlassr ainl 7o for second. tccl ion and the maintenance of law and order that they adopt the provincial police. "What our city thinks wa with tba success of the system recorded at the plebiscite in Jan- nnd we are very fortunate in that uary after seven months' trial respect. I have no hesitation in recommending to any place. which desires proper police pro- l when Hie citizens voted over-whclniii-ly in favor of retaining Hie present system. " TRADE UNIONS ! WILKINS SAFE WILL SUPPORT ! POINT BARROW COAL MINERS Hope Yet Expressed That Agreement Will be Reached and Premier Working to That End LONDON, April 20. General support of Hie miners by all trades unions in Hie event there is no set (lenient of the coal dispute is promised ill a resolution offered today by the executive council of Hie unions affiliated with the Trades 1,'nion Congress. Some hope of an agreement being readied is held out and Premier Haldwin is still continuing' his intensive conferences with both sides in oritur Ui pro- vent a strike. NO HALIBUT SALE ON Second Plane Unable to Carry Enounh Fuel for Own Supply on Return Trip MAY CHARTER STEAMER Both Aviators and Plane In Qood Condition at Northern Base of Supplies NF.W YOHK, April 20. Tim North American Newspaper Alliance announced loday Hia. Captain ilkiiis, leader of Hie Detroit Arctic expedition with pilot Kilsou landed in tlieh' airplane in good condition at Point Harrow. This is the first direct word heard from the avia tors since they left Fairbanks thirteen days ago. Considerable, anxiety had been expressed for them after their radio contact had been lost. Detrolter a Failure , FAIIHUNKS, April .20.-11 it authoritatively staled that the three engine plane Detrolter Of the Wilkin Arctic expedition lias to dale been unable lo carry fuel loads sufficient lo fly to and frOm Point Harrow from Fairbanks. The trunsportatioa of fuel by airplane lo Point Harrow having proved impraC ticable, il is said shipping slip plies by steamer through tiering Strait i suggested. NEW STEAMER AND ! RAIL SCHEDULES rnmirMfr ennu! ItUMlHEdlLb iJUUIll Departure- of Boats for South Next Week Will be Delayed Until After Train Arrives In Afternoon Willi the new train !erviee; going into curd at the first i f next week makin? the. hour of arrival from Hie Kat 3.30 it.' liirAaflcrhooTr- iiiiSfeail of"7-i- In two weeks time, tin? sprinl steamship service will be brought inpy effect givintr isai!-! incis soulli from here on Thurs-1 day and Friday nights at 1 1 o' clock. I'hc first train lo arrive here from the Cast at 3.30 o clock in Hie afternoon under the new six-day a week schedule will come m on .Monday next and lite first train out will be on Mon day morning at 11.30. In the meantime, the train will arrive as usual from the Fast at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning and the Sal unlay night train will go out at 8 o'clock. Under the new seryice. trains will go Fast daily except Sunday and will arrive from the Hast daily except. Tuesday. PARTY OF RUSSIANS ARRIVE AT VICTORIA VICTOIIIA, April 2U.--A party of 23 Russians reached here last night from Harbin on the steamer studiuoka Maru and will settle on the land in VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat ... 11.(5. Silver .... l'orler Idaho Dun well it, Silvercresl .... Gladstone :... Surf 'Inlet .... HaEeltou Howe Sound Indian Marmot Premier . Did. Asked 1.58 -S 1.83 i.00 .00 H .10 1.80 1.8& .00 i .12 .32 .37 .081 .08?i .01 V, 31.75 35.00 MM .10 .07 .08 2.25 " 2.30 The whaling steamer Gray. which took cargo off the C.P.ll sti'ainer Princess Kna, following the hitter's slrandint.' on Hto west coast of Vancouver, reports by wireless thai she' was 20 miles north of Cape Scull at 8.30 this morning bound for Prince Hutiert. Advertise In Ihe Daily -Xew9. fllVIKfllLIM IN Mill I H IIM kAV IK Ik A Ik Ml ANk PA IV III Ik h IVHkK k Hkkk lAtlAl XAAVSkl 11 kVVAll All 1 111 Ull Vfl illlll LinilLl 1 111 11UU 11 1 11 Jl 1 1 Jll 1 JL J 1IU11L1 f f - - a tctidiuc rrud iukch Vancouver Beer Parlors and Prohibition Asked r i I r I rg6 numoer or women pairomzea rerresn- ment places many of them young says resolution asking for campaign Wl.Ol Kit. April 20. t iikimwii lo patron oi am on beer pu.lor volunteer trctiitu laker working fur Hie Van- lfl-1 I ll T 1 IFIl.1lll 1 .11- l lllll.! l.llllll II Mill. llllll'll I IT - . , . . 11 ..... .. r . ii . iy oufsmic aim i-iiri-Kru up panned seamier inr me iiowuik r uniting I""1 " tlicy hastened Id Ihe oases, iiu fewer than t'linir1 workers being engaged in (lie luk. On lln' oiglil of April 0 pirkeling parties of two men each i .i ..a., r.ri.. l a - . i...a ii a ..'.. v. injJii KLfla ii ul IIM u liaiian iiiiib ivi'H IU 111411 imsr 2 i'.Hi men ami 2Ht women derided it wa nine llicy 1 . ..... ' hi.l.l.i.1 ,. ..... r....i.iii... 1... .. L IS RITTFN MID-ATLANTIC I .lUn,!... U ll w I llll III lll Ifl . 1 I Again on Hie night of April 1 17 church worker took up vlsll 'outside five parlor and within one hour counted. 7 CO men burn-ling up Hie pavement in their llialc (u down a lew long ones before cloif time. In the anie lulrrwil 113 tiMiiiberw uf t lir fu-ralb! Mtir "e ileridnl :l" wrpnllf with the mall o-oducl Overboard Frornl AV a'TWull r tie tfporl Hie Wa To Hours I'nMiytrry iia.el u i-p!oliitoii OS TIIK JKIIIC1IO (iltKKN: "Cliu.-k" Hunter, brilliant young Tanima, Wahingtou, player, pulling during his final match with Jack We.-llainl. uf Wathingtou I'uiversity, during Hit1 fight for (he amateur title in the recent Hrilish Columbia golf claics. He won the niati h. "Hob" Stein, the Seattle "siege-gun," previous holder of Hie title, fell by the way-Mde before F. ( Thompiou, of Vancouver, in the eights. Did Not Worry About Losing Cash and Gold Watch but the Liquor Permit Was Different VANCOU VKH, April 20. (living evidence in the police eotirl against (icorge Ahman, whom he accused of robbing him t of 2JO in cash and a gold watch, John I'alter.-on admitted he worried but little over this loss but much resented the theft by lA.-fiman of hi liquor permit. I i,atler.-ou Kiid that while drinking with Ashman on April 1 he was robbed, and detectives told of finding the liquor permit in possession of accused. j lluriug his evidence Patterson said: "1 wris not going to I worry about the watch and - Inionev but the permit," It's ai frrirai III I VI '. valuable document." declared 1 1 1 M X 81 I T 1 1 iMaji.sirate liaw. who remanded' V1UII 11UUUU lie :-ae until Friday. ARABS HIDDEN BENEATH COAL Tried to Secure Illegal Entry Into France but Pounded to Death by Tossing MAllSElLLKs. April 2'J. At least ten and possibly twenty of the forty-one Arab stowaways who hid in Hnvcoal bold I earner Sidl Ferrucli met 'ileal ii clock in Hie mornin? a at pre- buried durins- duriny- avfriVuzh a'ruzli crossing from vllfSieis 1 0;MurseiIle?w'htr beneath coal,' it became sent, the sleamers scheduled loTiiiowri loday. sail for the south from herc ai' Ten bodies, bruised 'and black-0 o'clock on the moniinj,' or tn.-d by the poundiifg oT' the May 3, 7 and 10 will lie delayed coat as the ship tossed at sea until Hie afternoon of those day: were taken Trom the vessel's in order to make connections holds when she reached port tins with the trains. iafternoou. The ship's crew said Hie Arabs were smuggled aboard on pay hie nt of 200 francs each for illegal entry into France. WO TEAMS WON NINTH INNING Brooklyn Defeated Boston and St., Louts Downed Cincinnati With Home Run XFAV YOdlK, April 20. Ry scoring three runs in the ninth inning Hrooklyu was able to defeat Hoslon yestojday whilo a home run by catcher O'Farrell ln the ninth enabled St. Louis to down Cincinnati. Pittsburg won the third straight game from Chicago. The recruit pitcher Jack W'isncr of New Y'ork. held Philadelphia to five scattered hits while the Giants Kitted two' Philadelphia twiriers. Jl'he scores for-yesterday were: National League ' New York 5, Philadelphia 2. Brooklyn 5, Hoslon I. Chicago t, Pittsburg 5. St. Louis 5, Cincinnati 3 American League Chicago 9. Detroit 5. Philadelphia 0, Xew York Huston 2, WashiftKlon 5. 'Cleveland 7, Si. Louis 3 NEW OFFICERS 3. ROTARY CLUB Cyril H. Orme Chosen President For Coming Year With Strong Committee The liotary Club at Its luncheon loday elected officers for the. coniihig year as foltows; President- Cyril IL (Orme. Secretary Sid JohHdpti. Trea su rer 4 1 eorgq1 II orie. Fixe.eulive cniiimftteeX- Colonel J. YVt, iXicholl, :pbme,McMordie and George Woodland.