PAGE 8IX FOR THAT SLEEPY SPRING FEELING Take a botllo of Edinburgh Hospital Sarsaparilia Compound Enriches and vitalises Hit; blood SI .00 a Bottle Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. Wo deliver. Eggs! Butter! Cheese! The Highest Quality at the Lowest Price B.C. Fresh Kggs, 3 doz. $1.00 Prince lliipcrt Local Ji,rgs. 3 doz $1.45 Hulk Bullcr, reg. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.30 Bulk Butler, per box SG.25 Capital Butter, 2 1Jjs. 95c Ontario 'Cheese, reg. 35c. 3 lbs. 85c Burn's Golden Loaf, . reg. 60c 3 lb.s.i, . $1.35 Burn's Golden Loaf, 5 lb. 'box . . . '. . . i $2.00 Swiss Gruyere Cheese, per Ilk?. . . 45c Goal Cheese, reg. (I5c, 2 lbs. $1.15 Jack Cheese, res. 50c, 2 lbs. ... ... 85c . .Take advantage of Uiesc prices on your 1st of the month order. . . .. .. .... Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-123 Slli Avenue K. P.O. Box 575 Phones 18 & 84 Holeproof Hosiery $1,00, $1.50, $1.75 Children's Holeproof Socks 65o LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, Si inches $2.50 each. Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Box - - i)8J Phone Green 389 Discount . Sale Silk Dresses 20 Per Cent off Yc are overstocked "Demers" We aiin to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr.Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LIGHT.VOTE BEING TAKEN Only Eighty Ballots Had Been Cact on Bylaw3 up to 1 . O'clock This Afternoon I A light vote is being recorded' on the elevator exemption and; street surfacing bylaws loday, only eighty ballots having, been taken out between 8 o'clock this morning and 1 o'clock this afternoon. Though there are some (i(M) resident jiruperly bidders entitled to vote, it is not expected Hint the vole will total any more than 300. The inclemency of the .vygalher and the fad that there does not seem to bo much opposition to either .bylaw is making the- voters disinterested. The. poll will close at 8 o'clock this evening. K. 1 Jones, city solicitor, is acting as returning officer with H. S. Allistone ami W. II. Wilson Murray a deputies. Rirthday j$ale PICK OUT YOUR PRESENT To celebrate our First Annual Birthday Sale we will ftive away hundreds of Birthday Presents. One .present with, each dollar purchase. Dollar Week 3-50c Mas Schillings Best Bak ing Powder $1.00 1'2 lb. Tudor,' Empress, or Great West Tea . $1.00 3 lb. Md'ornaiek's Sweet Biscuit $1.03 2 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee. $1.03 5 lb. Cal. Tabic Figs .... $1.00 3 bottles Heinz Catsup $1.00 6 tins Peas, Corn or Tomajoes r. ... $1.00 Every Dollar spent gives you a Birthday" Present 20 barsWhite Swan Soap . . $1.03 20 rolls Toilet Paper .... $1.00 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. $1.00 3 combs Pure Honey .... $1.00 3 large tins Sliced Peaches $1.00 5 lb. Sugar and 1 tin Empress Marmalade $1.00 13 lb. Granulated Sugar . . $1.00 10 lb. Jap Ilicft $1.00 12 lb. Assorted White Beans, Split peas, Whole Green Peas or Barley $1.03 7 tins Heinz Pork it Beans $1.00 2 doz. Local Fresh Eggs .... 95c 2 lb. Best Bulk Creamery Butter : 95c 13 bars J'alniolivc Soap .f $1.00 1 broom and 2 cartons Sunlight Soap $1.00 7 lb. Seedless Raisins .... $1.00 lb. Puffed Raisins .. .. $1.00 3 large tins Libby's Asparagus Tips $1.00 3 doz. Sunkist Oranges or Lemons $1.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Whipping Cream Dally B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Tickels $1.00 12 Pint Tickets . . . . $1.00 Table Cream, li pint . . 15o Whipping Cream, pint . . 25c Daily Train Service commences May l. Phone your order to 657. Valentin Dairy Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping of kindling Safe, simple and economical. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. I ALICE ARM IS COMING BACK P.'pneer Mining Man Goes North , to Further Develop Tiger Group of Claims ADJOINS THE TORIC Incrcasod Activity Expectod at Mining Camp this Summer, Visitor Says Ed. Picket I, pioneer mining man of the Alice Arm district, was' a nassenaer 'alumni the Prince George 'yesterday after noon en route from baiironuai to Alice Ann where he will spend j i in; summer runner neveiopii-g his promising Tiger mine acros-the Kilsaull Hiver from the Dolly .Yarden. Mrs. Pickett aceoni-ipanTed lju?r husband, j In the course of his work oi: Ibe Tiger last year, Mr. Pirufllj opened up a 1 5 foot letfcre, of rich' silver ore which had not been' known to previously exist. Assays showed the ore to run as high as 200 ounces of silver per fon. Work last year was on th' 1 10 foot level. This year a tunnel will be driven at 210 feci and Mr. Pickett expects to employ five or six men during the season on the properly. Tho Tiger adjoins the Torie mine, now under development by, Hie llomestake. Mining Co., on the north and is nearby th Climax, owned by Olier Bcsner oT this oily; flic Lasl Chaner, owned by Paddy Morley and Archie Mel'hail: the Silver Horde, owned by A. Davjdson ind John Slromhcck el al; and the" Muskaleer, owned by Capl Brown of Seattle. On all lhes properties development work will be proceeded with this sum iiht and, witli operations to be resumed on the Dolly Vardeii ind North Star mines as well. Mr. Pickett is of the oplnioi that the Alice Arm district will mine bark into its own by 1 lie end of this year. During Hie past winter there has been a change in ownership in one half of the Silver Horde mine which lies north of the Wolf. John Strombeck bought l Miner's quarter interest and 'ius Anderson and A. D. Yorke purchased Don Cameron's quar-Mr interest. Al Miner, who wa in Alice Arm last year, will remain in California litis season and Don Cameron is now engag- d in mining development work in Ontario north of llaileybury. tt has been reported t hat he may to into the lied Lake district this season. Subscribe to the Daily NVws. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. MITIIJE IS IIElIf UY GIVES that ihi Us-ISM day or Miy neit the uiidrralgnrd In triiU lu apply lu the Liquor Control llwarcl rir j lAmvr, In ri-eet of thf prtriil iH-inir part of the building; known a "yuwn a uuiei, snuaie tin Main nirm, MaKM-tl. ll.C. awl iiimiii the land iIp-irllo-d a ll i. r.UxM II, Map 810 V. I'rlnre Hupcr! Land llralatratliiii lilMrlrt, In tlw l'nivlnr or ltnliti Columbia, for Hi aale or beer by the las or bjr lh 111 Ixillle fur ronuhiptlon on tlio pre-Mlwa. OATKlt al the City or Prlnre liuprt. ermine or Hrlllfh Columbia, Ibis t?tli day of April. A.I). Il. MILDIIED 1.1 LI A3 BUS. Appllrant. NOTICE. IX THE MATTEIt or an atinliratlon for j Die Imuh of a I'ronlalotiil Orlirirato of Tllif ror Aumatica Lot n or ui eveti 17). Block fori) ll (40), uldii'llnn or i i.oi seven nunircri ana rony-u (Jij Ouocn I'.harlf.iie niitrlcl (Map I0T. I Satlrarti.rv pr(K,r or llM! or the Cerliriralr of Title roverlnir th iliovr laud liailnr ln produrrd t mr. It U my inli'iitli n t Iup, aflf t the eplrallon i or one montli rroni tlw flt puhllcatmn licrpor, a I'ruvlMi.nsI CiTtlflrale or Till' ! t the ahove land In the name or Paul IliiWrlfh Masarl. The orlrlnal Cerllflrate nt Title I dalrd the S5lh or Aurul, is l. and in numlie-ed 1 1 inn I. land rterltry fiffiee. Prince HuprL h." . ziin March, vjr. H. F. MACLF.On. HeirlMrar or Tllle. PONGEE An ideal material for clnliln-n s garments and ladies underwear. A mixture of silk and cotton which will give satisfactory service. Per yard 60 c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Thursday, April 29, i956 HIE DAILY NEWS tea (j00DERHAMW)RT3 t.AP CANADIAN PIRYE WHISKY" 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or dismayed by the Liqjiqr Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BUENOS AIRES HAS CONCEDED STREETS Traffic Problem Serious One For Population of Close to Two Millions BUEXOS AIUKS, Apl. .".. Thf cily authorities l Bueims Aires, whose population is approaching the 2,000,000 mark, are laeod with a transportation and traffic problem that is ever growing more serious. The cily possesses over 520 miles of surface and subway lines, the Jormcr carrying 000,000,000 passengers annually and the subway 60,000,-ooo, but these are insufficient to handle the daily passenger movement .without over-crowding, delay and congestion. Additional subways linking up distantly separated railway terminals 1 witli motorbus feeder lines are the necessary solution i of Hie problem, transportation authorities say, but although Ibe present subway presented a pro position to the eil) some three ypars ago to construct a new one, inability to agree on terms has so far prevented its bing started. Many tnolorbiises have been In operation during (he last year, but have eajied the transportation facilities of the city only to a slight extent. Indeed, traffic congestion is increased largely by their use. together with the increasing numbers of automobiles. Streets in the business sec tion of the rity are restricted 10 one way traffic, but. eveu so ve hicles in them jniove nt a snail's pace during the busy hours. BAN ON JOY RIDES i No Night Motoring for Studcntsl at Cambridge LOMXN. April Owiim; to complaints Mint the noise of motors disturbs, lectures during the mornings, anil that some students are using their ears al night for taking undesirable women into the country and others are using Ihem tin attend public dances al Bedford and Huntingdon. (h Senate of Cambridge University adopted drastic regulations. The grace relating In the prohibition of the u$e of motor vehi cles by undergraduates in their . first year of residence was car ried by 180 voles In Ofi: that lo prohibit the use of all nudor ve hicles before 12.30 p.m. by 113 voles to 38: and Hie prohibition ;of the use of molor vehicles after 8.30 p.r. in the winter jnonths and 10 p.m. during the operation j of Summer time was carried (without a division. , It was also decided by i 30 (vles . lo 103 to appoint a bro- procior ror the regulation nrmo-lor vehicles, and tn prevent undergraduates driving In hired vehicles without being Insured against third tmry risks. The rtew regulations enrno Info force in OctobefA:, Miss Margaret Solloway will return to .Vancouver on Ihi Prince George tomorrow morning. ' y-'- ICE STILL HOLDING AT DAWSON TODAY BUT MOVINGMANY POINTS Dally Woather Report Says Wot Snow Fell During Night: Snow at Eighth Cabin While Ice is stilt holding al Dawson il moved for a few minutes at tttgle, Alaska, yesterday, says the daily weather report of the Government Telegraphs. The ice moved a little al Stewart Iliver yesterday and is all jammed there now. On the Pelly Hiver the ice is jammed al the mouth. Yukon ice is jammed 12 miles south if earmarks. Some ieo is running out of Iuke Lebange and wet snow fell diiiiing the night. Following is the vreport from arious northern points: Terrace llalii, calm; temperature. 15. Aiiynx -Iliiin, calm; temperature, 50. Stewart Itain. calm; tempera- lure, 16. llaxellon - Ilain, calm; temper ature, 50. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm; temperature, 35. Sin i I her -Cloudy, ealm; tem perature, 52, Burns Lake Cloudy, ealm; emperaltire, 51. Eighth Cabin - Snowing, calm. Whiteliorse Cloudy, south .vind; (iuiijioralurc, 10. Selkirk- Cloudy, calm; lent leru lure, 15. Dawson Cloudy, calm; tern teraliire. 30. GUILTY, Couneel- Now sir, lull me, ar on well acquainted with the pri- ouer? Willi- I've kiitfwn him foiv went)' years. Counsel- Have vou ever heard tint to be a disturber of the pub- lie iMaee? Witness Well-er-lie used l teloiu to a band. TENDERS WANTEO. The l'hn'-r Huperl Oenrral ll"SIl In tiles aealeil leuiler ror Ibe rulhiitlur -Palntlnf. (I) Palntlnf lie- rilrrlnr or U.Slal bniHliiK a. pre Mwiriralion. laleir uHly. It- Paunln the rvlefior f hplUI lHildina. liH-liMlUit labor, ; and uppijm iiMtrrial , it i-. ifna IkJi Tendw-r iminl -inrKji tlie bril ol UIH and paint I., hr umsI. Suppll, I . Kent ifiulltv wlulr Miiad. Vn-hr bmiHl or it -piialmi in 1U lb- ur iihmt niBtaiwr. t I re lioOrd linesl 01 III barrel ainl i ttlbm -"niti(rr. Purr turjiitiue In fif. aiel half raw l"t. (. Itel qitalliy hlntle tlaitt in 1i r Um luU ur Jirnrr, uir make. All Inri. lH-pltjl. Eltctrlc leataltallen (II lleunival and Ih-UIUIm,m iT tlertrir fire em lii a iwr -!- Ih atlon. SprrirK'allnn rr all tl al'ir tua lie .iblaned al llx tii'-piul nlTirr. The low el or an) ! uder n il w . 1 1 arrrpt ed. All b-ndi'i- '!. Vla ird. ti'.. al p.m. ii. v Biro ii s- iftary Imaginary" Rheumatism Caused by lllfxtting Shoes MAMY, many times physicians have diagnosed . what appears to be rheumatism, as really being pains arising from the effects of Fallen Arches. When the foot arches begin to break down, the pain is often ascribed to a iprain or rheumatism. Pain occurs along the inside of the foot, in the heel, also the calf of the leg, and is often located in the knee or hip joints. This condition brings on general muscular weakness the ligaments are strained, Interfering with proper nourishment of the foot The circulation becomes poor attendant symptoms appear numbness, cold, and at timed, undue perspiration. To prevent and euro this condition the foot must be given support, combined with the utmost freedom of movement. Arch Defender Shoes give support to, tho scaphoid bono where needed, while allowing full flexibility and freedom to the muscular structure of tho foot. 1 If you value your health Join the thousands who havo mnished foot trouble. Get, a pair loaay. FENDER SHOE Mad In Canada by The Defender ShoeCompinT,Ci!t,0nt. SOLD UY Jabour Bros. UMBRELLAS Many hnvo expressed delight at being able to purchau an Umbrella Knowing that tney aro gettlnrj as good valus as they would In any other place In Canada; also n havlno an assortment to choose from equal to any In the arfl; vviiii v aw See our Window Display. Optical Department v j- " r Eyes examined, Vision registered optometrist. All porienccd operator, cxcciiy spected. This expert opiicni ruusuiiBUie Max He'lbroner C27-C20 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 "The Pace That Thrills" The lug lliii' in um hivv. An imln r u e. . nud a big ring b.illle. He bent a lighting pug. it.' n wild bull. With Hie ikI l at a lhniiinl t liilll he ride hii nolo rare nrtd just - llf i ib" love rail for tf i - logg''"! .n ri(n i' i uiaii ran n. , liim ieuring dovvii that line now a sudden t dangerous sweefi, uid they are i lieeriug, yriling jug- "Gome on. Iled." A f.-t-niiiog mmo- S Ben Lyon, Mary Aitor, "i,lly Marshall, Warner Richmond, Paul Ellis, FriUI Drunette and other-. "OUR GANG COMEDY -"FACT COMPANY." TUXEDO COMEDY "DYNAMITE DOGGIE." Admission 35c and 10c SHI Special for Friday and Saturday Only $1.65 Acme Importers Third UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED liii) lru priaca imparl, r vasjcouvsa. victosia, ,, ,.m tmii, or VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, AlaM Sat, an , SUr(f, f or ANYOX. fORT SlwrtON M Naaa P)lt Canaarlaa, TSmm FORT S.rSOR, ARTOX. ALICE AR. STIWART, pM. US ia tiMit. I, rnal,, AfauL FrlM Ra. ASTORIA SHOES Wo Havo Just Received a Large Shipment of These Famous Astoria Shoes for Spring and Summer Wear The AMorlii lailor-niinle Shoe i considered ' ream or Cumdian shoeuiaking. The aristocrat" Don, tin. mlvniiee loiieh or the muster rrnfUninn is - rei ogniseil in every pair Dial it place-, these shoes u. j their own. The new lasts are nil nuiihinnlioii mill erre-'' is. assured in almost every rase. We slink. Ihcrn i brown ami inn, blai k ami brown kid in Hliielier. lb' ' und.Ovifurils in the most exclusive style. Be' Well Shod! Wear the Astoria Shoe They nro ronsonably prieed and ,c ijimlily td e ''" pair Is guaranteed by lie makers. Sold exclusively In Prince Rupert at McARTHUR'S SHOE STORE Third Avonuo tested, Qlnsses fitted by , tenioi are ground by an ex. preitiipuuu ana carefully (n scrvito may do naci at very Third Avenue Avenue Next C.N.R. Ticket Offl