Engagement ling, $75.00 Tins I a vnry special Vtt in we have jul mounted up nml we (guarantee . ,tlie unt (o be perfeetsaifit Jrec from any flavJ-jRir polf, Tlio stone I of very good sue anil yon can have it mounted In while or yellow kiiM a desired. .OUmr good value 50,0ft, 01(10.(10 .ami 150.00. John Bulger lid, Jewells PRICE 1ST Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men s fun, cleaned nml ti -kcm1 S2.00 ; Men N Suits, sponged nml pre i . . SI. OH M '!) Pants, cleaned am) pressed $1.00 Mr ii 8 Pant. sponged and pressed 5"c Mi s Ov (coals, cleanei! and pressed, from.. 42.00 Men Ovrxroat. sponged and pressed 1.00 Ladles' List LI, ailleg' Hull it, dark color $2.00 I. :rties BulU, light color : Skirls, dark color i.no Mi; Skirts. IkIiI color $1.25 Skirl, nlealed and fanned .75 sille Skirt. preed only $1.00 I ndies S.rfrfs. pleated 11.00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed It Best & DRY CLEANERS Phone S Bulkley Valley BEEF 'Pol Iloas's. pei- Hi. 10o lo 12'go Hound llone (Iven HininIs, per Hi. 15o I Hound Steak, per Hi. . . 25c Sin irin Slenk. per 111. .. 30c I.eK Pork, per II 35c I in Pork, per Ih 38c siKioIder Pork. jer Hi. 28o l-resli killed Lamb and Veal ii ivoiK Friday' trnin for Saturday business Sealu y oodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We Deliver. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTI8T Helgeraon Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. Office Hours- 9 to 0. X-Ray 8arvloa Phone 888. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvenings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon Fur Coats & Jacquettes An lixqulslto Block of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V A. Third Ave. 4 hiurfday. April 29. 1028. ... THE DAILY NRW3 k. -.;v-i' mm 1 ! -'- PAOB P1VH Nice Diamond! FINAL LECTURE ON FORESTRY Gyro Club Hears Able Address from R. H. Lelgiiton on Importance of Protection"-" Stressing Hie necessity of Hie pulillr becoming so educate' that it may more fully assist flic authorities in llieir work of pro-leelirig Hie forests, the natural resource on wliirh depend U'rj(i Ish Columbia' most" Imporjjfp single industry, II. II. .idghmr?j fire lnperlor of Hie local Fotv est Branch, delivered m impressive address. l"-foro Iho Priiice Ilupert Oyro Chili yes terday afternoon on Hie subject of "Forest . Protection." .Mr. Lelghlon declared Ihal In British Colombia wax lo bo found seventy per ceil of (lie Dominion's soft wood timber slnnd, (lie greatest supply f such limner In Hie Itrif ImIi Km-plro; Illustrating hi figures wllli suitable chart, he .howed dial the limlier stand of the province today Mood at -35(1 billion feel which, nfler all, waybill a remnant after 000 billion feel had been destroyed by fire during the (fast seventy-five vear. There wu an invest ment of IU0 million dollar in) I he liinlu r industry of Hie province and II supported n pa), roll of twenty thousand people. The province's niol importliiit siliule industry, lal year' limber production had been valued nl HI million dollar. Impressive F'gues The great problem lo be contended with, Mr. l.-iglilon, I a I - eil vn Hie orolerlloii of the merchantable limlfr stand that remained In the province a well a llie yiuinu tlinbcr that wu crowintf ill). Horiiilr 11)15. Ihe wnrsl fire year on record in the province, there Inul been 5,. 521 forel fire which hsd burn ed over I.OSt.ooq acre of land. destroying l.nr.H.ooo.ooo boarl feet of limber -.villi a total r tiinated In of .1.5(lll.000. Thill enough timber had been l 1.1 the province during the 'sing! year lo keep tich a pulp mill n thai at (lei-ail Knll operating i'onttiiiioii-ty for iieen SYNOPSIS OF I'M ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrrvd. survey Crown Lni.l may t ir'nipte4 by DrltUh aubjrets over ! tears of . arl by alin on Oeclatlna Intention to lco-n llrlllah anlijeiti. conditional upon residence, occupation, nd Improvemvnt for tsrrlculturt ourpoaea, Kull Informatton concerhlna ngM-.atluna rrsarillna pre-emptions It given In llulletln No. 1, Land Srie, "lluw to l'ra-empt Ijlnd." oopla ot hlch csn be obttlnad free or chare ty addttMlna the Department o( Lnrxts. V t. torts, D C. or to tny Government unt Record will be aranted covering only land suitable for agricultural hurpoaea, and which Is not timber-land. I.e., carry In a: oer H.000 board feet per acre west ot the Coast Hani and i.oOQ feet per acre eaat of that Itanse. Applications for pre-emption are to be addressed 10 the Land Com mUtloner of the Land Recording DU vlalon. in which the. land applied for le altuated. and are made en printed fonna. copies of which can b obtained from the Land Commissioner. rre-emptlona must be occupied for five year and tmprovemente mad to value ot tit Per acre. Including cleaxlna and cultivating at least five tcrea. before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed Information ae the llulletln "Mow to ITe-empt lAnd" PURCHASE Applications sr received for purchase or vacant and unreserved 1 Crown lands, not being timberland. for agricultural purpose: minimum price for rtrt-ele (arable) land la II per acre, and second elaee (gracing) land I1.S0 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands la given In Bulletin No. Id. Land Berlee. "I'lirchase and Lease of Crown Lnnde. MIIL ractory, or Industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leaeed, th conditions including payment of ttumpsge. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding 1 ,.,, mKy be lessed as homesltea, Motional upon a dwelling being &ctedln the Hr.t Tr.Utl. being obtainable after residence Srivement condition, are fulfills and land has been surveyed. LEASES aw araxtng and Industrial pur JZZ tre" n't etoeedlng MS axree sTbV l" by one perso. or a sompany. qsjaZINQ under the Oraelng Act the Inee Is divided Into grating dlstrtoU rS7s and uavell u. ta us Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells Mr. J, Wilno-i, Port Oeorre, N.B, writes! "I iufTered from palpitation of the leart tod alntisg epell. sad, St .time, I could not be left aone 1 was to nervous. My trouble wtt canned from over work v tad worry, having bee a left aJene with t Urge family. 1 bad tried everrtblBg, wltbont toy relief, but I know, to-day, that I would bare been a nervous wreek but for your wonderful TktM Pills tre for sale st til drug-ritts tsd drtler; put op onlj- by The T. Milturo Co., Liiuited, TuronU, ObL years. Of the 2,521 fires, 1881) had lieen caused directly by the hu man hand either wilfully - ol carelessly. Mr. I.eighlon refer red lo the anti-forest complex which still seemed lo exist will. many people and which cause I litem to disregard lite serious ness of forest fires. He cited the instance or a civil engineer,,,. ,oV(,r ,1Pr a m;m In the Lake district who had.,,, ,,, ll(1(j,al iri(.ken wjUi allowed a fire, which he mightritlllliuinin. ...,, ,ca, np.1P fll easily have put out in il in-ai!(, ,n,(.a, (,r ,(,,. mi(. clpienl stages, to destroy one ot.(,. , ,-,., sh(. ,la,, Hie finest stands of timber in the interior country. Public Education Public education was one of Ihe mosl necessary faelors ir. llie conservation of the pro-1 preparations for llie wedding, vince' limber and the I'oresi'to buy clothes, and even lo pur- Itrancli was conceit I rating on the cln.nl children in II campaign. The appointment of honorar fire warden was another ef fective no-ans of protection.. That Ihe work of the department alonsr till line in Prinee Ituperl district was having good effect was indicated, Mr. I.eb-ton said, through Hie enviable record of (hi ditricl lal yenr the worst yenr for the province a a whole. It was neces sary, however, that the woiii should be kept up but Hie full backing of Ihe people was lie- eesary. In the matter of seditions, Mr. Leighlon vcn-: iouId recover. A a con-lured Ihe opinion that if the MMjueiire (he will that had beet, people fully realucd Ihe value made in her favor, beiiieathiiu' of the forest and the loss lha" her everything that he woub! was occasioned through fire th! leave, was altered. Shortly be-Ihey would not be so loath to rre he passed away, (hough, asil Ihe department ty giving he repented and was lo have evidence against lhoe who changed il once more, this time niisthl be careless with fire. make it out with his wire-lo- .lr. Leighlon' closed Ins ad- (. as beneficiary. He died be- dres by appealing lo the mem- her of the Hyro Club lo spread (ion. Ihe gospel of forest protecting Do.pjie the final conditions and lo govern Ihelr aelijjn ac-,0f t1P will the woman, had Alio cordingly whei-ever necessary or pnsihle. Presblenl Stan Taylor thanked Mr. I.eighlon for hi address and offered (lie assurance Hint mem ber of the Hyro Club would al all limes stand prepared lo assist the department in 11 work. (luesl of the club were John I. Mills of Toronto and Ilnv Warlock. II. V. 0. I.n Pine and Dale Maher of Prince Ilupert. Advertise in Ihe I saily' News. QOVERNMCNT LIQUOPi ACT. Notice of ppllctln foe Beer Lletnce. .NOTICE IS IIKHKHY OIVEN that nn the llh (lay nt Miy noil llw unlerUtiHil In lends lo apply l the l.lquor Control Hoard for t Uemcc in renpect to pmnUe kiMiwn as O.W.V.V Unlet, situate In ihe timnolle if fort Clement J. B.C., upmi th-Uml ilerrtliel winlh half of lot S ml 9, blork 41, lilntrlrl kit 14. Omen Charlotte llaiuls lilalrlct. srnmllns In rerl'lereit inup nr plan rtejrlled It Hi Lend fieellr.v orfiee in llie City of l-rlnre Ilupert. R.C., and niniinrreil l7, Tor IIm sale t lieer by the rlM or by llie open Iwillle for eimKiimptUm on tli preinles, Patert at rrlnre lliipi-rt. B.C. lliti Jtli day of April, ISIA. rn.sSK rE.vnr.K, Applicant. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prince Rupert Electeral District. Stackenile Electoral DUtrlct. NOTICE Is hereby siren that 1 shall, on Momtar, ihe tllh day or May, lS, al ihe hour or to n'rlork III the forentHin. al llie CnnM Mouse, Prtnre Ilupert, hold a miiint nr Ihe Court of llrvMon for the purpose nf revHlns llie list or voters Tor the said electoral tliMrlrt. anil or hearing-and deleinilnlns any and ll nblertlons lo llie relenllon of nv name on the said int. nr lo the rrtltlratlon a voter of anr lippllrant for rrtl'lratlnn; artd for the oiher purpoHea aet Jorth In the "Pro-lnnal Elections Art." Hated , al Prlnro nupert, n.C, this Sth dav r.f April. U. , . rMnvv?rA; WATT. Heels irsrnr- Viviafor ta Prince Hillert nd VaiTienns' Tieetoral f)llrri. IN PROBATE. In th Supreme Court of Brlllah Columbia. In the Matter of llie Administration Adam! In the Mailer nr Ihe Estate nf Albert llove, Oeeeaseit. Intestate. TAKE INOTICE Iliat Iv order nr Ills llotMir, P. Melt. Yroinr, ihe lih ilav nf April. A J). I0o. I was appointed Administrator of the estate or Albert Bowles, dei-easeil, ami all parlies Imrlns Halms amilnst the nld estate are hereby remilr-ed In fiirnl'h same, properly verified, to me on or before the toth ilav of May, A.r. ISIS, and all parties Indebted to the estate are remilrert lo pav the amount or lh!r Indebtedness tn me rorthwlth. .NOIIMAN A, WATT, Ortletal Adimiilstralor, rnnce Rupert, B.C. Dated the SO day or April, AJ. m. MAN'S DEATH ENDS ROMANCE Woman Came from England to Alberta to Marry But Found Dying Man KlrMOXTOX,. Aprd 28.-Tra- aedy ami mifortone lagged in the wake of whal prnmited lo Iw a happy romance which coin-menced with correspondence between a farmep-livery man in a country diMricl near lo Kdrnon-lou and a young wnnian ti YorkIiire, l-Tiiglaml. The ro ruance lerihinaleil with the arrival of the prospective britle in (''.diimnloti lo find the one who was lo have been her huftliaml, dying, and Herself in virtually doMllule circumstance a a re- Mill. II all started when the two gained touch Willi one another through a eorrespondence agency'. Afler miinerou leller.i, traii(Mirlnion was finally forwarded Jq, Hie elaled Knglih woman who hailed for Canada, after selling her home and furniture. Stricken with Pneumonia Iteaehlng Kdmonlon on April ,iuflV-,i i,liluaii r thought would be hers, the one with whom she. had correspond ed turned out-li-4e an old, gre) man of over'"H0. Coming inlo the city to make chase the riitfr, he had lieen picked up bj- Ihe police who- had come upon him lying on Hi. pavement ill the downtown sec Hon. 11 was believed that he wa intoxicated. Investigation showed, however, thai he wa.s seriously ill and lie was al one taken to the- hospital. He died on Saturday. Will was. Altered When first she glimpsed tin old man, feeble and totlering oi. the grave, the viHiian who had come all Hie way from Kngland lo marrv him. hesitated. She that lliey wail until , fore put his wish inlo execu followed Ihe suggestion made that she should marry him ir. the hiKpilal, would have received one half of his estate under the Intestate successions act hj which Ihe will would have been declared inoperative. He lei! about $3000. Although the opportunity ha been offered her of remaining it Alberta, il is probable I fiat she will return to 1'wland, a sadde", hut certainly n wiser voman far n. tforre.spondejice agencie.-are tfjiecrnlsl; CLEARINGS OF BANKS HIGHER Qreat Increase Over Last Year In Business of Three Cities YICTOMIA, April 211. Public men in Ibis province and all over lite counlry are declaring without reservation that business in Hie Dominion is definitely on .the upgrade. This has been borne mil by the annual reports of various banking institution. and related in public speeches by men who are in touch with economic conditions. It has also lieen possible for the nverage individual lo draw bis own conclusions In llils con nection from Ihe bank clearings of Ihe twenty-nine, centres which teport lo llieir respective clear ing houses at the. close of bus! ness each week. From the beginning of the present year lliero ha been noted a substantial in crease in more than twenty of these centre over the corres-ponilinig weeks nf 1925. Tly those familiar with trading In general this i taken lo mean that Canada Is definitely on the" high road to prosperity. B.C. crtles In this connection the thre R mills Blended Cigarette ... sar y yyincliester principal cities of llritish Columbia may claim pride of place, for llie weekly clearing returns from January 1 up to and including Hie week which ended with the close of business on April 23, there were only two weeks In that period which did not reveal a gain for Victoria over the corresponding weeks of last year; In Vancouver there were four weeks which dropped below 1925; in New Westminster three actually nine cases of decrease compared witli forty-two Increase in the seventeen weeks :.njfa rsilii,,. Immense Sums What this mean in revived litisitiess in llritish Columbia, as far as these three cities alone is concerned, is shown in the combined clearings for Ihe seventeen weeks of 1SI20, which total noj less a sum than 1322,001,097 i compared wilh 283,378,200 for llie same seventeen weeks in 11125 aisrain of 3rt,o82,897. The Individual inlals are as follows: Victoria. 1 92(1: $35,202,733; 1925: 29,931.m; Vancouver, 1920: 27 5,(195,7 20; 1925: 2H,33,-950; .New Westminster, 192C: Stl, 102,038; .1925: 8,993,100. These show an aggregate Increase for Victoria of $5, 25 1, 589; for Vancouver of .$31,201,770; and for Xevv Westminster, of 2,-109,532 for the first seventeen weeks of 1920 over the corresp-in period of 1925. MOSTLY BRITISH IN PARTY OF SETTLERS Number Arriving Thla Week at Winnipeg and Being Distributed from there WTXXIPKO, April 29. nrillsh predominate In the several par ties of new settlers arriving over the Canadian National lines thi fee.k every I rain tirlnguig a number of Kinglish, Irish niW Scotch families lo the west un der the 3,000 family settlement scheme in addition to single men and women for farm and domes, lie work. Passengers from the steamship l.elltia and Ausonia readied Ihe city by tegular, and special -C.X.K. traiiift ye'sleita.v, Ih former number 1.5 from tho llritish Isles, 102 of whom were from Scotland All but twelve of. these left for points In thf. west going to llritish Columbia, Mberla and Saskatchewan. Last night's immigrant special brought 350 from Ihe Ausonia, llie crowd bring evenly divided between Hrilish . u.aiid central Kuropeans. 'iVeive families were met by govern ment officials nml booked to their new homes on the. prairie., Herbert Worman from Somerset having Ihe record for most children. He goes wilh hi. Wife, six sons and two daughters to Prince Albert district to take up farming. Settlers from the Doric lo the number of 175 are due hy special traiif- al -the Canadian National depot Thursday morning. CIGARETTES Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE. OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers, Dimension, Shiplap, Fir Finish, Flooring:, V Joint, Hustic and Bevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Boat Lumber, Fir and Cotlonwood Veneer, Mouldings, Shingles, Kolored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash and Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Kcene's Cement, Asbestos Cement, Ilardwall Plaster, Plaster of Paris, Planter Board, Lime, Hydrafed Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Brick, Fire Brick, Pressed Brick. Agricultural Tile, Vilrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Building Paper, Tar Paper, Rubberoid Roofings, Johns, Manville's Asbestos Roofings, Asphalt, Asphalt Roofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Rangt?. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones Canadian National Railways PrinceRupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD 0 Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaie Land lu Land Hrrurdltis iusiriil or I'rinee llupei I, and situate on .Moresby Island, (.ueeii Charlotte Croup, on nniMined, Inlet, three miles south of He La Herhe in. let. TAKE .NOTICE that Tile Canadian FUh-Inr Company, Limited, nr Vaneoujer, e rupatioii salmon i aimers, IntemU to apply for a lease or the folio tut; desrribed lands: coiunieiii'lnr at a tmst plantet at head f lulfl bImiiiI n iiule iHih of iiniiameil Creek; Ihenre vest ill rhalus: ttteure eoulli til rhains; llu-m-e east iO rhains, more or less u slwre line; ihrnre northerly rolloulus shis-e line lit I'.o.C, and eoiiialiiltiv 4 arre. .more nr less. THE C,VAP1V1 FISIIi.Vi CIIMI'.V.NY, .LIMITED; AppMeant, m . . pr llllani. Alfred Dower. , , t.?tedp,Apr,ln, LAND ACT. Notice of latentlon to Apply to Laaae LenS III Land Iteeordlns liistrtrt or I'riiu-e lliiHrt, and siliniie al head of Skaat Inlet, Moresby Island, (,'m-eu Charlotte Croup. TAKE NOTICE thai Tlie Canadian riih-Ins company. Limited, nr Vam-ouver, oe-rupation Salmon l anners. Intemla to apply for a lease of llie rullowlns deaeribesl lands; Comiiirnrlnr al a post planted at head or Skaat Inlet, 11 rhains north or unnamed creek; thenee west f rhains; thitii-e toiitli to chains i Uh-ui-d east ire rhains, more rtr leis. tn shore line; Ihenre northerly rollowlns slwu-e line to P.o.C. and eniitalnlne to arres, more nr les. THE .CVNVIjlW ITSIIIVO COVPANV. LIMITtD: Ailn-ant. Ter Vllllam AUred Bower. Dated lttb April, tm. 116 and 117. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 736. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Blaek 735, RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (8. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Hervlee, Coal. Sand and Gravel We SasMlallie In Plane) a Purvlture laf