day January 7, 1926. Bunacvs us your Smiumyj Supplies ll y klltllFllI "7 i i 5J (fDham K9L9RED jrurcuLCj. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Wonti US o.ii 117 LET US DEMONSTRATE Kroehier DAVENPORT Beds huMiTi'il in Snm!i Mnlokiit Le.illier or m gMl quality Brown Miihiiir OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE RARRIFS Hnmft Furnishings m- m ma a mm a w mm 0 m mm m mm mmm w 3rd Avenue And That One Word Is UX 7 A I I T V ALU Phone 123 ll' ll nil .irt-ele III nUt-tiUnllUg merit I- ll 11 1 1 11 I" tin" (ll'lln l ill'l l le- ItlllMClluill'. And mi it is with our I 11 "FAMILY SEIIVIUKS," ill) iiuc word eau explain their iiik m eplaucc and sur- mid i (nil one word i "VALUK." Wit Wtcli Thrift -T- -and Soft Pinnli tiere are ri-i'- II1.1I mit!) Iirim over Willi hII Uie feature of I' : 11 1 v . Lmixf niciiic. mihI l.couoitix nol one I t 1 1 nil I lire. I .. -n 1 1 11 -1 hi iiihl demnutrnliou prove tin- nliii" of our I" . 1 1 1 1 ! v Kerxn . Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Fnztell But- lur tdiop, across from the Rmpress lintel Wo carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL nOOffl IN CUNnJfcUI lur. James Zarelll Proprietor 1 CANADIAN PACiriCj Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert U tETCHIMN, WIANCUi, JUNtAU, SUCWAY .twWr 28. Jurr II. 2S fi KaNCOUYU. YICTOMA ui SEATTLE DwtiiW IS. Juwij I, I4. 29 S4. rmwtsj watrice rf auUiUU, Sw.n.on lul Bell. . Oon rll, Nmu, Altrl B.y, Rlf, intl V.neour S.luriUr 11 .m. foe all Slm.hlp Lin... lis"illoi Irom W. U. UHbnxnu u.ii.rai m.n.i Oornf of 4th Slfttl and Sfo" rrlnoo Rup.rl, B.O. . - . 111 i ilui f t? n t Tii I im II ivi w i n .i if ill r u i w i &ji' it. i . . - - -f wiuuii kJicniUkiiiii ii.iim.. tinm pnui'fl iiunrri. innuvuilfl, liuiunin. ipinn . ' ' ANYOX. ORT IMrON nd NM Rlr 0nnrlt, Thur.d p.m. PORT a.feFION. ANVOX. ALICC ARM. TIWART, 8unil. p m. Local and Personal B.C. Uiidcrlukers. I'bone 41. 75 Tuxi. nlglil. 00c crvlce, day. and Largo sufe for sale, .Max lleilbrouer. tf clieup tf Kee tlio .exHluldo peDful in windinv. Supply. 50 lls. for f 1.00. TuW 4 0! Taxi and Transfer. CDs service. Day and night. T. Djbhavn. tf Meeting of Trades and Labor Council toulfeiil at 8 o'clock foi the purport of considering municipal affairs. " Boy Taylor n among those reluming from a holiday in the souili. He is once more loeiiled al the Inlander. Just arrived! XCw suipiiieni ut parly dresses in iceorgette. eifpp satin and erepe do Chine mall-rials. Price 2t.75. Uni versal Trading Co. 5 Al a., JO yesterday afternoon the fire ileiwrlrnent had a call to the residence of J. i. McLennan, Bortleu Street, wttere a chimney fire did no ctauiajre. . C. MacKar. tlintriel emciner for the provincial department of liulilu- workK. left on last nielli' 1 1 :n n for Uaxetton ou official diiin-s. Me is exiMH-ted back to- iliiirrow. The city council held a special i'i-ioii yesfertlay aileriioon to f inn lly recoil ider and adopt a nvlaw consolidating several is-uf of local improvemeni d--Ircnt tires. . 0. eon, who ia tiern a niemhi'r of tli Liaity Ni'ws staff fur tin' imhI four yearn, has m 'red his con tier t ion with this firm to take a iioidlion on the KlatT of Hose, Cowau k Latta li K. Maekay, wlto oeverul yi-ai aun was sienoarautier 011 llii- iIT of Williams, .Manim & tmiuaies, returned in lit ci'y tln wfi'k. from Vancouver an I has fskvli 'k' position with tin tunI Him itch. A. X, Mclonald. hk-i.-UiiI imninrltl fire marflial. wim i. In're 10 invefiisate Ibe rfiMii fire at the I'fince Rupert lipruet M il-, will, leav; 0:1 Salurday naht's Irain for Smitbers.. re-iinnmg to the city next week. The Kelchikan hallols nol vet haxiita reached headquartet in Sen.' He. tlie result of ike election of the toeal ajrent for the Iwp Si-a Fishermen's L'nion is unt yi-' dee tiled. Prine RufterJ. KeLcln- kini Httd tieaMIe vote, on th tiuestiou. Mis. Klla of Metroi! who has been xiitiiia in the city for the uasl two tnoulh" Willi Mr. John Mcltae, Kourlh Ave Ieaen by the steamer Princo RuMit louiorrow morn-inu 'or li..fdftiia where he will xi':n! the l-i'ia:tnler "f the win- ii i. M'-. M' Hae w'll iiri-iniiiany ll' i it- isr it- Si'Mltle. , ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 II t 'ii 'ti :: 1 . . 11 i- Automatic 1 ffflo lime .1 -i t 1 1:1 We me now prepared to supply lime within leu seconds per juontli to any of fice or butldinu in Prinoei m OMLl 1TKW1 Curric'g Taxi and Uosucnger. I'lione SGG iittflil or day. tf Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf St. Andrew's fcii-ly annual general iiie.-lfn?," Friday at 8 KliTlioii of officer. Kvery sheet of jnumf in our windows Friday -and Saturday, 15u per oopy. McLaren Music Store. C li-Alderman Mcilotdie's com nilttee rooms, corner Second AVO and Fourth Blreet, "will ho ojiea every aflernoon and evening. 1 1 W. Cniiksliant Jms been ap pointed acting traasuier of the Prince Hujierl yrti Club lo take the plai-e of Sydngy ltazi-it-Join-r- who leaves to-tflOrrow for Kan Francisco. 4 ;; Knik'hls of Qelundius social evening in the Parish Hall, cor ner "f Fifth ahd J-'ulton street on Friday nialft at, Card Orchestra in attendance. Ad mission 30c. Bavin? tieeh ndjuilyi-d inxaiie V. (iray will he taken loinurrow momiiiK aboard tin- si earner Prince Ituprrl lo MskhiiiIhIc Men lal Hospital with -Special Con stable Candow in eharge. A comniittne consist ins of Joe Ureer. chairman, DituKlas Stork and Leo Waugh has been ap-poinled to take eharire of pen-ral arraugi'menlH for tin- annual ball of the Uyrn Club which will be held on January 28. Edward Shaw wax 'ined $10 and cosls in the city police court I his morning for druukennein and KUtel Oladslom was re- Hiaudeil until this aXiriioon on a charge nf having litpior in hr possession. Both were Indians. A. H. Barker, luanaprr of the Bank of . Montrenl at Terrace. and Mr. Barker will arrive in uie city on tomorrow iiioniins Irain and proceed by Uie steamer Prince lluiterl to Vancouver en route to Honolulu tor a vacation I rip- Mrs. Fret (iilhuH and family will sail toniorntw ntorning on the Prince Htipert lor Yanrouver where tbey will take tin lite r ti'Maeote. Jir. (iiiuuly. who is now dipoiiia of hi buKinesf interests here, will proceed south later. W. W. WiHtd, who 4ian been on the office Ntaff of the Canadian Fiih A Cold Sloraae Co. here fo: seevral years, left on lant niiflil -!r;n for Chicago where he will lake up a position ms accounUtitt in the agency of the company there. Preliminary work bavin? been I'omidet!. the sleauior Prinee Cl:arle has txH'ti taktin on the ponltHutu al the dry dock for the iitMlallution or a new iHertt tnbe fwhieh is the inivsf imitortanl item of work In be done on the vessel while she i in dock. WIRELESS REPORT. S ajn. BliiBY ISLAND. Overcast, liultl suutbeast wind; Mroineter, leiiiMrHture, It; Sea smooth. HF.AH THEE PliLNT. Oxer- enst, light stMitheast wind: baro meter, 30.12: temperature.. It: I. ..I. " 11 ,? I III I 1 inootli. nt 1.1. it Allium K-....nuui jliulil southeast wind; barometer. :m.5l; lemperalure. 45; sea iiimlerale; 8 p.m. spoke lujs 1m lirecaria at Beaver (Jove wimt-hntt'id bound for Centre Island. 8 h.m. sinke I uk Cape Scott, tow - ini: barge Drumrock alma in Wal ker Point hound for Oepan Falls-8 i.m. sooke sleamor lUisali-botiud for Porl Aline abeam Noble Island; 8 p.m. spoke strainer Cboyo Maru bound for Vancouver 1280 miles from Vancouver; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Uayo Maru bound lot Vancouver ISO miles from Vancouver; j Bupert. p.m. spoke steamer Saiko Maru 'bound for Vaiimtiiver POO miles Our Master Clock which rrom Vancouver; 8 p.m. spoke sets our dock on the street m.ilorship Bomlielmuk, Tacoma is capable of running sev-'for Yokohama. 3D0 mtle from ernl huudrea dials all at Ca,,t, i iuttory. exaciiy tne shiiic nine, sei correctly every half miuulc If interested, let us know. John Bulger Tho JowOllcr Winchester IB; temperature, tH; sea moderate; 10:25 a.m. .poke xleume;-Gatala in Milliiank Snund iinrlh- bound. REVOLUTIONARIES ! OXFORD UNIVERSITY i Indian Undergraduates and Others Engaged In Secret , Propaganda, Says London Times Certain underground activities have twen Irai-eit al Oxford vvhici were designed to promote the formation of a revolutionary ?roup among Indian umlergrad-uales. says the London Times.1 In particular, two non-Indians' have been engaged in secret, propaganda among them, and Ihey seem In have made some; impression on certain members of the Majlis- (Indian society .j fSeftin,? in touch with selected-men. they enjoined strict se-i ereey, and It was arranged that Indian members of the organization should he shown under as sumed non-Indian names. j The xxork of -these agents also; included a study of the antecedent of each Indian undergraduate likely to beennie a convert; and his views as to Indian toi-j ties, toselhcr with pluns for their "ttiientioti in Communist iln.-lrine bv' means of literature imported from abroad and very quietly distributed. VESUVIUS SHOWS SIGNS OF ACTIVITY LONDON, Jun. 7 from Italy report Vesuvius suddenly active than in the montbs lndiratiiiK lu nlHlAf: WATER ACT. .Despatches that Mount became more pus! I'llll a possible tluttiieriius eruption. Dwellers on the mountain arc greatly alarmed. womanIleeps WONDERFUL ALL NIGHT "After taking Adlerika. the pniu in my side ulue to gas is gone and I now eat and sleep wonderful." 'signed Mrs. O. Me-(iinnis. (INK spoonful Adlerika removes OAS mid often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Brings out a surprising amount of old waste matter yoi never thought was in your system. Stops that full, bloated feeling and makes you happy and cheerful. F.xcellent for chronic constipation. Ormes Limited. Druggists. """" MITICK Is lltHUKY OIVKX tint lll DHHlY ISLAND. Oven nsl,1 iimsstr. tin' i.trutfinmi-onvwiwir r ant- , ii i. i Wi CuluniliU, liv Hint Willi Hit- nilvlce nf strong souuieaRl vvtml; barome- m, Kxirute Ouutirti. im bven iu-ii, ler, 80,t2; leinpeniture, tP; seu rough. I Til XT iMirniimil tn Uie imivlsttiitrt nf Si'i'tkili Ullll. Iielns Clintilrr KTI uf Ills i.' .IWT'H l.lllll-l. IV. IM IVTTI.r l-l l.l II. IMlHt. I...IVI . l Dl'.AD lHI'.h l'l M A J . liver-' iinrrrtinliMt xxuli-r ur tliiinu lllver. Orkliiiiii 1 Islmitl. I" Ui I'rtmi" lliiturt Wsltr ll- rinl eiilm- liucn ler 111 1 ' casi, tailll, naiomi ui. .to.l. turt, MubltniMtl tuirmiaut ti nlw Hi lemperalure, 47; sea smooth. I !1;,,n,"'Ll " . iiifil ti; kiii BI'LL llAltlliUt Cloudy, fresh S"aMia vvmd; baiouteter, S0. , li.X'lCU till- until ility uf ttrtiilier. tU'.'J : I T O eATTUlXO, I ilmuitr wt Liudi, CIGARETTES ' Tinest Blended Cigarette onthe Market" $ """ms I 40c SPECIAL OFFER DEMAND 40c 2 Packets Envelopes with a 100 Sheet Kid Finish Writing Pad Ormes Limited The Bexiill Store l'iuneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Store opi ii 8 a.m. ! 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 to 2. and 7 lo 9 p.m. "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phones' 687 539 Gr. 233 Black 735 The Savage Washer and Dryer At tin last Quebec Fxlnbition repettl-ed its suii-ess f 'he previous year, by itgoiu winning the (ioid Medal with distinction over all other makers of Atuori-i an ami Canadian Washers. j Cash Price $185.00 Also sold on eusy terms. Kaien Hardware Co.