6 6, 2. [a ALASKAN VILLAGES QUARANTINED | — JUNEA Ped each 4) HOLLYWOOD (AP) Actor ioner Ford Frick announced of-)} Ke}! . | o in are getting into the political ial distribution of World Series | $1,000 Ala , arena again eceipt including $6,026.32 fo Brook! During the Franklin D. Roose- | @ch full New York Yankee share | ways with, 29 ihe ‘ velt years the acting breed was | #4 $4,200.64 for each full Brook-| varying p ate vocal in support of candidate are $500 « : me inh and issues. Following the war lhe nning Yanks cut in 46/ and Bry | = Newey BREREER REEDS ESSER eaeet widespread political activity in| player if them for ful] shares | arme were ig i 5 . 4 . 2 Holiywwod was lacking because | (re! Coleman and Bobby Browr : . C; a - 2 = too ray a nad bee: t ing nh in by é each received B A ‘CIENT RELIGION . Xe : Ee Ga ~ R by supporting the wrong cause hree-quarter shares of $4,519.73, a {shoot of Now, issues appear more clear 7 b ' cuism, i a 2 | : I Ewell Blackwell and Ray Scar : ie af ¥ ‘ a” ly defined, and Hollywood name ; ty Scar-| p, r > 7 an ‘ : rou rot two sirde ‘ y eae istines: e ve 4 ws 6 are beating the drums for the o-thirds of a share! practica ; neti . Ps 2 an tin in.?/!) compaigners, Stars such as Irene: a «= } yunne, George rphy, Rosalind s j BH ARCTIC SOLDIERS the A nuit p Dunne, Cee eae TODAY and TUESDAY—Evenings Te aM . : ® Russell and Dick Powell are t= Oe . } . B sOte booming for Elsenhower. The a ne we / ig LJ ; a O Stevenson bandwagon has drawn s 4 4 2 I ( E Exercise ‘ such adherents as Ethel Barry eee a x oped a B ert Q t N ve, Robert Ryan, Ava Gard \ C7 oe , ner and the Humphrey Bogart baa ee en sen ca ; *] * : i 4 J SOME RAN , , e i 4 . ! 5 A Lot of Blood on the Floor, Also Beer : 3 2 | IFER . " A Lot of Blood on the Floor, Also Bee: Although actors fiave been & p a Ot sscnanniipaiies mummieiin — tive campaigners, they ive ? , JONES : Wi ell of Fi on Boat“. .. 7 enn 7. : ci xcepeon S ™ : . tnesses I right as lek ches nc ae * f ve ; ; a ws Aaty . Wo former acting figures. O The fire of “DUEL IN THE SUN”; “"D™* ‘Ja a Vid erials a P ( echaree of murde ee oe a | ee ee the tenderness of “THESONG $8 ad VWeaif & ey A pict at ‘ ea te} Democrati represe i: | OF BERNADETTE v . S aga ; Dudoward, 25-year-old Port Simpson Dudoward was stand-, California, The wife of “thy Gin be TECHINICOUQS re 7. e! ed Meivyn Dougla re iS a -, . aso [ or * of es sche d t esume in police court this ' ; Saas ; 7 XTRA ___) Paamagcouniade : pi ee ee pale , it Happened All Night” f ’ bois ne ( the head but that’s In one movie, “She.” Mrs. Di ps s “ : | 1 952 a mo} before Magistrate W. D. Vance. { the head bu shes , Ph a. a ) j At Home With Bevaiee* i p on deck. Kathy !45 was defeated in the Sena Ain't . , » a ia w m . ? i few second later ul y Richard Nixor w Re } Lin't She Tweet \ FAMOUS PLAYERS Ty 7 s a 2 . + ‘Guecine alk : : See a emma * a = seeping 1id White and Dudoward Publican vice-presidential candi tate ce ceeeiandiationl e Ye i 1 day tl fterwards lat a * cnowledge by Mr. Hogarth if she The ver was John Lo He © a sail W was drunk at the Con: now the governor of hi 0 ay an ues ay London Films present x ? re the fracas, she said ate and a leader in the fight j s & rnhoon o nomir Eisenhov He Yt 4 " 4 : . “i ) wart yal told a similar playec any films of the early LIFE dh = i s i A I ‘ i he watched 30 g “The Scariet f moqorine s@vt... rm ® ; € “ which started when pre with Marlene Dietrich KERIMA’S * . fas [Pep Se ’ * i i Sat s to the boat efused to get off the and “The Little Co \" with 5 f¢ | LA = : “os ae , eer Me : ‘ MARATHON KISS ; | 0 at lock on nt h t his own bot- Shirley Temple s & i 3 LY AL ‘ ss. Pascoe es ae iS A MOVIE a 2 x oe) : ‘ Aive TRACI . : . we Xs z a s Cor ' i We aft ‘ wa of in the egisiature, t SENSATION OF THE PARTMENT a ee * { PAE % had | he i H a bi ‘ git o VW B ‘ presentative wa $1.20 7 [7 STORE #5 ot fo aes a eon | Tap a pags t week in the movies* 9:0 4% ay Magi in a Kk i nh ; : WT TT TELL , ‘ ’ » check Another politico-perfor | 3 Sh RRR ReRao S 1 i yin To a a Davis RALPH RICHARDSON i — 1 ) ! : w Louisiana wh AS aj _ iece plete TREVOR HOWARD 1% ‘ ROBERT MORLEY W. R. Wi WENDY HILLER - ‘ E ' ord the enciting exote ; ts f N 3 few ducover Do Y REMEMBER Y KERINA — Liz Se es One FREE Day at . 100 J : f - v Ad vit j iit 4a “atid ' D Ui le | Shit O10 BULGER'S atge pieee ‘ol t* I ; ave the de@geas Si . . i ry 7 ‘ :. chievie ta alae Atante ts Pebice Su during October. 7 f f #) ¢ Police testified ¢arlier Tat n art here she and W Sove oll Sales Slip \iso- “LeU \tUsJrUJe White was holdifig ‘big @heek vent t afe here where th tora 5" ace Destination Meat Ball n tis hand and asked them SankeyieAfter their returr till Nov. Ist meen : r , totcut it off He wa aso -she went to Si¢ep and whet Peaceful Atom A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEA JS Ae i} me ng * en from the 2awol 3 : were cases ee ek of his head.” bee ara, ~~ a t Mchhdée said Re and She sa Wilke wy: arering Hutehinsof,..took, with Jimmy gurin HE - N pital Sha MMteas that SE sea byte cbach ANNOUNCEMENT Svc Dutiow to the ey. jaf: proportion intit after . Dudg Wa ° An 1 Noy nd Throat Spec i$ r & >riry ¢ y told White tak Noe and Throat Specia “ in F ‘ 1e-—-hike stable Of begr: and bottle of tum 2 ; WAP ited noticed the’ “blood ‘leave Backache is often catened by tary kidney An Eye @p St carr be made ‘ gasiy bewine After he -tefaeed, the ted mer action. When kidneys gét.out of order, f tafficlent work ls available et tert gasiy behini After n eldeed, the two ’ - . ‘e. > ia xs 4 excess acids and wastes remain in the 4 Raa wid be tak r am j 2 ari a a oh systern. Then backache, disturbed reat ; ; i ne il Dudoward wa attemip ing ot that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling ‘ ‘ t ; i 1 I c ) H th he | SAT Se eRene Of tee ' may soon follow, That's the time to take uu to enable comple I i i Hogartn, fn Willie ‘ ed ha . Dedd's Kidney Pills. Dedd’s stimulate . } vyhen he and Con-, ,....., ; : aad . > . I ection. Then you | help to improve , wrench a ew driver ar ee ee na the kidneys to normal ac ° . : ; "os feel better — sleep hetter—work better. r rt e ca $506. : ee J RR E: PA cr sate ~ = on pairs] meee " ince Kupe th advertisement is not publisheo ov displey } , in : m e them or he Liquor Control Beard a by the Government , pipe ee Bete Colede mo we lopa } : The New Simpsons, Limited KNOW . pe a i wi 4% Debentures are available ly , v} lo holders of ' he RCMI Simpsons, Limited To investors | “" Bonds, Notes and with funds to employ | A ts like t pi Preferred Shares ke It map : 1i€ Sun pen Limited through ite subsidiaries operates one the fang Bi department «tore businesses in f unada with stores located |! I : h Montreal, London, Kegina and Halifax In addition, the Gompany ™ po! c ila ics have an ¢ jual interest with Sears, Roebuck and Co, im Sumpeor limited a new company which is acquiring the mail order ney , ' order office business of Simpsons, Limited and which will also et Sad i D } ‘ % > . . se retail stores in many new locations throughout Canada yt ¢ i examina The new Simpsons, Limited 424°) Debentures will be the senior set r < %, RCMP of the Company. Simpsons, Limited plana to redeem on Junuary . heferret : ound no ¢ its outstanding First Mortgage Bonds, Secured ‘Term Notes ane Pret prints on pa Shares. We offer as principals € ibmitted in 4s e * | } te Heath ts Simpsons, Limited ti what wa or . ” 34,9, “be oy Series **/ | banat Silks Liane h Gok to Reaina 34% Debentures Series “A ance providing fin- ft 9on adjournmen / Due January Ist, 1975 : Arnold Sankey of Port Simpson This advertisement is not published or displayed by ; anci Fo?, if anything e 1ot p d ¢ ayed by the Liquor’ Control en ( Se hep was ( the stand by Mi Board or by the Governemnt of British Columbia " Denominations: $100, $500 and $1,000 ens t burden on others, . . . 7 Price: 100 and acerued interest, to yield 4.0 in , sce policy- wrance polic + nmatly upon / ' A prospectus describing this new issue will be forwarded prom! “ 4 “re ind help- 5 »vailable to in or It gives information regarding the cash paymen! hange (or 2 ’ + , { ange es holders of Simpsons, Limited Bonds and Preferred Shares 1" ¢ 55.43 met the new Debentures, which for the Preferred Shares amoun! r i from ; 1 vident f ‘ per share including redemption premium and acerved oot “include slao presenting one nedian, British ond ompanies in Can-