or- TAXI Pfe and r iJ Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royl Hotel, 3rd Ava. and 6th 81 WATT VIPECK, Prop. DISSOLUTION UNCONSTITUTIONAL VOL XVI , N(V 155. ;,, DECLARE HON. T. D. Mackenzie King Declares That Parliament is Not Legally and Constitutionally Dissolved Yet Charges Conservative Ministers with not being able to face House after violation of privileges condemned by Commons OTTAWA, July &. -Declaring that "(he serinu? ipietioii o.-e a li whether Parliament liu been legally and cOiulilu- i, il) di solved eeeiiig there mu prurugatiuii, uolvvilliUtnd- .ug 'hat both house ul Parliament were in session uml His Y, i llem . (lie (iiieruiir General. v present at Hie capital at lit time" Itiglil Hun. V. L Mackenzie King last night Issued a , in 1 1 on 1 he couMilutioiial question. t, tiitiicntmg lliat Hie only notice that Parliament was so vril w.-i a letter to tin ieaker from the uuder-sccrctary ul MAY ABANDON CONFERENCE - 1 1 (June contrary Uioatitttlionai Imperial Gathering Will Probablyi ige and law." Not Take Place Thla Com- 1 .Aller o.vh jwtUuiJj, urn Ing October. procedure to support the -outen- 1 1 ton, Mr. Markeiuto King adds: ELECTIONS INTERFERE "Jlul Canada's present prime inln- Mter aparenlly l not hampered Cinttfi EipsUd to be Represent- ed by Flrat Minister at Im portant Occasion I'MmiN. July 5. -The liana ili.i ' learned on Hie highest an-1..., ,i v (hat Lite litioerial cmii- f ' -nr.- ef for Oelolwr ill eer-i uy i... abandoned If Canada Mtiaiii fo md representative Ru g i tlie iHMrnetse of the i-n- mi ' i' l lion whkh if expected lo U- place In September. 1 1 Mew of Hie Canadian elee-'eking place in September, a -lien! delay In the meetlna of imperial conference i not in-nable," - llie haily Tele-f 'Jilt. although it 1 hoped lo av id it. Hut In view of the pro-mi tect part hitherto taken by Canadian statesmen in Hie di- mu on HrtlUh foreign poll--. "t is considered essential thai ( i"aila should be authoritatively (ii-rp(ilel hy her leading mlnis-1 11 minister In Oclooer. "TT.WVA. July 6 -No official ' niniiinlcnttoiifi i-etianlinj: th abandonment of the coiiferenro f'ave heea po far exi lian;1''', tt i h-anied, hut it 1 as-uined that if he romlilioiiN are Mieh that " Premier U unable nltrnil, ' . onfere will lie either postponed or abandoned. FOURACRES"" MINEFELL IN 8oen Pooolo Killed and Eight Injured at Wllkcsbarro Saturday KII.Ki:.snAHIli:. July 5. Sovrn nn.il.. Lill...l uml elshl In- . nriu iii... - JurvU, foino aeriously, when U10 roof fell in n roal mine near hern lale Saturday. Tliu fU 00-nuird about 700 feci beneath the mirfnen river all lliea Of Up tii'oxhriuleU- four UCieK. I.lll'KO iuaiititloi of na releaeil niatltf rencnn work illlil' till. CALIFORNIA QUAKE. KANTA 1IAHIIAHA, Ual., Jul)' 5. Thrco earthquakes, all of brief duration, wore fell here last Sal-unlay. No iliiiuane i report ed u result, Il-H.... ! - . PATTULLO tale ami that "senators and member of fit? Iloysn of Common were informed by men-ger and page boy that their prreiice wa no lonjrer required, Mr. KiiM add: "Tlli method ol j nni!it lo dlolvc Parllainrul by either IlriliMi or contitutionn! law- and practice. After the de- etaraOon liy the House of Com-tnott on the ntahl previous that their action were a violation and infringement of (he privilege of the llmi.e. Mr. MeljihenX acting iiiiniter could not fare Parliament even for Uo purpose of hav-irv it pronaued or dissolved. He therefore ailviei a ooure which woubl not be loleraled in (ireal Itrttain, Is in violation of constitutional taw- ant! prarttre in C-t-tinda. and niiniel reiioniiiiillty for the aet of the crown, which is in roo'rtiipl of the rialit and ilig-nlly of Parliament. ' ELECTION RIOTS MEXICO FATAL Kl. PASO. July 5.-One man wa killed and twelxe iiijure.1 n elect ion noln nt Jaurei, Mexico. The riot started at the open-iiu of I he polls and w as iuelled after federal troop had liven ordered to restore onler. FELL FROM ROOM AND WAS KILLED Washington Contractor Is Found Bonoath Window of Hotel Vancouver Annox Lato Saturday. VA.VCOl'YKll, Jl 3 Instantly killed when he fell from the open window of a room on the fourth floor of the llolnl Vancouver Annex Saturda nluhtr the body of Olaf llolson, the well known eon- tractor of Maple alley, Washington .wax found In the paved alleywiiyibcneath. llcwan alomv In Hie 'room nl Hip Hfne afoV no" cxplanallon is offered for tho 1111111' fatal lilllliue. Within Tour Hours previous 10 the finding o ft ho body, llolson entered the hostel and uflcr say-Intr III U'lK lookiutf for his secre tary, Hubert Kniilehloom, had gmio to his loom. An liupicst will probably be liuld today. BP W Northern and PHINCK ENTHUSES PATTULLO SEES . . . DAIMK AHLAU Ha Urqes People Not lo Put Themselves Under Control of Interests MOMENTOUS EVENTS Easterners Seeking to Control Destinies of Country Says Minister .Speaking of the Ottawa ilua-ion lo-dar, Hon. I. I). Pat-ullo aid: " Some momeiiloui eal- have iwen Uking place in) ittawa. Jut Imw far n-ucliinv 'iay may te only time can tell, here ii a real deal more tn-vhrtl thin jut wlfo is in and Uo i o4it." The approaebing election w.H e tejMieloVisly Toiigli,!. fUwU h- Melt for the Mople (o fpeak wi'ii no uneertam -ound to break a.' nihealthy deadlock. Kver ince Confederation a few) ow erf ul eastern interei'ii liavn ought to rontrol amj large. y ave eontndled the de.-tinies or lie eounlry. Thee T&lere-t.x fe, one time have been Ioing their rip to ue an extenL thai they Iiave not hesitaled lo report to "xtreuie measure to f'rce the eopl of (Canada to theit will. Gloom and Pessimism For "Jj ears through an extreme propaganda of gloom and per-ililltn Ihey have endeav6reil !o frighten the popular mind into aepuicj-ence in their selfish plans. "Hule or ruin' is their niolto. 'The reeenl reduction in the automobile lariU showed the extent lo which they will ko. Factories cIoih1 down and threat of remaining closed were made lo influence public opinion in I heir behalf. It was all pan of a lnrc play lo frighlen Hie people of tlanada inlo subinis-.ion to continued economic er-viluds. This country should be gov erned for the good of the people as aw.liole and it is lo be .hoped that I fie people will not be mis led either by speeiou argument or threatening attitude. Time to Speak llils is a time for the people o speak Tor all the people and hot merely for a few of Ihc people." HALIBUTARR1VAL5 (itod prices were paid for hali but nt the fish exchange this morning when American catches sold at 1H.50 and lle for first class and 10c and l?c for seconds. tlanadlah caught fish varied from 17c to IKe, with seconds al 10c. Arrivals wure: American Sennlor, "32,000, lo Cold Slor aige. Valorous. 2.000, to Hootli Fish cries. - '. Wabash, 3,500, lo Atlln Fish eries. Canadian . Frio Hoy, D.000 lo' Atlln Fish erii's. ' 11. I.lpsett. 15,000 lo lloyal Fish Co.- ' Hrrjib, 11,000, lo Cold Storage Joe linker, 12,000 to Atlln Fish. ertos. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper HI PKltT, II. & MONDAY, JULY OVER DISTRICT WHICH RECENTLY VISITED - -il cm lq ! (iiaot tiardone Cactus, which v. of Lower California, and is cs old. The huge sire ol the p pan-on with the men and SHRINERS ARE VISITING CITY "ambers of Ulam Temple, San Francisco, Here on Way South From Alaska Pilgrimage. Helurning from their pilgrim age to Alaska, Shriners of Islam l'emple, San Francisco, with their wives and families are spending several hours in tl.c city today during the stay of the steamer Prince Oeonge on which Ihey are going south. The party was met Ibis morn ing on the arrival of the steamer by local nobles and their wives and the Hoy's Hand was also on hand to serenade them. Led by the Hoys' Hand, there was a parade this, afternoon from the steamer to the Acropolis Hill grounds where visiting and local Shriner are playing n baseball game for the benefit of the band. The parly, which is being per sonally conducted by ('. A. Mc Nicholl, i:. X. It. general passen ger aaenl. Vancouver, will con tinue its voyage south at 4 o' clock this afternoon. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL SUNDAY QAMES. American League New York I, Washington 1. called rain. Chicago 7. Hetrolt 2. Cleveland I, (St. Louis 2. National League Host 011 5, New York I. Pittsburg 0. Chicago 2. Philadelphia 2, Hrooklyu II. Cincinnati 7. St. I. mils 2. Subscribe, to 'the Daily News. 5, 11)20. Saturday Cin 1 . ! I I j 1 ' : tts found in the desert reuehes. tiniated lo be over 13d years lant may be judged in toni- the motor car at its foot. 4 BIG INCREASE POLICE FINES Police court fines during the month of Juno, tlf .first nioliiii under provincial police direction amounted lo ? 1,338.50 4 as compared with ?300, 4 during May which was the V r last month of the municipal force. Government Liquor Act violations accounted 4 mainly for the v large increase. 4 4 KETCHIKAN WON ! BASEBALL GAME Defeated Locals Yesterday By Score of 7-5. Two More Games Today. The baseball game at Kelchl- kau yesterday afternoon between Ketchikan and Prince. Huperl resulted in a 7-5 victory for Ket chikan, according to word reach- i.,rr II, -iW- II. i. nu.rninir Tlinrn it-ill k'it Im-ii tivufii n-n tmt- liiiliav nn.li nisi a" im' iiioiv aunivi' -' Hie local team Is expected to return home tomorrow. The learn went north Satuday evening on the power boat P. It. T. LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMP MEETS WATERLOO CHICAGO, July 0. Heforc a erpwd of 20,000 here Saturday Sammy Manderill look the,worbrslsald he went, swimming loo soon lightweight championship from Hocky Kansas iu a ten round bout. - uliliou. lit Minister of Lands Sees Great Development and Future Prospects Good Hon. T. I). Paltullo. minister of land!', reiurneil ul U16 week end from Stewart and Anyox and leaves for Queen Charlotte Islands tonight. Speaking of hi trip, the minister said: "1 am very doubtful whether the people of Hriti-h Coliimbiaas a whole aou, indeed, Hie ieople of Prince Ilupert, appreciate the empire wealth which is situate in this portion of British Columbia. moloitd from Hazeltou to Prince (ieorge and if this territory vpr? (oented i he Proviiu-e- of Ontario or any other populous oiiott y it would be the home of scores of thousands of happy and prosperous people. The dif- J flcully today is findiiifr a market. 1 .Veveriheless the country is go-steadily forward and nwrked progress is being made. "1 was through this country; before (be railway was completed and 1 have been through it many limes since, and every visit sees new development. The years ot effort are bringing reoll and best of all the people themselves realize that they are getttner on a solid and permanent basis, '"It will not be very long until the various pieces .of road be tween tlazelton and Terrace, are rnmteeted and Ihen one can motor .rum terrace to Mexico. Benefit to Rupert 'Interior development is . of great benefit to Kupert and development of industry in Huperl !wi!l be of great benefit to the in terior in the way of providing a steady market. "What is needed in Rflpert more than anything else is power. 'We must have power to encourage establishment of industries here. No one is likely, under present conditions, to undertake (tower development unless an available market is in sight. Port development, through shipping, ex port of wheat and the establish ment of an Oriental steamship service would create opportunity for markets which would induce tower development for the estab- lishment of industries in Prince Hupert with its advantageous and strategic psitron .for rail and water transportation. All vc have to do is to keep on striving anil eventually, with Hie solid foundation that is beiiu; laid, development will speed up in a way that will astonish us. Mining Expansion "II is gratifying that mining is each year expanding and the north lakes siVond place to nowhere 011 earth in mineral resources." CANADIAN NATIONAL ANNUAL TOUR PARTY IS DUE ON SATURDAY Arriving here by special train rtom Hie Fast and proceeding south on the steamer prince (ieorge. Hie Canadian National Itnilvvays' annual personally con ducted ttlin party consisting of some 200 persons, will lie in Hie city on Saturday afternoon. The party is being accompanied by K. . Wiekerson .travelling passen ger agent, llegina, and will be mvt ... , .. I... ,1 ,X -1.1.... ' iNirr uiMuiwiim, istrict passenger agent, Prince Huperl, who will o Fast tomor row morning. wentIwimming TOO SOON AFTER a meal RESULT WAS DROWNED SF.ATTLE. July 5.-- Peter Herg was yesterday drowned here lu seven feel of water. Physicians after a mval anil' suffered heart attack. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best fcr the least, Phone a PRICE FIVE CENTS. lTTT7unnrioT n A m HIS FAREWELL Declares he has Attained Hla Object In Life and Will Retire XEW YOHK, July 5 ''There will be flo mpre expeditions. I am done," said Ilaould Amund sen, before he-sailed for Norway, Saturday. W-Lincoln Kllsworlh. iha Ameri- ueuiierfUlMswexpeIirT lion, was me last person to shake hands with . the famous explorer: "I am going home to rest," aid .mundsen. "Forty-one years ago at llie age ul lo 1 knew; what I wanted to do during my life. I wanted to see both poles. I have seen them. My job is done. There are no more places to discover. There wiil be no more lectures. I may never see America again." "He's one of the finest and bravest that ever Jived," saiiP Lieut. -Commander Hlcjiard HyrJ, who flew across theOiorth Poia in an airplane a few days before llie Xonge made the trip, as he waved farewell. TRAIN WRECK FRENCH LINE Many Killed and More Injured When Track Jumped and Cars Piled In Heap. PAHIS. July 5. One of the worst railway accidents in France in many years occurred late Saturday night when the Havre-Paris train jumped the track near Actires. eighteen being killed and one hundred injured. The engine, baggage car and three coaches piled in a heap with four telescoping in the wreckage. hour compart incuts of the third elas. filled with students and sol diers returning to Parts for the week end, were ground to pieces and the occupants mutilated be yond recognition. MUCH DAMAGE GERMAN FLOODS IIF.1U.LV. July 5. -Twelve persons were killed and many Injured iu a violent thunder storm which swept over the Ilcrlln suburb of Wiltersdorf yesterday. HF.HI.I.V. July 5. Lale report place the- dead at 3 1 and I ha damage at $3,000,0110 from the storms and floods in Germany yesterday. Thirteen people were killed and 50 injuredi'ii the cl-lapse of a bovvlltig.flley, where the crowd, look siieHer lie n ub urb or Herlln. 1 T '