PAGE SIX China China Cup & Saucer SPECIAL For One Week In our Basement Store. Special Discounts. Real Money Savers. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Our modern optical department lias proved iiself in many .satisfied customers. No guesswork. Iml a graduate optician wlio lias liad over twenty-seven years' cNporienru. No need for you lo g( furlher as we can give you the same service here as you get in uny large oily. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAX HEILBRONER ' 527-529 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 Betty Bronson & Ricardo Cortez "NOT SO'LONG AGO" A runinnlic comedy drama or lillle old New York when Grandma was a girl. A captivating story of flappcrlcss days when New York was a pasture and Uroatt-way a cuwputh, wlien girls wore curl and balloon skirls and went joyriding on bicycles. Not so long ago when eggs were fifteen cents a dozen and the income tux "whs n'l,"lhe taudent hike made a big hit. KecHelly ride one. Looking hack at 1850 with the eyes of 1020 is to gel hearty laughs. Strong cast. Betty Bronson, Ricardo Cortez, Edwards Davis, Laur-ance Wheat, Dan Crimmins, Julia Swavne Gordon and others. COMEDY LARRY SEPION in "HER BOY FRIEND." PATHE REVIEW 35c. and 10c. PERFUMES Uy the ounce. A few odors hy llie loading perfumers. Coly's L'Orfcgan - Paris Kmeraudo, per oz. ?4.00 Caron's IHack Narcissus, per oz $7.00 Itadianl, per oz. ... $3.50 Guerlaln's L'lk'uro Wcnc, per oz ?5.00 J inky, per oz $2:50 Roger and Gallet's Jaile-YeraViolclla, per oz. $1.50 T'leurs d'Amour. per oz. $4.00 And many others. All new fresh slock Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Stamped Goods Luncheon Sets, Pillow Cae.s, Aprons, etc., all stamped ready for work. A large variety of stamping' patterns to choose from if you wish to use your own materials. Ileal Irish Linen Tablecloths, 51 inches, each $2.50 Silk and Wool Hose, four shades, per pair . . $1.25 Cotton Crepes, per yard 25c Mrs. W, L Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Hox Phone (ireen 389 089 English Knitted Jumpers From $5.50 English Knitted Suits From $20.50 Just lo Iiniid. See our windows "Demers" Wo aim to please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Specials LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Norwegian Sardines, it tut $1.00 Sianich Clams, J lias.. 50c Minced Clams, li tins.. 65c l'ink .Salmon, l a, :( (ins 50c Channel Herring, ls, '.' lias 35c lleirinn in Tomato Sauce, 2 tins 25c Angelina Olive Oil, gall. $3.35 Angelina Olive Oil, lh gall. $1.75 Ayrshire Hacon, fresh. 'J Ihs. ... 55c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 FASHION'S I LATEST Rayon Crepes A popular fabric Tor Spring and Summer Wash Dresses. Conies in a beautiful range, figured, stripes, check. :2 inches. Per Yard 65c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $6.50 Half Load $3.50 Large sacXs , . . 50o HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. (FRENCH BIRTH RATE RISING Both German and British Falling Rapidly and British Lower Than French LONDON. Mar. 15.- Now that The llrilish hirlh rale has fallen well helow llie French' and is power than that oT any nlhei (great country, the French Minis ter of Health has been 'moved lo publish a series of population statistic.. reassuring to French puhlic tipinion. franco is I he only great nation with a hirth rale that is actually rising in l u I :t UM births per in.Otio of the popula- limi ami in lui-l -IU2. The Herman hirth rale in llie same period has fallen from HG lo 201. the llrilish from 211 lo I UN. The increase in hie French hirth rale is shown not so particularly in Cathtolic regions as, curiously, in llie tli'iiarlmeuls ravaged hy llie (iermau invasion. Nor is France in so had a position as is generally thought ir. Jppspeet of infantile 'mortality, i'l'lic death rati; of hahies le.s i l hun one year oJd was, twenly- I five years ;io, 170 per 1,000: jliahies horn alive: in 1021 it wej jonly K5, ami is still rapidly fall-, ling. The figure 85 is still he j hind "lhal of Hnglaml. where llie; ,raie of infanlile mortality is 75. i Iml it is far ahead of licrmanys 1(18. Austria's 100. and Itn-I mania's 207. The reproach asainsl Franei as a country of few haiiies anil a high death rate amongst those 'few in short does not hold "jjond. llritain has a lower nalal-i'y and (iermany a higher iiiTnr -;tile mortality. Add lo these 'statistics lhal France has u larger immigration than any ; other country except Aiueriei anil il will b eseen how empty is 'Hie legend that France is a , country doomed lo fall into the second rank hy reason of dimin- shiug poulalion. BRIDE WAS DESERTED AT THE ALTAR WHEN SUBSTITUTE APPEARED Curious Arrangement by Which Wedding Was Ablo to Take Place CAMIiltllKiF, Mass.. Mar. 5. A strange story of a bride Hh'scrlcd at the altar only to be proposed lo on llie .spot hy a ! guest she had met but I wo week ihe marriage of Alene li. Ilesl, 17. lo William II. Iioolui, III year old army clerk. Mrs. Dunlin, the only while jgirl known (o have been con-j firmed in a Xegro church, wa l married hy the HI. Ilev. Arthur !S. Trotman, in St. Luke's Africae. lOrthlodnx Church, in the presence of a mixed company, i Dunlin is while, as was John .I. .Ilalligan. -M, Mrs. DoOlin's first ' fiance. Mrs. William Ileal, mother o the bride whose husband is jaui lor of llie church, told reporters llie story. Ilishop Trotman, the choir, and numerous aeipiaint nncrs were assembled in the church on January 17, wailing for Ilalligan. Time passed, the bishop grew impatient, the hridi nervous and the mother tearful. l'Uialiy, just as iiope was abandoned, Iiooliu, a boarder i'l the lies! household, iiml a guel at llie ceremony, stepped forward ami offered to substitute." Mrs. Ilesl .slopped crying. "(In see llie Ilishop," she said she told 1 1 he youth. The Ilishop was will ing hul pointed out the legal delay reipiired ami so the wedding cake was put away. Several days later Ilalligan appeared, but. according to Mrs, Ilesl, could tsit no reason for his absence ami Miss lies I. declined lo change her mind. Now the ceremony has heen performed, and this neither bride nor bishop was kepi wailing. "We're all happy," Mfi. Ilesl beamed as photographers snappejl pictures of llie couple Doolin smiled in confirmation. Mrs. Doolin toyed with her bridal veil hul maid nothing. AN IMPORTANT CORRECTION Policeman (givimg evidence) He was fighting his wife, your Worship, when I arrested him and Prisoner 'interrupting When he rescued me, If yon don't mind. THE DAILY NEWS JABOUR BROTHERS Departmental :: Store :: ening Day We lake a great deal ol (dcasiire mi atiiMiiin nig If (lie I'lihio 1 1 1 opi um.' o our model) l .mil enlarged slolf. Tomorrow, Saturday, March 6th, this store will be ready for public inspection. We extend a cordial invitation to all. Do come and see the growth of one of the ' pioneer stores of this city V YOUR GOODWILL. Our growth is Die result of your goodwill mid siiptort. Tin goodwill i our i I valuable Ht ami the secret of our success. Service! AESTHETIC TROUBLES ItOMF. March 0- -Already be-snl by scores of new and complicated traffic regulations, Human chauffeurs iow have lo guard ugainsl a new way of getting fined coiniiiilling "aesthetic misdemeanors.'!. One aesthetic .ulisdeiiieanor is Hie act of protecting llie, redialyr in chilly weather .by covering H willi n sheet of newspaper or other paper. This, says (Jovctrior (hemonesi, cimslllule u most 'iinilccnralive ornament. "If," says' an ordinance, "special conditions render necessary covering llie radiator, ilhis should be i ITALIAN CHAUFFEURS: FREE fleeted lis I In- ill mean' proper or lechiii BRITAIN BUYS ITS FILMS JFROM STATES WASHINGTON, 1m; March &. -L'nlled Hlales moving piclure producers exported rJo.iiOO.ono feet of "positive" photographic film in 'Uii'5, the deparlmeul or commerce reports, 4 ho fiures exceeding by 55,0(10,(100 reel the 1021 record. (;. J. North, department ox-pert, assligned In the motion picture export trade, estimated that flreul flrllain was finding 110 per cent or II movie exhibition material In l ulled Slates cxnof- Satisfaction! Service it our first aim in buiic.s. We unlnrgeil our Store (o enable its 4o give you duller HMPViec. If our service in (ho past did not measure up to your entire Hulisfuclion, ' we liup lhal in Ihe future we will have Ihe op-porluiillx lo rectify our mislukes. ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY! On March Ihe (Slh, 111 15, we moved (u our juvseul vreuiit. March llie tllh i n ry (tear l) lu u and we intend lo make it u memorable day. something lo lie remembered in llie hlslury or Prince ltuprt. Therefore il siifrices.lo nay (hiil Ihe lKirgaiiis wliich we re ofronng will he iitiemmlled. Wtt will give IT wr Bill dii.unt on anylliiiig in this store, also Ihe following fow item will give uu iileu of our exceplHiiml Iwrguiii: Men's Heavy Flannel Working Shirts - Opening Day special for SI .35 Ladies' Shoes Values up to 8..o. ripening I Jay. only $4.50 Q0 Pairs of Ladies' Shoos I'itvmmi-Iv prn etl ul !.&. IH2..MI and .'l.rll. l)Hning la, only 05o Men's Shoes, "Liberty" 'Make YhIimm lo l.5i. Ilpn- llig la, oitlv $4.05 FREE! With every cash purchase of One Dollar or over we will give every gentleman an Eversharp Pencil and every lady an Eversharp Pencil or a Pearl Nechlace value $1.50 We carried everything in stock lor Ladies and Children ami now wc ran supply (he men wild anything in Ihe line of .Men's Furnishing., from the shoe lo lite hat and lioni the hiilUm lo Ihe ctifMinkit. 10 ami l.'.c Department u another addition to oyr department, and we Iioh- to huiht iji this iluWrllllpllt in' order lo give ou Ihe advuiilnge nr a lug i-ily. WE CANNOT SPECIFY ALL THE BARGAINS WE HAVE FOR YOU AS THEY ARE TOO NUMEROUS. BUT COME, YOU WILL BE REWARDED. COME, AND GIVE US THE ONCE OVER. Again Thanking you for your kind support in the past and heartily seeking continuance of your kind co-operation. Phone 645 JABOUR BROS ., LTD. Comer 3rd and 7th Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOK8, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIE8. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St.