mer ised the the vent ng ol the t { of al Clinic ns Last Officers WANT way RET SELL buy RADE ATC, m Clocks Point Way Gils at Shower rson and daughter Kaye of 909 osts Friday night to a miscel- | Miss Marnie n Poffenroth t month, + sulger whose mar- takes places in Mr. and Mrs. Ole Kildal and Mr Margaret Hedstrom are leaving here Thursday night by train for New York where they Wi}i} embark on October 31 aboard the Norwegian-American liner Savangerfjord for a visit to Norw: ay and Sweden Mrs. Hedstrom will be staying MORE AIRWOMEN In line with her eidest son, Gunnar ith the emphasis on airpower whom sie has not seen since she as the a ly Canada left Sweden forty-five years ago etence, the RCAF was the first : . 2 of the three vate t pegini Miss Doreen Paul and Mi ‘ wa womer regu- Margaret Kerp arrived home by ar force De ning its cam jane on Saturday from a two pals June 1, 1 By year’s eek vacation in the ith en RCAI igned up < irwomen. There are now Eric Martin left on Saturda I alrwomen train for plane for Vancouver oO visit! 26 different trades Then there Shaughnessy Hospital for a me iste uch a8 FO ai checkup Mari Neily of Middleton, NS WO ergo training in para- Lorne, only son of Mr. and; chutir lerness rescue Mr Dudley Little of Terrace | work CP f n Nationa reported improved in General) Defe Hospital here, where he was ad mitted last week. Mr Vern Mc ’ Mahon, Mrs. Roy Jacques and W , y i Mrs. E Wilishire, all of Terrace nen © t JrOnp ire acting @4 special nurses é / ". the case —“tnniuwa ~Fa eorg val left j , ht f : ona ay en sl enir 6 ns coic ater ( at poon gin ] poon cinnamon ightly beaten ; s ¢ ‘ vaporated ik pumpxi ift etl yur and salt ut tening until mixture hn meal. Add water al i n intil combined Roll out on lightly floured board t inch thickness. Line 83 h tart pans with pastry cr or flakes into fine Mi th sugar, salt and spices. Add egg FAMILY ESCAPES from Laxative Habit! Quebec, Canada. “I was troubled with constipation for years but since eating ALL-BRAN I no longer need a laxative, nor do my children. Our family Of 8 ALL-BRAN } evaporated eats every day, and we never felt bet- ter.” Mrs. Harvey 99 a0 4 Beauregard, Rue Richelieu. You, also, may find lasting relief from constips due to lack of diet bulk. Eat and enjoy %% cup of Ke logg’s ALL-BRAN daily; drink plent of liquids. DOUBLE YoUR nm BACK GUARANTEE if not at i after 10 days. Send empty carton to Kellogg's, London, Oni. A BOX OF SUPPORT THE CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND ween favors and gay paper cups and napkins. iocolate is a very popular beverage with the, + milk and pumpkin; mix well Pour into unbaked tart shelis Bake in moderately hot oven ‘400, deg. F.) 25 to 20 Yield: 8 tarts. YOUR TIRE MAN SEZ; minute: T'S BETTER TO GET BENT FROM HARD WORK THAN To GET CROOKED TRYING TO AVOID iT/ Everybody beats a straight and norrow path to our door for new Dominion Royal Tires. DAN’S _ SERVICE STATION Phone Green 605 APPLES FROM THE GYRO CLUB \ is ] ONGOWALL te wee oe + 4 ‘ J A SATISFACTION ouARANTEED & es Q OR YOUR MONEY BACK 4 . ' Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 McBride St, ai ton Footwear Crorcbore’s HARDWARE) Phone $11 f ‘ aPea aS MF ie OTUAEL LOOKS ...FEELS ... CLEANS LIKE TLE - COSTS FAR LESS! REMEMBER ! One FREE Day at BULGER’S durig October. Save dik'Sales Slips till No Sie. detnnes “SALADA’ TEA BAGS TIME TO BUY! it’s We Have Extra Good Values. GET JUST WA On N acceuntan our taken in o te this an AN you can give a walls the beauty of tiles! CONC Kaien Consumer's Co-op |A. MacKenzie Furniture HARDWARE Phone 179 OCTOBER | TCH THE DATES ON YOUR SALES SLIPS. average Prince Rupert Daily News 183 Tue *sday, October a. ATTENTION INDUSTRIAL FIRST AiD TUESDAY NIGHT Fire Hail 7:30 p.m. v. Ist. is a good Not Long Till Christmas and BESIDES YOU MAY YOUR MONEY BACK MANY PEOPLE WILL. ist, A. P. Gardner & Co., chartered will determine the amount received on “ October business day and the money n the day Sn which sales volume was closest ov. ts, nount, will be refunded. “4 Ft a £2) Sa j ; f ie " . i fh) ‘ome e\ + Ge P ig Py eT ) 4