IPAQE 8IX j . - AUDITORIUM Opening Dance OF TJIK SKASO.N SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 10 ' From 9 to 12 ll.OOIt IS MA UK LIKE NEW ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA Ladle, 25c -Gentlemen, 50c Huildinjr is 50x100. .Maple Floor. Clear Title to' Property. IT'S Foil SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. Auditorium BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant -Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL Per cake 35o a cakes for SI .00 Uox of 0 cakes $1.75 Roperl Pharmacy Prescription Specialists .Phono 94. We deliver. Last Call! For those who wish to preserve strawberries this season. Our shippers say the season is almost over. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 2 boxes Strawberries for 25c Per crale .......... $2.90 Apricots, Raspberries, Cherries ami Loganberries arriving on- every boat. Hook your orders with us and be sure of the best at the most reasonable price. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417 - 423 '5th Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hetgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Offlco Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Servloe Phone 688. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone It. Ofcrtape, Warehousing, nd distributing. Team or Motor Service, 'ioiil Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane an Furniture CevlnR. SEES HUMOR IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER SITUATION micmgan visior Does wot under- ii "I -J BECAME SNOW BLIND stand how Two Papers Can iof mind, grim determination and Exist In City This Size. "woodcraft or the finest kind on one occasion last winter coinblu- Tho ridiculous situation or led to save the life oT John Gra-havinar two two daily daily newspaoers newspapers hi a'hain. a lr:nn,.r nt tin. Vnrt town of seven thousand ponulu lion was what struck tll. M. .Myers, of Lapetre, Michigan, a newspaperman when in the city yesterday, lie was passing through on his way to Alaska where he will investigate the .agricultural pos sibilities of the interior. He says that. down Fast a city or i 00,000 often lias only one paper and a town or forty or fifty thousand never Ijas more than one. The tendency of recent years lias been to amalgamate and mnko one good paper where formerly were two or three In- jlirrerent publications. This is, better for the papers ami better' for the people. 'care headquarters $T HEINZ 57 VARIETIES Friday and Saturday Only COMBINATION 95c SALE Free Demonstration by Mr. R. Dramley Lot 18 tins Pork and Means. Regular I5c each. Special 95c Lot 2 7 tins Spaghetti. Regular 20 each. Special .. 95o HEINZ Cream Tomato Soup Lot 3 H tins Tomato Soup. Regular 2 for 35c. Special .. 95o Lot 4 3 tins Pork and IJcans. reg. 15c, 3 tins Tomato Soup, reg. 17Vjc 2 tins Spaghetti, res. 20. Special 95c Lot 5 i Heinz Chilli Sauce, rcg. 40, 1 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, reg. 15c, 1 Heinz Vinegar, 10 oz., reg. 35c. Special. .95c Lot 6 1 Heinz Tomato Catsun. reg. 35c, 1 Heinz Salad Cream, reg. Hie, 1 Heinz India Relish, reg. 10c. Special 95c Lot 7 1 Heinz Prepared Mustard reg. 25c, 1 Heinz Kvaporaled Horse Radish, regular 35c, t Heinz Worcester Sauce, reg. 35c, 1 Heinz Cooked Spaghetti. reg. 25c. Special 95c one of the MHEINZ OvcnBc BEANS oi IthTomatoSouu it v Lot 8 i tins Heinz Pork and Heans, largo size, regular 30e. I Special i 95c ,Lot 9 5 tins llcinz looked Spag- I belli, teg. 20r size. Special 95o WEEK END GROCERY SPECIALS jGrossf and Itlackwell's Pastes, in jars. regular 35e. Special .. 25o I We hae the following varieties: Shrimp. Uloaler, Lobster, Chicken, I Sardine A Tomato and Anchovy. Isunkist Oranges .special 2 dozen for 39o jSunkisI Lemons, special per doz en 29c New Potatoes, 8 lbs. ror 25o Strawberries, Terrace, t for. .25c Per crate $2.75 Buy your preserving berries now ias the season is well advanced, lowing to warm weather. Preserving Apricot. crato..S1.95 Place Your Order Now Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 . WHEN OUT IN WOODS' KD.MOuNTO.V, Jffly y. Presence district, who is now in the city on the occasion of his first visit to the "outside" in three years. The incident occurred when Mr. (iraliam, who is one of the very few' white trappers in that; district Und who always works; as a lone wolf, was making a trip over his trupline. Many miles from his cabin, Mr. Graham suddenly was awaro or a severe pain in his eyes, oh jecls began to swim berore them and become indistinct, and the stgbl was lost completely. For the first time in his lire Graham realized that ho was "snow blind." Meant Certain Death The problem or returning to his cabin immediately assumed very serious proportions. Traveling light as he was without food or blankets, the prospect of being lost in the woods for a period of days or even weeks, unless dis covered by some passing Indian, which was unlikely, meant practically certain deuth. . Setting his mind to work in an attempt to deyisa spme-schcmjts of returning to his cabin without being forced to depend upon iifs sight for direction, Graham discovered that although his sight was gone completely, the retina or his eye would still register a slight difference between sunlight and shade. Slept In the Snow Knowing the location and general direction oT the cabin,' Graham set out Tor it,' using the impression of the sun on his eyes as a comphss. Travel was very slow under these conditions, and he was forced to sletjp in the snow ror one night without blankets. Hut on the second day, late in the afternoon he came within ii short distance or his cabin. Here he was sighted by one of his dogs, whose yelping gave him his location. Reaching the cabin without mishap, Graham remained there ror the next two weeks, hardly venturing rrom the door. At the end or that timq his sight return- "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Nolle of Application for Bate License. .Notlre Is hereby imen that, on the tih lay or June neat, the underslroed intend to apply to tbe Liquor Control Hoard lor a Urease In reaper! of premises beln lart of the bulldln- known a Urraa talis llnlel. slluaie on front Street, Town of vati (alls, upon the lands described as I ."). 31. nance 3. Coast btslrlrt. Midi 0. FLM. IS. Land fterlstratlon iiisirirt. n the I'rtivinre or British Columbia, fur the sile or beer by the alass. or by the uen bottle tor consumption on tbe pre-mie. bated this 7th day or June. Itf. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. Pr r.. I Barar. Treawrnr. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Purchas Land. Ill I'rlnre Itupert Und Iteoirdlnir tnstrlcl of I'rlnir nuperl and situate at rerrun Bay. Masstet Inlet, Graham Island. O. C. I TAa'K MlTII.F. that Francis .Ml Herd, of rlnrr lUr-Tt, B. c. orrupatlon rannery-man. Inlrnda t apply for prniililon lo lur'hae the followlnr dewrlbed lands: Commencing at pool planted at the N. W. rorner of Lot 1S7I. yiiren Cliarkitle Islands Iilstrlrt. tlwnre smith 0 chains; 'lienr tril to chains: llw-nrr north to lllrh Water Mark; thrnre easterly aloiif nan airr .vara n point or commencement, ami containmt SO acres, more oi lets. FIIAC13 MILLERD. Applicant. uaiwi jiine lain. ivvn. Grocery Specials (ireat West, Tudor or Empress Tea, 2 lbs. Tor $1.35 Malkins Ilest Jelly Powders, IS pkgs. ror 95c Matches, large packages, reg. 4fc, 3 tikgs. ror 95o Classic White Laundry Soap, 19' bars lor . . , 95c l'J rolls Toilet Paper 95o 7 tins Quaker Corn .... . . . .. 95o 7 large tins Tomatoes ..... 95o Emjiress or Malkins Host Strawberry .'am, 4 lb. tin 85c I lbs. Fresh (liiugcr Snaps . . 95c Heady cut Macaroni, in bulk, 3 lbs. ror 35c Seedless Italsins, in bulk, S lbs. ror 70o ICMIjs. Hest Jap nice , 95o 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar .. 95c ,St. Charles and Pacirio Milk, per case ........... . $5.50 I tins Liliby's Crushed Pineapple $1.00 Don't delay getting your Terrace Strawberries for preserving this week. B.C. Butchers and Grocers. Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July 9, 1920, alongfbrbaby do he'll be the life of the cottage. of milk In summer often means for little ones. It may mean Take New Klim and' BE For New Klim is real milk in form: whole full-cream milk that and never changes. Add you have milk as rich, delicious, and sweet as when it came cow. Being pasteurized, it is SAFE I Physicians supply feeding formula. Do You like If you Lemonade? camp or "LemauV ii powdered fruh A change lemon juice made from fruh discomfort lemon juice in real peril. the lame war ai KLIM, It con, SURE! taint no artificial powder color, flavor or added acid. cannot spoil Already tweet-ened and water, just di-olre in water body-building and you have from the cold refreshing lemonade. If ABSOLUTELY your jrrocer or the exact drugrist cannot supply you lend 25c for trial tin. Canadian 347 SJhc neW KLIM W fl ft fmrmm AanlrM k W4 Imk i fiki "C'- I'Alnf ." It W!', tuon lnmLmUt JfrirmJ to ml mHmML ra4 4mf fnm nv. ed, and he was once more able to carry on. ANNUAL PICNIC OF ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL YESTERDAY The annual picnic of St. An drew's Anglican -Church Sunday School was held yesterday afternoon at Oigby Island and. while the weather was not very propi tious, the hundred , or so kiddies and their parents 'who attended had a ery enjoyable outing. There were races rtd games under the direction iif f.' V. Tucker, Utinerinlendont or the Snndav School, anJ the teachers anil rc freshmcnts were served in abundance. Leaving the Prince Huperl Row ing & Yacht Clulsloats between 1 and 2 in the afternoon and returning early in the evening, tho picnickers were transported to D&by Island and back by the gas oline boats or (i. . Iiryant, Dr. J. P. Cade, J. iV'Cook, George Hill, A. T. Paikh and W. K. Fisher. POLICE PROCLAIM RICH 'FRISCO GIRL ACUTELY ALCOHOLIC SAX FUANCISCO, July U Mrs. Edith Spreckte, Wakericld Ken-drick was arn sled Sunday clad principally in an artist's smock when she attempted in liberate a team or horses tied lo a telephone post. She asked tbe policeman who took her (o the city, Jail: "Isu t this Independence day. The Unit ed Slates got liberty.. Why not horses t" Police pronounced her cundi lion lo be "acutely alcoholic." When Mrs. Ken. trick appeared in court she said a hot bath after two drinks or gin caused her to dance a solo on the street, uuday when she was arrested, ' She was advised by the Judge against taking baths under such circumstances. PLACE GASOLINE IN DENATURED ALCOHOL IS .ORDER OF BUREAU WASinrTO.N. l. C, July:y. The internal revenue bureau has ordered that half a gallon or as ollne be used in every hundred gallons of denatured alcohol. 'It is said that Jmoltegger have sue ceeded In distilling kerosene, wood alcohol and oilier poisons hereto- lore used in the denatured product, but gasoline will be harder to extract, br'ueuu experts declare. Milk Products Limited Ad.lalde St, Wttt TOKQNTO V Mr- It. J. I). Smith and tluuft'i-tfrs. More iicc and Margaret, ai i on, Teddy, relumed lo the city u the Princ (iforwe this morning. They have been visiting tn Ihe past year lit Xew Weslinm-sler. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Emmons of Portland, Oregon, arrived on the steamer Prince George thi morning from the south TIm will proceed at the first of the week to the Uueen Charlotte Is- lands where Mr. Emmons ha miuiiug interests. The police court, with Magis trate .McCiymont presiding, wv occupied all morning in the hear Ing of the second of eighteen charges under the Govern me it i Liquor Act against M. Ohashi. Japanese. TThc charge beln heard today is that of keeping liquor for sale, the principal witnesses ror the crown beiiifc Inspector Johnson ami Con stables Harrison and Grant of Ihe Liquor Hoard. Milton Gon-zale- lis prosecuting and I.. W. Patmorn has tho cue ror ll;- ierenec. At 12.30 the hearing was adjourned until 2:30 tin afternoon. CANCELLATION OF RtSERVI .VlTICE IS IIKIIKUV" UIVKX that tbe re aerte eiluir oter Lot tCuJ, (.a. alar Uis- si i cauiriiru. l'eputy .Minister tr Lauds, U. It. XAUtX, Lands lH-parlincnt, Mctoiu, U. C,t arvtti June, itm. LAND ACT Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Lsast Land In I'riiiiv ltuirt Land liprurdiiia 1)1 irlil or liana 4. j-l Land Iilstrlrt, and tn uaic ratraae Kiand. TAkK .NOTIi b. that t. II. Iranrls. of riHmm, .iim-iu, iM-ruiiaitiMi .Minister, in-M-nds to a)iy li.r a lease vf llw fullowliiK drarrllu'd lands: ConiiuriH-iiir at a txist planted at the Aorin et run or I'assaKo. Isl.nid. nar i.ai inaiiKuiaiion sta. Hit; tlicine ariMjnd Uw Island at IiIkIi ater mark and roiiiaiiiuir iuwu sins, timre or li s. JOSM'll BIU1L.U UlAMJS, I line Klin. t'.. AMillrant THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IX TIIK MTATK Ft1IK KkKK.VX LliM lll.lt l:nl'A.NV. I.IMIIKII. hankrupl. AOIRK IS IO.IIUIV IK.X that the -kii-iM i.uiinier .(inpaii) . IJiniled, of Hm- VllialfM 111 a'. 1, It, In. ....!....... m.J ,k.ii. 1 . . r ; "' w u1111.11 ijiiuii.ldi. ailjiiiliwl luiikruplA.aiid a rcreniiia order made i.n tin- yvih day or June. m., and lhal II. 1. MarUtid, orri rial rrrrnrer. erlnrr Iluiwrt, 11. ii, has ai-pmnled me In he nistoiiian of tlie e'late or I In' ib-litur until the rredltora, at llieir nril iiii-i-tuif, shall Hit I a trusire to ad' Hitnlslrr Hie estate of the di'tilor. otii:k in h htiuii ijivkx that the first liieptliia- .if rrriliturs In the above r.lale will lit' hi, Id at Ihe oHlm nt ttn urrii-ut triwrr, court lluusn, I'rlnr't It 11 IM-rt. II. 1:.. 011 V-dnesday; Ilic llthdav uf inly. tft, at the hour uf four orlwk In tlm arieriiiHin. Tii fulltlr you In Vule Unrest iroor uf your riaiin must he lodiri'd llh me before llu iihtIIiik la held, I'roiii'a to ho used at th liicellnar must Im- liMlred with me prior IliPielo, AMI HIUIIIM TAkK MITKK that If you hare any Halm aaainst I In- di-btor for which you are i-nlltli-d to rank, .proof or iiiii rlalni must im filed Willi inr within Ihlrly dava or the dale of Ihl nollre for rii'iu and after the enplrallou or the iimo fled hy nili sci-ilnii of sertlon JJ of tin- said Art, I shall distribute tin- prorrt'ds of the tiihtor'a esiale amour the parlies eiillilrd therein listing reard only to the rlalnia or whlrh I liare then uollie. liATKIi at l-rliire ltii-rrl, H. C. this 7th lay of iiu, tie, . ' UEUltCI; ItOAiL, tllSlCJlSU. QUALITY OR PRICE Prico alone means nothing. Quality, service and price determine value'. You select from our large and well assorted stock tho article you like, not what someone else wants to sell, you. You seo by comparison of brands and prices which article and price appeals to you. Tho price you will soon forget if tho article you buy proves satisfactory. .Every prico ,1s plainly shown on each article. Marked lo compete with the keenest competition In Canada. Shopping In our store is a real pleasure. Courteous, sffl. clcnt service, and value for your money at all tlmos is our motto. Come in and look around, and don't fall to visit our basement store. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "The Cohens and Kelly s" An iKiitplation or Aaron ll.triiinu $rc stage su 'C "Two Murk' Avn." ImJj;i ever hear a dory about m Irishman ami a Jew? Well, hrre (ine and it'a a in'arh H's nil about a squabble over milium dollar It1 gar v. i will keep yoti giggling Hir a week. A remarkably rnnv rh.:.rurlerizuliiii of two great neighbors mid their emin a quarrel. It's nnilrhlis, priceless niinody. ror when lf langlt becomes hopeless, you will find ytmreir lietpie with laughter. It's n rare picture; everybody In Ihe a racing lo see who can provide the most loughs. All l jr casL Charles Murray, Qeorge Sidney, Jason Robards, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Kate Price, Olive Hatbrouck and many others. Comedy: "ARE HUSBANDS HUMAN?" and "THE MILKY WAY' PATHE REVIEW BOc and 25 SOFT FINISH m mm aammmmlmm ''''aaajBajiiiiaiiaMajaaaaaafMajjaiiaaifiiaaaaaMaMaaa All flat pieces wo'hed. ironed and iictilly folduil. Wearing apparel prurln-ally ready lo wear, only rc quires a little retoinlimg with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle returned wdhiu three days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phono 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD t Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, MachlnliU, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Peitern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. """iaaiaaaaajaaaaiaaBBi Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 38 1 ! . Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINE8, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING. GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, OROCERIE8. Compare Our Prices ""',B,,,Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajjaj Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Socond Avenue and McBrlde St.