dean taste and its gently corrective action, "Th Momlnt Health Salt" M Just Arrived Another shiptient of the Orthophonic Consolettes $115.00 GRANADA $200.00 CREDENZA . . $305.00 ! iiioh- i mrt of one' life. It afford tin- grown up and i an e-entinl wrt of the V .nir erxi mi .ire xv'. Omie. w i -1 1 ini t.t hear Ihi'm. SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK ' g three ilil.n t -crxMC t.r Kannlx Work. vi: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at i i - i I I I'H' i -. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 - nd ve will d tin- ret. R But and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. QYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLl, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 106 Simmon's. Slid Hed. Springs, and Oslcrmoor Mal-tirc-ses in every room . rL Rooms, Hot ond Gold Water, Haths und Shower. Siwum Heated, Kleclric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FREE : LECTURE on Christian Science By DR. JOHN M. TUTT, C.S.B., or Kaiwi. t:ity. Ali!"oiiri. Mfinlierof the Hoard of l,orurehip 1 The Mollicr tlhtireli. The First Uhiirrh or ;li -t KricntM, in lloloii, Mas-. In the VVestholmo Thoatro Sunday, July 25, at 8.30 p.m. 'I'll; HLIHLIIJ IS UOIUMALIA IXVITKI) TO ATTHXIl Local and Personal Alnnzo Halne. chief clerk ir he U.N. It. fiipcrinlendent's office, jehnned thl- afternoon from a -brief trip to Smither :i railway limine. i:.MrKiiintll, Ira MitMlinler md IL Krlctid'On will return to 'ii-i-an Fall on the I'rince f!eonr- in evciunn after having epenl i eoiiple of day in lown. Knights of Columbus Basket Plcn'fC to Dlgby Island Sunday July 25. Boats Isave Dominion Fisheries float from 10 to 1 ?.m. Oof fee, tea and milk sup- illed. Adults SOc. Everybody relcome. Mart l.atnuerton, one. of Hi iihmt- tf the Vancouver Sun's p''l!liig twe and who wa lie- ai F.alrr with the party o winners, enjoying a trip north i prize, w winner of Ihe !ov- rmr vl or ritt laeral '' iirome meda.; ' Anncoiiver ifisfrlct he rtnt entrance examine ions. Union Men liver r.atala, ln'. A ;olintoiie, arrived from Vnncou- er ami .vayporl at 5 o'clo'-i elerilay afternoon procneilinf: o make her eails in the Naa Hixer at fl o clonk. The steatite reiiiriifil from Ihe canneries nl ; o'clock till morning and saUi-il for Vnncomer 1a the Skeena slough til 10 o'clock. J. Mcllikgh, resident engineei .r Ihe department of fishcric tilh hediuarter in Vnneouver, iirived in the oily yesterday tc hM-uxs detail of Ihe plans for lie new Dominion government iiiological sUlinn with John Iyh- iiaxn. tacifie eoa.l tnemher of I lie biological hoard. l?pon run irmation heing received from 'he fisheries deparlmenl al Ot- nwa. the work of lniildim? Id talion on the provinrial govern men! wharf will he proceeded wit immedntelv. CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT Notice I. fight and power will ho off for two hours Sunday. July J5, hetween 5 am. and 7 a.m. DR. WATSON'S TONIC ALE and STOUT The Health Beverage Nothlhp else, on the ma kei ha Us Initio iiia!ii te. 7So Packet Makes 3 Gals. M. ALLEN AND CO. Bond Building Toronto C TOO LATE TO CLA8SIFY fit SAI.K Ten acre im proved land at Terrace. Furnished lioue, crop: i-licn;) f-v e .r-h Phone Hed -'8 17? July 21. 1926. rdar THE DAILY NEW8 PAOE THREW Vc Foundation ofGurnn is HEALTH y"iaa was aaaaaas. i ii A 1it. ABDETS liTi XMi SSJ U glass of water each - day ft M Z " . Kelps nature keep you SgsL. v well. ABBEY'S male a V77S1 drink alive with laughing tt. Ywfo'tfZs Kubbles. YoulllikeiUcooC Hfe-4foy .50x. Arthur s Taxi. Plione 678. H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Crystal i , Firelighters. 48 for 11.00. Hyde Transfers Phone HlKVudrexv's Society Picnd; Sunda7musrul I. Jliirljy Inlaml rickets 50ca- f ilrn, Kirkliuni wan a pasnenft '' for .Vancouver, on tlie Liu j.i nieamer Calalu this moraine;. Mr. iO.fif .Snii'lh and llirCc dauilejhaWiaxe relumed to tile eiOfanerTwi.eiidinjf lliree mouth Yisltintr in Victoria. Mid. I.. W. Kerain of prince lluperl?f a visitor in Hie cltv and is a vuet at the I'mprc IItt-l.y4qiH Colonist. Mr., V. Wrf Allen sails on the l,rbcetjjeorc..lhi afternoon on a noinhfheo! huiiness and pleasure trip (o Vancouver and Seat Mm. was a J. V. Clejrjr of Victoria passenger on the I'ririrr tieorsre yesterday bound fhr iltartiwhfere she will join; llfrr liuihand. . Mrs. Foh and fauiilv ai k-avjo?. Ujc city; m.jLedafV tlf-amer for the xoufh ..and ex- luTl to liteale In either jfleadachf overs am ihiv m A wow load or oox iuino.-. anixd id pori la inxlil from I lie Drown tawm)ll, r --lall Illvcr, in tow of the power ooat Sloy. Try the famous Foothills Stove Coal for summer use. 913.00 per ton delivered. Quick flro, no soot. Phone 64S, Phil-pott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 172 Mrs. X. Hevcridtfo and son. Norma ri Shortl, will sail on the uleanier Prince George this aflernoon on a holiday trip to Vancouver and vouthern cities. O. P. It. I earner Princes l.ouie, Capt. A. Slater, i due in porl from Skagway, Alaska, at 3J0 o'clock thU afternooii and will jail for the south at Q Mrx. V. V. Smith of after having spent the week visiting in the city with her sin ter, Mr. S. V. Jlnilh, returned to Alherla on thi morning' train. . ,j C.IMl. atcamer.l'rimieji Heal-rice, C'tpt. K, Gray, docked a' I.t5 o'clock thi morn iny from Vancouver and wayporti and sailed on her return south nl 1 1 o'clock. Regular meeting of Prince Uuperi A.cmbly 'Xo t Native Son of Canada, in" Metropok Hall, Monday, July alv h o.m. Ileporl of 0i" representative on Grand' hn il proceed ingn -vlll be givfn. All metr.iief please attend. 17'. The auxiliary failing seliocn r Tatayha, on hoard of whlci, VI r ami Mrs. Laiurd I.ippma:i ami family of ban I'eilro ar naking a trip to" Alaska, faced u) thi morn in? m 7.iS into ihe southeast gale bound for Ketchikan, the nevf port of call Itev. Andrew (i. Anderson l ancouver, fietd eerijtiary an uuionary oi iue .i.uiuenir Augutatia nwl, Jiyrived in lli' eily yesterday afhirtukOi follow- ng n toar tlirouSli the interior He will preach here on Siliid.i;. ind will leave for the youth ou I uesMiny etemng. . i . ' .Chief Petty urficer Instruclo Kinrli, who ha ieer. in eharg iif (raininy of 'lie tueal unit o' ihe ltnyal (Canadian' .Vaval Vol unteer He.ere foe pa5t eighteen month, during niiicti lime he ha proved Miunelf an efficient and popular inlruclor ail on the Prince George loda. for Fiiimal' en route to Win lipeg lo lake ox the training of Ihe H.C.X.V.Il. at that pin; !".l.0. Instruelor Kinch has Jieon suceeeded hy r..P.O. Instructor Hawe of Winiiii tw WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. Iead Tree I'oint-Haronieler 10.08; temperature 51. Hull Harbor Part cloudy fresh sou!lixx-et windj haromete; i"J.Ku; lemiierature oa; seu choppy; C p.m. spoke steamer Coraco bound K-lehikan for Se attle: 8 ji.m. p(Re stejiniT Amur bound Anyox for laeinr.a 35!' mile Tai onia; 8 p.m. spo. diniral flodger 199 miles from Hidden Inlet unit abound; 8 p.m spoke motorship Apex 10 niiley from Ketchikan norlhjiound; S a.m. poke steamer Cainoun left Ho-.vell cannery1 7.30 a.m. bound Il'ver Inlet; 8 a.m. noke tug T.ape Sco'i al Safety Cox'e. Oigby Island Cloudy, freah oulhrast wind: bar.ftneer J9.-81: tempi-raiure 51; sea rough, ft p.m. spoke slcnmer Cathta left Prince Huperf norlhbound; 10 p.m. spoke steamer. Catjierine I), 'hound tor Hellingham 5fi mile. from KetiJhlknn; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Takiha -.bound Se attle for Kelehikanot miles from Xf ! 4 NoonMl Dead Tree Points- ltarometer .10.08; temperature fflt. j Hull Harbor . -;)Nirl cloudy,; eaim; naromeier .v,us; temper nlure 58: light, swell. ' Dlgby Iland--Overcal, fresh soulheasl wind; liaf-bmeler 20.-00; Icinpernluru 59; sa modor-j aio. v ,1 .ujju. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Subject, The Ministry of Jeu. Kxening service at 7.3!. Subject, "Tiie Scarlet Thread " I Prcai-her, Huv. Clia J Caijier- pn, M.A;, tMl.D.v .1,'hJ f'.fiJSie St. Andrew's Cathedral Ciu rc!i oflngland) Sunday 'Service,' ' Moruu.g 11.00 a.m. livening .. 7.30 Preacher: Ilev. A. . It. Ashley, of Stcwar. D.C. Christian Science Society Service i very Sunday morning in the Hays' Hlock, 215 Secomi Avenue. Subject on Sunday. "Truth." Testimony meeting on Wednesday exening at 8 o'clock. Baptist Church Sunday School at HI o'clock Morning service at 11. Subjec!. "The Seaward Look." Evening worship at 7.30. Subject, "The Hu.ine of Fools." Yon are cordially invite'l to an hour ot worship and thought. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Melropoje Hall, Third Avenue. Ilev. Tiios, I). Hinde. palor. Mornine: erxice at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon Iheme, "Uewar. of Fale Prophets." Solo hy Mrr. J. Field. Everyone cordially in viled. Xo evening service, oi Sunday School. Swedish Lutheran Church Morning vorhij at 11 a.m Evening Gospel service at 7.30. Subject, "God's Gracious Call to Sinner.." Prayer ervice Saturday evening at 7.30. All lhe.-erxice in Swcdih. All Scandinavian cordially invited. United Church Kriyht summer ervice at 1 1 .m. an.t 7.30 p.m. Ilev. Geo ?5. Hacker i the speaker ano 'ia cjioscn a hi tcpics the two characleritics of Ihe greater leader in the early Christian .hurvlj. Morning, "When I Wa Husy." Evening. "They Foum ne in Church." Evening soloi:. Mr. Shute. Come and enjo-iec s'C'iee. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mr. A. C. Campbel and C. H. GodderLam, Ottawa Mr. and Mr. E. . I'iugley a:' John P. Dabcock, Victoria, Mi and Mrs. Cuarle It. I!a:i. Lin apo; 11. i". Maker, T. F. Foley V. J. Jefferson, Cisarie A. Zmy rich, W. II. Ilirkmun. J. Mi-Hugh K. A. ileaphy and Thomas A Kelley, Vancouver: C. H. Huc- oxx-, T.itoitta; E. Watt, Horac Seymour and Master David cyniour, Toronto: I. MeAlliste .nd E. Ermlon( Ocean Fall. V. C. ilutchinou, Montr, a!. mit M. Urell, la!.noral: A. Fisa, Prince Georgo, S. Service.' Ter race; J. A. Drow .. Hoscall Hiver 'Central Mr. !3. L. Hartxvfcg, XeUon;. W 1). McXaniara, Telegraph Creek, rred Forrest. Vaughan, Wash" 'ngton; Saul Gottlieb. Toronto . Mr. and Mr.. George Thall, Chi ago; Mr. and Mrs. George A. Conno'. Xexv York City: I. Ge.rfi and W. V. Taylor. C.X.R. Ilev A. G. Vnderon, Vancouver F. Cole. Vancouver: A. V HecVingham. Port Edward: C teller. Captain' Cove; Edgar 'loopeiv Kilkalla. AROUND WORLD FLYER WEDS L A. WOMAN !.(). AXtiEI.ES. July 21. Cap- ain Lowell H. Smith, leader of Ihe around-lhe-xvorld uirplanc flight, and chief engineering of fleer of flockxvell Field, San Di ego, and Mrs. Madelaine C. Sym- ngloii of I.os Anfiretc. were liarricd here recently ami a hort lime afterward sailed for Honolulu, where Captain Smith xxill lake charge of the arinx iViation field. Advertise In Ihe Dailv New PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Sunday, July 25 High 1. 01 a.m. 2?.t ft. 13.58 p.m. 19.7 ft. Low 7.11 a.m. I.t ft. I O.J0 p.m. C.3 ft. Uish Low Monday, July 26 It. tl 8.'j 50.31 p.ip. a.m. p.m. 20.? d.O 5.C ft. f. ft. f. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon tiud by SANTAL MIDY war. of ImlUllon. Look for th word "MIDV sum tr ill itrurnM aliM4 by CS2S Progress business principles SOUND and a jx)licy oi gradual expansion have marked the steady growth oi this Bank lor over fifty years. Today, one of the largest and strongest banks "in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank or Canada Prince Rupert Branch - - EE Robertson, Manager Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc. ' SEE OUR WINDOW The Nevet Thing in Toys Durable and Washable. If not ahued, wilt last for years. Hull Dog, Wolf, Habhit, Cat, Pig, Hear, each $1.00 Lions and Tigers, each -.... $1.25 Wampus Cuts, each . . $1.83 and $1.50 Elephant and Camels, each $1.85 Dinosaurs, each $2.25 Giraffes, each $3.00 Ormes Ltd. The HHXALIi STOItK -:- The IMOXEEUDRUfiC.ISTS 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8nioked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. (CANADIAN? Steamship and Train Service Sailings rrtnn PRINCE RUPERT rur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 P m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. tot ANYOX ltll STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p. in. TUT MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. Tor SKIDEQATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly, PASSENGER TRAIN8 LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT (HM.y rtcrpt Sunday al It. 30 ajn. for PRINCE aEORaE, EDMONTON. WINNIPEQ, all points Elrrn Canada. I'nitrd Stairs. Agancy all Ocaan Staamthlp Llnta. I'sc Canadian National Eipress rur .Xlunry Orders, KorriRn Chvques, tie, also rur yuur next shipment. Clt Tkaat Oftka, 82S Third Aa., Prlne Rupart. Phona 2SO. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KatchUan, Wrangsll, Junaau and Skagwaf July 5, 9, 12, IS, 19, 23, 2S, SO. To Vancomar, Victoria and Stattla July 7, 10, 14, IT, 21. 24, 2S, 31. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campb.ll Rltar, and Vancour Saturday 11 am. For Butadals,' Eaat Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Alart Bay. Agancy for all ttaamanlp Llnaa. Full Informatlo fram . W. O. ORCHARD Qanaral Agantr v Oornar.of 4lh Straat ard Srd Atanua, Prlnaa Rupart, aJ.O.' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Saillnra trtim rrtnea Huprr) or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Iwanaon (ay. and AlaM lay, Tuaaday, S P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alart Bat, and Swanao Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa, Thursday p.m. For PORT IfMPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday. p.m. 121 2nd Aiam'a. J. Baraalay. Agai. PrlKM Rupart, B.O.