PAGE BIX Italian : Silk RATINE A lovely washing silk ami cotton fabric for ladies' or children's dresses. Gomes in pink, sea, paddy, sand, mauve, etc, Thirty-six inches wide. 60c ,1'KII YAM) WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Heginning at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies l'5c , Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to take care of Dunces, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to property. IT'S FOIl SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1.00 A POUND RuperlPharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Crockery Department Musi he sold out regardless of cost, on account of shortage of space. Hero arc a few or our liaiigains: Cups and Saucers, doz. 52.25 21 Piece Tea Sets, set $4.50 Herry Sets, per . . $1.25 Tumblers, per doz. . . $1.40 Teapots, each .. 60c to S2 Salad Howls . . . 35c to 60o Juiilinori's . . . 60c to $1.00 Come in and -inspect our stock. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. i Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 8. X-Ray 8ervlos Phone 686, Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 lo 12 noon BARREN LANDS ENDLESS WATER ASSERTS FLYER Colin Caldwoll, Who, Was Here Last Year. Tells of His Air Operations North of Edmonton j EDMONTON, July 24. Colin Caldwell, manager of flying op erations for tno Northern Sytuli cale. Ltd"., operating oul of 1-Vt l'ita.,;erald, was pi a brief visit to the city this week to obtain repairs for his marhino Speaking of'tfie operation- o his plane Mr. Caldvell said il was a Vickers-Viking amphibious with a Napier ISO h.p. nio-lor lie flow, from Lae la niche, where the machine wa assembled, lo Fort Fitzgerald, ai distance of 500 miles, in four hours anil 15 minutes on Junr 20. Since thai lime he has flown 1,000 miles. His work is fly ing over unmapped territory -in the vicinity of Orcat Slave Lake, hut he said his business was purely flying and he did not know wly.l the objective of his company was. Water Everywhere Mr. Caldwell declared he liai never seen so much water a there is in the area, being er plored and that he could sli'i; his eyes and land safely oi water hi any lime. He was or the opinion that il would be impossible lo map tho country bj any means other lhan aeroplane. Asked if tie had been famous "tropical valley" in nor- CANCELLATION OF RESERVE .UTICE IS lltltEUV GIVEN that the re-ene existing over Lul 67, Casslar District, li cancelled. Ix-puly Minister of Lands. U. II. .VAlJE.N, Lands Drpartrnrnt. viriuna, o. c. ?8lh Jnn. Htfi WATER NOTICE OWertlon and L'ae. TAKE N"IH t tiul Standard Mine Cur-noratlun wlmsr adflress is I'cnder ?U West. Vancouver, u. C. will apply Tor i license In lake and u 2.UU0 miner In-rlK'M per day of water uul of South Kurk nr Mi nanu s :rerk. which flow easterly .uul drains into In-e-e Hirer, about fill) miles in. rlli nf lirase Lake. The waler will lie diverted fmiru Hie stream at a flulnt aluitit three inlli titi I lie Suutli 1'iirk rrtmi lit niHUth and wilt I used fur Jtilnina- tuir-rmse unon the hydraulic placer leases of McDaini-s Cieek. mu nonce was pos-ira on lue rruuii.1 in the 21th day or J urn-. l6. A cony or this notice and an application lit llirrelu and to tlx "Water Act, IIU'," will tie riled In the nrrire or the Water hernrder at Telegraph creek. Objection to the application may be riled with the said Water liecorder or with the Comptroller or Water ItUtil-, Parliament Kulldlnirs. Victoria, H. C. wtitKil llilri;. day after the first appearauce or tills notice In a local newapaper. The date or the rirst publication of tht notice Is July tr, l oar.. STA.VUAHU .Ml.XfcS COIIPUIMTIO.V Appllcan . By B. J. O Hrit.LV, Agen . aescrmea lamis:- LAND ACT Notlca ot Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lanl in rrinre itupen i.ann necordinr ni tric! or llanite 4, Coant Land District, anj situate on pasare lland. TAKE MIT ( E that J. B. Franc s, or ronona, Aiuerta, occupation m inn er. in tends to apply ror a lea or the r.illowinj Comnirnclna: at a rxit PUntert at the 'irin west cna or rassaze island, nea Coast Trlanrulatlon Sta. 114?: thence nrnuna me isiann at nurn water mark and uoniaininr iuoii acres, more or less. JOSEl'll BltlTl.A. O VIIAKC1S. one lth. io. Applicant LAND ACT. Notlca ot Intention to Apply to Ltaaa Land In Prince Rupert Land nerordinr Dls trlct or Coast rtanre i, and situate o Norlh llachael Island. TAKE NOTICE that AUred Swanon. o' Prince Rupert, occupation Mariner, In lends to apply ror a -lea? or the rollow ln- described lands: Cnniinenclnir at a nos! planted at -ilw south end or North Rachiel Island; thene i round ine island at mm water mark ana containing to acres, more or less, AI.FItEP 8WANSON. Applicant SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 1'cr half load 3.50 l'er sack .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor lleceivcr, Liiiuidator, Trustee, &o. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT mm ! aaam wavr -tn riiiv 11 mmm3m NOTE: If you lake YEAST for jour HEALTH, use Royal Yeast Cakes. Write for free booklet, -ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. VV. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CAN. ihi'iti Jl.i:., Mr. C'inwi-!! catti il. liad and liial .. lie In1. .-. ti tl, tie a number 'of bet springs which re in, i m open all the year round. The vegetation resembles that of the Pacific coast and muose. lie..- and Mill frogs but up prehistoric animals abound The soil is sndy and lie was I here hi the spring and had some potatoet planted the previous year by a man named Smith, who was later drowned in the Liilrd itivcr rapius. The f Natural Place She had been moaning for half-an-huur about her imagin ary Illness. And then, doctor, ' she said at las!, '! hear such strands sounds In my ears." nVell, madam," said the tirl piiysician, "where else wouiu you expert to bear them?" Subscribe lo the Daily News. WATER NOTICE Diversion and Use TAkL NOTICE that Somen I lie Caunery Company Limited, utilise address Is Oore ueiiue wnarr, aw-oiiver, n. , win appiy fur a license to take and use SO callous tier minute. or waler out or un-named stream, vhlrli flows iHirlhrrly and drains Into Ker-iiimj Day, Maet Inlet, about lu chains west rrom '. E. corner Lot IS7I, Q. C iil'trlct. The water will te diverted I nun the stream at a point about 6 plialns rrom aeiulli or sirram and will be used tat liHloslrial and domestic piirinj-e up n tie- la no neM-riiM-u as iiiitk a, 1.01 i7i, voeen i harloile lusirlct. 1..i notice was tassted n the around on the 11 til day or July. Wr.. A limy or this notice ami an annll- allon tMirsiiant tliereto and to (he "Water Vri" will lie riled in I lie office or the Water llerwder at Prince Itupert. B. C. lujeru iiu to ine SDOiiraifHi may ue iiien with the said Waler liecorder or with itw Cofiintmller or Water lllthts. fatlM men! lnilldiiirs. VlctorU, H. r... within iiiirir nays alter uw iirst aiinearance oi this notice In a local newspaper. The dale i ine iirst puDiiranou or mis iioure. is T luly o, ij. COMI'ANV. LTIi , Applicant - Bv V. I. MATIirns. Agent LAND ACT. Casslar Land tilstrlcL Ijnd necordtim lilstrtrt or Prince liuperL and slluale. mi Mhn lake a lndt Si miles southwest of At n Towns te. TAKE 'ViTir.K that Edwin Jules Kruert, r Atnn. in I ne I'rovince or iirinsn tiium lla. occupation operatlnir tourist launch, iniends to apply tor permission to pur-hse the rnllowlnr descrlhed lands: Commenrlnir at a nost ilanled at the southeast corner or Glacier Hay, In Atlln Lake, situated as above; thenre roll'iwirif '! shore line west 10 chains; thenre mth fO chjlns; thence east Jo chains; thence norlh 10 chains, to Kiln l of i-otnlnencement. NIB DAILY NEW8 Saturday, July 2l( tOe BamzajaaaHB REGINALD DENNY AS J.iard and ruidlay rivers. Thrwi SKINNER IS SHPFRR W1III1I1UII h SSW LAU Comedy This Week End at West-holme Shows How People Run Into Debt ttiwiN jlles r00K"Teant land sprWilly joiihk uialrun II... 1A I 'I The ln fit. film .......'ll ..I 1 111 "II .sIHV III 1 HZ n TO EUROPE f MAKB Kt'SKRVATlOXS XOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Jul 0. Aug. -11 Molilraliti Auk. , Sept. ;i M nudum Aur. vn, -epl 17 Monirose To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwerp All. 11. Sepl a .Mellta Aur. V."., Pepl. Hi Mlinirdusa To Beltaat-Olasgow Aufr. I. Sept. a. . v.. . . . Mclarama FROMQOEBtC A, i i Ta Liverpool . j , ,' Kept. -to. tie! ... . , Vontroj'al , Ta Cherbourg8outhampton-Hamburg A n ir. 4, Sept. 1 . Lmpress of irsni o Auir. in Lmpress of Krntlaint To Chsrbolrg-Soulhampton Sept. li, i let. 15. .I.mprese or Srotlaiul To Belfaat-aiaegow July 29, Aur. t Moiilnalrn Arply to Aienti everywhere ef l. i. cunain, VfViw nm C.P.R. Station, Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2S)0, tin, fee. Ky., Ttame Ajtou. IteKiitald Denny, as .Skinner, in "iskiiuier's lrt' Suit" is u-jicrb. The fainou- lar, m'.i-inergos his real ciiuractcr into that of the harat'd. forlorn Skinner, besieped at i-very turn by inexorable erediinrs and trying tr.intipally to live up to th world's opinion of him as broadcast by his wife. The story U about a poor, lit tle lie and the complication brourrbl about by it perpetra tion. Skinner, upon the eonnlant instigation of. fait- wife, 'Honey," summons enough courage lo ask hlx employer fofr un increase in salary. Il if rtrTuoed. Ha I her than disappoint llony," Skinner telln lnr that lie was pranled the raise which nupposfilly amounted to ten dol lars a week. Overjoyed, "Honey,' proceeds lo impend the raiie it advance from their small aav- mss. She tells all her neigh bors of her husband's Rood for tune ami social invitation bein lo overwhelm Ifioiu. Honey" compels Skinner lo bu a new dres suit. That re quires accessories lheii lhe must know hmv lo eompotl themselves in their social statue and they have lo have new fur n i lure and homo filling. 'Hie; lake dancing leaeoit. Other cv pelies arise. Soon they urt hopelessly it. debt, which Skinner despernt'l tries to conceal from his hap pily UllsllrfpectilJrT wife. I'll' situation tire as funny as any that have pvur been filmeii There Is jfowl clean comedy all through lliu pie(ur and an in lereslincf story uniold ilu'lf. tip on the screen. Too much ornise eannol be Kiven the I h r, likewise lovely Laura'laulf, whose toMcii smile Is bewiirtiinv in Ihe char acter of "IloiK-y," . the ambitious was mIiowii at I In i West holme Theatre lal uigli and will he repealed Ibis ever ing. ! LANGUAGE OF MOTHERS ' t NOT GOOD EXAMPLE, LONDON, July St. Had lan- llic 1'ranef iliiand Chool for Hirls luid I lie ,'ttiniial conference o fine Head Miiirco.icV Aeiueia-tioii ' here. , "For yeare ye have Jitaije allowance for fiiljier'ji stroiirt lan- KUaiie," .MU Mo'rr?6ir. asserteij, imi nyw inouier iieany a nan aiid it isj' having ni .ferioum elTect on (lie gills' petiii hiiioiik ihein-nelve-i. Thi in ulTa part of the HO-called trrealer' freedom. " Rev. W. II. Redman, formerly of l'rinre Rupi-rlf$biis closed his ervicei an iittnlott,'of Ihe Douglnn Street HaptUI (Jiiii'rfih, Victoria. Subscribe to the Dally News, BIG DEMAND FOR CANS IN SOUTH Canneries In This District Keep ing Factory In Vancouver Very Dusy. VANCOl'YKH, July 2 l.--Kxcep-lionally big demand for cans from canneries of the north, keeping (tho American (Jan Company s plant in Vancouver operalin ;'0 I hours a day ,fs prophetic of a iKt'cat northern salmon pack this year, it is learned locally. ' The run of fish may not be much grciatrr this season, and in art it is lighter than last year j far as the present season has Kone, but the canneries are out to catch the fish this sea on ami have considerably more gear afloat," a close observer of the salmon fishing industry reported. "In the (Jueen UalirJoltes the pack will probably be heaier I ban last year. The pinks did not run in Ihu Charlotte streams last sea- sou and they are due to run tin." year. l'ricug to fishermen ltavc been well maintained and are encour aging a lame number to no tnUt IlK1 industry. The seiiMiii will not be fully under way for a few weeks yel. GRIFFITHSYACHT WAS ON DRY DOCK - - Seattle Power Yacht Continues Voyage to Alaska After Undergoing Repairs Here. The fine big power cruiser Sue- ja III which belongs lo 1-ipl. Orif- lltlis. head of ihe lUj.islwlse teamsbip Marge Cm., and whirh is lakitw Gapt. (iriffiths and par- y on a cruise to Alaska, arrived in port Thursday eveiliiK and. after foiii on dry dock lo have her propeller straightened out, sailed this aflerjioiin coiitinulnu her voyajre nortli.. The Sueja 111 Aas only built during the past .vinier and she is iwiid to be one of the finest yachts in luel sound. WATER NOTICE Diversion and Use. T.MC MlTICt I lul staiulanl Slltwa rr orslKO. Ke a IK 1 Pes s is t I'ender S. ssti, tauruuver, u. c. iu appt) tor a jeen-e to laket and use ,imio miner's In ties tier d of waler out of Thinl i.nli cork of Mrlumsw Crark, which rh east, .rl) and drains into l'ee Itlser about iniy iiiims norm hi oea ue Ihe water will be iluerled rrom the stream at a n-.iiu about io mne. ui. Tklrd orth lurk from its mouth ami will oe used rr iniuinir (Hirpose upon the djnlraullr placer leaes or MrlJaiiies creek. This notice was p-led on the crouud on Hie laih day of June. It. a copy or ims notice ami an application nnrsuant therein ami to the "Water Sr. vis. win ie riini in toe oiiicp or the Waler Recorder at Telegraph Creek, objection to the arnllcalion mav le riled with ihe said Water rterorder ur llh lie isiipiroiier or waler mains, l arlia ineni Huildinrs, victoria, n. i .. wiihln thirty days atler 1 1 ririt sppearanre of Ibis notice in a local newspaer. The dlle of I lie rirst iublirallon of thlr Home la July It, Uo. BiA.sitMiu su.Ar.s conroitTiiT Applicant. ny B. J, rrncilXY. a rent. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to App!y to Purchase uana. In Prince lluitrt Land rteeordinr liislrirl ir Prince liutiert and situate at terinson Bay. Vessel Inlet. UralMrn Island. O. C. I TAKE vmcK that trends Jiillerd. or Prince tliiperl. II. orrupall-m cannery man. Intrmls t;i apnly ror permission lo purrhase Ihe milowlnr desctltied lands:- comineiicina at post planted at the is. W. corner or ll 1171. yneen fJiarMIe tslamls lilstrlrl. theqee south to rhalns; hence west 10 chains; thence north to llllh Waler Mark; thence easterly alona IHrh Waler Mark In lnl or rotnmenre-int, and coiileinmi SO acres, mora oi less, . rilANCH NILLF.IiIl. Applicant. tisle.1 lone tllh l)A. w LA NO ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lane In Prince lioiiert lend riecorditir ins tnrl of Coast Kan re t, and elluat oa viiiiii nacnsei island. TAkt: MiTICt that1 Alfred Swinvm, o' Prince linpert, orcupallnn Mariner. In lendi lo apply ror a lease, of the follow ln described lend: - roininenilna at a isist planlrd al th. i north end or South flaeliael Island, thence ai' iind the island at man waier mark stid eonlalninr U arres, more or less, ALf nEO SWAMSHX. Applirant nsied anrii it lata aiiajte nr .ihc rriudcrn inolher " m a ri A M cmuirr reponsihlu fiu r'n "(frral deal of1 LAIN AU1AIN OUKVILL lno,C selionl girls.! M-eeeh amoft? T0 PLTMOUTM-CHiRBOuno-LONOON. .Mil. hips iiiii Murv .iui .MotLirton.,iirliiei upy11!' I1 1 1,1 uoii nil o orP i ' m '"L-J1"""'1 6 All; aula TO LIVERPOOL July 30. Au. !"'. Sept. 11 TO BCLFAIT AND QUIOgW Atlii Ills . AUf, n FROM NEW YORK TO QUtENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Fraiii ruin .. Julv i Hamsria ... Aur. 7 TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Aipillaula .... An ir. 4, Vt, Kepi, tl, I HI, n lierentarla .... Aw II, op. (, Kepi. 'Manrctaiila ... Aur. la, Kept, . Se.l. It TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW (aledoiiia.. jmrnr fttinemnie . . Aur, It PLVMOUTH-HAVRI-LONOON I'nrmanla .. Jul :tl Tiiscaiea .. Anr, It TO PLVMOUTH-CHIRBOURO-HAMBURQ All'tanU Jnlv SI. Hcpt. 1, Oct, 7 FROM BOSTON TO QUtENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Samaria ... Aur. s l.acnnla . Any. fp 'i all at I'lyiiiniilli, Kaslbound, Ask ror Tourist nrd rlass Literature ;i and see 1. 1st or fpi-clal Tour Money orders, drafts and travellers' inclines at lowest rales. Full Information frpm local renn or company's Offices, ejj lisiinr nt, Vancouver, B.C. TBone. avy, acts. t Watch Special HAMILTON, WALTHAM, ELGIN and HIQH QflADE 8WIS3 fit .pcnnHy reilin . d i one weej... We st, , ., g , nltsoliilely gunraiiteed move tnenls. Max Heilbroner 527-B29 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the Norlh WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Reginald Denny In "Skinners Dress Suit" Deliglilfill. wlulllMi al, nlifilnl.ttniK, lot ' 2 l.r p j, the liel I Ivntiy fahnii. You'll roar when n liuild u fiirlnne oul of a dre -ml he liln i v hadn't paid for. He broke into Miricty with it u i-l t thai wuuld have knocked Ihe original rjrrtift burlic jKileut medicine man uncouM-inns with adiiii'aliui "lllolhesi Make Ihe Man" is a world famous proer grew out oT a remark inmle !y .Mr. Skinner when he li a dre Hint. See Hie "Sh aiinali Shuffle.' : rheiiinntir slep lloil tin taken the rountry lv 'oifii , has Ihe (Jhurlf-liiii iMt ked tiff Ihe map. Strung ' .i-' Reginald Denny, Laura La Planto, Ben Hendricks, Jr., Arthur Lake, E. J. Ratcllffe, Hedda Hopper, Betty Morrlsey, Frona Hale and many others. Comedy: "BUSTER'S ORPHAN PARTY" PATHE REVIEW 50c and 25c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specials in our Shoe Department The Biggest Shoe Price Slaughter In the History of Prince Rupert. We have heeu advised hy unr ehoo manufacturer- Hi ' fall order went shipped on the Jilt of. July ami it it mailer of li mo until Ihe new good arrive, and w-j lo make room for il. TIIKHHI'OIU:: :t0 piiirs or ,dio' While IJaitvn Shoe tip (o $3.1' rial , 50c ai) Pairs or l.mlleV While Canviis Hhues up lo j' eial 95e 511 Pairs nf ,iidiejs MeijV ami Uhllilrim'ti liininiiig s ruldier miIc only, tiny pair for 05e Chris' one lrnp while canvas, Smart Hlep slipper?. 2.nt). Special $1-25 Ladies' while Inirk Smart Slep low heel 'slippers. rt'K 81.BO. Sale $2.25 50 l.airkor Ladies,' Lcalljer Slipper!, low urn) medium patenl lealher mid hrown, regular $7.MI. Sale S50 iU Pairs or Ladies.' Sliiers ifiul Pnnnw, ineiliinii and ' h heel, reg. 7.50 and 48.50. Sale . . .t $2.95 Mimi'.s Oxfords, Idat k, Inn and hrown, reg. (l.&0. Sale $3.95 Men's while Illuming Shoe., regular $ 1.05. Sale . $1'60 Men's while cuuvtis ciejie Mile with heel-, regular Sale f ...... $2.65 Hoys' While Oxford, ruhher sole.H with Suelioii hole- ''K .$1.05, Snlo $1.50 I.ddies' Samluls, paleiil, hrown mill elk, in cleur al . $25 Children's Snmliils, regular 'rjale :,,;'.. , $15 15 discount on nil shoes and runtiing slioes for ladie "ii'i men Hint nro not Iisled idiovc. 10 on nil children We specialize In Foot Comfort nnd are Headquarters for Dr. Scholl's Mechanical Appliances. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645 Corner Third and Seventh