?. 102. July l)Kv TH1 DJULl IIWB ir t 11 an roil ip a - . nod Diamond ! Ave would rnthcr sell ft diamond rinff in'n person whoj kiiow diamonds. Wo then i lilt.: our diamonds are ,) lie rmol pirility. liftVH a special diamond kfctttflMWIll ring for. I0.0 wlinti we think is extra good aMc I'erfvnl. flawless me. set in fancy whil,e , ii setting and slone of iu large size for the nm-l If ir a pleasure to show it. 9 TuHtfMGEI jLlnX STORE WITH Hit CUKH BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Has icrn "aken over from nieorge Kerr lty J. Preece at? w h Pealy ami Doodsnn Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulhley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Imtth Block Phne .S75 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phonea 4S, 39, Qreen 238, Black 73S. NlQht Phone 687, 539, Qreen 238, Blaok 736. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q, BU8HBY, Man. Dir. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH HULK AND WHIP-PINQ CREAM We specially recommend our Table Crenm nl lOo 1ov Half Pint Quollty and Pervlce Special loe Delivery Servloe Valentin Dairy Phone 6S7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. RarU, Warehouetnt, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bervloe. 'oal, Hand and Gravel Ma leolllie In Flam aM Furniture Bovlna. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An iKxnulslle Block of Fur Trimmings at low iprioea B. C. FUR Co. Next CUAW.Ii. Third WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut arrivals are heavier this weekN. M. McLean moving shwbmldine Blent o I Portuguese men-of-war il Mc. rnvsFii. Air til MMEML 'ACT. ctprrwiCATt or iMenoviatsrre lilt unvwi Hu f Mineral -claim. ilu-tie in the Ailtn Minint IutOkhi or r-uf iilrlrt Wlwre bwll; On Vol-nli i rwk i VuImn Crrck ', tdjnlnlnt ml iulhM of lilt lnri Mo t Lx U'Otloii MtHnrtl Uun U"t llllll. TUC MrriCi: I IK I I. l.lkn Mollny, Irtw Milr Orliriratf Xa. 10739. Ill-IriMl. mjf dw inmi the itle lnror. in .apply in Vtr tliiiint- lirninlrr Inr . rnri-f or ImiirutrnH-nit, fur Hie purr piMe .r oliitlniiit r.riiwn Onnt of the tloivr '-nun Anil runner ukr nntlre that anion. uiKh-r aerlhin ST. inuat be ninuiirnrmt Iwfurr the Kur of turh Orlirtrtle ol lulrtl Ihw HI irtar r June, A.n. flfA. II. MrM. HIAHI H. StTlU MIN-RAL ACT, CERTiriCATK OF IMPR0VEMKNT8 Hit Canyon Mineral Claim, tllutte In Ike Atlin Allium Imui-Hi nr lawur Dla-irlrt VVIwrc dx-anxl Soar Crater .Cr-rtt anrt aitJ'ilnint anil northeast or the lilt t-nynn Kjifimuii iMineral Claim (Ml "taF. MlTtcr Hhal I, Jnhn Malloj. -rre Miner' lrllflrale No. 7Q7JS. In-leml. HIV alav trom Hie ilale hrror. U' aiM'lr I'"' Xliunir Herorilrr for i riltli-aie or Imprnrrmrnla. rnr the pi" ntine nf iiliuiniiiir a crown nrant at the above claim. Ami ilurlhar lake nolle Ht-t aelion. nnib-r aocllull 37. niual be rniieni--i1 lKfnrr nhe ln nr urb Crrttrirate or linprovrnwiin. . . ,. I,.,on lb,. I.t m. .&,,." Awnt. LAND ACT. Cawlar Laml DHiriet. Land .lcordln liUtrlrt or . prima liiiH-rl anil amuietl nn Taku Ann. 'about nillea amnhwent or mouth or Amnio llivrr. TAKE KOTICK iMt frand nlrhartf ..-. liunlop or llm. lie iMTUuailon mill luanater, iniamM lo apply ror p-rmlioii lo puri-hae His lollowlnt ilecrlbeU Unc.iimnrln al a pn planied oi-toillti nbore nr Taku Arm aliout ml j anulliweal rnmi Hi" moiilli or Alllnin llivrr ami ruiinlnt 'llienre rhalna weals IbVnre SO rlnlni aoulhi Uemr rj'aliw "ai; anil Ihenr 0 ehains norlh Mjj Hilnl Ol COIIIIIM-limiiriH, - - acres. "7nJicSj:IIIcD cnUNUJP, ,i .LAND AOT. Nolles at InHnOon lo Apply UUaaa Und trim nt I'rlnrr llufrl, and illuale at MTAKlf NOTtrr. mat lEiiaenr II. Slmp-aun or Haell. .nrnnvilloii raniirr. It trnil in 'apply Mr 41 le -of 'Hie roUrtVk-Int ilKrrlbl land. Cnmnieiirln at a pM J,u?iwl ....a ul.Hit . tbe nirltiMt mrnrr nf Blork '.nSUJ TnwnMlei tlienre raster y Ilienre .oullirrly 1.0n rl 'In pnrtil '"It 's riotment. 'and eoii- "",H" ""'JSomt it. 8i.yr?pN, Dated Junt I, tltt. Applicant 'Ckmim y EtltMlnW lot fiMttkd laUMHaaooi -SIT 'ft. The landing of linliiitil duriiiK -tlic oast week have oxtwri. have Utile trouble in show-; enroll a derided inipliiK nnd Hit boy around tire 'fi'h houf nnvo mil Kiiiim tin. tunc hanging linvil upon their linnd. On Monday .'104.000 nound of fih was Mild llll till- Kill 'P.YfllirlfOe followed lty 02,000 pounds on Tuesday, iKX.OoO i.minlls on Wed nnmij iiiiii 1 lu.uuu ioiiiius on Thursday. In spite of tin Itcurier aiming price nave kept up well and cveryunoceni salisfied. AinrriCjin fish lots received on an average of aropnd 'iOe and 10c, wuiie uauauian cat dies nne received around 17ic a Owing lo incrcacd hushics and u nniNciincnl shortage in accommodation, X. M. McLean, who lino operated I In- shipyard al Cow Hay for several year past, is removing hi entire planl to Seal Cove near the Can. adian Fish & Cold Storage planl. II is Mr. McLean' intention lo put in a marine way al Urn new local ion and also a small flout for the berthing of fin in 20 lo 30 small boat. The plant will he brought entirely up to dale ami way will he constructed fur :akiug piM-ial cure of smnll I'imU. Tin move will be made shortly ami the new shipbuilding and repair plant will lie Tlii week the Canadian (iclioonerx Iuem Point and IIiiikii have een in Hie 3lcl.eau ymiU for repairing and general overhaul. Boathouee Buty With the arrival of II. M.S. Curlew on Monthly the xtoek ol Ho- Prince ItupHrl llnathouMe i.Hik u jump f M'veral poinln when every availahle hout wu pieied into the paiHJer ier. ice to acoommodale the puhlJc h'-iii on vuiliiift the arm nf IliHainV inighl. The launch SS. xkippereil hy Korrie I.amhley, iiH- teeii on the jump eonlinu only and Irumporled la rue criiwdn of niRhtKeert while the warhip um in port. Another iliae of oierulionii liax Ih-cii the .hauling of trruvel from I'orcher Uliind to lite city fr I he Alltert-MeCaffer)- inler-'mi. The crave) operations have heen under l lie iinrnonal MlflCNAt. ACT. CfNTIFICMTt Of IWeeOVKMENT nurk .ralih Mlnrl OUtm. -vltutie In lb Allin Miwiit luiiaiaii or Uitur IH-iri'i WIiit ktrttnt. od Cnirr Crrk, irlDHMry t iHirih of July Crwt, dj.Hpinr ilie Oatrv uvra Jlinrril CUiu m iu uutlM-rh tide Tvki: ?inii.i: imi ). rur ntbria, te Minvr'n Cfrtlflrl' .o. 70KJ0. In-trod. m dn rtwu llw rtale .hrrmr. I' tll'U l tttr Mlnmt Hmrtr tar rriilirtir nf Impn.tMiwnu. Inr Hie lnr-I or iuiniiif t.roon onnl of Hm cUim. " ami furttwr ukr noilr Hut etinn, niHh-r m-outi 17. lnul Im runuiMiwrd lMrirr Itir lnw or urh Certiorate ' liiiliritvrairntt. Imimi im ui (Uy nr Jun. A.n. . and 8c. supervision of Capt. Alex. Saint, Hie .man who pul Hie paint It. the puinl brush. The Whiff Man was strolling rauully, nliPiifr the waterfront on Thursday afternoon when hie ear chanced lo catch the sound of a new kind of machinery. 4i xoutultid at firrft like u human licinp in ditrcMA hut, upon cIim-er .attention, Jt -miiicil ninri perhapK like a second hand hur-re. organ. Upon further inve-lipation Mparki were' en to li ii.uinir from a wheel mid 'the tiuitd of ttharpeiiinif etoel waited upon the hi-eeze. "Yen, .xir, a new imlui'lry had fpruiiK lo life ready for operation ly the mid- r,n the government wharf and lie nt Seiilemher a eeriatn party that same certain parly had risen lo the oe-eanion. The marhinery in motion wa u (rriiuUlone turned by u -Hweet feminine haml while a Iioiiphi io pimniie!. fiiielk .wa sladly Iryins: to sharpen hu uc Thin piece of work having heen faliNfaelorily aeenmplHlied.it did not take many moment for the prirrcftKivc female to ce a Ihrivijic hiiHinei and, after a liUle eellinK talk, the buy came along with Iheir poockl knivei' and nail Hcixunr and tood around while Hie purk flew. The forge nf llc village black milh wa u nnn-ilarler to th fair one .grimUtone and doubt-le the epark would have .done mine daipage had nol the .knivee and eiorn ouiMeniy run .ou;. If youve goi un old knile around thehmie. or an old pair nf nhear which need In be toned up a hit for a email um, jut ohip them along In the government wharf and that certain party will do the neceanary All the flag along Hie mi shore on Thursday aflernnnn were fluttering in the Jiree. and tiHin enquiry a lo the reason. It wa learned that John F.. havey h al lending Hie Preshy-lerian picnic, held on that dav at Digby Island. Oh I You Doc The lnlel Jlem of inleresl on the waterfront i a beautiful snapshot of Hoc Clapperlon taken in company with n fair member of the opposite ex. Th. surrounding cenory is nplen-ilenl with old lumber and second hand gales nnd the blue waters of the harbor .are plainly discernible. Ye, if n y11endid picture of the lumber. Hut tu gel Itack lo the snapshot- lh toe nflmc with his arm nrmind the sweel young tiling is .a coed one and flic only regret ,is that this wonderful reprndnclion of COMPARE We nuke Champion the very best -we can. Their superiority in design, finish and careful manufacture is readily apparent if you compare Champion with any other -spark -plus. -But you must -drive with .them to know 'how very onuoh better they are. Nflr tfi ok-tia-1 lnl-lUrHu B. Nfl aan an mm aaktr kkai 9tJc Wk Champion DpndabU ir Eatery JtMitMi di Canadian'madt Product Wladaor, Ootarlo beauty, in Al nildi torn), cannot lie reproduced .in 'burnt leather nid diirog in the muttona1 salon. Carlq, the ' wonderful canine hound of 'the provincial dock, Inn gone and gut 'hrmerf Jot gtrain. 3'hb time Jt in urmied he Jhh4 gone lo -Hkagway on the Prjnee dtouUe and 'he .j '-! Pcted .lo return n the "nama lituil 'today. Life 4t Jmt an ciuiity dream Jor the ral and cut .around the -wharf while Carlo tin utray bcaue that .arrw I otr .'Iovoh Ho .iirawl out (in front of flie fii e und Jut the raUA and cut omwl over 'hi Jiairy jfame. I'hal 4. the -rut and cat .crawl over dido uin turn 1ul ndt rft the name nowi'iut 3'n make fricmU with thi tru-y dinuntl one ha only lo make a uome like a Jinne nnd the trick is atw complliied. - . StetU War Men Say, iboyn, :ilid -you wir ee a peacock lhie mill im :a man? After nil, it dakrV our ibrother from (the nuth of the (boundary line to hiw 'we northerner where .we 'horn It at when dt come iln itOlinV and style in men' uitft. -Thi ;parlicular lourit, -from 'the Prince Chariot le ton AV.itdncKilny,, arrived oir the wharf an a-hriclil blue tui'. Some aid it wan peacock idu but -il Honked rnore like a Jiag of TKftuhing .blue hn with ,e!pc-: Irieily. To really view the suit effectively one needed a pair of smoked glaen !for after all the color wo niare like an eclipse of the .solar yeni than a sin! on a tailor' dummy. Of rourre the gentleman in question may have had a warehouse full oj this cloth and was trying In gel Hie males .nil .eager fop that par ticular hue and thus diro of 'hi lock. -One rnever knows Hie wi.es ,of the human brain. Customs 'Otfjpcr W. 'It. Over- end, formerly -stationed on the Provincial government dock and now -stationed--fin the Stlkim Hiver. is the ;proud .father of a daughter. A slaughter was born lo Mr. and Mrs. Ove-end in the vV.runge.il .hiHpital juet recently Cougratiilatiuns, .old lop! A new darrick has recently icen installed on the Troticr wharf lo faoilitate the 'loading of Kiipplies on the fishing M'hOOIMT. Funny Jelly Fish .lleporl arc constantly being received on .the wutnrfriint -of i trange sjinole of jelly fish ex isting along the .00111 and e peciully around Dundas -Island. Iln particular species i nuuli- eaUy manied J'or.tiiKUene men-of- war and this -summer they haw appeared in millions till alon the eoast. Capt. Harry Urmts-ion. master of the lighthouse lender Newinglon, is itaking a special interest in the. -species, and it said he is burning th" midnight oil in an endeavor ti find a commercial 'Use for 'them, rnmi! brainy :nautiral sug gested they would probably ;make good walch Job, -or uook-mar-keix. He nlaims they would stick lo one's clothes -and prevent ill' watch from fallii-f .out of the pocli't and if useu in (the latlet manner they would alway "lay put" In the book. 'It b not .known i.'ii)l.-vhaV' .Harry Ililnki mt lhi iuggftstJons-. Jc'ol ffillbixes V lo.'Af of 'ar rived from the Oeorgetown mill soday In tow of the iiiishby :tug nmt M.T.3, 'Capt. :li. rGseen. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Outmingham, who have been -visiting at lioorgHlowii from New 'Westmin' !tnr, also arrived "from Ooorge-iiv.i and will sail :for I lie south 'hi evening. tlood iprogfess Is dicing made hy t'.urrie & Son wlh the pile driving ant! 'deck laying on the now hiohtgicai station site on It, ' waterfront. The pile driving t now completed and ihe deck 'lay iiag Is being 'handled Hot Fartteular 'When a man sees 'the rough corners of 'life gradually fade1 iwuy before Ins eyes and the financial oul'jok is dressed in a 1'osv.hue It doesn't reaily 'much1 mutter where one bleeps ut nighl. even If Iho 'bouse does oontuin three bedrnoni 'filled nip with the -most icomfurtahle beds unit -spotless bud Hindi. Of coursoi the wisll uf it he waiKiti, and th crew of igood fellows, may have; had something 'tu do 'with Um uiuiHiial occurrence, fitiffioe to uy that a wdll iknown tvlsltof of the vvHlerfnuit, and a .gentleman etiually well tknnwn in cigarette and cigar 'vending nlrrtle, slrol led ihome In tthe early iIuiuch .and deposited his tired frame in hn dotr iennel down In the bate r K neiil. Hid lie sleep? fHe sure id, but the dog didn't, and the a me canine is now suffering with nerve trouble. A sleep is 1 .sleep after all. Fish Totals Halibut arrivals at the port (.iiriug 1 lie past week (Saturday o Friday "Inclusive amounted 10 a total iTfirtU,500 -pounds-. Ol .hiti -quantity the Americans .a tided "3U;,000 pounds and ihe .unadiaiia 330,000 pounds. Tint an improvement over the .andings for several weeks pas. The landings ut this port for he season In date iolal 14 tr:,900 pounds 10,335,70.0 lounds from American vessoU .ud 4,337,200 from Canadian -essels. lioats landing their catcher .ere -during the week have been 1. fallows; American Anna J i I3OOO; icliance, 5,000; Onah, 10,000; .Mirumost, .65,000; .Eastern i'oint, U.imjo; Tukpn, 35,000; Hazel U.. r.000.; Hravo, 8.000; K. -Neilson ,000.; Jlilda, 0,000; -Star, 10,000 Ulas. "7,000; Augusta, J 3,000 ; iorth, 3C,000; Teddy J., 51,000" JUjipy. 10,000; Wabash, 7,500.; utiseo, (io.000; Lancing, iW.OOO; Sherman, 15.000; Chelsea, 55, ;00; Alten, SS.OOO; Juck, 7,000; aloosh, 28,00(1; Sentinel, 2: 000. 'Canadian Volunteer, 9,000; IlingQ, Q.SOO; White d.llly, 5, 000; Atli, 11,000; Hoscsplt, 19, i)00; Marguerite, 0,000; Cape wain, 10,000; Iris. 3.500; Cape spencer, J 3,000; r'anny ii'., JO, 000; Pair of Jac ks, '13.000; Muir- teag, ;1 0.000; D.S.T., lliOOO. I'oint May. .1,000; Joe llaker. :i,(Hia; Morris H .17,000; Inez I If, 10,000 i.llayview', 7,500; ttVr-ile,n, 20,000 ; Jlrandt, VQ,500; fle-jen, ,l00; Cnygeon. ;9.500: Nuba, 7,000'; Tramp, 22.000; (llbson, 17,000; Jlric Hoy, 13.000; Swing, 0,000; Unome, .0,500; In-gred 11., 12,000; X. A R 5,500; Margiilice, 3,50(1; .Verna, 5,000, Mayflower, 0;000. 1 . . ... .. 11 r 771 rSAMf; aeaaa pHPJ 'JB fl m Cutsca-Ier.'Sawef-ster .9j laaa awoo.LTO. 41 Ba, umtmmtL. 'JH BBP aiawnuiiwt. t. jomw, aw, BJBJ BBB IWnMTO AABBJ 30 BL i-i XVHaa-BBBeB - and in yi lb.tins -.vrrl- LAW QGDENS 15 PER PACKET CUT PLUG ti SlVc thelRrand"lnscrt -crds nt 1H 3 JL! r" 'X ' Canadian National Retil way.; Prince Rupert DRYDOaC AND. SHIPYARD pnrttnt 9l T. F. MrtM Ton f l-atlng Bry Do Lnfinaara, llachlnlsta, B-flarmakara, .bkarnlih-. Pattern -maker, Foundaf-t J Wood workers, S. B-JECTfHO AND AC-TYUWC "WfJ-MfWlu Oirr plant is equipped1 to handle, all kinds of WRHKVMI'eeM Fishermen s nr.i Snipes PI8H 'LINES H00K8, ROPES, TWINES, F18H NETTING AND TROLLING SEAR, OIL AMD JOBBER CLOTHING, eWOOCRII,; . : .- ' . compare uur rncaa lipseityCunninghamCo. ,8ecoiM( lA venue . and SlcBHtfa J-Li n Ltd! 't ANGER, the Tailor Flrrelmportad Serge end Sootoh Tweed Suit made 'ta order in .pur shop iiu 'Priiioei 'Hopert ?a&dow .-ibSJN) i.L ANGER, Cutter fytiiwi: ' fl Brlru-i Rrti'B.X. WiCHMANN OIL ENGINES Wa aual'wi.HaUINNiln Sliaa from 7 t SO H.SV (To -arl Salliary ' " ' 9rr,ouf kVIOHeaaMI 'IH-orlbuUiri Jar B. C aVNOMNB BRING OORPGRATIGN LT.S. Nariiui letarUuoui) NR. u; TKLLEmis. ; aaara villi ulano aiieWBai,