PAGE BIX . PONGEE A puro silk, free from dressing for Ladies' Dresses, Underwear, Children's wear or Men's Shirts. Thirty-three inches wide; 75c PLlt YAIU) WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third .Avenue Phone 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Heginning at 9 o'clock Floor in (he Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies a5c (eutleincn 50c 'J'lie Hall is now equipped to take care of Hances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Ilcar title to property. IT'S FOIt SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. RflARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1.00 A POUND Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Last Call! For those who wish to preserve strawberries tins season. Out shippers say the season is almost over. 2 boxes Strawberries for 25c Per crale $2.90 Apricots, Raspberries, Cherries and Loganberries arriving on every boat. Mark Currants, crate 52.75 lied Currants, prate . . $2.50 Apricots, per crate . .. $1.75 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. Office Hours 9 to 0. X-Ray 8ervlo Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 0 lo 12 noon TENNIS GAMES LAST EVENING Futher Mectlnrjs In City Championship Tournament Howard and Carmlchael Meet Tonight Games played la the city championship tennis tournament last night resulted as follows: Ladles' Singles ' Miss Pete Tremayne beat Mrs McMordie, 8-0, 0-4. Men's Singles' Marentetle beat McMordie' 0-2, G-2. Carmichacl beat E. J. Smith 6-0, 0-2. Howard beat Crew, tf-3, G-t. Brady beat Linzey, 0-2, 6-1. Joslin beat Walters by default Men's Doubles ' Mareutette and ltnlu-rtsnn tio.-ii Mackenzie and McMordie. 7-5 6-3. Mixed Doubles Howard and Miss Pete Tremayne beat Hussell and Ml-.. iliel, C-0. 6-3. The following sanies will In- played tonight. Men's Doubles s 5 p.m. Marentetle and Jloh. ertson vs. Crew and Brady (at CVIl. courts). 7 p.m. Howartl and Smith v WATER NOTICE Uu and fitftriat TAkK M)TH t that J. v imrrrn., ut... address la .Mini, B. C, wtil ily fur i i.ruic ma? aim u 4V c t. s. ami lo muic. az u. t. s. or water out or uu of JUiy Creek, Mlilch flows suuih westerly ami ill aula IIIIU AUIU i-afce, 1UOUI 0 Mlll'S nurlli or Atllo. The slui-age dam will be located t or near tlw fool or a rbaln of small lakes: i nc i'icuy or l lie reservoir to i crea.ed is about 150 million cubic reel, and 11 Mil llluud aboul HVtlU inel of land. In. fludinir Hie lake. Tbe water will be diverted from I lie stream at a lolnl aboul and below the proMiM-d dam about S ruilrt westerly or wet Hue of 4ih ol July Mineral Claim, and will be urd for power ror mluliir l.urji.e- uihui the niliiei., described as Atllu Nlifi- I nd Mines and lluffuer Uroups of Minimal Claim. Tlin notice was-polled on tbe ground on the loth day or June, li,. A copy of this nulirc and an application purauaut thereto and to the "Water Act, i it, win ix i iieu in ine ornre or ine Water Iterorder at Allln. Objection lo the application may be riled with the said Water Itecurder or with the comptroller or Water Klrnls, 1'arIMriienl Buildlnr. Victoria, B, t. within thirty days alter rirst appearance or this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the TlrM publlra-iion of this nun re I Julv . i. m. nt rFrn. applicant. Land act. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Riljiert l-and Keeordlnr Dis-trie J of Prince flupt-rl, and situate at iaeu, n.f.. TAkK .NOTICE thit F.u Irene 11. Slmn- son or Massett. occupation ranner, intends to apply for a lease of tbe follow -Inar described lands :--Cornnienclnr at a nost nlanled at the northeast corner of Block JO. Maett Townsne; thence easterly 150 reel: thence southerly 1,000 reel; tbrnce westerly 150 reet: thence northerly l.oou reel to point of commencement, and cou-talnlnr 3 acres, nitre or less. EUGENE II. SIMPSON, Applicant Dated June S. tm. Raspberries FOIt PHKSEllVIXG NOW Don't Delayl LOCAL AND TERRACE NOT OVIIIl $3.00 PKIl CHATE B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor llecelver, Liquidator, Trustee, &o. Phone 387 New Address. 243 Second Avenue West pniNCU IIUPKIIT The chief aim of the course will lie to leach prospective min uter. what constitute news ac ceptable to the editors of their future communities, and how to advertise t heir church and work. Subscribe lo the Daily News. WATER NOTICE Oltarslon anJ Use. TAKE NOTICE that Standard Mine Corporation whose address Is 06 Pender M. West, Vancouver, M. C. will apply ror a tne uin lork rrom Its iihhiiii and will be i.el fur niininr puirow uihi the hydraulic placer leases or Mcliainea creek. mis nonce was poieu on ine frounu i hi i lie i uu nay oi june, iTfi A cojiy of this notice ami an appllcatkmi tiiirauan in I lie re to ami lo l lie "Water. Art.; ivii. win i rued hi uie orrire or the U',l, llM.t.Ml.1. al Tbl,.r.rJi frt,mk I Tlw date or the rirst publication of til. tioine is jiii i a. ivro STA.MlAltll JIIAES COIU'OHATIO. Applicant. By B. 1. O HEILI.V, A arnt. WATER NOTICE Dlssralon and Usa. TAkK MITICE that porstlou. whoe address (Vest, an.-oiner. H. C. such claim ir.uM be riled with me within thirty days foui tl dale or this notice ror from and after II lltiiii rit,.,l liv anh.aei' or the said Art I shall distribute the tiro reed or the debtor's estate, .amour the parlies entitled .therein havinr rerard only to tlw Nairn- nrwlurtl't liavellhen.notli, HVTKII at Prince lliiiert, '11, CH lhl Klh day or July, tori. Al.KX. rOXMlN. I1ii(nllaii. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaia Land In Prince Itupert IjiuI iteeordinK uia. Irlrt of Itaiine 4. Coa.t Land lilslrlct, and situate on Paasaire Islaml, , TAkK NOTirK tbat 1. IS. Francis, i f iSinuka, Alberta, iMTiipstloii Minister, in-lend to apily for a lease of the follywlnv dearrlls-d lands: - Ci'Uinienclnr al a Post nlanled. at the North Wesl end of 'atsane Island, tie,ar Cnpt Trlanrulatlon sta, H4i thenie around I lie Island al hlrli waler mark and fiilitalnlnr t'liin acres, inure or leas, 1 JOSmt BII1TUMJ FflA.NCIS, Juna KIM, lf. Afpllcant. THE DAILY NEWS Winchester Gonzales and Nichols j. Campbell and Carmicliacl a, Arnott and Lancaster lU.N.H.). Men's Singles 5 p.m. Carmichael vs. Howard P.H. courts). 6:15 p.m. Mackenzie vs.While iP.ll.K 7.30 p.m. Marentetle vs Hrady (Kit.). Ladles' Singles 7 p.m. Miss Pete Tremayne Miss Itiel (Regiment Courts;. JOURNALISM FOR PREACHERS CHICAGO, July 15. A cour in journalism for preachers is announced by Dr. Cari Kiselen, president qf Garrett Biblical Institute, beginning this fall. FEEL COLD SHIVERS PASS THROUGH SPINE Lon Chaney Takes part of Repul sive Creature But His Face Is Hardly Seen. Suggesting Ideas and lliriljei rather than persons, faces, or living entities; letting an audience imagine the story rather than flashing it on the screen this is the strange development in picture production that Itupcrt Julian and Lon Chancy launched at Universal City in "The Phantom of the Opera," Hie spectacular super-thriller coining here Fri day and Saturday. Startling in its audacity, the new production siiP'?ests the story always it never comes right out with a direct narativc told in terms of direct action on the ; screen; shadows. gesture-fleeting glimpses' of ' Its pcWle in weird settings and trange, eerie underground cellars, tell (he tale always in terms of thrills. Or ratherthey don't tell the talc at all they just furnish circum nreiiav ii. Take ana ut .ouu miner's In- . ... 7, 7j. ... . ciie per day or waier out or south Vork slaiitial evidence from whicli the ji i'-iaiiie i.reen. wnirn nows eaeny ,,,,,ii,. .,,.. Ai.i. i,,,.. and drama into leae lover, aboul sul i auiiience ma iledllce llio stor nines norm or uease l ate. i Tlu laater mill Iniin Hi. strrara at a point about three miles up. Or not? Would the audience uooepl it No one knew. Hut in the meantime the slraivrest experiment ever attempted in prrture production was put under way. Paid Small Fortune Lon Chaney was paid a small imjeciions to ine application may lie mruiuc uj niiiiiMr in uie iiii-iurn riled with the said Wkter lleconler ori i.,,, ,,i . t., ... , ilb Die Comptroller or Water Hlrhta.. "u "'- -- --. Vi-urta. b. c. miirt.ii except in a few flashes. Inpre- ... , , ma imurv in a local iiewrpajier. truciiu-u iiuuse iftunn n: iii.iii cities have settled the question of j the public acceplancu of the un- j usual, and the unexampled praise of reviewers leaves no room to I doubt thai llio thrills "registered wilh the audience. In the Newj Standard u sis Mines i'ender Cor sLYork American, Louella Parsons win apply tor a expressed 11 in this wise: "Only' a tM n I... I I . ...... .. ,,, . l. . . ., . .. i. . . i . i be i-t aai'ux water out' or Third ,ociit penoii of c;isj iron nerves could fork or Mrliaines Creak, which riows esl- , . .. Hi, ",l )i.rmi..i. '"roull Mils a. , anil ....i tlOl fPI, leei Pn.i COKl erly ami drain Into Deaae lllver aboul s-itty tmie norih or Dease uke. shivers pass un and down his the water will be diverted from the . , , , stream at a point about two mile up -spine. Compliment .arl Laeintuie TUlrd ,orth rrk rrom us mouin ana i((,. it- nKiaiiifionc,- ! ii. Ml roe mliiinir tmrtioae unon tliel"" "(IHIICCI1CC nvrlraiilic Tilai-er le.a,ea Mclianiee Creek or or .Mr This notice was boated on the (round on the ISth day of iuno. Iff. A ropy or I hi notice and an appll'stlon pursuant thereto and to tile "Waler Act, 1914," will le riled In tlw orrire or the Water Berorder al Telerraph Creek. Objection to I lie application may be riled Willi the said Waler lleconler or with iih ijhikiii mif-r ill n i irr iiiaiit". .''. men I lliilldliirs, Victoria. B. C wllhin'od of Wralll COllId llliriy iia-) auer me urai n-mi mu.w. ui tlilr notice in a local newapsier. The dale r the flr-t publication of this notice Is July 15. Kin. STA.MIAIIU MI.VES CIIUPOHATIO. I'l'licant. . By II. J. O'UKII.LV, Agent. Form No. 20. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IX Till: r.STATK or ct.CIL IIAItTLtV, auihonzed asirmir. MT1CK is ni.iinn i.ivk mat Hartley or Hie Tomii or Vanderlmor, In tlw I I nivime or nriliail l.niiiiiinia, am, ! iih-Jlli day or July, ttV make an authorizeil arala-nineiil or all hi properly ror the I lieiM-ru or bis rrritllors, and that II. V, I Mai l.e.irt. official lereiver, lias apMlnted Ine In be ritatiHllan or I lie estate or the I .....II .1,. m..kI,..M m llill. fl.. , roliiiil la, on the lh day nf July, I96, at t Ml) o clock in the afternoon. , "The Phantom of the Opera," written by Gaston Lerout, tells of a weird, malformed creature, talented with all the mental girts a man could have and cursed with all the physical renins iveness a devise. His face, the author said, could strike terror in the bravest heart. LOCAL SOLDIERS GO SOUTH TODAY Five Members of North B.C. Regiment Leave for Two Weeks' Training Near Victoria iiieetmr "hall elect a tcuslee lo administer 10 take a two weeks Colir! ! ".m.;K is VV":imiVVtr' iiivf.m nut the'f Irainii.K at Hodd Hill summer r.iiv Clly of Prince impert. Province f BrlllKUMJers, Ol 1 lie 1' trsl .Mirill U.U. To entitle ynn to vole thereat prtx.r or ynur claim muat be lodaect with me heron- III iiieetluir Is held. Proxies to be used at the nn-ellnr must lie I.Klaed Willi Hie rrlnr thereto. which you Itoniiiienl muII litis -.afternoon ntW"iyV& il!,ir fUuartermasler Sergeant Malcolm are entitled to rank, proof of on the Prince Charles for the south. The parly consists ol jCupl. .. s. Wilson, Iteitiiiieiilai I.amli, Ita ml terKeanl W. N. Hots and Hisnallers G. V. Wilkinson MOOSE LODGE'BIDS ; FAREWELL TO TWO MEMBERS LEAVING After lasl iiiKlil's lodflo meel- Iiik of Hie Loyal Order of Moose, farewell wan bid lo Harry JacI; son and I). McDonald, active' members of the lodge, who nrcj moving In Vancouver. Tliero were songs ritrd speeches nnd refreshments were urved, Mr. Lli!UJ-HlgTlg?-llH1 II II IIIUIH mild, Blended Qgaivttc Every package of Winchester Cigarettes contains a poker hand insert card. Save these inserts they are valuable in exchange for packs ot htgh-ff ade playing cards, etc. Jackson, leaves with Ins family this afternoon fur the south anJ Mr. McDonald sioos on Saturday. IN PHANTOM OF OPERA WAR VETERANS TO ENTERTAIN TARS Honorary Membership In Canadian Legion Will be Extended to Ship's Company of Curlew New Week The Canadian legion (Great War Veterans' Association: wi!l, as usual, extend its hospitality to the ship's company of H..M.S. Curlew which 4s due here ner.l Monday for p five day stay in lite course of u Pacific Coast cruise. At a meeting last night tbe legion decided lo extend honorary iiieiitbemhip to all the of-fleers and men of the Curl.-w and, on Tuesday evening next, a smoker will be held in LAND ACT. Nottca t InUntlasi t Apply to Purthas Land. In PHner ItNprrl t.tnd Iteayirdma tintrlel nf Prince Itaprrt and situate al Kersuaon Day. Met Inlrt. lira ham islatvt. O. C. I TAkE MiTICK that Iranets Mlllerd. of I'rlnce Hoiwrl. B. r... orrupslk.a Tannery nun, hitintjs tu aiity ft-r permlaaion lo fmrrnaae ine roimwint aearnrw-d lands: r.Mnniencina' at lnl nlanled al the 71. W. e.irner or lil l7l. Uueen r.harlotle l'alKl- Ilulrul. tra-nrp south fO rhaln'. 'in-nt ! ! nain: thenc north i lliti Waler Mark thence eaaterlr akmi lllah Water Mark to point r ' tfnnrenre rnrni. ami conlainint 10 acre, niors oi I cs. riaias MiLLEnn, Applicant Hated June 14th ttta WEEK-END SPECIALS HALF A TON OF CANDY at 25c lb. The above siict-ial includes Gum Drops, Toffee, Jujubes and Chocolates and is the greatest special we have ever" offered. We nre uo(pcrmilted lo advertise the maker's name, but we you that all these candies which ar rived here only lasl Monday, are made by one or the finest candy manufacturers in Kngland. Sterling Ilraild Tomato Catsup, liollic 19o s. II. Sauce, buttle 19o Worcester Sauce, i pints 19o only sacks Granulated rUkgar, .'0 sucks $1,39 Limit one sack lo each customer rale slops when we have sold lo fifty customers, phono early. H leak fa st It noon, machine sliced, oer lb . . . . 39c Golden Loaf Cheese, 5 lb. botes, special $1.79 stiukisl Orauiges, 2 dozen for 39o This is the lasl week al the above price. ' Wild IWise Pastry Flotlr,' to lb sacks , ...... 69o Itendiciit Macaroni in bulk, special, 3 llis. for , 35o Soap I' lakes in bulk. 2 lbs. . . 29o CANNED GOODS SPECIALS Sliced Pineapple. ' per tin 15o Canned Tomatoes, ', ,per tin 12o Canned I'eas, 2. per till ... 15o ItefijKee I lea iih, 2 s. per 'tilt 17c Canned Florida Qrape Fruit, 2s, p H tilt 35c73 for $1.00 This lino tastes like the fresh urupe fruit when prime. You eannol gel, good Florida Ora permit nt this lime of the year ex cept m tins. hhelled Yuilnuts, per b. ... 35c Rupert Table Supply Co Phonos 210, 211, 212 Thursday, July 15, io28 QUALITY OR PRICE Price alone means nothing. Quality, service and prc determine value. You select from our large and well at. sorted stock tho article you like, not what someone eli wants to sell you. You see by comparison of brands and prices which article and price appeals to you. The price you will soon forget if the article you buy proves iatl. factory. Every price Is plainly shown on each article' Marked to compete with the keenest competition In Canada! Shopping In our store is a real pleasure. Courteous, ff. elent service, and value for your money at all times Is our motto. Come In nnd look around, and don't fall to villi our basement store. Max Heilbironer 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 8 "The Scarlet Saint" New Orleans Mardi (iras with beauty and splendor, lie . shackled hi marriage to old age with young love I ! ..g lo beauty nk she liffhls for release. A siujeu ki i ' youth slops at nothing it"! even her marriage to ol.i stopped this youth until he had wn. lleaiitifnlly die--. ; photoplay i initiiiiiiiifr inaiiy brilliant srciic? iiicliiding tn , views of fuhioiial)ie Aliieriian race Irark. Slrong Lloyd Hughes, Mary Astor, Frank Morgan, Jed Prouty, George Neville, Frances Grant and others. Comedyt "THE HUQ BUG" AESOP'S FILM FADLES 35c and 10c SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS Screen Doors,' nupieie wiit F ting $3.7$ Adjustable Window Screens, from . 50c la $1.2S Sricntisls declare the fly is the filthiest insert know They taml everything Hirv 'oin h. ansiiig thoo-iiiid oi death-. HAMSIt TIIK FLY. Rubber Lawn Hose, omplele with o'zile, $0.00 for 5i feet Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd Ave. Dollar Sal e FRIDAY THE 16th and SATURDAY THE 17th ARE DOLLAR DAYS AT JABOUR'S Two tilings yon should luok for in ri sale: First! THE SAVINGSj Second t THE QUALITY If you walrh our ad rnrcfnjly yon will find thai you save from a;e lo rr in every foliar you spend h". The qunlily of the goods vr offer in our Miles is alw -genuine, heraiise we offer our regular tork and have goods bought for sale specially. Therefore it pay von to study this list cnrcflilly and i get double valuo or your money during his nle. Children's Itompers, reg. 7G, sale, a for $1.00 Children's Urossen, size from i lo la . jwirs, ri'g. ?l " sale price $1.00 Hoys' tuition Sweaters, miry nnd khakt, Veg. OSc aiid 7 sale price, a for , $1.00 Hoys' Cotlim llalliiiig Suits, nuy siu, a for ....... $1.00 Men's Cotton Halhlug Suit, reg. J1.C0, u!e price .. $1.00 Children's llalhriggnn Umlerwcaf, reg. (15c it garment, prire, a for $1.00 Men's Halhrigan Nnderweiir, reg., sale, per stiil $1.00 Men's Forsyth Semi Soft Collars, reg. :15c, sale, for $1.00 lliidson(llay Knilling Wool, reg. aOc. sale, 7 halls ror $1.00 Crochet Cotton, any color, U halls tor $1.00 Clark's Kinhroidery Cotton, nil List colors, ai skeins $1.00 Ladies' Art Silk Hose, reg. 75c, sale, a pairs for $L00 Ladies' Lisle Hose, reg. 05c, sale, a pairs tor $1.00 I-lowered Crepe, reg. 05c, nle, S yards itir '. $1.00 Pillow Tiihifig, reg. 15c and 75c. any width, sale, 2 v."'' K. $1.00 t Sir peil Turkish I'owelllng, reg. ioc, Mile, I ynrds for $1.00 Ladies t.hainhray House' Dresses, reg. &I.IJ0, sulo .. $1.00 Haliiie in pink, maize, canary, light Mile Unil light ttrt reg. tide, sale price I Vfc yards for $1.00 igiired Cretonnes, reg. Olio, sale price a ynnls for $1.00 Lace Curtains, reg. u.V, 0 price, I V, yards for .. $1.00 .Mercerized Voile in plain colors only, niauye, pink, wti ' mill Mill', re 17. 7 Tic xt.lo . 1 . r. .. s M Hress oiles, Ml pntleriM Hint are .a5, sale,' per yd. $1.00 ; Ladies Cmivii m.iii. i....n . . 1. . 1 r nn ' .I ,-.-. .im iidint-r Minis to ciear inr i' l discmini on all ChlLlrcifs, lailles' and Mcirn'ltuiiiimK Shoes. . so'les'111''11"1 " "" ''u,,iL's' a,Iiarl au'l' Sliuen, wilh leallic 50 discoiinl on Ladies' Smart Step While Hock Lenlli" boles Shoes. Hog. U: lo $5,511, sale . . . $2.40 to $2.75 SALE PRICE FOR CASH ONLY Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 045 Cornor Third and 8eventh