PAM TWO Its an all-day food SHREDDED WHEAT For any meal in any season Ready-cooked,easy to serve The Daily News PHINCEl RUPEHT ..BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LKN, Managing Editor. ?5J,'r,.J ,on5- -v't prlng should see great aridity In the camp. THOIHAM) ILOCK TO WATCH HALL (1 AMES. I wJ 1 ' 1 a. . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .....!.. fi.m By mail to all parts of the Brillsh Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year ffl.Ot i o ui! outer countries, tn advauee, per year . . $7.5(t AH advertising should be in The Daily Njws Office before ,4 p.m. on day. preceding publication. All advertising received subjecv to approval. Membar of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION THCR8DAY, OCT. 7. 1929. ALICE AIIM SEEMS LIKELY .TO REVIVE. 'V ": "Mitt Arm as a mining omp seem to be on the eve of a revival. Xot tmly has' (he Dolly Varilen property been bonded but thl has been folleweri by the bonding or a number of adjoining claims that will provide! scope for very evU-sisUr, opera! Ions. Outside of that altogether there are a, number of very pro-wl'?K,.,,f,,nN m '"''" ,iav been shipping ore and other preparing to do sneusanus or people rtork to St. Louis and New York to natch thej ona feries baseball game. They take an Intense Interest Id the proceeding and howl themselves hoarse rooting for the slde'thcy favor. Incidentally the piajers ana owners of the teams make big money tor themselves. Orgauled sport Is coming to be a great financial undertaking. That was seen In the recent championship boxing match between Derapfey and Tunaey. It Is seen the hockey manipulations which are going on at present and even . locally It to noticed that one of the big alms ls4o secure a good gate. This com. t n,.',!;!'U,n' ??. ra,h,r l?.be lP1?.rrd " ".." . accepted at one of tlte nnxiern developments. t WILLANLY. PLAY IF xi'MKER ARE WATC1IIXH. The commercial aspect of sport has so pervaded the present day games that many young men and young women refuse to play unless there are a lot of fain 'on the sidelines. That Is apparently the objection to playlnglbasketball at the Exhibit k.n Hall, so far as an outsider can see there Is no need, of money. Basketball players, like players of other games, might vveH provide their own paraphernalia. Hut that does not suit. What they want Is to draw money from the public for watching the game. He have no objection to an) one charging any sum they wKh to see any game, but all we wish to point out Is that If the games at the Exhibition Hall are not us well attended as those played dowuluun the games should be Just as good and be equally us much enjoyed by the players who are t be one most nearly concerned. As long as they have a guod game and can pay the rent of the hall tliey should be satisfied. That Is the first aim of the sport and not, the at taction of a big gate. The gate should be alway secondary. CONCIRATI'LATE CITY ,ox Ka.Li.ia itoxns Vrlnce Rupert Is to be congratulated on the latest sale of city bond. The price obtained aaa a good one and Is an Indication of the Increasing stability of the city and the outside opinion of the future prospects. Steadily, year by year. Prince Rupert securities have Improved In value and with careful financing they wll continue to Improve until they are among the high priced bond mi the financial market. IMMlliitAtioN MIOILD ' BE liEXElUL IN CANADA. .? ,h.' thr" hB too much of a tendency to encourage, Intmt. gratldn t 'Articular parts of Canada : while ;btrTer part equally'-fttVictlvei 'art fallowed to languish. .Just now tlx far eastern province are asserting their to consideration in this regard and KrltMi Columbia should also have DESTINED TO JOIN STATES THAT IS WHAT LONDON JOCKNAI. SEES AH KESI LT 'Of IIAVINO REPRESENTATIVE AT WASHINGTON ' "V (Edmonton. Journtj londou -Truth" hcj never been tery successful when It essayed -tihe role cf prophet regarding Canada. It forecat; that thl country would be plunged into Irretrievable bankruptcy because of the couatructlon of the, Now It is of the opinion that we are des. lined to Join the United States. The demand for separate diplomatic reprc-centttion at Washington is' regarded . cn acinous portent, along with the In creating American, investments In the dominion. Despite the act that certain Canadian publicists and politicians will angrily dUinlas the suggestion money, It thinks; will "in the modern vvurlst have its way In the long lun, NICE PEOPLE To be sure, the editor goes on to say, all nice people favor English connection. They come to London every year and have many friends here. Some ct them even bear English titles. But In democracy It is not the nice but tb costy people who govern. The distinction drawn in the above U1 be resented by all Canadians, regardless, of their views about the futur of the country, It shows how HtU "Truth" appreciates our deep rooted at tachment to the motherland- It neve. would have survived, in the face of so many contrary influences, if it hac been; confined to those that the writer of the above has In mind when 1m ipeaKs of nice" people. Of the most ardent supporters of the British connection the great majority have never teen Lowland and have no intimate re lation with rnybody there. .MONEY INFLUENCE As to the effect of the American notkey that is coming into Canada in ;uch large volume, it can hardly stlnv ulate any tendency that may exist to words continental political ui-lon, whin til the other factors that would natur-Uly be expected to work tn that direction have for so long proved powerless to create any strong sentiment tor a change. There must be something very real in our desire to remain a British country when for all these years we nave resisted the Influences exerted b our geographical position, alongside a notion so much Uite powerful than cur own. During the early stages of its growth the United States was mainly developed with British money, but It cild not alter In rny respect the course of American political progress. IS NOT SI RE "Truth" is not sure whether the absorption of Canada under the Stars snd Stripes would be a benefit or a calamity. This statement is a modified echo of the talk that was heard in Britain at the middle of last century about those "wretched colonic." of which I, was hoped the mother country would soon be relieved. A great change In BrltlUi rentlment towards the outlyin; domirjou has tsken place since then and it Is Impossible to believe that any doubt now exists among the great majority of the people there as to thi need of preserving the empire an I strengthenliiR the bonds between its different portions. - SEVERAL NEW BOOKS ON LITERATURE AND ART AT THE LIBRARY Several books on literature and art have recently been added to the public library as follows: "Sartor Resttrtus and Heroes snd Hero Worship." by Corlyle. "Far Horlwna," by Bliss Carman. "Standard Canadian Reciter," by French. "Plays,. Sixth Series," Oalsworthy, "Odyssey," by Homer. "Winnowed Wisdom," by Leacockv "Ar6und Hme by McArthur, 1 miwter Beatrice; Ardlani and Barbe Bleue," fjy Maeterlinck. Juno and the Paycock: Shadow of a her share. There are the lands adjacent to tl.e Canadian National Railway open : Gunman," by O'Casey. to settlement and.' the lands. These at any rate.shouid receive considers-1 "Modern American Poetry," by Unter-tlon in any. Dominion scheme for the bringing in of European settlers to take ne3r' up lands, . . 1 "Make your Bazaar Pay," by Burt, Winchester AMild,Blended Cigarette Every package of Winchester Csiarams contains s poker hand SSMTtSwd. , eaa Uks Inserts they are vslwsMa in exchange for packs el high grade pteylng cards, etc, THta. DAILY KVffWS THURSDAY. OtTOBKIl 7 t81 1 THE MAN IN THE MOON ayot 'n The deer are said to be wild around here. So arc some of the dears. The latest fall fictions tells pf the uumber that were shot yet got away.. This would be a pretty good old world If we ' were only allowed to, pick off a few people who are so obnoxious I bet my money oh Cardinals And" then the Yanks I backed. And then 1 shifted ground once more But again a winner lacked. If I only was quite sure which sldo was going, to win,, I think I could pick up a little easy money. The city bonds are going up and my finances are going down. How is ltt I'm going to buy some city bonds' If ever I get the cash, But Judging by the trend of things I'm headed for a smash. The editor says he published thv. story about Mrs. Ross tn Florida au that local people could think how .t would have been If yesterday's gale had been three times as fierce. Power Is the thing we're all worrying about. 'Some want it for the city am Mine--for themselves. Mitch. Albert wants us to treat our visitors weU. Zounds, man, I thought Prince Rupert always did that. Aha I Ohol What hoi A ship went ashore In a fog down near Vancouver yesterday despatches stated. And all the time there was a, gale blowing her In which no fog could possibly live. Ten Years Ago Ir Prince Rupert OCTOISKli 7, 1916 The serious situation that has arisen tn the local halibut Industry through j the bait shortage was taken up at last night's Board of Trade meeting st which J. T. Chawner Williams, fisher tea Inspector, was present. Messrs. Cunningham and Mclntyre, members cf the Advisory Board, will be In Prince Rupert shortly and the matter will be taken up with them, Ct W KtrVMinn ft,-. ,- -. stderit cf' She Board of Trade and U IS De Cex Is acting temporarily. Mi "Nlckerson resigned because he finds !t impossible to be In the city at all times. The Prince Rupert branch of the Can adian Bed. Cross Society has raised 410,000 since the war began It was announced at the annual meeting when Judge Young, president, and,, all last year's oaieers were re-elected. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert T. a. OaVrett. R. Wilson, C. Buchan an, D. T. Davidson. A. farrow, D. C. Scott. A. Dj Calkins, Lome McCutchsoj ana u. a. wicxens, Vancouver; E. l. Nauthrup, Seattle: R. F. Clarkson, Toronto; Alex. H. Carmlchael and ' E. P. Jones, Prince Rupert: H. W. Chambers. Inverness; C. R. Gilbert, Mrs. M. Oretg snd Mrs. T. E. Brooks. Terrace; Mrs. T Dawe, Balmorsl; Mrs. O. H. Bleecker. Queen Charlotte City: O. F. Johnston. Sydney, Australia; W. A. McDonald ana P. Johnson. Edmonton; Mrs. Oeorge Wright snd son, 8mitbers; Mrs. E. II. L McLean, Nakusp; Mrs. C. L. Monroe. Atlln; A. King, C.NK. TERRACE Emll vHaughland lef V ot Sunday for Vancouver on ' buslni-u rnrltti the Wnrk, man's- . Cornpensatlon Bbard resulting from 'his' accident In the woods here over a "year ago, 4 J. tSesjirdlne of Anyos? and whose family live here, la In the Prince Ru pert hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Ms daughter, Agnes. left here on Monday for Prince Uu- pert and will remain there for som time. Mrs. J. Raven and her daughter, Mrs. II. C. Creeiman. and children of Lu cerne, who have spent several weeks at Kalum Lake, returned to Terrace on Tuesday. Mrs. Creeiman will spend a short time at her mother's home here before returning to Lucerne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haven of th Laielse Hatchery were in town at the beginning of the week. Mrs. M. A. Grclg left on Wednesday to spend a few days in Prince Itupert, Mrs. W. If. Burnett entertained the B. D. Bridge Club on Tuesday evening. Miss Yvonne Cote left on Monday XI take a position In Prince Rupert, White playing at school on Tuesday, John Smith, son, of, Mr, and, Mrs, Murdo Smith Injured . one., of his knees rather badly and as a result will hav a few extra holidays from school Mrs. H. O. Bleeker of Queen Char lotte City and formerly of Terrace, whu haa spent thr past three weeks as the guest of Mrs, M. A, Orelg, left on Wednesday for Prince Rupert where she will spend a few days en route home. A daughter was born at the Terrace Hospital 6u Tuesday, October 8, to Mr. errace Hospital. .mmttWW I rSBBBBBBBBBBBW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ssastell' --7 A kWW bbbbbbbV.' m AwLWWWm BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ssbbBhsssssssbh EXERCISE NO. 4 For Strengthening Abdominal Muscles TYING down, hand JLef at sides. Raise left knee up toward chest, grasp knee with both hands and pull down hard. Try to touch chest with knee. Then straighten lee and drop arms to sides. First left knee, then right knee and finally both knees. A. Clare wa aln from his mine ft .anarsdol on Tuesday. t'ONcir.NTinr akitiimctic New office boy. I've added those fig I'.res up ten times, sir. Employer Oood hoy! "And here's the ten answers, sir I WATER NOTICC. Dlfsrsoa sne Use T.UK Notii t. that iirvllbi Cannery uisny, I til., atxife addrros ' ft-iiue Wharf. Vsurirfiver. B.C.. will aiM r a llct'ure tn use and iiw n s-alkiu. vt miiuile ir in-r i r small Hr-nu, iImi klwtsu as Mill siiniu. tili-b fluwo ii)irllH-sl Slid drsius into JrdS) Harbor .Imiiii I mi yard ifrliirsi uf soiillimsl iMit-r of Toso Minnie r.lnni. Tl" ser Villi be diverted from I fx- ttrrsiil St S - ilnl about eon ferl frnui lt itxiuth n a Miuilivtrsu-rly dimctsin, and will e ufil for Industrial imrisi iixn the end described st W.i sries ihirtliesM of I'uirii Mlninr I'lslin. This noin-e vtss polled 11 lltt sroliml irfi llu Bih il.r i.r kpnii.ii I. er. lOiii. A or this imtlre snd sn smilii'stliiii t'lirsnaiil thereto snd to the mt-r Art' will le filed In the ufflc i.f iln- Water llproidrr at I'riiMe niipert. II. l'. oblertluns in tlx application may l iiVl Willi Jbe said Wsi-r Mr,)riW or wiiij ttu fi-riipinilier uf Waier Itlahls. .'srlisiiieiit llul liltfisr. ViHiirla. H.r . wiih- lu thirty days slier the first aiiiiraranrf I this potlre in a loral iipi-i. The uaie or uie rirsi mjiirsu.iii tins IMI. ire is iiiiMM-r a. isjo. miiuv iivii 1 1- f'vwrnv r-it t ti. . . . I'll'., . . Applicant. By rrxl iHrlM Msihers, Arnt. WATCH NOTICI Diversion and Use TAkE KOTia: that II, I). k)e, Ihi.i. address li Wransell, Alstks, suit Telrrraph i;reek, II, :., lit apply for s license lu isse suu use s.iiiiv miner s lliriics flow of water out uf Bucks llnlrh nhlrh tiUa essirny nun ueaic v-reea. me water will Ik diverted frcnn ttie stream st a point about two mi Irs up thf stream from lis niriuth lulu Iicasr Creek slid will be used for lij-draiille minliir purtes upon beach nairr i miiiia unimn SIHI IIPSriuei SS rn-i'n ,u. i.u Slid II. I tklllnM n.. twisted nil the truuhd un tte 13rd day of July ISIS, A cpy f this nolle snd s'u application pursuant iherrui and to the "Water Art, will lie filed In the i.frire nf Ihe Objertirms t'j the siiplicatl'ii" may In- filed ami ilm Mid Water Hecurder fir un me iNiipinnier or wsier i t ill. Parliament Iliilldinis, Victoria, II C within thirty days after the flr.i inium'r.n... of this notice in the local newspaper. The date of th flrl niibllrsilon of this II. P. kViy, Apphcant. LAND ACT. Nitlce it 'ntsntlon to Apply to lease Land. Ib sv . BecordiBir Tilllrlct of Prince Iliie ' and sliuite nn noith shore of an Unniliied Bay n loiitli-Vest r.nasl if fit lUid, ihoiii one mile ent frwn jiiurr I tint TAke iriTICB that K noiissesii, of Lows lBi"t P . vines nf British rnlnnihl. nrm. psUoi,. Came-r Msnarer, Intends in stily for es5 'if the fullnwlnr desrrllieil lamls; .Hii-,ei . iv ii a pi i pianiea on Hie shore o' 'il unnaiueil hay on the south. neM i out of Hit Idsnil. shoiil fint miu east m bljff Poli.t thence north iwenty chains; 'hencp est twenty rhslns) Uimce se-iith iwenty chains, more nt less, to Utah Water Msrki thenee followioa IHah water mark westerly to point of nnimnenreinent, snd rnntslnlnr elrldy seres, more or Ifts. Minn uiy auin, il". E. nOUBSRAU.. Applicant, V PENMANS LIMITED Paris - Ont- EXERCISES FOR BUSY MEN '"PH16 U one ol series of A tight Penmani Under, wear exercile iJvcrtlte. mtnts. Clip out each one at It appears and you will have complete ltt. Do the exer-dies evtry morning nd you will toon note an improve-rncnt in health and vigor. the quality underwear '"PHOUSANDS of men, women and children have found in Pcnmans 95 a permanent solution to their underwear problems. This famous garment is light'in weight and fine of texture yet it gives the solid comfort and warmth you would expect to find only in underwear of much heavier weight. ' Penmans 95 is the finest, most serviceable product of Canada's foremost underwear manufacturers. For years it has led the way giving longer, better wear and satisfaction than any other underwear made. Your dealer will gladly show you 95. Made in two-piece and union suits for men, women and children. Look for No. 95 on the label. 6 end Mrs. Hllljsrd of Ktlsumkalum This la the first birth tn the new HEALTH UNDERtDEAR., Consider The Squirrel Ik' lily III lii wintt'r fiiiif- wlnlr (lit -hoi-e i p nut! therf an nlniiithiuro. When wiiiicr arrivrn. i-d(o, ln irr!ireilnsi nvf linn a lot if worry and hi veiiieiirt". Mnii sfdii! o lie I lie iiiu-t iinj'niMilf lit rrfrtlurf many of im never Ihink or Ihe winter' fiieliijiiy nnl. eulil ip'll i on n. yet we exieel niuiil ilcliverie well ireiiretl dry fuel. l.ny in yuiir winter' Uu-k r i-nal now wiltiotit tn veiiieiieing- yourself. We liae it Rood oek f Inrd NANAIMO-WELLINQTON COAL find rnn deliver il In you ul nnytime to uil you. IMi ii now al 116 or 1 1. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Steamship and Train Service 0SIIIHSS from PRINCg SlUPCNT for VASJCOUVSH, VICTORIA, SEATTlt. each THUtttDAV ad SUNDAY, 11.00 p.m. fur ANVOXWBONISDAV 1000 pm. For STIWART SATURDAY , 10.0o p.m. S.S. PRINCg JOHN for VANCOUVIR via QUtEN CHARLOTTt ISLANDS fertnlghlli, , PASStNOIR TRAINS LCAVK PRINCal RUPSRT dlly t.ccpt Sunday ! II.SO a.lli. for PRINCI QSOROg. KDMONTON. WINNIftO. (II puinta laslera Cinada, L'Dlle.1 Slates. Agency all Octsn Slssmshlp Llntsa Us Canadian .litlonal Eipreis for Vlsney oyders, lorntn Cbeoues ef. Iio for your ikm shipment. City Tlckit Otfles. BJS Third Are., Prlacs Rupert. sh,n t0. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED stllins (roiu prince Rupert, or VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA. Swsasen Isi, sn Alsrt Bsy, Tw.sfJst. IP! y VANOOUVSR. VIOTORIA. Alsrt Bay, sn Iw.n.on 10 A- for PORT SIMPSON and Nsas rTUse Csnnsrlsi, Thuridsy m roe PORT SIR0N. ANVOX, A LICK ARM, BTIWART. -.,, 2nd SMITH, Atsal of,,, a,,,,, a FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! I-W Infoniirtiloii Ipmlltig lo the wlierfinlimil" of LAYTON t .. ..;l"T ,lli,,r,l,n,lMl fr,),n Mmc in Vlclnrin, H.O. April, tHJ.,. I,nyloii U IHj-cnrrt nf ngy run) ms fnlr luiiiv Itic eye, we Ighg about tr.U II,. nn.l nbont five feel nine iiu: ics InlL llu was Inst Iieur, f M, llprp iu,crl uislrict. Coinriiiniicate wilh Theo. Miles, 3425 Cook 8treet, Victoria, B.C. 4