I paq& row CAIL7 IlLTwS TnuftPD.T OTTOBKh 7 iB34 WHIST LEAGUE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMarnis I JUST CN'TREOTHBOOK H F i 'l-l ,'S.J .L.'S.' :'rr:2-l fTlHtTxi.--- ' .. 1 1 I ! , HAS MEETING YOUR MOTHER LCPT FOR ME.AH' ilfQhW IH" ? B I 5 AT J THl! 1 lEWMs, i rALlOMUiM J J STorVinthJctboo I 'iNrED-reJ J ETtI MU Thb SToKy. Jl ELECTION .OF OFFIl'KKS AM) PLAN! FOR 19?-2J XEASOX CONSTITr- 'itKU. lUSINrJti.S 1ST' NK1IIT 0 -d : -l 1 The annual . meeting .of the Fraternal-Vhlst League was held last night, business Including the election ot officer and consideration or plans for the 1926-27 season. It Is expected there will be nine (Mm In tv tnn tMHnM , . -. w.a. aaavuw nytlVU KUU lour In the ladles'. Officers were elected as follows; President Mayor 8. M. Newton. First vice-president Mrs. Jos. "'Howe Second vice-president H. M. Blake. Secretary-treasurer Fred Werrnls The following were the teams entering ' last night and their delegates: MEN'S SECTION' St. Andrew's J. Watson. r i knights' of Pythias IL M. Blake. Elks W. E. WlUlscroft. . .Moose Fred Scadden. " 'Oddrellows J. McLean. St. Oeorge's Society F. J. Fuller. ; . Native, Sons of Canada Oeorge John- stone. MIMES' SECTION .Moose Ladles Mrs. Oawthorn. Pythian Sisters Mrs. W. N. Hoss. St. OeorgeV Society Ladles Mr. Jos. In the men's t- .Hlon, the Great War Veterans and Loyal Orange Lodge are ' jji'f itj A5e heard from and the Orange Ladles in the ladles' section, The Knights of Columbus have definitely i'wlthdf awn -from the men's section. The place of play has not yet been decided upon and the matter has been left' for the attention of the executive. BASKETBALL' . IS ASSURED TE..)IS IV EKE ENTEKEII IN FOlll LEAdl ES AT MEETING LAST l" EVE.MN'O Competition Is assured for this wln-' tier 'in Senior, Intermediate, Ladles and Junior Basketball leagues and within a week or so the Prince Rupert Basketball Association expects to have the schedule going in all these leagues. At a large- ,lyj attended and enthuslastlo meeting of the Association last night, the Ex hlbltlon Hall was selected as the venue for the games, and many teams reported they would be ready for action as soon as the season opens. The following teams are already lined up: 8enior League Sons of Canada' Orand Terminals and team to be oh ganlzed by Dave Balfour. Intermediate League-. Grotto ana Grand Terminals. Ladles League Maple Leafs. Kalens and team to be organized by MUs Wllla.Dyer,. , . Junior League Colts, Stars and Tuxls Boys. '- At" another meeting to be held next Wednesday, teams will be reglsterea arid trje first playSng dates set. vANCLICAN BADMINTON I CLUB IS REORGANIZED l&Elertlon of Officer -and Other IIulncs , at Meeting Last Evening 'The' annual meeting of the Angllncan Badminton Club took place last evening when officers were named as follows: "" President W. E. Fisher, Captain H. T. Cross. Secretar Max Collison. -Executive The officers with Miss L. ' M. Ellett and Mrs. a. A. Rlx. Arrangements were made for subscrip tions from Junior and Senior members and it. was. left to the executive to draft a set of bylaws which will be submitted at the' next meeting. , SPORT CHAT It was decided to retain the name Prince Rupert Hotel tor the team li the crlbbage league that It was origin ally intended to name New Empress Hotel. The Elks have withdrawn from the league and the Grotto hai entered to take 1U place. This means there will be twelve teams to take part In the crlbbage competitions this winter. The league will start next Monday d the schedule for the season wlU published tomorrow. Bad weather has been Interfering with the activities of the Intermediate Football League lately and, for thsv reason, there will be on game this evening. It Is proposed now to hav the remaining game between the Y Macs and High School early next week and the final with the High School IT one Is necessary toward the end of the 'week. YORKIE PRINCE WAS LEADING WINNER IN PAST RACING SEASON W1NNIPEO, Oct. 7. Yorkle Prince, owned by George Addison of Calgary, proved the leading winner of the racing season over the circuit in Western Canada which has Just closed. This sterling Western Canada bred -won six races, and took one third. His total winnings amounted to 13.665. Add-on ranked seco 'd among all the owners, hi point of earnings. IUi varl- p f If! fl Miff Bmna fl. Mm4 O bus entries won 4205 of the purse' money. A. C. Tarn of Winnipeg Was ! second with winnings of 3.330. while : J. B. McCinn, Hinsdale, 111., topped the fceason on the western tracks with $4,930. HUMANNATURE i IN ADVERSITY MHSt MAIUOItlE ItOSS, FORMERLY OF TEKKACE. TEI4.S 1 1 KTI1EIC 1 OF I LOK1IIA TltOt 1U.F.S I WORK OF RED CROSS ! St'ltAMnLE FOK IIEST FOOl AND PLENTY OF IT AMONO SOME OF RESIDENTS Mrs. Marjorle Ross, whose story o! . the Florida hurricane was read "with much lnverest yesterday, writes further of characteristic scenes In connection with reconstruction and Red Cross work, She says: Reconstruction brings Its character tests as well as the calamity did. Som-. standing up well under It, who'' fallen before, while others brave In, the lac of danger show a selfish streak now As soon as the arrival of a train, pu a stop to the potential panic of a food shortage, so many Instead of showinii a natural gratitude for a sufficiency o. food, were as critical of the food obtainable as a tourist at the height ot the Miami season.' Others who bough only the best at ordinary times, accept ed pleasantly, whatever the storekeepers had ' to offer. At first It was difficult to regulat. the distribution of Ice and bread, etc while It came in very small quantities I saw one household that had manages by dint of sending out different members, to get almost a loaf of bread apiece, while hundreds of household still had none. By the same subterfuge another household had managed to obtain more Ice than their refrlgera tor would hold and it stood in a pan while the north end of town hao none. Of course things were organize later so thas was Impossible. j CLEARING AWAY The first few days efforts at clearing up were individual and scattered. Making houses rain proof was of paramount Importance and roofing was at a premium. The agencies, as far as 'possl ble. endeavored to 'divide the supply o hand so every family . might hav. enough to protect one room. COt NCIL MEETING 'The fourth or fifth evening after the s tor in the days run Into each other in so headlong a fashion, I can't remember Just which the town council held a special meeting which wat largely attended by the puMlc. Th meeting was held In the second storey of a building which had lost 1U roo- and walls. The moon was Just rising. with, a palm tree silhouetted against U as per Florida advertisement and ttu men were grouped round a table wltl. a lantern on It, with the ceaseless traffic of the Dixie Just below.' An Inad vertant step would send one crashing down Into its midst. Matters of public Interest were discussed. First and foremost ame the Red Cross. Indignation had run rather high that there were quite a number of people who could well afford to sup port themselves were dejending on th Red Cross for everything, while other who needed help but were too prous ' to seek It were in actual want. It wa decided at the request or at least with the consent of the Red Cross to appoint a couple of local men familiar with conditions to help at the R.C. headquarters and act In an advisory capacity. FIRE HAZARD Then in times like this the subject of fire is Important. For the sake cf public health refuse must be burnt and yet deprived of the usual protection of our beautiful new fire engine which had been commandeered to pump water to the hospital at Hollywood, and wRh wreckage everywhere Its' menace sssssssM 'sssssB- ' Pleasant Odor Made In inLLS l Vncour. fUtS. MOTHS B.C. Mosquitoes IK&iUG&ANTS IB Deretoped at World's Forenmt ScimU&c Industrial Ruearch Institute. Will not stasn. Plcaunt odor. Hafml cm to humans J sod animal. At Your Retailer as great. Then ways and means of pressing very man Into service were dlscusseci nd more or less satisfactory plan aade. RED CROSS WORK A day at the Red Cross branch here s full of interest. When lettuce and uch luxuries were unobtainable at th .tores, frequenters of the Red Cron purned anything but the freshest uuches. Of. bread too they were crtt. cal whev It was not obtainable at any 'rice at the stores. Some who wdula lave paid any jrlce came In and ther shamefacedly accepted free as he Red Cross could, of course, take no noney. Of course there were ways of oaklng It right with one's conscience. Vhlle I was there, one woman refused j-een peas very haughtily because they vere7 not early June peas. When the clothes began to come In hlngs were' even more interesting. One Toman was as fussy and snippy- snd equlred as much waiting on as Billionaire might in transferring her pat-onage to a new place. She Came at a rather slack time so the whole voluntary staff Joined In waiting on hei assuring such a color was becoming and the cut of another dress of the latest. The climax came when she spied a hat. Hats are not a necessity ere nd seldom worn except on morn ir less formal occasions. A Japanese 'axasol glv.es more protection and ! cooler, while lots of people use neither 3he tried the hat on at different an-Ilea, worried as to whether It woulo -take her lock sallow. She was assured n all sides It was most becoming. Ont tound oneself missing the obsequlour Madam" in the assistants. These , of course represent only . jnall minority of the people. Most or them accept the aid of the Red Cross U the spirit It Is given and are vtft grateful for Its timely help, The traffic on the Highway Is heavle. than It has been for months. Though a steady stream of cars go north, ther ; is Just as steady a stream coming south, cars bearing tags of a dozen states cau be seen any time by watching ten or fifteen minutes the ceaseless flow. NOTE OF SHORT SKIRTS TABOO IN INDIA PRESS CHICAOO, Oct. 7. For a newspaper to headline on. the front page "something about short skirts for women" would bs unthinkable In India, says K. 8. ShtU vankar. 21 year Old .Journalist frcm Ma- idras, who will study at the University of Wisconsin. When nineteen, be' was editor of the Toung Thfrosophlst (Adyar, Madras). "The graver press of India, which strcsies the guidance of public opinion concerning serious affairs of state, knows no comic strips," he said. SCHEDULE OF FIRST HALF BILLIARD LEAGUE The following' Is the schedule for first half of the Billiard League season: OCTOIIER 8 Tigers vs. Lions. 12 Cougars vs. Beavers. IS Bearcats vs. Tigers. 19 Lions vs. Cougars. 22 Beavers vs. Bearcats.' 2J Tigers vs. Cougars. 29 Bearcats vs. Lions. .NOVEMItER 2 Beavers vs. Tigers. 8 Cougars vs. Bearcats. 9 Lions vs. Beavers. 12 Tigers vs. Bearcats. 18 Beavers vs, Cougars. 19 Lions vs. Tigers. 23 Bearcats vs. Beavers. 2d Cougars vs. Lions. 29 Tigers vs. Beavers. DKCEMIIKK 3 Lions vs. Bearcats, 7 Cougars vs. TIscts. 10- Beavers vs. Lions. 14-Bearcata vs. Cougars. PROSECUTIONS FOR CUTTING t k FISH PRICES EASTPORT. Me . Oct 7 Fishermen in this vicinity are watching with Intes-est the efforts of the Canadian government to enforce the law which fixes the price ofjardlnea for export it 110 per hogshead? The regulation has been meeting jwlth defiance on the part of iome of the Canadian fishermen in the aearby rjshlng: settlements, who have been cutting the price In order to dls-lose of their catches. A -cruude agalost such price-cutting a now being waged by officials of the 'anadlan department or fisheries, and ctlon has' been taken against a score :f Paasamaquoddy Bay fishermen coa-Icted of selling sardines at less than the stablisbed price. The punishment Imposed by the government In some pi hese caes has consisted of suspension f the weir owners' licenses, while In jthers the licenses have been declared .orfeited. Difference of 'opinion prevails'' among he fisherfolk over the government's ollcy in attempting to regulate the rlce. While a majority of the Cina-lian fishermen are said to be in favor if the established price, others are vigorously opposed to It. They contend hat the price should be governed by th aw of supply and demand and that th rice law is bringing depression rather han prosperity to the Industry. JOYS' BAND TO HELP CELEBRATE j - (. OFFERS SERVIf ES TO OIVE FITTING HEf tPTIO.V TO GRAIN Mill" COMING HERE The Boys' Band have offered their ervices to tne Board of Trade to help in celebrating the arrival of the first raln ship. The following letter ha.i been received by the Board from th band committee: "We U-g to offer our services of Princ Hupert Boys' Band to your board to assist in jout planned celebration of arrival of first steamer to load grain at this port. The band may be used in any way you think best and its services of course are donated free of charge on occasions of this kind. We thought perhaps it might be a good idea for the Boys Band to line up on the dock In their new uniforms and play the Japanese National Anthem as It comes Into port. With this end In view we have wired Vancouver for a band set of this music to be sent us as none can bo had For Wanted Sale n ati v For Rent 2c per word in WANTED. WANTED. ONE RELIABLE MAN IN every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best customs-made clothes in Canada. Highest cum missions. Rex Tailoring Co. Ltd, 1o-ronton (2)' t WANTED. BRIGHT YOUNO WOMAN ..for Ladles' Ready to Wear. Start i once. 8plendid opportunity for th right person. Bent's. Third Avenue, or Phone Oreen 709. OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. FOR- ward description and price to Vox -329 Dally News dfflce. 234 WANTED. OIRL FOR OENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. Oeorge Little. Terrace. B.C. 23 WANTED SECONDHAND SAFE CHEAP. P.O. Box 317. Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE. PRICE RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE At quality Alaska allvrr foxes, limited number; blue faxes, three year In pen; pen tamed marten; and lSu interior Alaska and Yukon Territory fine dark mink, all highest quality, pen raised for four years. All rr this foundation stock selected by on-or Alaska's oldest fur buyers. Fur price and further Information, enquire of Mrs. II. J. Bradbury, Prince Rupert or Goldstein's Olaeler Fu Farms, Juneau, Alaska. 23l ' ' "i - i j 1 1 I -M ' FOR BALE, r- MODERN SIX ROOM house. lawn and garden, conservator), chicken house, furnished or unfurnished. 1.000 down, balance M 00 per month with small Interest. Arthur Bailey. P.O. Box 3W, 341 6th Avenue West. Phone Black 338. Why Pay Rent? rOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT AN Es tate, we artr authorised to sell several lota, some comers, harbor view, at.d on sewer. Prices low and tern- from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClytnont. tf FOR SALE, PIANO-CASED ORGAN and severs! suites of furniture. A'l good a new. Call suite , Wsldrou or phone Red 390. Nothing for sail after Monday. 'OH SALE FOURTEEN OOOD HORSES Apply at Skeena Lumber Co, Usk, B.C.. or Oeorge Rorle. Hays' Block. Prince Rupert, B.C. 240 TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAll and used onl one week. Price W. Pullen. Dally News. j TOR SALE, CHEAP. HALF A TOI OF oio newspaper. Apply Dally News. r FOR SALE. BABY BUOOY, OOOD A8 new. Phone Blue 148. 337 TO RENT FOR RENT 8MALL FURNISilED house, 1000 Eleventh Avenue, neat Cold Storage Phone Blue 238. FOR RENT PIANOS, PLAYEit- pianos, phonographs and sewing ma-chines. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf 1 - -i - FOR RENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms; fire plaet; close In. Max Hellbroner. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE; UN- Obstructed marine view. Apply 313 Fourth Avenue East. . FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT oy day, week or month. Phone Retl tf MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD. TUB INLANDER, 830 orcona Avenue, rnone 137. LOST. LOST,-BUNCH OP KEYS. NEAR COM mercls: Hotel, Finder please return to Dally New Office. 333 LOST, nLACK CAT WIJH BOBBED tall, Phone Black 103, 235 In town." The letter has been handed over to the entertainment committee of the board who will work In conjunction with a committee recently appointed by th city council to help carry out the ar rangement and doubtless the valuable services of th boy will b accepted. ruciie n Acoinrn a no advance.' No Advertisement taken for test than 50c MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MOKEY AT HOME - MEN AND women can earn II to 13 an hour in spare time writing ahowcards. No canvassing or soliciting. W instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhennlt Company Limited, et Dominion Building, Toronto. FOUND FOUND - FIVE BASEBALL BATS. Ap ply Daily News Office ANOTHER J3IQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. l-m Ton tUililjr H. pres. CliaMf-i 825.00 Vf Ton l.ighl Delivery Cliaaaia f 030.00 Touririfr anl ltom!lir I 815.00 porl ltoailUr 880.00 Coach anil Coupe $1020.00 Sw'an 11135.00 t.antlau .... l 185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Forl !.ibi IHIveirvi opfn bo.ij- ... , t 75.00 I Ford f.iptiL Delivery, panel hotly 1150.00 I 1'nr.l Light llAlivcry, larlr equipment .... 1550.00 I Ford Tudor Snlnn. flarler wulprncnt .... 1300.00 I OI(Jmnll 5-ppii- ftor Tourlnft, 1082 ... fCOO.nfl Term can lx arranged an hniii new rind ud mm lo uH th" ........ 1. e KAIEN QARAQE Halr-M In Cadllac. McLayqhlln, Oakland, Oldsmoblle, Pontlac and Chevrolet Car Phone 52 NEW CAR PRICES Itiinalioiil ir8!.(rtl Sport HoaiNlpr nun no Touring 00200 f'"Pe ; 7nt.oo Tudor feednn 700 no forrlor So.'lnn ........ Rniioo Mgiu Delivery r02.00 Truck oHt.no These prices Include freight, taxes, seir starter and balloon tires. Call or telephone for demonstration or driving Icsmhis. S. E. PARKER, LTD., Aulhorlred Ford Sales and Service FORD ' Cara Trucks Tractor TAXI Phone 07 Taxi ' 1 (Call neorse. Paul nr fiuM Six and Seven Panscnifcr Sludo nakor.a at your disposal any lime. HU3S BROS. POOL ROOM Mesker Block. rrna from F-tnoraa Ifnlnl. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tlll'lmiiiv firTiiL'ii ,nh 1:61 ajn. 10 a tt 13:10 pm. 203 " o 7:15 a.m. 8.8 19:38 p m. 8 4 " I It III A V. 0('TOii:it a "'Jh 1J8 am. 201 . 13:4.1 n m on a tW 7:48 a m 11 20:08 pm, 4.8 " MATI IIIUY, onroiii u 0 '"ih 3:41 am. 20.1 ft. 14:4n n in 414. low 8:41 am. rtd I ,4c MAILCHEDULE OIT-flOING For I he rat Mondays, Wednesdays and Bstortl closes I0j To Vastrvutrr Suixlsya 10 It : Tueaday 4: Thursday 1'! :i : Saturdays III Cr.M. Oct 12 and 23 pm, To .). .tike Arm, Ktenarl ts mlrr BunJay , To Ft. !lmpwn tnil Nsm Rlmsaitj Thursdays . . , (i To Alaska ralals October S and U . To -turllte October $ and 2J T Anynx and Alter Arm Wedneadar ii-l TO llrart and rrrmlr Balurdayi l-(OMISl From I be FjiM , Mondays, Wednewtaya and rr.diji : IK It ma taniuirr Sunday WMtadyi lOJIil PHday . . Saturday 10.i CJn, October and It I lam An)ov Altre Arm, Measit ITrmi-r Tuesdays I rom rt. Klmpoon and 'a Rtr, f Saturday . . . . From Alska rolnl October 12 and 23 From Ufrn ( Mrlollr October 7 and II I ruia Anyns and Allee Arm Thursdsr 1 From Mfarl and rrrralrr Sunday IMIX l LUTI(.sa k.H. rt, Orshsm tma Atrs. . Ill Ml Ate in st. .. l lt (III Atn. a rulloa SI. . I IS I II lib Ate A Thmtipto! t It IK II a SVnrwi Ate, t.10 'II II Ate. Coortd L . f.tl .4I 'th Ate. iuy Cot . I II 'lh 4 ll) ce Clrrle ( II ' (th Ate. a Cotton l (,k " sill Ave. a MrBrlde l ( 41 (C rn. niti. nidn. t ie f I'M Oott. Whsrf . . l ' II OT.F. Whiff lA.aa ill O.T.P. Sltllon - III ' T.St fnd Ate. At trvl ai. ta is II int Ate. A mil' St.. 10.11 III Ird Ate. A AIM St. .. lO.tO III STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT For Vancouver txutdar- -ml. Prinee Ruoert H I Tuesday cardrna . Thusrdsy--a Frlne Oeors '! BaturdsT- as. Catala . . 10 1 Saturday as, Frlnress Beatrice H Oct. 12 -as. rrlnces Msry Oct. 82, sa. Princess Mary From Vanroiiirr Sucday Cardena Wednesday as. Ft, Oeorge 1050 Friday-aa. Catala Saturday . pr. nuoert 1036 Saturday -a, Prlncrss Dcatrtci October 8. PrlnreM Msry October 18 m. Prince Mary For Fort lnion and Na BUrf maay -sa. CaUla From Fort Hlmrnoa and Naas Klir Saturday a. Catala For Mett, ,nyo and Alice An Sunday-HK Gardens I From Meaar-. Anyot and -Alice uaay Cardena For Mewart Saturdaya. Princ rtunert 10 1 From Mrnart 8unday. a, pnnc, rtupert For (ueen Clinrliilles Oct. 9-. Princ Charle Oct. 2.1--. prince Charles FriHii Queen riisrlotle Oct. 7 . Princ Charle . Oct, 21s. princ Charle For Anjo Wednesday. Prince Oeoree 10 I From Anvnv ThUrdar-. Prlnra nenrre II For flrHnrt Saturday as. Prlnca nunert.. 10 P From Klewart . Sunday aa, princ Rupert For Alaska Oct 8--. prlnceii Mary. Oct; 18a. Princess Mary From Almka Oct, 12 as. Princes Mary. Oct. 22--aa. Princess Mary. 21:11 pin. i i Advertise in th Daily