25 TAXI Boston Gr and Ambulance Servico Anvwhara at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotal, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVI. No. 235. BRITISH ST. LOUIS, October 7. The New Tor Yankee went one up In the World Betiei when they defeated 61. Leu is Cardinal three to two In the fifth came of r.e aerie tbla afternoon. It wa a thrilling extra inning battle in which 6t. Louts m even with the Yanks at the ninth inning, the Yankee putting the oii.nn run over the home plate in an eitra frame. Sherdel waa on the mound for St Louts and came within an ace of It-Cwiiiif hlmaelf tor the low of the first tame. Herb Pronock once Main r : aed Um Yank to victory, thui wtuntec hU second game of the aerie. The fcjie -.ve -catcher wer Severeld and OTarreB. a The neit tame will be on Saturday POWELL RIVER : ll4 m lo the pulp and paper mil! ym, It i T O. fvttuUo. minuter of i.' 1; she presence of Lieut Oover-rt Btrdolph R. Bruce, who armed . tlttY rATIl'At-10KII.Y AMI NO-1IIINO 711 !tV BorTHAilPTON. Oct . Lord and Lady Byng arrived here today and ww olflrtalh welcomed by the mayor, the ihrrttf and a group of newspapermen On of the first Inquiries put to Lord Byng in by pre representative regarding hi constitution! power aa Oov-einor General "I think w had belter leave that alone." said the former gov-c iw Everything turned out very aat-U'actortly If the queatlon U raised at again It will b at tb Imperial Con-fcrence but at the present moment there nothing on can ey about it As I at It all worked out very welt HARDSHIPS OF WAR IN CHINA LontK i.At:. in Lit mil' om 1U ItlXll l' lACI DITUIN IIV NO"-Till UN AllMV i I. HANKOW. Chlni, Oct 7. In Wu Chang, central China' bottomlea pit' where hunger and pestilence, suffering ml death rid apocolyptlcal mounts, twelve tbouaa'nd women and children and beggar of th Impoverished class have com bringing with them almost vnbelleveabl tale of hardship from the beleagured city. Too humble to be of value a pawn In the great war gam raging for con trol of the Yangts valley provinces, th lefugee were delivered over by the northern army to the relief expedition, EDMONTON FISH MAN VISITING IN CITY YIEW TO BUSINESS P. Johnson of the Johnson Klsherlcl Lid, of Edmonton U here today In connection with the extension of hi business to, utilisation of fish caught at Prlnc Rupert. Hitherto hi firm hftv devoted 1U energle to handling- lako llh, He 1 spending a few day here nd today wa a guest at th Rotary Club at luncheon. ' when the acene will ahtft to New York where the bl how started last day. The Yank need but on more ? Ic ier y to capture the world champion- thlp. while the Cartinal will have to make it two straight now in the final game if they are to win. 1 Today wa tb (ml extra Inning ortMli ON WEDM-MiAY IIV LIl.tT , game of the 1W6 set-lea. Sherdel and MitLKNOK IlKin: AMI MIX- Pronock pitched remarkable ball with lTLK or LMm iibe St Loul moundsmen having alight- If the better of the argument with a rQWEU. RIVER, October 7 -Tunun I myUiyin alow ewe. Babe Ruth :. j twiuh which set In motion Ur fanaed once and reached first on a waunaiey psjw-maug : put Bt lout wa the first to aoore putting a counter term the pUu in the fourth with two hit. New York came Lack In th Vxth and tied up the j or xpjer ratncian. eomnnmenveo i tear but Uy' . . . . . .ti . ... II Ilk .m MtLUI.ft IIIH AIT ION Tt KM U (KT'OT ".""-" Ivxna ana lis ininrr in iiwwn at Paririr The death occurred ai the early part of this week at Encanto. California, of Jack MeCubbln. a former resident of tbl district and a brother of Troma MeCubbln of Pacific. He wa overseaa with the 102nd regiment during the war. Ur. MeCubbln leaves to mourn bit i death a widow at Encanto and a mother and brvtber at Pacific. FISH ARRIVALS Onlv four boU marketed their catche l.ere tcdsy. two Canadian and two American. Price paid tf for American 1840c and 16 80c with 8c and c for second. Canadians wer given ISJOc and 1520c with 6c and 10c for second. Arrivals were: AMLHU'AN Omaney. SB .000. to Booth Ft-herlc. Tatoosh. 18.000. to Cold Storage. I'ANAIIIAN Cape Spencer. 8.000, to AUln Kaien. 3.600. to Cold Storage. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE i Wheat B.C. Slher .. Dunwell Howe Sound Marmot Premier Porter Idaho Richmond MINERS .Cardinal Cardinal Jumped Jumped., .ahead ahead . be Posell Rlrer Paper Co.. UA. tipoi Tj,ln fjp tfi.r&tftiUTr Tbev YahWi "- it' advance la lb industrial ill tcotnX the tying run in the ninth a a ef Bri'Ab Columbia. Th new plant, tmtil of three hlte A rally In the '-. waa thua formally opened. In untb gal He lory to the Yankee lj stun the output of the local mlli three to two. Iran 2M to (00 ton dally The new jjj, tcotr a& :s ml 8SJD00.000 bringing th R II E t"Al investment of the company lo ap- Vw York 3 1 r.::ximately 131.000.000 8t Louie 2 7 8 BYNG PLEASED ''OMmramOTOF rrnnxi' DISTRICT DIEI) THIS iihtii n WITH ELECTION week at California Bid. Asked. 1.S8 1.80 140 1.11 1.18 41.00 44.00 AWV4 .0h 2.05 215 .07 .07 h .11 .13 ; OITOMill While ......v no official FERNlfc. uciuuri .. action ha yet been taken. It la gen . . i. . .... rv..,-i.-a i eraiiy uHu,kwvu .. n nnt oDnoe the re-election In East Kooteiuy oi no". a minister 01 neami suu v.. re-etbllshment. til.ll I'Ol'NTKV IOOTH.U.L, En(Mli league IHv. I. Bunderland 7, Burnley 1. atatlstlcal clerk CNJl. Hubert Prrry. here ha been transferred to Vanoou-ver and will leave for that city on th. prlnc George tonight MOST Or1 THE llH.UV lNM Wll.H LDMONTOV HEINtl MINT WEST ! AT EDJklONTON. Dec 7 - -Threshing U I well under, way In Uil district and th quality of the grain Inspected here tl j better than had been exacted. Already j almost halt a million bushels of wheal. has been Inspected here and practically all of tt hat gone west. Calgary I alo sending grain west. GRAND FORKS AND GREENWOOD TO HAVE BEER PARLORS SOON VICTORIA, Oct. 7.- The cabinet yesterday passed an order In council permitting the licensing ot beer parlor In Grand Fork and Oreenwood In accord- TAKE Pastor of Baptist Church here for past two years who ha accepted call to Nelson. VANCOUVER, Oct. 7 The motorshlp Buenos Aire which went ashore at Oow- land Point. Pender Island, was refloated at high tide last night and proceeded to Esqulmalt, dry dock for survey and re- pairs, according to a wireless message received here. NO t'OHEKIN' lt:'ORATIONS RIO JANEIRO. Oct. 8. Brazilian cltlrens, regardlra of position or rsuU, are forbidden by a new Constitutional nnce wltb the expressed wish of the peo- amendment to accept foreign decors Die of that district at a recent plcbla- tlons. Cltlrens accepting such hoiiori clto. BUENOS AIRES FLOATEDAGAIN 'will lose their rltlsenshlp. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. Br.. THURSDAY OCTOBER 7, 1988. (PKfeflflkr "jggtBgtgtgP aafc MaVty jSttktBiR ISLAM) or rOKTIKOKESE or Uouae Island, oft Corfu. r "Jkb i plcturenue and ronvoitic :i th world. Storm hare deif.r -yed parts of the aeawall and money Is tai k tot the needed repair. British Miners Decide Favor BEER SELLERS WANT CHANGES ' t AKi: lllA1lslli:i ITH PKIENT PKOIITl ANII MUX A-K I OR ( , .moke rim ilec.ls j VICTOrtlA. Oct. 7. The Time of thU 1 city says: Vancouver beer parlor oper-J a lor will com to Victoria In the next ' few days to ask Attorney General Man son and Liquor Commissioner Hugh j Davidson for change In th exUUntj beer parlor regulation. j The nature of the proposals ha noti been made known jet but It 1 under- i stood to Involve Important departure In the liquor policy of uie province. The operators of beer establishments are said to be dissatisfied with the financial return of the business of late. particularly alnce the exclusion of women from the premise and are seeking means of increasing their net earning. threshtngTn ALBERTANOW g;s Withdrawing Safety Men from Mines by Three to One Vote I LONDON. October 7. Delegate to the conference of the miners' federa- ' tlon tcdsy adopted ' a resolution Introduced by the South Wale delegates to withdraw the safety men frcm the mines. The vote In favor of withdrawal wa COO .000 to 200.000 against The conference, which U being held at Scarborough today. Is attended by 2 ,CO0 delegate and 1 presided over for the first time In history by a woman. Dame Caroline Brtdgeman. wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty. The resolution declared, above other thing, that the Trade Union Law In It present tlage menace national security and deprive the individual worker DEV. E. ft. Tt'UNEK 3f political and industrial freedom and aks for specific measures to overcome ' these. j LONDON. Oct- 7. The delegate to the conference of the Miner Federation to- iday unanimously adopted a resolution rejecting the government's latest pro- ipcsals for the settlement of the coal strike after the announcement of a district rote of 737.000 to 42.000 In favor of such action. ASKCHANGEIN STRIKE LAWS c om:rvativks in enolanh wot mi i ivi! ii ii it it tiki:v iii'.iiiki: t AI'TION I SCARBOROUGH, Oct. 7. The Conser vative party In conference here today i unanimously adopted a retolutlon urg ing a change In the trade union law , making the calling of a atrlke Illegal without a ballot of the member ot the union affected. FRENCH MAYOR HAD GREAT GRANDCHILDREN TO NUMBER OF 200 WINNIPEG. Oct 7 Loul Desautel. a pioneer of thl province, agea vi year, who died recently, waa the tther of 18 children and 1 also survived by 100 grandchildren and .200 great-grandchildren. Mr. Desautel. .who came from Quebec to St. Anes des Cbene. 60 years ago, served ther a reeve and councillor. WOMEN MIK 11 VK MANILA, Oct. 7. Twenty-elght women are among the eleven hundred can-didatea who registered with the clerk of the supreme court for the examination for admission to the bar X Circulation 1676 DRASTIC Sale SM OBJECTION TAKEN TO barely missing high tension wires car; rtog e.000 volts. He with alight Injuries. escaped & COST PLUS BASIS..0F. by Public Tender I'nder King Government . 1 ' 1 :i i . HOTEL CONSTRUCTION OTTAWA, Oct 7. The cancellation of the Vancouver Hotel contract wa because of objection to the coat plus plan of building and to tbe fact that tenden were not asked. The contract wa awarded 1" July on a ccst plus basis without tender, to th Ryan Construction Company. The hotel will be bunt but it will be by public tender and the cost plus arrangement will not be fol lowed. . The new government ha also can celled a lease between the department of railway and canals and the National Hydro Company of Montreal which waa concluded Just before the recent election and which covered the mush discussed Carillon power project on the Ottawa River. The original lease wa made to the ccmpanle by the Melghen government In 1921. It was to expire the coming December, but at th end of August It was renewed. The common report 1 that the big Shawlnlgan Company ha secured control of tV new corporation. A a preliminary to an examination ot the ahole status of the matter the government has cancelled the renewed lease. CLUBS CHARGED WITH SELLING OF LIQUOR Cae Agalnvt (irrat War Veteran and Grand Terminal are Adjourned for tl;ht Hays Tbe Great War Veteran and Grand Terminal Club were charged In the city police court thi 'morning before Magistrate MeClymont with selling liquor. These case, which are the sequel to recent convictions ot Philip La-porte and Arthur Beale on liquor selling charges, were adjourned for eight days. ARGUMENT CONCLUDED IN FUEL OIL APPEAL IIIRTII. At the Any ox Hospital, yesterday morning at 11:25 a son was born to Mr and Mr. James R. Mitchell, Gladya Kemp Both weU. ml Large Upstair Dining- Hall, with newly laid dancing floor' for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and bent for the leait. Phone 467. pr:c ACTON PITTSBURG COMES UNDER ANCIENT BLUE UWS RESPECT TO SUNDAY GAMES I New York Takes Lead in the World Series by j Winning Fifth Game NEW MILL AT Pittsburg Comes Under Blue Laws of a Hundred Years Ago Prohibiting All Sunday Games PITTSBURG. October 7. Pennsylvania' second largest city today face the prospect of a "spotless Sunday" with an additional banon Sunday sales of j tobacco and confections a strong possibility, through the "Invoking" of the blue lavs of 1794 which have been Ignored for more than a century by police oft'clil. James W. Clark, the Pittsburg director of public safety, yesterday prohibited the playing of any sport on Sunday, including football, baseball, golf, ten-nls and quoits and then declared be would enforce every phase of the "blue laws" which ban all Sunday activities but "that necessary for lite." ALAN COHHAM NEARLY HIE ELNCKLEY, England. Oct. 7. Sir Alan Cobiucn, British ace and worlds greatest long distance flyer 'who Just completed his record breaking flight to Australia and back this week, narrowly escaped death In a little moth plane today when the engine stopped. The aviator made a forced landing UNOMEENDS DEATH TRIP CAPT. 1HVIU HITt'HIE AKK1VLS HERE AH I K I'tKlHH TRIP WITH BODY OP HH I'ATHEK The halibut schooner Unome arrived In port at 1 o'clock this afternoon having on board the body of the late James Ritchie. lather of David Ritchie, skipper cf the boat. The .remains are being turned over to the B.C. Undertakers to be prepared tor burial It Is believed that the death of the late Mr. Ritchie was a result of being ' gassed. On Monday night, when the Cnome waa at sea fishing, he collapsed and. In the teeth of s raging southeast gwl, the vwsl repsrred to Misset.t, The vessel arrived there at B o'clock Tuesday morning and deceased was placed In hospital where he expired at 5 o'clock Contract for Yancuiiicr Hotel to be let Tuesday night. The same evening th ' Minilni srpr nlfl shrkirri th T7nnm- and the vessel started out for Prince Rupert. That night the staunch little schooner battled through the terrific stcrm which waa raging though there were misgivings that she might go to the bottom on the way. Yesterday forenoon tbe Unome arrived at Dundaa Island and took shelter there. This morning she set out again at 0 o'clock: and the death trip was ended with the arrival here early this afternoon. NEW GOVERNOR IS HONORED M I'l.ltlNTENDENT OP EDI CATION' OR H.C. ALM) 'GIVEN HONORARY DECREE HV MciiilX MONTREAL, Oct 7 At a reualoi. commemorating the 150th Anniversary of McGUl University yesterday Viscount WlUlngdon received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. Samuel J. Willi of Victoria, superin tendent of education tor British 'Columbia, also had the same honor bestowed upon him, being a graduate ot .hat university. BALLPLAYERS ARE WEL PAID WINNERS GET 8C2M EACH THIS YEAR AS PROCEEDS OP I IK-iT THREE GAME ST. LOUIS. Oct. 7. Players In th World Serlet received, a record sum their share In the receipt The winner get 86.254 each and the loser 14,129. , Previous to this year tn largest sum paid wa In 1S23 when tb Yankee and. Giants battled for supremacy, the winning Yankees getting 86.143 each and the losing Olants 14.1(2. BY ATTORNEY GENERAL! DOUBLE RECORD OTTAWA, Oct. 7. - Argument ha been concluded In the supreme court appeal in the case of th Attorney Oeueral of British Columbia versus th Canadian Pacific Railway Involving the constitutionality of the B.C. fuel oil tax. Judgment was reserved. ST. LOUIS GAME ATI ENHANCE LARGEST I OU CITY AND LONGEST GAME. TAKING t HOIKS 40 MIM'TEH BT. LOUIS, Oct. 7A reord St. Loul crowd of 38.800 paid 8166,090 to see ye. terdiy1 World Series baseball gam, which In the length of time It took to n!ply also approached a record, occupy- jtng to hour and forty minute.