i I 1 1 7X)ipicce "COURT CABINET" THzaukMihitiurroundi lUnfhn CmriXutn achievement of Community deiimen Jul bccngrrttly enhanced by lite introJuo tion of thii ipleoJiJ diftt, I Iind-cincJ in tffca.iml iueetint: the gore rout theiti of early l-nclub dip, "Conn Cabinets tie lute to lave i ucmcndoui vogue. Ai letting for fine n'lrcf wire nothing couU be mote appropriate, ret ihe coa it lur p rm'njljr law. Qmfle't 748. OO Ht r ti nrn 1 1 1 H rl l.urL't9 Mf.WELLF.RS iSaTrlt STOHt WITH The? CLOCN ''''''''awi AajaajtanssHuaejgjB J. Bent's Re-orpizatiofi Sale Slashing Prices on rtu. ami uiNTi ii mm and Ml I.I.I MJtY lleaatlfal Alletnonrt treMes In the latest si vie and material. J. BENT Third Atenoe, LUMBER arc mnrmfailuriiiR rough din J re? ed lnm-licr. Hdsc pi a n loat " pilar. .itibt awl salmon llOXP. Ak For Prlcei Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 George Rorie Chattered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, LliulUlor, Trtmlce, Ac Phono 387 New Adilrens: 243 Second Avenue Wait PIUNtiR HUI'KIIT MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Table Crcnm at l5o (or Half Pint. Quality and Service Spoolal lee Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 667 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Carlane, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service, Honl. Band and Qtw We Ipeclallta In Plane en Furniture Hevlnf. I WINNIPEG, Oct. 7.-Woman student t the University 0f Manitoba hire put t the baa on th u of powder or paint by the first ynr girl and have frowned upon signs of '-napprt1.ro" amoi the fiethettes, And their opposition to use of co-metlca by the -younger generation" ha not been a passive one. for the freshettes were greeted yesterday by a bold sign which not only adrUes them to keep their school-girl eomplexlon unaullled, but absolutely forbid them to mate ue of any artificial beautlflera. The a!gn which baa struck dismay into the heart of many cf the fairest co-eda read at follows: "Frechette will com to risers with no powder or Up-slick on. By order of ' the upper etas student." j MAW OIK)RVf:TH I s During the probation pediod the first j year women will also be compelled to j earigrren ribbons around their ankle. nursery rhyme handkerchief pinned to the front of their dress and a baby's rattle tied to green ribbons hanging j around their necks. While going from one class to another they will not be allowed to cross the campus but will be forced to take the roundabout route by way of 1h Broadway Street eldewalke. j But wo thing so alarms tbe treshetlesj a the "paint and powder decree" which j many of (hem consider faUl to their col- j lex career. Meanwhile many of th i second and third year glrla are discussing tbe wisdom of maintaining this ruling throughout ihe entire year and by many of those who scent keen com petition from the first year rank the iUfifUon s being received with rare -nthuiln VAHIt.ll VIEW At the University a characteristic sight was that of a forlorn t reshetu desperately trying to remain unseen stinking from one eias room to another. The meantime the men atudent are dlrlded on the question, some of them obviously displeased other disappointed and many of them Intensely enjoying the embarrassment of these newcomer who previously presented such radiant appearance. Uany of the faculty on the other hand, regard the innovation with distinct approval and are Inclined to lend their support to It enforcement OBJECTS TO WORD IMPERIAUN CANADA The writer of a letter published In the Toronto Olobe who sign himself "Canada Indicate the feeling of a section of th population of tbe Dominion her aa weU aa elsewhere. It says: To the Editor of The Olobe: Mr. Oreenfleld. you say. la duly Impressed with the desirability of securing British settler. And there are already a number of "foreign colonies, and they cre ate "problems." How do you know There are no colonic at all such a you Imagine. The hardest problem I your beloved Britisher The "foreigner" stick to hi farm, the Englishman doe not. and when he see the Industrious "foreigner" prosper, turning the virgin prairie Into blossoming farmsteads, he whine about the foreigner being favored, etc. "No English need apply" wtrtild meet the ca better. But I fursa Oreenfleld know. When will you learn leave Canada, alone I think some other portion of th Imperial Commonwealth, as you call It, would cult you belter. Canada doesnt want to belong to an "Impertar concern MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improtsments saeemuke .vo. 4.' awretiiae No. I I'll' lloiul stkI ffwerrnlak .No. rrse-IkhisI .Mineral rjaliii. soutle In Ihe Atlln uiinnr DitiKion ur :air oistrirt. Where luraled:--Kat side of Taku Ari, nur hh,Tp i reek. ..... TUt: NOIItK thai llerlnsld Symes, bmler and sulirlior, or 640 Wet Ten-rtrr 81.. VanciMiVee. Il,-tlh CitlurnlilS, arl-int I seeAl for teeptke Xlnli : isnii, Intend, cliiy days from the dt lienor, o spplyi to the Vlnlne llsrorder fur rerllflesles of Improvement, fur the purple of tiialnmr Crovn Orantl f it' ibuve rUiins. tn inmii.it take notice that II. in under sertloll Hi mut lie illillienr1 rfHiT Ihe le of xirh rerltriralet of iTi:n inn Ul diy cf September, A.D, i tie. ; MINCRAL AOT Csrtlflcsts of lmprosmnts. Wtnn Krartional .No. , Anyot and Jut-niii .Mineral Claim, silusie in ihe Atlln Minmit llvllmi of the t:alar lilrtrlet, sliniil '! mile tip stream frrn the hontn VAoVTCE that The Knirlneer Oold Mines Ltd.. inr., Free Miner's CerUflrale o nor intend, fitly rtiyt fneii the dale herMf .! 'Py I" the. Mlnlna- lie. roriler rr a Cerilflrale or mproviiient. rdr the purpose of nbtalnlni a Crown unnt or the above claim. "nd furllier Uke nollre that ae Hon. nn. iter terllon , mi'M he eonmienred lierore "he iiie of " Cetlirioale or liirovr. Iiienl. . , a.nl..iu,( . n Ifl- H. McN. FRA8ER. Agent MINCRAL AOT vsrtlflcsts of lmpeomsnls. Hrowni Mo. 4, lot MS. Minersl Claim. .ii"m ihe At id Mn-m nivisinn of the rai,i.r nuirlrt. on tlx WmI Ann or Te. Arm. sboul three auaners or a mil uil atreiin from llw ni-.nih r Wsnn Itlver. Ttkr NOTICf! I"at I. Clmrles E. (lllmore. No 8B74I, Intend, Free Miner" trtiririle iUtv i"v from t!' dale hereof, in apply the Mining noeorder tor a Cerlirtral J,f w miprovement-i, rnp the imriHise of ob. of lU iv -claim. nraul isiniiii a Crown U ? d "iimiSt taken nolle thai art urn. unil.e sir ion . mil't he mmiiieneeil le-yni'rr.i,r,I. nr surh Cerllflrate of rn'Tr.lU'Vhl HI day of September, AP. Kit. 1 -V frHl'RSDAY. DCTOBKH 7. 120. TH1 DAILY KWW3 page rrvE 'NO COSMETICS Wiviivi u J.N 111 PLATE I MAY BE USED mill BEGINNING htautiful ntw jetting ; BY FRESHETTES Hilll... ON -I(IIA1I() TIIKV AM', i TOMORROW iu.i(a:i to uuiu askm; hih- HOVh AMI HtllVUIItK Reductions Victor Red Seal Records Major part of the Red Seal Section of Victor Record Catalog now obtainable at unprecedented prices. Caruso, Rachmaninoff, McCormack, Paderewski, Kreisler, Schumann-Heinle, and scores of others included in the list of any sort, as yoult learn much sooner than you may, think. .No true common wealth la Imperial. . CANADIAN. NOTORIOUS FORTRESS IN RUSSIA BECOMES HISTORICAL MUSEUM LENINOKAD, RusstJ. Oct. 7; Tho" notorious fortress of St. Peter and Paul will be turned. Into an historical muse um. AU tbe cell and dungeon In the grim edifice on the Neva, which for more than 300 yrer waa both Citadel and prlsoij, will be restored as they were tn th 'beginning of the eighteenth century when Peter he Great laid the foundation of St. Petersburg, aa tnia town waa then known.-to give Ru&ala "a window- looking toward Europe." The nurrjose of the restoration la to keep ever vpld 111 the mlnda of the people the manner In , which the Czars treated political offenders. - Borne of the most noted political characters of Russia spent their live In the dark dungeon of this-' old fortress. LIBERAL-PROGRESSIVES MADE ANAGREEMENT (Winnipeg Free Press) Borne discussion hna arisen as to th exact situation governing the entry o Hon. Robert Forke Into the. cabinet and the guarantee of support by the Progress slve-Llbersl fuslonlst pierabers fron Manitoba to flie KuiK government. As a matter of fact, there la nq exact situation. What has been arrived at la an agreement through' which it la hoped to give the country stability of government for four or flye years and to se cure the enactment of certain legislation upon which both the Liberal and Progressive groups are 'agreed on the funda mentals. Of'heeewilty, there could be, no hard-and-fast bargain. Hundreds of Records that were $1.75 Records that were $2.25 Records that were $2.50 ' Records that were $3.00 Records that were $4.00 At, all "His Master's Voice" dealers French resorts are ! mad over charleston t ST. JENN DE LUZ, France. Oct, 7. The Basque Const resort are Charleston lined. Prcm BlkniU toe San Sebastian every second dance In the. casino is a Charleston. It has displaced the tango, evert with the Spanish and French pleasure-seeker, who do the Charleston with wild abandon. Many hotels have posted notices asking visitor not to practice the Charleston tn their rooms because of the havoc It plays with lighting futures and plaster UNPOPULARITY OF RUBIES CAUSES SALE RANOOON, Burma. Oct. 7. Because rubles have lost some of their popularity the' Burma ruby mine have been offered for sale, subject to approval by the government of India. The mines, near Maudalay, have ben operated for years by a London company and have produced from surface work-lugs gems valued at approximately 110,-CO0.0OO. Market Prices ih:ttek Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland, 3 lb 85o E.C.D., 3 lb i.. 830 Capital, 2nd grade, lb. 40c Fraser Valley, lb ; 45o "" LAItl Pure , 880 Compound ....... 3So 01IKENK Ontario solids 30a 'Stilton, lb, '. ; SJo Kraft sc Norwegian a oat Cia - - NOW $1.15 - - NOW $1.45 - - NOW $1.65 - - NOW $1.95 - - NO W $2.65 ; Napoleon Llmberger 70s ! Roquefort 75 ' Swift' Buttercup, lb. v 45c Oorgonxola, lb 75e i McLaren's Cream. Jar 45c and 85c 'Oruyere ; 50c :Oolden Leaf, lb. 45a EO18 B.a fresh. pulleU 50c B.C. ;resh. firsts, y.. '.... 55c i B.C. fresh, extra" '. . ; 60a 1 Local new laid 65o and 70c Alberta fresh, second 1'.. 40c , VEOETAItLI'.S ;New beets, bunch 5c BeeU, 6 lbs 25c 100 lb. 13.73 New carrots, bunch ,5c B.C. Carrots, lb. 3e 100 lbs. 12.33 Rutebagas, C lbs. 330. 100 lbs t a.73 Radishes, bunch 5c New potatoes. 10 lbs 33c Potatoes, 100 lbs 3jOO Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb JOo Tomatoes, per basket 40c Watercress, bunch ............... 10c Green peppers, 3, lbs. 35c Cucumbers, each. 10c and, 15c Parsley, bunch 5c Mint, bunch . ...).. So Leeks, 3 bunche 16o Cauliflower, B.C., head , ,. 35c-35c Corn on the cob, dozen 40o Qreen onions, dozen . 33c Torrac cabbage, lb flc B.C. had lettuce 10c Oarllc, imported, per lb .,. 40o D C. Cooking onions, S lbs 25c Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs. 35c Wax and green beans. 3 lbs 35c Vegetable marrow, lb 6c Celery a bunches . 35c Hubbard squash, lb 7c Citron, lbi ,7e Pumpkin, lb 7t Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs 25a Teg plant, 3 lbs. ... Pickling cucumber. b 15e Pickling onions, j" lb ..35c I'Kl'IT Orange. Valencia, doeen .. ,3?a to 75a Lemon. Eunkist, iat. .... 3o and 35c Victor California grape fruit, 2 for 35e Bananas. 3 lbs. for 35e jcandled honey 35c Extracted honey, lb 35c and 35e 'Apples, Mcintosh Reds ... 3.3S ! Apples, Wealthles ,, 13.85 Apples, Graven telns ....... 3.50 Cookllng apples tl.93 Cantetoupes, each . 15c Peaches, case 11.45 Italian, prunes, crate S5e Cocoanuts. each 30c and 35e Honey Dew melons, each 45c Caaaba melons, lb ... .. 10c Pears, Bartlett, case ....... 13.23 DRIEIl IKLITS Dates, bulk, 3 lbs. . 35C Dates, Dromedary . 35C Retains, bulk, lb . 30c Raisin, package, lb. . 35c Cluster raisins, lb. 350 Lemon and orange peel 30o Citron, peel 60c Black cooking figs ........ 30c and 35c White, lips lb. 15c Table figs. Ib 25c Currants ... 32 Via Prunes . 15C-35C Apples . ... 35c Peaches, peeled 35c Apricots, lb. 40o NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencia 75c Brazils and filberts 35c Walnuts, broken shelled 30c Walnut, shelled halve 65e Almond 35e tanuts,- 20c Manchurlan walnut ....... i 35c California . walnut 45 No, 1 rolxad outs T.n....,, . 35e Whjtei- per fiooV . '. .', i .,. ...... 17.16 Yeiiow, per 100 8.60 IXOUK Flour, 49'a.'l. 1 hard wheat ..... 12.71 Pastry flour, 10"a , 65e Paatry flour, 49a 13.90 mi! Halibut.-. Ib.i.i . . 2 fie 6atmSn.vedJsprlnK, lb. ) . 36c Salmon ,'whlU 'sDrlnir ...... ...... 12V'.e feniokfid ikippera, lb. 15c auppetea aaimgav-iD e Many of the ' Retards of Caruso McCormack 7 wcrrenratrt ' Johnson Krebler Jeritza Chaliapin Martinelli Paderewski Melba Gluck Bori -Cortot arid dozens of others. Tatting Micbtee or Smoked black cod. lb. 33VjC FUinan haddlea, lb, 20c Salt mackerel, lb ate Eastern salt herrings 3 tor ........ 31c Salt codfish fillet, lb. 36c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. 3c MEATS ' : ; ; Fowl. No. 1 lb. 85c to" 40c Roasting chicken, lb. ,.,).,.. 45c to 50c Ham. sliced, first grada' ' 6ec Ham. whole, first grade i.t 50c Ham. picnic, lb. ,.vf.;,.. ........ 3(c Cottage roUa. lb. ,..,i;.v.,,i 40c Bacon, back, tllccd Sic Bacon, aide 50c to 66c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb. 4Sc Veal, shoulder .................. 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder ..V....I...... 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg 43c Beef, pot roast lac to 16c Beef, boiling 10a to 13c Beef, steak 35c to 4Qe Beet .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops , 59c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg ,. 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, - chop ... 40c Mutton ahouider 30c ITEII. 100 Ib. Wheat, No, 63.10 OaU 6360 Bran. ,....(....,........... 6360 Short it..,vi.... 1310 Middling ...i......'.r.t1.'."..'..... 63) Barley ; 6346 Poultry' mash ...M.,.M,.... 63 60 Special eggmaah 63.60 Oyster shell 43J0 Scratch food ...... 6460 Beet acrap ,7!...,,.. 6.A Ground oil cake ................ 64.J6 Baby chlck.cl ,t, ....... . 6416 Fin oat chop .................. 63.70 Crushed oat ., ....,...,,.,. 63.10 Fine bailey ehop .rve.o.i..... 6346 whui corn aaao Crscked eorn .... ......... et.10 tmk cornjaeal MM