PAGE TWii More Flavour Don't limit your enjoyment of Mustard to occasional use with Cold Meats. It gives more flavor to hot meats too sharpens the appetite, neutralizes the richness of fat foods and makes them easier to digest. folmaiilsMiistaid aids JL A digestion. The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F, PULLEN, Managing Editor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES l City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 81.00 By mail to all parti of the British Empire and the United 8tates, in, advance, per year 16.00 To all other countries, iD advance, per year $7.50 All advertising should "be in The Daily Nows Office before 4 p.m: on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to .approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION (SI -.WW, HUD AT. OCTOEEK 22. 1926. fcl'UENE DEBS AXI HIS TIIEOK1ES. Euerne Dibit did not believe In war. yet he was one of the best fighters the Horl.lnr.maii has had la the lnlted states jet. lie was a KoclalUt and had theories lu regard to the division of Roods and the ownership of property which are shared by a Rood many but whicJi are generally considered lmpra lie able, of his sincerity there Is nu doubt, lie dared to ojiue the lotted Mate ruIur t war when K was a most unpopular thing to do, and he suffered greatly for his opinion. In a mk-IhI community and especially In Mich a community as Debs would have formed If lie had the power, one of the essentials Is conformity to the Reneral recognized opinions and standards. Today It Is not mi necessary as It would b under a socialMIc order of things. In llussla they roinN-lled tou-forinlty. Where Debs failed was In not recognizing that such changes as he sought take a Ions. Ing time to about. It bring rannot be done In a day. or a year or" In a generation. Changes have to come gradually. I' Debs may have been right In his theories. Me have no way of telling for the theories have never been worked out In practical life. Tntil they are we rannot say they are rorrert or Incorrect. All we can do Is speculate tn results. The probability Is that the mm la I Km of the future will be quite different theory from the social Km of today and when we get that system. If we ever dp, we .shall still have men of live type of Delw saying It Is wrong and using their Infltituce and possibly giving their lives to change to another system. IUILWAY AIX K1GIIT Bl'BlN&ss) $ NEEDED: In spite of all the rrltlrUms levrlled at the railway by people who knew, little, the superintendent announces that on this division he Is moving' grain more rapidly than It. Is being delivered to him and that he had been able to handle more tonnage with less motive boner (ban was duae on any competing line. V The railway is all right. All that Is needed Is business .over It to make It pay, and the business is routing now and seems likely to Increase. One thing leads to another. The eyes of the business world are being directed this way and the probability Is business will Increase even more rapidly than people expert. 1 GOOD WORK AT THE DRY DOCK. The -management of the drydork Is to be .complimented on Its first work of lining a grain ship, with only enough men for one shift available they finished the work In Rood time and the ship is In good condition to receive the grain. Had the drydork fallen down on this work It would have been vdltrous to the port. The work went on rapidly and smoothly and everjthlng points to a continuation or the good work. While the ship lining Is going on, .there are at the drtdork In all about 230 employes, making a pretty nice pajroll for the city from that one source alone. Very soon other payrolls will have to be Increased such as the railway simps. One thing leads to another and the house building which Is bound to come should also add very materially to tin- rity payroll. We are off to a g,d start and It Is to be hoped we shall lie able to keep It up. wiir'yANCorvcR snoixn fclTPOUT ritlNTE KII'EKT, One of, the speakers at the banquet last night mentioned that Vancouver should always supM,rt Prime Uu(iert t,bera use whenever prince Rupert made a dollar It was spent at Vancouver. 'Most of the buying here fs done it VanW ver and the people go there for tlielr holidays and In every way IrUce Rupert Is a benefit to the larger city. This sort of thin; follows In almost every similar case. The big cities draw from the smaller and the benefit is to both. Ir tluit reason alone the wise Vancouver merchants favor the 'building up of an Iniortant port at Itlnce Rupert and linKirtant towns and villages at ntlirr places, people In that city do not need to be unselfish, to make them support this place. e m mmrlmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmjmmmmmm. mmmmtm mm ''tlia!!!! CROWN BRAND 'Purest and Best CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL CAM r ai VISITOR TELLS ABOUT RUSSIA TUATEL ,VUE AND CONVENIENT MT MANY ITKTOMS AKU CIUIOIS . .WINNlI'LO. Oct. tt. (lly Canadian Press). The tourist travelling in Rus- ; tla finds uo more Inconvenience than tin any other country. The train and j hotels are very clean. There Is an abun-jiiauce ot goad food. The dreaded cut-I tarns examination with Its Utecdant rc-isWlctlons, Is merely a cursory perform-jimce. In tact to see Ytus&la Is as easy a? to see Canada. There are same of the Impression gained by Mrs. It.- P. McWUUams, of Winnipeg, during two weeks' travel in Bussta, who recently gsve an account of her trip to members oi the Alumni Society of the University of Manitoba, ALL ON LEVEL According to Mrs. McWUUams. the government makes every attempt to govern all activities, even to atwaardbdng the price of meal at the restaurants and hotel. This latter custom proves very startling to tourists. Laborers with shaved heads and soiled clothing, come tft beautiful hotels and magnificent re-stauranta. reserved only for the wealthy and cultured under the old regime, and receive exactly the same service as any other person. All catering establishments ire on a level under the Communistic role. The rule breaks down In many other ways, however. Pecpi In factories are beginning to do piece work. Expert are paid according to their skill. Members oi the government who need to meet foreigners or travel to other countries, art carefully outfitted. In fact the government keeps special tailor so that the government officials will be properly groomed to meet outsiders. Men of high positions wear Russian blouses of silt, beautifully tailored. Many of thetkhop are fined with French cosmetics, 'and Moscow at least 'ha a shampoo shop. KATIOMNO SPACE Another, thing that seemed very staange to Mrs. MeWnilama was the 'rationing of space. No person In Moscow, she related, is permitted to use more than 100 feet of space. This plan ha been devised to bring together under one roof, members of varied occupations. In' one building which Mr. McWUUams visited, wer two former aristocrat living In one room 12 by 12 feet. Both had formerly lived In palace. Deliberately placed next to them was a worktngman and a man who .had rather low standard of cleanliness and lUe. Mrs. McWUUams found the educational ;ystem particularly Interesting. The Soviet 'authorities had conducted a survey which had revealed that fifty-four million persons in Russia could neither read nor write. An educational program was started by which the debt of education would be paid off by educating not only the children, but an the adults between the age of 18 and SS. This Is to be carried through by 1B33, and Is spoken of as the "educational liquidation of the country." VOCATIONAL EMOTION ' The schools concentrate on vocational xlucatlon. All the higher schools are technical and cultural Influences generally, have been swept away, Mrs. McWll-ilsms said. One Communist had told oer that It was not because the Russians did not appreciate culture, but because they had not time for It. Th schools are divided Into three grades for general education, followed by a 'fourth for vocational education. The first grade takes the child to the age of eight. Then untU he reaches the age of 13, he studios social problaua, naturalism or the sciences, ! The general education continues until the age of 17, when the vocational begin. All education except In the secondary schools, la free. There are no examinations. All the students are Judged by their entire work for the year. Student to the secondary schools are appointed by the local Soviets, and while at school their expenses are paid and they are given a sum equivalent .to 125 a month. EXPRESS FAITH CANADA FUTURE (Edmonton Journal) A summary that the London Spec tator furnishes of it reasons for unbounded faith in the future of Canada deserves reproduction. Coming from a Journal which has always had a reputa tion for being extremely careful In its statement. It article must carry great weight. The economic advantages of this country, according to the Spectator, are as follows: "1- -fihe has a virile, industrious and home-grown population. "2. She has by far the best and largest amount ot virgin soil, i.e., potential cornfields, left In the world. 3j Bfae has not only the greatest amount of waterways on the globe-water transport will alwaya beat land transport for heavy producebut, what is more Important, the greatest amount of cheap and efficient power that the world can show in her rivers and waterfalls. "4. 6he has also got what the world still wants, and will want for a long time yet. Vast stores of timber, suitable rot only for building and carpentering, but for the production of paper on which to print the records of the day. "8. .Finally, she has got a climate which, ttiough it looks as if It halved mankind's working capacity, Is never- VtuS'lMlLY Nvva; thelesone' which doee not Involve ecr 'homtc waate.- On a Nuance of account I th Canadian winter reduce the ' nation' man-power leu than the malarial, the fever or the hook-worm of 1 communities which superficially seem so much better blessed in the way of i climate. Only in the matter of lee I ! closed porta Is Canada a meteoroloslca j suffereri" ' V, J There la. much, else that the Spectator I might hare mentioned, For Instance, j ' there Is no reference to our wealth or nurieral hjcb is attracting particular ' attention at the moment. The Indies- tlons are many of what a' revival ot Interest in ' the dominion there ha beei, I of late In Britain and thereat no better ' , . evidence of this than the unsought ; publicity t U-e most- valuable klhd , that the old country press is giving us THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: A Scotsman la reported not to - lik rubber heels, because they give. A lot of people would settle their differences out of court it the pollc would allow it. Judge' iajs that in Canada th polio are mounted. In the U.S. they An aluiTcd. I Flirting with death may be aO right but you may have to marry her. If th people keep on, sendlug ad vertislng matter by mall they should also supply wastepsprr basket in which to put It. All men who have made money in business agree that newspaper advertls-tr j 1 the most profitable. But thei. a lot of people dont want profits. I They'd have nothing to grouae about then. Kow that Lord Asquith ha resigned, what about Msrgotr Tou have heard that kind of speakei who Is like a dictionary knows a lot of words but doe not say anything. The farmera are doing their Christ-ma shopping. They had their check a few day age- I met a grouses on the street And he forgot to knock. He simply said In accent sad: "You're going oS at half cock." Life Is. Just one thing after another, said the deer, aa he looked round ant. saw the hunter climbing the mountain. Curiosity kUled the cat. but not ah of them. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ucTonnt st. isic. Word ha been received In the city that "Jock Talt. who left for the front with Prince Rupert's first contingent, ha been wounded in action while on service with the Sixteenth Battalion. His many friend In town hope that his Injuries may not be serious. The marriage of Miss Margaret Outhle whose parents live on Poreher Island. ind John L. Mcintosh, a popular mem ber of the fire department, took place at the Manse yesterday afternoon. Iter. Dr. H. It Orant offlflatlng The couple were attended by Clifford Brethour and Mis Musgrave. Thomas Deaay approve the Idea of Or sham Islarld producing airplane tim ber for war purpose. If anybody wen, with 120.000. he would make big money at it declare Mr. Oeaay. who 1 Indian agent at Massett. EIGHTEEN CENT RATE WHEAT TO ELEVATOR FROM VANDERHOOF VANDERHOOP. Oct. 22. Oeorge Og- stem, secretary, ha received the following letter from H. McEwen, division freight agent, concerning rates on grain and grain product to Prince Rupert elevator for export. "I am In receipt cf your letter August 26, and may say that I have notified our agent at Van-derhoof that rate of 1 Be per hundred pounds on carload of grain and grain products when consigned for export to foreign countries. "PR Wash That Itch Away Tliera la atMnliitaltf fin aufferef from nirml who ever uard tills soollilns waah, awl did nut fef'l lininedlitlely tliat wondrrlully calm, coul srawiiun that cuiw wnen iu lien la tasen away. It jicnttcalM tlie pores, sivmi Instant rcllet rrora Uui nuat disuaulng akin iln dlacaiHi. D.D.D. Tkl firtt JIM bmlllt rttttvu jr. ar mmt ktxk. In U. XI. D. ., faa, W, J. McCutcheon Drug Store and Ormes Limited iterating Facts Jlhniit- Zam-Buk A Natural Balm v. Artificial Salves. ancient times the Roman IN Gladiator had a spc edy and sure method of healing their wounds and sores. This was by the application of , costly balms prepaied, with consummate care, from valuable medicinal herbs. When the secret of these preparations perished with the fall of Home, civilisation fell back upon substitute ointments concocted of lard or wool-fat and crude mineral compounds of lead, zinc, mercury, etc. A return to Nature's own way of healing has been made possible by the discovery of a powerful healinR substance Zam-Huk which isin universal use to-day. The complete absence in Zam HuV of solid particle of insoiubie mineral drugs enables the tiny pores of the skin to absotb the fine soothing, antl septic, and healing extracts without hindrance of ny sott. ' ( Zam-Huk carries health and healing into inner tissues and uproots deep sealed disease. Iti Remarkable Purity Containing no animal fat to go rancid, Zam-Uuk "keeps" indefinitely atrl its remedial virtues never change. The purity of Zam-Huk is proved by analysts which shows it to be 99.93 per cent, vegetable or or game matter Cut actompanyiMC tmblt). Scientific ingenuity has endowed Zam-Huk with a high therapeutic value in skin ailments whether used for a cut, wound or rash, a case of chapped hands or cold sores, or for the graver cases like ulcers, zeiua, ringworm, pc soned sores, piles. FREE TEST! tsla lsl tar U !- Csv, Tsnsts, Is M Irs liwfii Sas. iuc i n Third Avenue. BLAGUE OF MAGPIES LETHBRIDGE DISTRICT LETHERIOOE Alt Oct 22 Ranch -rs in the Little Dow River district, north f Bow Island. Alta . fear another epl-emie of magpie Last year these rs-enoua birds became numerous, atlack-lg th beads of young sheep and cattle, nf 11c ting fatal Injuries. Pep art from i he sheep range indicate that the heads : I th sheep are being savsgcly picked : y the magpies and they are now turn- ; .tg on calve. Luat eeaaon stockmen were obliged to j :rep their cattle under cover In one sec- ; ion owing to these attack. A strong ampaign to destroy th birds during he hatching season 1 urged by ranch-rs. MINERAL ACT Csetlflcat of lmprvnU. Urowble Ku. a Miners! claim, sitiuu in lie Alliu Mmlnr Immsh.ii if the '.solar intrin. on Wsun luver. sdimmnr sud tn lie sou III uf llrnwnlr .No. 4 M.i . TAkF. MiTICF. ittat I. Junes H Kershaw, ree Milter s Orurirsie "V. SS6SX. latrtid llty days trmn the? itste hereof, lo spplV ii I tic Mlmnx lleeorder for s Orlirtrste f inipriivcHu-Dts, for tlis purpnix uf ob Ininr s i.ruwn Qrsnt of tlie sUive claim. And runner lake notice that si-lion, un-Uer sertlim i. musl lie cimtnenred lieforr lie Issue uf u-t iertlfiiate uf Inipruve-nefits. DATED tbl 111 day of September, A n Hit. W MrN. rWA!H:n. Aeenl notice: or intention to apply FOR LEASE In the l.sn1 neoorrtlng filstrlrt uf Atlln Minirir iivilon nf I stslar fiimrirt. TAAE MiTir.K that tlie Inrlrieer Gold Mines. Lid.. Ine . t reirlslerert tnlnltiir enni-nity niwrslllir within Hie I'ruvjnre uf Brl rlsh riiluinlna, iH-rnnaii'in, s mlnm rmn-lisny. Inli-nds tu sppfj fur s forrslmri' leise ir inii riHHiwinx .icsrniien mnns-- Comnienrlnr st s imisi planted sImmii ion fvl rtivtsnt in sn Lasterlv dlrertu.n frmn Hie Xnrtli West eorner of l.ut int. fck ink Mineral i.lslm, situated si tlie nmiilh if Wsnn Klver, m Tku Ann of Tsrlth '.eke. t',eni'e in a Scrtherlv dlmrtum tit fuel, tlietn-e Ksslrrly 100 r-, tlieiH- mthTly HO feet nmrp ur lets tn hlh water issrk, llii'iire V-slerljr mo feet finre or less to point of I'liiiinienretiient ind rritilalnlnr o.S sures more or less, Located till loth d.iy of Anriist, 1 0 n (Slrnedl ll. M. N. niASEII. , H r. i.. . a rem LANO ACT. Notles of Intention to Apply to Laats Land In Prim's llnpert Land Tleciw iiinir Ms trlrt. and sltuatp at Jcrtwav llarlmr. Oueen Clsirhill Islniifls. TAliP- MiTlf K that Untiiervllln Csunery Company. Ltd., Vancouver. B.C., ncupiitioii Flsli I'Rckern, Iniends tn apply tnr a lease tit th folluwinir deserill lands-... Coniineiiriiiir at s post planted st tlie soothes! rurnor of the Tom Mlm-rsl Claim, followliiir the entcrlv lioiimlnrvm a tiortlirly dlrrriloit If clmln; thciuo norl li-H1erlj- .11 rlmlns ui hlt-li wsiei murk: thence sontliensierlr almir tlm dirh wstr-r murk IS rliolns: thence southwest xrly ) t rlmlns. nmre nr lets, tn the point of eoninicncpnient, and rontainlne 1 1 acres, more nr less. HflMEIlVIU.E CANMKftY COMPANY LTD.. Applicant f'er V Li, Mathers Dated September tb, tvto. coavmim Tim or Mtu in mious onmaii f'r. . a asWtlM Ul. SsrM Salt alaMt Mat la4 Z Ha tii nu . H SI . I . nnZL TVa mlaal ttac l t, alneal-'iaini . 3 flablaatliaru w4 4 tar tea. Ira 1124 ataaJera IM'TlS . HaaaaaaaaaHf 1- A-4 BssssssssssssaawW ara7 iviontreai rnce STILL new ana fresh shipment or men's onus, uvercoats, snint, rials, cam and i nlshlngs are arriving continually in our store. Although our big tale Is over, te still selling at Montreal prices, which can't be beat anywhere on this coast. The gift season will soon be here and the early purchasers are ashed to wvtix see some wonderful values we have now en route. Montreal Importer: J. B. Miller. Propria DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers -THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD," Smoked Dally by T ta Tm t lAltan t ' I i . . . a..a. w a ll . I . k ir hiihiiiii niv:n at n n mrnno in i a.aMiMaa g wil SVf 1W1 JtUI Hl IT Haas Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED tlllnri fiwu Prinr nxsart VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. loiMtt a... ana T.uln I 'e VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alan M oaM Kai, alar!. " 11 rr t wr, , xrawn sno mas nivsr Cannarlta, Tkura4ar s-nv roe PORT tsspiosi, ANVOX, ALICE An. ETEWART. I s.m- 123 2nd a.aMiia ai a. a u , w ., . . . Si m. i n, nguni prises nut"". "TRY A NIP TONlCIITr BEST PROCURABLE BOTTLED A fiUABAMTi ID av sf 0'u.t-a. esoouci OS IC0HANQ T S'l-'tOUCa 0 SMf t-utlv.T (V"'t" sn" Th Origins! Label look for it at the Vendor's ad ln', " GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" ...... ......... ..... . ..... -. t....,,,n,,vu u, iu(Muycu ,uy Coutrol Hoard or by the Qovcniiiient of British Colum